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Tom.  XLIII,  No.  i. 





Printed  by  August  Pries,  Leipzig. 


The  Reverend  C  H.  W.  JOHNS 


Soon  after  the  publication  oi  vcvy  Neubabylonisches  Namenbuch,  Helsingfors  1905, 1  received 
a  letter  from  the  Rev,  C.  H.W.JOHNS,  Cambridge,  in  which  he  informed  me  that  he,  as  long 
ago  as  1895,  had  completed  a  similar  Namenbuch  in  three  parts  —  dealing  with  Old  Babylonian, 
Assyrian,  and  New  Babylonian  —  which  included  all  the  names  so  far  published.  Having  mean- 
while, for  reasons  which  it  is  unnecessary  to  mention  in  this  connection,  found  himself  unable 
to  publish  it,  he  offered  to  make  over  to  me  the  manuscript  of  the  Assyrian  names  to  which 
he  had  made  additions  regularly  as  new  texts  came  out,  in  order  to  be  published  by  me  as  a 
companion  volume  to  my  Namefibuch  in  the  same  size  and  form.  A  preliminary  examination  of 
the  manuscript  which  I  received  for  inspection  convinced  me  of  its  g-reat  value.  And  as  it 
seemed  to  me  that  it  would  be  a  real  loss  to  Assyriology,  if  this  collection  of  names,  which 
must  have  required  very  toilsome  and  tedious  work,  were  left  unpublished,  I  decided  to  accept 
it  for  the  purpose  of  editing  it  with  all  such  corrections  and  additions  as  I  might  find  neces- 
sary to  make.  I  had  all  the  more  reason  for  doing  so  as  I  had  myself,  when  I  was  preparing 
my  Namenbuch,  collected  personal  names  from  Assyrian  texts  also  and  had  even  thought  of 
publishing  a  special  book  on  Assyrian  names. 

As  a  condition  for  my  editing  the  said  manuscript  it  was  agreed,  in  accordance  with 
Mr.  Johns'  suggestion  that  I  was  to  make  the  work  in  my  ov/n  way  in  close  resemblance  to  my 
Neubabylonisches  Namenbuch.  Of  the  right  to  do  so  I  have  made  an  extensive  use.  For  example, 
I  have  grouped  together  the  masculine  and  feminine  names,  which  were  separated  in  Mr.  Johns' 
manuscript,  and  rearranged  the  names  in  the  order  of  the  Latin  alphabet.  I  have  also  cor- 
rected Mr.  Johns'  readings,  wherever  they  have  appeared  to  me  erroneous;  I  have  inserted  in  the 
collection  names  which  he  has  overlooked,  and  so  forth.  A  number  of  names  which  he  has  quoted 
from  unpublished  texts  and  which  I  have  not  been  able  to  verify,  are  marked  with  [J].  I  have 
naturally,  taken  care  to  add  to  the  collection  names  from  texts  published  after  1905  up  to  this 
day,  in  so.  far  as  they  have  been  accessible  to  me.  As  several  of  these  texts  appeared  when  the 
present  work  was  already  in  type,  many  names  have  been  added  at  the  end  of  the  book.  Nearly 
all  translations,  commentaries,  and  parallels  included  in  List  I.  have  been  added  by  me,  while 
the  other  parts  of  the  book  are  entirely  my  own  work.  Hence  I  am  the  only  one  who  is  respon- 
sible for  all  the  errors  and  deficiencies  which  may  be  found  in  this  volume. 

It  is  a  pleasant  duty  for  me  to  express  my  thanks  to  the  gentlemen  who  have  assisted 
me  in  the  preparation  of  my  work.  My  greatest  debt  of  gratitude  is  due  to  the  Rev.  C.  H.  W.  JOHNS 
who  by  the  confidence  he  has  placed  iti  me  has  contributed  so  greatly  to  the  undertaking  of 

VI  Knut  Tallqvist. 

this  work.  Professor  J,  N.  Reuter  has  been  unwearied  in  giving  me  information  on  the  subject 
of  Aryan  philology.  My  friend  and  former  pupil  Dr.  Harri  Holma  has  directed  my  attention 
to  several  points  of  etymology  and  has  kindly  read  some  of  the  proofs. 

I  wish  also  to  express  my  gratitude  to  the  Societas  Scientiarum  Fennica  for  allowing  my 
work  to  be  printed  by  Mr.  AUGUST  Pries  in  Leipzig,  so  well  known  for  his  Assyriological  prints. 
This  arrangement  has  undoubtedly  been  advantageous  as  regards  typography,  but  the  remoteness 
of  the  place  of  printing  has  not  been  without  its  inconveniences  for  the  author  and  has  delayed 
the  printing  which  began  as  early  as  January  191 2. 

Knut  L.  Tallqvist. 

Helsingfors,  April  15'^  1914. 



Preface V 

Abbreviations VIII 

Introduction XV 

I.  List  of  Personal  Names i 

II.  List  of  Elements,  contained  in  the  Personal  Names 250 

1.  Names  of  Gods,  Equivalents  of  the  Deity,  Temples,  etc 250 

2.  Names  of  Countries  and  Cities 262 

3.  Other  Elements  {Nominal  and  Verbal-Forms,  etc 263 

Additions 313 

Names  and  words  quoted  in  West-Semitic  and  Greek  writing 322 

Corrections ;     .     .     . 328 



Abp.  Ann. 

Abp.  Cyl. 






Anp.  Alt. 

Anp.  Alt.  2 

Anp.  Ann. 

Anp.  Bal. 

Anp.  Bull 

(time  of)  Adad-apal-iddin. 

(time  of)  Asshurbanapal. 

The  Annals  of  Abp.,  Rm.  i,  published 
VR  I — lo;    H,  WiNCKLER,    Sammlung 
von     Keihchrifttexten,    III,     pp.    I — 37; 
R.  J.  Lau,  The  Annals  of  Ashurbanapal, 
Leiden,  1903;  transliterated  and  trans- 
lated by  P.Jensen, KB, II, pp.  152— 237. 
Cylinder  Inscription,  A,  III  R  17 — 26; 
B,  III  R  30— 34;  27,1-24;   C,  III  R  27. 
Cf.  WiNCKLER,    op.    cit.,    Ill,  p.  38  ff.; 
KB  II,  p.  240 ff. 

American  Journal  of  Semitic  Languages. 

Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  on 
a  great  Altar;  publ.  by  Layard 
PP-  43—45;  Le  Gac,  pp.  172  —  179. 
Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  upon 
an  Altar  dedicated  to  the  God  Bel, 
publ.  AKA,  I,  p.  160;  Le  Gac,  p.  201, 
No.  3. 

The  Annals  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.;  publ. 
I  R  17—26;  AKA,  I,  pp.  254—387; 
Le  Gac,  pp.  3 — 122;  transliterated 
and  translated  by  F.  E.  Peiser,  KB,  I, 
p.  50  ff. 

Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  from 
the  temple  of  Makhir  in  the  city  of 
Imgur-Bel  (Balawat),  publ.  V  R  69 — 70; 
AKA,  I,  pp.  167 — 173;  Le  Gac, 
pp.  188 — 191. 

Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  upon 
colossal  bulls  and  lions,  publ.  AKA,  I, 
pp.  189—205. 

Anp.  Kurkh  Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  upon 
the  Monolith  from  Kurkh,  publ.  IIIR  6; 
AKA,    I,     pp.    222—2/\2;     Le    Gac, 

PP-  137—151- 

Anp.  Li.  Inscription  of  Asshurnazirpal  III.  above 
a  Lion  containing  a  dedicaton  to 
the  Goddess  Ishtar,  publ.  AKA,  I, 
pp.  206 — 208;  Le  Gac,  p.  181  f.;  cf. 
IIR66,  11.1-10. 

Anp.  Nimr.  Inscription  of  Anp.  III.  upon  the  great 
Monolith  from  Nimroud,  publ.  IR  27, 
N0.2;  AKA,  I,  pp.242  — 253;  LeGac, 
pp.  129—136. 

Anp.  Restor.  Inscription  of  Anp.  III.  upon  a  lime- 
stone tablet  recording  the  Restoration 
of  the  temple  of  Ishtar  (BM.  92  986), 
publ.  AKA,  I,  pp.  162  —  167. 

Anp.  Stand.  The  Standard  Inscription  of  Anp.  III., 
publ.  Layard,  pp.  i — 11;  AKA,  I, 
pp.  212 — 221;  Le  Gac,  pp.  153—164. 

Anp.  Statue  Inscription  upon  the  breast  of  a  lime- 
stone Statue  of  Anp.  III.,  publ.  Ill  R  4, 
No.  8;  AKA,  I,  p.  161;  Le  Gac,  p.  201, 
No.  2;  translit.  and  translated  by 
Peiser,  KB,  I,  p.  122. 
Der  alte  Orient.  Gemeinverstdndliche 
Darstellungen,  herausgegeben  von  der 
Vorderasiatischen  Gesellschaft.  Cf. 
Louvre,  AO. 

Aramdische  Papyrus  und  Ostraka.  Be- 
arbeitet  von  Eduard  Sachau.  Leipzig, 


Beitrdge  zur  Assyriologie,  herausgegeben 









Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


von  Fr.  Delitzsch  und  P.  Haupt, 
Leipzig,  iSSgfF. 

Babyloniaca  Babyloniaca,  etudes  de  philologie  Assyro- 
Babylonienne,  publiees  par  Ch.  Virol- 
LEAUD,  Paris,   iQoyff. 

Baethgen,  BSR  Baethgen,  Beitrdge  zur  semitischen 
Religionsgeschichte,   1 888. 

Barthol.  CHR.BARTHOLOMAE,^//zm«wf^^^  Worter- 
buch,  Strafiburg,  1894. 

Be.  Die  Stelenreihen  in  Assur,  vonW.  Andrae, 

Leipzig,  19 1 3. 

BE  The  Babylonian  Expedition   of  the  Uni- 

versity of  Pennsylvania,  Series  A:  Cunei- 
form  Texts,  Philadelphia,   i893flf. 

Bezold,  Cat.  Catalogue  of  the  Cuneiform  Tablets  in 
the  Kouyunjik  Collection  of  the  British 
Museum,  Vol.  I — V,  London,  1 889 — 1 899. 
Supplement,  by  L.  W.  King,   19 14. 

Brockelmann  Karl  B.,  Gnmdrifd  der  vergleichenden 
Grammatik  der  Semitischen  Sprachen, 
Berlin,  1908. 

BList  R,  E.  Brunnow,  A  Classified  List  of 

Cuneiform  Ideographs,  &ic.,  Leyden,  1889. 

BM.  The  British  Museum. 

BuRCHARDT  Max  B.,  Die  altkanaandischen  Fremd- 
ivorte  und  Eigennamen  im  Aegyptischen, 
Leipzig,  1909. 

Camb.  J.  N.  Strassmaier,  Inschriften  von  Cam- 

byses,  Leipzig,  1890. 

Capp.  Cappadocian  cuneiform  tablet. 

Capp.  Ch.  Capp.  tablets  publ.  in  Chantre,  Mission 
en   Cappadoce,  p.  93fF. 

Capp.  E  Capp.  tablets  from  Kara  Eyuk,  publ.  by 
A.  H.  Sayce,  Babyloniaca,  IV,  p.  65  ff. 

Capp.  G  W.  Golenischeff,  Vingt-quatre  tablettes 
Cappadociennes ,    St.  Petersbourg,  1891. 

Capp.  R  W.  M.  Ramsay's  text  No.  2  from  Kaisa- 
riyeh,  PSBA,  XIX,  p.  289,  pi.  IL 

Capp.  RA  Capp.  tablets,  publ.  by  Thureau-Dangin, 
in   Revue  d'Assyriologie,    VIII,   p.  l42fF. 

Capp.  S  Sayce's  Gyiil  Tepe  text  No.  i,  publ- 
PSBA,  XIX  (1897),  p.  286,  pi.  L 

Capp.  T-D  LC  Capp.  tablets,  publ.  by  Thureau- 
Dangin,  Lettres  et  Contrats,  pi.  CXVf. 

Cass,  vocabulary  F.  Delitzsch,  Die  Sprache' der 
Kossder,  p.  25  f.;  cf.  HiisiNG,  Memnon,IV. 

CBM  The  Catalogue  of  the  Babylonian  Sec- 

tion of  the  Archaeological  Museum  of 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania. 

CBR  Babylonian    Records     in    the    library    of 

No.  I. 

J.  PiERPONT  Morgan,  edited  by  A. 
T.  Clay;  I,  New  York,  1912;  II,  1913. 

CBS  A.  T.  Clay,  Collations  from  unpublished 

tablets  of  the  Cassite  period  in  the 
Museum  of  the  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania; cited  from  CPN. 

Chantre  E.  Chantre,  Mission  en  Cappadoce, 
Paris,  1898. 

Chron.  A  Chronicle  K.8532  +  K.8533  -f-  K.8534; 
also  called  "S";  publ.  by  G.  Smith  in 
TSBA,  III,  p.  37 Iff.;  Winckler,  UAG, 
P*  153;  O.  A.  Toffteen,  Ancient  Chro- 
nology, I,  p.  44 ff.;  King,  Chronicles,  II, 
pp.  47 ff.,  143  flF.  —  KB,  II,  p.  272  ff. 

Chron.  B  Chronicle84-2-ii,356,  publ.  by  Pinches, 
JRAS,  XIX  (1887);  Winckler,  ZA,  II 
(1887),  p.  I48ff.;  Strassmayer,  In- 
schriften von  Darius^  Nr.  559.  — 
Delitszch,  Die  Babylonische  Chronik, 
Leipzig  1 906 ;  Winckler,  KB,  II,  p.  2  74  ff.; 
cf.  Knudtzon,  Assyrische  Gebete  an 
den  Sonnengott,  I,  p.  59. 

Chron.  Ki  Chronicle  BM.  26472,  publ.  by  King, 
Chronicles,  II,  pp.  3  ff.,  1 1 3  ff. 

Chron.  K'^  Chronicle  BM.  96152,  publ.  by  King, 
op.  cit.,  pp.  i5ff.,  12 iff. 

Chron.  K3  Chronicle  BM.  27859,  publ.  by  King, 
op.  cit.,  pp.  57ff,  i47ff. 

Chron.  K'*  Chronicle  BM.  35968,  publ.  by  King, 
op.  cit.,  pp.  70 ff.,  I57ff. 

Chron.  P  Chronicle  82-7-4,  38,  publ.  by  Winckler, 
AF,  I,  p.  298 ff.;  cf.  Delitzsch,  Die  Baby- 
lonische Chronik]  Anhang:  Synchro- 
nistische    Geschichte   P;    King,    RRT, 

P-  157- 
CIS  Corpus  Inscriptionum  Semiticarum. 

Clay,  PN    Albert  T.  Clay,  Personal  Names  from 

Cuneiform     Inscriptions    of   the     Cassite 

Period,  New  Haven,  19 12. 
CPN  see  Clay. 

Craig,  RT  J.  A.  Craig,    Assyrian  and  Babylonian 

Religious  Texts^  I — II,  Leipzig,  1895. 
CT  Cuneiform  Texts  from  Babylonian  Tablets^ 

etc.,intheBritishMuseum,pts.I — XXXIII, 

London,  1896 — 191 2. 
Cyr.  Cyrus;   J.  N.  Strassmayer,  Inschriften 

von   Cyms,  Leipzig,   1890. 

DAG  F.   Delitzsch,    Assyrische    Grammatik, 

2.  Aufl.,  Berlin,  1906. 
DAL  F.  Delitzsch,  Assyrische  LesestUcke. 


Knot  Tallqvist. 

Dar.  Beh. 


Dar.  J.  N.  Strassmaier,  Inschriften  von  Darius, 

Leipzig,  1892. 

The  Behistun  Inscription  of  Darius, 
IIIR39f.;  Tlie  Sculptures  and  Inscrip- 
tion of  Darius  the  Great  on  the  Rock  of 
Behistun,  London,  1907. 
Delegation  en  Perse.  Memoires. 
A.  Ungnad,  Untersuchungen  zu  den  Ur- 
kunden  ajis  Dilbat  (BA,  VI,  5),  Leipzig, 

DT  Daily    Telegraph    Collection     of     the 

British  Museum. 

DWAk.        Denkschriften  der  Wiener Akademie.  Philos.- 
hist.  Klasse. 

Dynastic  List     Chronological  List  of  early  Babylo- ' 
nian  kings,  CBM.  19797,  publ.  by  Hil- 
PRECHT,  BE,  XX,  pt.  I,  No.  47. 

Ep.  dated  in  the  livwiu-y^^x  of .  .  . 

(Ep.)  Canon  Eponym  Canon,  A :  II  R  68,  No.  i  -|- 
III R  I,  I  7-13  +  II  R  69,  No.  5  +  7; 
B:  IIR  68,  No.  2;  C:  II  R  69,  No.  3; 
D:  IIR  69,  No.  4  +  811.,  publ.  DAL 2, 
p.  87ff.;  E:  IIR  52,  No.  i  +  Rm.  2,97 
(PSBA,  XI  (1889),  pi.  Ilia;  F:  IIR  69, 
No.  5  ==  KB,  I,  p.  214,  +  2  fragments, 
publ.  DAL2;  G:  K.  3403  +  nil.,  publ. 
DAL2,  p.  92;  H:  81-2-4,  187,  publ.  by 
Bezold,  PSBA,  XI  (1889),  pi.  I— II; 
I:  82-5-22,526,  publ.  by  Bezold,  PSBA, 
XI(i889),  pi.  Illb  =  KB,  III, 2, p.  142 ff.; 
Canon  J  ADD  1098,  cf.  Peiser,  MVG, 
1 90 1,  No.  3.  For  the  letters  A,  B,  C,  etc., 
see  Johns,  ADD,  I,  p.  570 ff. 
Epon.  Eponym  ruler. 

Erish.  Erishum. 

Esarh.  Esarhaddon. 

Esarh.  A       Cylinder     Inscription    A  -|-  C,     publ. 
Layard,  pp.  20 — 29;  IR45 — 47;  Abel- 
WiNCKLER,   Kcilschrifttexte,  pp.  22 — 24; 
R.  F.   Harber,     Cylinder   A    of  Esar- 
haddon. —  Abel,  KB,  II,  p.  i24ff. 
Esarh.  B       Cylinder  Inscription  B,  publ.  Layard, 
pp.54- 58;  IR48,  No.  i;  III  R  15—16, 
Nr.  I ;  Abel-Winckler,  pp.  25 — 26.  — 
WiNCKLER,   KB,  II,  p.  I40ff. 
Esarh.  Bl.  st.  Inscription  on  a  black  stone  found  at 
Nineveh,  publ.  I R  49(50).  —  Meissner- 
RosT,   BA,  III,   p.  2i8fr.;   Winckler, 
KB,  II,  p.  i2ofr. 
Esarh.  Neg.  Inscription  from  the  tunnel  of  Negoub 

on  the  Zab,  publ.  Layard,  p.  35.  . — 
Meissner-Rost,  BA,  III,  pp.  194,  206  f.; 
Ungnad,  VS,  I,  No.  79. 
Esarh.  S  VA  2708,  publ.  in  Mittheilungen  aus  den 
orientalischen  Sammlungen  der  K.  Museen 
zu  Berlin,  XI  (1893),  pp.  1 1  -  43;  VS,  I, 
No.  78. 

Ges.-Buhl  see  GHW. 

GHW  Gesenius'    Hebrdisches    tmd   Aramdisches 

Handworterbuch  iiber  das  Alte  Testament, 

bearbeitet   von   Fr.    Buhl.     15.  Aufl., 

Leipzig,  1 9 10. 
GTD  H.deGenouillac,  Tablet tes  de  Dre'hem, 

Paris,  191 1. 

HABL  R.  F.  Harper,  Assyrian  and  Babylonian 

Letters,  belonging  to  the   K.  collection 

of  the  British  Museum,  Parts  I — XIII, 

London,  1892 — 19 13. 
Ham.  Hammurapi. 

HAV  Hilprecht   Anniversary   Volume,   Chicago, 

Hess  J.  J.  Hess,   Beduincnna?nen   aus  Zentral- 

arabiefi,  Heidelberg,   191 2. 
Hinke  W.  J.  Hinke,    a   new   Boundaty  Stone 

of  Nebuchadrezzar  I. ^  Philadelphia,  1907. 
HoMMEL,  AU     F.  Hommel,  Die  Altisraelitische  Uber- 

lieferung    in    inschriftlicher    Beleuchtung, 

Munchen,  1897. 
Hommel,  Grundr.     F.  Hommel,   Grundrifi  der  Geo- 

graphie  und  Geschichte  des  alten  Orients, 

I.,  Munchen,   1904. 
HPN  E.  Huber,    Die  Personennamen    in   den 

Keilschrifturkunden      aus     der     Zeit    der 

Kdnige  von  Ur  und  Nisin,  Leipzig,  1907. 
Husing        Geo.  Husing,  Die  Iranischen  Eigennamen 

in   den   Achdmenideninschriften,   Norden, 







Journal  Asiatique. 

C.  H.  W.  Johns,  An  Assyrian  Doomsday 

Book   or  Liber   censualis   of  the  District 

round  Harran,  Leipzig,  1901. 

C.  H.  W.  Johns,    Assyrian    Deeds    and 

Documents,     Vol.    I — III,      Cambridge, 

1898  — 1901. 

Journal  of  American   Oriental  Society. 
Jastrow,  Religion     M.Jastrow,  Die  Religion  Baby- 

loniens  und  Assy riens,  Vol.1 — 11,  Giessen, 

1905— 1912. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names 


Jensen,  Hittiter  P.  Jensen,  Hittiter  and  Armenier, 
StraBburg,  1898. 

JIN  F.  JusTi,    Iranisches  Namenbuch,    Mar- 

burg,  1895. 

K.  The  Kouyunjik  collection  of  the  British 


KA  Eberh.  Schrader,    Die    Keilinschriften 

und  das  Alte  Testament,  3.  Aufl.,  Berlin, 

KAHI  Keilschrifttexte     aus     Assur     historischen 

Inhalts.    Erstes  Heft,  Autographien  von 
Leop.   Messersmchidt,  Leipzig,  191 1. 

KGAS  J.  A.  Knudtzon,  Assyrische  Gebete  an  den 

Sonnengott,  I — II,    Leipzig,  1893. 

KB  Keilschiiftliche  Bibliothek,  herausgegeben 

von  E.  Schrader,  Vol.1 — VI,  i,  Berlin, 
1889 — 1900. 

Ki.  King's  Collection    of  the   British   Mu- 


King,  BBS  Babylonian  Boundary-Stones  and  Memo- 
rial- Tablets  in  the  British  Museum,  edited 
by  L.  W.  King,  London,  191 2. 

King,  Chronicles  L.  W.  King,  Chronicles  concerning 
early  Babylonian  Kings,  Vol.  I — II, 
London,  1907. 

King,  Magic     L.  W.  King,   Babylonian  Magic  and 

Sorcery,  London,   1896. 
•King,  RRT     L.  W.  King,  Records  of  the  the  Retgn 
of  Tukiilti- Ninib  I.,  London,  1904. 

King-list  List  of  Babylonian  kings;  A:  80-11- 12,  3; 
RosT,  M VG,II,  p.  24 1  f . ;  Winckler,U AG, 
p.  i46f.;  Knudtzon,  GAS,  I,  p.  60; 
ToFFTEEN,  Chronology,  I,  p.  24  ff.;  KB, 
II,  p.  286f.;  — B:  80-11-12,3;  Pinches, 
PSB A,  1 880,  pi.  2 1  f. ;  Schrader,  SB Ak., 
1887,  p.582f.,  pi. XI;  Winckler,  UAG, 
p.  145;  RosT,  MVG,  II,  p.  240;  KB,  II, 
p.  288  f 

KPRT  E.  G.  Klauber,    Politisch-religidse    Texte 

aus    der  Sargonidenzeit ,    Leipzig,   1913. 

Krausz  J.  Krausz,  Die  Gotternamen  in  den  Baby- 
lonischen  Siegelcylinderlegenden ,  Leipzig, 

Kretschmer  p.  Kretschmer,  Einleitung  in  die 
Geschichte  der  Griechischen  Sprache,  Got- 
tingen,  1896. 

KS  Kalah  Shergat. 

K-U,  AR       KoHLER  &  Ungnad,  Assyrische  Rechts- 
urkunden,     Umschrift     und     Ubersetzung, 
Leipzig,  191 3. 
No.  I. 

KZ  Zeitschrift    fir    vergleichende    Sprachfor- 

schung,  begriindet  von  A.  Kuhn. 

Layard  Inscnptions  in  the  Cuneiform  Character 
from  Assyrian  Monuments,  discovered  by 
A.  H.  Layard,  London,  1851. 

Le  Gac  Y.  Le  Gag,  Les  inscriptions  d' Assur-nasir- 
aplu  III.    Nouvelle  edition,  Paris,  1907. 

Lehmann,  Shmk.  C.  F.  Lehmann,  SamaYsumukin, 
Leipzig,   1892. 

L-H,  Mater.  C.  F.  Lehmann  -  Haupt,  Materialien 
zur  dlteren  Geschichte  Armeniens  und 
Mesopotamiens:  Stein-,  Fels-  widBauziegel- 
inschriften   in   Assyrischer  Sprache,  1906. 

Lidzb(arski),  Handb.  Mark  Lidzbarski,  Hand- 
buch  der  Nordsemitischeti  Epigraphik,  I — II, 
Weimar,  1898. 

Lo.  99.  BM.  90850,    Kudurru    of  the    time    of 

Merodach - baladan  I;  publ.  IV  R  38; 
King,  BBS,  pis.  XXXI— XLII,  p.24fr.  — 
Peiser,  KB,  IV,  p.  60  ff. 

Lo.  loi  BM.  90829,  Kudurru  of  the  time  of 
Meli-Shipak;  publ.  by  Belser,  BA,  II, 
p.  i65ff.;  King,  BBS,  pis.  XXIII— XXX, 
p.  i9ff.  —  Reiser,  KB,  IV,  p.  56  ff. 

Lo.  102.  BM.  90835,  Kudurru  of  the  time  of 
Nabu-kin-aplu;  publ.  by  Belser,  BA,  II, 
p.  171  ff;  King,  BBS,  pis.  LXVII— 
LXXIX,  p.  5iff  —  Peiser,  KB,  IV, 
p.  82  ff 

Lo.  103.  BM.  90827,  Kudurru  of  the  time  of  Meli- 
Shipak,  publ.  by  Belser,  BA,  II, p.  i87ff.; 
King,  BBS,  pis.  V— XXII,  p.  7ff  — 
Reiser,  KB,  III  i,  p.  I54ff 

Louvre,  AG  Musee  du  Louvre.  —  Department  des 
antiquites  orientales. 



Merod.  Bl. 




K.  L.  Tallqvist,  Die  Assyrische  Be- 
schworungsserie  Maqlti,  Helsingfors,  1 894. 
Mitteilungen  der  Deutschen  Orietit-  Gesell- 


St.  Kudurru  (VA  2663)  of  the  time  of 
Merodach-baladan  II ;  publ.  VS,  I,  N0.37 
—  Reiser  &  Winckler,  KB,  III  i, 
p.  184  ff 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

MVG  Mitteilungen  der  Vorderasiatischen  Gesell- 

Mzs.  Marduk-zakir-shum. 

Nabd.  Nabonidus. 

Nabd.  Ann.  The  Annals  of  Nabonidus;  Pinches, 
TSBA, VII  (1882),  p.  139—176:  PSBA, 
V,    10;    WiNCKLER,   UAG,    p.    i54fF.; 

O.  E.  HaGEN,  BA,  II  (l  894). SCHRADER, 

KB,  III  2,  p.  I28ff. 
Nabd.  Br.  Cyl.     Inscription  on   a  broken   Cylinder 

of  Nabonidus,  found  at  Mugheir;  publ. 

IR  69.  —   Peiser,  KB,  III  2,  p.  80  ff. 
Nabd.  Cyl.     Inscription   from    Cylinders   found   at 

the  comers  of  the  temple  of  the  Moon 

at  Mugheir;    publ.  I R  68,   —   Peiser, 

KB,  III  2,  p.  94ff. 
Nabd.  Km.  A,  B,  C     Inscriptions      from      Cylinders 

found    at    Abou-Habba;    A:    VR64; 

dupl.VS,I,No.53;  B:  VR65;  C:  VR63. 

—  KB,  III  2,  pp.  96 ff.;    108 ff;   ii2ff 
Nabd.  St.      L.  Messerschmidt,    Die    Inschrift   der 

Stele  Nabunaids,   MVG,  I,  pp.  73  —  83. 
Nabop.         Nabopolassar. 
Nai.  Nabu-apal-iddin. 

Nazim.  Nazimaruttash. 

NE  P.  Haupt,  Das  Babylonische  Nimrodepos, 

Leipzig,  1884. 
Neb  Nebuchadrezzar. 

Neb.  Nippur  Kudurru  of  the  time  of  Nebuchadrez- 
zar I.,  translit.  and  translat.  by  Hinke, 

BS,  pp.  142—155. 
Nku.  Ninib-kudur-usur. 

NOldekf,  BBS     Th.  Noldeke,   Beitrdge  sur  Semi- 

ttschen     Sprachwissetischaft ,     Strafiburg, 

Nshi.  Nabu-shum-ishkun. 

OBI  Old  Babylonian  Inscriptions,  by  H.  V.  Hil- 

precht,  Philadelphia,  1893. 
OLZ  Orientalistische  Litteratur-Zeitung. 

OTSS  Old  Testament  and  Semitic  Studies,    in 

memory  of  W.  R.  Harper. 
P.  F.  Peiser,    Urkunden  aus  der  Zeit  der 

d7-itten  baby  I.  Dynastic,  Berlin,   1905. 
Pape-Benseler    W.  Rape's  Worterbuch  der  Griechi- 

schett  Eigennamen,    3.  Aufl.,  bearb.  von 

G.  E.  Benseler,  Braunschweig,  1884. 
Prasek,  GMP     J.  V.  Prasek,    Geschichte  der  Meder 

und  Perser,    Gotha,   1 906. 
PSBA  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Biblical  Archceo- 


IR — VR  H.  C.  Rawlinson,  The  Cuneiform  In- 
scriptions of  Western  Asia]  Vol.  I — V, 
London,  1861  — 1884;  Vol.  IV,  second 
edition,   189 1. 

RA  Revue  d' Assyriologie  (Voll.  VII— X). 

Ranke,  Material  H.  Ranke,  Keilschriftliches  Material 
zur  Altdgyptischen  Vokalisation,  Berlin, 

RH  Sumerisch- Babylonische  flymnen,  herausg. 

von  G.  Reisner,  Berlin,  1896. 

Rm.  Rassam's     Collection     of    the    British 


RPN  H.  Ranke,    Early    Babylonian    Personal 

Names,  Philadelphia,  1905. 

RT  Tempelurkunden  aus  Telloh,  herausg.  von 

G.  Reisner,  Berlin,  1901. 

SAK  Die  Sumerischen  und  Akkadischen  Konigs- 

inschriften,  bearbeitet  von  F.  Thureau- 

Dangin,  Leipzig,  1907. 
Sarg.  Sargon  II.,  king  of  Assyria. 

Sarg.  A.        Inscription  upon  a  broken  prism,  publ. 

by  WiNCKLER,  Die  Keilschrifttexte  Sargons, 

II,  pi.  44b;  I,  p.  186. 
Sarg.  Ann.    The  Annals,  publ.  by  Winckler,  op.  cit., 

II,  pp.  1—36;  I,  pp.  1—79. 
Sarg.  B         Inscription  upon  a  broken  prism,  publ. 

by  Winckler,  op.  cit.,  II,  pi.  45 — 46  a. 
Sarg.  Br.       Bronze  Inscription,  publ,  by  Winckler, 

op.  cit.,  II,  pi,  42  a, 
Sarg,  Bull     Bull  Inscription,    publ.    by  Winckler, 

op.  cit.,  pis.  40 — 42a, 
Sarg,  Cyl,      Cylinder    Inscription,     publ,    I  R    36; 

Winckler,  op.  cit.,  II,  pi,  43  a,  —  Peiser, 

KB,  II,  p.  38 ff 
Sarg,  Cypr.   The    Stele    Inscription    from    Cyprus, 

publ.  III  R  11;  Winckler,  op.  cit.,  II, 

pis,  46b— 47;  I,  pp,  174—185;  VS,  I, 

No,  79, 
Sarg,  G         Gold  Inscription,   publ,  by  Winckler, 

op.  cit.,  II,  pi,  44  a, 
Sarg.  H        Harem  Inscription,  publ.  by  Winckler, 

op.  cit.,  II,  pi.  49a,  No.  3;  I,  p.  191  f. 
Sarg,  Khors,     The   great   Inscription  in  the  palace 

of  Khorsabad  (also  called  the  General 

Inscription,    Prunkinschrift) ,    publ,    by 

Winckler,  op.  cit.,  II,  pis,  30 — 36;  I, 

PP-  30—36;  I,  pp.  96—135-  —  Peiser, 

KB,  II,  pp.  52—81, 
Sarg.  Mi,       Mineral  Inscription,  publ.  by  Winckler, 

op.  cit.^  II,  pi.  43. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Sarg.  N  Nimroud  Inscription,  publ.  by  Layard, 
pis.  33—34;  WiNCKLER,  o/>.  «■/.  II,  pl.48; 
I,  pp.  168—173.    —    Peiser,  KB,  II, 

pp.  33—39- 

Sarg.  PI.  Inscription  on  the  Back  of  the  Slabs, 
publ.  by  WiNCKLER,  op.  cit.,  II,  pi.  40 
I,  pp.  164—167. 

Sarg.  Pp.  The  Inscriptions  on  the  Gateway  Pave- 
ment, publ,  by  WiNCKLER,  op.  cit.,  II, 
pis.  36—40;  I,  pp.  136—163. 

Sarg,  Si.  Silver  Inscription,  publ.  by  Winckler, 
op.  cit.,  II,  pi,  43, 

Sarg.  St.  Kudurru,  publ.  VS,  I,  No.  70.  —  Peiser, 
KB,  IV.  pp.  158-165. 

Sarg,  VIII'^i  Une  relation  de  la  huitieme  campagne 
de  Sargon,  texte  Assyrien,  public  et  tra- 
duit  par  Fr,  Thureau-Dangin,  Paris, 

Sarg,  XIV  The  Annals  of  the  Room  XIV,  publ, 
by  Winckler,  op.  cit.,  II,  pi,  26 ff,;  I, 
p,  80  ff. 

SAV  J.  N.  Strassmaier,  Alphabetisches    Ver- 

zeichnis  der  Assyrischen  iind  Akkadischen 
Worter,     Leipzig,   1886. 

SBAk.  Sitzungsberichte  der  Berliner  Akademie. 

Schiffer,  Aramder  Sina  Schiffer,  Die  Aramder, 
historisch  -geographische  Untersuchungen, 
Leipzig,   19 II. 

Schiffer,  Spur'en  Sina  Schiffer,  KeilinschriftUche 
Spuren  .  .  .  der  deportierten  Samarier, 
Berlin,  1907. 

Schnabel,  Chronologie  P,  Schnabel,  Studien  ztir 
babyl- assyrischen  Chronologie,  MVG, 
13  (1908),  pp,  I  — 100. 

Senn,  Sennacherib,  king  of  Assyria, 

Senn.  Bav.  The  Bavian  Stele,  publ.  Ill  R 1 4 ;  Pognon, 
L' inscription  de  Bavian,  Paris,  1879 — ^O- 
translated  by  Pinches,  Rec.  of  the  Past, 
First  Series,  IX,  pp,  21 — 28;  partially 
by  Bezold,  KB,  II,  p,  ii6ff, 

Senn,  Bell,  The  Bellino  Cylinder,  K,  1680,  publ. 
Layard,  pi,  63  f, 

Senn.  Const,  The  Neby  Yunus  Inscription  (at  Con- 
stantinople); publ.  IR  43 ;  partially  trans- 
lated by  Bezold,  KB,  II,  pp,  ii8f, 

Senn.  King  Cylinder  Inscription,  BM.  103000;  publ. 
by  King,  CT  26:   1—39. 

Senn.  Kui,    Inscription  from  slabs  belonging  to  the 
Kouyunjik  bulls;  publ.  III  R  12 — 13,  cf, 
Layard,  pis.  38 — 40  a,  56—60. 
No.  I. 

Senn.Tay,  The  Taylor  Prism  Inscription;  publ. 
IR  37—42;  Horning,  Das  sechsseitige 
Prisma  Sanheribs;  Abel- Winckler,  Keil- 
schrifttexte,  pp,  17  —  21.  —  Rogers,  Rcc. 
of  the  Past,  New  Series,  VI,  pp.83 — 10 1; 
Bezold,  KB,  II,  pp,  80—113, 

Shalm,  Shalmaneser, 

Shalm,  Co,  The  Bull  Inscription  of  Shalmaneser  III., 
publ,  Layard,  pis.  12 — 16,  46 — 47.  — 
Translit.  and  translated  by  Delitzsch, 
BA,  VI,  I,  p,  i44ff. 

Shalm.  Bal.   The  Inscription  on  the  Gates  of  Bala- 

wat,  publ,  by  Pinches,   TSBA,  VIII,  i 

(1880).  —  SCHEIL,  Rec.  of  the  Past,  New 

Series,  IV;  Delitzsch,  B  A,  VI,  i,  p.  133  ff,; 

cf,  KB,  I,  p,  i34ff 
Shalm,  Lay,  The  Throne  Inscription,  publ,  Layard, 

pi.  76 f.;  J.  A,  Craig,  Hebraica,  II  (1886); 

Delitzsch,  BA,  VI,  i,  p,  i52ff, 
Shalm.  Mon.     The     Monolith     Inscription,     publ. 

Ill  R  7 —  8.    Translit,  and  translated  by 

J.  A.  Craig,  TJie  Monolith  Inscription  of 

Shalmaneserll,  New  Haven,  1887;  Peiser, 

KB,  I,  pp.  150—175. 
Shalm.  Ob.  Inscription  on  the  Black  Obelisk  found 

at  Nimroud;  publ.  Layard,  pis.  87 — 98. 

—  Winckler,    KB,  I,  pp.   128— 151. 
Shalm.  Statue     The  Statue  Inscription,  publ.  KAHI, 

I,  No.  30. 
Shams.  Shamshi-Adad, 

Shmk,  Shamash-shum-ukin,  king  of  Babylonia. 

Shmk,  Bil.     The  Bilingual  Inscription,  publ,  VR62; 

Lehmann,  Samassumuktn  pi,  I — IV,  — 

KB,  III  I,  pp.  198 — 204. 
Shmk,  Cyl,    The     Cylinder    Inscription,     publ,    by 

Lehmann,  op.  cit.,  pi,  VIII — X,  —  Jensen, 

KB,  III  I,  pp,  134—199. 
Simb.  Simbar-Shipak. 

Sm.  Smith's  Collection  of  the  British  Museum. 

Smith,  Hist.     G.  Smith,    History    of  Assnrbanipal, 

London,  1871. 
Smith,  Texte     S.  A,  Smith,  Die  Keilschrifttexte  Asur- 

banipals,  3  parts,  Leipzig,  1887 — 89, 
Stevenson,  Contracts    J,  H,  Stevenson,    Assyrian 

and  Babylonian   Contracts  with  Aramaic 

Reference  Notes,  New  York,  1 902, 
SUNDWALL     JOH.     SUNDWALL,      Die    einheimischen 

Namen  der  Lvkier  nebst  einem  Verzeichnisse 

kleinasiatischer   Namenstdmme,     Leipzig, 



Knot  Tallqvist. 

Surpu  Die  Beschworungstafeln  Surpu,  publ.  by 

H.   ZiMMERN,   in  Beitrdge  zur  Kenntnis 

dsy  Baby  I.  Religion,  Leipzig,  1 90 1. 
Susa  2  Kudurru  of  the  time  of  Nazimaruttash, 

found    at  Susa,    Scheil,    DEP,  II,  pis. 

16 — 19,  pp.  86 — 92. 
Susa  3  Kudurru    of  the   time    of  Meli-Shipak, 

found    at   Susa,   Scheil,    DEP,  II,  pis. 

21 — 24,  pp.99 — III. 
Susa  14, 16    Kudurrus   of  the   time   of  Merodach- 

baladanl.,  Scheil,  DEP,  VI,  pis.  9 — 11. 

pp.  32—41- 
Synchron.     The  Synchronistic  History  (K.  4401  -\- 

Rm.  854,    Sm.  2106),    publ.    II  R  65, 

No.  I,   III  R  4,  No.  3;   WiNCKLER,  UAG, 

p.    i48fF.;     ToFFTEEN,     Chronology,   I, 
PP-  35,  37-  —  KB,  I,  p.  i94fr. 
SWAk.  Sitzungsberichte  der   Wiener  Akademie. 

TA  Die     el-Amarna-Tafeln,     bearbeitet     von 

J.  A.  Knudtzon,  Lief,  i — 15,  Leipzig, 
1907— 1914. 

Ta  (annek)  Die  Keilschrifttexte  von  Ta  annek,  D WAk. 
50  (1904),  No.  IV.  Eine  Nachlese,  DWAk. 
52  (1906),  No.  3.  Cf.  Peiser,  OLZ, 
VI  (1903),  col.  321  ff. 

Th.  Thompson's  Collection   of  the  British 


Tigl.  Tiglathpileser,  kings  of  Assyria. 

Tigl.I:Ann.  The  Cylinder  Inscription  of  Tiglathpile- 
ser I,  publ.  I R  9 — 16;  WiNCKLER,  Samm- 
.lung  von  Keilschiifttexten ,  I,  pi.  I — 25; 
AKA,  I,  pp.  2'] — 108;  LoTZ,  Die  In- 
schriften  Tiglathpilesers  I.,  Leipzig,  1880; 

WiNCKLER,    KB,  I,    pp.   14 — 47. 

Tigl.  I:  Hunt.  The  campaigns  and  hunting  ex- 
peditions of  Tiglathpileser  I.,  from  an 
obelisk  of  one  of  his  successors,  AKA, 
I,pp.  128— 149;  cf  IR28;  IIIR4,No.i. 

Tigl.  IV:  B  The  clay  tablet  K.  3751,  publ.  II  R  67; 
RoST,  Die  Keilschrifttexte  Tiglath-Pile- 
serslll,  II,  pp.  22—24;  I>  PP-  54—77-  — 
KB,  II,  pp.  8-25. 

Tigl.  IV:  PI.     The    Slabs    of  Nimroud,    publ.    by 

Layard,  op.  cit.,  pi.  17 — 18;  RosT,  op. 

cit.,    pis.  XXIX— XXXIII.   —   KB,  II, 

pp.  2—9. 
Tigl.  IV:  Tel  Abta     Stele  from   Tel  Abta,  translit. 

and    translated    by    Peiser,    KB,    IV, 

pp.  102 — 105. 
TNB  K.  'L.TKiJLQViST,NeubabylonischesNamen- 

buch,  Helsingfors,  1905. 
ToFFTEEN,   Chronology     O.   A.   Toffteen,    Ancient 

Chronology,  I,  Chicago,  1907. 
TRep.  R.  C.  Thompson,    The  Reports    of  the 

Magicians    and   Astrologers    of  Nineveh 

and  Babylon,  Vol.  I — II,   London,  1900. 
Tuk,  Tukulti-Ninib,  kings  of  Assyria. 

UMBS  Utiiversity  of  Pennsylvania,   The  Museum 

Publications  of  the   Babylonian   Section. 

VAB  Vorderasiatische  Bibliothek. 

VAS  see  VS. 

VS  Vorderasiatische       Schriftdenkmdler      der 

konigl.  Museen  zu  Berlin, 

W  Hugo  Winckler. 

WAF  Hugo  Winckler,   Altorientalische   For- 

schungen,  I — 3.  Reihe,  Leipzig,  1897 — 

We.  Misc.  F.  H.  Weissbach,  Babylonische  Miscellen, 
Leipzig,  1903. 

Weber  O.  Weber,  Anmerkungen  zu  Knudt- 
zon, Die  cl-Atnanm  Tafeln. 

WSml.  Sammlung  von  Keilschrifttexten,  heraus- 

gegeben  von  Hugo  Winckler,  Leipzig, 


WUAG  H.  Winckler,  Untersuchungen  zur  alt- 
orientalise  hen   Geschichte,   Leipzig,   1889. 

WZKM  Wiener  Zeitschrift  fur  Kunde  des  Morgen- 


ZA  Zeitschrift  fur  Assyriologie. 

ZDMG  Zeitschrift  der  Deutschen  Morgenldndischen 


For  other  abbreviations  see  p.  i. 

T.  XLIIl. 


By  "Assyrian  Personal  Names",  I  understand  those  personal  names  which  occur  in 
cuneiform  inscriptions  of  Assyrian  origin  from  the  age  of  the  Patesis  until  the  fall  of  the  Assy- 
rian kingdom  (c.  2200 — 606  B.  C).  But  the  work  also  contains  many  names  from  non-Assyrian 
sources.  For  I  have  included  all  names  mentioned  in  Rawlinson's  Cuneiform  Inscriptions  of 
Western  Asia,  except  such  New  Babylonian  names  as  are  to  be  found  in  my  Neubabylofiisches 
Namenbiich.  A  number  of  personal  names  from  Old  Babylonian  texts  have  thus  been  intro- 
duced, as  also  the  names  in  the  Babylonian  version  of  the  great  Behistun  Inscription.  I  have 
furthermore  completely  excerpted  Harper's  Assyrian  and  Babylonian  Letters,  the  Tell  el 
Amarna  letters  ^  according  to  Knudtzon's  transcribed  edition,  the  Ta'annek  texts,  the  inscrip- 
tions of  the  Babylonian  kings  beginning  with  the  3^^^^  dynasty,  especially  all  >^«^?^rr«-inscriptions  2, 
the  most  important  chronological  sources  (King-list  A  and  B,  Chron.  A,  B,  K^-*,  P),  as  also  all 
Cappadocian  tablets  ^  and  Boghazkoi  texts  ^  within  my  reach.  I  also  intended  to  include  all  the 
names  of  the  Vannic  or  Khaldian  inscriptions,  a  certain  number  of  which  are  to  be  found  in 
inscriptions  of  the  Assyrian  kings;  but  in  spite  of  all  my  endeavours  I  did  not  succeed  in  laying 
hands  on  Professor  Sayce's  book  The  cuneiform  inscriptions  of  Van,  and  have  therefore  had 
to  be  contented  with  excerpting  miscellaneous  Khaldian  inscriptions  scattered  in  different 

The  bulk  of  the  c.  5500  names  given  in  List  I  consists  of  purely  Assyrian  names.  But 
the  contingent  of  non-Assyrian  (resp.  non-Babylonian),  West  Semitic,  and  non-Semitic  names  is 
very  large,  which  is  partly  due  to  the  above  mentioned  choice  of  sources,  partly  to  the  fact 
that  the  numerous  inscriptions  of  the  Assyrian  kings  contain  more  foreign  than  Assyrian  names. 
The  non-Assyrian  (resp.  non-Babylonian)  names  in  List  I,  and  the  abundant  foreign  name- 
elements  in  List  II,  3  are  indicated  by  a  *  before  the  name  or  the  name-element.  It  is  quite 
possible,  however,  that  in  some  cases  this  sign  has  been  erroneously  put  before  names  which 
in  reality  are  Assyrian,  and  that  in  other  cases  it  has  been  left  out  before  non-Assyrian  names. 
For  it  is  often  very  difficult  to  decide  with  certainty  whether  a  name  is  Assyrian  or  foreign, 
especially  as  the  Assyrians  in  rendering  foreign  names  were  apt  to  make  them  as  "mundgerecht" 

i)  A  complete  list  of  the  names  in  the  Tell  el  Amarna  letters  was  not  to  be  had  at  the  time  I  set  about 
my  work. 

2)  For  the  names  in  the  Babylonian  /^WwrrM-inscriptions ,  cf.  the  excellent  works  of  Wm.  J.  Hinke,  A  new 
boundary  stone  of  Nebuchadrezzar  I.  from  Nippur,  Philadelphia  1907,  and  L.  W.  King,  Babylonian  boundary-stones  and 
memorial  tablets  in  the  British  Museum^  with  an  Atlas  of  Plates,  London  1912. 

3)  Cf.  sub  Capp.  in  "Abbreviations". 

4)  Cf.  H.  WiNCKLER,  Die  im  Sommer  igo6  in  Kleinasien  ausgefuhrten  AusgYabungen,  in  OLZ,  9  (1906),  coll. 
611 — 634;  Vorldufige  Nachrichten  uber  die  Ausgrabungen  in  Boghazkoi  im  Sommer  i^o-j,  in  MDOG,  35  (1907);  Die  Arier 
in  den   Urkunden  von  Boghaz-koi,  in  OLZ,   13  (1910),  coll.  289 — 301. 

No.   I. 

XVI  Knut  Tallqvist. 

as  possible  and  indulged  in  all  kinds  of  national  etymologies.  As  instances  of  this  may  be 
mentioned  such  ways  of  writing  as  '^RI-BAD  (=  War-duri)  for  Sarduri,  lUar-hundu  for 
Sutur-Nahundi,  LUGAL  or  MAN  {=  ^arru)  for  Hittite  ^ar  and  West  Semitic  w?7/&,  TUR 
(=  mam  "son")  for  Aramaic  mar  "lord",  and  so  forth.  In  many  cases  it  is  still  harder  to  de- 
cide to  which  language  or  group  of  languages  a  foreign  name  belongs  and  to  dissolve  the 
names  into  their  constituent  elements.  Therefore  the  preparation  of  List  II,  3  has  been  attended 
with  many  difficulties,  as  I  have  had  to  explain  the  origin  and  composition  of  names  of  the 
most  miscellaneous  character,  partly  belonging  to  little  known  or  almost  unknown  languages: 
Assyrian,  Babylonian,  Sumerian,  Aramaic,  Phoenician,  Hebrew,  Arabic,  Egyptian,  Greek,  Iranian, 
Elamite,  Cassite,  Urartian  or  Alarodian,  Hittite,  Mitannian,  etc.  The  explanation  of  a  name 
given  in  this  part  of  the  work  differs  in  many  cases  from  the  interpretation  to  be  found  in 
List  I,  and  may  be  regarded  as  my  revised  opinion.  The  rule  "dies  diem  docet"  is  here  appli- 
cable.    Yet  there  is  much  that  remains  hypothetical  or  doubtful. 

As  regards  the  Assyrian-Babylonian  names,  both  their  formation  and  the  ideas  on  which 
they  are  usually  based  and  which  appear  in  them,  may  be  considered  to  be  known  for  the  most 
part,  by  reason  of  earlier  investigations  1.  This  does  not  mean  that  particular  problems  of  Assy- 
rian onomatology  are  not  still  awaiting  their  solution.  To  what  an  extent  ideas  earlier  accepted 
need  correction  is  proved  by  Prof  Ungnad's  suggestion  as  regards  the  name  Sennacherib  2. 
And  what  valuable  special  researches  can  be  made  in  the  investigation  of  Assyrian  names, 
appears  from  Dr.  Holma's  study  on  the  form  quttulu  used  in  the  formation  of  Assyrian-Baby- 
lonian personal  names  ^  I  do  not  wish,  however,  at  this  juncture  to  discuss  Assyrian-Babylonian 
names,  and  will  only  give  a  list  of  the  ideograms  used  in  the  names  which  are  checked  in  this 
book  and  their  phonetic  equivalents. 

A  =  aplu,  maru;  A-AS  =  apal-iddin\  A-GI§  =  apal-lisir;  A-NIU  =  apal-iddm\  A-PAP  =  apal- 
usur;  k'%^-na  =  apal-iddina;  k'%£^  =^  apal-tisur;  ''A.USAR  = '^^J'wr;  K'Z\S  =  dsu\  ^k-^  =  Mdr- 
btti;  WAB  =  '^Enlil;  AD  =  abu]  AD-AS  =  ab-apli;  AD-DI  =  aba-iallim;  AD-PAP  =  ab-usur\  AD-SU 
ab-eriba{J)\  AD-SES  =  «(5-«j«r;  ^k{A=Nabu\  m  =  rmu\  mk  =  ummu;  "AMAR.UD  =  J/^r^«/^; 
AN  =  ilu,  Anu\  m-e  =  ^ame\  AN.KI  =  Ume-u-irsiti\  AN-SUR  =  salTilu\  "ASAR.MULU.HI  =  Marduk\ 
As  =  aplu,  ASur,  AUur,  edu,  ina,  nadanu]  AS-A  =  nadin-aplu\  AS-GIS  =  apal-llHr\  AS-PAP  =  edu- 
usur,  or  7iadin-ahi;  kS-SU  =  apa/-erlba;  AZA6  =  ^//«;  Bk-ia  =  iqda;  BkD  =  mitu;  BM)  =  duru; 
BAD-PAP  =  dur-usur;  BAD-SI  =  dur-pani\  BE  =  be  I,  kabtu;  "BE  =  '^En/i/iNBa.  '^Ed)\  "BU  =  Seru\ 
BUR-r(7  =  ippalra\  DA  =  itti,  liu\  DA.RI  =^  hatin\  DAGAL  =  remu\  Dl  =  dcnu,  lulmu,  lalmnu  II  i; 
DI.KUD  =  daianu,  danu,  dtnu,  Hptu]  DI-MAN  ==  Sallun-sarru;  DI-PAP  =  lallim-ahi\  DIS  =  ana,  ina; 
XH^  =  alaku,  kanu  11  \,  kinu,  kithi\  0\}-k  =  kin-ap/u;  DU.DU  =  Jf«5'-^?>(f);  D\}-K\iL  =  hn-ser;  DU- 
PAL  =  mukm-pa/r,  DU-PAP  =  kin-usur  {kin-ahi})\  DU-SU  =  km-eriba;  DU-SI  =  dlik-pani]  DU-SES 
=  kln-usur  {kin-ahi});  D[}-Z\J  =  km-zdi;  D\}B  =  Sapdhi;  DU6(.GA)  = /^?<^«;  DUG(BAD).GA  =  ?«//«; 
DU6UD  =  ^«^///;   li\il  ==  napliaru;  E  =  gibu;  E  =  bitu;  E.Q^kL  =  ekallu;  "EDIN  =  ^V^^;  E6IR -= 

i)  Ct".  H.  Ranke,  Early  Babylonian  Personal  Names  from  the  published  Tablets  of  the  so-called  Hammurabi 
Dynasty,  Philadelphia,  1905;  K.  Tallqvist,  Neubabylonisches  Namenbuch  zti  den  Geschdftsurkunden  aus  der  Zeit  des 
Samaisumukin  bis  Xerxes,  Helsingfors,  1905,  pp.  XIV — XLII,  and  the  literature  there  mentioned;  A.  T.  Clay,  Documents 
from  Temple  Archives  of  Nippur  dated  in  reigns  of  Cassite  Rulers,  Philadelphia,  1906  (BE  XV),  pp.  2 — 15;  K.  Tallqvist, 
Babylonische  Kurznamen  passivischer  Bedeulung,  OLZ,  1906,  col.  466  ff.;  E.  Huber,  Die  Personennamen  in  den  Keilschrift- 
urkunden  aus  der  Zeit  der  K'dnige  von  Ur  und  Nisin,  Leipzig,  1907,  pp.  12 — 15;  A.  Ungnad,  Unterstichungen  zu  den  Ur- 
kunden  aus  Dilbat,  Leipzig,  1909  (BA  VI),  p.  77  ff.;  A.  T.  Clay,  Personal  Names  from  Cuneiform  Inscriptions  of  the  Cassite 
Period,  New  Haven,   1912,  pp.  13 — 24. 

2)  A.  Ungnad,  Der  Name  Sanherib's,  ZDMG,  62  (1908),  p.  721  ff. 

3)  H.  HoLMA,  Die  Assyrisch-Babylonischen  Personennamen  der  Form  quttulu,  mit  besonderer  Beriicksichtigung  der 
W'drter  fur  Korperfehler ,  Helsinki,  1914. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XVII 

arkatn\  l.^  =  bel\  m-k%^-  bel-apli  {bel-iddin);  Eli-D\}  =  de/-ka  in;  EH-UK  =  deZ-idni;  EN-LAL  = 
bel-taqqin\  EN-MU  =  bel-iddin,  bel-himi\  EN-PAP  =  bel-usur\  "EN.ZU  =  Sin\  Qik^=gabbtc\  GAL  -= 
rabfr,  ^QihL  =  {Aia)\  GkL-kS  =  raba-iddtn;  Cikt  =  ba}u;  QkR  ==  }akanu;  GAR.GAL  =  ^^i^;  GAR. 
GAR  =  la^in;  GAR-MU  =  ^akin-him\  "GASAN  =  BelU\  GAZ.GAZ  =  karabu\  Gi  =  lalamu  II  i;  GI.NA 
=  kann  II  I,  kinu;  GID  =  «;vz/^«  {arik)\  GIG  =  marsu;  GIL  =  agu\  GIS  =  iiUr\  GIS.BAL  =  pilaqqu\ 
mX\S  =  tukultu;  m%.Wf<^Sa7nai\  "GIS.NU  =  5«;««i;  WGIS.SIR(.GAL)  =  ^^w^i^;  GISGAL  = 
manzasu\  GUGU  =  ^i«;  GUR  = /^n/  II  i;  \\M  =  }emu;  ^HkK  =  Btmene;  HE.NUN  =  ;/«//i«;  HE.UL 
=  lamassu]  HI  (=  DUG)  =  tabu;  "HI  ==  Ahir\  HI.LI  =  kusbu;  HU.KAK  =  kapdu\  I  =  naid;  "IB  = 
Ura^;  ID  =  idu\  ID.DAH  =  risu;  ID.GAL  =  It'u;  IDIIVI(BE)  =  kabtu;  ILI  (=  GA  +  JU)  =  ««ia  (/^O; 
IM  =  ^aru;  WIM  =  ^^«i,  Bafilum  {Baal),  Teiup\  IM.TUK  =  ndid\  IN. GAR  =  i«/^^««  (/i/^««);  KA  = 
amatu,panu,pu,  rigmu,rigniatu,qibu(l)\  Y<k.\Sk=lasu\  KA.E=^/<5?^(p.205a);  KA-6IS==^^z^<^/-/2iz>;KA.KA 
•=amat-pi[i  p.  144  b),  dababu{da-bi-bi,  lidbubu);  Y,k  =  babu\  *Kk  =  Bau;  Kk.GkL=^abu//u;  KAB  =i'^- 
w5r?(!  II  I  (?  p.  200a);  KAD  =  kasaru,  rihtu\  KAK  =  epe^u,  banu,  bilnu,  gabbu;  KAK-A  =  ban-aplu; 
KAK-KUL  =  ban-zer\  KAK.A.BI  =  kullatu\  '^KkK-Ujtu  =  ^Banitu\  KAL  =  aqru,  dananu  II  i  (or 
damaqu  II  i,  cf.  p.  99  b;  TNB  p.  XII,  n.  3);  KAL(=  LIG).GA  =  dannu;  KAW  ===  ereM;  KAN  =  ereiu\ 
KAR  =  eferu,  ezebii  III  i;  (a')KASKAL  -=  Harran;  Kl  =  irsitu,  itti\  KI.NE  =  kinunu\  KI.US  =  kibsu(J)\ 
KU  =  /?^/^«//?/;  "KU  =  Marduk;  "KUD  ~Qadmu\  KUL  =  ^^>«;  KUL-AS  =  KUL-MU  =  zer-iddin;  KUL- 
BA-sa  = -s'<?;'-/^?i«;  K\iL-D\}  =  zer-hUi,  zer-ukin\  KUL-KAK  =  ^/r-z^/zz";  K\}R  =  kaladu,  matu,  Sadu\ 
"KUR.GAL  =  Amurru]  KUR.KUR  =  matati;  KUR-LAL  =  mat-taqqin\  LAH  =  nuru,  namaru\  LAH.LAH 
=  ebebu  II  i;  LAL  ==  taqdnu  II  i,  tu-qu-mi,  tarasu;  LID  =  remu;  LIK  =  karu\  LU  =  etequ  III  i, 
sabatu;  LUGAL  =  '*milku,  sarrti]  MAH  =  siru\  MAN  =  Samai  (Samsu),  sarru\  MAN-KAK  =  sar-ibni\ 
MAN-PAP  =  i^r-^^^«r;  '^mH.lU  ^  Amurru;  mS  =  aiaridu]  ^M%  =  NINJB;  WMAS . MAS  =  A;?r- 
gal\  "ME.ME  =  Gula;  \^\  =  sillu;  \^\]  =  nadanu,  zakaru  {sakir),  iumu  (}u);  f^[\i-k  ^=  nadin-ap/u; 
MU-AS  =  ium-iddin;  MU-DU  =  Imn-ukzn,  [mukin^  him-kitti\  MU-DU-PAP  =  sum-kitti-usur;  MU-GAL-i; 
=  sm/i-iisabh]  MU-GAR  ==  iz/;«-w^««;  vnw-^\  ^=  nmSa/liin\  MU-GI . NA  =  iz^;«-«>^f«,  m.ukin\  MU-GIS  = 
MU-SI.DI  =^  him-lliir;  MU-KAM  =  him-ere};  MU-KAR  =  him-ctir  (or  musezib);  mu-LAL  =  mutaqqln, 
or  mutarris\  ^\^ ME  =^  iumdti,  fi\U-fA\}  =  nddm-^umi  (cf.  sub  Ahir-,  Enlil-nadin-lurn),  zakir-sumi 
(cf.  sub  Marduk-zakir-^um) ,  ium-iddin  (cf.  sub  Adad-sum-iddin;  TNB  p.  XIII,  n.  i);  MU-PAP  =^ 
lum-usur  (cf.  TNB,  p.  XIII,  n.  2);  MU-SE-na  =  lum-iddina\  MU-SES  =  nadin-ahi  (cf.  Kashl-nadin- 
ahi),  ^um-usur  (cf  Adad-,  Enlii-,  Marduk-him-usur;  mu-SIG  =  mudammiq]  t^\i\M  =^ ameiu;  NAM''  = 
hmati\  "NE.URU.GAL^iW-r^^^/;  NER2  =  i^/>^;  Nl  =  ^/^-^«;  Ni.GAL  =  <5«i?7;  NI.NI  =  i-//,  ^/;  NIR. 
GAL  =  etillu]  NIGIN  =  pafiaru;  NIM  =-  ^aqu;  NIN  =  ahatu;  "NIN  =  Belit;  "NIN.LIL  =  Belit]  "NINNI 
=  ntar;  NIR. GAL  =  etillu,  etillit]  NU  =  salnni,  /a,  ul\  NU-UR  =  ul-abah  NUN  =  rubu;  NUN. ME  = 
abkall2i\  NUNUZ  =piru\  "PA  =  iVrt<5s;  "PA  =  hattu]  "PA  +  KU  =  Nusku\  PAL  =/«/?7;  PA.TE.SI  = 
iBakku\?k?^-ahu,nasaru]  ?k?-k=-ndsir-aplu\?k?-k%=ah-iddi?i\?k?-\i\)=ahi-kinu\  PAP-MU=/M/^- 
vS'£=  ajt-iddin\  PAP-PAP  ==  PAP-SES  =  ah-usur\  PAP-TUR  =  nasir-aplu\  PI  =  uz7m,  hasisu;  PIN=^r/i«; 
^?\\i^^  NIN.IB  im  Efir-Ninib)\  "QAR  =  .S'/«  (K.2169,  R.ii);  ^f^^{^\  =  ulrdu;  M^  =  ramu;  RAM-MAN  = 
raim-iarrl;  M  +  ?k=^saliilu\  ^B\  =  ntar\  "RID  =  Marduk;  W}-Z\  =  iariq-napihi  (?  p.  157  b);  SAG  = 
reiu;  %kQ(.}^k\.  =  asaridu\  %E^=^  fiadanu;  %Erk  =  nadi7t-aplu;  SE-MU  =  «(?^/«-i«7«/;  SE-PAP  =  SE-SES 
=  nadin-ahi]  SE-TUR.US  =  //^^z«-^//?^;  "SI  =  Enlil;  SI.DI  =  kittu,  lisir;  SIB  =  re'ii;  SIG  =  SIG  = 
ensu;  SU  =-  rabu  (l^l);  SU-U  =  eriba-Adad;  SUHUS  =  iUu\  SUR  =  eteru\  "SALAM  =  Salmu;  SA.BA 
=  qaiu,  qiitu;  SA.DU  =  kudwru;  SER  =  qasaru;  SES  =  ahu,  nasaru;  SES-A  =  nasir-aplu;  SES- 
AS  =  SES-MU  =  SES-SE-;^^  =  ah-iddin;  SES-KAK  =  ahi-bani;  SES-PAP  (=NBa.  SES-SES)==^//-«^«r; 
^%^.^\  =  Nannaru;  %[  =  tnu ,  panu ,  amartr,  S\.D[}  =  a/ik-ma/jri;  ^S\.D[}  =  Nerga/;  SI. LAL  = 
amaru  {emur,  latnur);  %\^^}^  =  tiikultu;  %\^  =  datnaqu  {daniiq,  damqti);  ^%\S  =  Marduk;  SU  =^ 
gamalu  {gamil,  gimillu),  qatu;  SU-QMR  =  gimil-iirra;  S\} .S\  =  ubanu;  lk  =  itti;  Ik^  =  tappu; 
Ik^.flik  =  ta/zmu;  1\  =  balatu  [uballit);  J\-£  =  balat-iqbi;  l\Xk==  balafu,  {iu-)balat,  uballit; 
No.   I.  C 

XVIII  Knut  Tallqvist. 

TI.TI  =  balatu  II  i;  TIL  =  kiiu\  TIN  =  balatii;  TIN.TIR  =  Babilu\  TUK  =  ba^u,  raHi;  TUR  =  aplu, 
""biti,  viaru  ^mar)\  "TUR.E  =  Mar-biti;  TUR. SAL  =  martu  (Ar.  mar^jja);  TUR. US  =  aplu;  U  =  bel, 
kiUatu;  U-L*AL  =  bel-taqqin;  U-PAP  =  bel-usur\  WU  =  Adad,  Bel]  U  +  DAR  =  Btar;  UB.LA  =  pa- 
haru  II  i;  UB.RI  =  naid\  UD  =  iamhi,  umu;  "UD  =  Samai;  UD.DU  =  asu  {lusi);  WUGUR  =  Ner- 
gal\  UN  =  «/i«;  ^Vi  =  basu  [abai,  ubasa,  baUu,  baliu),  kalbu\  UR.RU  = -^^/(5/^;  UR.SAG  =  ^rt:r^«, 
garradu;  m\}  =  abdu;  US  =  sikaru;  ^\iS  =  Nmib;  \}S.Sk  =  buUu;  ZM=sabu\  ZAB.DAH  = 
nirari]  ZAG.LU  =  imittu\  Zl  =  kmu,  kiitu,  napihu;  ZU  ==  idu,  liu. 

A  considerable  number  of  West  Semitic  names  occurring  in  Assyrian  and  Babylonian 
cuneiform  texts  have  long  been  known.  Prof.  ZiMMERN  has  given  an  excellent  summary  of  the  theo- 
phorous  West  Semitic  names  in  Schrader's  Keilinschriften  und  das  Alte  Testament,  y^  edition, 
pp.  465  fif.  The  manner  of  rendering  West  Semitic  sounds  in  cuneiform  characters  is  in  its  main 
features  set  forth  in  Delitzsch's  Assyrische  Grammatik.  I  shall  here  make  some  additional 
observations  chiefly  founded  on  the  materials  of  the  present  work. 

West  Semitic  D,  as  a  general  rule,  corresponds  in  Assyrian  to  i,  e.  g.  '''000  =  Sa-ah 
ma-a;  Viol's  =  Ab-ia-a\  *qD''b5>n  probably  =  Bdal-ia-H-pu;  Vp^:hl2  =  Mil-ki-a-}a-pa\  *innaD^p 
=  Qa-uhgabri\  '^D'aO  =  {Ilu-,  St -)si-im-ki,  etc.  The  writing  Mah-si-ia-a-u  =  Bi.  IT^orTa  is  an 
exception,  probably  caused  by  the  close  resemblance  of  the  West  Semitic  verb  "^on  to  Ass.  liisu. 
In  Babylonian,  on  the  other  hand.  West  Semitic  D  (u*-)  appears  as  s\  e.  g.  Sa-tna-ki-ilu  TNB, 
Sa-mu-ki-im  RPN,  cf.  Bi.  IfTiDttO;  *an^01p  =  Qusu-iahabi  BE  IX;  *^j*-.*a«  (Brockelmann,  p.  234) 
=  Samsu{-iluna)\  k^jm  («;.**wj)  =  sumu  (in  Sumu-abi).  Vice  versa  Assyrian-Babylonian  i  is  repre- 
sented in  West  Semitic  writing  by  0  (resp.  ©),  e.  g.  ASur  =  1055  (Ass.  A^uraljiddin  =  Bi.  pmoi^), 
^i«rr«  =  noX  (Ass.  Tukulti-apil-E^arra  =  B\.^-Ot^btiTbyr\,  Ar.  no(i)bBnb3in),  «i«r/^«  =  "IDX  (sic!) 
(Ass.  Sulman-a^arid  =  Bi.  iDKSiab'B),  ttj^bn  =  Hal{i)musu,  larru  ==  "ID  and  nte  (Ass,  Sarru-nuri 
=  Ar.  113"1D;  Sarrukln  =  Bi.  "Jiano;  Nabu-iar-iddin  =  Ar.  pnoiSS;  Nabu-lar-usur  =  Ar.  nsiDSS; 
Sin-iar-usur  =  Ar.  121D3tD;  Sar-usur  =  Bi.  ISi^liD;  Nergal-iar-usur  =  Bi.  1SS1TSb3i13);  laru  =  10 
(Ass.  Sar-Utar  =  Ar.  ©i^io);  ^umu  =  00,  DttJ,  1©  (Ass.  Nabu-lum-iddin  =  Ar.  pttO^nD;  Ba. 
B el-}um-i ddm  =^  ^im^tibx  OTSS,  p.  315,  No.  46;  Ba.  Sum-ukm  =  Ar.  pttO;  Ba.  Nabu-lum-Ukun 
=  "JDOiaoias,  APO);  }allim  =  QbO  [Nabu-Ullitn,  Ass.  ==  Ar.  Qb»in3;  Ba.  =  lb»in3,  APO);  Samai 
=  ©no  (Ba.  Nur-Samai  =  Ar.  ©ITSTIS,  APO);  Ba.  IgiM  =  Ar.  "^Cps,  Stevenson,  Contracts,  34,  3; 
•  LabaH  =  Ar.  xo^b;  Mu^ezib  =  II'O'Q;  Rim-Sukun=^']'2lD1Z^,  and  so  forth.  Exceptions  are  the 
following:  Ba.  Nabu-iesibanni'^Bi.  prtilSS,  where  ©  may  be  derived  from  the  loan-word  if©, 
and  Assur=B\.  nWSt,  cf.  DAG^,  p.  125.  Sulman-aiarid^VA.  lOXS'abttJ,  is  only  an  apparent 
exception,  as  the  name  should  perhaps  really  be  written  Sulman-alarid. 

West  Semitic  ©  is  represented :  in  Assyrian  by  s,  e.  g.  SJite  =  Sagab,  in"©  =  -f  Sa-ra-a-a, 
)kWl  =  Ba--sa,  i©ytt  =  VMe--sa-a,  T^S©  =  '"'^"Sa-ni-m,  piC'D'n  ==  "'Dimasqa  (and,  as  in  Baby- 
lonian, "Wi-ma-aS-qi,  Adnir.  IV:  IR  35,  No.  i,  ig,  21);  in  Babylonian  by  i,  e.  g.  *1:S513©  =  Sa-am-El, 
Dar.  265, 8,  p©ttl  =  TA  "^Di-ma^-qa  197, 21,  "' Ti-ma-dS-gi  53, 63.  Vice  versa  Assyrian  and  Baby- 
lonian s  appears  in  West  Semitic  writing  as  0  or  ©;  e.  g.  Sinahertba  >  Bi.  n'^iriDD,  Ar.  S'^lxnSD 
and  a'i-i«ns©  APO;  Sin-Mr-usur ':>  Ar.  ^2103©;  Sin-uballit ':>  Ar.  ©blS530  APO;  Balassti-iqbi^ 
apXOba  (see  under  i^ap). 

West  Semitic  IB,  ^  became  in  Assyrian  s,  e.  g.  aib©''ax  >  Abi-sa-la-mu,  ©^attJmy  >  Ab- 
di-sam-si,  nn©!!!?  >  Abdi-si-har,  ni©"in5^  >  A-tar-su-ri,  ^©in  >  A-u-si-  ,  3?a©l!T'  >  A-u-sa-bi-, 
U>j^si*^'> Ha-bi-i-si,  M6yn'> -^ Hambusu,  ©in  {or  tVili)^ Ha- da- s a- a,  Ha-an-da-sa-ni  {^2..  Ha-an-da- 
ia-nu),\h.M,^=^^Ka-ku-us-tu,  ^'y:iai2^':> Kam-mu-su-nadbi,  HIDTiZ'^ Me-na-si-e,tD^p^QTsu,  *p©«-i 
^Ra--su-nu,  b^'inbi^©  >  Sa- -al-ti-iiu,  *nn33©  >  Sa-kan-da-da,  *1ttb©  >  Sa-la-ma-a-nu,  S121D  = 
Sa-ma-,  pttJS  =  Sa-mu-nu,  bS2?X!©'i  =  ^Su-mu--ilu  Senn.  King  VII 96,  b:?n©B©  =  Sa-pa-tl-ba-al,  bli5© 


Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XIX 

=  Sa-u-li,  yy^^Qtl  ^^  "^Sa-me-ri-na,  ^'ttr^  =  "^Ur-sa-li-im-ma,  T\tibt>  =  "'^'Pa-la-as-tu,  Pi-lis-ti,  and 
so  forth.  In  the  Babylonian  writing  it  corresponds  to  i,  e.  g.  yattj  =  ^a-ma- ,  Tammehia-ma- , 
*'iDn2!'n'0  =  Sa-ba-afi-ta-ni  BE  X,  *bi5DDttJ  =  Si-kin-El  BE  X,  in'^Dn©  =  Su-bu-nu-ia-ma  (cf.  Sii-ub- 
na-ilu  RPN),  1C1D  ==  '""^Ku-u-h'i  (Ass.  Kusu).  In  the  Amarna  letters  the  Canaanite  ttj  is  preserved 
as  s;  thus  we  find  X^b^t'^ -■=  "'Ai-qa-lu-na,  T\y^t\1D'S  =  "^A^-tar-te,  t^]  =  "^ la-bi-h ,  V^'Db  =  ^^La- 
ki-U  328,5,  329,5,  l2^'^.  =  "'Sakmi,  yi^Qt  =  "^Sd-am-hu-na,  )^-m  =  ''^Sd-ru-na,  U^MD  = '''^^-na- 
ma,  and  so  forth.  Exceptions  are  found  only  in  the  letters  of  the  Hittite  Abdi-Hepa:  ttJ^Db  = 
"^La-ki-si  (287,  15.  288,  43),  and  Qittjll^  =  "^U-ru-sa-lim  (287,  25.  289,  u.  290, 15),  and  ISWrT^^  =  Bit- 
sa-a-ni  (289, 20). 

The  West  Semitic  laryngals  ^  and  n  are  in  cuneiform  writing  of  all  periods  sometimes 
represented  by  h,  &.  g. 'nV  kam{m)u  in  0^2i.  Hammurapi;  ^n'^^Hi  =  A-bi-e-M-uk\  in  the  Amarna 
texts  *-\Z'ny  =  Hamu-mri,  ^'CS^D"!  =  lanhamu,  *"ir75'&'i  =  lapah-Addu,  *1''5>abyn  perhaps  =  Bdlu- 
me-{hi)-ir,  b'$'2  =^  bahlu  in  Pu-ba-ah-la,  etc.;  'S'V  =  ^'Q2i.  ia{-a)-da-ak,  ia{-a)-di-ih\  1113^  =  Ass, 
''Tan;  Ass.  Adad-ra-ha-a-u,  Ad-ri-a-ha-u,  and  Si-ra-hi-i  probably  contain  the  element  i^l.  As 
for  the  rendering  of  n  =  /^,  cf.  IIH  =  fiadda  in  TA  Ri-ib-ha-ad-da,  ITV^  =  NBa.  iahabi,  IST'  = 
NBa.  '^la-a-hu-u,  JTlb«  =  NBa.  i-la-hi-i. 

Assyrian  k  is  represented  in  West  Semitic  writing  by  >  in  Bi.  "jlSilD  <C  Sarrukin,  IDi^bSMban 
<;  Tuklat-apil-E^arra,  and  Ar.  bl1i5'^3i3tt  <C  Man-kl-Arbail.  This  change  of  the  sound  is  pro- 
bably due  to  the  influence  of  the  neighbouring  liquid  ^ 

A  considerable  number  of  Egyptian  names  are  found,  besides  in  New  Babylonian  texts, 
also  in  the  Amarna  letters,  the  Boghazkoi  texts,  and  the  Assyrian  sources  of  the  8'^  and  7*'^  cen- 
tury. In  explaining  these  I  have  principally  followed  Steindorff  and  Ranke  2.  Some  of  the 
names  which  Ranke  gives  as  possibly  Egyptian,  as  DaSarti,  Habaia,  Iriappa,  Kar-me-u-ni,  Li- 
e-ia,  Pirizzi,  etc.,  are  more  hkely  Hittite;  cf.  List  II,  3. 

Of  Greek  names  in  cuneiform  characters  only  a  few  are  known.  In  the  Tell  el  Amarna 
letter,  no.  37,  from  Alasia  (Cyprus),  four  names  appear,  of  which  Ku-ni-e-a  reminds  one  of  the 
Greek  Kuveaq,  but  also  of  the  Lycian  Kunniiei;  E-til-lu-na  (cf  the  Greek  EureXicov,  Eu^aX- 
Xtcjov)  and  Pa-dhtum-me-e  (cf  Ilatftot;,  Cret.  jra(5Ta(;  "lord")  are  possibly  Greek,  while  U^-bar-ra 
(cf  Pis.  Oo[3apa,  Oo^apat;)  probably  represents  the  language  of  the  island's  pre-Hellenic  Hittite 
population  from  Asia  Minor  3.  The  first  names  which  can  unhesitatingly  be  set  down  as  Greek 
occur  in  the  inscriptions  of  Esarhaddon  and  Asshurbanipal,  some  700  years  later.  These  names 
which  also  are  derived  from  Cyprus  are  Da-ma-su  (Aajiacfot;),  Da-niu-u-su,  E-ki-iS-tu-ra  (AKecSroop), 
E-ri-e-su  (Epeooc;),  Gir-me-su  ('Epp.r]t;?),  I-tu-u-an-da-ar  (Ete/avdpo;;),  Ki-i-su  (cf  Keiooc;,  kkjco^ 
"ivy"),  Pi-la-a-gu-ra  (OiXayopaq),  and  U-na-sa-gu-sa,  the  first  part  of  which  is  obviously  oya6-. 
Greek,  also,  is  perhaps  the  name  La-du-qi-i  (Aa8oxo!;.^  cf  the  name  of  Seleucus  II's  wife  Lu- 
da-ki-i  =  AaobiKY\) ,  which  was  borne  by  an  Assyrian  slave  sold  B.C.  6^6.  The  other  Greek 
names  occurring  in  cuneiform  inscriptions  are  from  the  time  of  the  Arsacids  and  Seleucids*. 

In  the  Tell  el  Armana  letters  a  number  of  names  occur  which  have  been  looked  upon 
as  Iranian  or  Aryan.  Mr.  Bezold  and  Mr.  Budge,  who  published  the  tablets  in  the  British  Museum 
first  compared  some  of  those  names  with  Persian  names  in  the  Behistun  inscription  ^     Five  years 

i)  Cf.  Brockelmann,  p.  153. 

2)  G.  Steindorff,  Die  keilschriftliche  Wiedergabe  dgyptischer  Eigennamen,  1 890  {Beitrage  zur  Assyriologie,  Vol.  I, 
pp.330 — 361,  593—612);  H.  Ranke,  Keilschriftlkhes  Material  zur  altdgyptischen   Vokalisaiion,  Berlin  1910. 

3)  Cf.  HOMMEL,  Grundriss,  p.  62. 

4)  Cf.  A.  T.  Clay's  collection  in  Babylonian  Records  in  the  library  of  I.  Pierpont  Morgan,  Part  II,  Legal  Docu- 
ments from  Erech,  dated  in  the  Seleucid  Era  (312 — 65  B.  C),  New  York  19 13,  p.  16  ff. 

5)  The  Tell  el- Amarna   Tablets  in  the  British  Museum,  London,  1892,  pp.  144,    146. 

No.  I.  C* 

XX  Knut  Tallqvist. 

later  Dr.  PAUL  ROST  declared  that  the  names  Artaman{a,  Suvarddta,  Ruzmania,  Teuvatti,  lal- 
data  and  Zirdamiaida  were  derived  from  Aryan  "forerunners",  which  had  come  to  Syria  and 
Palestine  at  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  century  ^  In  the  following  year,  1898,  Professor  HOMMEL 
took  up  the  problem  of  these  names.  He  came  to  the  conclusion  that  they  are  Iranian  and  prove 
that  the  royal  dynasty  of  Mitanni  and  the  Hittite  kings  of  the  time  of  Ramses  II  were  of  Iranian,  or, 
more  exactly,  of  "Scythian"  descent-^.  In  1901  these  names  were  studied  by  Dr.  Scheftelowitz  =\ 
who  compared  them  partly  with  Old  Iranian  and  partly  with  Old  Indian  names,  emphasizing  their 
Aryan  character  and  attempting  to  prove  that  the  Mitanni  language  corresponded  closely  with  Vedic. 
It  is  worthy  of  special  mention  that  he  was  the  first  to  suggest  the  possibility  that  the  name 
of  the  Palestinian  prince  Su{v)ardata  contains  the  Skr,  word  svar  (Av.  hvara)  "sun"  —  and 
thus  represents  a  period  of  linguistic  development  when  the  Iranian  sound  change  s  >  h  had 
not  yet  taken  place.  SCHEFTELOWITZ's  daring  etymology  and  especially  his  attempt  to  prove  the 
Indo-European  and,  particularly,  the  Aryan  character  of  the  Cassite  also,  evoked,  in  1906,  a  much- 
needed  criticism  from  Professor  Bloomfield  ^  who  suggested  that  "the  Mitanni  and  other  Asiatic 
Iranoid  proper  names  came  from  a  dialect  closely  allied  to  Iranian  but  not  yet  exactly  Iranian; 
i.  e.  a  dialect  which  did  not  change  s  to  h".  In  1907  the  problem  was  taken  up  once  more, 
this  time  by  Professor  Ed.  Meyers  Without  going  into  the  question  of  more  or  less  probable 
etymologies,  he  regarded  the  subject  primarily  from  a  historical  standpoint  and  proved  that  the 
then  known  kings  of  Mitanni  and  a  number  of  Syrian  dynasts  mentioned  in  the  Tell  el  Amarna 
letters  bore  names  of  an  Iranian  stamp.  This  circumstance  Meyer  accounted  for  by  supposing 
that  the  Median  and  Persian  tribes  came  to  their  homes  in  Iran  in  the  17''^  or  16''^  century, 
while  individual  Iranian  chiefs  penetrated  into  Mesopotamia  and  Syria  at  the  latest  in  the  15^'^  cen- 
tury and  perhaps  considerably  earlier.  The  names  of  these  chiefs  would  constitute  the  oldest 
dated  instance  of  the  Iranian  language.  Before  Meyer's  essay  had  been  printed,  however,  a  dis- 
covery was  made  which  necessitated  an  essential  modification  of  this  theory. 

In  the  .summer  of  1907  the  late  Professor  Hugo  Winckler's  excavations  at  Boghazkoi 
in  Cappadocia' —  probably  identical  with  Herodotos'  Pteria  —  brought  to  light  the  remains  of 
the  Hatti  kings'  former  residence  and  parts  of  the  royal  archives.  Among  other  things  was  found 
the  cuneiform  text  of  a  treaty  between  the  Hatti  king  Subbiluliuma  and  the  Mitanni  king  Matti- 
vaza.  In  this  treaty  the  gods  of  either  kingdom  are  cited  as  witnesses,  and  among  other  deities 
worshipped  in  Mitanni  are  named  ilani  mi-it-ra-a^-H-il  Hani  u-ru-na-ahH-el  (var.  a-ru-na-ahH-iC) 
ilu  in-dar  ilani  na-ia-a[t-ti-ia-d\n-na  (var.  in-da-ra  na-i[d\-at-ti-ia-an-na.  In  his  "  Vorldufige  Nach- 
richten  iiber  die  Ausgrabungen  in  Boghaz-kdi  im  Sommer  iQoy"  ^  Winckler  recognised  in  these 
names,  whose  suffixes  aUil  and  ajina  clearly  belong  to  the  Mitannian  idiom,  the  Vedic  deities 
Mitra,  Varuna  and  Indra,  while,  following  the  suggestion  of  Prof.  F.  Andreas,  he  hesitatingly, 
though  certainly  by  right,  compared  Nalattiia  with  Nasatya.  It  is  clear  that  the  occur- 
rence of  these  Vedic  deities  in  Mitanni  in  the  14'^  century  B.  C.  throws  a  new  light  upon 
the  supposed  Iranian  origin  of  the  Mitanni  kings.  In  a  postscript  to  his  essay,  which  was  publi- 
shed in  1908,  Meyer  felt  compelled  to  characterize  the  Mitanni  kings  as  Aryans  and  he  lays 
stress   on  the  fact  that  they  did  not  yet  speak  Iranian  but  Aryan.     Meyer  reached  this  con- 

i)  P.  Rost,  Das  sogenannte  Mederrekh  und  das  Emporkommen  der  Perser,  in  MVG,  II  (1897),  p.  216. 

2)  Fritz  Hommel,    Hethiter   und  Scythen    und   das  erste  Auftreien  der  Iranier  in  der  Geschichte,    in  Sitzungs- 
berichte  der  Gesellschaft  der   Wissenschaften  in  Prag,  Philos.-Histor.  CI.,  1898,  No.  VI,  p.  9. 

3)  J.  ScHEFTELOWiTZ,  Die  Sprache  der  Kossder,  in  KZ,  38  (1905),  pp.  260  fF. 

4)  On  some  alleged  Indo-European  languages  in  cuneiform  characters ,  in  American  "Journal  of  Philology ,  XXV. 

5)  Die  dltesien  datierten  Zeugnisse  der  iranischen  Sprache  und  der  zoroastrischen  Religion,  in  KZ  42  (1909),  p.  i  if. 

6)  Mitteilungen  der  Deutschen  Orient-Gesellschaft,  Dezember  1907,  No.  35. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XXI 

elusion  from  the  name  Nalattij^a,  in  the  Boghazkoi  texts  referred  to,  not  appearing  in  its  Iranian 
form  Nahal)ya*,  but  in  its  Indo-Aryan  shape  with  s.  It  thus  constitutes  the  first  original  proof 
of  the  common  Aryan  period  reconstructed  by  scholars,  when  Hindu  and  Iranian  were  not  yet 
separated.  Meyer  now  explained  that  the  sound -phenomenon  mentioned  appears  also  in  the 
name  Suvardata  inasmuch  as  it  contains  the  Skr.  word  svar,  "sun",  as  SCHEFTELOWITZ  had 
already  indicated.  He  also  put  forward  his  modified  view  in  his  essay  "Das  dlteste  Auftreten 
der  Arier  in  dcr  Geschichte'^.  Generally  speaking,  Meyer's  opinion  seems  to  have  been  em- 
braced also  by  Professor  Oldenberg  2,  Mr,  KEITH  ^  and  Mr.  KENNEDY  ^.  Professor  Jacobi  5,  on 
the  other  hand,  continued  to  speak  of  the  language  in  question  as  Iranian,  supposing  that  the 
Vedic  deities  had  come  to  Mitanni  from  Eastern  Iran  where  they  must  have  been  borrowed 
from  India  about  the  sixteenth  century.  A  totally  different  view  was  put  forward  by  Professor 
Sayce,  who,  in  a  short  contribution^  expressed  the  opinion:  "that  the  names  of  the  Mitannian 
kings  are  either  Indo-European  or  Iranian  is  very  unlikely".  This  opinion  appears  to  be 
shared  by  Prof.  Clay,  to  judge  from  the  fact  that  he  has  registered  the  elements  contained 
in  these  names  among  such  of  Hittite-Mitannian  origin'.  On  the  other  hand,  Professor 
WincklerS,  in  1910,  expressly  maintained  that  in  the  Tell  elAmarna  and  Boghazkoi  texts  we 
have  to  do  with  real  Aryans  before  their  division  into  Indians  and  Persians.  He  shows  that 
the  ruling  class  in  Mitanni  was  called  Harri,  a  name  which  survives  in  the  second  column  of 
the  Behistun  inscription,  where  it  denotes  the  Aryans,  and,  further,  that  the  persons  in  closest 
touch  with  the  Mitanni  kings,  namely,  the  nobility,  are  named  marianni,  which  seems  to  be 
identical  with  the  Vedic  word  marya,  "man,  hero".  The  Aryan  theory,  which  at  first  was 
received  with  so  much  distrust,  seemed  thus  to  have  won  a  decisive  victory. 

Nevertheless,  this  theory  must  be  somewhat  modified.  The  fact  that  the  Aryan  s^ 
has  not  with  the  Mitannians  been  changed  to  /;  —  a  fact  which  is  confirmed  by  the  names 
Nalattiia  and  Suvardata  and  further  by  several  names  given  below  —  does  not  itself  justify 
the  supposition  that  the  Mitannian  chiefs  spoke  Aryan.  In  a  notable  article  entitled  Notes  on 
the  Classification  of  Bashgali^^  Professor  Sten  KONOW  pointed  out  that  also  the  Iranian  Bash- 
gali  language  which  forms  part  of  a  group  of  dialects  spoken  on  the  North-Western  frontier 
of  India  has  retained  the  old  Aryan  s.  KONOW  draws  the  conclusion  that  the  change  of  i-  to  ^ 
is  not  so  old  as  the  other  Iranian  characteristics  and  therefore  gives  his  adhesion  to  Bloom- 
field's  theory  that  in  Mitanni  was  spoken  "a  dialect  closely  allied  to  Iranian  but  not  yet 
exactly  Iranian".  The  names  in  question  from  Mitanni  and  Palestine,  indeed,  show  a  peculiar 
mixture  of  Indo-Aryan  and  Iranian  forms.  Apart  from  the  already  mentioned  names  Nasattiia 
and  Suvardata,  the  following  also  appear  to  me  to  be  purely  Indian  in  type:  ArtaUumara 
(Ind.  Artasmara*  "remembering  the  law"),  Biridalva  (Ind.  prd-agva*!^), /<3;i'</«/'<3;  (Ind.  n.  p.Yago- 
datta),  Ruzmanla  (Ind.  rucimanya*),  Satiia  (Ind.  n.  p.  Satya  "the  faithful  one";  Av.  haipya, 

l)  Sitzungsberichte  der  Berl.  Akad.,   1908.  2)  JRAS,  1909,  p.  1095  fF. 

3)  Ibid.,  p.  iiooff.  4)  Ibid,,  p,  iiooff,  5)  Ibid.,  p,  721  ff, 

6)  Ibid,,  p.  1 106  ff.  7)  Clay,  Personal  Names,  p.  28  ff, 

8)  Die  Arier  und  die   Urkunden  von  Boghazkoi,  in  OLZ,   1910,  col.  289  ff. 

9)  As  in  the  Tell  el  Amarna  letters  the  Babylonian  characters  are  used ,  one  would  expect  to  find  Aryan  s 
rendered  by  j.  Instead,  it  appears  everywhere  as  j,  which  perhaps  renders  a  transition  sound  between  the  Arian  J  and 
the  Iranian  h. 

10)  yournal  of  the  Royal  Asiatic  Society,   1911,  p.  i  ff. 

11)  Suggestion  of  Prof,  Reuter.  The  etymology  given  by  Bohl,  Kanaander  und  Hebrder,  p,  17,  n.  I,  according 
to  whom  Biridasva  would  =  Skr,  Brhad-afva,  can  hardly  be  correct.  For  if  the  name  Zirdam^aMa,  as  appears,  con- 
tains the  Iranian  wosd  zarad  "heart"  (=  Ind.  hrd),  it  proves  that  Ind.  h  in  Mitanni  was  changed  into  z,  and  accordingly 
h  also  in  Brhada9va  ought  to  be  written  as  «. 

No.   I.  ° 

XXII  Knut  Tallqvist. 

OPe.  hasiya),  SauHatar^  (Sau-ksatra,  patron,  of  Ind.  n.  p.  Su-ksatra,  Av.  huxsaj)ra), 
Subandi  (Ind.  n.  p.  Subandhu),  Suta  (cf.  Ind.  suta),  Sut{f)arna  (perhaps  =  su-tarana, 
SCHEFTELOWITZ),  Sutatna  (possibly  =  suta-tana  "to  whom  offspring  has  been  born",  or  ==  suta- 
tana  "son  of  a  charioteer",  cf.  Ind,  n.  p.  Sutatanaya),  Tu{i)sratta  (cf.  Ind.  tuvis  "strong,  big", 
and  rath  a  "chariot").  On  the  other  hand  Zirda-miaMa  and  Ma-varzana  are  Iranian,  while 
Artamania  and  Artatama  can  be  both  Aryan  and  Iranian  and  Arzaviia,  Naniavaza,  Mattivaza, 
Teuvatti,  and  others  ought  probably  to  be  distinguished  as  Mitannian-Hittite,  Considering  that 
the  majority  of  the  names  adduced  have  an  obviously  Indo-Aryan  character,  it  seems  to  me 
that  one  might  formulate  the  conclusion  thus,  that  they  represent  a  dialect  closely  allied  to  Aryan 
but  partly  in  process  of  adopting  the  characteristics  distinguishing  Iranian,  thus  a  proto- 
Iranian  dialect. 

Purely  Iranian  names  first  appear  some  centuries  later,  in  the  inscriptions  of  the  Assyrian 
kings,  from  the  ninth  century  onwards.  Shalmaneser  III  was  the  first  Assyrian  ruler  who  entered 
the  land  of  Media.  Among  the  chieftains  against  whom  he  fought  on  the  western  border  of 
Media  Artasari  of  Shurdira,  Data  of  Khubushki  and  Upu  of  Gilzan  probably  bore  Iranian  names. 
In  the  inscriptions  of  Shalmaneser's  successor  Shamshi-Adad  V  we  meet  with  the  names 
Titamaika,  PiriSati,  Hanasiruka,  Munsuartu,  Zarilu,  Paruita,  A^paltatauk,  Mainanis,  Bara, 
Dirnakui,  Irtizati,  Satiria,  Artasirari,  etc.,  most  of  which  are  undoubtedly  Iranian.  In  Sargon's 
account  of  the  conquest  of  Media  the  Iranian  names  are  most  numerous.  To  Sargon's  famous 
list  of  Median  chiefs^  we  can  now  append  a  similar  list  from  the  account  of  Sargon's  eighth 
campaign  3,  in  714  B.  C.  In  business  documents  from  the  periods  of  the  Neo- Assyrian  and  Neo- 
Babylonian  kingdoms,  Iranian  names  occur  hardly  at  all.  On  the  other  hand,  they  naturally 
appear  in  great  quantities  in  Babylonian  deeds  and  documents  from  the  period  of  the  Persian 
domination.  To  these  sources  of  information  regarding  the  occurrence  of  Iranian  names  in 
Semitic  cuneiform  texts  are  finally  to  be  added  the  inscriptions  of  the  Achsemenides. 

An  exhaustive  treatment  of  all  the  Iranian  names  in  Semitic  cuneiform  characters  would 
certainly  be  a  very  profitable  task,  which  must,  however,  be  reserved  for  an  Iranian  scholar. 
When,  as  a  layman  in  Iranian,  I  attempted  to  identify  and  point  out  the  Iranian  names  occurring 
in  this  work,  I  naturally  started  from  the  great  Behistun  inscription  4,  seeing  that  the  Iranian 
names  occur  there  in  a  three-fold  form:  Early  Persian,  Semitic  and  Neo-Elamic.  Besides,  I  have 
kept  mainly  toJuSTi,  Iranisches  Namenbuch^,  but  have  also  consulted  ROST 6,  SCHEFTELOWITZ ', 
HOSING  8,  Meyer,  Bartholomae  9,  and  others. 

i)  The  final  portion  of  the  name,  satar ,  corresponds  rather  to  x^apra  than  to  ksatra  and  is  thus  Iranian, 
as  Mr.  KoNOW  rightly  points  out,  1.  c,  p.  44. 

2)  K.  1668  b.  G.  Smith,  Assyrian  Discoveries,  p.  288f.;  Delitzsch,  Die  Sprache  der  Kossder ,  1884,  p.  48f. ; 
H.  WiNCKLER,  Die  Keilschrifttexte  Sargons,  1889,  II,  pi.  44;  RosT,  in  MVG,  II,  p.  iiiff.;  Streck,  in  ZA,  XV  (1900), 
p.  356ff. ;  ScHEFTELOWiTZ,  in  KZ,  38,  p.  274ff, ;  E.Meyer,  ibid.,  42,  p.  iff. 

3)  Thureau-Dangin,   Une  relation  de  la  huitieme  campagne  de  Sargon,  Paris  1912. 

4)  For  the  Babylonian  version  of  the  Behistun  inscription,  see  III  R  39 — 40.  I  have  also  used  The  Sculptures 
and  Inscriptions  of  Darius  the  Great  on  the  rock  of  Behistun  in  Persia,  a  netv  collation  of  the  Persian,  Susian,  and  Baby- 
lonian texts,  with  English  translations,  etc.,  London  1907;  F.  H.  Weissbach,  Die  Keilinschriften  der  Achameniden, 
Leipzig  191 1. 

5)  F.  JusTi,  Iranisches  Namenbuch,  Marburg  1895.  This  work  is  a  great  storehouse  of  facts,  but  often  mis- 
leading; cf.  HtJsiNG,  KZ,  36,  p.  556 ff. 

6)  Paul  Rost,  Das  sogenannte  Mederreich  und  das  Emporkommen  der  Perser,  MVG,   1897,  pp.  175 — 222. 

7)  IsiDOR  SCHEFTELOWITZ,  Arisches  im  Alien  Testament,  I,  Berlin  1901 ;  Ergdnzungen  zu  Justis  iranischen 
Namen,  ZDMG,  57  (1903),  pp.  165 — 167;  in  this  essay  the  author  takes  into  consideration  only  a  small  portion  of  the 
new  cuneiform  materials  available  in  1903;  Die  Sprache  der  Kossder,  KZ,  38  (1905),  pp.  260 — 277. 

8)  G.  HiJsiNG,  Die  iranischen  Eigennamen  der  Achdmenideninschriften,  Norden  1897;  Altiranische  Mundarten, 
KZ,  36,  p.  556  ff.;  miscellanies.  9)  Christian  Bartholomae,  Altiranisches  Worterbuch,  Strassburg  1904. 


Assyrian  Personal  names.  XXIH 

Many  cuneiform  names  which  JUSTI  included  in  his  book  must  be  eliminated  as 
not  Iranian;  e.  g.  Erisinni,  Telusina,  Iranzu,  Ullusunu,  Uassurme,  Ualli,  Ninni,  Kibaba,  and 
so  forth.  That  the  name  Ahieri  —  borne  by  a  ruler  of  Man  —  which  JUSTi  was  inclined  to 
derive  from  the  Iranian  base  x^'^»  ^^  not  Iranian  seems  to  me  proved  by  the  fact  that  it  is 
written  Ah-h-e-ri  in  Assyrian  but  Ah-si-ri  in  Babylonian  (KGAS  24),  while  Iranian  yl,  as  a  rule, 
was  rendered  in  Assyrian  by  ks  and  in  Babylonian  by  hi  (see  below).  Like  Erisinni,  Ualli, 
Ullusunu,  Lutipri,  Arame,  Sardur,  and  other  Urartian  names,  so  also  Akieri  seems  to  belong 
to  the  widespread  group  of  Hittite  names.  The  names  Kundalpi  and  Kustaspi,  which  were 
borne  by  two  princes  in  Kummukh-Commagene  in  854  and  740  B.  C,  have  generally  been 
regarded  as  Iranian,  ever  since  Franc.  Lenormant  1,  Alfr.  von  Gutschmid^,  Ball^,  RosT'* 
and  HOMMEL  ^  connected  them  with  Gundasp  (Vindaspa)  and  Gustasp  (Vistaspa).  The  necessity 
of  supposing  the  sound  change  vi  ^  gu  (ku)  to  have  occurred  already  at  that  remote  time 
(9'^  and  8'*^  century)  to  which  these  names  belong  is,  however,  calculated  to  awaken  doubts^  as 
to  the  correctness  of  these  identifications,  since  the  sound  change  in  question  is  with  certainty 
known  to  occur  only  in  a  much  later  period  namely  in  Middle  Persian  in  the  time  of  the  Arsacids 
and  Sassanids.  Further,  these  supposed  Iranians,  in  spite  of  their  predecessors  in  Mitanni,  are 
historically  isolated,  all  other  known  princes  of  Kummukh  having  purely  Hittite  names:  Kurirpa, 
Muttallu,  Qatazilu.  And  as  Kouv8a  and  ko(5to  and  cjri  are  common  elements  in  names  in  Asia 
Minor''  and  the  Hittite  names,  as  a  general  rule,  correspond  with  them  (see  below),  it  is  most 
probable  that  Kundaspi  and  KuHaipi  are  Hittite  names  s. 

As, for  the  name  iW-^/-^,  which  was  borne  by  a  son  of  Z^^a://^  of  Ellipi,  a  half-brother (.?) 
of  the  Iranian  Upabara,  JuSTi's  attempt  to  connect  it  with  the  Iranian  naiba  "handsome"  seems 
quite  plausible,  and  yet  the  name  is  rather  a  hypocoristicon  belonging  to  a  Cassite  name  such 
as  Nibi-Sipak^. 

These  examples  show  how  difficult  it  is  to  decide  with  certainty  under  which  group 
of  languages  certain  names  ought  to  be  classified.  This  is  especially  the  case  with  a  number 
of  names  coming  from  the  borders  of  Media,  which  have  a  strikingly  Iranian  ring  but  defy  all 
the  efiforts  of  the  etymologists.  Under  such  circumstances,  to  attempt  to  establish  the  laws 
regulating  the  representation  of  Iranian  sounds  in  Semitic  cuneiform  characters  is  a  hazardous 
undertaking.   I  will,  however,  venture  upon  a  few  observations  which  throw  light  upon  the  question. 

Iranian  s,  like  the  West  Semitic  s,  appears  in  Babylonian  as  s,  e.  g.  Vistaspa  =  UUaspi, 
Vai^umisa  =  Umissu,  Vayaspara  =  Misparu,  Suguda  =  '"^* Su-ug-du,  Parsa  =  "*^*Pa-ar-su  (Beh.), 
As^\xm\tsin2i'*  =  Aspu-me-ta-na-  TNB,  Av.  spitama  =  Zy-ZZ-zV^-^z/z-w?^  UMBS  II  i,  and  so  forth; 
seldom  as  i,  e.  g.  Aspa-zanta*  =  Al-pa-za-an-da-  BE  X;  in  Assyrian  as  i  and  s,  cf.  aspa  =  aspa, 
ispa,  ispa  (cf.  Brockelmann,  p.  166  r))  in  Aspabara,  Is-pa-ka-a-a.  In  the  Amarna  letters  and 
Boghazkoi  texts  the  proto-Iranian  or  Old  Indian  s  i^  li)  is  represented  by  l"^^,  e.  g.  Nasatya 

i)  Lettres  Assyriologiques,  Paris  187 1,  p.  144. 

2)  Neue  Beitrdge  zur  Geschichte  des  alien  Orients,  Leipzig  1876,  p.  66. 

3)  C.J.  Ball,  Iranian  Names  among  the  Hetta-Hatte,  in  PSBA,  X  (1887/8),  p.  424 — 436. 

4)  MVG  II  (1897),  p.  184.  5)  Hethiter  und  Skythen,  1898,  p.  i  ff. 

6)  Cf.  Meyer,  KZ,  42,  p.  17. 

7)  Cf.  SuNDWALL,    Die  einheimischen  Namen  der  Lykier  nebst  einem   Verzeichnisse  kleitiasiatischer  Namenstdmme, 
Leipzig  1913,  pp.  78,  98,  III. 

8)  Clay,    Personal  Names,    pp.  37  f.    dismembers    our    names    ktm    and    kus  -f-  daspi   registering   them   among 
Cassite  name  elements. 

9)  Cf.  HiJsiNG,    MVG  III  (1898),    p.  317;    the   name   read   there   as  Ni-be-sar-usur   ought,    in  accordance  with 
HABL  466,  R.  4,  to  be  read  A-mat-sarri-usur . 

10)  Cf.  above,  p.  XXI. 
No.  I. 

XXIV  Knut  Tallqvist. 

= 'iNa-sa-at-ti-ia,  Snw2,Y-d2Lti2i*  =  Su-wa-ar-da-ta,  OInd.  S^tydi  =  Sd-ti-ia,  OInd.  Subandhu 
=  Su-ba-an-di,  Sutarana*  =  >Su-tar-na,  Sutatana*  =  }Su-ta-at-na. 

Iranian  i  is  represented  by  I  in  Babylonian  and,  strangely  enough,  in  Assyrian  also; 
cf.  for  Babylonian:  Dadarsis  =  Da-da-ar-lu,  Cispais  =  SiSpii,  Fravartis  =  Parumartis, 
Xsaya-rssL  ^=  AMiiarlu,  Kurus  =  KuraS,  mams  =  mani},  Ma.nusta.nsi  =  Ma-nu-us-ta-nuBEX; 
for  Assyrian:  Patisuuaris,  MPe.  Patisx'^ar  =  Ass.  """* Pa-tu-uhar-ra  Esarh.  IR  15,  IV3  =  Ba. 
^ Pa-id- di-ii-hu-ri-is\  aisa  =  /i'«,  in  Ass.  Sa-tar-e-iii,  Ba.  Mizda-,  Bag-e-H\  S2itdi  =  sata,  in  Ass. 
Pi-ri-sa-a-ti,  Ba.  Arta-sa-a-ta  TNB;  Av.  siti-vairya*  (KZ  38,  ^.  2'/6)  =  "^ Si-ti-u-a-rl-ia  Shalm. 
Ob.  184.  On  the  other  hand  there  is  no  certain  evidence  of  the  simple  Iranian  s  changing  into  Ass.  s  ^ 
Iranian  st  and  U  appear  as  U  in  Babylonian  as  well  as  in  Assyrian,  e.  g.  AstivaeYa*(.?) 
=  Bd..  Is-tu-me-gu,  Av.  A-rastya  =  Ass.  A-ra-ai-tu-a;  cf.  SuQ)-tir-na,  in  case  this  name  is  con- 
nected with  Avestan  stura  (cf.  SfTjpavoc);  OPe.  Vistaspa  =  Ba.  UUaspi;  parav  +  usti  (cf.  Av. 
Pourustay)  =  Ass.  Pa-ru-uhta. 

Iranian  \s  is  in  Babylonian  represented  by  hi,  ki,  and  i,  e.  g.  X§ayarsa  =  Ah\kUiarlu, 
ArtaxsaJ)''a  =  Artahiassu,  Arta^sara*  =  Ar-ta-ah-J^a-ar  BE  IX;  x^a^^ra  (resp.  OInd.  ksatra) 
=  latar  in  TA  SauUatar  and  Sa-ta-ar-bar-za-nu  UMBS  II  i  =:XsaJ)ravarzana*;  Bagabuxsa 
=  Ba-ga-bu-ki-lu\  Xsa^rita  =  Na-la-at-ri-it-ti,  Ka-al-ta-ri-ti.  In  Assyrian  the  Iranian  x^  corre- 
sponds to  ks  and  s,  cf.  t/a>^i-a/rtr  =  Huvaxsatara,  Sandaksatru  (compos,  with  xsaj)ra),  Sa- 
iar-pa-nu  =  Xsaprapavan,  Arta-sa-ri  =  Ba.  Ar-ta-a^-la-ri  <C  Artaxsapra,  Za-na-sa-na  *= 
zana  +  xsan*  (cf.  Skr.  ksan  "to  hurt'',  OPe.  a-xsata  "unhurt"). 

Iranian  c  became  i  both  in  Babylonian  and  Assyrian;  e.  g.  Ci"§ixris  =  Ba.  Sifdahril, 
Cispais  =  Ba.  SiSpil,  c\\)V?i  =  Htra,  Htir  in  Ba.  Sit{i)ra?itahma,  Ass.  Si-tir-parna]  raucah== 
rusn  in  Arta-ru-hi  TNB,  cf.  Ru-M-un-datn,  Ru-h'i-un-pati  BE  IX. 

Aryan  palatal  §  (=  Skr.  g)  passed  in  the  West  into  i,  cf.  TA  Bi-ri-da-a}-x(ja  =  pTd-a(;va, 
and  la-as-da-ta  =  Y3.Qoda.tta..  Iranian  ]  and  z  appear  in  Babylonian  as  z,  cf.  Ka"bujiya  = 
Kambuzila,  mizda.  =  mizda  in  Mi-iz-da-e-lii,  etc. 

Iranian  zd  appears  as  Id  in  Ass.  Masdaku  =  Mazdak;  cf  Zirdamialda  (compos, 
with  myazda). 

Old  Persian  d=  Avestan  z  is  in  Babylonian  and  Assyrian  rendered  with  z\  e.  g.  OPe. 
Artavardiya  =  Ba.  Artamarziia,  Bardiya  =  Barzita\  Bagadusta*  Av.  Bagazusta  =  Baga- 
zuhum  BE  IX;  Skr.  Jambhana,  Av.  Zambhana*  =  Ass.  Zabanu  (Scheftelowitz,  KZ,  38, 
p.  275);  cf.  OPe.  Daduhya  =  Ba.  Zatii a\  ^'Durdukka  =  Zurzukka  Sarg.  Ann.  32,  Khors.  48.  Old 
Persian  })  :=  Avestan  s  appears  as  s  in  "^z..' Siihra. 

Iranian  r  is  changed  into  /  in  Ass.  Dalta  (=  Av.  darsta),  and  Ba.  Altaklatsu  <C  Arta- 
X§aJ)''a.     Cf.  "^Arbailu  =  Pe.  Arbira. 

Iranian  v  is  in  TA  represented  by  i/a,  tii  (the  sign  pi),  in  New  Babylonian  by  w,  u, 
and  b,  in  Assyrian  by  «;  e.  g. TA  Ma-warzana\  Ba.  Misparu  =  Vayaspara;  Parumartil  =  Fra- 
vartis; Umimana  =Y\v^na.\  U-mi-da-ar-nd  (Beh.),  ^-^«-rt:r-««-'  BE  IX  =  Vidarna;  Sa-ta- 
bar-za-na  BE  IX  =  SanPap^avriq  (compos,  with  varezan);  Ass.  t/'-rt^-^r^z-^;/ =  varezana. 

Iranian  x^  appears  as  h  in  Ass.  Biriz-hatri  (compos,  with  x^aj)""*).  Iranian  h  was  usually 
not  pronounced  by  the  Babylonians  and  Assyrians;  hence  we  have  Haxamanis  =  AhamaniS, 
Darayavahus  =  Dariiamul,  Vahyasdata  =  Umisdatu,  and  so  forth.  In  a  few  cases  it  is 
represented  by  h\  e.  g.  '^ A-hu-ru-mazda  h^sxd&s^tf-ra-nia-az-da  (cf  Weissbach,  Die  Keilmschriften 
der  Achdmeniden,  p.  137);  Pir-ru-ha-a-tu,  Pu-ur-ha-at  BE  X  =  OPe.  Frahata*;  cf.  Ha-ad-ba-ga-a 
besides  Ad-ba-ga-   BE  IX,  Hu-u-mar-datu  besides  U-mar-datu,  and  so  forth. 

i)  Nor  did  in  Hebrew  and  Aramaic  Iranian  s  pass  into  s  (Scheftelowitz,  Arisches,  I,  p.  58). 

Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XXV 

Iranian  _)/  between  two  vowels  appears  sometimes  as  m  or  u(^=v)\  XSayarsa  =  ^^Jf?'- 
marlu,  AhSumarh,  AMuariu,  etc.;  cf.  Bi.  ©l^'ipni!?. 

The  Iranian  diphtongs  are  in  Semitic  cuneiform  writing  weakened:  ae,  ai  to  e  or  i, 
e.  g.  Arta-raeva*  =  Arta-ri{-e)-mu  BE  IX;  aiSa,  aeSa  =  e^u  in  Bagi-,  Mizda-e-iu  BE  IX, 
XSapra-aesa*  =  Ass.  vSV?/«r-^-i«;  pairi  =//r?  in  Ass.  Pi-ri-Mti]  au,  ao  to  u,  cf.  Gaubruva  = 
Gubaruy  ra.o  can  a- data.*  =  Ru^undatii,  and  so  forth. 

In  order  to  facilitate  the  pronunciation  of  two  consonants,  especially  in  the  beginning 
of  a  word,  but  not  infrequently  also  in  the  interior  of  it,  an  additional  vowel  is  used:  a)  before 
the  first  consonant,  e.  g.  Ahsitarhi  =  Xsayarsa,  Is-pi-i-ta-am-mu  UMBS  II  i  =  Spitama,  Ip-ra- 
a-du-pirna  BE  IX  =  (I)paTacpepvr)(;;  cf.  Bi.  QiSBnitDnsn  from  3(saJ)rapavan;  b)  between  the  two 
consonants;  e.  g.  HasilHiU-iariu,  Hasatrittu  =  Xsaprita;  Ba.  iatar,  Ass.  satar  =  xsapra;  sitir 
(beside  }i/ra)  =  cipra;  parici)  =  fra  in  Pa-ra-da-  =  Frada,  Partama  =  fratama,  Parumartis 
=  Fravartis,  etc.;  hatir  (beside  ^atri)  =  ^"a^va;  plrrina  =  (am a,  in  Pi-ir-ri-na-sdtu\  Baga- 
^«^/j«  =  Baga-bu)^sa,  and  so  forth;  c)  before  and  after  the  first  consonant;  &.  g.  AkkaHiariu 
=  Xsayarsa. 

The  Iranian  sound  group  pr  is  in  Babylonian  and  Assyrian  represented  by  /r,  e.g.  MiJ)ra  = 
'^Mi-'it-ri,  ^sa^r{ta  =  Hasatrittu,  and  so  forth,  while  the  corresponding  Old  Persian  single  character 
Y  appears  in  Babylonian  as  tr,  ts,  ss  and  i,  e.  g.  cij)^a  =  Htir,  Htra  in  Sit{i)i'antahma  = 
Ci})  antay^ma,  Artaksatsu,  Artaldassii  etc.  =  Artay^sal^^ a,  Asma=-Al)'^ina.  The  change  of  this 
double  sound  into  a  sibilant  took  place  in  a  comparatively  early  time,  as  may  be  concluded  from 
the  examples  just  mentioned  and  such  Greek  forms  of  names  as  Apra^e(ScSr]i;  and  Ti66a(pepvr\c,. 
Hence  I  have  presumed  that  this  change  likewise  occurs  in  the  name  Umissu  <C  Va'^umisa  •<; 
Va'^umi{)''a;  but  I  quite  admit  that  this  explanation  is  doubtful,  since  the  etymology  of  the  name 
in  question,  according  to  Iranian  scholars,  is  not  clear.  As  for  the  later  change  into  hr,  which  is 
■frequent  in  Middle  and  New  Persian,  it  is  difficult  to  believe  that  it  could  have  led  to  the  names 
Baga-mtri  and  Arta}isar  from  the  time  of  Artaxerxes  I  (B.  C.  462 — 424)  as  HusiNG  supposes  ^ 
Baga-niiri  is,  in  all  probability,  identical  with  Bagavlra^.  On  the  other  hand,  Ar-ta-ah-ia-ar 
BE  IX  or  Ar-tah,-ia-ri  TNB  L  e.  Apx(jlp.pv\c^,  to  my  mind,  corresponds  to  Ass.  Ar-ta-sa-ri,  which 
name  is  known  from  830  B.  C.  Now  if  ArtahSar  —  Artasari  were  identical  with  Arta^sahr  we 
should  be  obliged  to  assume  that  the  sound  change  pr  >»  hr  occurred  as  early  as  the  9*''  century, 
which  is  improbable.  Hence  we  may  accept  the  explanation  given  by  JUSTI,  Schulze^  and 
others,  according  to  which  {ArtaMar  ■ — Artasari — )  ApTa^apr^q  is  a  "Kosename"  formed  with 
-ara  from  the  abbreviated  form  Artahs*. 

Finally  it  will  be  noted  that  Iranian  vowel  stems  in  a  in  the  Assyrian-Babylonian  ren- 
dering frequently  appear  with  the  ending  a,  which  perhaps  corresponds  to  the  Avestan  nomi- 
native ending  o  and  Old  Persian  y*;  ci.  Ardara  (argdra),  Arsakd,  Ariaramnd,  AtarUtra,  Data, 
Ba/ta  (d^rsta),  Paradd  (Frada),  Mitirriadadd  (UMBS,  II,  i),  Umimand  (Vivana),  l/midarnd  (Vidarna), 
Umittand  (TNB;  Utana),  Uppammd  (Av.  upama),  Suhrd,  etc.;  cf.  also  Misparu  (=  Vayaspara). 

The  investigation  of  Elamite  names,  which  especially  the  excavations  at  Susa  provided 
with  a  rich  material,  is  still  in  its  infancy.  In  treating  of  the  not  very  numerous  Elamite  names 
that  occur  in  this  work,  I  have  availed  myself  of  Jensen's'*  and  Husing's^  important  researches 
and  suggestions. 

i)  Cf.  KZ  36,  p.  562.  2)  Cf,  NoLDEKE,  BE  IX  sub  voce;  Scheftelowitz,  ZDMG,  57,  p.  166. 

3)  JusTi,  Iranisches  Namenbtuh,  p.  36;  Schulze,  KZ,  33,  p.  220  ff. 
4.)  P.Jensen,  Elaniitische  Eigennamen,  in  WZKM,  VI  (1891),  pp.  47— 70,  209 — 226. 

5)  G.  HiJsiNG,    Reduplication  and  Iteration  in  Elamischen  Eigennatnen,  in  OLZ,   1900,  col.  83  f.;    Die  Elamische 
Sprachforschung,  in  Memnon,   1910,  pp.  5 — 40. 

No.  I.  D 

3JXVI  Knut  Tallqvist. 

Our  knowledge  of  the  name-formation  among  the  Cassites  also  is  still  very  incomplete. 
It  is  rendered  the  more  difficult  by  the  fact  that  we  have  no  original  texts  in  the  language  of  the 
Cassites  and  that  Cassite  names  have  come  to  us  only  in  a  more  or  less  semiticized  form.  That 
the  Assyrian  translations  of  Cassite  names  in  the  tablet  K.  4426  (see  II  R  65,  No.  2 ;  V  R  44)  and 
the  famous  Cassitic-Assyrian  glossary^,  the  original  text  of  which  has  unfortunately  never  been 
published,  are  not  reliable,  indeed  are  quite  misleading,  has  been  shown  convincingly  by  HusiNG^. 
In  its  main  features  the  name-formation  among  the  Cassites  corresponds  with  that  of  the  Ela- 
mites,  as  is  only  natural,  considering  that  the  languages  of  the  Cassites  and  the  Elamites 
were  related  3. 

A  large  number  of  Cassite  names  occur  in  the  documents  from  the  temple  archives  of 
Nippur,  dated  in  the  reigns  of  Cassite  rulers  4.  The  personal  names  occurring  in  these  and  in 
various  unpublished  texts  were  collected  by  Professor  Clay  in  his  useful  book  Personal  names 
from  Cuneiform  Inscriptions  of  Cassite  Period,  New  Haven  191 2.  He  added  to  his  merits  by 
giving  (pp.  36 — 41)  a  summary  of  the  elements  occurring  in  the  names.  He  moreover  demon- 
strates by  several  examples  that  the  Cassite  and  Mitannite-Hittite  names  have  many  elements 
in  common^,  and  emphasizes  the  necessity  of  investigating  "whether  there  is  not  Hnguistically 
some  connection  between  the  people".  As  a  matter  of  fact,  this  question  has  already  been 
answered  in  the  affirmative,  in  so  far  as  those  students  are  right,  who,  like  HOMMEL,  BoRK  and 
others,  have  maintained  the  relationship  of  Cassite  to  Elamite  and  of  Elamite  to  Mitannite.  Many 
lexical  and  grammatical  similarities  which  appear  in  the  name-formation  of  the  languages  in 
question,  are  pointed  out  in  this  work  also. 

It  still  remains  for  us  to  refer  to  the  numerous  Hittlte-Mitannian  names  in  this  work. 
Names  belonging  to  this  group  occur,  as  is  well  known,  first  in  early  Babylonian  texts,  and  are 
very  frequent  in  Babylonian  documents  from  the  Cassile  period,  especially  in  those  from  Nippur; 
they  occur  also  in  ancient  Assyrian  documents  from  Asshur  and  Kerkuk,  east  of  the  Tigris,  in 
the  Tell  elAmarna  letters,  in  the  cuneiform  inscriptions  discovered  at  Ta'annek  (Taanach),  in 
the  Hatti  documents  from  Boghazkoi,  in  the  so-called  Cappadocian  tablets,  in  the  Assyrian  kings' 
inscriptions  and  in  Assyrian  business  documents.  To  these  cuneiform  sources  must  be  added 
the  Egyptian  inscriptions  and  the  Hittites'  own  documents  in  hieroglyphs.  The  former  I  have 
taken  into  consideration,  but  not  the  latter,  since  their  decipherment  still  appears  to  be  uncertain. 

To  interpret  names,  regarded  as  Hittite-Mitannian ,  it  would  naturally  be  of  the  utmost 
importance  to  understand  the  language  or  languages  spoken  by  Hittites  and  Mitannians.  But 
up  to  the  present  our  knowledge  of  this  subject  is  very  defective.    Mitannian  is  better  known  . 

i)  F.  Delitzsch,  Die  Sprache  der  Kosslier,  Leipzig  1884,  p.  25  f. 

2)  Memnon,  IV,  p.  22  ff. 

3)  ScHEFTELOwrrz's  attempt  in  Die  Sprache  der  Kossaer,  YJL,  38,  p.  260  ff.,  to  prove  the  Indo-European, 
especially  Aryan  character  of  the  Cassite  language,  represents  a  point  of  view  since  abandoned.  There  is  more  to  be 
said  for  the  opinion  of  Hommel  (in  Hithiter  nnd  Skythen)  partly  supported  by  Bloomfield  {On  some  alleged  Indo- 
European  languages)  and  Dhorme  [Les  Aryens  avant  Cyrus,  in  Conferences  de  Saint-Etienne,  1910— 1911;  cf.  Bork,  OLZ, 
14  (1911),  col.  472  ff.),  namely,  that  there  was  among  the  Cassites,  as  among  the  Mitannites,  an  Aryan  overlordship, 
and  that  some  of  the  Cassites  names  for  gods  and  kings  were  Aryan.  But  many  of  the  similarities  of  language  suggested 
by  those  scholars  are  extremely  problematical.  The  identification  of  Curias  with.  Skr.  surya,  however,  is  possibly  correct; 
cf.  Meyer,  KZ,  42,  p.  26. 

4)  A.  T.  Clay,  Documents  frotn  (he  Temple  Archives  of  Nippur,  Philadelphia,  1906,  1912  (BE  XIV,  XV; 
UMBSII,  2).     Hugo  Radau,  Letters  to  Cassite  Kings  from  the  Temple  Archives  of  Nippur,  Philadelphia,   1908  (BE  XVII). 

5)  Some  of  the  names  adduced  by  Clay  (p.  44  f.)  ought,  indeed,  to  be  taken  differently  from  his  interpretation. 
A-kal-sar  is  probably  to  be  read  A-rib-sar;  instead  of  A-ri-la-lum  read  A-dal-la-lum,  from  the  Semitic  base  Vi>1;  la-afi- 
zi-ba-da  may  be  Canaanite  and  not  Cassite;  for  Has-me-Tesup  read  &il-me-Tesup  (cf.  ^i-il-me);  Me-Tesup  is  not  found 
in  Clay's  list  of  names,  but  Me-Turgu,  and  so  forth. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XXVII 

owing  to  the  special  study  devoted  to  the  great  Mitanni  text  in  the  Tell  elAmarna  letters  by 
Knudtzon  \  Sayce2,  Jensen  3,  Brunnow^  Messerschmidt^  and  Bork<^.  As  a  result,  especially 
of  the  inquiries  made  by  the  last  named  scholar,  it  is  most  probable  that  Mitannian  was  a  Cau- 
casian language,  showing  affinity  with  north-Elamitic  and  the  Hatti-Khaldian  group  of  languages. 
That  the  language  spoken  by  the  Hatti  was  Indo-European,  is  probably  no  longer  maintained 
by  anybody.  A  closer  acquaintance  with  its  character  may  be  expected  when  the  valuable 
Boghazkoi  material  becomes  accessible  to  research.  What  relation  the  language  or  dialects 
spoken  in  the  petty  Hittite  kingdoms  which  arose  after  the  fall  of  the  Hatti  empire,  bore  to  the 
Ilatti  or  to  the  Mitannian  language  we  can  only  determine  by  the  names  of  persons  from  that 
period.  We  may,  therefore,  first  and  last  lay  stress  upon  the  fact  that  the  Hatti,  Mitannian 
and  late-Hittite  names  have  an  uniform  character  and  thus,  to  a  certain  extent, 
justify  the  inclusion  of  Hatti,  Mitannians  and  late-Hittites  under  the  general  name 
of  Hittites. 

Whatever  has  been  done  hitherto  for  the  collection  and  interpretation  of  cuneiform 
Hittite  names,  is  chiefly  due  to  investigators  such  as  Ball',  Sayce^,  Sachau^,  Pinches i*^, 
HoMMEL^i,  Jensen '2^  Winckleri^^  Bork'^,  Weber i^,  Ungnad^^,  Luckenbill^',  Ranke^s^ 
GUSTAVS^^  and  Clay  20.  Whilst  formerly  students,  led  astray  by  superficial  sound  resemblances 
^nd  by  the  occurrence  of  unmistakably  proto-Iranian  names  among  the  Mitannians,  sought  for 
parallels  to  Hittite  names  in  Iranian  or  Indo-European  languages,  they  have  only  lately  turned 
their  attention  to  the  indigenous  languages  of  Asia  Minor.  In  1892  Professor  Sachau  identified 
some  "Hittite"  names  as  Cilician.  Professor  Jensen,  in  1894,  was  disposed  to  replace  the  appel- 
lation Hatti  or  Hittite  by  CiHcian,  and  in  drawing  his  comparisons  took  names  even  from  other 
parts  of  Asia  Minor,  whilst  regarding  Cilician  as  nearest  to  the  Indo-European  languages,  espe- 
cially to  Armenian.  In  his  book  Hittiter  tmd  Armenier  (p.  120)  he  says  expressly  that  the  "Hatti- 
Cilician"  elements  he  found  in  the  names  Surri,  Kundaspi,  Urikki,  Uassurme,  Ushitti,  Urimme, 
Gimzinanu,  Hulli,  B{P)uriita^,  etc.  are  not  to  be  met  with  in  later  names  from  Western  Asia 
Minor.  This,  however,  is  an  obvious  error,  since  in  reality  the  majority  of  the  elements  con- 
tained in  these  names,  are  to  be  found  in  Carian  and  Lydian  names  also.    Meanwhile,  Kretschmer 

i)  Die  Tafel  in  der  Mitannisprache,   WA.2'j,  in  Beitrdge  zur  Assyriologie,  IV,  pp.  134 — 153. 

2)  The  language  of  Mitanni,  Academy,  Jan.  25,  1890;  Zeitschrift  fi'ir  Assyriologie,  V  (1890),  pp.  260 — 274. 

3)  Vorstudicn  zur  Entzifferung  des  Mitanni,  ZA,  V,  pp.  166—208;  VI,  pp.  34— 72;  Zur  Erkldrung  des  Mitanni, 
ZA,  XIV  (1899),  pp.  173-181. 

4)  Die  Mitctni-Sprache,  ZA,  V,  pp.  209 — 259. 

5)  Mitanni- Studien,  MVG,  IV  (1899),  pp.  175 — 308. 

6)  Die  Mitannisprache,  MVG,  XIV  (1909),  pp.  i — 126. 

7)  Iranian  names  among  the  Hetta-Hatte,  PSBA,  X,   1887/8,  pp.  424 — 436. 

8)  Many  contributions,  in  PSBA  and  JRAS. 

9)  Bemerktmgen  zu  Cilicischen  Eigennamen,  ZA,  VII  (1892),  pp.  85 — 103. 

10)  JRAS,   1897,  p.  590  f, 

11)  Hethiter  und  Sky  then  und  das  erste  Au/treten  der  Irajtier  in  der  Geschichte,    189S;    Grundriss  der  Geographie 
tmd  Geschichte  des  Alten  Orients,  1904,  pp.42 — 56;  Mitanni-Namen  in  den  Drehem-Tafeln,  OLZ,  XVI  (1913),  col.  304 — 306. 

12)  Grundlagen  fiir  eine  Entzifferung  der  {hatischen  oder)  cilicischen {^)  Inschriften,  ZDMG,  48  (1894),  pp.  235 — 352; 
Die  kilikischen  Inschriften,  WZKM,  X,  pp.  3 — 20;  Hittiter  und  Armenier,  Strassburg,  1898. 

13)  See  above,  p.  XV. 

14)  Mitanni-Namen  aus  Nippur,  OLZ,  IX  (1906),  col.  588 — 590. 

15)  Anmerkungen,  in  Knudtzon,  Die  el-Amarna-Tafeln,  p.  1009  fF.,  passim. 

16)  Untersiuhungen  zu  den  Urkunden  aus  Dilbat,  BA,  VI  (1909),  No.  5,  pp.  8 — 21.. 

17)  Some  Hittite  and  Mitannian  personal  Names,  AJSL,  26  (1909/10),  pp.  96  — 104. 

18)  Keilschriftliches  Material  zur  altdgyptischen  Vokalisation,  Berlin,  1 910. 

19)  Bemerkungen  zur  Bedeutung  und zum  Bau  von  Mitanni-Namen,  OLZ,  15  (191 2),  col.  241 — 246,  300 — 305,  35°~35^- 

20)  Personal  Names,   19 12. 

No.  I.  D* 

XXVin  Knut  Tallqvist. 

had  proved  in  his  fundamental  work  Einleitung  in  der  Geschichte  der  Griechischen  Spracke  (1896) 
that  the  languages  of  Asia  Minor  are  interrelated  on  phonetical,  onomatological  and  ethnological 
grounds.  With  the  establishment  of  this  fact,  the  way  lay  open  for  a  comparison  on  a  scientific 
basis  of  Hittite  names,  not  only  with  Cilician  names,  but  even  with  those  from  the  western  part 
of  Asia  Minor.  And  further,  since  Winckler's  discovery  in  Boghazkoi  established  that  the 
centre  of  the  Hatti  empire,  circa  1500  B.  C,  lay  in  Asia  Minor  (Cappadocia),  the  Hittites  and 
the  peoples  of  Asia  Minor  have  been  brought  still  nearer  to  each  other.  With  greater  reason 
than  ever  before,  research  on  the  subject  of  Hittite  names  must  henceforth  turn  its  attention  to 
the  linguistic  material  found  in  the  names  in  Asia  Minor.  BORK 1  and  Gustavs  2  were,  as  far  as 
I  know,  the  first  to  lay  stress  on  the  importance  of  that  material,  GusTAVS  using  even  Carian 
(and  Lycian)  names  for  comparison  with  Mitannian  ones.  These  points  of  view  have,  unfortu- 
nately, been  left  quite  unnoticed  by  Professor  Clay,  the  latest  and  most  thorough  investigator 
of  Hittite  names,  and  he  contented  himself  with  giving  a  list  of  name  elements  adopted  by  him, 
without  comments  or  parallels. 

For  my  own  part,  I  have  consistently  compared  Hittite  names  with  those  from  Asia 
Minor.  In  this  I  have  been  greatly  helped  by  my  countryman  Dr.  SUNDW all's  excellent  work 
Die  einheimischen  Namen  der  Lykier  nebst  einem  Verzeichnisse  kleitiasiatischer  Namenstdmme  in 
which  the  name-material  offered  by  Asia  Minor  is  given,  critically  collected  and  systematically 
treated,  especially  with  regard  to  the  elements  used  in  the  formation  of  the  names.  In  the 
course  of  my  comparisons  I  have  come  to  the  noteworthy  conclusion,  that  it  is  not  a  question 
of  a  few  accidental  points  of  agreement,  but  that  all  the  elements  contained  in  Hittite- 
Mitannian  names,  with  a  few  exceptions,  are  to  be  found  in  the  names  of  Asia 
Minor  also,  such  as  they  occur  in  (Lycian)  original  inscriptions  or  in  Greek  transcriptions. 
This  fact  would  bear  out  the  theory  that  Hittite-Mitannians  and  the  original  inhabitants  of  Asia 
Minor  belong  to  the  same  group  of  nations,  whether  called  Hattians  (ace.  to  FiCK)  or  Hittites 
(ace.  to  Kannengiesser)  or  Caucasians  (ace.  to  Bork),  —  which  spread  westwards  to  the  Greek 
islands  and  the  continent  of  Europe,  and  eastwards  to  Armenia  and  the  confines  of  Media 
and  Elam. 

The  Hittite  name  elements  traced  by  me  will  be  found  in  List  II,  3,  in  so  far  as  they 
are  contained  in  the  names  of  List  I.  But  for  the  sake  of  lucidity,  an  additional  list  is  given 
below,  in  which  are  included  the  elements  also  of  some  personal  names  (and  some  place  names) 
which  are  not  included  in  List  I.  The  Hittite  name  elements  are  printed  in  fat-faced  type,  those 
of  Asia  Minor  in  the  usual  type;  the  mark  *  indicates  such  forms  as  have  not  been  met  with 
in  original  inscriptions  from  Asia  Minor,  but  are  derived  from  Greek  name-forms  which,  in  some 
cases,  are  added  in  Greek  characters.  The  small  letters  h  c  k  m  t  n  a  b  attached  to  the  Hittite  name 
elements  mean:  ^  that  the  respective  names  occur  in  Boghazkoi  texts,  ^  in  Cappadocian  tablets, 
k  in  Kerkuk  tablets,  "»  in  Mitannian  and  Tell  elAmarna  texts,  '  in  texts  from  Ta'annek,  "  in 
documents  from  Nippur,  ^  in  Assyrian  documents  (chiefly  from  the  Q''^  to  7*  centuries)  and  "^  in 
early  Babylonian  texts.     The  probable  meaning  of  the  elements  is  also  given  in  paranthesis. 

aba^  —  aba,  apa;  ada'^  —  ada;  aga,  aha,  see  aka;  ahli(b)'^"  —  kla*  (perhaps  =  cpuXr)); 
akahckma^  ah(h)as  agi"S  aka-b^  aga-b-""  (cf.  Mit.  «/&  "to  bring")  —  aka  (aKa,  axe,  ayo);  akpar'' 

i)  Bork  notices  in  passing  that  names  from  Asia  Minor,  not  preserved  in  cuneiform  characters,  show  a  sur- 
prising number  of  points  of  agreement  with  Mitannian  names,  Memnon,  V  (191 1),  p.  46  b. 

2)  Gustavs,  /.  c,  has  taken  a  fundamentelly  correct  course  also  in  trying  to  discover  grammatical  forms  of 
Mitannian  verbs  in  Mitannien  names.  Many  of  his  ideas,  however,  carry  little  conviction.  He  is  entirely  mistaken  in 
the  suggestion  on  col.  303  f.,  as  the  name  occurring  VS,  I,  108,  2  is  not  Kas-sa-ga  but  Bi-ir-ga-sa-ta.  One  should  also 
read  Ta-hab-hnni  for  Ta-kU-hnni, 

T.  XLin. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XXIX 

(in  Akpard)  —  kppara;  aksa''  (in  Ala-{a)Ba-n-du),  ahsa^*,  ahsa'^  (in  Ah^i\'-ri)  —  akzza*;  akte,  see 
kta;  ala'^'^  —  ala  (=  'i:rr;roq);  algl"  (in  Al-gi-zi-zi  CPN;  cf.  "^Al-ga-ri-ga,  in  Elam,  Abp.  Ann.  V  51) 

—  ?alka*;  ama""  —  ama;  amba'*-^,  umbi"  (ci.  Lu-amba-dura\  Vmbi-ia,  -ia-en-ni,  -at-runt,  -Te^up, 
CPN)  —  hmpa*  (emb,  ip.p,  oii|3);  ambar='  (in  Ambari-di\s  «  ds))  —  hmpra;  an(a)'^'^  *  —  ene  (hana?); 
anda'^%  anta''  —  hata*  (av8);  apa,  see  aba;  aplh?  (cf.  Mit.  apli  "great")—  epie,  pie;  ara  (ar,  ari) 
hcmna^  aH-b"  (cf.  Wxt.  ttT  "to  givc")  —  ara  (=  "free"(?),  Sundwall,  Klio,  XI,  p.  473^);  arbi=^  (in 
Arbi-U'hi;  c{."'La-ar-bu-sd) —  erbbe;  arga=* — erqe;  arma^%  irme"  —  erma;  arna"^"^  (cf.  ^rA«^- 
anta;  Lubarna,  Libiirna\  Ha-mi-ir-ni  CBS  11 826,  Sab-bur-ni  CBS  3492;  Mit. /r/z  "to  rule".?)  — 
arnna  (apva);  arta'",  arda"^  (in  Ar-du-me-en-ni  BE  XIV,  56a,  27:  arta  +  ume-enni,  cf  Car.  Aprri- 
op.0!;;  "^Ar-du-ba,  1^. -^oi-^;  }'""* Urartu,  }*""*Ku-mu-ur-da-a-a  Ah^.^,  Ill  (.i)  —  erte;  arza*^'""^  — 
erze;  asa'^"^  —  aza  (aca,  ar,a);  aspl,  see  spi;  asta^- — astte;  ata"^^  — ata;  atli*^"»^  —  tla;  atra" 
(cf  Arsi-,  Umbi-at-rum, }  At-ri-ha-at,  CPN)  —  tra;  baba^  (cf  papa)  —  baba;  badu""'  —  bada;  banba"" 

—  baba;  banda,  see  penti;  bani",  n.  div.(?);  banti,  benti,  see  penti;  barga%  birga'',  barhu^  parhi"  — 
prqqa  (jBapy,  Jrepy,  jrapK,  JtpaK);  bata^  —  bata*;  bila*'  —  bila;  blrHa^i  —  pnya;  birid'"  —  prdde; 
buba''  —  buba*;  buhsa"^  (in  }Buhsenni)  —  bukzza*;  >ayx\2i'''^  {zi.  Bu-li-ia,  Bu-li-ma-nu,  Bu-li-zu-ri 
CPN)  —  bula*;  bura,  pura'^  "^ "  —  b(p)ure;  buta^  —  buta*;  dada= "  *  —  dedi*  (dada);  dan(i)*^ ""  (cf.  tana) 

—  dene  (8av,  8ev);  dapP  —  dapa;  dara"'  —  dere  (dara);  dasa,  see  tasa;  dna™'  —  tiya  (8ia);  du, 
see  te;  dud,  see  tuta;  duma'^  —  tume;  dura,  see  tura;  efli*  (in  "^El-li-ta-ar-bi  =  K'^-SiVixt?)  —  eli; 
gala,  see  kala;  gama,  see  kama;  gassu,  see  kasa;  gil,  see  kila;  guga,  see  kuka;  gunza^  —  qnza 
(Kovt,);  haba''''"^  —  kebe;  hala,  see  kala;  halpa,  see  kalba;  hani,  see  kana;  hasa,  see  kasa;  hata, 
see  kata;  haza,  see  kasa;  Heba,  Hepa'^'"  (n.  div.;  Eg.  Gpi);  hibi,  see  kibe;  hirbe,  see  kirba;  hismi, 
see  kisnii;  hit(t)e''^  —  kita;  hublda'^''  —  kbada;  hud(a),  see  kuda;  hula,  see  kula;  hurma''''  —  kurma*; 
\2j^  c  —  iya;  jani"  —  iya-(an)na;  jaza'"  »  —  iya-aza*;  Ik^'  —  ike;  ila^  *  (cf  Barl^u-ilu-ua;  Ullu-knu] 
""UL-lu-ub-ri  Senn.  King  IV  62)  —  ila*;  inl^  (cf  Mit.  en,  El.  in,  Sum.  en  "lord")  —  ina*;  indi=^  —  hiita; 
inga-'*  —  inke;  ipa=^  (in  }Za-ipp[d)-armd) — iba;  ipri"  (cf  pri;  WA..ipri  "king")  —  ipre,  pre;  irl^''  — 
eri;  irnie,  see  arma;  irpa-'^'  —  hrppi  (8p.T:i);  irsa'='"*  —  erze;  irtl'^^'  —  irte;  is^' — ise*;  Iskaa, 
iska''"^-,  Isga-n",  isga^  — iskka*  askka*;  ista,  see  sta;  jsteli^(-)  —  istla*;  ithib(?),  cf  tehib;  itth — 
ite;  kaka"%  hagga^  gaga'^'"^  —  kaka  (KaKa,  yaya);  kala%  hala'^^  gala'^^  —  kele  (yeXa  =  patfi- 
}^euq);  kalbi%  qalpa%  halpa '^  —  klppa(KaXj3,  KaXjr);  kama"^%  qama™,  gama"^  —  kama;  kana",  hani"" 

—  kana;  kanda=*  —  kata;  karma%  harma^  —  karma*  (k,  y)\  kasa"^-,  kazu^^  i^n  A-ri-{j}i)-ka-zu  Q^l^, 
haza-^-,  hasa^^  gasis  gassu'"  — kezi  (kaza*);  ka^s^ta^^  —  kastte*;  kata%  qata%  hat(t)a'^'^'^  —  kata; 
katpa  (in  '""^Ka-at-pa-tuk-ka,  Eg.  gdpdk  =  Cappadocia)  —  kttba  (SuNDWALL,  p.  117);  kibl'^, 
hibi'"' —  kibe*;  kida "(.?)  — ki da*;  kna''%  gia^  —  kiya;  kik(i)'^"^n^  —  kike*;  kil(i)"%  gil"",  gel^  — 
kili;  k(i)na"^  (in  f Ki-na-az-zi,  CBS  3650;  Ul-lu-uk-mi)  —  knna  (Kiva;  "mother",  SuNDWALL,  p.  274); 
klrba"^  (in  Ki-ir-ba-as-si,  CBS  3474),  hirbe^(?),  qarba*  —  krbba*;  kirme"  (in  -^-r/-/^2>-?«^  CBS  3513), 
Kir-?na-mu  BE  XV,  198,  62),  cf  karma;  kirti^(?)  —  kerte;  kirU^  —  kiru,  or  kruwa;  kismi'',  hlsml"^  (cf 
hi-il-ma-U-iv  .  . .  .,  TA  Mit.  II  15)  —  (kisme*  or)  kiziSmi*  (Kidpii);  klzza''  (in  n.  1.)  —  kisa  (yicda 
=  Xido^);  kri'^"  (List  II,  3,  under  ikri;  cf  also  Ak-ri-ia-di  BE  XIV,  12,  10,  A-qar-til-lu  CBS  3461) 

—  kre;  karka,  kurka,  gurg  (in  ViVi.V'''Kar-ka-ra,  cf  Tapyapov;  '"'"*Qar-ka-si-aYi.  1668  b,  Use,  (Ba.) 
'"'''Kar-ka^-U-i  Sm.  2005,  ZA  15,  p.  360,  cf  KapKricJia  =  Minoa  in  Amorgos;  "■^Garga-mi-i; 
''^Kargi,  in  Kirruri,  cf  Kpayoq;  '''Kurku-pa,  p.  301  a;  "^Gurgumu)  —  krqqa*;  [karzl  (in  Cassite 
names)  —  krssa*  (xaptfa,  yaptfa)];  kta  (see  List  II,  3,  under  akdu;  cf  ""-^ Ahti-rumna  TA  319,  Nu- 
na-ak-te  CPN)  —  ktta*  aktta*  iktta;  kuba'^  —  kuba*  kupa;  kuda''",  hud(a}"^  (cf  Mit.  kud  "to  com- 
bat".?), huta"  (in  Hu-ut-tir-nie  CPN,  cf  Lye.  Erma-kuta-va,  EpixaKoraq)  —  kuda,  kuta;  kuka''"% 
gugu^  — kuka;  kula'^=*  (cf  Mit.  >^z//  "to  say";  TA  Mit.  105:  urf^e-n  kul-ia-ma  "das  Wahre  moge  er 
sagen"  BoRK,  MVG  14,  p.  98,  cf  kul(a)-iy(a)  +  urqe*  =  Car.  KoXiopyeu^,  SUNDWALL,  p.  121),  hula* 

—  kula;    kulma'^'',    cf  kurma*;    kuma"""!*  —  kuma;   kuna'^^™-" — kuna;    kunda*  —  knta  (kntawata 

No.  I. 

XXX  Knut  Tallqvist. 

"commander  in  chief",  Kluge,  MVG  15  (1910),  p.  132);  kuppi"  (in  Ku-up-pi-ta-ti  CBS  11  144,  11751) 

—  kupa  (sepulcrum,  Kluge,  1,  c,  p.  132);  kura^^a  —  kura;  kusta""  —  Koodto-;  kuza'"%  kusa",  huza"" 

—  kuza;  laba^^-'"  —  lebe*;  labsa-'^  —  lepse*;  lala*^^  —  lele*  (XaXa);  laptu* —  la-ptta*  (^.ajtro); 
lara^^  —  lara*;  Ina'^'"  —  liya*;  Ijla^  —  lila*;  lit,  lid*^  (in  Na-ki-li-e-it;  "'Pa-pa-a-li-ti,  p.  302  a;  }"'Ru- 
gu-li-ti  IIIR  8,  35)  —  lida*;  luba%  lupa'"  —  luba*;  luda%  luta^  —  luda*  luta*;  lura"-^  —  lura*; 
mah  —  mala  (maliya  "counsel",  Kluge,  1.  c,  p.  130);  mama''-  —  mama;  mana'^'"  —  mana;  maria-''' 

—  mrlli  (pLapXa);  masti^^'  —  mastta*;  mata*'''  —  meti  (iiata);  mazi"'^- — masa;  miga^  —  mika*; 
mila'"  —  miya*;  mita^'  —  mida;  mna'^  (see  under  umna,  p,  268b)  —  miina  (iiva);  muga-'  —  muka; 
muna''"^*  —  muna*;  mura^'  —  mura;  mursi''  —  murza*;  miski*,  or  muski''  (see  under  miski\  cf.  also 
'""'Muski,  the  Moschi,  Moc^xoi)  —  muskka;  musni"  (in  A-ga-mul-ni  CBS  3534);  muta"^  —  muta; 
muua'',  mu"^  — muwa;  nabu"  (in  Hudin{fi)abu  CPN);  nada'^'^  (in  La-ba-na-da,  Ala-ra-na-du)  — 
nata,  nada;  nahsu''  —  nakssa  (cf.  Cass,  wrti^^"/,  CPN,  p.  39);  nal''  —  na-(a)ha*  (vat);  nakh  —  naki; 
nana'''"""%  nena'^  —  neni  ("uncle,  aunt",  Sundwall,  p.  273);  nazh''  (also- Cass,  and  El.)  —  nezi; 
neri^,  nira"  —  neri;  nihra^  (in  "^Ni-ih-7'i-a  Be.  17760)  —  nakre*;  nina''  —  nini*;  nuba''^  —  nube; 
nunu'^"^  —  nuni*;  nur(a)"^  (in  Nu-ur-Tehip  CPN,  "'Nu-ri-bi,  "'Nur-qa-inc)  —  nura*;  nusa"^  —  nuza*; 
pa*'"  (in  Mana-pa-Telup,  Mazi-pa-tli)  —  pa;  pala'^  —  bala*  pele*;  pama"  —  pama*;  pana'^"^  — 
pana*;  pap(p)a^'""*  —  papa*;  pama'' "  =»  —  parnna*  (jrapva);  panda",  banda^  bente''("')  i^xt.bent 
or  pent  "to  let  vanquish";  BORK,  MVG,  14,  p.  126,  or  "to  lead",  Gustavs,  OLZ,  15,  p.  300 f.)  — 
pete*  Oav8a  =  viki],  cf.  SUNDWALL,  p.  178);  pelga'"  —  plqqa*  (jrely,  jraXy);  piha*  (cf.  Pik{k)andu, 
Cass.?,  CPN) — pike  (jtiya);  pihlri-"*  —  pikre  (;riypa);  pila'^''"'  —  piya  (piyete  =  e:rteTpe:fv^e);  pina" 
(in  Pi-in-na-ri  BE  XV,  198,  91;  cf.  Bi-in-?ia-rum  RPN,  Lye.  city  FTivapa)  —  pina  (Elivapa  =  cfrpoy- 
yuXa,  cf.  Sundwall,  p.  180);  pipa'^-;  pirl"' —  pira*;  pisa%  plsa%  pizi"^  —  pize;  pri"'-'  {Pu-pri\ 
''^Il-lu-7ip-ri,  in  Cilicia,  Senn.  King  IV  62,  '"""^Kar-zi-ip-ra,  in  Namri,  II  R  6j,  31  =  Kar-si-pa-ri, 
HABL  381,  646)  —  pri;  psi''  (cf.  Mit.  ipl  "to  bid,  to  appoint")  —  psse;  pta=*  (see  laptu)  —  ptta; 
^w^^  [d.  Pu-pri;   }Pu-fii-lu^,  Lyd.  n.  1.  IloyeXa)  —  pu*;  puba™""  (in  }Pu-ba-ah-lu)  —  pube;   pudu'' 

—  buta,  puda*  pute;  pupa,  see  bura;  qalpa%  qarpa%  see  kalba,  kirba;  qata,  see  kata;  quua^  — 
kuva;  ra'^  (in  Ala-ra-nadu)  —  hra*;  ru^  —  hru*;  ruda%  runda-''  —  hru(n)-ta*;  saba'^,  sabbu"  (in  Sab- 
bur-tii  CBS  3492),  sapa^  —  sebe*;  sadi"  ■''  —  zada*;  salu-''  —  zala;  sama*"  "  —  zama*;  sanda""  "  ^  — 
zata*  (cav8a);  sanga"",  sanha™  —  zaka;  sapa%  see  saba;  sara%  sar^'""^  (cf  Mit.  iar  "to  command", 
BoRK,  MVG,  14,  p.  126)  —  sara*;  sarba,  see  zarba;  8arda%  serda^  —  zarta*;  sarma%  sarma'',  surme^ 

—  zerma*  (cf  Armen.  zarm  "seed,  descendant",  JENSEN,  Hittiter,  p.  118);  sarna''  (cf.  Cass.  5/r;//- 
Sah,  CPN)  —  sarnna  (oapva);  sasi*  —  zaza*;  sata"*^  —  zata*;  senni''"*',  sina'^,  sin(a)''^  (cf  Mit.  ^en 
"brother")  —  snne  (ouv,  oiv);  siba^,  slpa^=''^,  zipa<^*  —  sibe*  [zipa*];  sid'^  (in  }Pi-li-si-id{t),  zlda'^ 
(in  Zi-da-d)  —  sida  [zida*];  siga"  (in  ISigari-tilla  CPN)  —  zika;  8ili'^"%  sila'^'^",  zlli''"'^  —  zila; 
slime"  —  slmme  ((JeXp.);  sima  (in  Si-mi-til-la  VAT  5762;  Dilbat,  p.  14,  n.  10;  In-di-si{not  lini)-md) 

—  zima;  sinda'^- — snta;  sipa,  see  siba;  siza^^  (in  "'Si-zu-u,  in  Cilicia;  Si-iz-zi-i  VS  VII,  155,43), 
sis!'*  (in  Si-is-si,   Si-is-si-ia,   Si-si-iti-ni  CPN),   zisa"'''  (in  ?Zi-}d-mi-mi)  —  ziza;    spi,   spi  (asp!)"* 

—  sba;  sqa'.%  sha<^''*,  sga*'  —  sqqa;  stra  (astar",  in  A^-ta-ra-ai,  Ahtar-tilla,  CPN;  istar^  see 
under  laba,  p.  292)  —  sttra*;  suua-''  {Sua) — zuva*  (coua  =  tdcpoc; ,  SUNDWALL,  p.  253);  suba'"=™ 

—  suba*;  sugur",  suhur""  —  sqqu-ra*;  sula%  sula'^  "^  —  zula*;  sulubi''  —  zlbba*;  sunu"%  suna''  — 
snne  (tfuva);  8Ura"%  sura'',  zura"**  —  sura;  surbi"  (cf.  zarba)  (in  Sur-bi-en-ni,  CBS  4572,  cf  Isaur.- 
Pis.  Souppiavoq)  —  zrppe;  surkl'^  —  zrqqe  (<5opy,  (Soupy);  ta''",  te''™,  dU'^  —  ta,  te,  da;  taba"^  — 
tebe  (rafBa  =  jTETpa);  taku^"',  taha"^  tagu"'"%  tehi%  tehi-b'^  —  teke;  tala^"%  telu^  — tele  (war- 
rior, according  to  ToRP,  see  SUNDWALL,  p.  200);  tarba""  (in  ''^Tar-bu-si-ba  =  Apamea;  ^"^Tar-bu- 
ga-ti  Sarg.  Ann.  263;  ^^Tar-bi-lu  OLZ  1904,  216,  cf.  Lye.  city  Tpaj3aXa;  ''^El-li-ta-ar-bi=  -^hh-j^^ 
Airappa,   in   the    district   of  Hamath)  —  trbbe   (cf.  n.  div.  Trebos*);    temi"',   timi''"'   —  teme; 

i)  Kannengiesser,  ht  das  Etrmkische  eine  hettitische  Spraclie'i     Cf.  Memnon,  II,  p.  256  ff. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names.  XXXI 

tana'^"''' (cf.  Mit.  ta^t  "ta  give")  —  tene*;  tanda%  tendl'' —  tete*  (ravd,  Tev8);  tari"  — tere*  (exer- 
citus?);  tarza  ("^Tarsu  =  Tap6oq)  —  trzze*;  tasa'^"',  dasa%  tessu"  —  tezi,  daza;  tata'^^ma^  tadu""", 
dadu"'  (cf.  Mit  tat  "to  love")  —  tete  (tata);  taua"^  —  teve;  til(l)a''"  {Mil  ti/a  =  "lord" ,  Ungnad, 
Dilbat,  p.  14)  — tile;  titi-^  —  titi*;  tli  (atli)'>"^  —  tla;  tuka",  dukkl'",  tuqu^-*  tuha'^na  —  tuke*;  tulbi*" 

—  tlbba*;  tarbu%  turba'"-  —  trbbe;  tarkus  tarqu'",  targa'^,  taphu'"%  tupku=»  —  trqqa;  tarma*  (in 
"^Tarma-na^i  III  Rg,  u,   ''^Tar-ma-qi-sa  Sarg.  Ann.  113)  —  trmme  (rapvia);   tubu-'  —  tubu;   tumni'" 

—  tumnna*  (rup-vict  =  pdp8oi;);  dura''(-r''),  tura-r'' — ture;  tuna"=*  —  tuna;  tu8a%  dusa'^  —  tusa*; 
tuta%  tud''%  dud's  tudl^  —  tuti;  tuMa  (tu,  du)^  —  tuwa,  tuhe  (=  aSeXcpiSfj);  uda  (in  ^'U-da, 
stronghold  of  Lapturi,  Tuk.  11,  Ann.  g)  —  ude*  (cf.  Car.  city  Y8r]);  uku''=^  —  uke*;  ula"^"* 
(cf.  Ullmumi;  W-la-za-na  UMBS  II  2,  132,86;  "'U-lid-du  (in  Kummuh)  Sarg.  Ann.  390,  '''U-lu-H-a 
HABL  342  (cf.  Lyd.  n.  1.  QXacqa,  Car.  n.  1.  OXocJcsiq)  —  ula*;  ulme'""^''  (cf.  Sapalulme;  Kukubne, 
Stiqulme  CPN;  Kiribulme  GTD)  —  hlmmi  (>>  OXp.01);  umba,  see  amba;  uppa**  —  upa;  ura"^  — 
ure;  urba"'  —  urbbe*;  urda"^''  —  urta;  uphlk"^,  irhu-''  (cf.  Mit.  urhi  "true")  —  urqe*;  urna^  (in  }Ur- 
7iim-ri-ia)  —  urnna*;  ursa''  —  urza;  usba"^-,  uspa^  —  usba*;  (u)lia'""^  —  uwa  (=  "family");  uana*^ 

—  wana*;  uaua=^  —  wawa;  uaza"^  ^ '"  -■*,  uasa*^'"  —  waza;  za^  (pref.)  —  za;  zana™  "  —  zana;  zarba''  S 
sarba%  surbi"  —  zrppe;  zlda'^  zita""- — sida*;  zila,  see  sil;  zuli''^''^  —  zula*;  zura,  see  sura;  zutah; 
zuzu''  —  zuza*. 

Besides  these  elements  which  constitute  complete  words  and  word  forms  the  following 
affixes  occur  in  Hittite  names:  -ba,  -pa;  -da,  -ta;  -ga,  -ka,  -ha;  -ma,  -na,  -la,  -ra;  -enna  {ci.  (a)nna); 
-se,  -za,  -zi  (Izzi;  cf  (a)sa,  -aza);  -ua,  and  -ja,  the  last  of  which,  as  established  by  Prof.  Ungnad, 
indicates  hypocoristica.  All  these  affixes  are  to  be  met  with  in  the  names  of  Asia  Minor  also'. 
Of  the  above-named  affix  elements,  b  seems  to  be  used  also  in  the  middle  of  compound  names, 
between  the  two  elements;  cf.  aga-b-" '',  before  elements  beginning  with  s  or  t;  ahll-b-'',  before  s; 
akl-b-'^'',  before  s;  arl-b-",  before  s  and  s;  perhaps  hasi-b,  in  Ha-U-ib-a-ri  AO  5488  and  Ha-U- 
ba-ri  CT  32:  36,  II  s,  and  nani-b,  in  Na-ni-ba-ri  AO  5500,  also  belong  to  these 2.  R  is,  perhaps, 
used  in  the  same  manner  in  anta-r-,  iri-r-,  dura-r-,  and  tura-r-.  There  seem  to  be  no  equivalents 
to  this  use  of  the  said  letters  in  the  names  of  Asia  Minor,  but  in  Cassite  and  Elamite  names  b 
seems  to  be  used  in  this  manner  (cf.  p.  273  b,  under  b). 

The  nasal  sound,  characteristic  of  names  from  Asia  Minor,  which  is  introduced  after 
the  final  vowel  of  the  proceeding  element  in  compound  names  (according  to  Sundwall,  p.  269, 
before  /,  /,  k  and  z  is),  occurs  (before  t  {d)  and  i)  in  Hittite  names  also;  cf  Arandai  (ara  -|-  da-s), 
AlaHandu  (ala  +  aksa-da),  Karparunda  (karpa  +  rG-da),  Kurmita^  (kurii-ta-s),  Kilundu  (kilu-da; 
CPN;  cf  Lye.  KiXi]v8r)(;) ,  Pikkandu  (pika-da;  cf.  Car.  n.  1.  ITiyivSa),  Pilandu  (pila-da;  CPN),  Pi- 
s audit  (pisa-da),  1  arhundapi  (tarhii-|-dapi),  Tarhundaraba  (tarhii  +  dara-ba),  ^""' Tarhunta^  (Tarhu- 
ta-s,  cf  TapKov8a(;);  Dgan^ar  (CPN;  isga-|-sar);  cf.  also  Cass.(.?)  Siridu  besides  Sirindu  (CPN). 

The  Hittite  names  and  those  from  Asia  Minor  agree  also  in  this,  that  they  are  used 
indiscriminately  both  for  persons  and  places.  There  is  a  difference,  however,  in  that  the  Hittite- 
Mitannian  nominative  termination  s  or  s,  which  may  be  seen  both  in  -a  and  -i  stems  (e.  g.  Gi- 
lUa-l,  Sau^ka-i,  Ai'tatama-}\  "'Arinna-i  (Chantre  46,  le),  Pappa-i,  Sura-}  (UMBS  II  2);  Sin-Tehipa-i, 
Tarhimta-}\  MiirUli-},  "^Gargami-s;  Pisiri-s,  Ambari-s,  etc.)  is  not  found  in  names  from  Asia 
Minor,  though  it  is  found  in  Khaldian  names. 

Finally,  a  few  Hittite  consonant  sounds  should  be  briefly  touched  upon.  The  correctness 
of  the  observation  3  that  fortis  and  lenis  are  interchangeable  in  Mitannian  is  confirmed  in  every 
way  by  Hittite  names  (cf  TaUu-Dala,  D\Tu}ratta,  -f  Tatu\Tadu\ Dadu-Hepa,  D\Tudhaliia,  KiljGil- 
Tesup,  etc.). 

i)  As  for  the  affixes  used  in  the  formation  of  names  in  Asia  Minor,  see  SuNDWALL,  /.  c,  p.  276  ff. 
2)  Cf.  HOMMEL,  OLZ,   16  (1913),  col.  305,  n.  3.  3)  Bork,  MVG,  XIV,  pp.  9,   15  f. 

No.   I. 

XXXII  Knot  Tai.lqvist. 

Dr.  BORK 1  has  shown  that  an  h  has  disappeared  in  the  Mitannian.  He  is  confirmed 
in  this  by  the  fact  that  the  h,  which  occurs  (conventionally  preserved)  in  Lycian  inscriptions, 
has  nothing  corresponding  to  it  in  Hittite  names  (cf.  under  the  elements  amba,  ambar,  anda, 
indi,  ru),  and  is  not  even  indicated  in  Grecian  transcription  of  names  from  Asia  Minor. 

The  h,  which  so  frequently  recurs  in  cuneiform  Hittite  names  (and  Mitannian  words) 
I  couple  with  k,  q  and  g.  These  letters  //,  k,  q  and  g  alternate  in  cuneiform  rendering  of  Hittite 
names  just  as  k,  x  ^*^^  T  alternate  in  Greek  transcription  of  names  from  Asia  Minor.  This 
clearly  appears  from  the  different  readings  Tarku,  Tarqu,  Tarhu  and  Targa  (cf.  El.  Turgu),  in 
comparison  with  Lye.  Trqqn-,  Gr.  TpoKO,  Tapyu,  Tpoyo,  etc.;  '"''*Hilakku,  Gr.  KiXiKia;  "'"*Knm- 
nmhu,  Kop-uayi-ivr],  and  so  forth.  It  seems  that  the  proximity  of  a  sonoral,  dental,  labial  or 
sibilant  sound  led  to  the  sound-change  k'^  h. 

It  is  not  quite  clear  what  relation  s,  i  and  s  bear  to  each  other  in  cuneiform  rendering 
of  Hittite  names  and  to  what  sounds  in  Hittite-Mitannian  they  correspond.  Dr.  BORK  has 
adopted  c  for  z  in  Mitannian.  This  suggestion  seems  to  be  confirmed  by  the  fact  that  the 
sound,  which  corresponds  to  Lycian  z^  usually  is  rendered  by  i  (as  Iran,  c  =  Ba.  f)  in  Babylo- 
nian (bckmn^  cuneiform  rendering  of  Hittite  names,  by  s  in  Assyrian  writing,  rarely  by  z.  On 
the  other  hand  the  sound,  which  corresponds  to  s  in  names  from  Asia  Minor,  is  generally 
represented  in  Babylonian  cuneiform  writing  by  i,  in  Assyrian  by  s. 

I  must  here  pass  over  several  other  interesting  observations  suggested  by  the  Hittite 
personal  names  collected  by  me.  I  will  only  point  out  that  also  the  cuneiform  (and  Biblical) 
geographical  names,  which  have  only  been  noticed  cursorily  in  these  pages,  would  be  most  deser- 
ving of  thorough  investigation.  Such  a  study  would  certainly  corroborate  the  above  named 
conclusions  and  would  give  a  surer  clue  to  the  geographical  distribution  of  the  Hittites  than  can 
be  obtained  from  personal  names. 

i)  MVG,  XIV,  p.  80. 


I.  List  of  Personal  Names. 


b.,  brother;  cf.,  confer;  contemp.,  contemporary;  d.,  daughter;  ''  (determinative),  ilu,  deiis, 
dea\  f.,  father;  /  (determinative),/^;«/;/c?;  gd.,  granddaughter;  gf.,  grandfather;  gen.,  genitive;  gent, 
gentilic;  gs.,  grandson;  ^^  (determinative  before  names  of  tribes  and  professions),  amelu,  homo; 
hu.,  husband;  m.,  mother;  '"  (determinative),  mas  (used  passim);  n.  pr,  nonien  proprkwi;  perh., 
perhaps;^''-,  MES,  plural;  prob.,  probably;  q.  v.,  quod  vide;  s.,  son;  si.,  sister;  wi.,  wife;  Ar.,  Aramaic; 
Arb.,  Arabic;  Ba.,  Babylonian;  Bi.,  Biblical;  Can.,  Canaanite;  Capp.,  Cappadocian;  Cass.,  Cassite; 
Eg.,  Egyptian;  El.,  Elamite;  6r.,  Greek;  He.,  Hebrew;  Hit.,  Hittite;  Iran.,  Iranian;  Jew.,  Jewish;  Hfled., 
Median;  Mit.,  Mitannian;  N-,  Neo-;  Na.,  Nabataean;  0-,  Old-;  Pa.,  Palmyrene;  Pe.,  Persian;  Ph.,  Phoeni- 
cian; Pu.,. Punic;  S-,  South-;  Saf.,  Safaitic;  Sem.,  Semitic;  Si.,  Sinaitic;[Sum.,  Sumerian;  WSem., 
West-Semitic;  *,  precedes  Non- Assyrian  names  and  follows  names  not  actually  found.  Small 
black  figures  signify  that  the  person  is  referred  to  as  writer  of  the  document;  small  figures  in 
italics  indicate  witnesses. 

hb,  abi,  abu  =  AD 

Adad^  =  ''IM 

Adad'^  =  U 

ah^  ahi,  ahu  =  PAP 

ahc  =  PAP^i 

aplu,  apal,  apil^=  A 



Ahir'-  =  i-^hiS-hir 

bcl  =  EN 



dnri  =  JWA 

Ea  =  ''E.A 

ibtii  =  KAK 

iddin  =  MU 

iddina  =  SE-na 

ilu,  ili^  U  =  AN 

Mardtik^  =  '^AMAR.  UD 

Marduk'^  =  '^SU 

NabH^  =  '^AK 

Nabn^  =  ^PA 
Ninib^  =  ^NINJB 
Ninib'^  =  ^MAS 
Sin  =  'iXXX 
Samas  =  '^  UD 
Ur{ru)  =  MAN 
Sum{u)  =  MU 
tabu  =  DUG.GA 
iisur  =  PAP 

A-a-a-su-ZU-bu-i-ii-'  "Aya  is  able  to  save" 

s.  of,  Nabn-re'uni;  ''A.BA  ^rabsaqesa  Sinahe- 
riba,  K,  2169,  R.  11, 
■■*^A-a-ab-bu  "Aya  (or  Ya)  is  father"  {d.  fa-abi, 
'^irrihi,  J  ADD  742,  R,  70. 
A-a-ahe  (prob.  abbrev.;  zi.  la-aht) 

JADD  3,  R,  3  (B.C. 680),  294, R.  .  (B.C. 700), 
f.  of.  Ahna-eriba,  JADD  308, 2  (Ep.  Q). 

No.  I. 

*A-a-am-me  (WSem.  =  {A)ia-amme)  JADD  296, 

R.  J. 
*A-a-am-mu,  var,  of.  A-a-mu,  q.  v. 
(■A-a-apal-iddin  {MU)  "(A)ya  has  given  a  son" 

or  '^  A-a-a-iddin 
''■mukll  apate  sa  ma\r  sarri\  JADD  694,5. 
••  A-a-ba-ba  (we  may  perh.  read  lU-iababa,  cf  '^A-a- 

ia-ba-ba,  or  Iliia-ba-ba,  cf.  Ba-ba-ak-iddi?t) 

K.  1 1930. 

Knut  Tallqvist. 

••A-a-bel  "(A)ya  is  lord"  (or  abbrev.);  cf.  A-a- 

£iV...,  JADD433,8. 
KK.  5420b.  8855.  12968. 
*A-a-bu  {a.hhrev.= tahi  =  v-a^c^,  cf.  Ta-a-bi-ilu  etc., 

scarcely  =  aiabu    "Enemy",    cf.  NBa. 

Samahkdsid-a-a-bi)  JADB  5>  H,  21. 
''A-a-da-ri"(A)ya  remains  for  ever"  (or  rather 

abbrev.;  unlessZ>y^.  7?/= //«////)  JADD  85  5,(;. 
A-ad-di  (hypocor.,  cf.  Adda,  Addl,  Addii) 

s.  of  Be-ld-ah-a-Ur,  Epon.,  Capp.  G,  9, 11. 
*A-ad-du-mi  (WSem.,  cf.  A-dn-me-ellYJX,  Pa.  tJlSlX ; 

see  also  Ad-du-mii)  TA  1 70, 17. 
A-a-e-nu-U  (abbrev.,  cf  Niisku-la-e-ni-pllu  BE  XV) 

JADD6i9,9  (Ep.  S). 
A-a-ha-li,  see  Tahdlu. 
■lA-a-ia-ba-ba  (cf  Adad-,  Ahi-,  Nasuh-,  Si-ia- 

ba-ba\bi\  see  also  '^A-a-ba-bd) 
^laknu  sa  ''akle,  in  -^^  Til-ra-ha-a-u-a,  JADD 

986,  R.  II,  6. 
*A-a-i-da-a  (WSem.,    cf  NBa.  A-a-i-da-    TNB, 

Bi.  ^PTTi)  Rm.  157,4,  slave  (B.  C  680). 
*A-a-ila-a-'  (kr)  "Ya  is  god" 

^'Ru-u-a-a,  HABL  287, 5. 
*''A-a-ka-ma-ni  (cf  KA  p.  467,  n.  7) 

s.oi  Am-me--ta-\  ^MaS'-a-a,  HABL  260,  R,2 

(IV  R  47,  no.  I). 
'•A-a-lisir  {^SLDI)  (abbrev.),  JADD  n,  R.  4  (B.  C. 

*A-a-lu-nu    (Ar.,    cf.   ^ la-a-hu-lu-nu   BE  IX  =  } 

*15b  ■iJT'(^),  KAp.466);  nas'iku  of  Yatburii, 

Sarg.  Ann.  281. 
*A-a-me-tu-nu    (WSem.,    cf  Ahi-metl,    Ilu-meti, 

Metunu),    perh.   "(A)ya   is   our   man" 
JADD  69,  s  (B.  C  692). 
A-am-si-ni(.?),  JADD  677,  R.2  (B.  C.  712). 
*A-a-mu,    var.   A-a-am-mu  (Sachau,   ZA  XII, 

p.  45,  compares  ^-gJ^';  ci.  A-a-am-me) 
s.  of  Te-je-ri,  b.  of  Abiate,  Arabian  prince, 

Abp.A,  VII,io9;  VIII,  33, 122;  IX,  111;  Ann. 

VII,  97.  VIII,  31.  IX,  19  (A-a-am-mu).  X,  1; 

III  R  36,  no.  I,  IV, 22,  25.  —  KB  II,  pp. 

214,  218,  222,  228. 
*A-a-ni-e  (cf  Bi.  ^3:?^)  JADD  391,  R. ./  (Ill  R 

48,61c;  B.  C.  717). 
*A-a-ni— rl  (WSem.),  prob.  "(A)ya  is  my  light" 

(cf.  Ifa-mM-ni-riQtc.)JADD2g, s  (B.C. 693). 

*''A-a-ram-mu,  var.  "^ A-a-ram-me  (KB  II,  p.  91, 

n.  39;  WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  d^T^,    A-a-ra-mu, 

A-a-ri-im-mu,  KAp.  467f.),  '"'^*U-du-ma- 

a-a,  king  of  Edom,  Senn.:  King  II,  82;  Tay. 

11,54. —  KB  II,  p.  91. 
*A-a-ra-mu  (cf  ''A-a-ram-jmi\  JADD  752,  le. 
*A-ar-di-ma-ni-is  (Pe.  Af\diima\n\is]) ,  supporter 

of  Darius,  Beh.  Ill  R  40, 111. 
*A-a-ri-im-mil  (cf  '^A-a-j-am-mu),  nasiku  of  Yat- 

buru,  Sarg.  Ann.  281. 
*A-a-sag-gi-i  (forthe  second  element  cf  -f  Sag-ga-a, 

TNB,/^'«^-^/-/<:?P  13  i,and  Bi.  i^'^ao  "great") 

HABL  214,4. 
*A-a-8a-am-mu  (seems  to  be  the  same  name  as  Ta- 

sdm  q.v.),  nasiku  of  Gambulu,  Sarg.Ann.255. 
A-a-sar-ibni  {KAK-ni)  "(A)ya  has  created  the 

king";  ^MA.KT,  JADD  481,  R.  9. 
A-a-tab  "(A)ya  is  good" 

''irrilu  in  "'liu-salc,  JADD  742,35. 
*A-a-tu-ri  (Ar.)  "(A)ya  is  my  mountain" 

JADD  186,3,  slave,  B.  C.  675. 
*A-a-u-id-ri   (WSem.,    cf   A-u-id-ri,    Bi.   Ity'Ti), 

JADD  741, 14. 
A-a-zi-e,  see  la-zi-e. 
*A-ba-gu-u    (correct:'),    ^A.BA    '""' ^ Ar-ma-a-a,      j 

JADD  179,  R.^  (B.C.  697). 
*Aba-il  (Ar.  cf  Abl-i/u,  Bi.  bK-^as) 

1.  A-ba-a-AN,  JADD  197,  R. .  (cf  KB  IV, 

p.  148;  B.  C.646.^). 

2.  A-ba-AN,  JADD  425, 13  (B.  C.  664.=). 

3.  A-ba-il,  ''rab  ....,  JADD  448, 2. 
'"^Ab'ba-a  (hypocor.,   cf  la-ab-ba-a,   OBa.  A-ab- 

ba{-a)  RPN,  A-ab-ba-tabum  RPN,  Ab-bu- 

ta-bu    BE  XV,    '^ Ab-ba-ba-dUi   Dilbat), 

JADD  752,6.   830,  .5. 
*Ab-ba-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Abba),  ''irrihi  in  «'^V 

Manmi-lii-ahua,  JADD  742,  R.  le. 
*Ab-ba-'*A-gu-U-ni,    ''ialsu  hinnl  iam,  JADD  179, 

R.  4  (B.  C.  697). 
Ab-ba-ti  (hypocor.,  OBa.  A-ab-ba-tum  RPN,  A-ba- 

ium  CT  8 :  50, 3  b) 
f.  of  Bu-ru-Sa,  Ninibkudurusur:    Lo.  102, 

1,28. —  KB  IV,  p.  84. 
*Ab-bi-ha  (WSem.(.?),  cf  A-du-ni-ih-d)  TA  69, 25, 29. 

[58,6],  an  Egyptian  officer. 
"^Abbi-Tesub  (Hit.),  king  of  Amurru,  succeeded 

Te-Teshub;  Boghazkoi,  MDOG35,  p.43f. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 

Ab-bu-idi(Z^)  "Abbu  knows" 

f.  of  Qanni,  VS  I,  94, 2  (Ep.  N). 

Ab-da ,  JADD  2 10,  R.  17.   579, 3. 

*Abda  (WSem ,  hypocor.,  cf.  Ab-da-    BE  IX,  X, 
Bi.  and  Na.  XW) 

1.  Ab-da-\  JADD  210,  R. /7.  718,4.  ''A.BA, 

JADD  238,  R.//  (B.C.  688).  ''bel  pihati 
"""fRasappa,  ]KDT>  y64,z.  853,10.  ''tar 
[-tant],  JADD  281,  R.  6  (B.  C.  694). 

2.  Ab-da- a,    ^'bt'l  pihati  ""'^Rasappa,   JADD 

854,12.  ''SAG  M  abarakki,  JADD  805,^. 

/'  ren,  JADB  3,  IV,  15.  U  eli  ki-sa-ie,  JADD 
112,  B.  E.  /  (B.C.  700). 
*Ab-da/du-Asuri    (NBa.)    "Servant   of  Ashur" 

BE  VIII,  pt.  I,  68, 8.    72,  7. 
Ab(.^)-da-ba(?)-a-nl,  or  prob.  Adda-bani,  K.3790, 11 

(KB  IV,  p.  124;  B.  C.  680). 
*Ab-da-ill  (cf.  Bi.  bsCi)-^^,  OBa.  Ab-di-,  Hab-di-ili 

RPN),  JADD  532,  R.^. 
*Ab.da-li  (cf.  Eg.-Ar.  bisy  APO,   Arb.  ji'>i, 

Ab-di . . . . ,  JADD  307,  R.  E.  2.  568,  R.  9.  ''naggaru, 

JADD  292,  R.  s  (B.  C.  707). 
*Abdi  {^Ab-di-i,  hypocor,  cf  OBa.  Ab-di-im  RPN, 

Bi.  i^ir),  JADD  186,   R.^   (B.  C.  675). 

254.  r..  373,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  C).  628,  R.  .  (Ep.  P). 

672,2.   947,1.    ''amel  urqi  of  "' la-da- -i, 

JADD  742,26.  id"'Kar-Ahira/jtddm,JADD 

884,  1. 
*Abdi-Addi  "Servant  of  Adad"  (cf  Ar.nrnay) 
URU-''IM,   (Can.)  TA  119,  [51].   120,  [31],  35. 

Ta'annek  7,  12. 
"^Abdi-Asirfa,  ^(5r//-y^iV^/^ "Servant  of  Ashera" 
(Can.,  cf  Ph.,  cf  mnCJyins?,  Aj36d(5rpaT0c) 

1.  Ab-di-ds-ta-ti  (sic),  f,  of.  Aziru\  arad  iarri, 

TA  62,,  .1. 

2.  URU-a-U-ir-ta,  TA  71,17.  73,18,2.1.  74,24,30. 

75,  29,  41.  ']6,  8.  79,  12,  22,  44.  8r,  7,  18,  47.  82,  8,  23. 
83,25.      85,41,  G4,G8.     89,24,04.     90,12,28.    93,23. 

95,24,41.  97,21.  101,6,30.  103,9.  104,8,18,47. 

105,11,2.5.  107,27.  108,  12,  .33.  109,9,47.  116, 
12,  G8.  117,  27,  3G.  Il8,  26,  29.  121,20.  123,38,43. 
125,41.  126,  3G.  132,11,17,34.  133,7.  136,12. 

f.  of  A-d-ru,  TA  107, 27. 
f.  of  Pu-ba-ah-la,  TA  104,8. 

3.  URU-a-U-ir-te,  TA  61,  2.  62,  2. 

No.   I. 

4.  UR  U-a-U-ir- ti,  T A  5  8,  R.  3.  126,  3g,  64,  cs.  1 29, 5. 


5.  URU-'" A-H-ir-ti  {mare  Hd),  TA  137,19,43,70. 

6.  URU-'' A-H-ir-ii,  T A  84,8. 

7.  URU-dl  ra-ta,  TA  94, 11.  102, 23. 

8.  URU-dhra-ti,  TA  88,10.  137,56,58,68.  138,29, 

37,  50,  10?,  116. 

9.  URU-'^As-ra-ti,  T A  92,18. 

10.  URU-ds-ra-tum,  TA  92, 19.  127,31. 

1 1.  URU-'' AS-ra-tum,  TA  60,  2. 

f.  of.    A-si-7-Jl,  TA   147,  68.    149,  36. 

12.  URU-''{^1.  3046),  arad-iarri,  TA  64, 3. 
*Ab-di-a-zu-2i  (cf  Pu.  TT:?-ay) 

JADD  285,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  686). 
Ab-dl-Bel    "Servant    of   Bel"    (cf.   Pa.  bmny, 

Api8|3iiXoo)  JADD  210,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  W). 
*Ab-di-hi-mu-nu  (WSem.,  cf.  NPu.  pmny;  KA 

p.  472,  Ges.-Buhl  s.  v.  pn)  JADD  425, 15 

(Ep.  q). 
'-^Abdi-Hipa  "Servant  of  Khipa"  (HoMMEL, 
Grundr.,  p.  29,  n.  3,  and  Winckler, 
MDOG  35,  p.  48,  suggests  that  the  first 
part  of  the  name  should  prob.  be  read 
Mitannian,  Arda  <!  Arta-Hepa) 

1.  URU-he-ba,  TA  286,  2,7,01. 

2.  URU-hi-ba,  TA  280, 17, 23, 34.  285,2,14.  287, 

2,  G5.  288,  2,  G3.  289,  2,  48.  290,  3,  19.  Cf.  Ta'aH- 

nek  7,  R.  7. 
*Ab(?)-di-ld-ri,  prob.  Ad-di-id-ri,  q.  v. 
*Ab-di-ku-bu-bi  (for  the  second  element  cf.  Ku- 

bii-b2i)  JADD  473, 5,  slave  (B.  C.  698). 
"^Abdi-LImu  "Servant  of  Lim" 

1 .  Ab-di-li-me,  f.  oiRa-pa-a,  JADD  151,1  (Ep.Y). 

2.  Ab-dl-li-mu,  JADD  857,  1, 33. 
*Ab-di-li.'.tl  (Ph.) 

"'AlU-ru-da-a-a,  king  of  Arvad,  B.  C,  701, 
Senn.:  King  II,  77;  Tay.  II,  49.  —  KB  II,  p. 90. 
*Abdi-milki  (Can.,  cf.  Ph.  'jbttisy;  KA  p.  470) 

1.  .^(^-c//-;w7-^/,VSI,  95,25  (Ep.  A),  ''rab  kislr, 

JADD  1040,5. 

2.  URU-LUGAL,  TA  123,37;  amel "' Sd-as-hi- 

mi,  203,  8. 
*Abdi-milkuti  (Ph.  nDbttiny;  cf.  KA  p.  472) 

1.  Ab-di-me-il-ku-iit-ti,  king  of  Sidon,   Esarh. 


2.  Ab-di-mi-il-ku-ti,  lar  "'^'""^ Siduptni ,  Esarh. 

KAHII,  52,3. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

3.  Ab-di-mi  il-hi-7(t-ti,  the  same,  Esarh.  A,  I,  ru 

(I  R  45).  —  KB  II,  p.  126. 

4.  Al?-di-7>iil-ku-u-te,   sar   \;''Srdunni],   ZA  II, 

p.  299,  pi.  II. 

5.  Ab-di-mil-kti-ut-ti ,    hir   "'Sidjuini,   Esarh.: 

A,  1, 14, 40;  B II,  27  (I  R  45.  Ill  R  1 5).  K.  4473. 
—  KB  II,  pp.  124,  126,  144. 
*Ab-di-na  . . . . ,  TA  229, 3. 

*Abdi-rama  (Can.),  perh.  "The  object  of  my 
worship  is  high"  (cf.  HoMMEL,  Grund- 
riss,  p.  167,  n.  i,  Ranke,  PN,  p.  219), 
URU-i-ra-ma,  TA  123,3c. 
*Ab-dl-'' Sam-si  "Servant  of  the  Sungod"  (cf. 
Ph.ttJttttJiny  =  Gr.'HXi68(opoc)  JADD  1,3 
(B.  C.  730). 
*Ab-di-si-har  (cf.  Pu.  -imsiay),  JADD  254,  R.  ^. 
*Ab-di-SUR(?)  or  -}arri\>\  ''rab  sagullate,  JADD 

386,  R.  7. 
*Abdl-sar-ru-ma,  Ta'annek  7, 3. 
*Abdl-sa-ru-na(?)  (Can.),  Ta'annek  4,  R.o. 
*Abdi-tir(.?)-sl,  amcl  "^Ha-au-ra,  TA  228,  3, 

URU-^IB,  TA  1 70,  no. 
"^Abdunu  (prob.  dimin.)  "Little  servant"  (cf.  Bi. 

fl^a?,  Ar.  ^ttXlvc) 

1.  ^^-fl'/^-«;/,JADD3ii,7,  R.3  '' ''' Ku-da-tu-a-a 

(Ep.  S).  VSI,  86,..?  (Ep.  SiH).  ''narkabat 
larri,  JADD  41,  R.  /  (B.C. 671). 

2.  Ab-du-u-ni,  ''irrihi,  JADD  429,29.. 
Ab-har-u-di(.?),  JADD  511,2. 

*Ab-ha-ta-a  (Ar.),  a  ''na-sik-ku  of  Ru--a,  Sarg. 
Ann.  269. 

A-bi ..,  JADD  80,  R.^.  Cf.  A-bi,  TA  138,107. 

*A-bi-ba(-')-al  "My  father  is  Baal"  (cf.  Ph. 
b3^2-'^iK,  Pu.  b5>a-iS)  mar  lakinln,  sar 
'""^A-ru- ad-da,  king  of  Arvad,  Abp.:  A, 
II,  120, 130 ;  B,  11, 79, 86;  Ann.  II,  82,  iio  (KB  II, 
p.  172).  sar  "' Sam-si-mu-ru-na,  Esarh.  B, 
V,  17.  Abp.  Rm.  3,  II,  39.  —  KB  II,  pp.  1 48, 240. 

f  A-bi-da ,  JADD  309, 1,  slave,  B.  C.  66^. 

*A-bi-da-a-nu  (cf.  Bi.  iTniH  Schiffer,  Spuren, 
p.  34,  n.  9),  JADD  73,  R.  4.  74,  R-  s  (B.  C. 

Abi-duri  "My  father  is  my  wall  (protection)" 
(cf.  OBa.  A-bi-du-ri  SCHEIL,  Sippar  10, 
R.5,  JA-bi-BAD  Thureau-Dangin,  Let- 

tres)  JADD  106, 2.    190,  R.  j   (B.  C.  668). 
544,  i>.  K.  241,  XI 23;  Sm.  55,  XI,  spec,  ''reii, 
JADB  1 1,  I,  c. 
Abi-erlba  (prob.  abbrev,,  cf.  Ihi-abi-enbd) 

1.  AD-eri-ba,  zcr  larri,  HABL  511,5,7. 

2.  AD-SU,  f.  of  Ardi-Istar  and  Samahballi- 

tamii,   from    "' Qu-ur-ii-bi ,   JADD  623,  3 

(III  R  46,  no.  4). 
Abi-ha-a-a  . . . ,  K  6409  [J]. 
f  Abi-ha-'-li  (cf.  Ija-il-ihi,  Lu-ha--il,  Si--/ia-U,  Bi. 

b\^^nj{(!),  OBa.  A-bi-hi-el  T-D  LC),  amtu 

JADD  215,3  (B.C.  682). 
Abi-ha-ri/'ru  "My  father  is  Khar",  i.  e.  IIorus(.-) 

(Sayce,    PSBA  XX  (1898),    p.  261    (cf. 

A-pi-ha-ri,  OBa.  A-bi-ha-ar  RPN,  Ha-ri- 

ma-li-ki  T-DLC),  JADB  3,  VI,  s.    VIII,  ^. 

K.  543rb. 
*'A-bMa-ah-ia  "My  father   is    my    brother" 

(Schiffer,  Spuren,  p.  40,  n.  4,  but  being 

WSem.  perh.  =  ♦in^-'^ns  (cf.  lald-milki, 

^^l^j)    "My    father    lives"),    JADD 
245,4,  slave. 
Abi-ia-ahi-U  "My  father  is  my  brother" 

JADD  404,  R.J  (B.C.  674). 
*Abl-ia-di-'  (cf.  Bi.  &  Min.  yT^ns),  HABL  774,  t 
(time  Sargon). 
f.  of  Da-la- -ilti,  HABL  280,  ic. 
Abiia-itti|a  "My  father  is  with  my" 

AB-ialid-K/-ia,UABL422, 1.774,  2,inletters 
to  Sargon.  ''na-si-ku  of  '"•''  7u-bu-li--ai, 
HABL  1112,  c. 
AbNa-qar  "The  father  is  dear"  (cf.OBa.  A-bji- 
a-qar  Thureau-Danchn,  Lettres,  A-bii- 
{-um)-wa-qar  RPN) 
'' Marad-da-a-a,  HABL  774,  R.  1,  n. 

*A-bi-ia-te-'  (Arb.,  cf.  SArb.  ^'uA,  Hommel, 
Altisr.  tjberl.  p.  209,  KA  p.  481,  n.  4;  see 
also  Sachau,  ZA  XII,  p.  44:  ^j-f    — ) 

s.  of  Te-je-ri,  an  Arabian  prince,  Abp.:  A, 

VII,  100;  VIII,  33, 60,  C9, 82, 122;  IX,  111;  B,  III  R 
34,  VIII, 25;   35  no.  6,  11,5;   Ann.  VII,  97; 

VIII,  31, 6.5, 77, 94 ;   IX,  16, 19;  X,  2.  —  KB  11, 
pp.  214  etc. 

Abl-ilu  "My  father  is  (my)  god"  (cf.  Bi.  b^'^SK, 
Saf.  bxax,  OBa.  A-bi-AN  RPN,  A-bl-i-li 
VS  VII,  86, 8,  A-bii-um-ilmn  VS  VII,  30,  r.) 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


1.  Abi-ilu,  Epon.,  MDOG  40,  p.  19. 

2.  A-bi--AN,  HABL  256,  4. 

Abi-iliia  "The  father  is  my  god"  (SCHIFFER, 
Spuren,  p.  22,  n.  3:  Abi-'Wa) 

1.  A-bi-AN  ...,  Epon.  VS  I,  103, 21. 

2.  AD-AN-a-a,  HABL  550,4:  mar  A.  JADD 

414,  R.  12:  "^ Bit- Abi-iliia.  Epon.,  B.C. 887, 
Canon  B,  1, 23. 

3.  AD-AN-ia,  Epon,,  B.  C.  90o(.?),   Canon  A, 

IIIR  I,  I,n. 
Abi-ina-ekaili-iilbur  "My  father  may  grow  old 

in  the  palace" 
AD-AS\DIS-E.GAL-lil-bur\  'wlBA,  JADD 

50,  R.  s  (Ep.  H).  Epon.,  B.  C  855,  Canon  A, 

11,9;  ''nagir  ekalli,  82-5-22,  526,  II,  c  (KB 

III,  pt.  2,  p.  142). 
Abl-la-mas-si   "My  father  is  my  protecting 

deity",  K.  241,  X, 27,  spec. 
Abi-lamur  "May  I  see  my  father"  (cf.  OBa. 

^-<^/-/«-M//-«r  RPN,  NBa.  xiD-lu-murl^V^) 
AD-la-mur,  JADD  826, 2.  K.  241,  X,  5,  spec. 

VS  I,  90, 22. 
*Abi-la-rim  (cf  -f Abi-H-riin\  see  also  Hilpreciit, 

BE  X,  p.  Xr,  n.  I),  JADD  43,  R.  4  (B.  C. 

A-bi-ll-e   "My  father  is  strong"   or  perhaps 

"My  father  is  Li-e"  (for"'Z/-^,  seeTNB, 

p.  249,  but  cf  A-bi-lu  and  OBa.  A-bi-li-ia 

RPN),  HABL  579, 12.  . 
*^Abi(^^/r)-li-ih[-ia.^j,  JADD  209,4,  slave. 
*'Abi-li-rim  (cf  Abi-la-rim),  JADD  265, 2,  slave. 
Abi-IIsir  "  M  a  y  m  y  f  a  t  h  e  r  s  u  c  c  e  e  d ! "  (or  abbre v.) 
.    AD-GIS,  Louvre,  AO2221,  R./^  (OLZVI, 

col.  199;  B.C.  656.-).    h-ab...  JADD  80, 

R.^.  857,  IV,  18. 
A-bil-kis-SU  perh.  "Bringing  power"  (cf  OBa. 

Ihi-a-bil  &ic.  RPN;  ruler  belonging  to  an 

early  period  of  Babylonian  histor}-,  Chron. 

A,  11,4.  WiNCKLER,  UAG  p.  153:  -kii-ki. 
A-bil-Sin  (OBa.) 

s.  of  Zabii\   king  of  the   first  Babylonian 

dynasty,  Chron.  A,  IV,?.  King-list  B, 4. 
A-bi-lu  (perh.  -=  Abi-ihi  q.  v.,  cf  A-bu-lu,  or  = 

Abilu,  cf  OBa.  Samas-a-bi-U  RPN) 
h-ab  kisir,  JADD  273,  R.  2  (B.  C.  683). 
A^bi-Iu-ri-e,  JADD  1 50,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  679). 
*Abl-mllki  (Can.)  "My  father  is  Milk"  (cf  Bi. 
No.   I. 

?lbtt^ai{,  Ar.  '7bl3'^nx  APO,  Sab.  n.  pr.  f 
Tb^aax;  KA  p.  469  ff) 

1.  A-bi-LUGAL,  governor  of  Tyre,  TA  147,2. 

148,2.  149,2.  151,2.  153,2.  155,2. 

2.  A-bi-mii-ki,  governor  of  Tj-re,  TA  146,  2. 

150,2.  152,2.  154,2.  nidr  /akinlu,  prince 
of  Arvad,  Abp.:  A,  II,io8;  III,.;  Ann.  II, 

84,92    (KB  II,    p.    172). 

3.  Abii-LUGAL,  governor  of  Tyre,  TA  152,55. 
Abl-nuri  "The  father  is  (my)  light"  (cf  NBa. 

AD-tm-ur\ri  TNB,  Bi.  -»5(^)nK) 
AD-LAIJ,  JADD  752, 7. 
*Abi-qamu  "My  father  has  arisen"  (cf  Ahi- 

qivnu,  Ph.  DpSK) 
AD{-i)-qa-mu,  JADD  246,  R.  ,3.  845,  R.  3. 
*''Abi-ra-ml  (WSem.,  cf  the  next  name),  sister  of 

queen  mother,  i.  e.  J Na-ki--a  (B.  C:.  674), 

JADD  70,  R.  6. 
*Abl-ramu    "My   father   is   high"   (Bi.  STas, 

£3-i:nX,   Ar.  nrn«  APO,  Can.  A-bi-ra... 

Ta'annek  12,2,   OBa.  A-ba-am-ra-ma!am 

BA  VI,  no.  5,  p.  82) 

1.  AD-ra-me,  HABL  599, i4(.?).  Epon ,  B.  C. 6-jy, 

JADD  194,  R.7;  ''sukalhi  rabu,  III  R  2,50 
(4'^^  year  of  Esarh.). 

2.  AD-ra-mu,  Epon.,  B.C.  677,  Canon  A,  VI,  4; 

C,  IV,  20.  JADD  576,  R.  14.  701,  R.  2;  ''siik- 
kallu  rabu,  JADD  "ji,  11,  R.  n. 
*Abi-ratta8  (Cass.) 

1.  A-bi-rat-tal    (formerly   read    A-du-me-tas) 

King-list  A,  I,  19;  same  person  as  no.  2. 

2.  A-bi-r{u-ut-tal\  (cf  Thureau-Dangin,  OLZ 

XI,  col.  3 1  f ,  HOMMEL,  OLZ  XII,  col.  108 f) 
s.  of  Kastiliahi,  gs.  of  Ag-7iin  rabfi,  ggs.  of 
Gandi,  f  of  TaUigjirumas,  gf  of  Aguin 
II,  Agk.  VR33,  1,15  (KB  III,  p.  136). 

3.  AD-rat-ta^  (cf  Tiiureau-Dangin,  OLZ  XI 

(1908),  col.  i37f.), 
f  of  Ardi-Sibitti]  Ninibkudurusur:  Lo.  102, 

I,  11,  15,  19,  31,  32.  Ill,  fi,  21.  IV,  14,  31,  37.  VI,  2,  7. 

KB  IV,  p.  82ff. 
*Abi-salam  "My  father  is  peace"  (WSem.,  cf 

Bi.  D'lbtc-'nK  abtini?) 

1.  AD-sa-la-me,  5.oiHa-a)n-bu-s7i,  PSBA  XXX 

(1908)  p.  137,1. 

2.  AD-sa-lavi,  JADD  223,  u. 

3.  AD-sa-lavi-ma,  ^'irri^u,  ] ADD  ^4^,  R.;5. 

Knut  Tallqvist. 

*A-bi-8l(WSem.),  s.oi  Samsu-iiu?m,\d^g  of  the  first 
Babylonian  dynasty,  Chron.  K  2,  R.  7.  =E-bi- 

CT  VI,  pi.  24, 20b;  pi.  38,32a,  etc;  cf.  Bi. 

?!lttj^nx,  SArb.  yn'^nx  {A-bi-ia-te-\  q.  v.), 

KA  p.  481,  n.  4. 
A-bi-ti-l  (hypocor.),  JADD  386, 13. 
Abit-sarri-usur  "Keep  the  decision  of  king!" 
A-bit-MAN\LUGAL-PAP,   HABL  411,2. 

^'rubn  "'"*  Ma7i-na-a-a,  HABL  466,  R.  4. 
Abi-tabu  "The  father  is  good"  (cf.  OBa.  ^-^« 

{-umytabum  RPN,  A-ba^DUG.GA-biB^ 

XIV,  Bi.  ait3^s«,  Ar.  at:inx) 

JADD  382, 11  (B.  C  712).   385,  R.5,7. 

f.  of  Asur-iqbi  &  Sitiqi-Ahi?-,  OLZ  VI,  col. 

199,  13. 

Abi-ul-Idi  "I  did  not  know  my  father"  (i.  e. 
posthume,  seePElSER,  KBIV,  p.  258,  n., 
Ungnad,  BA  VI,  no.  5,  p.  82;  cf.  OBa. 
A-ba{-amyull/a-i-di  BE  XIV,  XV,  NBa. 
A-bi-ul-i-di,  TNB;  cf  Ul-i-di-ul-a-miir 

1.  AD-NU-ZU,]AY)D  265, 1.  Sm.  55,  XI,  c,  spec. 

^'A.BA,  JADD  185,  R.  /.  (B.C.666).  ''Sahin 
"t Kak-zi-a-a,  JADD  50,  R.^  (Ep.  H). 

2.  AD-ul-i-di,''mutirprite  '""*Kal-dd-a-a,  HABL 

742, 4.  ''langfi  rabii,  JADD  657,  R.4. 

3.  AD-ul-ZU,  JADD  90,  R.^  (B.  C.  734).  icxD, 

R.  5  (B.  C.  687).  41 1, 9.  628,  R.  8  (Ep.  P). 

OLZ  VIII  (1905),  col.  132, 37  (Ep.  Sili). 

''abarakkti,  JADD  345,  R.  4.  ialhi,  JADD 

618,  R.  E.  ^. 
f  of  Tebetaia,  JADD  128,5  (B.  C.  655). 
Abi-ul-lu-mu(?),  JADD  6^],  R.  7  (B.  C  712). 
A-bi-um-me    "Mothers    father"     (cf    DttTns 

A|3oo8e}j.p.ou  (gen.),  Lidzp.arski,  Epheme- 

ris,  I  p.  189,  Noi.DEKE,  BSSp.94,  -f  Umvii- 

a-bi-d),  JADD  148,  R.^. 
Abi-zer-utir   "My   father  has  re-established 

offspring",  K.  241,  VIII,  33,  spec. 

s.oi  Sa-mu-7iu-ia-tu-tn.  nappahlmrasi,  JADD 
160,  R.  //  (Ep.  G). 
'-^Ab-na-nu,    s.  of ,    '"'Kan-nti--a-a,   VS  I, 

89,  1,  10. 
*Ab-nl-i (hypocor.), ;'rt'/;i'/>/zi'<i  '""fArpadda,  HABL 

221,11  (VR  53,  r,8a). 

*Ab-8a-a    (WSem.,    cf  Pa.  XDIS^),  JADD  420,  5 

(B.  C.  670),  sold  in  «'  Til-iia-Jd-ri. 
*Ab(^rt'?)-8l-e-ku  {h'l}  Eg.?),  ''Mu-sur-a-a,  JADD 

331,2  (B.C. 671). 

mar  larri,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  20  (KB  IV,  p.  70). 
*A-bu-lu  (prob.  Ar.),  perh.  "Little  father" 

s.  of  Ti-ti-i,  b.  of  Asi,  JADB  5,  ],  22. 
A-bu-nu  (abbrev,  cf  OBa.  A-bu-ni,  A-bn-nu-um 

RPN),  JADD  167,  R.  /  (B.  C  e-jG). 
A-bu-sa-lim  "The  father  is  safe" 

s.  of  Ahir-cmfiqi,  Capp.  Ra.  2,  R.  a. 
*A-bu-Tesup  (=  A-ki-Tehip),  b.  of   Takiiwa  of 

Ni,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  pp.  34,  38 f 
Ab(.?)-zi-l,  JADD  412, 2  (III  R  48, 2  a.  KB  IV,  p.  100). 
A-da  (hypocor.,  cf  A-da-d),  in  the  place  name 

Bil-"'A-dir,  q.  V. 
A-da-a  (hypocor.;  for  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  cf 

Adda,  Ph.  Xi«),  HABL  108 1, 3  (Rm.  557), 

Sarg.:  B,  D,  5.  '""' Sur-da-a-a,  Sarg.  Cyl.  33 

(I  R  36.   KB  II,  p.  44). 

Adad ,  HABL  549,2. 

A-da-da,  Capp.  Ch.  9,  1.  10,  //. 

Adad(t/)-a-bi  "Adad  is  my  father"  (cf  '^JM- 

a-bi  RPN),  JADD  770, 2. 
Adad-ab-USUr  "O  Adad,  protect  the  father!" 

(cf.  NBa.  ''Ad-du-AD-SES  BE  X) 
w^  U-AD.PA1\  J  ADD  4 1  r ,  8.  mar  lipri,  JADD 

600,  R.  6.  ''ialhi  mar  Sarri,  JADD  711, 

R.  4  (Ep.  E). 
s.  of  Dar-Adad,  JADD  446,  R.  ,s  (Ep.  Q). 
Adad-ahe-[iddin]  "Adad  has  given  brothers" 

''}m-PAP^''-[ASI  JADD  247,  R.  ,3. 
Adad-ahe-sallim  "O  Adad,  keep  the  brothers 

safe!"  (cf  NBa.  Addu-ahe-hillim  TNB) 
'^IM-PAPf'-DI,  '•mtik-il\apati\  JADD  860, 

II,  12. 
Adad-ah-iddina  "Adad  has  given  a  brother" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^IM-PAP-AS,  HABL  149,2.  JADD  310, 1,  ig 

(B.  C.  669).  913,  0,  slave. 

2.  [/-PAP- AS,  ^'paqid  ....,  JADD  173,   R.  ^ 

(Ep.  G). 

3.  U-PAP-SE-iia,  JADD  622,  R.  5  (Ep.  D). 
Adad-ah-usup"OAdad,  protect  the  brother!" 

U-PAP-PAP,  JADD  90,   R.  r  (B.  C.  733). 
618,8  (P:p.  T). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names, 

A-da-da-a-nu   (perh.  r=-.  Adad-danu  or   formation 
like  Bclanu{in),  Iltaranii,  Satnhinu) 
'""^ A-sa-il-a-a,  Shams. V:  Ann. Ill,  57  (IR30. 
KB  I,  p.  182). 
Adad'apal-iddina  "Ad ad  has  given  a  son" 

1.  ■'IM-A-AS,  J  ADD  259,  U.S.  K.  7393 

2.  '^IM-A-MU 

s.  of  Itti-Marduk-balatu, """'  A-ra-mu-ii  sarru 
IM.GI,  Chron.  K^,  «;  cf.  no.  3. 

3.  '^IM-A-SE-na,  J  ADD  45,  R.  E.  1  (Kp-.r). 

s.  of  Esaggil-^aduni,  gs.  of  la  mamana, 
king  of  Babylon,  father-in-law  of  Ahir- 
bei-kala  the  Assyrian  king,  about  B.  C. 
1020;  sar '""'  KarduniaS,  Sy  nchron.  II,  31,  u. 
Cf.  no.  2. 

4.  '^M-TUR.US-i-din-nam,  sar  Bab  Hi,  I  R  5, 

no.  22, 1. 
.  5.  '^IM-IUR.  US-MU,  in  NBa texts,  see  TNB. 

6.  ''IM-  TUR.  US-SE-ina],  king  of  Babylonia, 

K.  6156  (iiti>  year). 

7.  U-A-AS,  JADD  117,   B.  E.  /   (B.  C.  674). 

''lalsu  hinni,  JADD  800,  i. 
Adad-asaridu   "Adad    is    the    first  in   place" 

(OBa.  ^ IM-a-sa-ri-id  T-DLC) 
'^IM\'^U-MAS,    83-1-18,    695,  II,  12:    spec. 

'^A.BA,  JADD  173,  R.  9  (Ep.  G). 
Adad '-ba-ba-U  (perh.  Ar.),  ''mar  qataQ)  sa   mar 

sarri,  JADD  321,  R.s. 
Adad(6>bal-llt     "O  Adad,  keep  alive!" 

s.  of  Gu-gi-i,  ''nagiru,  JADD  446,  R.  //, 
*Adad  1  -ba-rak-ka  (WSem.,  cf.  Ba-ri-hi-Addu  TNB, 

Iltif''-,  Sames{mes)-ba-rak-ku'^'E  X),  H  ABL 

292,  R.  5. 
Adad-bel  "Adad  is  lord"  (or  abbrev.) 

U-EN,  JADD  661, 20. 
Adad'-bel-a-ni  "Adad  is  our  lord",  83-1-18,695, 

II,  6:  spec. 
Adad-bel-ka'in  "O  Adad,  establish  the  lord!" 

1.  IM-EN-DU,  K.  241,  XI,  12:  spec. 

2.  ''IM-EN-DU,  Epon.,  B.  C.  748,    Canon  A, 

IV,  21;  B,V,  i:  ^AS-hir-EN-DU\  C,  11,26; 
D,  IV,  6 ;  ''sakin  matt,  Canon  E  +  8 1  -2-4, 1 87, 
R.  30.    Epon.,  B.  C.  738,  Canon  A,  IV,  31. 

3.  U-EN-DU,  Epon.,  B.  C.  738,  JADD  1098, 1, 7. 
Adad  i-bel-ka-Ia  "Adad  is  lord  of  everything", 

''SAG  Sarri,  Merod.  I:  DEP  VI,  p.  42, 19. 
Cf.  BE  XIV,  57,  6. 

No.  I. 

Adad-bel-taqqin    "O    Adad,    make    the    lord 

f  i  r  m !" 
''IM\-*U-EN-LAL[-in)   83-1- 18,  695,  II,  i«: 

spec.   JADD  484, 2  (B.  C.  706). 
Adad-bel-ukin  (or  -kainT),  governor  af  Kar-Tu- 

kulti-Ninib,  Ekallate  and  Ruqalja,  MDOG 

43.  p.  36. 
Adad-bel-U§ur  "O  Adad,    protect  the  lord!" 
U-EN-PAP,  JADB  3,  V,  2.   JADD  286,  R.  9 
(B.C. 661.=).  586,  R.  9(?).  720,6.  795,1-  993. 

R.  Ill,  18. 

Adad(f/)-bi-bi-e  (perh.  Adad-gab-bl-iqbi[]\)  ]AT>T> 

476,  R.  7. 
Adad-dan  "Adad  is  judge" 

1.  ''IM-da-an,  ''sukkallu,  Shmk.  CT  20:  7,  42. 

2.  Im-da"-an,  JADD  893, 1. 

3.  ''IM-da"-an,  JADD  429, 25.   ''sar[ien\  JADD 


4.  U-da"-aH,]KDY)  1 17,  R.  6 (B.C. 674).  82-5-22, 

146:  writer  to  king.    HABL  981,  2. 
Adad-duri  "Adad  is  (my)  wall" 

IM-BAD,  'Hrrisu  oi"'Arrisii,  JADB  3,  II,  1. 

Adad(6/0-el ,  JADD  295,  R.  6  (B.  C.  730). 

Adad-emurinni  "Adad  has  looked  at  me" 
U-SI-LAL-in-ni    (possibly    Bel-emurittni), 
JADD  86,  L.  E.  /  (B.  C  650?). 
Adad-eres  "Adad  has  planted"  (for  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts  see  T-D  LC,  TNB) 

1.  ''IM-KAM,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  15:  spec. 

2.  ''IM-PIN-es,  83-1-18,  514. 

3.  U-KAM-es,  JADD  600,  R.  7.  742,  R.  11. 

s.  of  Adad-ittiia,  "'Hu-bab-a-a,  JADD  446, 
R.  20  (Ep.  Q). 

4.  dU-PIN-ei,  JADD  782,  10  (B.  C.  661). 
Adad-eriba  "Adad  has  rewarded" 

''IM-SU,  K.  1240.   83-1-18,695,  II,  14 :  spec. 
''irrihi,]MyD  742, 37.  ^'i^-z^^w,  JADD.860, 1, 21. 
Adad-etir  "Adad  spared" 

f.  of  Marduk-balatsu-iqbi;  ''naS  patri  '^Mar- 
duk,  KB  IV,  p.  98,  no.  IV,  1. 
Adad-gab-bi(?  abbrev.) 

f.  of  I-mas-si .  .  . . ,   Id  "' A-ri-ia-a-be ,  VS  I, 
103,5  (B.C.  887?). 
Adad(6^)-hat(/)^?)-ta-a  . . .,  JADD  435,  B.  E.  3. 
Adad('^/M/ 6'>hu-ut-nl  "Adad  is  (my)  protec- 
tion" JADD  741,  18.    815,  II,  3.     irrisu, 
JADB  19,  3. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Adad^-ia-ba-bi, '^A.BA,  JADD  387,  R.  s(B.  C. 65 1  r). 
Adad-ibni  "Adad  has  created" 

1.  •UM-ib-ni,  HABL  322,  2.  323,  2.  784,  R.ii.  — 

In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
s.  of  Musesib-Marduk ,    Shmk.  CT  X,  5,  u. 

6,  31. 

2.  ''IM-KAK,   HABL  522,  2:    of   "^Za-ab-dL 

mar  Zab-di-i,  JADD  384,  1,  4,  13.  Hangu 
sa  '^Nikkal,  JADD  922,  I,  s.  —  In  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  '^IM-KAK-ni,  JADD  360,  g  (B.  C.  680).     Cf. 

Rm.  157,  R.  6  (KB  IV,  p.  126). 

%da-di-da-al-li  (abbrev.),  JADD  741,  28. 

Adad-iddin  "Adad  has  given"  (cf.  OBa.  -^IM- 
i-din-nani  RPN) 
'^IM-AS,  JADD  214,  R.  12:  tam-gar.  661,  17. 

*Adad-idri  (Ar.)  "Adad  is  my  help"  (for  diffe- 
rent attempts  to  read  this  name  and  to 
clear  up  its  relation  to  Bi.  nnD2  ==  ino; 
AGep  and  iiTOa,  PO(;non,  Inscript.  semit. 
no.  86,  see  Zimmern,  KA  p.  446,  HAV 
p.  299  ff.,  LUCKENBILL,  AJSL  XXVII, 
pp.  267— 284);  cf.  nrS^nn,  Ad-di-id-ri. 

1.  '^IM-id-ri,  ^a  """Imerihi,  Shalm.  Ill:  KAHI 

I,  30,  14,  25.    {Sar)  '""'Dimaiqi,  Shalm.  Ill: 

Co.  71,  87,  92,  100  (B.  C.  854 — 846);    Ob.  5tl,  88 

(B.C.  854-849).  -  KB  I,  pp.  134, 138,  172. 

2.  '^IM--id-ri,  sa  "'"'Dimasqi,  Shahii.  Mon.  II, 

90  (B.  C  854).  -  KB  I,  p.  134. 

3.  U-id-ri,  '""'Dhnasqi,  Shalm.  Tigr.  2,  21.  — 

h'tdn,  JADD  741,  21. 
Adad(ViT//7:/>lli.a-a  "Adad  is  my  God" 

JADD  85,  R.  6(?).  121, 6  (B.  C  671).  661,  17. 
*Adad^-im/'l-me  (cf. ''/JZ-w^-wr-^  TNB,  Bir-am- 
ina-d),  "'"'Sal-ia-a{-d)-ia,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  5:> 
(I  R  24.  KB  I,  p.  104). 
Adad'-ip-qid  "Adad  has  protected  ' 

83-1-18,  695,  II,  i!»:  spec. 
Adad'-iq-bi  "Adad  has  commanded" 

JADD  374,4  (B.C.686).  83-1- 1 8,695,  II,  9:  spec. 
Adad-iqisa  "Adad  has  presented" 

^IM-BA-sa,  JADD  907, 5. 
Adad-iskl-eres  "Adad  has  planted  a  child" 
U-i^imil})-ki-KAMlPINl-elUWG\m^.i  1 1, 
31.  irrisu,  JADD  742,  R.  22. 
Adad-ismeani  "Adad  has  heard  me" 
'^IM-HAL-ni,  JADD  45,  R.  E.  2  (Ep.  t). 

Adad-ittim  "Adad  is  with  me" 

'^IMiU-KI-ia,  HABL  342,  2.  529,  2.  949,  5. 
f  of  Adad-eres,  JADD  446,  R.  .0  (Ep.  Q). 

Adad-kabti-ahesu  "Adad  is  the  most  mighty 
of  his  brothers" 
'UM-BE-PAPPi-m,  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  II,  5:  spec. 

Adad'-ka-sir  "Adad  brings  good  luck"(?) 
JADD 264,  R.J  (B.C. 688).  ^'naggaru,]My^ 
473,  474.  R.  -  (B.  C  698). 

■•^Adad2-la-din  (cf.  Hilprecht,  BE  X,  p.  XI,  a), 
hnutirpnti,  JADD  627,  R.  7  (B.  C.  666). 

*Adad-la-an-dar  (i.e./rtr;  ciJli-li-in-dar  Hi  lpreciit, 
BE  X,  p.  XI,  n.),  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  II,  18:  spec). 

Adad-li'  "Adad  is  mighty" 

'^IM-ZU,  JADD  858,  10  (K.  241,  VI,  g:  spec. 

Adad^-lu-ki-di  (prob.  Ar.) 

irrihi,  in  "'A-a-na-ta-a,  JADB  4,  III,  13. 

Adad'-ma-lik  "Adad  is  counsellor" 
Capp.  Ch.  5»  li- 

Adad-mehir,  see  Bdlu-viehir. 

Adad^-mil-ki  "Adad  is  my  counsellor"  (cf 
'^ IM-mil{Ui)-ki-iddin  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  80,  5), 
JADD  86,  R.  ,4. 

Adad '-mu-sam-mir  "Adad  guards"(.?),  83-1-18, 
695,  II,  21.  Epon.,  B.  C.  789,  Canon  C,  1, 22; 
M  "'Kdl-rji  Canon  E+  81-2-4,  187, 23. 

Adad("'<7)-mu-se-is-sl  "Adad  causes  to  come 
forth",  JADD  259,  R.  7. 

Adad '-mu-ses-ir  "Adad  causes  to  succeed", 
sarru  rabn  iami  dannu  sar  '""'Kardu- 
nias,  HABL  924, 3  (K.  3045.  Ill  R  4,  no.  5). 
WiNCKLER,  AF,  I,  p.  124,  n.  3,  suggests 
that  the  syllable  ir  may  be  due  to  an 
error  of  the  copyist,  in  which  case  the 
name  would  be  read  Adad-sum-usur  q.  v., 
cf.  Hilprecht,  OBI  I,  p.  34,  Kinc;,  Chro- 
nicles, p.  72,  n.  3. 

Adad-nadin-ahu  "Adad  gives  a  brother" 

'UMI'^U-ASISE-PAP^  ns55imn  =  A6a8- 
vadivaxiic;  CIS  II,  72,  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  142, 
JADD  468,  R.  7  (B.  C.  698).  Epon.  r,  JADD 

45>  R-  3. 
Adad-nadin-sum  "Adad  gives  a  name" 

''lAT-SE-MU,   'Tab   kisir,  JADD  364,  R.  7 
(B.  C.  679). 
Adad-na'id  "Adad  is  exalted" 
I.  IM-l  JADD613,  1,  R.3. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names, 

2.  ''IM-na-id,  in  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN. 

3.  U-I,  Hrrilu,  JADB  3,  VI,  u.    ''/-/«,  JADB 


4.  '^U-I,  J  ADD  290,  ^. 
Adad-narari,  see  Adad-nirari. 
Adad-nasir  "Adad  protects" 

1.  '^ IM-Tia-si-ir,  in  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN. 

f.  o{NINJB-apal-iddin,  Merod.I:  IVR38, 
II,  32  (KB  IV,  p.  62). 

2.  '^IM-na-sir,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  <iIM-PAP-ir,  JADD  374,  2  (B.C. 685).  624,2 

(B.C. 687).  643,  5.  83-1- 1 8,  695,  II,  7:  spec. 
M.^y4  ^a  bit  Ahir-li ,  JADD  444,  1,  20. 

4.  '^IM-SES,  HABL  183,  2. 

5.  U-PAP-ir,  JADD  118,  R.  .  (B.C.  671).  310, 

R.  /9  (B.  C.  669). 
s.  of  Nabu-nasir,   ''A.BA   {ekalli),  JADD 
362,  1  (B.  C.  660). 
*Adad-natan(WSem.)  "Adad  has  given"  (cf.^'A/- 
du-na-tan-nu  TNB) 

1.  '^ IM-na-ta7i,  sa  "'"^Rasappa,  HABL  767,  10. 

2.  U-na-ta-an,  JADD  209,  R.  14. 
Adad-nirari  "Adad  is  (my)  helper" 

'^IM-ni-ra-ri,  gs.  of  Taku  of  Nuhasse  who 

was  contemp.  with  Thutmosis  III,  TA  5  r,  2. 
'fJM-ZAB.DAH,  /Add  488, 4.  803,  R.  12. 
I.  Adadnirari  I,  king  of  Assyria 

s.  oi  Arik-din-ilu\  ^angii  Asur,  MDOG  28, 

p.  12, 
f.  oi  Sulinan-a^arid  (I),  gf.  of  Tiikulti-NIN. 

IB{1)\  Ungn  Ahir,  Tuk.  I:  MDOG  44, 

p.  29. 

1,  '^IM-na-ra-ri,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  66,  1. 

2.  ^IM-ZAB,DAH,  Shalm.  I:  III  R  3,  no.  3,  2. 

56-9-9,  164, 2  (King,  RRT  p.  161).  sar 
'""^Ashir,  Chron.  P,  III,  20:  contemp.  of 
Kurigalzu.  Synchron.  I,  24, 2r>:  contemp. 
of  Nazi-Maruttas.  Tigl.  I:  Hunt.  V,  25 
(I  R  28). 
s.  of  Arik-dm-ilu\i  hir  kissati,  Adnir.  I: 
KAHI  1, 67. 68.  j6.  —  a)  gs.  oiEnlil-nirari\ 
sakin  '^ Enlil sangn '^Ahir,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI 
I,  6,  1.  lar  [kissati],  I  R  6,  no.  3,  A.  — 
ggs.  of  Ahir  uballit;  rubn  ellu  smigii 
sirii  sa/Enlil,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  4,  1. 
5,  1.  sakati  irsiti  Hani,  sangn  ellu  sa 
'^Enlil,  Adnir.  I:  IV  R 30, 1-28  (KB  I,  p. 4). 

No.   I. 

Sarru  IR  6,  no.  Ill,  A,  —  b)  f.  oiSulman- 
asarid  (I),  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  75,  18.  lakin 
'^Enlil  {BE\AB)  Sangn  Aiur,  Shalm.  I: 
KAHI  I,  14, 2.  15,  17. 

f.  of  Siilman-asarid  {!) ,  gf.  of  Tiikulti- Ninib 
(I);    Ur   kiHati  lar   '""'AUur,   Tuk.  I: 
KAHI  I,  16,  iG. 
3.  U-ZAB.DAH,  Shalm. I :  K.  8539.  Sangn  Asur, 
Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  10. 

s.  of  Arik-dm-ilu;  Sangn  Asur,  Adnir.  Ill 
KAHI  1, 24,  R.  0.  sdpiru,  Adnir.  I :  VS  1, 63. 
sar  kissati,  Adnir.  I:  K.  8554;  I  R6,  no.  Ill, 
B  1,  C;  —  a)  gs.  of  Enlil-nirari,  Sar  kiSSati 
Adnir.  I:  KAHI.I,  8. 9.  1 1 ;  —  b)  f.  of  Sul- 
man-aSarid  I,  Sakin  ''^Enlil  SangU  '^ASur, 
Shalm.  I:  KAHI  I,  13,  HI,  30. 

f.  of  Sulma7t-aSarid (l)\  Sar  '""^ASSur,  56-9-9, 
180,  5.  Sar  kiSSati,  I  R  6,  no.  IV,  2.  Gf.  of 
Tukulti-NINJB  (I),  Tuk.  I:  KAHI  I, 
1 7, 26.  Sakiji  ^Enlil  Sangn  ASur,  Tuk.  I : 
KAHI  1, 19, 6.  Sar  '"-'ASur,  Tuk.  I:  KAHI 
I,  1 8,  3.  Sar  kiSSati  Sar  '""'ASSzir,  Tuk.  I, 
Ann.  8. 

II.  Adadnirari  II,  king  of  Assyria,  MDOG  26, 

p.  59  f. 

III.  Adadnirari  III,  king  of  Assyria,  B.C.  91 1—890 

1.  ^IM-ZAB.DAH,  Sar  '""'ASSur,  Chron.  K^, 

R.  1;  Synchron.  Ill,  1,  4,  10:  contemp.  of 
Samas-mudammiq  and  Nabu-sum-iskun. 

s.  of  Asur-dan  (I) ;  Sarru  rabfl  [Sarru  dan- 
nu  . . .]  Sar  kullat  kibrdt  arbai  rubn  nddu, 
Adnir.  Ill:  KAHI  I,  24;  —  gs.  of  Tukulti- 
apil-ESarra;  Sar  kiSSati  Sar  "'"'ASSur, 
Adnir.  Ill:  BM90853  (ZAII,  p.  3 11.  AKA 
I,  p.  154.  KB  I,  p.  48).    We.  Misc.,  pi.  6. 

f  of  Tukulti-mN.IB{ll),  gf.  of  ASnr-nasir- 
aplu;  Sangn  sakkanak  Hani,  Anp.  Ann. 
I,  2!)  (I  R  17.  KB  I,  p.  56).  Sar  '""'ASSur, 
hay.  84,  D.  Sarru  rabn  Sarru  dannu  Sar 
kiSSati  Sar  "'"^ASSur,  Anp.  56-9-9,  136  etc. 
(AKA  I,  p.  157);  KAHI  I,  25. 

2.  U-ZAB.DAH 

f.  of  ruktilti-NIN.IB{\l);  pate  si  ASur,  Tuk. 
II:  Ann.  R.  56;  gf.  of  ASur-nasir-aplu  (ill), 
Sakkanak  Hani,  Anp.  Ann.  1, 29  (var.).  Sakin 
'^Bel  Sangn  ASur,  Anp.  Ill  R  3,  no.  10 
(AKA  I,  p.  158).    Sar  "'"^ASSur,  Anp.  BM 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

90255  (AKA  I,  p.  156).  Lay.  83,  A.  VS 
I,  65,  3.  sar  kiUati  sar  '""'AHur,  Anp. 
BM  90256.  90260.  Bull  I,  10  (AKA  I, 
pp.  I56f.,  190).  Lay.  83,  B.  }ar  kissati 
sar  inatati,  Lay.  83,  D.  lami  rahn  sarrii 
dannu  iar  kiUati  sar  "'"*AUur,  Anp.: 
Ann.  II,  126.  Ill,  114  (I  R  23. 26.  KB  I,  pp.  94, 
112).  Bal.  2(VR69).  BM  90868.  90984. 
Restor.  2  (AKA  I,  pp.  162,  174,  177). 
Statue,  III  R  4,  no.  8  (KB  I,  p.  122.  AKA  I, 
p.  161), 

IV.  Adad-nirari  IV,    king    of  Assyria,   B.  C. 


1.  '^IM-ni-ra-\ra 

s.  of  Samsi-Adad  (Sf),  gs.  of  Sulnuln-alarid 
(III),  JADD  652.  {larkirsati\  lar  '""'Anur, 
K.  2800  (OLZ  I,  col.  60). 

2.  ''/J/-/«V«-;7,  JADD  809,  34.  Sarg.II:  IIIR3, 

no.  12,  5b. 

3.  '^IM-ZAB.DAH,  JADD  656,  3.    sarru,  as 

Epon.  B.  C.  8 10,  III  R  i.  III,  7.  sar  '"^'AUur, 
Adnir.  IV:  I  R  35,  no.  2,  s  (KB  I,  p.  192). 
>  K.  8663.  Synchron.  IV,  14. 
s.  of  Samsi-Adad  (V),  gs.  of  Sulman-alarid 
(III),  JADD  651  (KB  IV,  p.  98).    K.  2800. 

4.  U-ZAB.DAH,  I  arm  rabn  sarni  dannu  Sar 

kiUati  iar  '"^^AHur,  Adnir.  IV:  I  R  35, 
no.  I,  1  (KB  I,  p.  190). 
s.  o{SamU-Adad{Y),  JADD  1077,  VIII,  3,  n; 
Adnir.  IV:  KAHI  I,  36,  2.  ^ar  '""'Assur, 
Adnir.  IV:  KAHI  I,  35, 2.  Gs.  oiSuhnan- 
asarid  (III),  sakin  BE  iar  AUur,  Adnir. 
IV:  I  R  35,  no.  4  (KB  I,  p.  188).  sarru 
rabu  larru  dannu  sar  kiUati  }ar  ""'*AHur 
binbin  Alur-nasir-aplu,  Adnir.  IV:  IR35, 
no.  3,  1,  16  (KB  I,  p.  188). 

V.  Adad-nirari  V,  B.  C.  763— 7540?),  i.  oi  Asur- 

nirari  (V)  and  Tukulti-apil-Elarra  (IV), 
see  SCHNABEL,  Chronologie  p.  97,  OLZ 
XII,  col.  53of. 

Sardur  III:  Chaldian  inscription  from 
Surb  Pogos,  Lehmann,  SbBA,  1899, 
p.  119,  WZKM  XIV  (1900)  p.  20. 

Adad-nirari,  lar  '"''^AHur,  JADD  808,  6 
—  Cf  K.  14 182:  '^U-ZAB.DAH,  Assyrian 
king,  identical  with  one  of  the  preceding. 

s.  oiSaiuH-Adad,  f  o( ASur-dan  {KAL.  GA), 
MDOG44,  p.  3if. 

Adad-nuri    "Ad ad   is   my  light"    (cf  Eg.-Ar. 
^niD-nn  APO) 
'^IM-LAH,  83-1- 1 8,  695,  II,  20,  spec. 

Adad-qas-sun  (abbrev.),  JADD  266,  R.  ,3  (B.  C.  670). 
477,  R.  6 
s.  oi Ihnanni-Adad,]AT)Y}  172,  R.  /^  (B.C. 

*Adad-ra-ba-a  (WSem.;  perhaps  =  7?rt-;«rt«-rrt:-/^^2;, 
Lettres),  ''taifikaru]AT>T>  197, 1  (B.C.  646.?). 

Adad-raba-iddin  {^''/MGAL.AS),  JADD  849, 8. 

*Adad2-ra-ha-a-u  (Ar.;  cf  Ad-ra-a-ha-u,  ^-f^Ad-ra- 
Jii-i  etc.,  '^Ad-du-ra-hi-i  TNB),  perhaps 
"Adadishis  shepherd"  (cf.  NBa.  A/- 
du-reuUu  TNB)  or  "Adad  is  loving" 
(HiLPRECHT,  BE  X,  p.  38).  ^'amel  urqi, 
JADD  742,  28:  of  "^Bar-sa-ni-is-ta. 

*Adad2-ra-hi-mu  (WSem.,  d/ IM-ra-f}a-7nuT^B), 
JADD  [845,3].  ''ialhi  rakbi,]KD\:>  268,  R.j. 

*Adad2-ra-pa-7a  "Adad  has  healed"  (WSem., 
cf. '' Ad-du-ra-pa-  TNB,  Bi.  biiB-i),  JADD 
46,  R.  E.  ;? 
s.  oiNabn-etir,  JADD  325,  R.  E.  ^  (Ep.  A). 

Adad-re'uni  "Adad  is  our  shepherd" 
'^IM-SIB-ni,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  10:  spec. 

Adad-rimanni  "O  Adad,  have  njercy  on  me!" 

1.  '^IM-rim-a-ni,  JADD  412,  s   (III  R  48,  10a; 

B.  C.  748).  1096,  R.  j6,  Epon.,  B.  C.  842, 
Canon  A,  II,  22;  B,  II,  27.  Cf.  n.  1.  Adad- 
rlmani  iakin  '""^Man-na-a-a,  Abp.  IRS, 
no.  I,  10. 

2.  '^IM-rlm-an-ni,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  13:  spec. 

3.  U-rifn-a-7ii,  HABL  441, 7.  JADD  296,  R.  7. 

438,  R.  7.  DT317.  mar  Niniia,  JADD 
472,  R.  J4  (B. C.668).  f'rab  MUia  "'  Harran, 
JADB  3,  III,  8.  4,  VIII,  2.  Epon.  D,  JADD 
38,  R.  3.  39,  R.  2.  622,  R.  1. 

4.  'W-rivi-an-ni,  JADD  311,  2. 

Adad '-ri-su[-u-a]  "Adad  is  my  helper"  {d.'^IM- 
ri-zu-u-a  BE  XIV  p.  51),  JADD  166,  3 
(Ep.  S). 

*Adad'.8a-gab  (WSem.;   cf  He.  n^ffi!5^5),  JADD 

746,  14.    750,  4. 

Adad'^-sa-ka[-a]  (Ar..?),  JADD  899,  III,  5.,  '^salsu,  JADD  231,  R.  9  (B.  C.680). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 



^•'Vm-GAR-i,  JADD  24,  3.   25,  5  (B.  C.  645). 
232,  3  (B.C.  685).    342,  R.-^.    379,  1   (cf. 
KB  IV,  p.  146;  B.C.  651). 
Adad'-8al-lim"OAdad,  keepsafe!",JADD333, 
R.  3  (B.  C.  649?).    578,  s.  6j4, 8.    I  loi,  8. 
s.  of  A-qa-a,  JADD  237,  R.  fj  (B.  C.  665). 
Adad-sam(?).ma-i(.?),  MDOG  32,  p.  31. 
Adad-sapik-zer  "Adad  pours  out  seed" 

dIM-DUB-KUL  s.  of  EsQyru-ii-a,   Simb. 

Lay.  53,  28. 

Adad-sar-ilani   "Adad  is  king  of  the  gods", 

Babylonian  envoy  at  the  court  of  Hattusil, 

MDOG  35,  p.  24. 

Adad-sar-nise  "Adad  is  king  of  the  people" 

U-LUGAL-ni-se^^,  VS  I,  105,  c,  22. 

Adad-sar-usur  "O  Adad,  protect  the  king!" 

.    I.  'IM-LUGAL-PAP,  '^la  eli  ali,  JADD  237, 

R.  7  (B.  C.  665).   —   In  NBa.  texts,  see 


s.  of  A^ur-lallim,  JADD  266, 2  (B.  C.  670). 

2.  'UM-MAN-FAP,  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  11,4:  spec. 

3.  ^U-MAN-PAP,  JADD  610, 3. 
Adad'-se-zib   "O  Adad,    save!"     83-1-18,  695, 

II,  17:  spec.  —  In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB, 
Adad^-se-zlb-a-nl  "O  Adad,  save  me!" 

f.  of  Nabu-him-iddin,  VS  I,  87,  2. 
Adad-simani;  see  Adad-ihneani. 
Adad-sum-eres   "Adad  has  planted  a  name" 
(cf.  BE  XV.  TNB) 
-  ^^IM-MU-Pin-es,  VS  I,  35,  22  (KB  IV,  p.  96) 
f.  of  Bel-epus,  HABL  969,  12. 
Adad-sum-ibni  "Adad  has  created  a  name", 
Babylonian  king  (.?),WUAG  p.  46,  SCHNA- 
BEL,  MVG  XIII,  p.  60. 
Adad-sum-iddin     "Adad     has     given     poste- 

1.  ^7-J^^-AS,  JADD  383,  R.  s  (III  R  50,  no. 4; 

B.  C  674). 

2.  U-MU-SE-na,  JADD  105,  7  (Ep.  Z). 
King  ot  Babylonia,  Dyn.  C  :  31,  about  B.  C. 

1240— 1235, 

1.  IM-MU-SE-na,  Chron.  P,  IV,  17. 

2.  ^IM-MU-MU,  King-list  B,  II,  10. 

3.  '^ IM-MU-SE-na,  sarra,  Melis.:  Lo.  103, 
1, 2, 4, 18, 24, 37.  IV,  29  (KB  in,  pt.  I,  pp.  1 56, 

No.   I. 

Adad-sum-lskun   "Adad  has  provided  poste- 
'^IM-MU-GAR-un,  JADD  384,  R.  /.. 

Adad-sum-usur  "O  Adad,  protect  the  poste- 

1.  '^IM-MU-PAP,  HABL  i,  2.  2,  2  (f.  oi  Arad- 

Gula,  cf.  R.  1.  9).    4,  2.  5,  2.  6, 1.  8,  2.  9,  2. 

10.3.  11,2.  12,2.  14,2.  15,2.  16, ».  117, 
R.  <?.  118,  R.  7.  332,  3.  358, 1.  359,  2.  360,  2. 
361,2.  362,2.  363,2.  364,2.  365,2.  367, 
R.  !>.  651,2.  652,2.  653,2.  655,2.  657,2. 
658,  2.  660,  2.  1004, 9.  JADD  350,  R.  12 
(B.  C.  707).  628,  R.:r  (Ep.  P).  709,  R.  2.' 
TRep.  135,  R.  5.  KK.  1038.  11 922.  Bu. 
91-5-9,  156.  ardu  }a  ''rab  SAG,  JADD 
216,  R.  4.  '^A.BA,  JADD  193,  R.  E.  / 
(Ep.  Y).  ^'rab  ....,  JADD  448,  R.  ,2.  — 
In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

2.  ''IM-MU-SES,  HABL  654,  4.  659,  2.   1029, 

R.  7.  Sm.  21 16.  —  In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  "^ IM-MU-u-sur ,   HABL  7,  2.    13,  2.   357,  2. 

594,  5.  656,  2.   ''niahnahi,  K.  2223. 

4.  U-MU-PAP,  HABL  650,  2. 

King  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  C:32),  c.  B.  C. 
1234— 1205,  father  of  Meli-Sipak,  con- 
temporary of  the  Assyrian  kings  Tukulti- 
Ninib  and  Enlil-kudur-usur: 
^IM-MU-SES,  King-list  A,  II,  n.  Chron.  P, 
IV,  9:    contemp.    of  Tukulti-Ninib.   OBI 

81.4.  i^rtrr?^,  Adadsumusur:  DEPVI,p.42,i8. 
Melis.:  Lo.  103, 1, 4o,  45.  II,  17.  Ill,  2, 39.  IV,  5, 31 : 
f.  of  Meli-Sipak,  VI,  30  (KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  I56ff.).  iar '""^^Kar-Dunias,  Syn chron. 
II,  3,  4:  contemp.  of  P2nlil-kudur-usur.  lar 
kiUati  Sar  Bclbili,  Adadsumusur:  DEP II, 

Adad^-su-rim,  to  be  read  Adad  (or  Bel)-naphari, 

JADD  576,  R.  s  (B.  C.  6^^). 

AdadMa-ka-a,  JADD  231,  R.  7  (B.  C  680). 

*Adad '-ta-kal  (An,  cf.  bDmn) 

s.  of  Nabna,  VS  I,  88,  2,  (Ep.  E). 

Adadi-tak-Iak(abbrev.),  JADD  263,  R.  9.  473,  R.^° 

(B.  C.  698). 

AdadMip-ki-dl(.?),  see  Adad-lu-ki-di. 

Adad-uballlt  "Adad  has  called  into  life" 

I.  '^IM-TI.LA,    ''ialsu     rakbi     '«' Da-na-a-a, 

JADD  470,  4  (B.  C  663). 



Knut  Taixqvist. 

2.  '^IMl'^U-TIN-it,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  '^IM-21-ba-lit,  s.  of  Tebetaia,  JADD  779,  10. 

4.  ^IM-u-bal-li/,]AY}'D  661, 9. 83-1- 18, 695,  II,  11 : 

spec.  Epon.  B.  C.  786,  III  R  i.  III,  31; 
Canon  C,  1,25;  sa  "'Riinusi,  Canon  E4- 
81-2-4,  187, 28.   Cf.  MDOG  38,  p.  22. 

5.  '^IM-u-  TI.  Tl-lif,  s.  of  Tebctdia,  JADD  780, 2 

(B.  C  ^l). 

6.  U-ii-bal-lit,  JADD  741, 23. 
*Adad '-za-qa-a,  JADD  741, 37. 
Adad-zer-iddin  "Ad ad  has  given  seed" 

1.  '^IM-KUL-AS,  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  II,  s:  spec. 

2.  '^IM-KUL-MU,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Adad-zer-iqisa  "Adad  has  presented  seed" 

^iIM-KUL-BA-ia;^\\2..:  I  R  43,  \  C  12.  IV, 

E.  3  (KBIV,  p.  68ff.). 
A-da-lal  (abbrev.,  c{.A-da-la-aT^'?>,  A-da-lu-lu\li 

BE  XIV,  A-da-lalirlum)  RPN),  JADD  622, 

R.  E,  2  (Ep.  D).  '' ma}' qataQ)  id  mar  iarri, 

JADD  321,  R.  586,  R.  s.  A-da-ldl,  JADB  3, 

VIII,  17.  JADD  860,  III,  1.  A-dal-lal,  K.  24 1 , 

XII,  27:  spec. 
A-dal-la-li  (hypocor.,  cf.  A-da-ldl-him  RPN) 

f.  o{Is-kali>yda-a,  Melis.:  L0.103, 1,4i  (KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  156). 
*A-dara-kalam-ma(Sum.),  var.  A-a-dara-kalam-ma 

(=  Mar-'' Ea-sar-matiy  V  R  44,  I,  in) 
s.  oiPihgal-dara-inal,  8'''  king  of  dynasty  B, 

King-list  A,  I,  10;  B,  R.  s. 
A-da-si  (cf.  Elam.  Undasi,  HOsiNG,  OLZX(i907) 

col.  235) 
f.  of  '^ Bel-BA-ni,   ancestor   of  Sargon  II, 

Esarh.:  S,  R.  17;  Neg.,  5.   81-6-7,  209,  17 

(KB  II,  p.  120,  n.  I).  Shmk.:  Cyl.  23  (KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  196). 
<'A-da-ta-a   {d.  /Ad-da-tt),  82-3-23,   135,  R.  2b: 

Ad-da-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ad-da-ia,  Addt),  JADD 

231,4:  slave  (B^C.680).    '^A.BA,  JADD 

234,  R.6  (B.C.  710). 
"^'Adda-dani  "Adad  is  (my)  judge"  {cL} A-da-da- 

a-?iu,  if  Sem.) 

1.  Ad-da-da-ni,  TA  294,  3. 

2.  '^IM-DI.KUD,  TA  292,  3.  293,  [3].  295,  [.3]. 
Addaja  (hypocor.,  cf.  Addu,  Adda,  Add?;  Ad-di-ia 

TNB,  A-da-da-ia  VS  IX,  127, 10;  Ungnai  ), 
ZDMG  65,  p.  380) 

1.  A-da-ia,  TA  287,  49. 

2.  Ad-da-ia,  JADD  68,  R.  ^  (B.  C  645).    TA 

254,  37.    ''rabis  iarri,  TA  285,  24. 

3.  Ad-da-ia,  TA  287,  47.   289,  32. 
*Adda-mehir,  see  Bdlu-mehir. 

Adda-qardu  (.=  '^IM-UR.SAG),  TA  249, 2.  250, 2. 
Addaraja  "Born  in  the  month  of  Adar" 

SE.K/N.  TAR-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  25:  spec. 
'Ad-da-ti  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  A-ad-da-ti{m\  A-da- 

tum  BA  VI,  no.  5,  p.  83.   RPN),  JADD 

58, 3,  B.  E.  1.  223,  10. 
Ad-dl-l  (hypocor.,   cf.  Addai^a,   Addir,   Ad-di-i^a 

BE  IX,  TNB)  HABL  ^6'J,  u,  in  "'Zi/-//-^. 
*Ad-di-id-ri  (Ar.)  "Addu  is  my  help"  {cf.'^IM- 

id-ri-  TNB,  Bi.  ntyiirj,  Ar.  "iT5>nn,  m^in, 

see  also  Adad-idri),]ADT)  1 7,  R. .  (B.  C.687). 
Ad-dl-ig-ri-tu-su(.?),  servant  oi  Ja-i-ru,  HAl^L  140, 


Ad-du  (abbrev.;  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB),  K  241, 
XI,  38:  spec. 

*Ad-du-mu  (cf.  *A-dii-me-e  BE  X,  Pa.  DlSilS,  see 
also  A-ad-du-mi),  amel  "'Si-du-ni,  De 
Clercq,  No.  386,  WAF  III,  p.  i77f. 

Ad-gi-hl(i«';'r)-na(?),  ''na-si-ku  of  ""■^lu-bii-li--al, 
HABL  1 1 12, 7. 

Ad-gi-ilu  "Adgi  is  god"  (cf.  ^ Ad-gi-U-ri-za- 
bad-du  =  inn"ior[.^l]5«,  BE  X),  JADD 
17,  3  (B.  C.  687). 

*Ad(Abi.?)-ha-sa-a,  HABL  848, 12. 

A-di-i  (hypocor.,  prob.  foreign),  JADD  249, 2,  R.  12. 
349,3.  ''muhlapati,]M)X^2(yo,^.7.  ''ta7n- 
kar,  JADD  312,  R.  13.  414,  R.  E.  /.  See  also 

*'A-di4a/ia(-a)  (cf.Bi.  n.  pr.  m.  K^i:?,  Saf.i-5>),  queen 
of  Aribi,  sarrat  '""*A-ri-bi,  aUat  U-a-a-te- 
lar  '""^A-ri-bi,  Abp.  Ann.  VIII,  24.  Ill  R  36, 
no.  5,58  (K.  2802.  G.  Smith,  Hist.  p.  291). 
—  KB  II  p.  218. 

A-di-ma-ti-ilu  "How  long,  o  god!"  (cf  AdlA- 
dH-ma-ti-i-li  BE  XV,  RPN;  see  also  Bel- 
mati-ilu).    amel  iirqi,  JADB  i,  I,  45. 

*Adinu  (An,  ci.  n.  1.  Bit-Adini) 

1.  A-di-ni,  K.  1206,  with  Supn.   mar  Dakiwi, 

Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  VI,  g;  Co.  83.  mar  Dakiiri 
"'"*[Kaf\-da-a-a,  Bal.  K. 

2.  A-di-nu,  mar  Dakwi,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  VI,  7 

(B.C.  851). —  KB  I,  p.  138. 



Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


^Adirtu  "Mourning"(?) 

1.  ^ A'di-ir-tmn,  83- 1- 18,  1846,  R.  IV,  2:  spec 

2.  JA-dir-tii,  d.  of  Bel-iddiiia,  JADD  891,  7. 

3.  /A-dh'-him,  83- 1- 1 8,  1846,  R.  IV,  3. 
*Ad-ma-nu  (cf.  Jew.  "jiia-IX,  NPu.  "J^IX),  ''na-si-hi 

sa  "'"*Ma-na-nu,  HABL  520,  4. 
Ad-na-a-a  (hypocor.,  BE  VIII,  cf.  Bi.  ^n^),  JADD 

742,  31. 

s.  oiAqar-Nabft,  f.  oi Nabn-apal-iddin,  Nai.: 

CT  X,  pi.  3,  1,  10, 20,  22  (KB  IV,  p.  92). 
f.  of  Bel-iiballit,  HABL  969,  9;  cf.  HABL 

912,  R.  9. 
*Ad-ra-a-ha-li  /U  (=  Adad-ra-ha-a-u,  q.  v.,  see  also 

Id-ri-a-ha{-d)-2i),  HAB  775,  7,  is. 
*Ad-ra-Aslrti(?  BList  3046),    TA  65,  3  =  Abdi- 

*Ad-ra-hi-i  (cf.  Ad-ra-Im-u  BE  X,  '^Ad-du-ra-hi-i 

TNB,  Ad-ra-a-ha-u,  etc.),  JADD  752,  23. 
*'Ad-ra-hi-i,  JADD  741,  15.    Sister  of  -^sakintu, 

JADD  245,  7. 
d.  of  Safnai-abfia,  JADD  78,  5. 
*Ad-8i-e-ku,  see  Ab-U-e-ku. 

A-du-',  see  Sa-du'    (cf.  JOHNS,  ADD  III,  p.  402). 
*A-du-me-tas,  see  *Abiruttas. 
*A-du-na  (Ph.,  abbrev.,  cf.  jJo?|,  Baudissin,  Adonis 

und   Esmun,    pp.  67,  69,    n.  i),   king   of 

'Arqa,  sar  "^l"'"*Ir-qa-ta,  TA  75, 25.   140, 10. 
*A-du-na-iz/i-zi  (Ph.,  cf.  b2?aT5^,  He.  bx^ty:  JADD 

III,  p.  55),  JADD  3,  3.  26,  1    (B.  C.  680). 

K.  1595,  R.  G,  with   Nergal-sar-usur   [J]. 
>    Hakil  eldi,  JADD  26,  4  (B.  C.  680). 
*A.du-ni-ba(->al  "(My)  lord  isBaal"(Ph.byn5iX, 

cf.  A-dii-nu-ba--lt),  mar  la-ki-in-lii-u,  Abp.: 

A,  II,  121,  130 ;  B  III  R  30,  II,  79,  8g;  Ann.  II, 

82,  90.  —  KB  II,  p.  172. 
*A-du-ni-ih-a  (Ph.),  perhaps  "  A d o  n i s  i s  ali  v e "  [ J], 

or    "Adonis  is   brother"   (Baudissin, 

Adonis  u.  Esmun,  p.  d'j),  JADD  148,  3. 
*A-du-ni-tu[-ri]    (Ar.)    "Adonis    is    my    rock" 

JADD  240.  5,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  688. 
*A-du-nu  (cf.  A-dii-nd),  JADD  718,  1.   K.  13  105, 

with  Mar-ia-khi. 
*A-du-nu-ba-'-li  "Adonis  is  my  lord"  (cf.  A-dti- 

fii-ba--al),  """Si-a-na-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon. 

II,  94  (III  R  8.  KB  I,  p.  172). 
A-du-nu-mat-usur  {KUR-PAP)  "  O  A  d  o  n i  s ,  p r o  - 

tect  the  country!",  JADD  513,  R. /. 
No.   I. 

A-du-nu-mil[.?-ki],  HABL  875,  R.  7. 

A-du-nu-nadin-aplu(AS'-^)  "Adonis  gives  a  son", 
JADD  346, 5. 

A-du-ru,  JADD  425, 19  (Ep.  q). 

''A-e-apal-usur"0  Ae,  protect  the  son!",Chron. 
K:\  16 ;  according  to  KiNc;,  Chronicles  II, 
p.  62,  n.  2,  prob.  the  Babylonian  name 
of  a  Elamite  king  who  reigned  for  si.x 
years  before  Nabu-kin-aplu,  cf.  Chron.  A, 
V,  12,  King-list  A,  III,  14. 

<*A-e-ibni,  mar  "Wi-e-ru,  HABL  430, 5. 

*A-ga-ab-ta-ha  (Mit.,  cf.  Agab-tae  VS  VII,  'j6, 12. 
125, 31,  A-gab-ta-ha  CBM 10971,  A-ga-ta-ha 
CBM  3480,  A-ga-ab-tdh-hi,  A-gab-h-en-ni 
BE  XV),  Haligalbatu,  '^IR,  Kastilias  II: 
DEP  II,  pi.  20,  1,  8. 

*A-ga-bu-ru  (prob.  same  name  as  Agburu),  JADD 
500,  R.  10. 

A-ga-la  "Foal"  (?  cf.  A-ga-li  BE  X"^),  Capp. 
Ch.  4,  IS. 

*<'Ag-ba-ra-a,  JADD  242, 4,  slave  (B.  C.  692). 

*Agbaru,  see  Akbaru. 

*Ag-bur,  Ag-bu-ru  (cf.  A-ga-bu-ru,  Ar.  -OSti?,  Pu. 
inD^,  Bi.  iiasy  "Mouse"),  JADD  202, 3 
(B.  C.  670).   "^Si-na-a-a,  HABL  331,  s. 

*A-gi-ia  (hypocor.,  cf.  Bi.  ?X5X,  Mit.  Agi-Tehip; 
Ungnad,  Dilbat,  p.  10),  f.  of  Te{})-be-h'i, 
Ta'annek  4,  12. 

*A-gi-nu,  JADD  425, 13. 

Agru,  see  Aqru. 

Agiim  (cf.  OBa.  A-gii-a  RT,  A-gu-u-a  RPN,  ^A- 
gu-ii-ia  T-D  LC) 

I  A-gu-um,   the  second   Babylonian  king  of 

dynasty  C 
s.  of  Gan-ddS:  inahrn,  King-list  A,  I,  lo. 
s.    of  Gan-di,  f.  of  Ka^-til-ia-h't,   gf.  of 
Abirutta^,  ggf.  of  TaHigtirumas ,  gggf. 
of  Agum  kak-ri-me:   sarru  rabti,  Agk. 

VR  33,    I,  19.    VI,  43.    VII,  11,  30.    VIII,  25.  — 

KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  I48fif.  P^or  the  genealogy 
seeTHUREAU-DANGIN,  OLZ  XI,  coll.  3 1  ff., 
I37ff.,  HOMMEL,  OLZ  XII,  col.  108 f.,  for 
another  view,  Ungnad,  OLZ  XI,  col.  I39f. 

II  A-g7i-uvi  kak-ri-me,  the  seventh  Babylonian 

king  of  dynasty  C 
s.  of  PasUguruma^,  gs.  of  Abiruttas,  ggs. 
o^Ka^tiliahi,  gggs.  o{ Agfan  rabn,  ggggs. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

of  Gan-di:  ^ar  KaHi  u  Akkadi  sar 
"'"*Babili  sar  "'"*Padan  u  Alman  lar 
^^^Giitl  7iise  saklati  sarru  musta^kin  kib- 
rat  arbai,  Agk.  VR33,  I,  iff.  -  KB  III, 
pt  I,  p.  I34ff- 
III  A-gu-um 

s.  of  Kahtil-id-hs,  Chron.  K'^,  R.  14. 
''''Agusu,  Gnsu,  patronymic,  see  n.  1.  Bit-Agnsi. 

Cf  Arame,   Gnsi,  Matiilu. 
*A-gu-za,  A-ku-za,  Capp.  G,  7,  s 

s.  oi  Gimil-a-num,  Capp.  E,  1,8.  3,  2,  9,  is,  ic. 

Ah ,  TA217, 3. 

*A-ha-a  (Ar.),  Hrrihi,  JADB  8,  I,  is.  J  ADD  742, 

R.  30. 

Aha(?)-a-a-ha-a,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  19. 

*A-ha-ab-bu  (He.  nsnx,  cf.  Ah-abi  etc.),  Ahab, 
king  of  Israel,  '""'Sir-'-la-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill: 
Mon.  II,  91  (III  R  8.  KB  I,  p.  172). 

Ah-abi  "Father's  brother"  (cf.  Bi.  axns,  NBa. 
Ah-abiia    TNB,    Ar.   iimnK,    Syr.   jif 

^(jia:^]f,  CIS  II,  p.  124,  as-^ns  APO) 

1.  PAP-a-bi,  JADD  26,  R.  4  (B.  C.  680). 

2.  PAP-a-bu,  JADD  68,  R.  /  (B.  C.  645 :).  167, 2 

(B.  C.  675). 

3.  PAP-a-bu-u,  JADD  281,  R.  7  (B.  C.  694). 
A-hal-ll-li(?),  JADD  291,  R.  6  (III  p.  502f.). 
*A-ha-ma-ni-ls-'  (OPe.  HakhamaniS,  Pvlam.  Ha-ak- 

qa-man-nu-il  ,QiX .  Ax<-up.evi)(;,  IDSans  APO, 
cf.  '^ Ahi-ia-a-ina-nu-ul  BE  X),  f.  of  Teis- 
pes,  ancestor  of  the  Akhaemenian  kings, 
Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39.  2. 

A-ha-na-ar-si  "We  got  a  brother"  (cf.  OBa. 
AhaiH-nersi  RPN),  Capp.  Ch.  16,  3. 

*A-har(.?mur)-ti-se  [Eg.,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  27, 
cf.  D''t:-ini5  and  C^IilllSK  (Ap-upraioq)  APO], 
JADD  307, 2,  R.  's. 

Ah(^'^.S).a-ta-a  . . . .,  HABL  256, 5. 

'Ahat-abisa  "Sister  of  her  father"  (cf.  NBa. 
f  A-hat-abi-hi  TNB,  Ar.  innns) 
NIN-AD-la,  HABL  197,  R.  27,  daughter  of 
Sargon,  married  by  him  to  Hulli  (q.  v.), 
king  of  Tabal.  amtu  la  Nabu-bel-usur, 
JADD  311,  4.  mar  at  Arbdili,  a  prophe- 
tess (time  of  Esarhaddon),  K.  4310,  V,  25 
(IV  R  61). 
d.  of  ndi-Aiur,  JADD  86,  1. 

''Ahat-im-ma-a-a,  JADD  256, 5,  slave  (B.  C.  ^'jG). 

*'A-ha-ti-ta-bat  "My  sister  is  good"  (cf.  '"Ahi- 

tdbu)  JADD  250,  3. 
^Ahat-la-mur  "May  I  see  the  sister!"  81-2-4, 
255,  VIII,  9,  spec.  VS  I,  96,  15  (B.  C.  664.?). 
Ah(i^^^^).at-tu-u-a   "My  brother "(.?),  in  alu  }a 
Mar-Ahattua,  Neb.  I:  Nippur  II,  27.  Ill,  8. 
Aheia  (hypocor.,  PAPP^-ia,  cf.  NBa.  SES^'-e-a, 
SESPi-a-a  TNB) 
s.  of  ^«-«/-/,  JADD  880,  I,  11. 
Ahe-lisir  {PAPPi-GIS,  abbrev.) 

f.  of  Sa-ba(>)-hiQ),  VS  I,  88,  26  (Ep.  E). 
Ahe(i£"5/^.sa-a(-a  TRep.  124,  R.  h) 

s.  of  Nana-usalli,  astrologer  in  the  city  of 
Uruk,  HABL  336, 3.  752,  R.  17.  965, 9,  ic, 
18,  R.  17.    1062,  2.   TRep.  13, 5.    124,  R.  8. 
125,5.  203,3.  236  A,  3.  251,  R.  1. 
f.  of  Iddina,  K.  433,^0  (KB  IV,  p.  170). 
Ahesu  {PAPP'-}u\  cf.  NBa.  SESP'{-e)-hi,  A-hi-e- 
H  TNB;  abbrev.) 
f.  of  La-ki-pu,  JADD  880,  I,  12. 
Ahe(.V^i>0-sul-lim  (abbrev.,  Ba.),  b.  of  Mar-biti- 
him-ibni,  Ninibkudurusur:   Lo.  102,  1, 23. 
IV,  32  (KB  IV,  pp.  84,  88).    Cf.  7iar  Sa- 
AJu'-hdlim,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st,  IV,  ic. 
Ah-hl-e-a  (hypocor.,  =  Aheia) 

s.    of  Arkat-ilcini-damqa\    TU  bit  '^Nana, 
Nabusumiskun:  VS  I,  36,  III,  20. 
Ah-hi-sa-a-a  (cf.  A/u-ht),  ''sangu,  K.4678  =  HABL 

1014,  R.  10. 
A-jii  (cf.  Bi.  ins) 

f.  of  Nabunna,  Neb.  I:  Nippur,  III  15.  V,  ifi. 
Ahi-alik-mahri  "The  brother  is  my  leader" 
PAP-SI-D  U,  '^SIBIR  KUzib-rat,  slave  sold, 
JADD  172, 4  (B.  C.  670). 
Ahi-bani  "M}-  brother  is  creator"  [zi.  Ahna- 

1.  A-hi-ba-ni  (Ba.),  BE  XV. 

2.  A-hu-ba-ni  (Ba.),  BE  XV. 

3.  A-hu-KAK,  mar  A-di-ni,  Shalm.  Ill:  KAHI 

I,  30,  10. 

4.  A-ku-KAK-i  (NBa.),  Camb.  284,  11,  etc. 

5.  PAP-ba-ni,  K.  241,  X,  40,  spec.   ^' niutir piiti, 

HABL  760, 4. 

6.  SES-BA-i,  HABL  1054, 2. 

7.  SES-ba-7ii  (NBa.),  Cyr.  161,  28,  etc. 

8.  '^SES-ba-ni  (NBa.),  Dr.  203,  11. 

9.  SES-ba-ni-i  (NBa.),  Ng.  8,  12,  etc. 

T.  XLllI. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


10.  SES-l/a-nu-Jt    (Ba.),     f.    of   Siy-hiui-iddin, 

Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  II,  25. 

11.  SES-KAK,   f.  of  Sir-him-iddin,  Merod.  I: 

Susa  16,  III,  2. 

12.  SES-KAK-i,  i.  oi  Kaiakti-Sugab,  Nazim.: 

Susa  2,  II,  31. 

1 3.  SES-u-ba-ni  (NBa.),  Ng.  66,  le,  etc. 
Ahi-ba^sHu  (evidently  foreign,  JOIINS,  ADD  III, 

p.  99,  quasi- As.)  =  "My  (The)  brother 
is  abundance" 

1.  A-hi-ba-as-tu,  ''\rab  NI.  GAB],  J  ADD  52, 7. 

2.  A-fiu-ba-as-ti,  ''NI.  GAB,  JADD  443,  R.  /^ 

(B.  C.  686). 

3.  Ha-ba-a-si-te,  JADD  64,  R.  //  (B.  C.  672). 

4.  Ha-ba-as-te,  JADD  297,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  696).  383, 

R.  //  (III  R  50,  no.  4.  KB  IV,  p.  126,  VI J 
B.  C.  674).  V^3  NL  GABP',  JADD  470, 
R.  /7  (B.  C.  663). 
'  5.  Ha-ba-as-ti,]KDY) d,c)i,  R./«.  '^rabNI.'GAB, 
"  JADD  266,  R.  8  (III  R  49,  no.  4;  KB  IV, 
p.  130,  IX;  B.  C.  670).  433,  R.  <?. 

6.  Ha-ba-as-tu,  h-ab  NL  GAB,  JADD  284,  R.  9 
^  (B.  C.  668). 

7.  Ha-ba-as-ti,  h-ab  NL  GABPt,  JADD  42  5 ,  R.  /^ 

"  (B.  C.  664.?). 

8.  Hii-ba-as-a-te,''^ rab  kisir  sa  lepd,  JADD  235, 

^  R.  's. 

9.  Hu-ba-sa-a-te,  JADD  16,  /^  (III  R 47,  no.  4; 

B.  C.  664?).  ''iakin  san-i,  JADD  322,  R.  <?. 

10.  PAP-ba-aUe,   ''rab  NL  GAB,  JADD  115, 

R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  664). 

11.  PAP-ba-sa-te,  ''rab  NLGAB ,  JADD  150, 

R.  6  (B.  C.  679). 
To  this  name  also  belong  JADD  65 ,  R.  ^ 

(B.C. 668).  358,  R.  7.  462,  R.  6  (B.  C.679). 

537,  R.  s.  571,  R.  <y. 
Ahi(5^5)-bi-ga-a-a-nu  (?),  HABL  774, 3. 
^Ahi-dalll  (abbrev.)  or  SA^ii-talli  (cf.  Bi.  bt2'«aii5) 

1.  A-ki-^^-li,  fsakinte  sa  qabli  M  "^Ninua, 

JADD  463,  R.  3. 

2.  PAP-da-li,  -fsakinti  sd  '''Qabal  ali,  JADD 

232,  6  (B.  C.  685). 

3.  PAP-dal-li,  fZAB  ekalli,  JADD  317, 5  (B. 

C.  687).  -fiakintu  sd  "'Ninua,  JADD  447, 11 
(B.  C.  683). 

Ahi-damiq  "The  brother  is  friendly" 
PAP-SIG,  JADD  804,  3. 

No.  I. 

Ahi-da-ri  (abbrev.  from  Ahi-lu-dari*),  JADD  598, 
R.  7. 

Ahi(.S\£".S)-da-ru-u,  -da-ri-i  (abbrev.,  cf.  the  fore- 
going), descend,  of  Ellil-kidini ,  Melis.: 
Lo.  103,  IV,  12, 20, 30.  V,  7,  13.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  i58fif. 

Ah-iddina  (abbrev.,  cf.  Ah-iddina-Marduk,  Bcl- 
ah-iddin,  etc.) 

1.  PAP- AS,  JADD  374,  R.  /o  (B.C. 686).  624, 

R.  s  (B.  C.  687).  81 1, 2.  K.  241,  XI,  33,  spec, 
s.  of  Bel-him-erel,  ''irrilu,  in  '''Bit-hu-ra- 
pi-i,  JADD  160,  R.  J  (Ep.  G). 

2.  PAP-SE-na,  JADD  661, 2.    ''irrilu,  JADD 

742, 1,  4. 

3.  SES-MU,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

s.  oi  Musallim-aplu,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  IV,  12. 
—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  188. 

4.  SES-SE-na,  JADD  713,  4. 

Ahi-dur-ensi  "My  brother  is  a  stronghold  for 

the  weak" 
PAP-BAD-SIG,  ''rab  kisir  la  mar  iarri, 

HABL  434,  R.  14;  cf.  Ahi-dfiri. 
Ahi-duri   "The  brother  is  (my)  stronghold" 

(abbrev.,  cf.  Ahi-dur-enH',  cf.  also  NBa. 

Hi-.du-ri-==Ar.  docket  "i-ilTin  BE  IX,  99) 

1.  PAP-BAD,  JADD  53,  6  (B.  C.  672).    63, 2 

(Ep.  V).  83,  R.^  (B.  C.  679).  84,  R.  /  (B. 
C.  679).  128,  L.  E.  2  (B.  C.  665).  168,  R.  6. 
448,  R.  22.  453, 1  (B.  C.  686).  490, 4.  576, 
R.  6  (B.  C.  696).  633,  R.  6.  661, 23.  67s, 
R.  1.  835,  R.  5.  931,  8.  K.  241,  XI,  8.  ''rab 
da-ni-na-te,  JADD  857,  II,  51.  ''rab  kisir 
mar  i«rr?,  JADD  857, 11,52  =  Ahi-dur-ensi 

s.  of  Pa... .,  JADD  268,  R.  /. 

s.  of  Sa-Nabti-sii,  JADB  3,  I,  11. 

2.  PAP-d2i-ri,  K.  241,  VIII,  22,  spec. 
Ahi-ensu  (abbrev.) 

PAP-SIG,  JADD  624, 7  (B.  C.  687). 
Ahl-eres,  or  Ah-erel  (abbrev.,  cf.  Nabn-ah-eres) 
\,  PAP-KAM-el] ADD  70,  L.  E.  /  (B.C. 674). 

177,  L.  E. .  (Ep.  W). 
2.  PAP-PIN-eS,  JADD  S5,  R--?   i^-  C  690). 
444,  11,  in  '""'Si-ifi-o-a-ra  (B.  C.  660). 
Ahi-eriba  or  Ah-enba  (prob.  abbrev.) 
^.  PAP-SU,] ADD  105, 6  (Ep.  Z).  1 14,  R.E.  /. 
641,  R.  ,s  (Ep.  C).    K.  241,  IX,  9.   spec. 
''pahat  Na-a-a-li^),  JADD  864, 5.  80-7-19 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

365.  83-1- 1 8,  231.  ''rab  ekalli,  J  ADD 
805, 6.  ^'rakbu  sarri,  J  ADD  41,  R.  ^  (B.  C. 
s.  of  Harran-a-a,  JADD  446,  L.  E.  2  (Ep.  Q). 
2.  SES-eri-ba,  mar Hab-ban,  ''ka-lu,  Nai.:  CT  X, 
pi.  3,  2G.  —  KB  IV,  p.  94. 

Ahi-GI-Dl....,  JADD  343, 5. 

Ahi-ia....,  JADD  70,7  (B.  C.  674). 

*A-hi-ia-ba-ba  (cf.  ''A-a-ia-ba-ba,  Adad-ia-ba-bi), 
s.  of  la   mainan{d),   of  Bit-Adini,   Anp.: 
Ann.  1, 76, 81, 93.  —  KB  I,  p.  64^". 
PAP-ia-ba-ba ,  JADD  468, 5,  u  (B.  C.  698). 

^AhiX^^'vSO-ia-ml  (Can.,  cf.  Ahi-ia-a-ma  BE  IX, 
Ia{ra)-mu  BE  XIV,  XV,  la-zoi-'^Da-gan 
T-D  LC,  "^/a--7nu-^Da-g:anWS  VII,  204, 2, 
and  Ia-mi-u-ta\  ste  also  Sellin,  Ta'annek, 
p.  108  f.),  Ta'annek  2,  2. 

*Ahi-|a-am-nu(WSem.?,  cf.HiLPRECHT,BE  X,p.38, 
n.§),  JADD  625,  12. 

*Ahi(ia)-qamu  (cf.  Bi.  Dj^'^nsc)  "My  brother  has 

1.  A-hi-i^a-qa-a-mu,  JADD  755,  R.  5. 

2.  PAP-i-qa-tnu,   K.  4285.   ''tatnkaru,  JADD 

251,  R. /. 

3.  PAP-qa-viu,  JADD  425,  15,  is,  isi. 
Ahi-ia-qar"  My  brother  is  d  ear "('inKAPO, 

OBa.   Ah-hu-iiia-aq-rw/i,   A-hu{-um)-u>a- 
qar  etc.  RPN,  BA  VI,  no.  5,  p.  83  f.,  SES- 

aq-ru  BE  XIV,  XV)  IIABL  1093, 7.  '' , 

JADD  251,  R.  3.     ''Unu  ia  "'Barha/sa, 
JADD  468,  1,  R.  1  (B.  C.  698). 

*Ahi-la-u  (cf.  SESP'-\-a)-u  TNB,  ^"^riK  APO  29, 22, 
Bi.i^nx) ,  f.  oiMannu-ki-ArbdUi,]A  DD  i  je,  \ 
(B.  C.  7C0). 

Ahi(.S7i^>la-u.tu  (cf.  TNB)  f.  of  Nabn-alje-ertba, 
Nshi.:  VS  I,  36,  III,  13. 

Ahi-iddin,  see  Ah-iddin. 

Ahi-i-had(.^pa)-da,  K.  241,  IX,  m,  spec. 

Ahi-iliia  "My  brother  is  my  god"  (cf  OBa. 
A-hu-um-AN,  Reisner,  Telloh) 
I.  PAP-AN-a-a,  JADD  237,  R.  ,s  (B.  C.  665). 
371,1  (.^B.  C.  698).  ''bel  pi/jati  "^Ninua, 
JADD  853,  3.  ^HrriM,  JADD  742,  n.  sa 
ypa,  JADD  364,  R.  9  (B.  C.  679).  Epon. 
V>.  C.  647(?),  Canon  C,  V,  17.  HAV 
p.  257.  G.Smith,  Hist.  p.  321:  PAPP^- 

2.  SES-AN-a-a,  JADD  384,  R.  ,0. 

3.  SES-AN-ia,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
*Ahi-im-me-e/l  (WSem.;  cf  SES-im-me-ef  TNB) 

JADD  [393,  7].  775,  3.   ''amil  urqi,  JADD 

742,30.   <^^////r^//,  JADD  854,  16.  942,  R.4 

(of  '"^Hindan).    'Hrrilu,  JADD  742,  R.  17. 

Cf.  PAP-me-e,  JADD  427,  s.   899,  1, 35. 
Ahi(-it)-tab-si    "A   brother   is   brought   into 

being",  JADD 409, 4.   K.  241,  XI,  1,  spec. 
Ahi-kin-pi  (cf  NIN.IB-km-piht  BE  XV,  Km-pi- 

PAP-DU-KA  (possibly  Qur-dii-ka)  JADD 

53, 7  (B.  C.  672).    359,  6,  in  "'Kib-M-na. 

ardii,  JADD  244,  R.  /^.  500,  R.  s. 
Ahi-kinu   "My  brother  is  faithful"  (cf  OBa. 

A-Jm-um-ki-im-tim  RPN) 

1.  PAP-DU,  hmitirpati,  JADD  232,  R.  6  (B.C. 


2.  PAP-ki-nu,]A\)B?,\T,. 

Ahi-lamassi  "My  brother  is  (my)  protecting 

1.  PAP-la-a-mahUf  ''ardu  }a  Kurbani,]A\yD  , 

1 141,  J-/  (B.  C.  709). 

2.  PAP-la-mahe,  ^'rab  kisir  rab  SAG,  JADD 

857,  IJ,  7. 

3.  PAP-la-mal-li,  JADD  160,  2, 6,  u.  374,  R.  12 

(B.  C.  686).  433,  R.  7.  465*  7.  471.  ">■  624, 
R.  (i  (B.C. 687).  742,10.  K. 241,  XI,{),  spec. 
PSBA  XXX  (1908),   p.  Ill,  a;   p.  112,  2 
(li.  C.  681).    ''gugallu,  JADD  472,  R.  ,7 
(B.  C  668).    "rab  ....,  JADD  387,   R.  5 
(11  C.  651 .?).    "rab  bare,  JADD  429,  R.  26. 
"rakbu,  JADD  520,  4.    "Sa/su  }a  iarri, 
JADD  60,  R.  2.  420,  R.  /.   421,  R.  s  (13.  C. 
670).    470,  R.  16  (B.  C.  C^'i).    "zammaru, 
JADD  761, 4. 
s.  of  Dilil-atar,  JADD  160, 2, 6  (I':p.  G). 
Ahi-lamur  "May  I  see  (my)  brother!"   (OBa. 
A-hi-lu-niur    RPN,    NBa.    SES-lu-inur 
I.  PAP-la-nmr,  JADD  448,  R.  ,9.   545, 5.  661, 

R.  5.     809,  24.     924,  I,  1.    VS  I,    84,  21.     85,  21 

(p:p.  p:).  ^'w?//t?/  «/^r  j=^  ^/i'rt///,  JADD 

358,2.  "rab  alani,]h\y\}  ■}^22, 10.  "rakbu, 
JADD  470,  R.  5>.7  (B.  C.  663).  "SE.GAR, 
811,7.   '''6V^6^,  200,  3  (B.  C.  667).    "sangH 

255,  R.  6. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


f.  of  lidi-Istar,  Par^idu  and  Sulmti-^arri, 
JADD  714,  11.  809, 32. 
2.  PAP-SI.  LAL 

s.  of  Ahir-aba-usur,  JADD  269,  R.  10  (B.  C. 


*Ahi-la-rim  (WSem.,  zi.SES-la-ri-im  BE  X,  p.  XI,  n.), 

K.  241,  XII,  9,   spec.    f^NLGAB  U  Bit- 

NIN.IB,  JADD  50,  9  (Ep.  H). 

Ahj-li   "My  brother  is  strong"  (cf.  A-bi-li-e) 

^i.  PAP-li,  JADD  124,  R.  4, 126,  R.  /  (B.  C.674). 

2.  /MP-//-^, JADD  807,  R.  20.  Sm.  117  =  HABL 

1044,    R.  16. 

3.  PAP-H-i,  JADD  916,  R.  2.  ^amelurqi,  JADD 

742,  31.    ^irrihi,  JADD  742,  36.    ^iiparu, 

JADD  741, 24.  ''sukkallu,  JADD  24,  R.  E.  /. 

Epon.  (time  Abp.  and  Indabigas),  HABL 

1 151  (83-1-18,  263),  cf  Ahi-iliia. 
s.  of  Bel-Harrdn-duri,  JADD  193,  2. 
s.  of  Samahndsir,  JADD  880,  10. 
Ahi(5£"5)-li-ia  (cf  Al^-li-ia  BE  XV,  TNB,  Afi-li 

BE  XV,  Ahi-li-i,  Ahi-iliid),  ^^apa~ni  ekalli, 

HABL  270, 5.   K.  8750. 
Ahi-IIsir  "May  the  brother  succeed!"  (perh, 


1.  PAP-SI. DUGIS,  JADD  17,  9  (B.  C.  687). 

^'bel  '^narkabii,  JADD  860,  I,  27. 

2.  SES-SI. DUGIS,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Ahi-li-'-ti/te  "The  brother  is  my  strength" 

(cf  NBa.  ^ES-li-ti-\ia,  Hi-li-ti-  BE  IX). 
rtr^«,JADDi8i,3(B.  C.  670).  199,2.  741,38. 
K.  241,  XI,  2,  spec. 

*Ahi-ma-nu  (cf  Bi.  TaTli?,  I^in^,  OBa.  A-ha-ma- 
.     nu  KB  IV,  p.  12,  L.  E.  4.  Sayce,  PSBA 

XIX,  p.  281) 
JADD  329,  R.  10  (Ep.  K). 

Ahi-me-e,  see  Ahi-im-me-e. 

*A-hi-me-ti,  var.  A-hi-mi-ti  (cf  Bi.  n'Tainijl).  Bro- 
ther of  Azuri,  by  Sargon  set  up  as  king 
of  Ashdod,  Sarg.:  Ann.218;  Khors.  94;  A,  D  3. 
—  KB  II,  p.  64. 

*Ahi-iTlilku  "My  brother  is  Milk"  (cf.  Bi.  TbttiJi^, 

Pu.  Y5Bn,  Na.  iDbttni«) 

1.  A-hi-mil-ki,  mar  lakinlu,  Abp.:  A,  II,  123. 

Ill,  2;  Ann.  II,  92. 

2.  PAP-mil-ki,  JADD  175,  5  (B.  C.  676).    mar 

lakinln,  Abp.  Ann.  II,  84.   ^ar  '"''^AMudi, 
Abp.  Rm.  3,  II,  41.  —  KB  II,  pp.  172,  240. 
No.  I. 

3.  PAP-mil-ku,  Itar  "'AMtidi,  Esarh.  B,  V,  la 
(I  R  48,  no.  I).  -  KB  II,  p.  148. 
*Ahi-na-ad-bi  (WSem.,  cf  Bi.  Sis-^n^,  Ph.  m:ns) 

JADD  242,  R.  9  (Ep.  8)." 
Ahi-naid  "My  brother  is  lofty"  (or  ^^/r) 

PAP-I,  JADD  601,  R.  7. 

f  of  Sapu,  JADD  652,  R.  g. 
Ahi-Nergal,  JADD  661,  io(?). 
Ahi-nuri  "My  brother  is  (my)  light" 
\.  PAP-LAH,  HABL  608, 5.  JADD  118,  R.j 
(B.  C.  673).   K  241,  IX,  42,  spec.    '^A.BA, 
JADD  238,  R.  7  (B.  C.  688).    ^^rab  kisir, 
JADD  127,  K.3  (B.C.  681). 
s.  of  Si-  -ia-ba-ba,  JADB  5,  I,  12. 
s.  of  Sili,  JADD  318, 3  (Ep.  A). 

2.  PAP-mi-ri,  JADD  347, 3. 

3.  SES-LAH,  HABL  1020,  2,  R.  is. 

4.  SES-nu-ri,  JADD  246,  5. 

5.  SES-nu-ii-ri\ru,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Ahi-qa-bi  "My  brother  commands" 

JADD 425, 3, 8, 12.  Cf.  A-hu-qa  ....,  JADD 

741,  26. 

Ahi-qamu,  see  Ahi{id)-qdmu. 

Ahi-qu-mu  ...,,  JADD  513,  R.  4. 

Ahl-ramu  "My  brother  is  high"  (Bi.  on'^riK) 

1.  A-hi-ra-mu,  ^mukil  apati,  JADD  27,  R.  2 

(B.  C.  ^7). 
s.  oi  la-hi-ri,  sa  "'"^Sa/-/a-m,  Anp.  Ann.  II,  22. 

2.  PAP-i-ra-me,  M.^^,  JADD  234,  R.  7  (B.  C. 


3.  PAP-ra-mu,]AT>T>  2go,  s.  ^rab  kisir, ]AT)T> 

6j$,  R.  20. 

*Ahi-sam-si  (WSem.)  "My  brother  is  the  sun- 
god"  (or  Ahnsi}  or  Ahi-u-qur,  q.  v.)  JADD 
195,  2,  sold  (B.  C.730.?). 

"^Ahi-suru  (Ar.)  "My  brother  is  a  wall" 
PAP{J)-su-ru,  JADD  661, 20. 

fAhi-same(?  PAP-AN-e).  81-2-4,  255.  VIII,  8,  spec 

Ahi-tabu  "The  brother  is  good"  (cf.  OBa. 
A-hu{-umyta-bu-um    RPN,     A-hu-DUG 

BA  VI,  3,  p.  65,  Bi.  aits-^nst,  Ar.  aT2('>)nN 

1.  PAP-DUG. GA,  JADD  382,  7.    391,  R-  '^ 

(B.  C.  7 1 7).  (83- 1  - 1 8, 74)  HABL  1 1 1 7,  R.  11. 

2.  SES-ta-a-bu,    ^tamkaru    of  Burraburiash, 

TA  8,  14, 16. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

A[ii(5^5)-um-me-e  "Brother  of  the  mother" 
(cf.  OB  a.  A-hi-uni-7ni-lu  RPN,  Syr.  ncLf 
oc^l?),  HABL278,2.  ^bel  pihati,  HABL 

462,    R.  26. 

Ahi-u-qur  (cf.  U\  Uq-qur-ahi^']KViD  624, 10  (B.  C.687) 
s.oi Ak-kul-la-nu,  ''rab  harbi  }a  rab  zamniari, 
JADD  160,  4  (Ep.  G).   Cf.  661,  10. 
*Ah-li-ba-bu  (Mit.) 

f.  oi  Nu-ba-na-ni,  ^hasannu,  CT  II,  21,27, 

L.  E.  3. 

*Ah-li-ib-8ar  (Mit.),  servant  of  the  god  Adad  or 

Tesub,V  \  5 1 8,WlNCKLER,  Gesch.  Israels,  I, 

p.  13s,  n.  2,  cf.  PSBA  XIX,  pp.  80,  286. 

*Ahli-Tesup  (Mit.,  cf.  the  hypocor.  Ah-li-ia  BE  XV) 

1.  Ah-li-te-ehhip,  VS  I,  in,  R. 

2.  Ah-li-te-hip,  s.  of  Ta-i-h-en-ni,  CT  II,  2 1 ,  n,  32. 
Ah-lursi  "May  I  get  a  brother!"  (cf.  OBa. ^-^m- 

am-ar-H  etc.) 

1.  PAP-lu-ur-si,  JADD  848,  4. 

2.  PAP-TUK-si,  HABL  167,  R.  7. 

3.  SES-lu-ur ,  HABL  841, 2.   842, 2. 

4.  $ES-TUK-H,  K.  241,  XI,  36,  spec. 
*Ah-ri-bl-ta  (perh.  Eg.,  of  Ranke,  Material,  p.  20), 

TA  107, 14. 
*Ah-8i-ri  (=  Ahhri  q.v.),  83- 1  - 1 8, 564, 4  (KGAS  24). 
*Ah-se-e-ri/ra  (var.  Ah-si-ri,  q.  v.    Iran.  (?),  cf.  JIN 

pp.  12,  511).    King  of  Man,  f.  of  Uallf, 

Abp.:  Ann.  11, 126, 133.  Ill,  4,  e.  A,  III,  44, 55,  ei. 

B,  III  R  30,  III,  16, 23, 45, 91.  — KB  II,  pp.  176, 

178,  240,  242. 
*Ahsiiarsu    (Pe.   Kh^ayar^a,    Bi.  »iniicni«l,    Ar. 

12n«^»n,  Eg.-Ar.  ©n'^CJn  APO)  Xerxes 

1.  Ah-si-ia-ar-lu,  iar  matati,  Evetts  5,  20.   iar 

^Parsu  u'""*Ma-da-a-aSar  Babiii  u  matati, 
Evetts  3,  22. 

2.  Ah-H-i-tnar-^u,  ^ar  matati,  CT  IV,  34,  ud. 

3.  Afy-H-ii-mar-ri-si,    sar    Babili    u    matati 

BE  VIII,  pt.  i:  119,  12, 22. 

4.  Ah-iu-mar-H- ,  83-1-18,  395. 

5.  Ak-ka-H-ar-H,  ^ar  Parsu  u  Ma-da- a- a  }ar 

Babili  u  matati,  Evetts  4,  20. 

6.  Ak-U-ak-ar-lu,    }ar    Babili    ^ar    matati, 

Evetts  2,  12. 

7.  Ak-H-ar-ri-hi,  VS  VI,  180,  11. 

8.  Ak-}i-ar-}ti ,    lar   Parsu   Mad-da-a-a   ^ar 

Babili  u  matati,  VS  IV:  194,  le. 

9.  Ak-}i-ia-ar--}u,  VS  IV:  192,  4. 

10.  Ak-H-ia-ar-H,  VS  III:    182,  13.    iar  Babili 

u  matati,  NSV:  117,25.  VI:  179,11.  182,30. 
}ar  matati,  VS  III:  185,  le. 

11.  Ak-H-ia-ar-^u,  iar  '"''* Parsu  '""^Ma-da-a-a 

^ar  Babili  u  matati,  VS  IV:   193, 5.  V: 

118,  24. 

12.  Ak-H-ma-ar-su,  }ar  Babili  u  matati,YSlV: 

191,  15. 

13.  Ak-M-ar-iu,    iar  matati,   VS  III:    183,  15. 

184,  15  (i6t^  year). 

14.  Ha-ii-i-ar-^u,  ^ar  matati,  VS  III:  181,15. 

15.  Ha-H-ri-ar-H,  Sar  Parsu   u  Ma-da-a  iar 

Babili  u  matati,  VS  VI:  181,  15. 

16.  Hi-H--ati-h]-,  BE  VIII  pt.  i:  120, 23. 

17.  Hi-H-ia-ar-Su,  VS  VI:  301,  7. 

Ahua  (hypocor.,  OBa.  A-fyu-a  RT,  cf.  A^uia), 
JADD  276, 3,  sold  (B.  C.  682).   899, 1, 31. 
''mutir  puti,  JADD  168,  R.  ^(?). 
s.  of  Gabri-ilu,  JADB  5,  I,  1. 
f.  of  A-U-ri-e,  JADD  446,  R.  12. 
Ahua-amur  "I  saw  my  brother",  or  perh.  "See 
my  brother!" 

1.  PAP-a-Sl  JADD  67,  R.  6  (B.  C.  748.?). 

2.  PAP-u(ca)-a-mur ,  JADD  750, 3.   633,  R.  ^. 

433,  R.  //.    -*  rakbu,  JADD  200,  R.  //  (B.  C. 

3.  PAP-u-a-SI,  JADD  852,  I,  4. 

Ahua-bani  "My  brother  is  creator"  (cf.  Ahi- 
bani,  Ba.  A-Jtu-ii-a-ba-iii  BE  XV,  SES-u- 
a-ba-ni  BE  XVII,  pt.  i) 
PAP-a-KAK,  JADD  277,  R.  j  (B.  C.  681). 
Ahua-eriba  "My  brother  has  rewarded" 

PAP-uju-a-SU,  JADD  172,  R.  //  (B.  C.  670). 
209,  1, 5.   337»  R-  10-   392,  R.J-  (B.  C.  710). 
405, 6.    746,  R.  6. 
s.  of  A-a-ahe,  JADD  308,  2  (Ep.  Q). 
f.  of  Sarru-lu-dari,  JADD  325,  1. 
Ahuja  (hypocor.,  cf  NBa.  A-^u--ia  TNB) 

PAP-u-a-a,] ADD  168,6.  382, R..  (B.C.  716). 
A-hu-lam-ma,  W/.  GAB,  JADD  711,  R.  7  (Ep.  E). 
A-hu-lu  (cf  ?Bi.  ibr-K,  OBa.  A-hu-la-a-a  RPN), 

Capp.  E,  2,  iG, 
Ahijni,   Ahunl  (hypocor.,   cf.  Ahunu,   Ar.  '^Dirjii, 
£ES-ni  BE  XVII,  pt.  i) 
I.  A-hu-ni,  HABL  453, 9.   K.  241,  X,  33,  spec. 
mar  Adini,  Anp.:  Ann.  Ill,  55,  ei,  63.  Shalm.III: 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Mon.    I,    30,  32,  34,  38,  43,  53.     II,    14,  15,  17,  31,  06, 

72,74;  Ob.  33, 35,  46,  48;  Bal.  Ill,  3, 5,  D:  of 
^^Da-di-gi. — KB  I,  pp.  1 04, 1 3  2, 1 56, 1 5  8, 1 60, 
162, 168, 170;  KAHII,  77,  R.  10.  Sa  '-'Kar- 
'^Belit,  JADD  8,  1,  4  (B.  C.  67^). 

2.  A-hu-ni-i,  VS  I,  95,  27  (Ep,  A),   kisir  Sarj'i, 

JADD  276,  R.  s  (B.  C  682). 

3.  PAP-u\u-ni,  JADD  801,  R.  .3  (B.  C.  671). 

s.  of  Nargi,  b.  oi  Naba-ah-usu7%  JADD  3 18, 1 

4.  PAP-u-ni-i,  JADD  138, 9. 

s.  of  Daian-Marduk,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  1, 13. 
11,  15, 31.  IV,  10. 
Ahunu  "Little  brother"(.?)   {zi.  A-hu-un-7iu-um 
DEP  VI,  p.  53) 
I.  A-hu-nu,  JADB  12,  III,  7.    JADD  44,  R.  5 
(B.  C.  670). 
■  2.  PAP-u-nUy]MyD^<^,\\,\^,\vi^^Qarti-Haldi. 
''amel  urqi,  JADB  i,  I,  ig,  20,  7. 
s.  oi  Sa-pi-ki,  ^A.BA  "'Ktitaia,  JADD  891, 

R.  8. 

Ahusu  (<<  ahtit-su,  or  dimmutive.?) 

PAP{-u)-su,  JADD  32, 3  (B.  C.  693).     105,  e 
(Ep.  Z).    1 14,  R.  E.  /.    Cf.  Ahu{PAP)-u-si, 
JADD  160,  4.    195,  2,  which  may  be  read 
Ahi-sam-si,  q.  v. 
Ahu-si-na  "Their  (the  sisters)   brother"  (cf. 
A-hu-U-naW^yN  ,Y.\\\,  RPN,  A-hu-hi-nu 
TNB,  SES-^u-nu  =  '[1:i^U%  OTSS  pp.  290, 
299)  K.  241,  XI,  39,  spec.  80-7-19,  365. 
*'A-hu-ut-mil-kl  (Ph.  ^b^anni^),  JADD  894. 5. 
Ahu-u-ram(?)-nu,  K.  241,  VIII,  43,  spec. 

s.  of  Gimil-ihar,  Capp.  E,  2,  1. 
*A-ia-ab  (Can.,  cf.  Bi.  n'T^K.?),  TA  256, 6, 13. 
Ai>-bel-sumatl  "(A)ya  is  lord  of  the  sons" 
'^  GAL-EN-MUP^  s.  oiRahas,  h'iqqu^a^^Aia, 
Sarg.  St.  IV,  16.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 
Aia-bel-usur  "O  (A)ya,  protect  the  lord!" 

''GAL-EN-PAP,  JADD  404,  R.  7  (B.  C.  674). 
A-ia-dur  . . . .,  JADD  880,  II,  lo. 
Aia('^6^^Z.)-mu-sa-lim    (cf.   the   following   name), 

^rad  SAG,  JADD  675,  8. 
Aia-musallim  "(A)ya  preserves" 

''GAL-?nu-DI-im\sal-lim,]hDV>  402,  6. 661,3. 
Aia(''G'.^Z)-mu-tak-kil  "(A)ya  strengthens" 

No.   I. 

s.  of  Nabu-iddina,  Sarg.  St.  V,  19.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  164. 
*A-ia"[r]l,  Ta'annek  3,  11. 
A|a-sum-iddina  "(A)ya  has  given  a  name" 

''GAL-MU-Se-na,  JADD  467,  R..f. 
Ajia-taris (?)  "(A)ya  directs" 

''GAL-LAL-is,  JADD  264,  R.  6  (B.  C.  688). 
^naggaru  (B.  C.  698),  JADD  473,  R.  //. 

474,  R.  "' 
*A(.?Z«)-ip-par-ma,  mar  Surri,  of  Patin  (B.  C.  832), 

Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  153.  —  KB  I,  p.  146. 
*A-l-8U-u-rl(Ar.)"Ai  is  my  w a.l\"  (cf.Ba-di-su-ri), 

JADD  99,  R.  4  (B.  C.  670). 
A-i-tu(?)-ga-ma,  see  Etaqama. 
*A-kab-se  (Mit.,  =  ^-^^^-i^BEXV,  ci.Agab-Untii) 

s.  of  Nu-^d-a-bu    VS  I  109,  4. 
A-ka-ku-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  A-ka-ki-im  RPN), 

JADD  42,  R.  2  (B.  C.  670). 
*A-ka-ru  (cf  Bi.  w),  JADB  13,  9  (his  al  U  in 

*Ak-bar,   Ak-ba-ru    (or   Agbar,   cf.   Agburu   and 

ZA  XI,    p.   222),    JADD  128,    L.  E.  3 

(B.  C.  655).  ardu,]KXyD  180,3.  251,  1.  lar 
■  Il-pi-a-ti,  Esarh.  B,  IV,  19  (III  R  15). 
""Wr^W'UD.UD.GA....  (for  the  first  element  cf. 

Ak-du-lumur  TNB,   Ar.  plDi«?),  JADD 

426,  6,  slave  sold. 
*Akia   (Hit.  hypocor.,   cf.  Aki-Te^up),    king   of 

Arahtu,    Boghazkoi,    MDOG  35,    p.  34. 

A-ki-ia,  ^  mar-lipri,  TA  30,  3. 
""k-VWi-LUGAL  (Mit.,  cf.  A-kib-le-niN KT  5762; 

possibly   Akib-ipri{hvri) ,    see    GUSTAVS, 

OLZ  191 1,  col.  343),  VSI,  109. 
*A-ki-pa-pu,  VS  I,  1 10,  is. 
A-ki-8u(.?),  JADD469, 5. 
*A-kikit-Te8up(^/>/)(Mit.),  TA  59, 15,  is.  B.  of  Ta- 

kuwa,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p.  34. 
A(.?).ki-ti-e,  JADD  6^,  R.  s  (Ep.  V). 
*A-ki-iz-zi  (cf.  Ag-gi-is-zi  BE  XV,  Akkicjk;  Klio, 

XI,  p.  472),  governor  of  the  city  of  Qatna, 

in  the  time  of  Amenophis  III,  TA  52,  2. 

53,  2.    54,  2.   55,  2.    }ar  Qafna^',  TA  57,  2. 
Ak-ka-da-a-a  "Akkadian",  K.  13137-  ^"''^'^URI- 

a-a  (may  be  read  Urartai,d),]ADT>  391,6, 

R.  14  (B.  C.  717).  392, 5  (B.  C.  710).  394,  1. 

518,  R.  5.    URP'-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  17,  spec. 
Ak-ki  (cf.  NBa.  Ak-ki-ia  TNB,  Bit-'^Ak-ki-e  BE  IX}, 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

^'naq  me  who  rescued  Sargon  I  from  the 

Euphrates,  III  R  4,  no.  7,  7-10.  —  KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  100. 
*Ak-ku-u-ia  (Mit.,  hypocor.),  VS  I,  106, 5. 
AkkulianU;  see  Kakkulami. 
*Ak-nu-par(?)-nu,  HABL  285,  R.  9. 
*Ak-pa-ru,  Boghazkoi,  OLZ  XIII,  col.  292. 
*Ak-sa  (cf.  OBa.  Ak-'sa^-ayia  RPN),  JADD  388, 5. 
*Ak-si-ma-ak-su  (Iran.),  VS  VI,  177,  s.   178,  s:  iar 

Babili  u  mcttati. 

*Ak-ti-m[i] ,  Ta'annek  7, 9. 

A-ku-bani  {KAR)  "Aku  is  creator" 

s.  of  Qihi-Adad,  K.  8748. 
•■A-ku-ba-tl-la  (Sum.,  V  R  44, 53c  =  "^ Sin-taqila- 

liblut,  cf.  Egibi),  DT.  84. 
*A-kur-ul-an-na  (Sum.),  the  9'^^  king  of  the  2^  Babyl. 

dynasty,  King-hst  B,  R.  19;  renders  Mar- 

^  Enlil-sainsum-^ame,  V  R  44.  E-KUR-  UL, 

King-list  A,  I,  11. 
'A-la',  HABL  275,  R.  1  (cf.  Delitzsch,  BA  I, 

p.  246). 
A-la-di-im,  Capp.  G,  16, 2, 3.  21,  c.  24, 3, 7, 10. 
*Alaksandu  (Hit.),  contemp.  of  Hattusil,  succeeded 

Tarhundaraba,  MDOG  35,  p.  41. 
*A-Ia-ra-na-du  (Hit.),  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p. 44. 
*A-lik-sa-an-dar(Gr.),  Alexander,  CTIV,29d.  39b. 

^arru,m\  14,  R.41.  i7,R.ii  (B.C.  1 50  -  148). 
s.  of  A-lik[-sa\-an-dar,  ZA  III,  p.  150.  — 

KB  IV,  p.  312. 
A-Ii-li  "The  strong  one"  Capp.  Ch.  4,  14. 
Al(-la)-sarru  "Alia  is  king",  JADB  9,  IV,  10. 

f.  of  Si--sa-ka-a,  JADB  5,  I,  5;  II,  5. 
Al-na-as-hu-mil-[ki]  "Al-Nashu  is  my  counsel" 
s.  of  Ilu-ittiia,  in  ^^Se  Gurraba,  JADB  2, 
I,  10.    Cf  JADD  6,  R.  E.  1,  III  p.  43. 
Al-si-'-mil-kl  "Al-Si'  is  my  counsel" 

s.  of  Ilu-nnri,  JADB  r,  1, 26. 
*AI-tak-8at-su,  see  Artahlassu. 
Al-tuk"!a-nlse,  Johns,  ADB  p.  15:   "Al,   cause 

the  people  to  trust!"  K,  241,  X, 42,  spec. 
*A-lu-ud"hu-ha-ri-8a(?),  ''rab  e-zi,  Capp.  Ch.  2,  /r. 
A-ma—gu-nu,  HABL  214,  2,  prob.  Sa-ma-  -gn-nu, 

q.  V. 
*A-ma-har,  ''^  Har-me-iS-an-da-a-a,  Shams.V:  Ann. 

111,46  (IR30.  KB  I,  p.  182). 
*A-ma-ia-se,  TA  202, 3. 
*A-ma-ma-a8,  "'"*Ki- in -gi-ii - ti- U-en-sa -ah- a- a, 

Shams.  V:   Ann.  Ill,  53    (I  R  30.    KB  I, 

p.  182). 

*A-ma-an di,  TA  105, 34. 

*A-ma-an-ap-pa/bi  (Eg.  'Imn-[m-]ip(t),  Ranke, 

Material,  p.  7),  TA  J^.  74,  51.  77.  79,  9.  82. 

86.     87.    93.      109,  62.     117,  23. 

*A-ma-an-ha-sir  (Can.),  Ta'annek  5, 2.  6,  2. 
*A-ma-an-ha-at-bi  (Eg.  'Imn-htp(w)  "Amon  is 
pleased",  Ranke,  Material.,  p.  8),  amel 

"'  Tuiulti^',  TA  185,  11,  20,  26,  35,  40,  47,  49,  61, 
54,  55,  64,  68,  73.   186,  12,  17,  19,  25,  26,  31,  33,  39,  41, 

61,  57,  58  {A-ma-an-at-ha-bi). 
*A-ma-an-ma-sa  (Eg.,  see  Ranke,  Material.,  p.  8), 

TA   113,  36,  43.    I  14,  51. 

''AMAR-ibni  (the  reading  of  the  first  element  is 
uncertain),  see  '^SUR-. 

A-mar-ilu  "Fulness  of  god"  (or  WSem.,  cf 
Ilu-amard)  (cf  Am-ma-ar-ilii  RPN,  Am- 
mar-Sa-ilu  BE  XIV,  XV),  HABL  179;  2. 

329,  2. 
*[A-ma]-a-su  (Eg.),   Sar  Misir,   Neb.  239,  15.  — 

KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  140. 
'Amat-be-el  "Maid  of  the  lord",  JADD  894,  0. 

^qalhi,  HABL  1 169,  s. 
Amat-Bel-USUr  "Fulfil  the  word  of  the  lord!" 

A-mat-EN-PAP,  HABL  212,  u. 
'A-niat-^''^Su-'-Ia  "Handmaid  of  Su'la"  (cf  the 

Arb,  demon  Joi^y,  i^^xjm  or  'iXx^, 
HoMMEL,  PSBA  XIX  (1 897),  p.  88  f),  JADD 
324,  3,  R.  3  (III  R  48),  w.  of  Bel-dnri 
(B.  C.  692). 

'Amat-''Sada(?irW?-«),  JADD  78, 5,  slave. 

*Am-ba-ab[-ba]  (cf  Im-ba-ap-pi,  Utn-man-ab-ba), 
Bu.  91-5-9,  126. 

*Am-ba-na....,  JADD  718,3. 

^Ambaris,  son  and  successor  of  Khulli  of  Tabal. 

1.  Am-ba-ri-di,   '""*  Ta[ba-la-a-a   iar   '""^^Bit]- 

Btirutii  Sarg.:  Ann.  los. 

2.  Am-ba-ri-is,  Sarg.:  Ann.  175.   *""*  Ta-bal-a-a, 

Sarg.  Khors.  29  (KB  II,  p.  56). 

3.  Am-ba-ri-is-si,  Sarg.:    Cyl.  23    (I  R  36).  — 

KB  II,  p.  42. 

4.  Am-ri-is,  Sarg.:  B,  Sm.  2022, 11,6;  Khors.  31. 
Am-bl'ia    (hypocor.,    cf    NBa.   Am-ba-a   TNB), 

Rm.  157,/.^  (KB  IV,  p.  124,111;  B.C. 680). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*A-me-dlr-ra  (Elam.) 

f.  of  Ummaniga^ ,  HABL  280,  R.  ic.    Cf. 

Johnston,  Epist.  Lit.,  p.  142  f. 
*A-me-ka,  '""' Za-mu-a-a,  Anp.  Ann.  II,  50,  ei,  gs,  71 

(IR21.  KB  I,  p.  78  ff.). 
Amel-Adad,  var.  of  Ilu-Adad,  q.  v. 
Amel-Asur  "Man    of  Ashur";   in   NBa.   texts, 

see  TNB. 
Amel-Bel  "Man  of  Bel",  HABL  899, 1.    930,  1. 
Amel-'«E-a,  V  R  44, 48cd  =  UR-L. 
Amel-''En-lil  "Man  of  EUil",  mar  Hanbi,  Mna.: 

Ill  R  41,  I,  10,  28.  —  KB  IV,  p.  74. 
Amel-E-uI-mas  "Man  of  the  sanctuary  of  Eul- 

s.  of  U{Sa}n)-es-ha-la,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  I,  19. 

II,  19.  —  KB  IV,  pp.  68,  70. 
AmeM'Gub-bu"Man  from  the  city  of  Gubbu", 

TA  205,  3. 
AmeM6u-la  "Man  of  Gula",  VR44, 9,  10, 34,  49 d, 


1.  Atnel-'^Da-nm,  VR  44,  49  c. 

2.  HU-ME.ME,  V  R  44,  10  c. 

f.  of  "^ En-lil-ba-an-kudtirru,  K.  97 1 7,  u  (NE 
p.  90). 

3.  Me-li-hn-li,  V  R  44,  34  c. 

4.  UR-'^NIN.DIN.BAD.  GA,  V  R  44, 9  c. 
Amel-^'l-si-in   "Man  from  the  city  of  Ishin" 

s.  of  Hti-un-na,  Neb.  I:  Nippur  V,  21. 
Amel-issakke-sa-Ustim    {MULU-PA.  TE.SI^'-M- 

us-tim)  "Man  of  the  rulers  of  Ushtim", 

see    HiNKE,    Boundary    stone,    p.   201; 

Melis.:  Lo.  10 1,  I,  9.  —  KB  IV,  p.  56. 
Amel-lslar  ('^JTF)  (cf.  OBa.  A-zvi-il-Istar  RPN), 

^ha-za-nu  la   "-^Kalhi,   Sarg.:    SAV  431 

(B.  C.  709). 
Amel-Marduk  (=Bi.  ^™  b'l'iX,  LXX  EuiaXjaapoo- 

8eK,  Berossos  ApLiX|j.apo68oKO(^) 

1.  MUL U-'^AMAR.  UD,  V R 44, 4 d=  MULU- 

^  SILIG.  MUL  U.  HI]  V  R  44,  27  b  ==  Meli- 
Sipak.  King  of  Babylonia,  B.C.  562 — 560, 
son  and  successor  of  Nebuchadrezzar, 
sar  Babili,  Evetts  i  — 12, 14  — 24  (2<*year). 
BE  VIII  pt.  i:  13.  33.  34.  38. 
s.  of  Nabu-kudur-umr ,  Nabd.:  St.  V,  25. 

2.  MULU-^SU,  'sar  ^«^///, Evetts  13.  BE  VIII, 

pt.  1 :  32,  7. 

No.  I. 

Amel-Nabu  (cf.  OBa.  A-wi-il\MULU-'^Na-bi'Um 

1.  MULU-'^AK,  HABL  925, 1.  MeliS.:  Lo.  103, 

11,18  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  156.   In  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB. 

2.  MULU-'^PA,  ^A.BA,  K.  3790,  le  (B.C. 680). 
Amel-Nannarl  (OBa;  J/W:  U-'^SES.  KI),  K,97 1 7,  n, 

Sm.  669,  R.  6,  author  of  the  Etana  story 

(NE  pp.  90,  92). 
Amel-a'  Na-zi-ba,  TA  206, 4. 
Amel-Papsukkal  [MULU-'^PAP.LUH),  V  R  44,  nd 

Amel-a'Qa-nu-u,  TA  204, 4. 
Amel"Sin  (OBa.,  cf  A-wi-il\MUL  U-'^EN.  ZU  RPN 

'Aiieii^nvo^),  V  R  44,  12  b  = ME.  LA. 

Amel-su-in  {=  Ainel-Sin}),  Capp.  Ch.  10,  R.  5. 
Amel-Samas  (OBa.,  A-wi-illMULU-'^UD  KV"^) 

1.  MULU-^Sa-mah  HABL  449, 7. 

2.  MULU-'^UD,  V  R  44,  13b  = ''UD; 

■      V  R  44, 37  b  ==  *Me-/i-sa^.  In  NBa.  texts, 

see  TNB. 
Amel-'*^l-i-ma-li-ia,  V  R  44,  gs  h=*Me-/i-'^Si-bar-ru. 


Amel-''Su-qa-mu-na,  VR  44, 35b  ==  *Me-li-lu-inu. 
AmeMTUR.NUN.NA,  f.  oi  Ibni-Marduk,  K.  9717, 12 

(NE  p.  90). 
Amel-urqi  "Gardener" 

^NU.  CIS. SAR,  JADD  860,  R.  5. 
A-me-qi  (cf.  A-me-ka,  Bi.  ph^a!?),  JADD  294,  R.  9 

(B.  C.  700). 
A-me-ri  (Arb..?  cf.  ap-epot;  Wadd.  2403,.?  ^^A-me- 

ir-ium  BE  VI,  pt.  2, 
f.  of  A-mi-li--ti,  HABL  414,  R.  10. 
Am-|a-a-nu,  see  A-ii-ia-nu. 
*Am-ia-ta-'  (SArb.  ynitt5>)  HABL  564,  ^,  9,  R.  is. 

Am-ia-te--u,  JADD  229,  R..f  (B.  C.  680). 

Cf.  Am-me-  -ta- . 
*A-mi-ba-an-da,  see  lamibanda. 
*A-mi-ll-'-tl  (WSem.) 

s.  of  A-me-ri,  HABL  414,  R.  10. 
*A-mi-ta8-si,   b.    of  Alur-lt     of  Karalla,    Sarg. 

Ann.  141,  143;  cf.  K.  1668,  D,  11. 
Am-ma-a-a,    prob.    "Man   from   "'Atnma'    (cf. 

AmQ)-ma-ia  JADD  661,  1),  JADD  30,  R.  4 

(B.C.681).  947,2.  '^A.BA  dr-ma-ia,]ADD 

207,  K.S  (III  R  46, 27  a.  KB  IV,  p.  150). 
*Amma-ba  li  (Ar.,  cf.  OBa.  Am-mi-ba-il  VS  VII, 

204, 25, 35),  of  Blt-Zamani 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

1.  Am-ma-da-  -li,  mar  Zamani,  Anp.:  Khurkh 

R.  36  (III  R  6). 

2.  Am-me-ba--la,  mar  Zamani,  Anp.:  Ann. 

II,  12,  118,  119  (I  R  20.  22.  KB  I,  pp.  72.  92). 

3.  Am-me-l>a-  -h, mar ZamaMi,T\ik.ll:  Ann.23, 28. 

Anp.:  Ann.  II,  12,  118,  var.  (IR20.  22.  KB  I, 
p.  72.  92). 
f.  of.  Ba  ....,  Tuk.  II:  Ann.  4. 

4.  Am-mi-pa-  -li,  Anp.:  Khurkh  R.  37,  47,  w^r 

Zamani  (III  R  6). 
*Am-ma-i(?) — ,  nasiku  of  Gambulu,  Sarg.:  Ann.  254. 
*Amma-ladin  (WSem.;  Sachau,  ZA  XII,  p.  44, 

compares  iaXXc;     ir..l»,c) 

1.  Am-ma-la-din,    ^7ia-si-ku    la    ^la-a-U-an, 

HABL  280,  13. 

2.  Am-mu-la-di{-in),lar  "''''QidrilQadri,  sheikh 

of  the  Kedarenes,  Abp.:  Ann.  VIII,  15; 

A,  VIII,  21;  III  R  35,  no.  6,  II,  14, 20. 
Am-ma-nu(cf.  Am-ma-a-a ;  Atn-ma-na-tum  BE  XV), 

^lalhi  mar  larri,  JADD  860,  III,  26.     In 
NBa.  texts,  see  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  TNB. 
*Am-ma8-ki-ri,  JADD  233,  R.  y<5  (III  R  46,  35 c; 

B.  C  659.?). 

*Am-me-a-Ia-ba  (for  the  second  element  of.  Bi. 

fiaby-'^nx,  n-'nirc?)  Glaser  1238,  GHW'^, 

p.  3^);  '"''*Hi-in-da-fia-ia,  Tuk.  II,  Ann.  79. 
*Amme-ba  la,  see  Amma-bdli. 
Am-me-ni-ilu  "Wherefore,  o  god.?",  JADD  38$, 

R.  5, 10.  429,  R.  28.  K.  10426.  83- 1- 1 8,  695, 

III,  10,  spec.   Cf.  TNB. 
*Am-me-en-na  (cf.  Tu-bi-ia-en-na) 

''SAG,  Ninibkudurusur:  Lo.  102,  VI,  le.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  90. 

*Am-me-'-ta-'  (Arb.,  cf.  Am-ia-ta-) 

f.  oi^A-a-ka-ma-ru,  HABL  260,  R.3  (IVR47, 
no.  i). 

*Am-mi-di-ta-na     "My     uncle    is    a    leader" 
(Ranke,  PN  p.  225  n.  7);  9ti>  king  of  the 
first  Babylonian  dynasty.    Sarru,  passim, 
s.  of  E-bi-ium,  f.  of  Ammi-sadugga,  King- 
list  B,  9. 

*Am-mi-ha-at-na  (cf.  OBa.  Sumu-ha-ad{t,t)-nu 
RPN),  ''langu  la  '^B-ha-a-ra  ''  "'Kizzu- 
wadna,  in  Hit.  inscription,  OLZIX(i9o6), 
col.  632. 

*Am-mi-na-ad-bi  (cf.  Bi.  aisiia?),  lar  ""^Wa-Am- 

ma-na,  king  of  Amnion,  Abp.:   Rm.  3, 

II,  40.  —  KB  II,  p.  240. 
*Ammi-pa'li,  see  Amma-bd li. 
*Ammi-saduga  "My  uncle  is  righteous"  (cf. 

SArb.  pl2^5>,  Bi.  plis),  the    \o^^  king 

of  the  first  Babylonian  dynasty 

1.  Am-ma-sa-du-ga,  iarru,  BA  VI,  no.  5,  p.  84. 

2.  Am-7ni-sa-dug-ga,  s.  of  Ammi-ditana,  f.  of 

Sams7i-dita?ia,  King- list  B,  10. 

3.  Afn-mi-sd-dug-ga  =  Kim-tum- kit -turn,  VR 

44,  I,  22 

4.  Am-mi-sa-du-ga,  sarru,  passim. 
"^Ammu-ladiXn),  see  Amfna-ladin. 
*Ammu-nlra  (Can.  *nDB!?  WAF  II,  p.  85.  KA3, 

p.  482),  governor  of  Beyrout, 

1.  Am-mu-ni-ra,T A I ;^6, 29.  141, 3. 142,  2.  143,  3. 

2.  Ha-mu-ni-ri,  TA  137, 15, 66,  eo,  88.  138, 52, 53, 132. 
*Am-mu(r)-sa-lam  (WSem.,  *Qlb©ay),  HABL  3  3  8, 12 

(B.  C.  649?). 
*Am-ra-mu  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  tnra,  KA  p.  483), 

''ka^iruQ)  la  ekalli,  JADD  59,  R.  .  (B.  C. 

*Am-ra-pi-'     (WSem.,    cf.    Hammu-rapi),    ''rid 

gammale,  JADD  741, 22. 
Am-ri-lstar  {XV)  (cf.OBa.  Am-ri-ilihi'^V^,  NBa. 

Am-ri-im-me  TNB),  ''nappahu,  JADD  478, 

*Am-ri-is,  see  Ambaris. 
Am-si-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Bi.  pllQ^,  nyq^q'S)  JADD  164, 

R.  ,0  (B.  C.  679). 
'Am-tMGu-Ia,  yAmti-[^]GU.ZLDA  "Handmaid 

of  Gula",  83-1-18,  1866,  R.  IV,  8,9,  spec. 
'Am-tl/Amtl-Nabu »     "Handmaid     of     Nabu", 

83-1-18,  1866,  R.  IV,  i2f. 
A-mur-a-sIr  "I  saw  A  shir",  Capp.  G,  4, 15. 
A-mur-a-sur  "I  saw  Ashur",  Capp.  G,  23,2. 
A-mur-Ba'lu  Q'^IAT)  "I  saw  Baal",  TA  170,  ss. 
A-mur-ilu  "I  saw  the  god" 

s.  of  I-7iu-ba-a,  Capp.  G,  9,  e. 
Amur-ilutu-Asur  "I  saw  the  divinity  of  Ashur" 

(cf.  OBa.  Amur-iluzu  RPN) 
A-mur-AN-tu-''AS-sur,  JADD  1002,  R.  4. 
A-mur-lstar,  Capp.  Ch.  4,  e. 
kxmx\^2i{^KUR.GAL-e-a\  hypocor.,  cf.  A-mur- 

ri-iaje-a  P  100,  5.  1 14),  ''dsu  Mna.:  Ill  R  43, 

II,  28.  -  KB  IV,  p.  70. 
Amurru-etir  "Amurru  spared"  (fKUR.GAL- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


SUR= Ar.  docket  [-it:N]niX,  OTSS,  p.  301) 
^SAG  ''qepi  U  "'Dar-Enlil,  HABL  963,  4 
(WSml.  II,  p.  61). 

*kmviTV\x{'^MAR.  r^-na-sa-pa,  JADD  741,  n. 

*kmwvu{^KUR.  GAL)-n2i-\?i'm  (WSem.) 
^mutlr  temi,  HABL  963,  s. 

Amurru-zer-ibni  "Amurru  has  created  poste- 
•^KUR.  GAL-KUL-KAK,  HABL  520,13.  792, 
R.  15.  794,  R.  8.  KK.  1 1 74, 9  (WSml.  II,  p.  3  5). 
2446  etc,  R.  39. 

A-mur-Samas  "I  saw  Shamash",  Capp.  G,  16,  1, 

13,  16,  22, 

*A-mur-ti-se  see  A-har-ti-^e. 

A-mu-su  (cf.  Bi.  y'riy^,  JADD  842, 4. 

A-mu-se   (cf.  NBa.  A-mu-h-e,   amusu  a  plant), 

HABL  303, 6. 
*'A-a-na-a(Ar.,cf.Bi.n55^,  A-na--ili^Y.  X),  JADB2, 

1, 9. 
A-na-Asur('^^.  USAR)-^9.-?\-\% 

Epon.,  rab  ekallim,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  3, 

R.  43. 
A-na-bel-tak-lak  "In  the  lord  I  trust"  Epon. 

B.  C.  758,  id  ""'I-sa-na,  Canon  E  -f  81-2-4, 

187,  R.  19.    Abbreviated:  Beltaklak,  q.  v. 
A-na-du-du  ....,  K.  241,  IX,  39,  spec. 
A-na-ah-i-li    "I   sigh,    o   god"    (cf.   Atanah-iiu) 

Capp.  G,    10,  4.    20,  15,  25. 

f.  of  Ba-ba-la-num,  Capp.  E,  i,  5. 

*A-na(?ba)-lu-qu-nu  (cf  Ap-H-uk-nu) 

''bel  pihati  }a  "^Musasirz,  HABL  381,  9. 

A-na-me-ni-DU,  JADD  825,  R.  4. 

A-na-Nabii Mak-lak  "In  Nebo  I  trust" 

HABL  542,  R.  4. 838, 9. 907, 1.  KK.  7459.  8403. 

♦"A-na-aMa-la-balatuC?  77)  "I  behold  (or  observe) 
life",  JADD  317, 3,  sold  (B.  C.  687).  Better 
*JAnat-dalati^  cf  KA  p.  354. 

*A-na-ti  (cf  Bi.  nss?,  OBa.  A-na-tum  RPN,  KA 
p.  354),  TA  170,43. 

*An-da-a-ia  (or  Ildaia},  cf  An-di-a-a),  amel 
"^Ha-zi,  TA  175,  3. 

An-da-la-a,  see  Ilu-dala. 

An-da-ra-ni/nu,  JADD  58,  R.  7  (B.  C.  694).  515, 2. 

*An"da-ri-a  (cf  the  foregoing  name  and  the  city 

Andarid),  ^'bel  pihati  '""^Lubdi  (in  Media), 

Abp.:    B,    KK.  1732,   IV,  e.     1779,    C  24 

(WSml.  Ill,  pp.  41,  58.  KB  II,  p.  180, 

No.  I. 

''tur-ta-nu,  Abp.  B,  III  R  3 1,  IV,  6.  An-da- 

ri-e,  same  person,  Abp.  B,  III  R  31,  IV,  u. 
An-di-a-a   (cf.  »'^*An-di-a,  see  also  An-da-a-id), 

JADD  679,  9  (B.  C.  682).    [853,  R.  2]. 
s.  oi Bel-apal-iddina,]AT>'D  237, 12  (B.C.665). 
An-di-8U(?),  ^rab  alani,  JADD  806,  L.  E.  1. 
*An-hir-be,  prob.  a  Hit.  king,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  11,3. 

An-J}i-ir-bi,  same  person,  Shalm  III:  Mon. 

II,  10  (III  R  7.  KB  I,  p.  160).  Cf  Delitzsch, 

BA  VI,  no.  I,  p.  141. 
*An-hi-te/ti,    "''^^Sup-ri-a-a\ia,    Anp.:    Ann.  II,  12 

(I  R  20.  KB  I,  p.  72).   Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  H: 

of  "'U-bu[-me].  = 
*An-hi-it-ti,  '"'^^Sup-ri-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill,  Ob,  53  (B.  C. 

85s).  -  KB  I,  p.  132. 
*A-ni-a,  Capp.  Ch.  5,  s. 
*A-nl-na  (cf  A-ni-na-a-l}i  CBM  3480),  Capp.  G, 

5,  ^s. 
*A-ni-rl-'  (OPe,  Aind[ird\hya,  El,  Ha-a-na-a-ra), 

f  of  Nidintu-Bel,  Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39, 31. 
*An-ni-ia  (hypocor.), 

s.  of  Ad-dti-me,  amel  ''^Siduni  (de  Clercq, 

no.  386),  WAFIII,  p.  i77f 
"^Antaratli  (cf  Ma-zi-pa-<a:^/?),  of  Alse,  contemp. 

with  Shubbiluliuma,  MDOG  35,  p.  33. 
*An-ti-gu-nu-U8-su  (Gr.  AvTiyovoc;),  SAV  558. 
*An-ti-pa-at-ru-su  (Gr.  AvTLTaTpo(;),s.  oiAhu{SES)- 

'-u-tu  . .,  SAV  560. 
*Anti'uku8U  (Gr.  Avtioxoc;),  Antiochus. 

1.  An-ti- -i-ku-su,  81-6-25,  65, 2  (ZA  III,  p.  150. 

B.  C.  218)  =  Antiochus  III  the  Great,  B.  C. 
224—187.    Cf  SAV  559. 

2.  Aii-ti- -ku-su,  DT  189  (2*1  year),    sar  ma- 

tati,  K.  3753   (B.  C.  247)  =  Antiochus  II 
Theos  (B.  C.  260—246) 

3.  An-ti-  -ku-us 

s.  of  Silukku,  V  R  66,  II,  1.  sar  matati, 
V  R  6,  II,  24.  iarru  raba  larru  dannu 
lar  kiHati  iar  Babili  iar  matati,  V  R  66, 
I,  1  (KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  136.  B.  C.  270);  cf 
SAV  559,  =  Antiochus  I  Soter  (B.  C 
280 — 260), 

4.  An-ti--uk-ku-su,sarru,RHj,  R. 34  (B.C.  164) 

=  Antiochus  IV   Epiphanes    (B.  C.  175 

5.  An-ti- 'uk-su,  iarru,  RH25,  R.29  (B.C.  130) 

=  Antiochus VII Sidetes  (B.C.  139—128) 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

6.  An-ti-u-ku-su, 

Ur  matati,  Rm.  IV:  97,  27  (PSBA  XXIII 
(1901)  =  A.  I. 
"A-nu-eres  {PIN-ei),  HABL212,  17. 
Anum-nasir  "Anu  is  protector" 
s.  oi  Nur-Sin 

1.  <iA-num-PAP,  Sarg.  St.  II,  u  (VS  I,  70.  KB 

IV,  p.  160). 

2.  '^A-ttum-SES-ir,  Sarg.  St.  V,  15. 
*A-nu-wa-an-za  (Hit.) 

tup^arrii,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p.  28. 
*A-pi,  TA  138,8,57;  A-bi,  138,107;  perh.  Eg.,  cf. 

Ranke,  Material,  p.  21. 
*A-pl-ha-ri  (cf.  AH-ha-ri,  Si-ha-ri,  Ha-ri-Sarru) 

VS  I,  109, 7. 
Apil-Sin  "Son  of  Sin" 

A-pil-^XXX  s.  of  Sabn,  f.  of  Sin-muballit, 

the  fourth  king  of  the  first  Babylonian 

dynasty,  Chron.  A,  IV,  3.    King-list  B,  4. 

Cf.  A-pil-XXX\dEN.  ZU,  iiarru')  RPN,  etc. 
Apil-sarri-bel-ahe,  see  Mar-iarri-bel-a^e. 
Apia  (hypocor.) 

1.  A-a,B.ABLg4g,2.  ''be/pi^ati,HABL266,i8. 

998,  u,  R.  6  (WSml.  II,  p.  23). 
s.  of  Be/-}arruQ),  gs.  of  Adna,  HABL912, 

R.  8. 
s.   of  Marduk-erei,   94-6-1 1,   36   (ZA  IX, 

p.  398.     KB  IV,   p.  176.    VII 'h   year   of 

f.  of  Arda,  ibid. 

2.  Ap-la-a,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  rW?.6''5-a,HABL324,2.326,i. 764,1. 80-7-19, 

338.82-5-22,13  \Melpihati{)a  "'Arraphd), 

HABL  754,  11, 19.    1 106,  11,  R.  8.    1 124,  G. 

''sasinnu,  Sarg.  St.  II,  33  (KB  IV,  p.  160). 


■       TRep.46.  79  A.  86  A.  120.  132  (III  R  54, 

no. 9).  153  A.  190  A.  197. 2 1 1. 265. 277  M,0. 

s.  of  Nadinu,  K.  8433. 

Aplaia,  Apli|a  (hypocor.) 

1.  A-a-a,  III  R  37, 75  a,  Elamite  officer.  J  ADD 

436,  R.  1.  1036,  IV,  13.  K.  241,  IX,  33,  spec. 
^ . . . .,  JADB  12,  III,  1.  maimaiu,]AT)D  (^44, 
II,  6.   ''^a-ki,  JADD  829,  4  (B.  C.  671). 

2.  A-a-ia,  JADD  147,  R.  E.  2  (B.  C.  648). 

3.  A-ia,  HABL 413,  R.  5.  JADD  55, 2  (B.  C.  690). 

^.^^,  JADD  93, 6.  533,  R.^  (B.  C.  650?). 

^l^azanuH  "'Hu-ba-ba,  JADD  171,  R.  ^. 
f'tamkaru,  JADD  711,  R. //  (III  R  46). 
^'^ZAB.HI-nu  iiimnidnuT)  la  '^Utar  la 
"'Arbaili,  HABL  533,  2. 
s.  of  Qi-il-ti-i,  f.  of  Sa-pi-bel,  HABL  877, 
R.  1  =  JADD  889. 

4.  A-id,  ^iallu,  B.  C.  694,  JADD  201, 4. 

5.  TUR.  US-a-a,  JADD  5 1, 3  (B.  C.  683).  444, 11 

(in  '""*Si-in-ga-ra).  473,  7,  21.  474,  9  (B.  C. 

698).   K.  13 188.  ''A.BA,  JADD  118,  R.j 

(B.  C.673).    ^nagir  ekalli,  JADD  1131,  3. 

Epon.  B.  C.  768,  III  R  I,  IV,  1,  van 
s.  of  Musallim-Alur,  ^qi-pu  "^Kar-Samal, 

JADD  363,  R.  8  (B.  C.  682). 
s.  of  Nabu-salim,  gs.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin, 

Abp.:  B,  VI,  57, 62  (III R  33.  KB  II,  p.  256). 

6.  TUR.  US-ia,  HABL  325,  2  (III  R  43,  II,  le). 

JADD  28, 2  (B.  C.  686).   K.  2674, 74.  Epon. 

B.  C.  768,  Canon  A,  IV,  1,    of  Mazamua 

(Canon  E). 
f.  of  Bu-lut,  JADD  891,  R.  2. 
f.  of  TUK-ilu,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  10.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  70. 
Apli  (hypocor.) 

1.  A-i,  JADD  340,  11.    360,  R.  6  (B.  C.  680). 

382, 5  (B.  C.  716).   393, 2, 6. 

2.  TUR.US-i,  K.  241,  X,  10,  spec. 
Apliia,  see  Aplaia. 

*Ap(b)-li-uq-nu  (cf.  s.  Analuqunu),  HABL  144,  u,  le. 
Aplua  (hypocor.) 

TUR.  US-u-a  ^rab  ali  sd   "^ La-^i-ra   sd 

bit  ummi  larri,  JADD  301, 1  (B.  C.  678). 

Aplu(''rW?.  ^ZS>gi-ri(?),  83-1-18, 695,  XII,  11,  spec, 

cf.  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  XV. 
k'^\\x{^TUR.US)-\M-\x\-\\\  "Aplu  is  my  protec- 
tion", 83-1-18,  695,  XII,  12,  spec. 
Aplu-iddin   "Aplu  has  given",   or  Apal-iddin 
A-MU,  ^ma-hi-^u,  JADD  631,  R.  2  (B.  C. 
Aplu(''rW?.Z75)-mu-tak-kil     "Aplu     streng- 
83-1- 1 8,  695,  XII,  13,  spec. 
*Aplu(.?'^u4)-ra-me  (cf.  A-a-ra-mu,  '^A-a-ram-mu) 

JADD  1 1 15,  1,11. 
Aplu(.^^)-se-zib-a-ni  "O  Aplu,  save  me!" 
^mar  sipri,  JADD  230,  R.  s  (B.  C.  684). 


Assyrian  Personal  rfames. 


Aplu-suzzlz  Q  rUR.US-DU.nU,    d.  A-na-DU. 

DU..),  JADD  829,  R.  1  (B.  C.  671). 
Ap-lu-tl,  Sm.  1037  (B.  G.  681). 
Aplu-usur,  or  -nasir 

A I TUR.  US-PAP,]  ADD  1 5,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  672). 

83,  R.  6  (B.  C.  679).  84,  R.J.  126,  9  (B.  C. 

674),  154,1.  sSi,,R.u:b.  of  Be/-Sa-tk-sar. 

629,  R.s.  ygS/s.  852,  II,  e.  '^A.BA,  JADD 
1 19,  L.  E.  1  (B.  C.  680). 
s.  of  Alur-rlmamii,  JADD  394,  R.  14. 
Ap-pa-a  (OBa.  A-ap-pa-a  RPN;  cf.  Bi.  d'^EX) 

f.  of  La-bar-hivtsiL,  HABL  331,  R.  2. 

f.  of  Adad-^allim,  JADD  237,  R.  13. 
*A-qa-ba  (abbrev.,  cf.  Aqabi-ihi,  NBa.  '^- A-qu-bi\bu- 

ia  TNB,    Nabu-a-qa-bd   BE  VIII,   pt.  i), 

JADD  448,  R.20.  ''Da-ra-ta-a-a,  HABL  222. 
i^A-qa-bi-ilu   (cf.  NBa.  -''A-qa\qab-bi-ANi'\  Nabn- 

ha-qa-bi  BE  IX,    St-a-qa-bi,    Pa.  Spi?ba, 

'2,p'$t\'S>,  '^r\kaK(x^oq,  a^Y\aKa^oc),  TSBA 

VIII,  p.  284,  JADD  III,  p.  164. 
A-qar-a  (hypocor.,  cf  A-qar-a-a,  A-qar--u  TNB), 

HABL  912,  1.    1030,  13   (WSml.  II,  p.  75). 

KK.  9042.  1 1437.  1 1477.  ^^r;7,  JADD  851, 

A-qar-a-a  (hypocor.),  HABL  181,4.  Bu.  91-5-9,  93. 
Aqar-Bel-lumur  "May  I  see  the  glory  of  Bel!" 

1.  A-qar-^'^^EN-lu-mur,    HABL  852,  2.    853,  2. 

854,  1.     855,  1.     856,  2.     892,    R.  6,  13. 

2.  KAL-dEN-hi-mur,   HABL  261, 3.    [640,  g]. 
■      857, 2. 

A-qar-Nabui  (abbrev.),  K.  1559. 

i.oiAd-na-a-a,  gf.oi  Nabti-apal-iddm]  Nai.: 

CT  X:  3,  16.  —  KB  IV,  p.  92. 
f.  of  Nabn-}aqn-ina-maii,  CT  X:  3,  lo. 

Aq(g)-da-as-llu,  ^'abarakku,  JADD  345,  R.s. 

Aq-rl,  Aq-ru  (abbrev.)  "Precious",  or  Agru 
"H  i  r  e  d  1  a  b  o  r  e  r  "  (cf  A-gi-ri,  ^KU.  MAL 
TNB,  Eg.-Ar.  .?in5i«  APO),  JADD  228,  R.  3. 
2  59,  R.  7.  Z A  XI,  p.  47.  ^'A .  BA,  JADD  171,4. 
^irrihi  in  "^ I-ri-in-7ii-ih,  JADD  742,  R.  21. 
mar  la-si-mu  sd  Nmua,  JADD  160,  R.  2 
(Ep.  G).  ''rab  kisir  sa  sepa,  JADD  235, 
R.  E.  /.  ^'■salsu  hhmi,  JADD  396,  R.  s. 
''■sanimaru  mar  "'Nmtia,  JADD  464,  R.  /o. 

*Aq-tu-ur-Ia-na-as-hu  (Ar.),  JADB  20,  s. 

A-ra(.^)  . . . .,  Ta'annek  7,  13. 
No.  I. 

Arad-ahesu  "Servant  of  his  brothers" 

1.  URU-PAPpt-hi,  HABL  120,  2.  JADD  243, 

R.  i3   (B.  C.  688).    350,  R.  .0  (B.  C.  707). 
429, 23.   ''lalH,  JADD  860,  III,  7. 

2.  URU-SESP^-hi,  HABL  119,2. 

1.  URU-'^A-A,  f.  of  Ardiia,  JADD  66 r,  R.  19. 

^saknu,  JADD  771,  R.  1. 

2.  URU-'^GAL,  JADD  382, 7  (B.  C.  716). 
Arad-<'AI-Ia-a-aJADD3ii,R.E.  /  (Ep.S).  83-1-18, 

695,  XI,  8,  spec. 
Arad-Apli  {TUR.  US),  '^sa  Sepa,  JADD  400,  R.<y 

(B.  C.  688.?). 
Arad-Asur  "Servant  of  Ashur" 

1.  URU-AS-sur,  JADD  88,   L.  E.  2  (Ep.  W). 

638,  R.  9. 
f.  of  Arad-lstar,  JADD  622,  1. 

2.  URU-'^HT,  ''sa  Sepa  mar  Sarri,  JADD  312, 

R.  /.  (Ill  R  47, 20b). 
Arad-Banltu  "Servant  of  Banitu" 

1.  URU-'^Ba-ni-ti,  JADD  741,  12. 

2.  URU-'^Ba-ni-tii,  JADD  i,  R.^  (B.  C.  731.?). 

VSI,85,...   [94,  .,0]. 

3 .  UR  U-^KAK-tijtu,  J  ADD  74 1 ,  26.  VS  1, 8  5 ,  26. 

''ardu,  JADD  913,  1.  —  In  NBa.  texts, 

see  TNB. 
Arad-Bel  "Servant  of  Bel",  81-2-4,  64,  writer 

to  king.  —  In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Arad-Bellt  "Servant  of  Belit"  (cf  OBa.  Warad- 

be-el\ii-tim\H  B A  VI,  no.  5 ;  in  NBa.  texts, 

see  TNB) 

1.  URU-'^NIN  (BList  7337),  JADD  752,  s. 

2.  6^/?6/"-'^iV/yV.Z/Z,JADD4i4,3o,R.2,9(Ep.A'). 

62 1,  R.  ig  (Ep,  F).  mar  sarri,  JADD  20 r,  5 

(B.  C.  694).   Salsu,  JADD  128,  R.  7  (B.  C. 

Arad-^Da-gu-na  "Servant  ofDagon",HABL357, 

R.  5:  Bit- A. 
Arad-Ea  "Servant  of  Ea" 

1.  URU-I  {Arad-Anu}),    82-5-22,  145,  writer 

to  king. 

2.  URU-^I{Arad-Anur),  HABL  24,  R.  20.  976, 2. 

3.  URU-'^BE,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

f  o{Bel-ahe-iddin\  Kandal.:  VS  V,  5, 10, 13.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  172. 

4.  UR  U-^E-a  (=  La-bar-'iNu-dim-mut,  V  R  44, 

I5cd),  HABL  16,  4.  23, 19.  27, 2.  28, 2.  29, 2. 



ICnut  Tallqvisi'. 

30,  i(?).  332,  4.  361,  3.  66-],  2.  668, 2.  669, 2. 
674,3.  1004,  R.  2.  83-1-18,211.  Sm.  80, 
ancestor  of  Naba-zer-iddina.  Writer  of 
astrological  reports  TRep,  72.  100.  256  C. 
83-1-18,  226.  ''kalu,  JADD  857,  I,  40.  — 
Ancestor  of  (cf.  ScHEiL,  DEP  VI,  p.  48): 

Arad-Nabu,pahdtu,Wm\hk\xdxxrvisvir.  Lo.  102, 
VI,  20.  —  KB  IV,  p.  90. 

Bel-ippah'a,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  III,  5. 

Bi-ra-a,  DEP  VI,  p.  44,  I,  13  {l^  dyn.). 

Ea-kudurri-ibni,  pahdt  mdtati,  Mna.:  PSB A 
XIX,  p.  71,  15.  Ill  R  43,  II,  4  (KB  IV, 
p.  68). 

Eriba-Marduk,  ''belpihati,  Nai.:  CT  X,  3, 20. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  94. 

E-sag-gil-a-a,  tupsarru,  Simb.:  Lay.  53,  3i- 
Ibni-Mardiik ,   }adid  eqli,  Melis.:   Lo.  lOi, 

I,  iG  (KB  IV,  p.  58).    Susa  3,  1, 29. 
Iqi^a-Bau  (I'^aknuT),  Melis.:  Lo.  10 1,  II,  8. 

Merod.  I:  DEP  VI,  p.  43,  II,  17.   Susa  16, 

.111,21.  —  KB  IV,  p.  58. 
Itti-Marduk-balatu,     f.    of  Naba-zer-liYir, 

Neb.  I:  Nippur  III,  u.  V,  24;  and'^^^/>^«, 

Mna.:  Ill  R  41,  I,  14.  —  KB  IV,  p.  74. 
Izkur-Nabii,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  II,  3. 
Kidin-Gula,  f.  of  Nasiru,  DEP  VI,  p.  48. 
Marduk-balatsu-iqbi,  pahdtu,  Nai.:  VR61, 

VI,  25.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180. 
Marduk-zdkir-hitn,   bel  pi/idti,   Merod.  II: 

Bl.  St.  V,  3.  —  KB  III,  pt^  I,  p.  190. 
i\^«<5//-/ni,/«/i«r,Mardukakheriba:  OBI  149, 

I,  15. 

Nabu-rdm-zer,  bel pihdti,  Mna.:  I R  66,  II,  14. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  ^. 
Ndbu-ldkin-^um,  ''[pa^dtti],  Mero  d.  I :  I V  R  3  8, 

II,  37.  —  KB  IV,  p.  62. 
Nabu-zer-liUr,    s.    of    Itti-Marduk-ba/dtw 

see  obove. 
Na-si-ri,  s.  of  Kidin-Gula,  see  obove. 
Sdpiku,  s.  of  Itti-Marduk-baldtu,  indlihdn 

eqli,  see  obove. 
Suzib-Marduk,  f.  of  Nabu-iu7n(i zer)-iddin, 

Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  II,  7.    Cf.  Sm.  80. 
Uballitsu-Gula ,  pdhdtu,   Neb.  I:   V  R  56, 

11,19.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  168 
Uballitsu-Marduk ,    f.  of  Rime ni- Mar duk, 

^^i.  of  N abn-nddin-ahii,  gggf  oi  ATarduk- 

zdkir-hwi,  Merod,  I:  IV  R  38,  1, 27- —  II,  3. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  60. 

Zer-ib7ii,  Merod.  I:  Susa  14,  I,  16,  cf,  BA  II, 
p.  167,  II,  8. 
Arad-*" Gu-Ia  "Servant  of  Gula"  (in  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts,  see  BA  VI,  no.  5,  TNB) 
HABL  2,  R.  4,  9:  s.  of  Adad-him-usur 
(time  Esarh.).  12,  R.  9.  17,  R.  8.  117,2. 
1 18, 2.  657,  iG.  1 109,  R.  5.  TRep.  90,  R.  6. 
f'dsu,  K.  2077  (B.  C.  648?).  ^'lanu  ia  ^rab 
dsti,  JADD  277,  R.  s  (B.  C.  681). 

s.  oiKalbi,  iakin  '"^*mti,  Neb.  I:  VR  56,21. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  168. 

Arad-Harl(.?).  ANQ)-ha-a-ri,  JADD  1 128, 2,  URU- 
lia-a-huQ),  1140,5;  probably  to  be  read 
Ilu-hdri,  q.  v. 
A-ra-diC//?),  VS  I,  93, 23. 
Arad-ilani  "Servant  of  gods".    URU-AN^'-ni, 

JADD  569,  R.  7  (B.  C.  695). 
Arad-ili  "Servant  of  (his)  god"  (in  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB;  cf  OBa.  Warad-i-li-hi  RPN), 
JADD  395, 6.    397, 11. 
s.  oiMu-ta-pi-r a- a-a,hO 2221,  R.  6(B.C.656; 
OLZ  VI,  col.  198). 
Arad-ili-a-a,  or  Arad-^Aia,  q.  v. 
Arad-lstar  "Servant  of  Ishtar"  (in  OBa.  texts, 
see  RPN),  abbrev.  Arda,  q.  v. 

1.  Ar-di-XV,  JADD  7, 3  (B.  C.  648?). 

2.  6^A'^-^YKJADBii,II,io.  12, II, c.  JADD  102, 

L.  E.  2.  152,  R.  4  (B.  C.  656?).  165,  R.,y: 
of  "'Hu-ba-ba  (Ep.  Q).  278,  5.  307,  3 
(III  R  49) :  agent  for  Nabn-rihtu-usur  of 

■  «Mi/^/&^-(Ep.F).  379,i(B.C.65i?).64i,R./6 
(Ep.C).  661,14.  741,14.  K.  10541.  ^ardu 
}a....,  JADD  464,  R.  /^.  ^irri^u,  JADD 
742,  R.  22.  ''nappahu,  JADD  612,  R.  9 
(B.  C.  686).  ''iangu  }a  Bit-kid-mu-ri, 
JADD  642,  R.  r4  (III  R  49, 31  b;  Ep.  R). 

s,  of  Eh-ere},  JADD  525,  R.  7. 

s.  of  Tar-nu-gam,  of  "^Hubdbu,  JADD  446, 
R. ..,  (Ep.  Q). 

s.  oi Sa-ru-ri-sa-7ti,]ADT)  3 1 1,  L. E./  (Ep.S), 
III  p.  526. 

3.  URU-^XV,]AY)\)  28,  R,  j(B,C.686).  42, E.  . 

(B.  C.670).  67, 4, 6  (B.  C.648.?).  83, 3  (III  R  50, 
no.  2;  B.  C.  679).  84, 2  (B.  C.  679).  89, 
R.  4    (B.  C.  683).     212,  R.  //   (B.  C.  687). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


225,  R.  s.  229,  1,  8  (III  R  46,  no.  6; 
B.  C.  680).  231,  1,  G  (B.  C  680).  278,  1 
(B.  C.  683.?).  500,  R.  6.  775, 5.  891,  10.  925, 
R.  1.  82-5-22,  159.  M.i6M,  JADD  350, 
R.  /J-  (B.  C.  709).  f'A.BA  la pani piqittate, 
JADD  922,  IV,  10.  ardu  ia  ''del  pihati 
}a  ^^Halsu,  JADD  1141,  53  (SAV  724; 
B.  C.  708).  ''la  eli  bit-a-ni,  JADD  284, 2 
(B.  C.  668). 

s,  of  Abi-eriba,  b,  of  Samal-ballitanni ,  of 
^^Qiinibi,  JADD  623, 2  (III  R  46, 44b). 

s.  oiArad-Asur,  oi"' Ka-at-ka-nu,]  ADD  622, 1 
(Ep.  D). 

s.  oi/Hi  ....,  JADD  328,  R.  s  (III  R  48,  ssa; 
B.  C.  698). 

f.  of  Kukulmiu,  JADD  1 141,  48  (B.  C.  709). 
4.  URU-rs-tar,]hDD  147,  R.E.  1  (B.  C.  648?). 
..    5.  URU-dB-tar,  K.  1 1  806. 
6.  URU-dRI 

i,  of  Enlil-zer-klni,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  1, 25.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  68. 

1.  Ar-du-'^AMAR.UD  (NBa.),  see  TNB. 

2.  URU-'^AMAR.UD,  JADD  7, 2  (B.  C.  648.?). 

In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 

3.  URU-^RW,  ^A.BA,  JADD  912,  R.  3. 

4.  URU-'^SU  (possibly  Arad-ilisu) 

f.   of  Mulallim-Mardtik,   Ninibkudurusur: 
Lo.  102,  IV,  7.  —  KB  IV,  p.  Z%. 
Arad-Nabu    "Servant   of  Nabu"    (Ar.   docket 
^nsiny  CIS  II,  15;  OBa.  Warad-'^Na-bi-tim 

1.  URU-'^AK,  HABL498,  R.  7.  1094,  2.  JADD 

499,  R.^  (B.C.  670). 
s.    of  Arad-Ea,  pahatu,    Ninibkudurusur: 
Lo.  102,  VI,  20.  —  KB  IV,  p.  90. 

2.  URU-'^PA,  HABL  1 13, 2. 1 14, 2. 1 15, 2. 1 16, 2. 

427,  2.  494,  8.  495, 2.  531,  R.  8.  JADD  81, 
R.  7  (Ep.Q).  349,R.^r  (Ep.Q).  711,  R.E.  . 
(Ill  R 46, 81  a;  Ep.  E):  husband  of  -f  G^ila- 
rimat.  VS  I,  95, 30  (Ep.  A),  asu,  JADD 
349,  R.  IS  (Ep.  Q).  '^rab  kisir  mar  sarri, 
JADD  857,  IV,  7.  ^langu,  HABL  177, 
R.  7.  se-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD  38,  R.  6  (III  R 
46,  17  d).  39,  R.  7  (Ep.  D). 
No.   I. 

Arad-Nana  "Servant  of  Nana" 

1.  URU-7ia-na-a,  JADD  831,2.    VS  I,  101,2. 

2.  URU-'^Na-7ta-a,  HABL  108,  2.  109, 2.  1 10,  2. 

111,2,  391,2.  392,2.  719,2,  JADD  45, 
R.  4  (Ep.  t).  86,  R.  9  (III  R  47.  nb;  B.  C. 
650?).  87,  R,^  (Ep.W).  88,  R.  7  (Ep.W). 
307,  R..6  (Ep.F).  358,  R.E.J.  S79,'^. 
622,  R.  9  (Ep.  D).  741,7.  743,  R.  12.  831,2. 
1068, 3.  VS  I,  95, 6.  97, 2.  Rm.  56.  Bu. 
9i-5-9»  130-  218.  ^ jnurakhsu,, 
218,  11,9  (WAFII,  p.  21;  time  Esarh.). 
''mum-  putu,  HABL  866,  5.  JADD  857, 
II,  9.  f'SAG  U  ^Samal,  JADD  805,  13. 
'HupUrru  (A.BA),  JADD  301,  R.s  (B.  C. 
s.  of  Damiq  {Mudam7niq)-Adad,  ^lakin  temi 
mati,  Neb.  I  and  Mna.:  I R  66,  II,  13.  V  R  56, 
II,  13.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  168.  IV  p.  66. 
Stone  of  Amran  II,  1. 
Arad-Nergal  "Servant  ofNergal"  (Ar.  docket 
[b]5in5Tii<,  OTSS  p.  315) 

1.  URU-U.GUR,  ]KDD  ^l^,^,„, 

2.  URU-dU.  OUR,  VR 44, 55cd,  renders  URU- 

E.  GIR.AZAG.    In  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Arad-NIN.IB  "Servant  of  Ninib" 

UR  U-HfAS,  JADD  29 1 ,  R.  9.  M . BA,  JADD 
178,  R. //.     ''naggaru,  JADD  178,   R.  5 
(III  R  49, 55c;  Ep,  H').  —  In  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB,   —    URU{Abdi)-NINJB,  TA 
84, 39. 
Arad-nu-bat-tl   "Born   on   the   nubattu   day" 
(cf.  Arad-7iu-ba-at-ti  BE  XV,  p.  27) 
f  of  Sa77ias-7iddi7i-lu77i,  Melis.:  Susa  3, 1,  31. 
Arad-Sibi  Q'^VII-bi) 

s.  of  Abi-rat-tas,  Ninibkudurusur:  Lo.  102, 

1,10,19,33.  11,38.  111,1,  10,  16.  IV,  13, 31.  VI,  2,  7,  9,  11. 

Arad-Sin  "Servant  of  Sin" 

1.  URU-'^XXX,  HABL  112,3.   ardu  la  ^suk- 

kalli,  JADD  244,  R.  7.  —  In  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB. 

2.  URU-^EN.ZU,  s.  of  Kudu7'-Mabug,  king 

of  Larsa,  I  R  2,  no.  Ill,  u  (CTXXI,  pi,  33. 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  91).  I  R  5,  no.  XVI,  1 
(KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  94).  IVR35,  no.  6, 6 
(KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  96).  CT  I,  96-4-4,  2, 6. 
CTXXI,  pi. 3 1,  4.  82-7-4,  1, 3  (KB III,  pt.i, 
p.  94).  —  SAK  pp.  212—214. 



Knot  Tallqvist. 

Arad-Samas  "Servant  of  Shamash"  (In  OBa. 
and   NBa.   texts,    see   RPN    and   TNB) 
URU-'^UD,  JADD  285,  R.  s  (B.  C.  686). 
Arad-«'Ta8-me-tum  "Servant  of  Tashmet" 

83-1-18,  695,  XI,  13,  spec.  —  In  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB. 
*A-ra-[ah-a]t-tu . . .(?),  amel^^Ku-mi-di^\  TA  198, 4. 
*A-ra-hu(-u)  (cf.  A-ra-hu\hi,  A-7'a-ah-hu  TNB,  Bi. 
nnsj,  OBa.  A-ru-hu-tcm  CT  29,  23,  5)  Ar- 
menian rebel  (B.  "C.  521) 
s.  oiHaldita,  identical  with  Nebuchadnezzar 
\SI  ,(\.v.,^'^mdr  banuti,  Dar.Beh.III  R40, 88,94. 
*A-ra-ka-i(?),  JADD  500,  R.  /.. 
^A-ra-mis-sar-ilani   "Aramish   is   king  of  the 
gods"  (cf.  KA  p.  478) 
f  of  Sum-mu-ilu,  HABL  186,  n. 
*Aramu  (cf  Apapioc;,  king  of  Armenia,  (according 
to   Abydenos,   see   Pape,   Worterbuch), 
''^pajj.oag,     in     Lycaonian     inscription, 
Kretzschmer,  Einleit  p.  333) 

1.  A-ra-me,  Shalm.  Ill:    Co.  90;    Ob.  86.    mar 

A-gu-si,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  130.  -mar  Gust, 
Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.II,  12, 83;  Ob.  130.  ia"'Ar- 
ni-e,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  L;  Co.  86.  '""^U-ra- 
ar-ta-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  11,6,  G;  Co.  104; 
Mon.  I,  21;  Ob.  44;  Tgr.  2,  17.  —  KB  I, 
pp.  132,  138,  144,  154,  160,  170. 

2.  A-ra-mu\  mar  A-gu-u-si,   Shalm.  Ill:  Mon. 

II,  27.  """W-ra-ar-ta-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal. 
II,  6.  —  KB  \   p.  162. 

3.  Ar-ra-me,     *^"*Ura-ar-ta-a-a ,     Shalm.  Ill: 

Mon.  II,  48.  —  KB  I,  p.  164. 

4.  Aj'-ra-mti,    "*"*U-ra-ar-ia-a-a,    Shalm.  Ill: 

Mon.  II,  48, 51.  —  KI5 1,  p.  I46ff. 
*Aranda8  (Hit.,  cf.  ^"^Arajitu  =  Orontes,   Cilic. 

p.  n.  'Op6vTi](;  ZA  VII,  p.  100) 
s.  of  Subbilulmma,  b.  of  Mursil,  Boghazkoi, 

MDOG  35,  p.  18. 
*A-ra-a8-tu(-a),  Ar-as-tu-a  (perhaps  Iran.),  of  Za- 

mua,  B.  C.  881,  Anp.  Ann.  II,  50,  54,  eo.  — 

KB  I,  p.  78  ff. 
Arba|a  (gentilic,  cf  ''Ar-ba-a-a  TNB,  '""^Arba) 
I .  Ar-ba-a{-a),  JADD  66, 3  (B.  C.  693).  260, 3,  e,  12 

(III  R  48).     83- 1- 1 8,    119.      ''bcl  pifiati, 

JADD  857,  II,  50.   ^'rab  kisir,  HABL  543, 

R.  u.    1 108,  R.  15 

2.  ^fr-<^«-rt:-«, HABL 773, 8.  mar ekalli,llABL, 


3.  Ar-ba-id,  ^rab  ka-iar,  HABL  273,  R.  2. 
Arbailaia  "Man  from  Arbela"  {IV-ANik'^-a-a, 

HABL  100, 8.  408,  5, 12.  726,  R.  9.  727, 6. 
JADD  3,  R.  /.  26,  R.  /  (B.  C.  680).  34,  7 
■  (B.  C  695).  72, 9,  R.  9  (B.  C.  677).  291, 7. 
310,  L.E.  /  (B.  C.  669).  339,  L.E.  2.  350, 5, 
in  Bit-Dagan  (B.  C.  707).  412,  R*.  u  (III  R 
40, 30 a;  B.  C.  748.?).  424,  R.  3.  706,  R.  2. 
844.  845,  R,6.  855,  3.  897,  15.  902, 5.  913,4. 

VS  I,  88,34.    K.  241,  IX,  13,  spec.   ''' , 

JADD  92,  R.  4.  261, 6.  857,  II,  42.  ^'tnukil 
apdti,  JADD  326,  R.  ig.  ''rakbu  ia  icpa, 
JADD  207,  R.  lb  (III  R  46, 38  a ;  B.  C.  p:p.  B). 
f'rab  NI.GABP^,  JADD  241,  R.  <y.  'Wab 
iipare,  JADD  453,  R.  ,s  (B.  C.  686).  ^U 
eli  k'i-sa-te,  JADD  112,  R..?  (B.  C.  700). 
*i^/i«,JADD  5,R.  I  (IIIR47,45c;B.C.7i2). 
'^Sanfi,  JADD  121,  4  (B.  C.  671).  f^Satiu 
"'h"fBar-ltal-salsi,]ADD  1 15, 4  (IIIR47,4a; 
B.  C.  664?).  1 16,  1,  11.  ia  }epa  {mar  }arri), 
JADD  312,  R.  //.  400,  R.  77  (Ep.  q).  Epon. 
B.  C.  66i(?),  II  R  69,  no.  5,  3;  no.  7,  7; 
III  R  I,  VI,  19;  JADD  586,  R.11. 993,  R.  Ill,  26; 
^abarakku  rabfi,]ADD  782,  e. 


IV-AN-V-MU,  JADD  iz,  R,  j-  (B.  C.  692). 

*'Arbail(«'/F-^i\^)-ha-mat  (Ar.),  VSI,  96, 2, 12,  u. 
^  [81-2-4,  255,  VII,  7]. 

'Arballitu  "Woman  from  Arbela" 

"nV-AN-{i-iu\  81-2-4,  255,  VII,  G,  spec. 

*Arba  il-r[abba?],  restored  from.Ar.docket. .  .*iba"i«, 
Rm.  909,   Bezoij)  Catal.   pp.  1629,  1964'. 

'Arba'il-sarrat  "Arbela  is  queen"  {IV-Am^'')- 
MrjAfAN-raf,  Ar.  docket  lobSIX,  S'lEVEN- 
SON,  Contracts,  no.  14),  JADD  85, 4,  wi.  of 
Mantiu-kl-Ninib,  pledged.207, 4  (III  R46, 7  a), 

*Ar-ba-ku  (Iran.  =  AppdKrjq,  cf.  JIN  p.  20)  H 
ftatAr-tia-si-a,  Sarg.:  A,  II,  32(K,  1668  b), 
a  Median  chief 

^Ar-ba-si ,  JADD  469, 20. 

Arda  [URU-a;  hypocor.,  cf.  Ar.  docket  [S5]l"iS? 
==  Arad-Htar,  STEVENSON,  Contracts, 
no.  4) 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


s.  oiApla,  94-6- 1 1, 36  (ZA IX,  p.  398.  KB  IV, 

p.  176). 
*Ar-da-ra-a  (Iran.,  cf.  OPe.  'ApSapoc;,  JIN  p.  21), 

'"'''Ui-ta-ahsa-a-a,  Shams.  V:  Ann.  Ill,  m. 

—  I  R  30.    KB  I,  p.  182. 
Ardi  {URU-i;  liypocor.),  JADD  741,  u. 
Ardija  (hypocor.,  cf.  TNB  p.  10,  OBa.  War di{diym 

RPN,  Ar-d?i-u-aBE  XV 
URU-a-a,  JADD  2, 2   (Ep.  A").   267,   R.  4. 

AO2221  (OLZ  VI,  col.  199).  A.BA,  VSI, 

96, 22.  ''ispar  birnii,  JADD  326,  R.  <?  (Ep.  i). 
Ardi-la-ar-ql(da  .^)-a,  JADD  100, 3, 7  (§  504). 
*A-ar-di-nia-nH8  (Iran,  cf.  JINp.  21,  OVq.  Ardii- 

manis ,     El.     Har-du-man-nu-is) ,     s.     of 

VaJiauka,  one  of  the  supporters  of  Darius, 

Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  40,  m. 
Ardu  {URU\  abbrev.,  cf  OBa.  Ar-du{-um)  BA  VI, 

no.  5,  p.  86,    PVa-ar-du-wnRVN,  Ar-du 

BE  XIV,  ^r^?^  P  97,  11),  cf.  Arad-Ea 
f  of  Mardnk-zakir-him ,  the  Babyl,  king-, 

King-list  A,  IV,  13. 
Arduti  {URU-u-ti\  cf  Ar-dii-t2im  BE  XV),  K.241, 

XI,  24,  spec. 
'''Argistu    (cf    Apyri^Tric;,    name    of   a    Persian, 

Aeschyl.  Pers.  308,  HOMMEL,  Grundriss, 

p.  38  n.  2) 

1.  Ar-gi-is-ta,  of  Urartu,  HABL  424,  15  (Ar- 

gistis  II). 

2.  Ar-gis-ti,  sar  '""'Urarti,  s.  and  successor 

of  Rusas(I),  made  alliance  with  Muttallu 
of  Qummuh,  Sarg.:  Khors.  113.  —  KB  II, 
p.  66.  Ar-gis-ti-se  Ru-sa-hf-ni-h,  in  Chal- 
dian  inscriptions,  Lehmann,  SB Ak,  1899, 
p.  119.  Ar-gis-teijii-ni-'^e),  f  oi Riisas(\\), 
Chaldian  inscription  from  Maku,  JRAS 
1912,  p.  112,  and  passim. 

3.  Ar-gis-tu,  Shalm.  IV:  VS  I,  69,  5,  cf  1.  10 

(Leiimann-Haupt,    Materialien,   no.  25) 
=  Argistis  I  (B.  C,  780).  Ar-gi^-te{hi-ni-h), 
f.  of  Sardur  (III),  inscription  from  Ast- 
wadzashen,  DWAk.  36,  II,  p.  15. 
Ar(Ub)-hi-e,  ^Hrrilu,  JADD  885,  4. 
*Ar-ia-e,  HABL  198, 22  (time  Sennacherib).  A-ri-e, 

HABL  147, 8.   490,  4. 
A-ri-hu/hi,  ''muttr  pnti,  JADD  675,  R.  22. 
f.  of  Nabtl-dur-usur,  81-2-4,  S^- 
f.  of  Sarru-lu-dari,  JADD  986,  II,  9. 
No.  I. 

*A-rl-ia  (Iran.),  sa  '""Wu-id-tu ,  a  Median   chief, 

Sarg.:  A,  II,  20  (K.  1668b). 
*ArMa-ra-am-na-'    (Iran.,   "deliciae  Ariorum" 
JIN  p.  25,  OPe.  Ariyarmnna,   El.  Har- 
ri-ia-ra-iun-na,  Gr.  Apiapdiivqq) 
f.  of  Arsames,   ggf   of  Darius,  Dar.  Beh. 

Ill  R  39, 2. 
='=A.ri-ka-'  (prob.  El.,  cf  >A-ra-ka-i)  HABL  478, 

R.  4. 

Arik-den-ilu  "Long  is  the  judgment  of  god" 
King  of  Assyria,  about  B.  C.  1330,  s.  of 
Enlilnirari,  f  of  Adadnirari  I 

1.  A-ri-ik-di-en-AN 

s.  of  Enlil-nirari,  gs.  of  Aluruballit, 
f.  of  Adad-nirari  (I) ;  sakni  ^Efilil  is-sa- 
ak-ki  '^A^ur,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  3,  15. 

2.  A-ri-ik-di-ni-AN 

f  o{  Adad-Tiirari(l),  gf  o^ Sulman-a^arid(l), 
Esarh.:  KAHI  I,  75,  is. 

3.  G I  D-D  I- AN,    U-ak'fii  '^AB  ^angu  Ahir, 

Rm.  II,  606, 7  (King,  RRT  pp.  135,  173). 
rubu  kimi  sarru  dannu  sar  ^""'Assur  bani 
bit  "^Samas,  Arikd.:  ZA  II,  pi.  Ill  no.  8 
(AKA  I,  p.  3.  KB  I,  p.  4). 
s.  of  E?ilil-nirari\  a)  gs  of  Asur-ubaliit: 
sar  "'"*A}hir,  Arikd.:  Lenormant,  Choix 
p.  169  (AKA  I,  p.  3,  n.  2.  KB  I,  p.  2). 
U-ak-ni'^Enlil,  K, 6303, 4  (WAF II,  p. 1 1); 

—  f  of  Adad-nirari:  }a-ak-ni  '^En-lil 
iMa-ak-ki  '^Ahir,  Adnir.  I:  IV  R  39,  ua 
(KB  I,  p.  4).  saknii  '^Enlil  sangu  Asur, 
Adnir.  KAHI  I,  4, 10.  5,  is.  65, 10;  —  b)  f  of 
Adad-nirari  I,  ^akin  '^Enlil  ^angfl  '^Ahir, 
Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  6,  2.  lar  '"^'Assur, 
Adnir.  I:  -KAHI  I,  8, 2.  9, 2.  i  r,  2. 

f  o{  Adad-nirari(V),  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  7,2; 
VSI,  63, 2.  Adnir.  Ill:  KAHI  I,  24,  R.  c. 
sanguAhir,MDOG2d,,  p.  12.  ^ar^'^'Aiur, 
I  R  6,  no.  Ill  A,  B,  C.  K.  8553.  KAHI  I, 
67.  68.  76.  Cf  OLZ  VII  (1904),  col.2i6ff; 

—  gf  of  Sulman-alarid:  sakin  '^AB\'^BE 
sangu  '^Alur,  Shalm. I:  KAHII,  13,  III, 31. 

14,4.    15,  18. 

*A-ri-pa-ar-na  (Mit,  d.A-ri-pa-ar-ni'&EYN,  Iran. 

'Api(o)cpdpvi]q!),  tablet  from  Kerkuk,  VS  I, 

106,  22. 
A-pi-ri  a ,  HABL  845,  u. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*A-rl-sa-a  (Alarodian),  HABL  147,  s.  80-7-19,  30. 
See  also   U-ri-sa-a  and  Ar-sa-a-a. 

*A-ri-wa-na  (Mit.,  possibly  Iran,),  king  of  Abina, 
Boghazkoi,  OLZ  XIII,  col.  292. 

A-ri-sarru  (ipri?  =  MAN),  '^U  sepa,  JADD  854, 
R.  1. 

Arkat-ili-damqa  "The  future  of  the  god(s) 
(i.e.  the  destiny  given  by  the  god)  is 
auspicious"  (cf.  -f  '^Ar-kat-tuni-tdbat[at) 
Dar.  379, 46;  EGIR{-at)-AN-KAK-a  and 
EGIR-AN-SIG  are  to  be  read  Arkat-ili- 
bana  and  Arkat-ili-damqa^  not  with  Clay, 
BE  XV,  p.  27  etc.  Arkdt-'^Bafia  and 

1.  Ar-kat-ANME.SIG 

f,  of  Nabfi-hmt-i^ktm,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36,  IV,  1. 

2.  Ar-kat-AN-SIG 

f,   oi  Nabn-belsunu,    Kandal.:   VS  V,   5,35 

(KB  IV,  p.  174). 
f.  of  Nabu-him-ilkun,  Kandal :  VS  V,  5, 32. 

3.  Ar-kat-ANP^-^IG 

f.  of  Nabu-nddifi-ahu,  VR  46, 63a. 

4.  EGm^^^-ANME)-hG 

f.  of  Akhea,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36,  III,  20. 
f.  of  Nadinu,  VS  I,  36,  III,  11. 


f.   of   Nabti-li-,   Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  V,  10.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  192. 

*Ar-na ,  VS  I,  109, 20. 

*Ar-na-ba-a  "Hare"  (Ar.  =  )^jf,  cf.  OBa.  JAr-7ia- 
ba-twn  RPN,  fAn-na-{a-)bti  Dilbat,  Arb. 

n.  f.  vloy  NOldeke,  BSS  p.  81) 
s.  of  St  -nadin-aplu,  ^amelurqi,  JADB  i,  1, 1. 
*Ar-nu-an-ta  (Hit.) 

s.    of  Dudkalia,   ^arru   rabu,   Boghazkoi, 
MDOG  35,  p.  29. 
*Ar-pi-is(Iran.,cf.^r-//-i'^),  ^hazmm  }a  ''^  Partakka, 
Esarh.  A,  IV,  i<).   C,  IV,  3.  —  KB  II,  p.  132. 
Cf.  WAF  II,  p.  8. 

*Ar-pi-te  (Iran.,  prob.  identical  with  Arpis) 
''■hasarm  ia  ''^Ur-ia-ku,  HABL  645,  12. 

fAr-ra-ba-ti,  HABL  527, 3,  e,  9. 

Ar-rab-tl  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

f.  of  Bel-apal-iddina,  Simb.:  Lay.  53, 5. 

Ar-ra-bu/bi  "  N  o  m  a  d  e  "  (?)  (in  OBa.  and  NBa.  texts, 
see  RPN,  TNB,  cf.  Ar-ra{-aybu  BE  XV) 

HABL  716,  11  (IVR46,  no.  2).  JADD  944, 
III,  4. 


f  of  Ina-eh-etir,  Sarg.St.  1, 4.  —  KB  IV,  p.  1 58. 
Arramu,  see  Aramu. 
Ar-rl-zu,  JADB  3,  II,  7. 
Ar(Ub.?)-ru-''A8ur(y^^l  JADD  384,  R.  ,3. 
*Ar-sa-a-a  (cf.  Arisa,  NBa.  Arsa  TNB,  Bi.  i<S-i«), 

HABL  121,  3. 
*Ar8aka(OPe.Ap6dKr]c;),  as  giving  the  ArsacidEra 

1.  Ar\Ar-la-ka,  RH  5,  R.  21   (B.  C.  137).    10, 

R.  7  (B.  C.  113).  ^arru,  RH  15,  R.  ig 
(B.  C.  113).    19,  R.  32.   20,  R.  15.  45,  R.21. 

49,   R.21    (B.  C.  81).    iarru   ia    ^''\ 

RH  51,  R.  10  (B.C.  91). 

2.  Ar-ia-ka-a,  ^arru,  RH  55,  E  (p.  155).   iar 

iarrani,  RH  46  (B.  C.  91).  ZA  III,  p.  143  ff., 
no.  I,  2,  4—8.    DT  35  (B.  C.  103) 

3.  Ar-^a-kam,  Sarru,  RH  27,  R.  15  (B.  C.  86). 

4.  Ar-M-kan,  DT  207  (B.  C.  102).   RH  3,  R.  20 

(B.  C.  103).   ZA  III,  p.  147,  no.  9, 2. 
"^Artahsassu  (OPe.  Arta-%lathra,  Gr.  Apra^ep^qc;, 

Apra^Etfdq^,  Bi.  i<P(o)toi»nnns<,  Ar. 
CDWnnnK  APO),  Artaxerxes  I,  king  of 
Persia,  B.  465-424 

1.  Al-tak-lat-su,  lav  mdtdti,  CIS  II,  66. 

2.  Ar-tdh-Sa-as,  Sarmatdti,  BE  IX,  6'},,  19.  83,3, 


3.  Ar-id^-}a-as-is-su,  Mr  mdtdti,  BE  IX,  31,25. 

4.  Ar-tdh-sa-as-si-i^,  Mr  mdtdti,  BE  IX,  29  a,  le, 


5.  Ar-tdh-hi-as-sis,  lar  fndtdti,  BE  IX,  42,  14. 

6.  Ar-tdh-M-as-s?Cy  larru,  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  122, 20, 

etc.  Ur  matatiyV^lW,  188,  is.  BE  IX, 
I,  33,  etc. 

7.  Ar-tdh-id-as-su ,  sar  mdtdti,  BP3  IX,  3,  27. 

8.  Ar-tdk-la-as-s2i,  lar  mdtdti,  VS  VI,  1 84, 21. 

185,  2.5.    187,  25.   BE  IX,  32  a,  16,  etc. 

9.  Ar-tdk-M-Mt-su,  }ar  mdtdti,  VSYI,  183,20. 

10.  Ar-tdk-iat-su,  ^at'ni,  BE  IX,  59,  4.   VS  III, 

187,20.  .y<a'rw^/(f//,BEVIII,  pt.  I.  K. 8506, 10 
(KB  IV,  p.  312).  VSIII,  189,  18.  190,14. 
V,  121,  29.  ZA  III,  p.  158,  25.  PSBA  XIX 
(1897),  p.  142. 

1 1.  Ar-tdk-lat-su,  iar  mdtdti,  VR  37,  58a  (lo'*^ 

year).  VSV,  119,6.  VI,  186,15.  83-1-18, 
1331,  R.  IV,  23  (PSBA  XI,  pi.  IV). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Ar-ta-ia  (Mit.,  possibly  Iran.,  cf.  OPe.  Xpraloc;, 
Ar-ta-a  BE  IX),  rabu  of  Ariwana,  Bog- 
hazkoi,  OLZ  XIII,  col.  292. 

*Ar-ta-la-nu  (cf.  ?).i:ii.-^9J  "cochlear") 
f.  of  Ka-ku-us-tu,  JADB  5,  I,  ic. 

*Ar-ta-ma-an-ia  (Mit.-Iran.,  cf.  OPe.  Aprap-evric^, 

SCHEFTELOWITZ,   KZ  38,   p.  27 1) 

am  el  "^^  Zi-ri-ba-id-iii,  TA  201,  3. 
*Ar-ta-mar-zi(-la)  (Ba.  form  of  OPe.  Artavardiya, 

El.   Ir-du-mar-ti-ia,    Ar.  "iTIin-i^   APO), 

general   of  Darius,   Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  40, 

73,  74. 
*Ar-ta-sa-ri  (Iran.,  cf.  (.?)  OPe.  'Apta^dprjc;,  Ar-ta- 

ah-U-ar  BE  IX) 

"'S7ir-di-ra-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  171  (B.  C. 

830).  —  KB  I,  p.  148. 
*Ar-ta-si-ra-rl  (prob.  Iran.) 

^ar  '""^Nairi,  Shams.V :  Ann.  Ill,  63  (I  R  3 1). 

—  KB  I,  p.  182. 
*Ar-ta-as-sii-ma-ra  (Mit.-Iran.,  cf.  E.  Meyer,  KZ  42, 

p.  26) 
s.  oi  SuttamaiJ),  b.  of  Tu^ratta,  TA  17,  19. 

18,  8(?). 

*Ar-ta-ta-a-ma/mas  (Mit.-Iran.,  cf.  Meyer,  /.  c) 
s.    of  Saussatar,    f.  of  Sutarna(l),    gf  of 

Tjih-afta,  TA  24,  III,  52.    29,  17. 
f.  oi  Suttar?m(Jl),  b.  of  Ttisratta,  MDOG35, 

p.  Z6.  OLZ  XIII,  col.  264  ff. 
*Ar-Tessupa  (Mit.  cf  A-ri-te-supV>^yN,  '^Te-eh 

su-up-a-7'i  VS  VII  72,  10    "T ess  up  has 

.given").    \Ar-t\e-es-su-pa,  TA  29,  174.  Ar- 

te-e-ei-su-pa-iia-an,  TA  Mit.  IV,  30. 
*A-pu-a    (cf    the    mountain    A-rii-a    in    Kirldii), 

"'"*Ki-in-du-ta-2is-a-a,    Shams.   V:     Ann. 

Ill,  59.  —  KB  I,  p.  182. 
*Ar-za(sa)-bu-tu,  JADD  641,  R.  ,s  (Ep.  C). 
*Ar-za-ia  (cf  Arsawiid),  TA  62, 27.  289,  7. 
*Ar-za(sa)-na  (cf.  Ar-za-im-imi  T-DLC,  Pisidian 

Apr,avo(;,  Kretzschmer,  Einl.,  p.  359), 

Capp.  G,  5,  12. 
'^'Arzawia  (Hit.  or  Iran..?,  cf.  Weber,  Anmerkungen, 

p.  1 1 14,  Meyer,  KZ  42,  p.  19,  Jensen, 

Hittiter,  p.  127),  of  "^Ruhisu 

1.  Ar-sa-u-ia,  TA  53, 36, 56.  62,  27. 

2.  Ar-za-zvi-ia,  TA  191,  2.  192,  4.  197,  26,  33. 
Ar-zi-i  . . . .,  HABL  845, 13. 

*Ar-zi-zu/zi  (cf.  "^Ar-zi-zu  I  R  21, 73),  JADD  931, 

No.   I. 

R.  11.   ''rakab  Icpa  Sarri,  JADD  150,  R.4 
(B.  C.  679). 
f.  oi  Pa-ru-ta-a-ni,  JADD  160,  R.  4  (P:p.G). 
<'A-sa-a  ...,  JADD  741, 20. 

*A8all  (Mit),  messenger  of  Dushratta  to  Ame- 
nophis  IV 
A-sa-li,  TA  29, 173.  A-sa-a-li-in-na-a-an,  TA 

Mit.  IV,  36. 

*A-sa-nu-nu  {clAs-ta-na-nuYirrihi,]AT>}i  3,  IV,  n. 
*A-sa-a-u  (var.  Sua,  q.  v.),  iar '««'  Gilzani,  Shalm.  Ill : 

Mon.  II,  61  (III  R  8.   KB  I,  p.  166). 
*A8-gu-di,M.^^  U  iVf;z««,  JADD  47o,2(B.C.  661 P), 

evidently   identical  with  As-qu-du,  q.  v. 
*A-si-a,  ^ar  '"^*Da-ia-ni,  Shalm. Ill:  Co.  106  (Lay. 

47, 32). 
A-si-i  (in  NB a.  texts,  see  TNB;  cf.As-si-i,  A-su-ii), 

JADD  198,  1, 4,  13  (B.  C.  697).  622,  R.E.  1 
(Ep.  D). 
s.  of  Ti-ti-i,  K.  4729,  1, 21. 
A-si-ni,  OLZ  VII  (1904),  col.  217,  time  Arikdenilu. 
A-si-nu-u   (cf.   OBa.  A-si-nu-um  RPN,    A-si-ni), 

JADD  359,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  680). 
*Aslri,  Boghazkoi,  OLZ  XIII,  col.  292. 
*As-qu-du  (cf.  OBa.  Al-ku-du-um  RPN,  Ahkud- 

til-la  CBM  3480),  ^\A.BA,  JADD  85 1,  II,  n; 

identical  with  As-gu-di,  q.  v. 
As-8i-i  (cf.  A-si-i),  JADB  3,  VI,  15. 
*As-ta-na-nu  (cf.  A-sa-nu-nu),  JADD  742, 21. 
*As-ta-qu-um-me,  JADD  1 3 1, 3  (Ep.  M ;  KB  I V,  p.  1 50), 

As-tar ,  JADD  918,  II,  2. 

*<'As-ta-ar-ta-ni-ik-ku  (Gr.  SrpaToviKi]),  consort  of 

Antiochus,  V  R  66,  II,  26.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2, 

p.  138. 
A-SU-U  "Physician"  (or  hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  A-zi, 

A-zu  {Asi,  Asii)  Dhorme,  BA  VI,  3,  p.  65, 

^^2i.A-su-u,  '^A.ZU,  see  TNB)  JADD  233, 

R.  ^s  (B.  C.  659?). 
*A-su-hi-li,  sai'ru,  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  75,  4. 
*A(rla)-sur-rum,  Ta'annek  3,  9. 
A-sab-SU  (abbrev.,  cf.  OBa.  Tab-walabhi  BE  VI, 

pt.  2,  Tab-a-lab-lu  BE  XIV) 
f.  oiNabn-nasir,  VS  I,  35, 51.  —  KB  IV,  p.  96. 
A-sa-pi  (abbrev.),  HABL  414,  R.  13. 
A-sa-rl-du  (in  OBa.  and  NBa.  texts,  see  RPN, 

TNB;  abbrev.)  HABL 254,  2.  255,  2.  743,  a. 

TRep.  22  B,  R.  4.  48,  R.  4.  64 A,  R.  4.  81 F, 

R.  3.   116A,  «.   133,  R.  7.   210,  R.  5.  216B, 


Knut  Tallqvist, 

R.  6.    219,6.    249,  R.  9.    252B,  R.  8.   253, 
R,  1.  K.  10736.  83-1-18,  132.293,  inahrn 
{cirdu   sa   larri)    TRep.  27.   29,   32.    87. 
170.    172.    187  A.    201.    202.    216.    250. 
qa-at-nu,  TRep.  136.  220.  231.  242.  252  A. 
274C  (=  HABL  796, 1).    Bit-A-sa-ri-dii, 
Mshi.:  VS  I,  35>  ^5  (KB  IV,  p.  96). 
s.  oiDam-qa\  ardu  sa  larri,  TRep.  187.  221. 
s.  of  Tabi-ia,  HABL  527,  5. 
A-si-ma  Q) .... 

f.  of  Gad-ia-a,  PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  138,31 
*A-8i-na  (OPe.  Athrina,  El.  Ha-i^-{ii)-nd)  Elamite 
pretender,  B.  C.  522,  Dar.  Beh.  Epigraph  C. 
A-si-pa-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  A-ia-pi),  HABL  298,  1. 
305,2.  431,2.  506,2.  507,2.  508,2.  509,2. 
510,  2.  K  814.  Sm.  1809. 
A-sir  — ,  Capp.  Ch.  7,  4, 5. 
A-si-ra-a  (perhaps  Ar.,  cf.  A-H-ri  BE  XV},  JADD 

897,  10.   rid  gammale,  JADB  4,  IV,  12. 
Asir-bel-nisesu,  see  AHr-rim-ttiieiu 
A-sir-e-mu-qi    "Ashir  is  (my)    strength"    (see 
also  Aim'-emnqi) 
f.  of  Sa-ha-ar,  Capp.  G,  9,  4. 
A-sir-i-dIn  "Ashir  has  given" 

s.  of  Bu-za-zu,  Capp.  T-D  239, 2. 
A-sl-ri-e  (cf.  A-H-ra-a,  A-H-j'ii) 

s.  of  Akiia,  ^'nagiru  ^^Ir-bu-a-a,  JADD  446, 
A-sir-ma-lik"Ashiriscounsellor",  Capp.  G,  10,6. 
s.  oi  A-sir-mu-ta-bi\bt-el,  Capp.  T-D,  239, 4,  u. 
A-slr-mu-ta-bi/be-el    "Ashir  is   guardian"    (cf 
Ilu-mu-tab-bil  BE  XIV,  '^KUR-mii-tab-li 
BE  XIV,  Mu-tab-bil-ilu  BE  XV) 
s.  of  I-din-na-bi-im,  Capp,  T-D  239,  2. 
f.  of  A-si7'-ma-lik,  Capp.  T-D  239,  5,  u. 
Asir-nirari    {fA-sir-7ii-ra-ri)     "Ashir    is    (my) 
helpelr";  see  also  Alur-narara. 

I.  Ashirnirari,  Assyrian  ruler, 

s.  oi  Ihne-Daga7i\  iUakku  of  Asir,  founder 
of  the  temple  of  '^BE  hpriaQ),  KAHI  I, 
62, 1.  Arn.:  (MDOG  25,  p.  68)  KAHI  1, 63, 7 

toiKisru{}ysa-AHr\  iUak  '^A-Ur,  MDOG  3  8, 

p.  33". 

II.  Ashirnirari,  Assyrian  ruler, 

s.  oi  AUr-rabi,  f  oi  AHr-rlm-niSeSu;  iHak 
'^Ahr,  Arn.:  KAHI  I,  63,  3. 

III.  Ashirnirari,  Assyrian  ruler,  =  II. 
f  oiA}ir-EN-niMu;  iUak  '^ A-sir,  MDOG 28, 

p.  10. 
Asir-rabi,  see  Ahir-rabi. 
•"A-sir-ri-im-ni-se-su  "Ashir  is  favour  for  his 

s.  of  AHr-nirari (II),  gs.  of  AUr-rabi]  iHak 

''AHr,  KAHI  I,  6^,  1.  (MDOG  25,  p.  66  f.); 

probably    identical   with    '^ A-Hr-EN-ni- 

^e-hi,     s.  of  Asir-nirari,     iHak    '^A-Hr, 

MDOG  28,  p.  10  (cf.  SCHNABEL,  MVG  XIII, 

p.  2 1),  and  also  \v\\hAS-hir-EN-UNf'-hc, 

}ar  "*"*AUur,  Synchron.  I,  2  (see  Aiur- 

A-sir-ta-a-a-ar  "Ashir  is  merciful",  Capp.  G,  1,3. 
A-si-ru,  JADD  373,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  C). 
*As-pa-ba-ra  (Iran.  JIN  p.  45,  cf  Hpabara) 

HABL  174,  R.  3  [Al-pa-ba-riT).   sa  *"^'Ka- 

ak-kam,  Sarg.  A,  II,  20.    ina  "'Ha-ri-pa, 

HABL  645, 9. 
*As-pa-as-ta-ta-uk  (Iran.  1) 

V-i-la-a-a,  Shams.  V:  Ann.  Ill,  52  (IR  30. 

KB  I,  p.  182). 
As-si-id    (.? perhaps   AHi-idi   "I   lifted    up    my 

hand",  i.  e.  "I  prayed"),  K.  241,  IX,  4, 

'Assup   {/  "'LIB.ER) ,     sinniht    ekalli   }a 

Aiur-ban-ap/u,  MDOG  42,  p.  44. 
Assuraia  "Native  of  the  city  of  Asshur" 

1.  AS-^ur-a-a,  K. 5424a.  InNBa. texts, seeTNB. 

2.  "iHI-a-a,  JADD  618,  4  (Ep.  T). 

3.  ^"^L^B.ER-a-a,  JADD  272,  R.  s  (B.  C.694) 

464,  R.  rr.  VS  1, 100,  w.  PSBA  XXX  (1908), 

p.  111,1;  p.  112,3  (B.C. 681).  K.  241,  IX,  11, 

spec.   "nU-'fNIN.  IB-a-a,  JADD  75,  R.  w. 

As-su-ri,  P  97, 23. 

''AssiJrltu  "Woman  from  the  city  of  Asshur" 

''^ L]B .ER-i-tu,  81-2-4,  255,  VII,  8,  spec. 
Assur-Iiimur  (NBa.),  see  TNB. 
*'Assiir-sarrat  "The  city  of  Asshur  is  queen" 
"iLIB.ER-^ar-rat,  HABL  308,  2  (III  R  16, 
•    no.  2);  cf  WAF  II,  p.  53,  Klauber,  AO 
XII,  2,  p.  29. 
*As-su-te-mi-ia  (Mit),  TA  Mit.  I,  m. 
*As-ta-ma-as-tJ  (Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  250) 

JADD  159,3. 
A-8U-i-si(?),  JADD  329,  R.  //  (Ep.  K). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


A-8U-pi(wa)-ilu,  Capp.  G,  s,  2. 

Asur   (^'^' AS-hcr;   abbrev.    from   ASur-ah-iddin), 

iar  '""'AHnr,  Rm.  157  (KB  IV,  p.  126). 
f.  of  Nabu-mutakkil,  Nabu-'^uni-imbf,  Nabn- 

lum-Ukun,  Nabu-usippi  and  Nabn-uiabsi, 

VS  I,  36,  II,  1,  etc. 
Asur-ab-aplu(?)  "Ashur  is  father  of  the  son" 
^'^^AS-}ur-AD-AS,  HABL  217,  6(?).    417, 5. 

K.  II9A6(?). 
Asur-ab-usUP  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  father!" 

1.  AS-hir- AD-PAP,  JADD  56,  5  (B.  C.  663?). 

332,  R.  7  (B.  C.  670).    A.BA,  JADD  230, 

R.  rS. 

f.  of  Ahi-ldmur,  JADD  259,  R.  10. 

2.  ^HI-AD-SES  (NBa.),  see  TNB. 
Asur-ahe-ballit  "O  Ashur,  keep  the  brothers 

.,       AS-Sur-PAP^i-bal-lit,  ''rakab  ^arri,  JADD 

832,  10. 
Asur-ah-eriba  "Ashur  has  given  a  brother  as 
AS-Hr-PAPPi-SU,]Mm  1092, R. 3.  IIR69, 
no.  3,  R.  sb,  read  Sinahenba. 
Asur-ahesu-eres  "Ashur  has  planted  his  (the 
childs?)  brothers" 
AS-sur-PAPP'-Su-PIN,  ^A.BA,  JADD  260, 
R.  /^  (III  R  48). 
Asur-ahe-usur    "O  Ashur,    protect  the  bro- 
AS-hir-PAPPi-PAP,  JADD  464,  R.  //. 
Asur-ah-iddin   "Ashur  has  given  a  brother"; 
abbrev.  Alur-iddina  (Sm.  524,  var.)  and 
•     ^i«r(Rm.i57).  AS-^ur-PAP-AS,]K^V> 
855,  R.  2.  W/.6-W?,JADD244,R.n.  mar 
^rab  kisir,  JADD  616,  n   (Ep.  A^ur-bel- 
usiir).  '^HI-SES-MU,  in  NBa.  texts,  see 
BE  IX. 
Esarh addon  (Bi.pnnox,  Eg.-Ar. pi<nno« 
APO),  king  of  Assyria,  B.  C.  681-668, 
s.  of  Sennacherib   and  ^Naqia  (Zakutu), 
gs.  of  Sargon,  f.  of  Ashurbanapal,  Ashur- 
mukinpalia,  Ashuretilshameuirsitiballitsu, 
Sinnadinapki  and  Sammuges;  also  called 
Ahir-etil-{jlani-)km-aplu ,  see  below  and 
WAFII,  p.  54  ff. 
I.  AS-PAP-AS;  iarru  rabu  L  dannu  }.  kiHati 
s.  "'"^A}}ur  iakkanak  Babili  s.  '""'Sumeri 
No.  I. 

u  Akkadi,  Esarh.  I  R  48,  no.  6.  larru 
rabu  i.  dannu  }.  kiHati  Jf.  "'"'Aihir  lak- 
kanak  Babili  i.  """^Sumeri  u  Akkadi  lar 
sarrani  '""*Musur  "'''' Paturisi  '""' Knsi, 
Esarh.  I R  48,  no.  5.  —  KB  II,  p,  1 50,  no.  r. 

s.  of  Sinahenba,  gs.  of  Sarrukln;  iar 
'""*AUur,  Esarh.  I  R  48,  no.  3.   Lay.  83  C. 

f.  of  Aiur-ban-aplu,  %i.  of  Ahir-etil-ilani\ 
iar  kiHati  L  '""^AHur,  IRS,  no.  3, 3.  — 
KB  II,  p.  268. 

2.  AS-SES-AS 

s.  of  Sinahertba  and  fNaqta  {Zakntu) ;  Sar 
kiHati  s.  '"^^AHur,  JADD  645,  4. 

3.  AS-hir-a-ku-i-d[i-na],  Esarh.  K.  2388. 

4.  AS-iur-PAP-AS\  Esarh.  B,  II,  e  (III  R  15. 

KB  II,  p.  142).  JADD  620, 7:  ia  arkama 
Asur-etil-km-aplu  iumuhi  nabii.  [645, 7]. 
Ill  R  r,  V,  44:  i?ia  kussl  ittusib  (B.C. 681). 
KK.  16 1 5. 240 1,  III,  14. 4444. 62  59.  Sm.  1079, 6 
(cf.  WAF  II,  p.  56).  82-5-22,  527.  83- 1- 1 8, 
45.  477.  836(MVGIII,  p.2).  89-4-26,151. 
aplu  kenu,  Esarh.  IV  R  61,  IV,  5,  15,  is,  20. 
iarru'.  Esarh.  IV  R  61,  II,  11,  le.  Ill,  21. 
iar  '""^AHnr:  Esarh.  IV  R  61,  III,  le,  34. 
IV,  11.  V,2G.  HABL  91 8.  JADD  330, 
359,  L.  E.  1.  360,  R.  14.  804, 6.  KK.  2401, 
11,34.  111,16.  3500,  11,15,17,21.  sarru  dannu, 
K.  2852,  25.  iar  kiHati,  K.  2852,  is.  iar 
kisiati  iar  "'"*AHur,  Esarh.  I R  48,  no.  4. 
iar  kiHati  i,  '""^AHur  i.  kibrat  irbitti, 
JADD  709,  1.  iar  kiHati  i.  '""'Aiinr  i. 
"*^^Suineri  u  Akkadi  i.  '"^'Karduniai, 
Esarh.  I  R  48,  no.  7. 
s.  o{  Sinaherlba;  a)  gs.  oi  Sarrukln',  iarru 
dannu  iar  kiHati  iar  "'''*AiiUr^s2ir\i.  I R  48, 
no.  2 ;  iarru  rabu  etc.  -|-  iakkanakBabilHar 
'""'Sumeri  u  Akkadi,  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  52.55. 
iarru  rabu  i.  dannu  kiiiati  i.  "'"'Aiiur 
iakkanak  Babili  iar  '""^Sumeri  u  Akkadi 
iar"'"'Musurkamu  iar'"'^*Aleluljiar  kibrat 
irbitti,  Lay.  19,  no.i  (KB  II,  p.  150,  no.  2); 
descend,  of  Bel-BA-ni  mar  Adasi,  iarru 
rabu  i.  dannu  i.  kiHati  i.  ""^^AHar  iak- 
kanak Babili  iar  '""-^Sumeri  u  Akkadi 
iar  '""^Karduniai ,  Esarh.  S,  13;  —  f.  of 
Aiurbdnaplu,  gf.  of  Siniariikun,  KAHI  I, 
56,  3.    b)  f.  of  Aiurbanaplu;  iar  kiiiati 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

I  "'"fArsur,  II  R  40,  56 c  (CTXIV,  pi.  15). 
JADD  648, 2. 
f.  oiAlurbanaplu ;  ^ar  "•^^AUur,  H  ABL  308, 13 
(III  R  16,  no.  2).    81-2-4,  48. 

5 .  '^AS-hir-PAP-As,  H ABL  368, 9.  ^ay»'"fAnar, 

K.  3790,  17  (KB  IV,  p.  122).  ^ar  kiBati 
lar  "'"^Aihir,  Esarh.  1  R  48,  no.  8. 

6.  AS-hir-PAP-SE-tta,  JADD  381, 9.    83-1-18, 

493.   iar  '""^'^A^ur,  JADD  502,  R.  6  (B.  C. 
s.  of  SinaherTba,  f.   of  Alurbanaplu\   Sar 
"'"'A^ir,  Abp.  IV  R  62,,  IV,  64. 

7.  dAS-^ur-PAP-SE-7ta 

s.  oi  Sinaherlba,  f  oi  Aiurbanaplu,  IV  R  53, 
IV,  39.  ^ 

8.  '^AS-Sur-SES-MU,  80-7-19,  71,  var. 

9.  AS-hir-SES-SE-na,  KK.  1659. 10220. 13  144. 

81-2-4,  173.  83-1-18,  897.  ^ar  "'"*AUnr, 
KGS  76.  97.  108.  119.  123.  124.  143. 

s.  oi Smakenba;  a)  gs.  of  Sarrukin;  Harm 
rabu  i.  dannu  i.  kiHati  i.  '"'''AHar  Hak- 
kanak  Babili  lar  '""'Sumeri  u  Akkadf, 
Esarh.  A,  I,  1.  -  KB  II,  p.  124.  b)  f.  of 
AHurbanaplu;  lar  '""^AUur,  II  R  69,  ge. 
IV  R  60*,  29b. 

f  oi  Aha-banaplu\  Har"'"^AHm',  KGAS66.75. 

10.  '^AS-hi}--SES-SE-na,YLK.i\^o^.  10743. 12201. 

12783.  80-7-19,  71.  75.  137.  83-1-18,  577. 

580.  582.  765.  Bu.  88-5-12,  105, 1, 27  (BA  III, 

p.  349).    Bu.  91-5-9,  169.   181.    199.    mar 

■tarri,  82-5-22,    105,  u.    Harm,   K.  2663. 

Har  '""'AHar,  KGAS  2.  3.  4.  5.  16.  29. 

67.  68.  70.  81.  91.  93.  98.  101.  107.  108. 

III.  115.  116.  118.  125.  126.  131.  149.  Har 

"'"'AHur  Harm  Hahtum  rubu  ndid,  Esarh. 

KAHII,  51,  111,5^. 
f.  of  AHurbanapIu;  sar  '""'AHsur,  Abp.  E, 

III  R  29,  no.  2, 6.  —  KB  II,  p.  I58n.'3. 
f  oi SamaHHmnukin]  Har  '""*AUur,  K.  1 1478, 

R.  7.  (KGAS  149). 

1 1 .  '^HI-PAP- As,  Abp.  Ann.  1, 27  (KB  II,  p.  1 54) ; 

C,  III  R  34,  69b,  76b.  80-7-19,  44.  Har 
""'^AHsur  Abp.:  A,  I,  s,  53;  Ann.  I,  s  (KB  II, 
p.  152);  VS  I,  83,  I,  4.  JADD  645,  R.  6. 
Har  "'"'AHur  Har  Babili,  Esarh.  I  R  48, 
no.  9.  Har  kiUati  s.  '""^Ash'ir,  We.  Misc. 
.     pi.  6,  no.  3. 

s.  of  Sinaheriba,  f.  of  AHurba)iaplu\  sar 
'"^^AHsfir,  Abp.  K.  2867,  2.  sar  kiUati  H. 
'"-^Ashir,  II  R  36,  156  (CT  XVIII,  pi.  37). 
Ill  R  38,  sa.  sar  kiHsati  H.  "'"^Ashir  Hak*- 
kanak  Babili  Sar  '""'Sumeri  u  Akkadi, 
Abp.  B,  III  R  27,  1, 3.  Harm  rabu  s.  dannu 
H.  kiHHati  etc.  Abp.:  We.  Misc.  pi.  7,  5. 
CT  IX,  pi.  6,  4. 

f.  oi Asurbanaplu  and  SamaHHumukin;  Harm 
rabu  H.  dannu  H.  kiHsati  s.  '""^AHHiir  H. 
"'"*Sumeri  u  Akkadi,  Shmk.  S  *,  9. 

i.  oi  AHurbanaplu,  Abp.  A,  1,27;  gf.  oi  AHur- 
etil-ilani,  Har  '""'AHHur, JADD  650, 3.  807, 3. 
12.^^ HI-PAP-MU,  HABL454, 8.  King-list  A, 
IV,  [2],  as  king  of  Babylonia. 

13.  '^HI-PAP-SE-na 

s.  of  Sinaheriba,  i.  of  Asurbanaplu',  Har 
kiHHati  H.  '""^AHHur,  V  R  52, 23  c. 

f.  oi  Asurbanaplu;  Har  "'"'AHHur,  Abp.  Ann.  1, 8, 

14.  '^HI-SES-MU,  Esarh.  Bl.  st.  II,  19  (I  R  49. 

KB  II,  p.  122).  Chron.  B,  III,  38, 39.  IV,  19, 32 
(KB  II,  p.  282  f.).  Harru  CT  X,  pi.  5,  e. 
HABL  752,  R.  22.  Har  '""^AHHur,  Nabd. 
Br.  cyl.  II,  36  (I  R  69.  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  84). 
Har  kiHHati,  VS  V,  2,  19  (B.  C  675.  KB  IV, 
p.  166).  Harru  dannu  Har  ""'^AHHur  Har 
kiHHati  Har  kibrat  arba  i  Hakkanak'Babili 
Har  Siuneri  u  Akkadi  (Sumer.),  OBI  151. 

s.  of  Sinaheriba,  f.  of  AHurbanaplu;  Har 
kiHHati  H.  "'"'AHHur  Hakkanak  Babili  Har 
'""^Sufneri  u  Akkadi,  Abp.  S^,  u 

f.  of  Alurbanaphi;  Har  """ASHur,  Nabd. 
Rm.A,  1, 48  (VR64.  KB  III,  pt.2,  p.  100). 

1 5.  <^HI-SES-SE-na,  HABL  589,  R.  1.  KK.  7862. 

7943.  10057.  10743.  Sm.  524  (var.:  "^HI- 
SE-na).  657.  663.  1158.  1320.  DT  299. 
80-7-19,  JT,.  82-9-18,  219a.  83-1-18,  I. 
898.  Bu.  91-5-9,167.  194.  i^rrw,  K.  13648. 
Har  '"^'AHHur,  KGAS  9.  25.  43.*  46. 
47-   57-  ^-   102.   107.    Sm.  412.    Bu.  88- 

5-12,    75  +  76,    X,37.     78,    VIII,  18     (BAIII, 

PP-  327, 33  0-  ^a^'  Babili,  DT  34  (B.  C.  6y6). 
Har  kiHHati  H.  '""^AHHur  Hakkanak  Babili 
Har  '""'Sumeri  u  Akkadi,  Esarh.  Bl.  st.  1, 1 
(IR49.  KB  II,  p.  120).  Bu.  88-5-12,  80,  I,  1 
(BA  III,  p.  341).  Harru  rabu  H.  dannu  Har 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


kiHati  L  '""*AHUr  }.  kibrat  irbitti  iakkanak 
Babili  Itar  ^"*Sumeri  u  Akkadl,  81-6-7, 
209,  8  (BA  III,  pp.  260,  351), 
s.  oi Sinaherlba\  a)  gs.  oi Sarrukin,  descend, 
of  Bel-BA-tii,  f.  of  Safnalhimukin  and 
Ahirbanaplu\  sarru  dannu  s.  kiHati  s. 
'""'AHfir  iakkanak  Babili  ^ar  "*"*Sumeri 
u  Akkadl,  Shnik.  Cyl.  is  (KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  196);  b)  f  oi  Ahirbanaplu\  iarru  rabu 
i.  damiu  i.  kiUati  L  "'"'AHnr  sakkanak 
Babili  iar  '""'Sianeri  u  Akkadl,  Abp. 
Ill  R  16, 28b  (KB  II,  p.  258).  VR  62,  no.  i,4. 
Abp.  \u\  5.  L2,  4.  Pi,  3.  P2,  4  (Lehmann, 
Shmk.  pi.  XXIII,  XXV,  XXVIII,  XXX). 
S^,  21  (without  sar  kiHati). 
f.  o{ Sin-nadin-aplu;  sar  '""^AHMr,  K.  195,2 
(KGAS  107). 
16.  Ahir-ah-iddina;  lar  '""^AHfir  sakkanak 
Babili . . .  sar  inati  e-U-tum  u  l\ap-li-tum\ 
Rm.  284,  R.  6  (WAF II,  p.  17).  ^ar  '""'AHur 
i.  kiHati  L  kibrat  irbitti  ^akka?iak  Babili 
^ar  """^Sumeri  u  Akkadl,  Esarh.  MDOG  44, 

p.  21. 

Asur-ah-usur"0  Ashur,  protect  the  brother!" 

1.  AS-hir-PAP-PAP,  J  ADD  2,  R.^.  500,  R.//. 

VS  1, 92, 2f.  f^rakab  GABP^-te,  J  ADD  91 2, 1. 

2.  ^AS-hir-SES-PAP,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Asur-alik-pani  "Ashur  is  (my)  leader" 

1.  AS-sur-a-lik-pa-an,  HABL  787,  2. 

2.  AS-sur-a-lik-pa-ni, HABL 783, 2.  784, 2. 785, 2. 

786,  2.  788,  2. 
3."  AS-sur-DU-ST,  ''bel  pihati  ''^\'""*Bar-hal-sa, 

JADD  853,  12.  854,  13. 
4.  '^Hl-a-lik-pa-ni,  '^muttr  pfitu  sa  eli  '!^Bir-ra- 
na-a-ti,VS  V,  2,/o  (B.  C.  675.  KB IV,  p.  166). 
Asur-apal-iddin  "Ashur  has  given  a  son" 

1.  AS-}ur-A-As,  JADD  320,  R.s  (B.  C.  691). 

2.  ^HI-A-MU,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
Asiir-apal-lisir  "O  Ashur,  may  the  son  pros- 

AS-iur-TUR.US-GIS,    s.    of    Istar-ttdid, 
''hazanu,  JADD  1040,  R.  4. 
Asur-apal-usur  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  son!" 

1.  '^A-sur-A-PAP,  s.  oi'^Samas[})-u-ma-i,YSl, 

102,  3. 

2.  '^AS-iur-A-PAP,   Sm.  1089   (?  cf.  WAF  II, 


No.  I. 

Asur-asu  "Ashur  is  a  healer"  (OBa.) 

1.  AS-iu-ur-A.ZU,  CT  29,  11,  ub. 

2.  ''A.USAR-A.ZU,  CT29,  24,.?. 
Asur-balatsu-iqbi  "Ashur  has  orderd  his  life" 

AS-iur-  TI-su-E\iq-bi,  VS  I,  97,  /.?,  is. 
Asur2-bal-lit"0 Ashur, keep  alive!"  82-5-22,536, 
JADD  325,  R. //,  b.  of  Alur-lallim-ahe 
(Ep.  A),   '^rab  kisir,  JADD  325,  R.  6. 
s.  o( Marduk-mutaqgin;  iiappahu,  AO2221, 
R.  s  (B.  C.  656(?);  OLZ  VI,  col.  199). 
Asur-balta-ibni    "Ashur    has    created    abun- 
"HI-UR-KAK  (NBa.),  BE  X,  23,  17. 
Asur-baltu-nise  "Ashur  is  abundance  for  the 
AS-Hr-UR-Um\  HABL  207,  2.  966,  R.  10. 
Epon.,  B.  C.  803,  Canon  A,  III,  15.  B,  III,  28; 
i«     Arbaha,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  187,  9. 
Asur-ban-ahe  "Ashur  is  begetter  of  brothers" 
AS-Hr-KAK-PAPP\]hD\i  512,  2.   He-lap- 
pa-a-a,  JADD  769,  1. 
Asur-ban-aplu  "Ashur  is  begetter  of  the  son" 
AS-sur-KAK-A,    HABL    looi,  2.    1026,  1. 
83-1-18, 22.  Bu.  91-5-9,  3.  Epon.  B.  C.  899(.?), 

Ill  R    I,    I,  12(.?). 

King  of  Assyria,  B.  C.  668—626,  s.  of  Esar- 
haddon,  gs.  of  Sennacherib,  i.  of  Asur- 
etil-ilani-ukinni  and  Sinsariskun: 

1.  AS-KAK-A,   Esarh.  I  R  48,   no.  6,  5.    lar 

kiHati  ^ar  "'"^AHur,  Abp.  Sm.  1350. 
s.  of  Aiurahiddifi,  f.  of  Aluretililani\  sar 
kiHati  h  """fAHttr,  I R  8,  no.  3, 2.  —  KB  II, 
p.  268. 

2.  AS-KAK-TUR.US,  II  R  66,  no.  2,  s,  van 

3.  AS-hir-KAK-A,   II  R  7,  42b;  66,  no.  2,  s. 

Ill  R  28, 51.  KK.  203.  226.  883, 2, 9.  1286, 14. 
1974.  2652,  3.  2808,  G.  4669.  5425,  1 
(WSml.  II,  p.  12).  7506.  1 1 869.  Sm.  254. 
80-7-19,68.  83-1-18,45.  199.  361.  403.  Bu. 
89-4-26,  118.  91-5-9,  185.  208.  mar  ridfiti, 
Esarh.  KAHI  I,  75,  R.  4.  mar  ^arri  raba 
ia  bit  ridtiti  ia  Alurahiddin ,  I  R  48, 
no.  5,  7.  Ill  R  16,  no.  2  (HABL  308,  R.  5). 
sarru,Y^.^loo.  lar'""*AHur,Wh^'L,  1022,  1. 
JADD  200, 7  (B.  C.  667).  203, 2.  208,  L.  E.  1 
(B.  C.  668).  270,  10.  271, 7.  322,  7.  Ill,  8 
(B.  C  6^}).  418,12.  420,10.  448,16.  47^16, 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

R.  5.  641,  7.  646,  9.  647,  9.    704,  R.  5.    Ill  R  29, 

no.  1, 16;  32,  V, 29.  KK.  1425. 1436, 2.  3979, 19. 
KGAS 1 50,  R.  8. 1 53,2.  iar  kissati  sar  '"^^Al- 
hir,  JADD  644, 2.  sarru  raba  s.  dannu  L 
kissati  }.  "'"^Assur  (K.  3412,  u,  in  hymn 
to  Merodach;  K.  886  and  passim,  in  colo- 
phons) s.  kibrat  irbitti,  JADD  646, 1.  647, 1 
(B.  C.  655). 
s.  oi  A^urahiddin;  }ar  '""'Aisiir,  81-2-4,  48- 
}arru  rabil  Jf.  dannu  s.  kiHati  L  '""'Aistir, 
II R  62,  56 ;  gs.  ol  Sinaherlba,  JADD  648, 
1,12  (B.C. 655).  Ill R 38,  no. 1, 7;  i.oiAsur- 
etil-ilani,  sar  '"^^AHiir,  JADD  649,  2. 

4.  ''AS-hir-KAK-A;  rubu,  IVR  53,  IV,  37.  Sar 

'""^AsSur,  JADD  641,  7. 
s.  of  Aiurahiddifi,  gs.  of  Sinaheriba,  ggs. 
of  Sarrukin,  f  of  Sitilarilhm,  KAHI  I, 

5.  AS-lur-KAK-  rUR.  US,  80-7-19, 366.  HABL 

453>  !*•  961, 2.  7nar  sarri,  HABL  1 13,  R.  6. 
sar  '""^AHur,  JADD  419, 9.  Ill  R  2,  ei.  3ar 
kiUati  I  "'^'AHur,  IV  R  60*,  C,  26  b. 
s.  o{  Alurahiddin\  lar  '""^AHur,  KGAS  66. 
6y.  75.  gs.  of  Sijiaherlba,  Sarru  rabu  s. 
dannu  s.  kiHati  i.  '""'AShlr,  II  R  40,  53  c, 
IV  R  60*   B,  28b;  63,  IV,  68. 

6.  ''AS-Sur-KAK-TUR.US,  KGAS  114.    122. 

80-7- 19, 1 37.  82-3-23, 89.  mar  Sarri,  KGAS 
116.  [117.  119.  120,  122.  143.  144.  150]. 
Sar  *""*AsSfir,  KGAS  150.  Sar  kiSSati  S. 
^"'ASSur,  II  R  38,  61  d. 

7.  '^A.USAR-ba-an-TUR.US,  IV  R  18,  no.  2, 

R.  11. 

8.  '^HI-ba-an-A,Y,..\2<^2.  SarkiSSatiS.  '""*Assiir, 

Rm.  II,  126. 

9.  "^HI-ba-a-ni-TUR.US,  Sar '""^AsSur,  Shmk. 

Cyl.  25.  Sarru  raba  S.  dannu  S.  kiSSati  S. 
"'^^ASSar,  b.  of  SamaSSumukm,  Shmk. 
Cyl.  20.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  196. 

10.  '^ HI-ba-an-TUR.US,    KK  4449,   var.    bel 

Sarrdni,  HABL  1007,  i3-  •^^''  '""^AsSur, 
Nabd.  VR  64,  I,  47.  II,  3, 44  (KB  III,  pt.  2, 
p.  loofif.  NBK  pp.  220  ff.). 

1 1.  '^HI-ba-ni-rUR.  US,  Sar  kisSati  S.  "'"'ASSar, 
■     "ill  R  62,  15b.  KK.  131,  R.  12  (CT  XXVII, 

pi  16).  2048,  R.  15,  etc.,  in  colophons. 

12.  ^HI-KAK  (abbrev.  or  error.?),  Sar  kiSSati 

S.  "'''*ASSur,  IIIR  37,  71  a. 

13.  HI-KAK-A 

s.  of  Asurahiddifi,  gs.  of  Sinaheriba ;  Sarru 
rabu  S.  dannu  S.  kiSSati  S.  "'"*AsSnr,  Abp.P^,  3 
(Lehmann,  Shmk.,  pi.  XXX). 

14.  '^HI-KAK-A,   Abp.-  A,   VII,  15,  iog.    IX,  ss; 

Ann.  1, 31.  VI,  113.  HABL  454, 9.  469,  12, 
R.  1.  Ill  R  35,  no.  6, 1,  4.  II,  1 ;  36,  no.  2, 7; 
no.  3,  4;  37, 53a;  38, 37b.  IV  R  53,  IV,  53. 
KK.  8.  223.  1285,  4.  2564.  2656,  14.  2998. 
4728,  R.  4.  8003.  II  516.  12 2 1 3.  1365 1. 
13772.  Rm.II.  134.  80-7-19, 16.  81-2-4, 176. 
81-7-27,70.  82-5-22, 178.  83-1-18,231.  384. 
476.  yyj.  Bu.  89-4-26,  116.  DT  229.  262. 
mar  Sarri  rabu,  Abp.  A,  I,  1, 31  (III  R  37); 
Ann.  I,  1.  rubu.  III  R  38,  17a.  Sakkattak 
[Babili],  Lehmann-HauPT,  Material.,  no. 
35, 2.  Sarru,  Abp.  Ann.  V,  100.  IX,  73.  Sar 
'^^'ASSur,  Abp.  A,lV,2i;  Ann.  II,  98.  Ill,  87, 122. 
IV,  20;  II  R  66,  no.  2,  1;  III  R  36,  no.  5,  3; 
37t  la,  42a,  eb,  21b,  25b,  4ob;  S^,  39;  S^,  gs; 
L2,  20  (Lehmann,  Shmk.,  pll.  XV,  XXI, 
XXVI).  BE  VIII,  pt.  I,  142,  4  (ZA  XXII, 
p.  14).  Lay.  86,  2.  POGNON,  Inscriptions 
no.  1, 23.  HABL  879, 2.  926,  2.  1022 1. 1040,2. 
JADD  32 1,  R.  6.  KK.4,  R.3.  28.  105,  R.  15. 
159,22,29.  1360.  2411,1,6.  2674,1,12  etc. 
3 161.  4787, 1.  8674,  R.3.  Rm.  40.  DT  78. 
80-7-19, 102.  Sar  kiSSati  S.'"''^ASSar,  CTX, 
4, 10.  I R  7,  no.  9,  A,  B,  C,  D,  E;  8,  no.  i,  1. 
IIRio,  26a;  ii,77e;  18, 63a;  23, sea;  24,296; 
33,  6ie;   35,  52g;   16,  i3e;   40,  79a.    59,  48d. 

III  R  37,  7ia;   57,  43b;    59,  68b;  65,  34b. 

IV  R  4,  sea;  6,  40a;  8, 33a;  9,  56b;  10,  55b; 
II,  52b;  14,  no.  I,  R, 9;  17, 3Gb;  19, 24b;  20, 
no.  2,  R.  12;  31,  6ib;  33,  IV,  u;  42,  VI,  15; 
44,  VI,  42;  50,  IV,  27;  57;  57b;  59,  no.  i, 
R.  26;  Add.  p.  5.  KK.  24.  61,  IV,  48.  71, 
IV,  56.  105.155,54.  191,1V,  56.  214,  R.  33.  irtr 
kiSSati  S.  "'"'ASSnr  S.  kibrat  irbitti,  b.  of 
Sammuges,  Shmk.  S*,  12.  Sarru  rabu  S. 
dannu  S.  kiSSati  S.  '"'''ASSur,  IV  R  55,  no.  2, 
R.  8;  K.  2139  and  passim  in  colophons. 
K.  120  b,  13.  ditto  +  ^d^"  kibrat  irbitti, 
Abp.  A,  X,  ,57.    Sarru  Sangu  ellu,  Abp. 

Ann.  VII,  94. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


s.  of  AhiraJ}iddi7i\  b.  of  SamaUtimukln, 
Chron.  B,  IV,  33.  larru  rabu  s.  dannu  i. 
kiUati  }.  '"^'AHar,  81-7-27,  177;  —  f.  of 
Asuretiliiani,  J  ADD  807, 2;  —  gs.  of  Sina- 
hei'lba:  hirru  rabu  s.  dannu  L  kiHati  i. 
""'*AHnr,  K.  2867,  1.  Bu.  89-4-26,  209,  12; 
ditto  +  sar  kibrdt  irbitti,  Abp.  B  I,  1 
(III  R  27);  Ann.  X,  57;  CT  IX,  6,  3; 
ditto  4-  sar  kibrdt  irbitti  sar  ^arrdni, 
Abp.  P^  1.  L2,  1.  52,  1.  S3,  2  (Lehmann, 
Shmk,  pll.  XIII,  XVII,  XXV,  XXVIII). 

III  R  16, 26  b.  We.  Misc.  pi.  7,  1. 

f.  oi  Sin^arilkun,  iarru...,  ZA  XI,  p.  47. 
1 5 .  '^HI-KAK-  TUR.  US,  H ABL 1 1 7, 5.  Lay.  86,  le. 
\w  R  28,  no.  2,  R.  15.  V  R  52,  34  c.  KK.  261. 
433.  2632.  2998.  4449.  8880.  8904.  103 19. 
Sm.  1 122.  1950.  Rm.  994.  Rm.  II.  134. 
48-7-20,  119.  79-7-8,  87.  83-1-18,  490.  mdr 
larri,  Sm.  1358.  sarru,  K.  8904.  sar 
^'^^AVsUr,   Abp.  A,   IV,  54,  84,  ss.    HABL 

I  105,  4,  5,  8,  16,  20,  27,  28,  33,  35,  38.      K.    102,  17. 

KG  AS  147.  151.  Lehmann,  Shmk.,  pi. 
XLII,  8.  Nabd.  St.  X,  34.  K.  159, 25.  82-5-22, 
130.  83- 1- 18,  263,  1.  sarru  dannu, 
HABL  1007,  R.  23.  larru  dannu  s. 
'"^'AFsur,  K.  2846,  9  (WAF  I,  p.  474). 
sar  kiUati  i.  '""^AHur,  II R  21, 26  a.  27, 20  e. 

51,  566.  IV  R  14,  no.  3, 2b.  48,  23b.  49,  58b. 

52,  IV,  26.  58,  IV,  31.  60,  36b.  V  R  51,  4oa. 
KK.  2391.  2454.  2544.  3294,  and  passim 
in  colophons,   sar  indtdti,  BE  VIII,  pt.  i, 

■  I,  30.  159,  37  (20^^  year),  sarru  rabu  h 
dannu  i.  kiUati  s.  '""^Ashir,  II  R  43,  3c  d. 

IV  R  23,  no.  2,  R.  8.   K.  59,  R.  46. 

s.  o{  Ahirahiddin,  gs.  oi  Sinaheriba;  sarru 
dannu  s.  kissati  i.  '"''^AHur  }.  kibrdt  irbitti 
L  iarrdni,  Abp.  L',  1  (Lehmann,  Shmk., 
pi.  XXIII). 
Asur-bani  "Ashur  is  creator" 

1.  AS-sur-ba-ni,  Capp.  G,  23, 12.  HABL  23 1,2. 

232,  2.  233,  2.  234,  2.  235,  2.  236,  2.  237,  2. 
420,2.  K.7506.  ^' be! pihdti"^Kalha,] ADD 
676, 3  (B.  C.  71 1).  Epon.,  B.  C.  713,  Canon  A, 
V,  11.  JADD  248,  L.  E.  1:  ^^akin  "^Kahi. 
Gyy,  R.  10.  765, 2.  809,  R.  27.  926.  1098,  II,  10. 

2.  '^ AS-hir-ba-7ii,  Epon,  B.  C.  713,   Canon  D, 

IV,  6. 
No.  I. 

3.  A^-lur-KAK,  f'^aknu,  JADD  351,  R.  /«. 
Asur-banija  or  -bunaja    (cf.  Bel-bnnaia;    abbrev.) 
AS-Sur-KAK-a-a,  Epon.,  B.  C.  845,  Canon  B, 

II,  24.     Ill  R   I,    II,  19. 

Asur-banIia(or  .bunaia)-usur  {AS-Sur-KAK-a-a- 
PAF).  Epon.,  B.  C.  856,  Canon  A,  II,  «; 
Shalm,  III:  Mon.  II,  09  (III  R  8.  KB  I, 
p.  168);  '^rab  BI.LUL,  82-5-22,  526,  11,5 
(KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  142).  Epon.  B.  C  826, 
Canon  A,  II,  37.  Epon.,  B.  C.  817,  Canon  A, 

II,  46. 

Asur-bel ....,  JADD  899,  III,  3.  Cf  Rm.  II.  261. 
Asur-bel-da(i)n    (reading   not    quite    certain,    cf. 
Delitzsch,  BA  II,  p.  38,  TNB  p.  312  b) 

1.  AS-sur-EN-dan-an ,   HABL  123,  n.   243,  2. 

s.  of  Nabu-salli,  ''rakbu  GABP',  JADD  354, 
B.  E.  I,  R.  3. 

2.  AS-Sur-EN-dan-in ,   HABL  245,  2.     246,  2. 

247,  2. 
Asur-bel-ilani  "Ashur  is  lord  of  the  gods" 

AS-hir-EN-ANPi,  JADD  267,  R.  11. 
Asur-bel-ka'in  "O  Ashur,  establish  the  lord!" 

1.  AS-sur-EN-DU,  KSAG,  HABL  885,  R.  7. 

2.  '^AS-sur-EN-DU,  Epon.CanonD,  III,g,  error 

for  Adad-bel-kdin. 

3.  AS-iur-EN-DU-in,  Epon.,  B.  C.  857,  ^V«r- 

tdnu,  82-5-22,  526,  II,  4.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2, 
p.  142. 

4.  AS-sur-EN-D  t/'-z/z^Epon.,  B.  C.  857,  Canon  A, 


5.  AS-sur-EN-ka-in,^^on., B.C.857,Shalm.III: 

Mon.  II,  30.  —  KB  I,  p.  162. 
Asur-bel-kala  "Ashur  is  lord  of  everything" 
King  of  Assyria,  about  B,  C.  1080,  s.  of 
Tiglathpileserl,  gs.  of  Ashurreshishi,  b.  of 
Shamshi-Adad  IV,  son-in-law  of  Adad- 
apaliddin,  the  Babylonian  king. 

1.  AS-^ur-EN-ka-la,  sakin  '^BE  ^angu  Alur, 

Lay.  Tl,  7.  sar  '""'AHtir,  Synchron.  II,  25, 
29, 33,  contemp.  with  Marduksapikzlrim  and 
s.  of  Tukulti-apil-E^arra,  gs.  of  Ahir-rei- 
isi\  {iar  """^i]i«r,  I  R  6,  no.  6  (AKA  I, 
p.  152). 

2.  '^{HI\-EN-ka-{la\  lar"''-'AUnr,  Chron.  K3,e, 

contemp.  with  Marduksapikzer. 


Knot  Tallqvist. 

Asur-bel-kin  "O  Ashur,  establish  the  lord!" 
(cf.  Alur-bel-kdiii) 
AS-Hr-EN-ki-in,  HABL  452,  p. 
Asur-bel-mati  "Ashur  is  lord  of  the  country" 

AS-hir-EN-KUR..,  K.  13058. 
Asur-bel-nisesu  "Ashur  is  lord  of  his  people" 
or  to  be  read  Asu7'-rTm-7ii^ehi  (cf  Asir- 

1.  AS-sur-EN-UN^'-hi ,    sar   "'"'Assfij',    Syn- 

chron,  I,  2,  mentioned  before  Puzur-Asur, 
contemp.  with  Karaindas,  probably 
identical  with  Ahr-ri-im-niSehi,  q.  v. 

2.  '^ A-sur-EN-ni-le-h'i,      king      of     Assyria, 

KAHI  I,  4,  33,  between  Puzur-Asur  and 
Asur-bel-sakin(?  cf  A^ur-bel-dahi) 

1.  AS-hir-EN-GAR-i?i,  K.  5264. 

2.  '^HF-EN-GAR-in,  HABL  699, 3.  ''belpi^aii, 

HABL  1067,  R.  1. 
Asur-bel-taqqin  "O  Ashur,  firm  the  lord!" 

1.  AS-hir-EN-LAL, HABL 638, 12JADD 893,2. 

K.  5387- 

2.  ^AS-^ur-EN-LAL,  JADD  398,  5  (B.C. 664). 

K.  4698. 

3.  AS-Hr-EN-LAL-in,  ''amelurqi,]M)T) 427,1 

(B.  C.  694).   '^Saknu,  HABL  973,  a. 

4.  AS-iur-U-LAL,  HABL  151,  R.  i(?).  438,  lo, 

R.9. 967, 12,  R.  3, 4, 7.  JADD  9 1 7,  II,  15.  Haknu, 
HABL  871,  9. 

5.  'iHI-EN-LAL,  K.  7335. 

6.  '^ HI-EN-tdq-qin,  ''^akmi  }a  ana  hutnqnti  Sa 

unqati  u  mar  Upri  sa  iarri  ina  Nippur i 
paqdu,  HABL  238,  R.  s. 
Asur-bel-usur  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  lord! ' 

1.  AS-Ur-EN-PAP,    HABL  241,  2.     242,  2. 

JADD  241,  c,  slave.  399,  R.  2.  672,  R.  g 
743,  R.  7.  '' rab  biti  M  "^ Gargamii,  JADD 
127, 1  (B.  C.  681).  Epon.,  B.  C.  797,  Canon  A, 
III,  21;  Id  "'"^Kirruri,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4, 
187, 15.  Epon.,  B.C.  772,  oiKathu,  Canon  A, 
III,  47.    Epon.,  B.  C.  695,  Canon  A,  V,  29  + 

B,  VI,  17;  JADD  34,  R.  E.  1;  f^Ukm , 

JADD  569,  R.  12;  Senn.  King,  V,  1. 

2.  AS-lur-U-PAP,  Epon.,  B.  C.  695,  III  R  i, 

V,  29,  var.;  JADD  31,  R.  1.  616,  R.  E.  2; 
cf  MDOG  36,  p.  24. 

Asur-bel-amati  "Ashur  is  lord  of  command" 

1.  A-sur-bi-el-a-wa-tiin,  Capp.  G,  7,  5,  7. 

2.  A-lur-bi-ld-wa-tim,  8, 7. 

Asur-dain  {AS-hu'-dan-iti ),  JADD  853,  R.  14. 

Asur-da(i)nanni  "Ashur  is  our  judge" 

1 .  AS-sur-dan-a-ni,  Epon.,  B. C. 685, JADD 36,3. 

2.  AS-'^ur-dan-in-a-ni,   ^"-[hi-ut-rei],   Tigl.  IV: 

B.  42  (KB  II,  p.  18).  Epon.,  B.  C.  903(.?), 
Ill  R  I,  I,  8.  Epon.,  B.  C.  733,  of  Mazamua, 
Canon  B,  V,  ic  -f  E.  Ill  R  i,  IV,  .%. 
Epon.,  B.  C.  685,  Canon  C,  IV,  12;  IIIR  i, 
y,39.  JADD  i35,R.E.i.430,R.5(?).  753. 10. 

3.  AS-hir-daji-in-an-7ti,   ^^ii-ut-rei,   Tigl.  IV: 

PI.  2,  27.  Epon.,  B.  C.  733,  Canon  A,  IV,  36. 
Epon.,  B.  C.  685,  Canon  A,V,  39;  JADD  430, 
R.  5.  1098,  III,  7. 

1 .  AS-hir-da-in-  TUR .  US 

s.  of  Sjilmdn-aiarid,  HABL  872,  9,  prob. 
identical  with  2  &  3,  but  cf  Behrens, 
Briefe,  p.  59. 

2.  AS-hir-dan  A,  Shams.  V:  Ann.  I,  52,  same 

person  as  no.  3. 

3.  ** A$-Sur-dan-m-A,  s.  oi  Sulman-a}arid(lll), 

b.  o{  Sam^i-Adad  iy),  Shams.  V:  Ann.  I,  so. 

KB  I,  p.  176. 
A8ur<-da-in*ni,  JADD  946,  II,  10. 

1.  '^AS-dan-in-MAN,   KK.  3 161.    3791    (B.  C. 


2.  AS-iur-dan-in-LUGAL,  inukil apate,]ADlL) 

27, 3  (B.  C.  667). 

3.  AS-lur-dan-in-MAN ,  JADD  131,  R.  2,  as 

Epon.  M. 

4.  ^HI-dan-in-MAN,  K.  159,  4i  (B.  C.  649.?). 
Asur-damiq  or  -udammiq  (cf  the  next  name) 

AS-hir-SIG-iq,  JADD  260,  R.  //. 
••A-sur-dam-me-iq    "O   Ashur,    show   favour!" 

JADD  713,  5. 
Asur-dan   "Ashur  is  judge" 

I  Ashurdan,  king  of  Assyria,  about  B.C.  1200, 
s.  of  Ninibapilekur,  f  of  Mutakkil-Nusku 
I.  '^A-^ur-da-a-an 

s.  o{NIN.IB-apil-ekur\  Mr  '""'AHttr,  Tigl.  I: 
Ann.  VII,  66  (KB  I,  p.  42),  60  years  before 
the  }urru  Mrruti  of  Tigl.;  f.  oi  Mutakkil- 
Nusku,  gf   of  A^urreHH,  ggi.   Tukulti- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


apil-Elarra,  Tigl.  I:  Ann.  VII,  49  (KB  I, 
p.  40). 

2.  AS-hir-dan 

f.  of  Mutakkil-Nusku ,  gf.  of  Ahir-rei-iU\ 
iangu  Aiur,  Ashrish.  Ill  R  3,  no,  6,  s. 
no.  7,  3, 5.  —  KB  I,  p.  12. 

3.  AS-iur-DAN-an,  iar  '""^AHur,  Synchron. 

II,  10  (III  R  4,  no.  3.  KB  I,  p.  196),  contemp. 
with  Zamamashumiddin. 

II  Ashurdan,  king  of  Assyria,  about  B.  C. 

930—91 1,  s.of  Tiglathpileserlll,  f.of  Adad- 
nirari  III. 

1.  AS-dan-an,  Anp.  Ann.  I,  30,  var. 

s.  of  Tiikulti-apil-Eiarra  (III) ;  gs.  of  Ahir- 
rehiH,  ggs.  of  Ahir-rabi,  larru  dannu 
}.  kissatl  s.  "'"'AHur,  MDOG  32,  p.  19; 
f.  of  Adad-nirari,  sar  kiHati  L  '""^AHur, 
Adnir.  Ill :  BM  90853  (AKA  I,  p.  1 54.  KB  I, 
p.  148). 

2.  AS-hir-dan-an 

s.  of  Tukulti-apil-Eiarra,  f  oi  Adadnirai'i\ 
lar  kiUati  L  '""^Assfir,  Adnir.  Ill:  We. 
Misc.  pi.  6,  no.  i. 

f.  of  Adad-nirari  (III);  ^ar  ["'"Mii/z/], 
Adnir.  Ill:  KAHI  I,  24, 5;  gf.  of  Tukulti- 
NIN.IB  (II),  ggf.  of  Asur-nasir-aplu  (III), 
Anp.  Ann.  I,  30  (I  R  17.  KB  I,  p.  56). 

3.  ^ AS-sur-dan-a7i,  s.  of  Tukulti-apil-E^arra, 

gs.  of  Ahir-res-iU,  ggs.  of  \Asur-rab\i: 
lakin  ''^Enlil  langu  Ahir,  Ashurdan  II: 
KAHI  I,  20, 2. 

4.  '^A-iur-dan-an;    }ar    '""' '^ A-}ur ,     Tigl.  I: 
.    Hunt.  V,  20  (I  R  28.  KB  I,  p.  129),  30  years 

before  Ashurnazirpal. 

III  Ashurdan,kingof  Assyria,  B.C.  771 — 754, 

AS-hir-dan-an,  sari'ii,  as  Epon.  B.C. 771, 
Canon  A,  111,48;  IIIR  i,  111,46;  8i-2-4,R.  e. 
X  Ashurdan,  iar  ""'^AHtir,  ZA  VI,  p.  326. 

s.    of   Adad-nirari,    gs.    of   Samsi-Adad, 
MDOG  44,  p.  3 If. 
Asur-dan-a-ni,  -dan-in-a(n)-ni,  see  Alur-da{i)nanni. 

AS-sur-di-ni-KAK-us ,  Epon.  B.  C.  902(?), 
Ill  R  I,  1, 0. 
A8Ur'-^-du-ub-[bu]    (abbrev.,     cf    Sa-Alur-dubhi), 
J  ADD  916,  12. 
No.  I. 

[A]-8Ur-du-lu-bu  (prob.  abbrev.,  cf.  NBa.  Didlubu 

TNB),  Capp.  G,  23,  9,  bis. 

1.  AS-^ur-B AD-pa-ni-ia,  HABL  742,  2. 

2.  AS-sur-BAD-SI-ia,   HABL  251,  2.    252,  2. 

253,  2-  741,  2- 

1.  AS-BAD-PAP,  Epon.  B.C. 650,  81-2-4,  117. 

2.  AS-hir-BAn-PAP,  JADD  496,  R.  3.   Epon. 

B.  C.  6500?),  Canon  C,  V,  u;  HABL  301, 
R.  19,  944,  R.  6.  JADD  86,  L.  E.  3;  ^iakin 
"'"^Bar^a/sa,  533,  R.  5. 

3.  '^HI-BAD- PAP, Hakin  mati,]AT>T>  253, R.  3. 

Epon.  B.  C.  65o(?),  K.  4728  (Bezold,  Catal. 
dHI-KAK-A,  but  see  Johns,  PSBAXXIV, 
p.  241.  XXV,  p.  87).   8904.  Cf.K.  14283. 
82-1-4,  117- 
A-sur-e-mu-qi  (cf.  AUr-emuq'i) 

f.  of  A-bu-ia-Iim,  Capp.  R.  2,  R.  19. 
Asur-emuranni  "Ashur  has  looked  at  me" 

AS-^ur-SLLAL-ni,  K.  570. 
Asur-eres  "Ashur  has  planted" 

'^HI-KAMlPIN-es,  JADD  51,  1, 3  (B.  C.  683). 
Asur-eriba  (abbrev.) 

1.  AS-Sur-SU,  PSBAXXX  (1908),  p.  138,^6 

(B. C.  Ep. N).  VS  1, 90, ./.  Hanu,]ABY}  177, 
R.  7  (B.  C.  664\ 

2.  "^Hl-eri-ba,  hnuttr  [puti],  HABL  964,  16. 
Asur-etil(-ilani)-kin-aplu  "O  Ashur,  lord  (of  the 

gods),  establish  the  son!"  other  name 
of  Esarhaddon 

1.  AS-sur-e-til-ANP'-DU-A,  s.  of  Sinaf}ertba, 

gs.  of  Sarrukln;  lar  kiUati  lar  '""^'AUur 
Esarh.  KAHI  I,  53.  54. 

2.  AS-hir-NIR.GAL-DU-TUR.US,  III  R  16, 

no.  3, 8  (JADD  620);  cf.  WAF  II,  p.  55 f- 
Asur-etil-ilani(-ukinni)  "Ashur,  the  lord  of  the 
gods  (has  established  me)". 
King  of  Assyria,  B.  C.  625— c.  618,  s.  of 
Ashurbanapal,  b.  of  Sinsharishkun. 

1.  AS-e-til-ANf^ 

s.  of  Ahir-ban-aplu,  gs.  of  Ahirahiddin:, 
lar  kiVsati  ^.  '"^'AUur,  I  R  8,  no.  3.  — 
KB  II,  p.  268. 

2.  AS-hir-N/R.  OAL-Am' 

s.  oi  Ahirbanaplu,  gs.  of  Ahirahiddin;  iar 
""''AHur,  JADD  [649,  1.  650,  1]. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

3.  AS-sur-NIR.GAL-Am^-DU-iu-ni,  I  arm 

rabu  i,  danmi  ^ar  kiHati  i.  "'"*AHur, 
HABL  308, 9  (III  R  16,  no.  2;  cf.  WAFII, 

P-  57). 

4.  '^HI-e-Hl-lu-AN,  ^arru,  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  4,  9. 

5.  [^HI]-e-til-lu-AN^\  s.  oi  Aiurbanaplu,  POG- 

NON,  Inscriptions,  no.  i,  24. 

6.  '^HI-NIR.  GAL- AN,  Ur '"'-\AUur\  BE  VIII, 

pt.  I,  4, 21. 

7.  '^HI-NIR.  OAL-Am^,  lar  '"^'AHar,  BE  VIII, 

pt.  I,  5,  16  (4'^  year).  [6,  is]. 
s.    of  ASurbanaplu,    gs,    of   Alurahiddin, 
JADD  807,  1. 
A8UP-etil-same-u-irsitl-ballit8u"OAshur,  lord  of 
heaven  and  earth,  keep  him  alive!" 
Brother  of  Ashurbanapal,  by  him  raised 
to  be  priest  of  Sin  at  Harran 

1.  AS-lur-e-til-AN-KI-TLLA.BI,    HABL 

228, 7. 

2.  ^HI-e-til-AN-KI-TI.LA.BI,  HABL  658,  g. 

JADD  [970, 1, 4].  IRS,  no. 2, 13:  ahu  sihru 
of  Abp.  (KB  II,  p.  262). 

3.  ''HI[}]-LUGAL-AN-KI-ri.BI,  HABL  113, 

R.  10. 
Asur-etir  "Ashur  spared" 

1.  AS-^ur-KAR-ir,  JADD  65,  R.  ^  (B.  C.668). 

''rab  kasir,  JADD  699,  2. 

2.  '^AS-Iur-KAR-ir,  s.  of  Si//a,  HABL  928, 5. 
Asur-etiranni  "O  Ashur,  spare  me!" 

AS-hir-KAR-ir-a-ni,  JADD  76,  R.  3  (B.  C. 
Asur-garua-niri  "O  Ashur,  destroy  my  adver- 

1.  AS-^ur-gar-ru-a-7ti-ri,  Epon.  Z,  JADD  98, 

R.  e  (KB  IV,  p.  156). 

2.  AS-hi7^-gar-u-a-ni-ri ,  Epon.  Z,  '^rab  zam- 

mari,  JADD  105,  R.  4. 

3.  AS-hir-ga-ru-u\u-a-ni-ri,   JADD  516,  3,  7. 

Epon.  Z,  JADD  340,  L.  E.  3. 
Asur-gimil-tirri  "O  Ashur,  recompense!" 

1,  AS-sur-gi-mil-tir-ri ,  Epon.  O  (B.  C.  664?), 

^'abarakku  rabu,  JADD  640,  R.  20  (KB  IV, 
p.  154). 

2.  AS-sur-SU-GUR!^-ra),  ''abarakku,  HABL 

273, 6.  543,  R-  9-  JADD  853,  1, 2.  854, 7. 
Epon.  O,  JADD  16,  R.  3.  163,  R.  7;  VS  I, 
96,  22. 

3.  ''HI-SU-GUR-ra,  (82-5-22, 166)  HABL  1 108, 
R.  9. 
Asur^-hal-li . . .  Epon.  B.  C.  724,  Canon  A,  IV,  45; 

ia  "^Kak-zi,  Canon  E. 

1.  AS-hir-ha-mat-ia,  83-1-18,  361  (Abp.). 

2.  AS-hir-ha-mat-u-a,  HABL  IC98,  2.  K.  1036. 
Asur-hat-tin-nu,  see  Ahir-patinnu. 

Asur-ibni  "Ashur  has  created" 

1.  AS-hir-ib-ni,  JADD  140, 2  (B.  C.  694). 

2.  AS-Sur-KAK,  '^Sakmi,  JADD  351,  R.  /o. 
Asur-idani  "Ashur  has  looked  upon  me" 

AS-sur-ZU-a-ni,  ^NI.  GA  B  ekalli,  JADD  255, 
R. //. 
Asur-iddin  "Ashur  has  given"  (0Ba.-<4-jzW-^/« 
T-D  LC  239, 8,  'M.  USAR-i-din-nam  RPN, 
NBa.  ^HI-MU  BE  IX). 

1.  AS-hir-AS,  Epon.  B.  C.  882,  Canon  A,  1,28; 

B,  I,  28.  Anp.  II,  23  (I  R  20).  ''mutir  puti, 
JADD  860,  II,  6. 

2.  AS-htr-i-diti,  Epon. B.  C.  882,  Anp. II,  23  (van). 
Asur-il-balatisu  "Ashur  is  the  god  of  his  life" 

AS-hir-AN-  TL  LA.BI,  HABL  1078, 2,  e,  R.  4. 
Asur-iliia  "Ashur  is  my  god" 

1.  A^-iur-AN~a-a,  HABL  322, 5.  JADD  118, 

R.<p(B.C.673).  150, R.E.^.  192,  R. .;  258,  R.  2 
(B.  C.  671).  414, 6  (Ep.  A).  529,  R.  10.  Epon. 
B.  C.  862,  Canon  A,  II,  2.  Epon.  B.  C.  651, 
Canon  C,  V,  13.  JADD  96,  R.  2;  ''siikkallu 
{rabn),  JADD  379,  R.  2.  387,  R.  15.  ^'rab 
kisir  {inutir  pati),  JADD  115,  R.  7  (IIIR 
47,18a).  537,  R.3.  ''rakab  i^;'r/,  JADD832,8. 
^^alSu,  JADD  471,  R.  is. 

2.  '^AS-hir-AN-a-a,  JADD  359,  R.  //  (B.  C.  680). 

3.  ^HI-AN-a-a,  Haliu,  JADD  276,  R.  .  (B.  C. 

A-sur-i-me-ti  (cf  OBa.  ///-,  Sin-i-mi{-it)-ti  RPN) 

abbrev.  Capp.  G,  20, 1;  S  i,  5.  ma-la-hu-um, 

Capp.  G  3,  14. 
Asur-iqbi  "Ashur  has  announced" 

1.  AS-E,  hpaharii,  JADD  948,  1. 

2.  AS-iur-iq-di,  f.  oi  Abi-idbu,  AO  2221,  R.  's 

(B.  C.  656.?). 
Asur-irbi,  see  Anhirbi. 

Asur-iska-dannin  "O  Ashur,  strengthen  the 
child !"(.?) 
AS-sur-is-ka-DAN-in,    Hurtan,    HABL 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


[571,  10?].  Epon.  B.  C.  720,  Canon  A,  V,^; 
C,  III,  17.  J  ADD  1098,  11, 3. 
Asur-ismeani  "Ashur  has  heard  me" 

AS-hir-HAL-me-a-ni,  JADD  638,  R.j-.    Cf. 

AS-^ur-HAL-LI...,  Epon.  Canon  A,  IV,  45. 

A-sur-is-ta-gal   "Ashur  has  paid"(?)   Capp.  P, 

24,  see  also  RPN  p.  233,  note  7.    Cf.  A- 

lur-U-ta-7iaQ)-gal,  Capp.  G,  23,  10. 

Asur-ittiia  "Ashur  is  with  me" 

AS-lur-KI-ia\id,  JADD  34, 3  (B.  C.  695).  448, 

R.E.J.    f^SAG  ia  / ,  JADD  805, /^. 

Asur-it-ti-se-ru-ri-a-a,  see  An-hi-it-ti. 
Asur(^i^-iz^r)-kal-lim-an-ni    "O  Ashur,   let   me 

see  (a  child)!"  JADD  852,  II,  7. 
Asur-kasid  (abbrev.,  cf.  Samas-kaHd-a-a-bi) 

'^AS-sur-KUR-id,  Epon.,  Shalm.  I:  KAHI 

I,    15,  R.  28. 

f  of  Tab-lar-ili,  VS  I.  102, 9. 
Asur-kiianni  "O  Ashur,  support  me!" 

1 .  AS-hir-ki-la-a-ni,  rab  kisir,  JADD  349,  R.  10 


2.  AS-sur-ki-la-ni,  JADD  993,   III,  17,   f.    of 


3 .  AS-^ur-kil-an-ni, ^ Sakin larri, JADD 42  5,R.4. 

4.  AS-hi7'-kU-la-a-ni,    inutir  pati,  JADD  361, 

R.  16  (Ep.  F). 

5.  AS-hir-hV-/a-an-7ii,] ADD 21 1, R.E.j_  hnuttr 

pati,  JADD  309,  R.  4  (Ep.  Q).  325,  R.  9 
(Ep.  A).  414,  R.J/  (Ep.  Ai).  ''rab  kisir, 
JADD  318,  R.  6  (III  R  46,  no.  3;  Ep.  A). 
623,  R.  18  (III  R  46,  no.  4;  Ep.  A). 

6.  AS-hir-kil-la-ni,] ADD ^02,  R.i  (B.C. 656.?). 

^tnuUrputi,  JADD  400,  R.  13  (B.  C.  688). 
''rakbu  ^a  rab  kisir,] ADD  308, R./^ (Ep.Q). 

A-sur-ki-na-ra-am  "Ashur  has  shown  love  to 
the  faithful  one",  Capp.  R  2,  R.  3. 

Asur-kln-usur*  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  faithful 
AS-hir-DU-PAP,  '^^al^u,  JADD  418,  R.  j6. 

"A-sur-ki-ti-i-di  "Ashur  knows  (my)  righteous- 
s.  of  Ahir-qarradu,  VS  I,  103,  is. 
f.  of  Samai-ak-iddina,  VS  I,  1 03,  ip. 

Asur-ku ,  H ABL  713,11. 

A-sur-ku-nu-ki . . . .,  Capp.  Ch.  14,10. 

Asur(^ir-i?^r).|a-kup[-pu-ri.?],    Epon.  B.  C.  890, 
Canon  B,  III  R  i,  1, 20. 

No.  I. 



f.  of  Tarsi,  HABL  633, 21. 
Asur-ir  "Ashur  is  mighty" 

1.  "^A-sur-li-,  ''hazanu  of  Karalla,  Sarg.  Cyl. 

(I  R  36).   k.  1660,  3. 

2.  '^A-Hr-li-i,  JADD  713, 4. 

3.  AS-Hr-ZU,  JADD  152,  R.j  (B.  C.  656.?). 

Sm.  935.  '»^' Kar-al-la-a-a,  Sarg.  Ann.  58, 
fi4, 141,  b.  oiAmitaUi;  XIV,  55.  iar  '""^Karalli, 
Sarg. B:  Sm.2021,  11,8.  Epon.,  B.C. 872, 
Canon  A,  I,  ss;  B,  I,  38;  III  R  i,  1, 38. 

4.  '^AS-hir-ZU,  Sarg.  Khors.  56  (KB  II,  p.  60). 

HABL  1058, 3, 7,  10,  R.  2. 

5.  "^ AS-hir-li-  ,"'"*Kar-al-la-a-a,  Sarg.  Khors.  55. 

6.  ''HI-ZU,  JADD  444, 2.  445,  1  (B.  C.  660). 
Asur-lisir  (abbrev.) 

AS-GIS\SLDI,  JADD  618, 9.  K.241,  X,i5, 

A-8ur-ma-Iik  "Ashur  is  counsellor"  (cf.'7btt"iD« 
CIS  II,  155  B) 
Capp.  G,  3, 4.  6,  5.  8.  16.  14,  2.  21,  4. 
s.  of  Gimil-ku-bi-im,  Capp.  Ch.  i,  3. 
Asur-matka-danin  "O  Ashur,  strengthen  thy 
AS-lur-KUR-ka-DAN-in,  s.  of  iHar-ium- 
iddina,  JADD  642, 2,  9  (Ep.  R). 

Asur-mat-taqqln"OAshur,  order  the  country!" 
AS-hir-KUR-LAL,  ]ADD  46,  R.j.   211,1. 

Epon.  F,  JADD  23,  B.  E.  2.   307,  L.  E.  1. 

361,  L.  E.  1:  ''bel  pihati  «^ 62 1,  R.  n. 

AS-hir-LAL-in,]ADD  414,  19  (Ep.Ai).  rab 

alani,  JADD  961,  14. 
s.  oi'"'^^I~tu--a-a,  JADD  415, 3  (B.  C.  744.?). 

Asur-mit-uballit  "Ashur  has  returned  the  dead 

to  life" 
AS-iur-B AD-tii-bal-lit,  s.  of  Sutnma-ildni; 

^SIG,  JADD  160,  R.  10  (Ep.  G). 
Asur-mudammiq   "Ashur  renders  favorable" 

1.  AS-lur-mu-dam-iq ,  VS  I,  86,  31   (Ep.  Sili). 

2.  AS-^ur-mu-dam-me-iq,  HABL  185, 2. 

3.  AS-^ur-mu-SIG,  VS  I,  87, 29.   89,  s'-  90,  24. 

K.  8510  (=no.  4). 

4.  AS-^ur-mu-SIG-iq,  maru  reitn  }d  Naba- 

tuklatsu,  gs.  of  Naba-muiesi,  ggs.  of  Bel- 
kundi-iliia,  K.  872. 
Asur-mu-dib-be,  ^aknu,  MDOG  44,  p.  39,  read 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

peril.  Alur-sum-asbat,  cf.  Ina-Ahir-hon- 

Asur-mu-ki-in  (abbrev.),  HABL  420, 4. 
Asur-mukln-palna     "Ashur    establishes     my 

reign";  b.  {ahu  ktiddinmi)  of  Abp.: 

1.  AS-lur-DU-PAU^-ia,  HABL  652, 7. 

2.  AS-hir-mu-DU-PAL-id,  JADD  1053,  IV,  1 

(B.  C.  648). 

3.  AS-}ur-mu-kin-PAL'ia,  HABL  T],  10.   82, 

R.  2.  354,  R-  6.  406,  R.  8  [675, 9]. 

4.  AS-lur-mu-kin-PAU^-ia,  HABL  109,  R.  11. 

113,  R.  9.  977,6. 

5.  AS-hir-mu-kin-PAL-u-a,  HABL  109,  s. 

6.  A^-lur-mu-kin-in-PAL-u-a,   HABL  450,  2. 

636,  R.  5. 

7.  '^ HI-mu-kin-PALP'-id,  Abp.  L^,  12  (K.  891). 
Asur-mu-sab-si  "Ashur  calls  into  being" 

''qcpu,  AO  2221,  R. /o  (OLZ  VI,  col.  199. 
Asur-musallim  "Ashur  preserves" 

1.  AS-^ur-mu-ial-lim,  JADD  71 1, 2,  b.  of  Tar- 

ti-ba-Ihar  (Ep.  E).  K.  13  102. 

2.  '^ A-sur-mu-ial-lim,  s.  of  A-u-him-etir,  VS  I, 

104, 12. 
Asur-musetiq    (abbrev.,   cf  NBa.  Naba-midetiq- 
urri  TNB) 
AS-lur-mu-Nl-iq,  s.  of  Sennacherib,  ZA  XI, 
p.  425fif. 
Asur-mutakkil-sarru  "Ashur  strengthens  the 
AS-Hr-mu-tdk-kil-MAN,]h^X^lfi'^£.y  1 2). 
364,  R.^  (B.C.  679). 
Asur-mutaqqin  "Ashur  orders" 

AS-hir-MU-LAL,  JADD  86,  R.  ,0. 
Asur-nadin-ahKP')  "Ashur  gives  brothers" 

1.  AS-sur-AS-PAP,  JADD 206,  R.  10  (B.  C.  648). 

311,   R. /^   (Ep.  S).   VS  I,   87,  28.  91,  23. 
PSBA3o(i9o8),  p.  138,35  (Ep.N).  ''Miign, 
JADD  209,  R.  /o. 
s.  of  Tar-ti-ba-Istar,  JADD  711,  4  (Ep.  E). 

2.  AS-Sur-AS-PAPPi,  M  ""'SAG,  JADD  75, 

R.  15  (Ep.  (S). 

3.  AS-^ur-SE-PAP^^;  K...,  HABL 630, 4.  ^be/ 

{narkabti],  JADD  860,  II,  s. 
King  of  Assyria  (cf.  SCHNABEL,  MYG  XIII, 
p.  20): 
I.  '^ A-lur-na-din-a-hi,    patesi    "^ Asur,    Aub: 
KAHI  I,  64,  15!^ 

2.  '^A-sur-na-din-SES^',   TA  16,  19,  abu  (i.  e. 

ancestor)  of  Ashuruballit. 

3.  '^ A-lur-SE-SESPK   ^ar  ^'"^'^Asur,   Tigl.  I: 

Hunt.  V,  5  (I  R  28.  KB  I,  p.  126). 

4.  ^AS-sur-SE-a-l^i,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,   5,  33: 

Hlitti  abbeia  sarru  alik  paniia. 
Asur-nadin-aplu  "Ashur  gives  a  son" 

1.  AS-lur{-SE]-A,  HABL  212,  2. 

2.  A$-^ur-AS-TUR.US,  JADD   (III   p.  471) 

248,  R.  /..  (B.  C.  714). 
Asur-nadin-sumu  "Ashur  gives  a  son" 

King   of  Babylonia,   B.  C.  700 — 694,   the 
firstborn  son  of  Sennacherib: 

1.  AS-iur-MU-MU,  Senn.:  KAHI  I,  49,  3. 

2.  AS-hir-na-din-MU,  Senn.  King  IV,  13:  7naru 

reUa  tarbit  birkiia\  Kui.  I,  37  (III  R  12). 

3.  '' AS-hir-na-din-MU,  Senn.Tay.III,  63  (I  R  39. 

KB  II,  p.  98) :  maru  rehri  tarbit  birkiia. 

4.  ^''^AS-hir-SE-MU,   K.  10017.    maru  rehn 

tarbit  birkiia,  Senn.  Kui.  Lay.  63,  5. 

5.  '^m-MU-MU,  Chron.  B,  II,  30, 32, 43.   King- 

list  A,  IV,  16. 

6.  '^HI-na-din-MU,  Chron.  B,  II,  36,  42. 
Asur-naid  "Ashur  is  exalted" 

1.  AS-lnr-I,  JADD  41,  R..?  (B.C.  671).  877,1. 

^iangn  lann,  cousin  oUJbita^a,  HABL  577, 


s.  of  Mar-da....,  JADD  191,  1  (B.  C.  698). 

2.  AS-lur-na- i-di,  HABL  941,  2. 
Asur-napsat-iram    "Ashur    loves    the    living 

AS-hir-ZI-RAM,  JADD  151,  R.  7  (Ep.  Y). 

344,  R.  *• 
Asur-narara(nirari)   "Ashur  is  (my)  helper"; 
see  also  AUr-nirari. 

I  Ashurnarara,    king    of   Assyria,    about 

B.  C.  1230, 
'^ AS-^ur-na-ra-ra,   iarru,   HABL  924,  1,  5 
(III  R  4,  31,  35  b). 

II  Ashurnirari,  king  of  Assyria,  B.C.  754 — 

746,  s.  of  Adadnirari  (V),  b.  of  Tiglath- 
pileser  (IV),  cf.  ScHNABEL,  OLZ  XII, 
col.  530, 
I.  AS-iur-ZAB .  GAB,  sarru,  Rm.  274 — 120, 13 
(MVG  III,  p.  228);  as  Epon.,  B.  C.  753, 
larru.  Canon  A,  IV,  le;  C,  II,  21;  D,  III,  1; 
sar  *""*AsSur,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  187,  R.  25. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


2.  Aiur-ni-ra-ri-ni  A-da-di-ni-ra-ri-e-hi  (i.  e. 
son  of  Adad-nirari),  Chaldian  inscription 
of  Sardur  III,  Lehmann,  SbBA  1899, 
p.  119,  WZKM  XIV  (1900),  p.  20. 
Asur-nasir  "Ashur  is  protector"  (abbrev.,  cf. 

1.  AS-^ur-PAP,  J  ADD  576,  R.  7  (B.  C.  e^^). 

K.  1 1 448.  ard7i  hi  ^^aknu  "'''' '^^ Nu-ku- 
ba-a-a,  HABL  307. 

2.  AS-Hr-PAP-ir,  HABL  558, 10.  JADD  181, 2, 

5,  11  (B,  C.  670).  199, 2,  4, 9.  KK.  896.  978. 
83-1-18,  64.  ''rab  ....,  HABL  1004,  R.  1. 
Epon.,  B.  C.  652(?),  Canon  C,  V,  13.  HABL 
176,  R.  8.  JADD  j^,  R.  1. 

3.  '^AS-hir-PAP-irJ^l- 1  - 1 8, 276)  HABL  1 1 54,  s. 

4.  AS-^ur-SES-ir,  '^rab  saqe,  HABL  965,  u. 

5.  ''HI-PAP-ir,  f^KAL.KAL.GURQ),  JADD 

857,    II,  29. 

Asur-nasir-aplu   "Ashur    is    protector  of  the 
Kings  of  Assyria 

I  ^ HI-na-sir-A,  s.  of   Tukulti-Ninib  I,  about 

B.  C.  1240,  Chron.  P,  IV,  10. 

II  AS-^ur-PAP-ir-A,  XI 'i^  century, 

s.  of  Samh-Adad,  Si-2-4, 188,  le,  R.  i<;  (ZA  V, 

p.  79;  cf.  OLZ  XII,  528). 
Asur-nasir-aplu y   s.  of  SamH-Adad,   f.  of 

Sulman-aiarid,  MDOG  40,  p.  29,  cf  42, 


III  Ashurnazirpal  III,  B.  C.  884 — 859,  son 

of  Tukulti-Ninib  II,  grandson  of  Adad- 
nirari,  father  of  Shalmaneser  III: 
I.  AS-PAP-A,  Anp.  56-9-9, 152  +  159, 155.  rubu 
ndidu,  K.  2763,  7  (Le  Gac  p.  193).  larru 

dannu ,  Anp.  VS  I,  6^. 

s.  of  Tukulti-Ninib  \  langu  A}ur,  Anp.:  Alt. 2, 2 
(AKA  I,  p.  160.  Le  Gac  p.  201).  lar 
'""^AHur,  Anp.  VS  I,  66.  }ar  kiUati  iar 
'""^AHur,  Anp.:  BM  90259  etc.  (AKA  I, 
P-  ^55);  —  gs.  of  Adad-nirari:  ^akin  "^BE 
}angu  ^Ahir,  III  R  3,  no.  lo  (AKA  I, 
p.  158.  Le  Gac  p.  200).  iar  ^"*AUur, 
Anp.:  Lay.  83 A  (=BM  90255).  90260 
(AKA  I,  p.  i55f.).  L-H,Materialien,  fig. 9. 
VS  I,  64.  65.  iar  kiHati  iar  "'''*AHur, 
Anp.BM90256(Lay.83B.AKAI,p.  156,3). 
—  f.  of  Sulman-aiarid  III:  iar  kiVsati 
No.  I. 

sar  '""*Anar,  Shalm.  Ill:  KAHI  I,  29, 2. 
Lay.  77,  B  (L-H,  Materialien  no.  18).  Sarru 
rabtt  ^arru  dannu  lar  kiiiati  lar  '""'AHnr, 
Shalm.  Ill:  Lay.  78B, 3.  L-H,  Materialien 
fig.  12,  15.  VSI,  68,2. 
f.  oi  Sulman-aMridillVj,  Shalm.  Ill:  56-9-9, 
128;  —  g{.  o{ Samsi-AdadY :  }angaAiur, 
Shams.  V:  KAHI  I,  31,  4.  32,  4. 

2.  AS-PAP-AS,   s.  of   Tukulti-Ninib,   gs.   of 

Adad-nirari;  ^angu  Alur  . .  iarru  dannu 
^ar  kiHati  iar  "'"^AsMr,  Anp.:  Stand.  1 
(van).  ^ 

3.  '^AS-SESQ)-A,  rubu,  Esarh.  Neg.  e. 

4.  AS-iur-PAP-A,  Anp.:  Alt.',  3.   Bull  IV,  4. 

K.  2838.  13835-  56-9-9,  170-  qarradu, 
Anp.  Ann.  II,  35.    rubu  nadu,  Anp.  Ann. 

I,  18,  38.  Ill,  126.  BM  90868,  32  (AKA  I,  p.  i8i). 

Mrru,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  25.  sar  '""^AHar 
Anp.  Ann.  II,  85.  Sar  bele  Sar  tanaddte 
^re  u  salul  kibrati,  Anp.  Bull  III,  e.  Sarru 
dannu,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  129.  K.  962.  Sarru 
dan7iu  Sar  '""^ASSar,  Anp.  Ann.  1, 33.  Sarru 
dannu  sar  kibrat  arbitta,  Anp.  BM  90868, 
40  (AKA  I,  p.  183).  Sar  kiSSati  Sar  kullat 
kibrat  irbitti,  Anp.  Li.  I,  7.  Sarru  rabu 
Sarru  dannu  Sar  kiSSati  Sar  "'"^ASSar, 
Anp.  Kurkh,  5. 
s.  o{7ukulti-Ninib(lT),  gs.  of  Adad-nirari  (III) ; 
sakin  ^BE  Sangu  ASur  Sarru  rabu  Sarru 
dannu  Sar  kiSSati  Sar  '""'ASSur,  Anp. 
BM  56-9-9, 1 36+ 143 + 1 84  (AKA  I,  p.  1 57). 
Sangu  ASur  Sarrti  dannu  Sar  kiSSati  Sar 
'""^ASSur,  Anp.  Bull  1, 1 ;  Stand.  1.  Sar  kiSSati 
Sar  '""'ASSar,  Lay.  84D  (Le  Gac  p.  205). 
Sarru  rabu  Sarru  dannu  Sar  kiSSati  Sar 
""^^ASSur,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  125.  Ill,  113;  Bal.  1 
(V  R  69) ;  Restor.  1;  Statue  1  (III  R  4,  no.  8. 
KB  I,  p.  122);  BM  30. 90868. 90984  (AKA  I, 
pp.  173,  177,  209);  KAHI  I,  25,  1;  —  ggs. 
of  ASur-dan:  Sarru  dannu  Sar  kiSSati 
Sarru  la  Sandn  Sar  kullat  kibrat  arbai 
'^SamSu  kiSSat  nise,  Anp.  Ann.  1, 9  (I  R  17. 
KB  I,  p.  54);  —  f.  of  Sulman-aSarid 
(III),  Shalm.  Ill:  56-9-9,  142.  7'ubn  siru, 
Shalm.  Ill,  Co.  20.  Sakin  '^BE  Sanga  ASur, 
Shalm.  Ill,  Mon.  I,  11  (III  R  17.  KB  I, 
p.  152).    Sangu  siru,  Shalm.  Ill,  Ob.  17. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

^ar  kiUati  lar  '"'''AHnr,  Shalm.  Ill, 
KAHII,  30,5.  VA6437.  12822,  etc. 
f.  of  Sulnidn-alarid\  Sangu,  Shalm.  Ill: 
KAHI  I,  77, 5;  —  gf.  o{  SamH-AdadQJ), 
ggf.  oiAdad-nirari  (IV),  Adnir.IV :  I R35, 
no.  3,  14. 

5.  '^AS-hir-PAP-A,  f.  of  Sulman-asarid  (III), 

gf.  oiSamU-AdadQ^\  Shams.  V:  Ann.  1, 36 
(I  R  29). 

6.  AS-Hr-PAP-ir-A,  81-2-4,  188,  R.  ig  (ZA  V, 

p.  80). 
f.  of  Sulman-asarid (Jll),  82-5-22,  526,  III,  1 
(PSBA  XI.  KB  IIP,  p.  142). 

7.  AS-sur-PAP-ir-  TUR.  US,  }arru,  as  Epon. 

B.  C.  883,  Canon  B,  I,  27. 

8.  AS-lur-PAP-  TUR,  Anp.  Stand.  1  (var.). 

9.  AS-^ur-PAP-TUR.US,  s.  of  Tukulti-Ninib, 

f.  of  Sulman-aiarid  (III);  Usak  '^{BE\ 
Shalm.  Ill :  KAHI  I,  26,  2.  sar  kiUati  lar 
"•"^AHur,  Shalm.  Ill,  Lay.  76, 7.  KAHI  I, 
28, 2. 

10.  AS-Sur-SES-A,  III  R  i,  1, 27  (van). 

11.  AS-hir-SES-TUR.US,    rubu,    Sarg.  N,  13 

(KB  II,  p.  38). 

1 2.  ^ Hl-tia-sir-  TUR,  US,  f  oiSulman-aSaridiJW) 

Nabd.  Rm.  A,  II,  4  (V  R  64). 

13.  '^HI-PAP- A,  lar  """^AUur,  K.  2674,  si. 
Asur-natkil  (abbrev.) 

1.  AS-hir-Jia-at-kil,  Epon.  B.C.  871,  Canon  A, 

I,  39;  B  I,  39. 

2,  '^ AS-iur-na-at-ki-li,  ^'■rab  kisir  sa  "'Adinnu, 

HABL  500,  R.  2. 

2,.  AS-sur-7iat-kil,    '' J  ADD   391,   R.  /^ 

■  (B.  C.  717).   ^mukil  apati  ia  mar  ^arri, 
JADD  260,  R.  9. 
Asur-nirari,  see  Ahir-narara. 
Aj-sur-nl-su  "Ashur  is  a  lion",  Capp.  Ch.  6, 2.,  HABL  [921, 2].  922, 2. 
Asur-qarradu  "Ashur  is  a  hero" 

1.  '^ A-hir-UR.SAG,  f.  of  Asur-ki-ti . . .,  VS  I, 

103,  u. 

2.  AS-^ur-UR.SAG,  K.  198 1. 
Asur-qassun     {AS-lur-qas-sun\su-nu)     abbrev. 

HABL  252,  R.  16.  JADD  464,  R.  4,  slave 
of  ^ia  pani  ekalli.   $27,  R.  4,  official  of 
mar  Sarri.  622,  R.  3  (Ep.  D). 
Asur-qata-[sabat?],  K.  5791. 

Asur^-qat-SU  (abbrev.,  cf  Asur-qassun) 

s.  of  Zerrai,  ^NI.GAB,  JADD  711,  R.s. 
Asur(Asir)-rabi  "Ashur  is  great" 

1.  A-hr-GAL,  Capp.  G,  8,  3. 

2.  '^A-Hr-GAL,   f.  of  Ahr-nirari  (II),   gf   of 

Asir-rlm-niie^u]  pa-te-si  '^AUr,   Arn. 
KAHI  I,  61,  4. 

3.  AS-hir-GAL-bi,  Sar  '""'AUiir,  Shalm.  Mon. 

II,  37  (III  R  8.  KB  I,  p.  164),  cf  Delitzsch, 
MDOG  32,  p.  20,  note. 

4.  A-}ur-GAL,  Capp.  Ch.  14,  R.  9;  G,  6,  3,  19. 

8,  12;  S  I,  6. 
f.  of  Asur-res-iH  (II),   gf  of   Tukulti-apil- 

ESarra  (III),  ggf  of  ASur-dan  (II) ;  sarru 

dannu  iar kiUati  Sar'"''* As sUr,  KS  10346 

—  10348,  MDOG  32,  p.  19. 
s.  of  La-di-ib,  Capp.  P,  22. 
Asur-ra'im-nisesu  "Ashur  loves  his  people" 
^A-sur-RAM-  Um^-Hi,  Epon.  B.  C  .?,  Ill  R  4, 

no.  1,3  (AKAI,  p.  133). 
Asur-ra(m)im-sapru   "Ashur  loves   the  king" 

1.  AS-Sur- RAM-MAN,  ^rab  kisir,  JADD  815, 

III,  4. 

2.  "^ HI-ra-mi-im-LUGAL,  HABL  202,  9. 
Asur-res-isi  "O  Ashur,  lift  up  (my)  head!" 

1.  A^-Sur-SAG-i-U,  JADD  48,  g    (III  R  47. 

KB  IV,  p.  140;  B.C656).  532,  R.  8.  K.7332. 
Bu.  91-5-9,  145.   ''mutir  puti,  Sm.  714. 
s.  of  Silim-Alur,  JADD  87, 3.  88, 2. 

2.  AS-lur-SAG-il,  JADD  49,  3  (B.  C.  656). 
Kings  of  Assyria: 

I  Ashurreshishi  I,  son  of  Mutakkil-Nusku, 
father  of  Tiglathpileser  I,  c.  1135— 1115 

1.  '^A-sur-SAG-i-U,  Tigl.  I,  Hunt.V,  34  (IR28. 

AKA  I,  p.  149). 
s.  of  Mutakkil-Nusku,  gs.  of  ASur-dan  (I), 

ggs.  of  Ninib-apil-ekur,  f  of  Tukulti-apil- 

Eiarra  (I);  sarru  dannu, Tigl. I,  Cyl. VII,42 

(IR  15.  KB  I,  p.  40). 
f  of  Tukulti-apil-Elarra  (I),  gf  of  Asur- 

bel-kala\  sar  kiUati  Sar  '"''^AUur,  IR6, 

no.  VI,  3  (AKAI,  p.  152). 

2.  AS-Sur-SAG-i-U,  K.  8552.  sakni  '^AB  Sangu 

ASur,  Ashrish,  III  R  3,  no.  6, 1  (KB  I,  p.  1 2). 
sar  ""''Assur,  Synchron.  IIR65,  no.  i, 


Assyrian  Personal  Names, 


11,4,9  (KB  I,  p.  198),  contemp.  with  Nebu- 
chadrezzar I.  Cf.  MDOG  44,  p.  39. 
s.  of  Miitakkil-Nusku]  Sakni  '^[BE  iango. 
Ahtr],  III  R  3,  no.  7,  1;  —  gs.  of  Ahir- 
dan,   KS   12769  etc.;   —    f.  of  Tukulti- 
apil-E^arra    I:    ^ar   '""'AHur,     Tigl.  I, 
III  R  4,  no.  6,  5  (KB  I,  p.  48).  ^ar  kiHati 
^ar  "'"*^Aiur,  Tigl.  I,  Sm.  1874,  u  (AKA  I, 
f  oiTiikulti-apil-Eiarra^Y) ;  ^anguAhir,  I R6, 
no.  V,  2  (AKA  I,  p.  127);  —  gf.  of  ScimH- 
AdadQ.Y),Mr  "'"^AHur,  Shams.IV,  IIIR  3, 
no.  9, 3  (AKA  I,  p.  1 50). 
II  Ashurreshishi  II,  son  of  Ashurrabi,  father 
of  Tiglathpileser  III 
AS-^ur-SA  G-i-si,  s.ofA}ur-radt,{.  of  Tukulti- 
apil-Elarra,  gf.  of  Aiur-dan  (II);  saka?i 
'^BE  ^angn  Asur,  Ashurdan  II:  KAHI  I, 
20, 4;  I  arm  dannu  sar  kissati^ar  ""'^AHar, 
Ashurdan:  MDOG  32,  p.  19. 
A-sur-re'u  "Ashur  is  shepherd",  Capp.  E,  3,31. 
Asur-re'usunu  "Ashur  is  their  shepherd" 
AS-sur-SIB-hi-nu,  "^Ba-ma-ta-a-a,  JADD 
152,  R.^  (B.C.  656). 
Asur-rihtu-usur   "O  Ashur,   protect   the   re- 
AS-Sur-ri-if^-tulte-PAP,  VSI,  84,.^.    85,.^. 
87, 30.  91,  27.  94. 27.  98,  21.  100,  9. 
Asur-rimanni  "O  Ashur,  be  merciful  to  me!" 
AS-hir-rim-anja-m,  JADD  394,  R.  u.  855, 13^ 
KK.  1966. 7307. 12957. 12995.  82-5-22, 128. 
^salsu  ^a7iu  mar  sarri,  JADD  345,  R.  6. 
Epon.  N,  JADD  327,  L.  E.  i.    PSBA  30 
(1908),  p.  38;  ''rab  SAG  sa  mar  sarri, 

VS  I,   91,  20.    92,  28.   94,  25.    97,  12.    98,  19. 

Asur-rlsua  "Ashur  is  my  helper"  (cf.  y^iz^r-rz- 

zu-ii-a  BE  XV) 
AS-Hr-ri-su[si  HABL  382, 2)-?^-^,   HABL 

loi,  4.  123,  11.  144, 1.  145,  2.  146, 1.  147,  2. 

148, 1.   197, 21,  R.  4.    198,  23,  R.  11.   380,  2. 

381,  2.    382,  2.    383,  2.    488,  4.    490,  R.  2. 

491,  2.  492,  2.  493,  2.  619,  G.  K.  7528.  SAV 

880.    ^SAG  ^dup-sar  sa  sinnisit  ekalli, 

B.  C.  709,  JADD  1 141, 45. 
Asur-sa-bat-su-iqbi  "Ashur  has  ordered  him 

t  o  b  e  h  e  1  p  e  d".  Louvre,  AO  2221  (OLZ  VI, 

No.   I. 

Asur--8a-kin-balatu(7y)  "Ashur  provides  life" 

JADD  946,  II,  8. 
Asur-sallim  "O  Ashur,  keep  safe!" 

1.  AS -Sal- Inn    (may    be    read    Edu-iallim), 

JADD  103,  2  (B.C.  669).    122,  R./.    123, 
R.  4  (B.  C.  682).  153, 2  (B.  C.  663?). 
s.  of  Aplu-usur,  JADD  1 54,  i,  3  (B.  C.  663 }). 

2.  AS-hir-ltal-lim,  JADD  163,1,4,  R.3  (Ep.O). 

487,  4. 
s.  of  Bir-ta-a-a,  JADD  526,  R.  /  (Ep.  U). 
f.  of  Idate-bcl-alaka,   Adad-sar-usur   and 

Sarru-mukin,  JADD  266,  4. 
Asur-sallim-ahe  "O  Ashur,  keep  the  brothers 


1.  AS-Hr-DI-PAPPi,  JADD  325,  R.  //,  b.  of 

Alur-ballit,   ^mukll  apati,   of  Til-Ninib, 
B.  C.  742,  JADD  75,  R.  10. 

2.  AS-sur-'^al-lim-PAPJ'i,]ADT>  270, 2.  271,  10, 

R.  2.  412,  10,  R.  7  (B.  C.  748). 

3.  ^AS-Sur-Ul-lim-PAPPi,  82-5-22,  122. 
Asur2-saI-Iim-an-ni  "O  Ashur,  keep  me  safe!" 

Epon.  B..C.  735,  of  Arapha,  Canon  A, 
IV,  34;  B,  V,  15.  Ill  R  I,  IV,  34. 

Asur2-sallim-sarru  {DI-MAN)  "O  Ashur,  keep 
the  king  safe!"  JAAD  967,  I,  6. 

Asur2-sallim(Z^/)-su-nu  "O  Ashur,  keep  them 
safe!"  JADD  166,  R.  6  (Ep.  S). 

hlwT'^'lMiMAN) ,  JADD  43 1,  R.  //  (B.  C.  6ji). 

Asur2-sar-ibnl  {MAN-KAK)  "Ashur  has  crea- 
ted the  king",  K.  11 822. 

Asur-sarrani  "Ashur  is  our  king" 

1.  AS-hir-LUGAL-a-ni,  HABL  977, 8. 

2.  '^AS-Sur-LUGAL-a-ni,  TRep.  16,  R.  6.  175, 

R.  8. 

3.  AS-sur-MAN-a-ni,  K.  1862. 
Asur-sar-usur  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  king!" 

(cf!  nsnoiDii  CIS  II,  50) 

1.  AS-lur-LUGAL-PAP,  ^muktl  apati  sa  ^rab 

SAG,  JADD  642,  R.  72  (Ep.  R). 

2.  AS-Sur-MAN-PAP,  JADD  16,  R.  6  (Ep.O). 

loi,  L.  E./.  211,  R. /7.  340.4.  363,  R.  ^ 
(B.C.  682).  547,  R.  7.  813,7.  857,  11,32, 
official  of  kings  son.  928, 1,  e,  III,  2.  ''bel 
pihati  "'"'Qu-e,  K.  1008.  ''mutlr  puti 
-^Ba-mat-a-a,  JADEri52,  R.  /  (B.  C  656). 
^rab  kisir,  JADD  608,  R.  /.  ^rakasu, 
JADD  330,  R.  /-'  (B.  C.  6J6), 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

3.  ^HI-LUGAL-SES  (NBa.),  BE  VIII,  pt.  i, 

Asur'(''/^/)-sa-tak-lu-ka  (name?),  K.  7361. 
"*A-sur-se-ib-si  (abbrev.),  JADD  713, 2. 
Asur-sezibanni  "O  Ashur,  save  me!" 

AS-hir-le-3ib-a\an-ni,  JADD  877,  5.   VS  I, 

99,  10.    bel  pihdti,   HABL  189,  8.    ^sabit 

apati,  JADD  326,  R.  16  (B.  C.  692?).  Epon. 

B.  C.  884,  Canon  B,  I,  26.  Ill  R  i,  1, 26. 
Asur^-si-i,  perh.  "Ashur  is  my  friend",  JADD 

418,  B.  E.  3. 
Asur-simeani,  see  Alur-ilmea7ii. 
A8ur-sulum(Z>/)-a-mur  "O  Ashur,  I  saw  safety" 

JADD  42,  R.  4  (B.  C.  670). 
''A-sup-sum-etir(f),   Epon.,   MDOG  38,   p.  22;   cf. 

^A-hir-MU-KAR{mulezibr)  BE  XVII 1. 
Asur-sum-iddina  "Ashur  has  given  a  son" 

1.  AS-'^ur-MU-AS,]h:DVi^t;ipMsu,]KDV)^e), 

R.  3.  ^rab  kisir,  JADD  618,  R.  //. 

2.  AS-^ur-MU-SE-na,  K.  985. 

3.  ^AS-iur-MU-SE-na,  K.  764, 1. 
A$ur-SUm-l!sir  "O  Ashur,  may  the  son  be  di- 
rected right!" 

1.  AS-Hr-MU-GIS,  JADD  360,  R.  /o  (B.  C. 


2.  AS-iur-MU-ShDI,  K.  212,  3,  10  (IV  R  34, 

no.  2),  probably  king  of  Assyria,  between 
Ninibtukultiashur  and  Enlilkudurusur,  cf. 
SCHNABEL,  MVG  XIII,  pp.  43  f.,  96. 
Asur-sum-ukin   "Ashur  has    established   the 


AS-hir-MU-D  t/-(-/«  JADD296,4),  JADD  296.4 
(slave).  711,  R.  s,  f.  of  Zi-taa-a  (Ep.  E). 
^mutir  puti,  JADD  711,   R.  /^   (Ep.  E). 
^'^I'ab  kisir  la  larri,  JADD  252, 3, 10.  rakbii, 
JADD  207,  R.  /.  (Ep.  B). 
Asur-sum-usur  "O  Ashur,  protect  the  son!" 
AS-lur-MU-PAP,]ABT>  679,  R.  /  (B. C.682). 
803,  R.  2.  '^A.BA,  JADD  233,  R.  /?. 
Asur-taklak  (abbrev.)  "In  Ashur  I  trust" 

AS-sur-takltdk-lak,]AT>T>  i  I2,R.7  (B.C. 700). 
Epon.  B.  C.  806,  Canon  A,  III  R  i,  III,  n. 
Asur-tursani  "O  Ashur,  direct  me!" 

AS-lur-LAL-a-ni,  JADD  523,  R.  ^. 
A-sur-tabu  {DUG) 

s.  of  1-li-dan,  Capp.  E,  2,  2,  4,  15. 
s.  of  I-na-su-in,  Capp.  Ch.  i,  e. 

Asur-uballit  "Ashur  has  called  into  life" 

King  of  Assyria,  about  1418— 1370,  son  of 
Eriba-Adad,  father  of  Enlilnirari  and 
^Muballitat-Sherua,  grandfather  of  Arik- 

1.  '^A-sur-TI,  f.  oi  Enlil-nirari,  gf  oi  Arik- 

den-ilu,    ggf  of  Adad-nirari  (I);    sarrii 
dannu,  Adnir.  I,  KAHI  I,  4,  21. 
s.  oi Eriba-Adad, pa.te. si '^A}ur,  KAHI  1, 64. 

2.  ^A-lur-TI.LA,   Sm.  2115,  7   (King,   RRT 

p.  169).  iar  kiHati,  BM  96947,  R.  u  (AKA  I, 
p.  391);  descendant  of  Alur-7iaditi-ahi: 
sar  '""^AHf/r,  TA  1 5, 3.  iar  '""^AHnr  larru 
rabn,  TA  16, 3-19. 
f.  of  Enlil-tiirari,  gf.  of  Arik-den-ihi,  ggf. 
of  Adad-nirari  (L);  larru  danmi,  Adnir.  I, 
KAHI  I,  65, 20. 

3.  '^A-lur-u-ri.LA,  III  R  3,  no.  3, 7. 

4.  '^A.USAR-TI.LA,  f.  of  E?tlil-tiirari,  gf.  of 

Arik-den-ihi,  ggf.  of  Adad-nirari  (I); 
larru  dannu,  Adnir.  I :  KAHI  I,  3, 29. 

5.  AS-iur-TI 

f  of  En/i/-nirari;  lar  '""'AlSar,  K.  6303,  5 
(WAF  II,  p.  1 1). 

6.  AS-hir-TLLA,    pa.te. si    Alur,     Tuk.  II, 

Ann.  R.  55. 
f.  of  Enlil-nirari,  gf.  of  Arik-den-ilw,  sar 
'""'AHar,    Lenormant,    Choix    p.  169 
(KB  I,  p.  2);  —  ggf  of  Adad-nirari  (I); 
larru  dannu,  Adnir.  I,  KAHI  I,  5,  28. 

7.  '^AS-iur-TI.LA,  i.  of  Enlil-nirari,  gf  of 

Arik-den-ilu,  ggf  of  Adad-nirari  (I); 
larru  danmi,  Adnir.  I,  IV  R  39, 28  a  (KB  I, 
p.  6). 

8.  Ai-iur-ii- TY.Z^, Tigl.I:K.28o7, R5, 

no.  4.  AKA  I,  p.  121). 
f.  of  -f Muballitat-Serua,  gf   of  Karaindal    -, 
of  Babylon;  lar  '""^AHiir,  Chron.  P,  I,  e,  11. 
Synchron.1,8,10  (II R65,  no.  I.  KB  I,  p.  194). 
Asur-usallim  "Ashur  kept  safe" 

AS-hir-GI,  HABL  432,  2. 
Asur2-za-qip  "Ashur  upholds",  JADD  858,9.      X 

s,  of  Marduk-sallim-ake,  K.  10209. 
Asur-zer-ibni  "Ashur  has  created  seed" 

1.  AS-sur-KUL-ib-i-ni,  K.  11 448. 

2.  AS-lur-KUL-KAK,   HABL  633, 9.  JADD 

417,5.  520,3.  [638,  R.  6?]. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Asur-zer-iddin  "Ashur  has  given  seed". 

AS-Jur-Z/R-A^,  ^UnguU"'Ninua,  HABL 
43,  R.  8. 
Asur-zer-ukin,  JADD  874, 5. 
Ata  (perh.  abbrev.  cf.  Ai{t)a-idri,  OBa.  A-at-ta-a 
RPN,  A-ta-a  T-D  LC). 
A-ta{-a),   HABL  222,   R.  13   (V  R  53, 32a). 
^Ar-zi-za-a-a,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  73  (I  R  21). 
^hazanu  "'SIMUG.GI,  JADD  171,  R. /. 
^sd  Sepa,  JADD  857,  II,  26. 
*A-ta(-a)-id"ri  (Ar.,  see  also  Atta-idri),  JADB  5, 

VII,  3.   ''mutir  puti,  JADD  193,  R.  j. 
A-ta-lu-sumi-ia,  ''rab  kisir,  JADD  246,  2. 
A-ta-mar-dumuq(vS/6^)-ili  "I  saw  the  favor  of 

god".   K.  241,  X,  38  (spec). 
*A-ta-mu(?)  (Arzaw.,   cf.  OBa.  A-ta-mu  T-D  LC 

164, 6),  TA  32,  1. 
A-ta-na-ah    (abbrev.,    in    OBa.    texts   T-D  LC), 

K.  241,  X,  46,  spec. 
A-tan-ah-ilu  "I  sigh,  o  god!"  {(y^2L.  A-ta-7ia-ah- 
hi   RPN.    NBa.   A-ta-na-ah-AN  TNB). 
hNI.  GAB,  HABL  847,  R.4.  Cf.  A-tan-lia- 
ilu,  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  III,  12.   JADD  186,  R.  5 
QOHNS,ADD  III,  pp.XV,4i3  reads  ^/«^^a- 
ilti,  HiLPRECHT,  BE  X,  p.  47 :  A-dir-Ha-an. 
*A-taq-qa-ma,  see  Etaqama. 
A-tar-a-a  (hypocor.) 

JADD  288,    R.  4.    322,  3,   slave,    ^pahatu, 
JADD  854,  14.  Nzx.  It-ri-ia,  q.  v. 

f.  of  Nergal-balatsii-iqbi,  26187,  112  (KiNG, 
•    Tablets  of  Creation,  appendix  V). 
*A-tar-bi-'-[di]  (Ar.) 

JADB  II,  11,9. 
*A-tar-ha-am/mu    (cf    Bi.   Dl^nri'i    KA^   p.  483), 
JADD  198, 3,  slave  sold,  B.  C.697.  K.  1897. 
Atar-hasis  (cf  Atra-hasls) 

A-tar-PI,  s.  of  A-u-h-zib-bi,  "'Kan-nu-aa, 
VS  I,  91,  1. 
A-tar-hasi8(?P/)-im(.?)-di,  JADB  2,  VII,  4. 
*A-tar-id-ri  "Atar  is  my  help"  (Ar.,  cf  A-tar- 

ri-id-ri  TNB),  JADB  5,  VII,  2. 
Atar-ili   (cf.   Sab.   bxnni;   KA^  p.  435,   note  2, 
Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  197  f.) 
I.  A-tar-AN,    ^rab    u-rat,    JADD   627,  1,  8 
(B.  C.  666}).  ^SAG  sa  mar  sm^ri  Babili, 
at  Lahiru,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  625,  13.  Epon. 

No.   I. 

B.  C.  673,  III  R  I,  VI,  s;  '^belpi^ati-'^Lal^iri, 
JADD  8,  7.  Esarh.  A,  VI,  73;  B,  VI,  24 
(IIIR  16.  KB  II,  p.  150). 

2.  A-tar-ANP^,  Epon.  B.  C.  6n,  JADD  118, 

R.  6. 

3.  At-ri-AN,  Epon. B.C. 673,  JADD 53,  r,-Hakin 

"'Lahiri,  JADD  431,  R.  15. 
<'''A-tar-ma-la-usur  (/!/4P),  82-3-23,  135,40,  spec. 
*A-tar-qa-mu  (Ar.)  "Attar  has  arisen" 

>'A.BA,  JADD  321, 3. 
*A-tar-8U-rl/ru  (Ar.)   "Attar  is  (my)  wall"  (cf 
Pa.  mcnny)  JADD  148,  4.    324,  2,  R.  2 
(III  R  48, 2,  17b;  B.  C.  692).   785, 2. 
A-ta-SU-ri  (Ar.)  "'^t\'$  is  my  wall"  (cf  Atar-siiri) 

'^A.BA,  JADD  207,  R.  2  (Ep.  B). 
A-te-'  (cf  A-ti-i,  OBa.  A-te-e  RPN,  Pa.  '^ny),  JADD 

307,    L.  E..?    (Ill  R49,  48C). 

A-te-qu(.?),  ^iaknu,  in  Niniveh,  JADD  619, 5  (Ep.  S). 
A-ti-i  {c{.A-te-\  Eg.(?)  Ranke,  Material,  p.  36). 

JADD  307,  R.  11  (in  R  49, 3oc). 
*A-ti-in-ni   (cf  "^A-ti-in-ni  Tigl.  IV,  Ann.   130), 

^A,BA,    JADD  238,    R.  w.    239,    R.  2 

(B.  C.  688). 
Atra-hasis   "The   very  clever  one",    epithets 

{=liasis   atra  = 'E'KSovdrpoc,,   SiOi^poq) '^  <C  Z\-vJ, 

and  other  name  of  C7t-napiitim,  theBabyl. 


1.  A-tar-PI,  K.  3399,  II,  27.  Ill,  17,  21,  29. 

2.  At-ra-ha-sis,  IV  R  44,  IV,  26.  DT  42,  11. 

3.  At-ra-am-ha-si-is  (OBa.),  KB  VI  ^  p.  290. 
At-ra-ia  (hypocor.),  JADD  360, 9  (B.  C  680);  cf. 

At-ri-\id\  1.  u. 
AT-rat-tas,  see  Abi-rattaL 
At-ri-e  (hypocor.,  cf  At-ra-id),  arad  mar  larri, 

JADD  806,  R.  3. 
At-ri-ilu,  see  Atar-ilu. 
At-ru,  JADB  8, 1,  17. 
At-ta....,  JADD  826,1. 
*At-ta-7a-id-ri,  also  Ata-idri,  q.  v.  JADD  742, 19. 

''irrisu,  JADD  899,  1, 33. 
At-ta-ilu-ma  "Thou  art  truly  god" 

f  of  Sama^-nadifi-ium,  Neb.  I:  V  R  56,  17 

(KB  mi,  p.  168). 
f  of  Sama}-ium-/ihr,Lo.  10 1,  II,  10  (KB IV, 

p.  58),  time  of  Melishipak. 
At-ta-im-ni  "Thou  art  my  right  hand"[J](?) 

JADD  179,  R. /o  (B.C.  697). 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*At-ta-me-tu  (Elam.,  cf.  At-ta-ma-tu,  WZKM  VI, 
p.  215;  Atta{Addd)-pak-su  DEP  VI,  p.  6, 
no.  3),  ident.  with  Ita-me-tu  q.  v.  K.  4500. 
^rab  ^^qalti,  Abp.  B,  VII,  11,  20  (III  R  33)- 
f.  of  Um-man-al-da-si,  the  king  of  Elam., 
Abp.  C,  VII,  114  (KB  II,  p.  268).  K.  2656, 12. 

At-tu-na-a-a  (cf.  '""*A-tu-nu),  amelurqi,]AY)D  742. 

*A-tu-a-di,  III  R  37,  70b,  Elamite;  a-di  may  not 
be  part  of  the  name. 

*A-tu(.?)-e-hu,  ^i«/i«^£/:vS'/,JADD  179,5  (B.C.697). 


s.  oi Ki-dis{ddl\  ''baru  Bit-Sin-ieme,  Neb. I: 
Nippur,  V,  14. 
A-u-ah-iddln(-/MP-^5)  "Au  has  given  a  bro- 
ther" VS  I  [84,  ^/.]  85, 23-  92, 26.  93,  27. 
*A-u-ar(rrl)-pa-ar-nu    ('Opocpepvr]g    JIN    p.  493, 
ROST,  MVG  II  (1897),  p.  218)  ''ftazanu  la 
'""^ . . .  i-ta-nii,  a  Median  chief,  Sarg.  A,  II,  30. 
*A-u-ba-'-di  (JADD  22, 3,  cf  III  R  47, 3c),  see  A-u- 

na-  -di. 
("^A-u-ba-ni   "Au  is  creator",  JADD  28,   R.  ^ 

(B.  C.  686).  55,  R-  -  (B.  C.  690). 
"•A-u-bel-ili  "Au  is  lord  of  the  gods" 

s.  of  Ha-ma-du-du,  VS  I,  88,  19. 
"«A-u-dan-in-a-ni  "O  Au,  strengthen  me!" 

s.  of  Ra-pi-,   "'Ka7i-7iu--a-a,  VS  I,  100,  1. 
'"A-u-e(?)-ballit(7/iV)-a-ni    "O    Au,    keep    me 
f.  of  I-bu-te-ildni,  VS  I,  88, 25. 
A-u-hu-din,  VS  I,  89, 30. 
A-u-Jia-nu,  var.  Am-i^a-a-nu,  Epon.  B.C.  653,  Canon  C, 

V,  12.    K.  241 1,  III,  38. 

A-U-iddin  "Au  has  given" 

1.  A-u-As,  JADD  143, 1  (B.  C.  682). 

2.  A-u-SE-na,  VS  I,  93, 23. 

*A-u-id-ri  (An;  Q,lA-a-u-id-ri),]KDTi  170,  L.E..?. 

f.  QiZi-zi-i,  PSBA  30  (1908),  p.  1 38, 30  (Ep.N). 

"A-U-ill-a-a    "Au   is   my   god"    (cf.  Ili-ia-a-u), 

JADD  69,  R.  4  (B.  C.  692). 
A-u-l-ra-a,  JADD  741, 20. 
"•A-u-kil-la-a-ni  "O  Au,  support  me!" 

s.  oi  Ri-sa,  JADD  153, 3.  154,  s  (B.  C.  663). 
(''^A-u-lu(-u)-a-a"Au  is  my  god"(?)  (cf  Schiffer, 
Spur  en,  p.  16) 
s.  of  Qurdi-Rtar,  PSBA  30  (1908),  p.  138,^^ 

(Ep.  N). 
f.  of  Nabfi-ahe-erlba,  VS  I,  86,  2  (Ep.  Silt). 


f.  of  Ti-ma-i,  OLZ  VIII,  131  (Ep.  Sili). 
A-u-na-'-di  "Au  is  exalted" 

JADD  22, 3  (III  R  47,  no.  3). 
*A-u-sa-bi-'  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  :s>5i»'in':,  Schiffer, 
Spuren,p.  16),  OLZ  VIII,  132,^0  (Ep.  vS"?/?). 
••A-u-sa-lim  "Au  is  merciful" 

f  of  Sa-i'i-li,  VS  I,  93,  2  (Ep.  Nabil-tappat- 
*A-u-si-'  (Bi.  ?®"lfi;  see  also   U-si-,  U-si-id) 

The  last  king  of  Israel,  Tigl.  IV :  III  R  10, 28  a. 
-  KB  II,  p.  32. 
A-u-se-zib-bi  "O  Au,  save!" 

f  of  A-tar-hasis,  VS  I,  91,  2. 
A-u-sum-etir  {MU-KAR,  or  -muhsib}) 

f  of  Ahir-mtdallim,  VS  I,  104,  12. 
*A-2a-a  (Ar.),  JADB  12,  III,  1. 
*A-za-a,  cf.  JIN  p.  53 

s.  oi Ir-an-zu,  f  of  Ullusunu,  king  of  '""^Man- 

na-a-a,  came  to  throne  B.  C.  716.   Sarg. 

Ann.  54-56;    XIV,  49,  51-53;    Khors.  37,  38 

(KB  II,  p.  56). 

A-za-na-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  y3-5^-««-«w  RPN), 

JADD  606,  R.  4,  slave. 
*A-za-ru  (cf.  Bi.  iTiP),  TA  117, 33. 
A-zi-l  (cf.  A-::a-d),jkDT>  9, 7  (B.  C.  686) ;  see  Catal. 

p.  1715. 
*A-zi-ba(-')al  (Ph.  bs^nr:?) 

mar  lakinlu,  Abp.:  A,  II,  120, 128;  Ann. II,  82,  ss; 
Cyl.  B,  II,  78, 84  (III  R  30). 
*A-zi-lu,  A-zi-AN  (cf  Bi.  bsvy,  Hilprecht,  RPN 
p.  31,  note  1),  JADD  288,  R./o.  431,  R./^ 
(B.  C.  672).  500,  R.  /J.  hA.BA,  JADD  161, 
R.  4  (B.  C.  679).  '^belpihati,  JADD  904,  IV,  3. 
laknu  of  """"'Lagi,  Anp.  Ann.  1, 89.  II,  30, 38, 45 
(I  R  19.  24). 
*A-zir(?)-ia-u  (Bi.  in-^-iTy?), 

muttj'  pnti,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  3. 

s.  of  Abd-Asirti,  prince  of  Amurru: 

1.  A-si-ra,    TA  55, 24, 27,  45.    59, 21, 27, 32,  34, 35. 

149,  35,  40,  58,  70.    151,  61,  67.     Boghazkoi, 
MDOG  36,  p.  43. 

2.  A-zi-ri,  TA  98,  7.   114,  le,  69.   117,  30.  125,  37. 

138,59,70,93,105,109,113.  140,9.  147,68.  156,2. 
157,3.  158,2.  159,2.   160,2.  161,2.  166,2. 

167,  2.    168,  2.    169,  12,  28,  3G.     197,  28. 



Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  A-zi-ru,  TA  107, 26.  1 10, 34, 44.  1 14, 7.  115, 15. 

117,   47.      124,    8,   40.      125,   24.      126,  9.     132,  20. 
134,  3,  8.     138,  23,  35,  45.     139,  13,  39.    I4O,  10,  21. 

amel  "^ A-mu-ur-ra,  162,  1. 

*A-zi-zu  (cf.  Bi.  xt-^t:?,  Arb.  yj^),  JADB  1 1,  e. 

*Az-rl-ia-a-ii,  Tigl.  IV:  III  R  9;  no.  3, 31.  Az-ri-ia[-u\ 
III  R  9,  no.  3, 23.  }-ri-ia-u  "'"^fa-u-di,  III  R  9, 
no.  2,  4.  ...  ia-a-u,  III  R  9,  no.  2,  3,  10: 
"'''^la-u-da-a-a.  Cf.  KA^,  pp.  54,  262,  465. 

*A-zu-ri  (Ph.,  cf.  Bi.  n^iw) 

sar  "^As-du-di,  king  of  Ashdod,  b.  of  A-hi- 
mi-ti,  Sarg.:  Ann.  215;  Khors.  90.  —  KB  II, 
p.  64. 

A-zu-ta-a,  s.  of  Ga-me-me,  Capp.  Ch.  10,  10. 

*Az-zu,  TA  [8, 22]. 

Ba ,  nasiku  of  Gambulu,  Sarg.  Ann.  254. 

""Ba-a-a-di-ilu  (prob.WSem.Jcf.  }Ba-ia-di,  Kul{Zer}) 
ba-ia-di)  J  ADD  880,  II,  it;.  Cf.  Da{}Bd)-ia- 
a-di-iiu,  JADD  36, 1  (III,  p.  61  f ;  B.  C.  685). 

*Ba  al  (Ph.,  cf  Bi.  b?a) 

Sar  "'"'Surri,  king  of  Tyre,  f.  of  lahimilki 

1.  Ba--al,  Abp.:  Ann.  II,  49. 

2.  Ba-a-lu,  Esarh.:  KK.  3500  +  4444+10235, 

1, 20.  II,  14,  17, 21  (WAF  II,  p.  i2ff.) 

3.  Ba--li,   Esarh.:    KAHI  I,  75,7.    Abp.:  A, 

III  R  18,  II,  87;  B,  III  R  30,  II,  35, 56;  III  R 
27,  117;  Ann.  II,  49.  —  KB  II,  p.  170,  n.  r. 

4.  Ba--iu,  Esarh.:  B,  V,  13.    Ill  R  35,  no.  4,  7. 

Abp.:  Rm.  3,  II,  30. 
*Ba-'-al-ha-nu-nu  (Ph.,  cf.  Bi.  "isribl^a) 

'   mar  lakhilu,   Abp.:    A,  III  R  i8f ,   II,  122. 

Ill,  1;  Ann.  II,  84, 91.  —  KB  II,  p.  172. 
*Ba-('-)al-[a-sii-pu  (Ph.  =  *qO^!3»n),  mar  lakinlu, 

Abp.:  A,  III  R  1 8  f.,  II,  122.  Ill,  1 ;  Ann.  II,  83, 91. 
*Ba-('.)a|.ma-lu-ku  (Ph.  =  Tbtsbys,  cf.  KA  p.  472) 

mar  lakinln,  Abp.:  A,  III  R  18  f,  II,  123. 

Ill,  2;  Ann.  1, 84, 92. 
Ba-ba-ah-iddin  "Baba  has  given  a  brother" 

Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p.  40. 
Ba-ba-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  Ba-ba-a  BE  VI,  pt.  2, 

NBa.  Ba-bajbi-ia  TNB),  JADD  661,  i9(?). 
^Ba-ba-a-a    (cf.   the   foregoing,   NBa.  and  OBa. 

f Ba-ba-a  TNB,   T-D  LC)  JADD  294, 3, 

sold  (B.  C.  700). 
Ba-ba-la-a  (hypocor.) 

Capp.  Ch.  2, 18. 

No.  I. 

Ba-ba-la-num  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  BaQ)-ba-lum-la- 
pa-du  RPN) 
s.  of  Anah-ili,  Capp.  E,  i,  4. 
Ba-ba-ll,  JADD  300,  R.  s. 
Ba-ba-a-nu  (hypocor.) 

^naggar  '^gullubi,  JADD  328,  R.  g  (III  R  40, 
no.  2)  (B.  C.  698).  467,  R.  6. 

Ba-bl ,  JADD  313,  1,  slave. 

Babilaia  "The  Babylonian" 

1.  Ba-bi-la-a-a{-ii),  s.  oi Sin  iisir;  ^SAG,  Mna. 

PSBA  19(1897),  p.  71,//;  IR66,  11,8. 
^la  SAG  (reH)  ia  matati,  Mna.  Ill  R  43, 
II,  1.  -  KB  IV,  pp.  ^,  68. 

2.  Ba-bu-AN-a-a(>),  JADD  1 50,  R.  7  (B.  C.  679). 

3.  KA-AN-a-a,  HABL  86, 4.  JADD 244,  E.  2, 4, 9. 

296,  6.  415,  R.  6.  852,  II,  8.  855, 12.  874, 2. 
ardu  }a  ^}a  pane  ekalli,  JADD  464,  R.  3- 
^miitlr  putt,  JADD  857,  I,  26. 
s.  of  Nabu-kasir,  JADD  880,  s. 

4.  "^KA-AN-a-a,  f  oi Nusku-emuranni,  JADD 

387,  R.  12. 

5.  KA-Am'-a-a,  JADD  624,  R.  s  (B.  C.  687). 

^hasanu,  JADD  94,  R.  /.  ^'ialhi  rakbi, 
JADD  472,  R.  6  (B.  C.  668). 

6.  KA-AN-bi-NU-RA-a-ai}),  JADD  255,  R.  ^. 

7.  KA-DINGIR-RA>"'-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  i4,  spec. 


8.  TIN.  TIR^'-a-a,  HABL  716,  R.  s  (IVR46). 
Babil(  77A^.  77/?)-lu-mur-ru  "May  I  see  Babel!" 

JADD  812,  L.  E.  2. 
Ba(.?)-bi(.?)-ra-mu,  cf  313, 1. 

'HrriSu,  JADD  294,  R.  5  (B.  C.  700). 
*Bab(irz^r)-rl-ta-a-a,  U  ^^Di-bi-ra-ti,]  ADD904,ll,i. 
*Ba-bu-u,  hazanu,  HABL  902,  4. 
*Ba-bu-a,  van  Bu-ba-a,  q.  v. 

f.    of  Bubu,   of   '^^  Ni-ihtu-un   in   '"""^ Kir  hi, 
Anp.  Ann.  I,  e?.  —  KB  I,  p.  62. 
*fBa-da-'  (cf  Ba-da-a) 
amtu,  VS  I,  85, 5. 
*Ba-da-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ba-di-i\  Ph.  ^"O) 

HABL  855, 5.  892,  2.  893, 1,  R.  6. 
*Ba-da-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Ba-da-d) 

f  of  Sal-mu{J)-etir,  HABL  962,  R.  4. 
*f  Ba-di-a  (hypocor.),  JADD  229,  4  (III  R  46, 47c), 

slave,  vvi.  of  ly-si-   (B.  C.  680). 
*Ba-dl-l  (hypocor.,  zi.Ba-di-ilu^P^^  (BE  VIII STNB), 
JADD  826, 3,  slave. 



Knot  Tallqvist. 

'^Ba-du-na  (Hrozny  compares   Bi.  )l^),   Ta'an- 

nek  4,  13. 
*Ba-du-za-na  (Iran.?),  TA  239,  s. 
*Ba-e-ta-ta,  Capp.  G,  9, 2^. 
Ba-ga....,  JADD  397,  s. 
"^Ba-ga-bu-ki-su    (OPe.   Bagabukhla,   El.  Ba-qa- 

bu-uk-^a,  Gr.  MeydpuCoq,  Ar.TSnnai  APO), 

supporter  of  Darius,  Dar.  Beh.  111. 
*Bag-da-da . . .,  JADD  947, 9. 
Bag(Hu?)-da-pi-i,  see  Hu-da-pi-i, 
"^Ba-ag/Bag-da-at-ti  (Iran.  =  B(M)aya8dTr](;,   An 

man  APO,  cf.  '^Ba-ga--da-a-ta  etc.  BE  X) 

^"■W-ii-di'i-a-a,    b,    of    Ullusunu,    Sarg.: 

Ann.  57;    XIV,  47,  52;    Khors.  49   (KB  II, 

p.  58). 
^Bag-Tesup,  see  Hu-Te^up. 
"^Ba-gu-su   (Iran.,    cf.  Ba-gu-ul\lu,   Pe.  Baghai, 

BE  X),  of  «'  Title,  HABL  ^6^,  15. 
*Ba-tji-i   (gen.,   cf   Ba-hu-u{i-e)    BE  XIV,    ^'^e 

^^Ba-ha-a-a)  JADD  383,  R.  ,s  (III  R  50, 

no.  4)  (B.  C.  674). 
*Bahianu  (Hit.?,  cf.  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  58;   cf 


1.  Ba-^i-a-ni  (gen.),   JADD  131,  2    (Ep.  M). 

132,2  (B.C. 682?).  133, 2  (B.  C.  693).  134,  5 
(B.  C.  686).  135,  4  (B.  C.  685).  136,  R.  1 
(B.C.682.?).  138, R. 4.  1 39, 2 (B.C. 667).  141,3 
(B.C.  704).  142, 2  (B.C684).  143, 2  (B.C.682). 
149, 2  (B.  C.  684).  720, 8.  ''rab  alani  la  -fpir- 
fii-ni-te,  JADD  491,  1  (B.  C.  693). 

2.  Ba-hi-an-nu,  JADD  292,  R.  4  (B.  C.  707). 

3.  Ba-hi-a-nu,  JADD  29,  2  (B.  C.  693).    31,  3 

(B.  C  695).  176,  6  (B.  C.  700).  337,  6.  440, 9 

(B.C. 692).  679,  R. 2  (B.C.682?).  792,  1.  Bu. 

91-5-9,  172  (van). 
Ba(?)Ma-a,  JADD  661,  R.  19. 
♦■Ba-ia-a,  maratArbdili,  prophetess,  IV  R  68,40b 

(DAL 3,  p.  118,25). 
*BaMa-di  (abbrev.,  cf  Ba-a-a-di-ilu)   TA  238,  2. 
*Ba-la-wa  (Hit.?),  TA  215, 3.  216, 3. 
**'Ba-i-lu  (WSem.,  abbrev.,  cf  Pu.  n.  pn  f  bntiibyn, 

""Ba-i-lum,   BE  XIV,   Ba-il-Marduk  BE 

XVII,  I ) ;  }arrat  "iJ-ki-lu,  Esarh.  B,  III  R  1 5, 

IV,  22.  80-7-19,  15,  22. 
*Ba"ka-a-ilu  (WSem.,  ci.0B2L.Ba-ka-aKV^,  NBa. 

Bakua  TNB),  83-1-18,  695,  III,  24.  spec. 

Ba-kil-i,a  (hypocon,  cf.  OBa.  Ba-ki-lum  T-D  LC; 

/bp5?)  ^tamkar  sise,  JADD  261,  R.  9- 
fBa-ki-8a(?)-di(?)-8a-ummi(?),  JADD  741,  is. 
*Ba-Ia-im-me  (WSem.,  prob.  =  Bd al-imme,  i.  e. 

*oybyn  (Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  505),  which 

can  be  the  prototype  of  Bi.  D^bS = BaXactp., 

cf  Daiches,  HAV  p.  70,  n.j 
ardu,  JADD  294,  R.  6  (B.  C.  700). 
"^Ba-la-is-sa-an,  Elamite  ruler,  OLZ  IV,  445. 
Ba-la-si  (cf  Balasi) ;  mar  Babili  ina  qabsi  "'Har- 

ran,  JADD  812,  R.  3.  rab  btti,  JADD  128, 

R.  6  (B.  C.  655).  Epon.  B.  C.  6S5(.?),  Canon  C, 

V,  10. 
Balasi  (hypocon,  ci.  Balasi,  BalasuT) 

1.  Ba-la-si-i,  JADD  121,   R.  E.  /    (B.  C.  671) 

206,  R.12  (B.C.  648).  532,  R.  7.  585,  <5 
Astrologer  of  Esarhaddon,  HABL  74,  2 
75,  2.  76,  2.  77,  3.  78,  3.  79,  2.  351,  2.  352,  2 
353,  2.  354;  2.  355,  2.  356,  2.  413, 9.  687,  2 
688,  2.  689,  2.  690,  2.  691,  2.  692,  2.  693,  2 
694,  2.  993,  R.  4  (=  TRep.  55).  K.  5997 
TRep.  8,  R.  6.  55,  R.  4.  68,  R.  c.  88,  R.  0 
(III  R  54,  no.  6).  91,  R.  7.  1 19,  R.  4  (III  R  58, 
no.  12).  121.  136Q,  R.  2.  138,  R.  4.  140, 
R.  3  (III  R  51,  no.  IV).  171,  R.  1.  208A. 
234A,  R.  5.  254,  R.  4.  256B,  R.  5.  274I, 
R.  6.  274 O,  R.  1.  277  F.  mar  "^Ninua, 
JADD  261,  R.  n.  ''mutirpiiti,  JADD  325, 
R.  rs  (Ep.  A").  400,  R.  14  (B.  C.  693  or  688). 
414,  R.JO  (Ep.  A'),  ^rab  kisir,]KDT>  318 
R.  8  (III  R  46;  Ep.  A).  361,  R.  13  (Ep.F). 
623,  R.  17  (III  R  46).  ''rab  kisir  la  lepd, 
JADD  235,  R.  14.  Ha  Upa,  JADD  475, 
R.  10  (B.  C.  698). 
s.  oi Nabu-na-kil,  ^rab  kisir,  JADD  308,  R.  9 
(Ep.  Q). 

2.  Bal-a-si-i,Halepa,]KV)D^7^, R./o (B.C. 698). 
Ba-la-SU  (cf  Balasi  and  Balasi,   Gr.  BeXecJuc;; 

perh.  ■<  Balatsu),  HABL  799,  R.  29. 
JADD  441,  4.  675,  R.  21.  KAGS  48.  '^...., 
HABL  87s,  14.  mar  Dakkuri,  Tigl.  IV: 
II R  67, 26  (KB  II,  p.  14).  mahnalu,  JADD 
851,  I,  3.  ^'gepu,  JADD  17,  2  (B.  C.  687). 
rab  kisir,  JADD  675,  R.  1.  ^laknu  of 
'"^'La-ba-du-da-a,  HABL  537,  g.  ^langu 
U  ^'Harran,  JADD  981,  R.  II,  5. 
s.  of  Nabu-ah-iddin,  HABL  873,  17. 

T.  XLin. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


f.  of  Nabu-lallim,  of  Bit-Dakuri,  Esarh.  A, 

II,  52;  B,  III,  27  (I  R  45.  Ill  R  1 5).  —  KB  II, 
pp.  130,  146. 

f  of  Sapik-zer,  HABL  877,  s  =  JADD  889. 
Balat-eres  (abbrev.) 

ri.LA-PIN-el\KAM-eh  JADD  180,  2,  5,  11. 
311,  R.  E.  ^  (Ep.  S).  480, 5.  K.  241,  XI,  25. 
'' ku-lu-7Jtan,  JADD  525,  R.  j. 
Ba-la-ti-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ar.  itsbn  Baudissin,  AE 

p.  459),  HABL  170,  R.  10. 
Balati^a  (hypocor.,  in  OBa.  texts,  see  Dilbat;  cf. 
TIN-ia,  JADD  6,  R.  4. 
Balatsu  (abbrev.;  for  Nba.  texts,  see  TNB;  cf. 
Baldsu  ?) 
Ba-la-atjlat-su,  HABL  30,  e.  JADD  269,  R.  s 

(B.C.  681). 
s.  of  It-tab-H,  ^tupsa7'ru,  Sarg.  St.  II,  21.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  160. 
Ba-la-tu  (abbrev.),  HABL  447,  R.  3.  K.  241,  XI,  35, 
spec.  Epon.  B.  C.  787,  II  R  69, 24a.  Ill  R  i, 

III,  30;  \)akbi\  "' Si-ba-ni-ba,  JADD  653,  R.  2 
(Peiser,  KB  IV,  p.  100). 

Ba-li . . . .,  JADD  1 1 14,  4. 

'Ba-ll-hi-ti  "Woman    of  the  city  of  Balikh" 

d.  of  Samahib-ni,  gd.  of  Tam-mes-na-ta-nu, 
HABL  454,  u. 
*Ba-li-ma-a-ni,  JADD  674, 2  =  iioi. 
^Bal"ta-si(.?),  slave,  HABL  212,  19. 
♦'Ba-al-te-^a-a-ba-te  (WSem.  =  *nnn'inbyn?) 

d.  of  Bel-naid,  JADD  619,  le,  R.  1  (Ep.S). 
Ba-al-tu-nu     "Our     riches"     (cf     Bal-ta-a-mi 

BE  XV),  JADD  842, 3. 
Ba-aNtu-Samas  "Shamash  is  riches" 

K.  241,  VIII,  19,  spec. 
Baltala  (hypocor.,  cf  NBa.  Ba-al-ti-{S)a  TNB) 

1.  Bal-ta-a-a,   HABL  695,   R.  5.     970,   R.  5. 

JADD43,  R.  d  (B.C. 687).  414,5  (Ep.A'). 
453,  7  (B.  C.  686).  asu,  JADD  359,  1,  10 
(B.  C.  680).  'Hrrisu,  JADD  742,  17.  ^rab 
h-ki-si,  JADD  647,  8,  25,  R.  19  (B.  C. 

2.  Bal-ta-ia,  JADD  241,  8. 

Bal(?Prt/)-ti-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Bal-ti-ia  TNB),  VS  I, 

87,  ^9. 
Bal-tiHa-u,  see  Palti-iau. 
Balu,  see  BdaL 
No.  I. 

*Ba'luja  (Can.,  cf.  Pa-a-iu-ia) 

'^IM-lu-ia,  TA  170,  2. 
*Ba'lu-mehir  (Can.,  perhaps  =  *TyB!5yn) 

1.  Ba-lu-mi-ir,  TA  260,  2, 

2.  '^IM-me-fiir,  TA  245,  44.  258,  2. 

3.  '^IM-mi-l^i-ir,  TA  257,  ».  259,  2. 
'^Ba-lu-um-me-e  (Can.,  prob.  ident.  with  Bdluia, 

Paluia,  Paltlma,  qq.  v.) ;  f.  of  Sum-Adda, 

TA  8,  18. 
Ba-ma-a   (hypocor.,    cf   Ba-ma-a-a,    Ba-mu-u), 

81-7-27,  151. 
Ba-ma-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  Ba-a-mu  HPN,  RT), 

TRep.  81 B,  R.  4.  99,  R.  9.   102,  R.  1.  127, 

R.  6.  156,  R.  3.  161,  R.  1.  185,  R.  7. 
Ba-am-ba-a,  var.  Ban\Ba-an-ba-a,  q.  v.  K9821. 

Epon.  B.  C.  e'je,  Canon  A,  VI,  5  -f  B,  IV,  21. 

Ill  R  I,  VI,  5. 
Ba-am-ma-a  {d.  Ba-ma-d),  81-2-4,452. 
Ba-mu-u,  JADD  167,  R.  4  (B.  C.  675). 
*Ba-na-ga,  Capp.  G,  4,  le. 
Ban-ahe  (abbrev.,  cf.  Ahir-b an- ahe  etc) 
KAK-PAPP\  JADD  446,  e.  " 
s.  of  Tebeiaia,  JADD  446,  R.  13  (Ep.  Q). 
Ban-ahua    (abbrev.,    cf  Sin-ban-ahtia,   but   also 

KAK-PAP-u-a,  JADD  61, 2. 
Banaia  (hypocor.,  cf  Banna) 

1.  Ba-na-a-a,  ^'NLGAB  la  ekalli,  JADD  255, 


2.  KAK-a-a 

s.  oiBel-iar-ibni,  JADD  161,  R.  /o  (B.  C.  679). 
s.  of  Nabu-apal-iddin,  JADD  161,  R,  //  (B.  C. 

3.  KAK}-?ia-a-a,  malmasu,  JADD  851,  I,  4. 
Ba-na-a-ma  (cf  }Ba-na-ia-a-ma  BEX),  82-7- 14,  5  50. 
Ba-na-nl    (cf  OBa.  Ba-na-nim  RPN,    SAr.  p3, 

Ba-na-ni-im  BE  XV),  JADD  384,  R.  g. 
Banba,  var.  Bamba,  q.  v.  (cf  Lycaonian  Bav^a 
CIG  4009  b) 
Ba-a7i\Ba7i-ba-a,  Epon.  B.  C.  (y'j^,  ^sukkallu 
lanu,  JADD  11,  R.  E.  1.    37. 5.    40,  R.  3. 
167,  8.  175,  R.  E.  2.  256,  R.  11.  330,  R.  17. 
502,  R.  7  (5'^  year  of  Esarh.). 
Ba-nl ....,  HABL  1020,  R.  3. 
Bani  (hypocor.) 

I.  ^^-;«-/,  HABL  204,  2.  JADD  22,  R.  ^  (IIIR 
47,12c;  Ep.a).  60,  R.  7.  210,  R./j  (Ep.W). 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

398,  R.  8  (B.  C.  664?).    605,  R.  2.    733, 7. 
K.  1436, 27.  KGAS  108,  L.  E.  2.  1 19,  L.  E.  2. 

Sm.346.^ JADD387,R.^(B.C65i?). 

f^A.BA,  JADD  328,  R. /J  (III  R  48, 67a; 
B.  C.  698).  447,  R.  ^3  (B.  C  683).  ^'amel 
«r^/,  JADD  8 1 1, 9.  '^«rrtf?/,JADD475,R.ii 
(B.  C  698).  bar  11,  JADD  85 1,  II,  2.  -^^ww . . . ., 
439,  R.  <?.  *i««/7  M  ^rab  ase,  JADD  470, 
R.  jg  (B.  C.  664).  -^i^^/z  sa  mar  iarri, 
JADD  261,  R.  8. 
s.  of  ^//^/^,  JADD  880,  1, 11. 
2.  ir^ir-/,  f^Unu  la  h-ab  ase,  JADD  377,  R.^ 
(B.  C.  664). 

Ba-ni-ia/ia  (hypocor.,  cf.  Banaia),  K.  1 1 437,  L.  E.  2. 
"  8V1-18,  544,  L.  E.  2  (KGAS  108.  119). 
f.  oiEteru,  Sarg.  St.  IV,  27.  V,  17.  -  KB  IV, 

p.  164. 
f.  oi  Kan-dar-sarn-H,  Mshi.:  VS  I,  35,  28.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  96. 

Ba-ni-ni  (cf.  Bartanu  TNB;  abbrev.); 

Capp.  E,  3,  jf.   ^le-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD  769,  4. 

Ba-ni-ni-i  (hypocor.),  JADD  824, 2. 

^'MK\-lx^l^.KAK-ti{balat})-PIN-el  "Banitu  has 
s.  of  Ululaia,  Sarg.  St.  II,  is.  —  KB  IV,  p.  160. 

Ba-ni-tu  (abbrev.  (?)  or  Eg.(?),  Ranke,  Material, 
p.  37),  JADD  166,  R.  E.  /  (Ep.  S).  307,  R.  16 
(Ep.  F).  557, 1.  HABL  1047, 6. 

'•'Ba-ni-tu  (abbrev.),  JADD  267, 3,  slave  sold. 

Banitu('^^^A'-/a)-a-a-ll  "Banitu  is  a  mountain 
JADD  741, 27. 

''Ba-ni"tu-i(?) . . .,  PSBA  30  (1908),  p.  137, 4  (Ep.  N). 

^%dxC\\wx(\^ KAK-tum)Azxi-Xi'dX  "Banitu  is  migh- 
ty", atntu,  VS  I,  86, 5  (Ep.  Sili). 


MVG  VIII  (1903),  p.  Ill,  .7  (Ep.  P). 

"^Banti-sinni  (Mit.  ==  Pud-Ahi),  king  of  Amurru, 
Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p.  24.  Bi-en-ti-h- 
na-an  (ace),  MDOG  35,  p.  45. 

Ba-nu-nu  (cf.  Ba-ni-ni,  Ba-nu{-u)-nu  TNB),  JADD 
594,  R.  <y.  K.  14 1 1 3.  '^rab  kisir  sinnilti 
ekalli,  JADD  612,  R.^  (B.  C.  686).  Ba-a- 
nu-ni,  HABL  447,  12. 

Ba-qu  ....,  JADD  473,  R.  /?  (B.  C.  698). 

*Ba-a-ra  (prob.  Iran.,  cf.  ScHEFTELOWiTZ,  KZ  38, 
p.  27s) 

^  Gi-in-zi-na-a-a,    Shams.  V:     Ann.  Ill,  58 

(IR30).  —  KBI,  p.  182. 
Ba-ra....,  JADD  755,1. 
Ba-ra-a-hu  (cf.  Ba-ru-ld-ilu,  Ba-ri-hu  TNB,  Bu- 

ra-hu  BE  XV),  JADD  255, 2. 
*Bar-bl-ri,  JADD  918,  II,  s,  in  "' Sa-pi-a-ni. 
Bar-du....,  82-3-23,  137. 
Bar-hal-sa-a-a  "Native  of  Barhalsu",JADD  899, 

II,  5,  in  ^^Si-qa--in. 
*Bar-hu-i-lu(^7^.?)-wa  (Hit),  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35, 

p.  19. 
*Ba-ri-ki  (WSem.),  VS  I,  91, 2s.  ^rab  ....,  JADD 

448,  1,  17, 22. 
*Ba-ri-kl-i    (WSem.,   hypocor.,   cf.  Ba-ri-ki{-ilu), 

Ar.  "i^-in,   Pa.  ''D'inn   Bapeixeig,   BE  IX), 

JADD  674, 5. 
*Ba-ri-kl-ilu  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  bSD-ila),  HABL  600, 5. 

Shmk.  CT  X,  6, 21.  ^Larakila,  HABL  344, 15. 
Bar(?)-ku-rlm-an-niJADD22,  n,  s^&Marduki^KU)- 

Barruqu  (cf.  Pa.  p-o,  Bi.  pnn.  Sab.  Dpin) 

1 .  Bar-ruq,  JADD  1 1 5,  R.  j-  (B.  C.  664).    2 1 3, 

R.  2  (B.  C.  681).  228,  R.  4.  418,  R.  /9.  571, 
R.  6,  743,  11.  ^mukil  apati,  JADD  408, 
R.  6.  470,  R.  IS  (B.  C.  663).  ^muttaggihi 
}a  ekalli  Sanu,  JADD  481,  R.  <?.  ^iallu, 
JADD  471,  R. /9. 

2.  Bar-ruq-qu,  JADD  17,  <?  (B.  C.  687).    174, 

R.  //.  264,  /.  (B.  C.  688).  611, 1.  ''A.BA, 
JADD  72,  10,  R.  /o  (B.  C.  677).  ^mukil 
apati,  JADD  35, 7  (B.  C.  665).  60, 10  (B.  C. 

3.  Bar-ru-qu,  ''mukil  apati,  JADD  421,  R.  <5 

(B.  C.  670). 

'B^r-8ip'''-i-tu  "Woman  of  Borsippa" 
JADD  244, 3, 13. 

*Bar-la-tu-a  (Scythian  =  HpcoTo^uqc;,  Herodo- 
tus I,  103,  <  nopTo36r](;,  HtJSlNG,  OLZ 
VII,  218  note,  cf  JIN  p.  514).  larru  ia 
^'"Hhku-za,  KGAS  29,  2,  e,  R.  5,  7  (time 

'^Ba-ru-hu-ilu  (cf.  NBa.  Ba-ru-fii-ilu  TNB,  Ba- 
ru-ha-  BE  X,  Barahu  etc.),  JADD  674, 9. 
IIOI,  9. 

*Bar-zi-]a(-a)  (Pe.,  Gr.2}iep6i(;,  ciBa-ri-jsi-iaTNB, 
inn  APO) 

JADD  899, 111,9.  K.  10 1 19.  Brother  of  Kam- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names 


buzia  (Cambyses),  Dar.  Beh.  12,  13,  21,  72 
*Bar-zi-ku-tu,  JADD  448,  R. ./. 
Ba-ar-zir . . . .,  JADD  929, 5. 
Bar(?),  JADD  661,  R.  20. 
*Ba-ar-zu-ta,  "'"^Ta-ur-la-a-a,  Shams.  V,  I  R  31, 

III,  02.  —  KB  I,  p.  182. 
*Ba-'-sa  (WSem.,  cf.  Bt.  «T»^n,  NPu.  s^s?!) 

s.  of  Ru-hu-bi,  "'"■^A-ma-na-a-ay  Shalm.  Ill: 
Mon.  II,  95  (III  R  8).  —  KB  I,  p.  172. 
*Ba-sa-a  (Ar.,  cf.  Ba-si-i) 

s.  oiDanqa,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  11  (B.  C.  661  ?). 
Ba-sa-li,  ^'nappali  hurasi,  HABL  551,  R.  e. 
Ba-sa-SU  (cf.  Ba-su-su,  OBa.  Ba-sa-za\zum.  RPN), 

JADD  333,  R.  6  (B.  C.  648.?}.  1 128, 3.  1 140, 3. 
*Ba-sl-i  [Q.i.Ba-sa-a,W&2..  Ba-si-ia  etc.),  HABL  53,7. 

JADD  782, 8  (B.  C.  661). 
*fBa-SH,  JADD  811,3. 
Ba(iV^.?)si-bar,  K.  5424,  a. 
^Ba-a-as-sl  (cf  -f Ba-si-i,  OBa.  ""Ba-as-su  Dilbat), 

JADD  316, 3,  slave  sold. 
Ba-SU-a/u-a  (cf.  OBa.  Ba-zi-ia,  NBa.  Ba-si\sii-i^a 

TNB)  JADD  142,  R.  4  (B.  C.  684).  266,  R.  9 

(B.  C.  671). 
Ba-su-na-a,  ^irrilu,  JADD  742,  le. 
Ba-su-su  (cf  Ba-sa-sa,  OBa.  Ba-zi-su^V^);  ''ha- 

zanu,  JADD  472,  R.  is  (B.  C.  668). 
Ba-8a-du(.?),  JADD  7,  R.  3  (B.  C  648). 
Ba-as-sa-sa,  JADD  457, 2,  f.  of  a  slave. 
Ba-su-ri-e,  Capp.  Ch.  2, 20. 
Ba-ti-i-ti,^'i^-/«/-/^-«-«,JADDi25,R.  2  (B.C.687). 
*Ba"at-ta-a-nu  (Iran.,  cf  Prasek,  GMP  I,  p.  43, 

note  2) 
mar  Kap-si,  a  Median  chief,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann. «. 

*Bat-tl-ilu  (cf .?  Bi.  bstina),  TA  161, 20.  170, 3, 28. 
Ba-tu-'-a,  Ba-tu--a,  JADD  365, 2,  5  (B.  C.  702). 
Ba-tu-lu     "Youth"     (cf    NBa.  Ba-tu-ul  TNB) 

HABL  564,  R.  8, 11. 
'''Batus,  in  Chald.  inscription   from  Haykavank, 

ZDMG  58,  p.  816:  B-pi-li-ni  Ba-tu-hi-ni-ni. 
'Ba-tu-su,  JADB  i,  II,  3.  3,  VI,  10,  le. 
Ba-tu-da . . .,  ''7^ab  asfi,  JADD  1 18,  R.  /  (B.  C.  673). 

"Ba-u ,  JADD  456, 7. 

"Ba-u-ahe-iddin    {PAPPi-As\  JADD  473,    R.  ^^ 

(B.  C.  698). 
Bau-ah-iddina  "Bau  has  given  a  brother" 
I.  '^ Ba-u- PAP- As,  K.  241,  XII,  30,  spec.  King 
■   No.  I. 

of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  H),   contemp.  with 
Shamshi-Adad  V  (822-811),  Synchron. 

IV,  1,    cf.    IR3I,    IV,  24. 

2.  '^Ba-ic-SES-SE-na,  A.BA  Sa  7nati,  Meiish. 
Lo.  loi,  I,  19.  —  KB  IV,  p.  58. 
s.  of  Ni-ga-zi\  ''iaq-iup-par,  Mna.  I  R  66, 
II,  9.  —  KB  IV,  p.  e(>. 
f^Ba-u-el-lit   "Bau   is   shining",   ancient  Bab. 
queen,  V  R  44, 19  ab,  renders  AZA  G-'^Ba-ii. 
"Ba-u-eres  {PIN-el\  K.  241,  XII,  29,  spec.  Father 
oiMarduk,  gf  of  Il-Harrdn-^adu,  HABL 
877,  14=  JADD  889. 
•"Ba-u-ga-me-lat  "Bau  spares" 

amtu  }a  }arri,  HABL  341,  9. 
^"Ba-u-la-a  . . . .,  JADD  288, 4,  slave  sold. 
"*Ba-u-ru-bi-ma-du-me-lu-kln(r),    V  R  44,  2od  = 

^N/R-  GAL-  TUR-  TA-  UD-DU. 
Bau-sum-iddina  "Bau  has  given  a  son" 

1.  '^Ba-u-MU-As,  HABL 88 1, 2. 882, 2,  in  Kalha. 

2.  •^Ba-it-MU-SE-tia 

s.  of  Hunna;  iakin  Babili,  Neb.  I,  V  R  56, 
II,  18  (KB  IIP  p.  168).  ibir  belilu  manzaz 
mahar  iarri  kizu,  sakin  Bit-Sin-h-me, 
Neb.  I:  Nippur  II,  17.  Ill,  9, 30. 
"Ba-u-ta-ki-sa-bul-lit  "O  Bau,  keep  alive  what 
thou  hast  given!"  VR  44,  isd  =  '^N/R- 
Ba-a-za-i(.?),  JADD  -j^t,  3. 

Ba-zi  (cf  Ba-a-zi  BE  XIV,  Ba-zi  RT),  patrony- 
mic  from   Bit-Bazi  q.  v.,   see   Eulmal- 
sakin-lum,  KaUu-kin-aplu,  Ninib-kudur- 
usur,  Silanum-Suqamufia. 
*'Ba-zi(-i)-tu    "Woman    of   Bazu"    (SCHIFFER, 
.    Spuren,  p.  19:  "Despised") 
JADD  741,  16.  amtu,  VS  I,  94, 5. 
Bea,  see  Bi-e-a. 

Be-a-su(?),  ^h-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD  50,  R.  4. 
Be(?)-b"(?)-mu(?)  . . . .,  Ta  annek  7,  R.  e. 
M\{EN)  (abbrev.  >),  JADD  471,  R.  23  Q).  K.  i92o(.?). 
Bela(''^iV-«) (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  ^/^Be-la-aKVl^) 
s.  oiSama^-ereS,  Mshi.  VS  1, 35, 5o.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  96. 
Bel('^^A^-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Bela) 
f.  of  Silla,  HABL  527,  R.  15. 
Bel-abkal-ilanI  "Bel  is  the  most  informed  of 
the  gods" 
EN-NUN. ME-ANpu  JADD  855,  R.  1. 


Knut  Tallqvist, 

Bel-abua  "Bel  (or  "The  lord")  is  my  father" 
(cf.  OBa.  Be-li-a-bi  T-D  LC,  Ph.  b^n'^ai^) 
EN-AD-u-a,  JADB  i,  I,  48.  J  ADD  351,  R.  7 
'  (Ep.-vjr).  K.  241,  V,  21,  spec.  Epon.B.  C.  841, 
Canon  A,  II,  23;  B,  II,  as. 
Bel-ab-usur  "OBel,  protect  the  father!"  (cf 
^T^di.'i EN- AD-SES  =  Ar.  docket  "isaxbn 
BE  X,  115) 
EN-AD-PAP,  JADD  152,  R.^  (B.  C.  656). 
229,3.  255,1,9.  780,18  (B.C. 663).  K.  10919. 
'^gallabu,]Aim  4,  IV,  13.  *Jfa««,  JADD  857, 
1, 34. 
Bel-ahe  (abbrev.) 

1.  ^BE-PAPP^,  K.  241,  XI,  20,  spec. 

2.  EN-PAP^',  JADD  32,  R.  s  (B.  C.  693  or  688). 

66,  B.  E.  1.  67,  R./  (B.  C.  748?).  125, 3 
(B.  C.  687).  349»  R-  E- '  (Ep.  Q).  K.  241, 
XI,  21,  spec,  ^tamkaru,  HABL  1058, 
R.  9. 

Bel-ahe....,  Sm.  935. 

BeNahe-eriba  "Bel  has  rewarded  the  bro- 

1.  Be-el-ah-hi-im-i-ri-ba,  We.  Misc.  pi.  14,  84. 

2.  '^EN-PAP^^-SU,  Hakii  Babili,  Merod.  II, 

Bl.  St.  Ill,  36.  IV,  50.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  188 f 

3.  EN-PAPPt-SU,  HABL  708,  4.   JADD  880, 

11,14.    1005,  R.  8.    IO3I,   R.  5.    83-I-I8,   695, 

1, 3,  spec. 

4.  '^EN-SESP^-eri-ba,i:^^^.i\%,  R.  7.  Rni.280 

s.  of  LabaU-ilu,  TRep.  241,  R.  5. 

5.  <^EN-SESPi-SU,   ^iaku  Babili,   Merod.  II: 

Bl.  St.  V,  34. 
s.  of  E-te-ru,  at  Erech,  K.  433,  5  (SMITH, 
Texts,  p.  28). 
Bel-ahe-iddin    "Bel  has  given  brothers"    (in 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  EN-PAPP'-AS,  JADD  125, 3  (B.  C.  687). 

2.  ''EN-SESP'-MU,  s.  of  Ardi-'^BE,  Kandal.: 

VS  V,  5, 10, 13.  —  KB  IV,  p.  172. 
Bel-ahesu  (abbrev.) 

I.  ^EN-PAPPi-^ujB,  JADD  733, 5.  ^pit{e)-la-bu, 
JADD  806, 7.  ^ . . . .  i«  m/^ . . . .,  JADD  891, 2 
(B.  C.  668). 
s.  oiSamas-abua,  ^rakbu  Sepa,  JADD  207, 1, 

5, 8,  13  (III  R  46;  Ep.  B). 
f.  of  Bel-iddina,  K.  93,  2. 

2.  '^EN-SESP'-M, s.oiMi-li-har-be, Mna. Ill R43, 
II,  17  (KB  IV,  p.  70).  ^ 
Bel-ah-iddin  "Bel  has  given  a  brother" 

1.  ^EN-PAP- As,  HABL 447, 1.  JADD  204,  R.  3 

(B.  C.  668).    355,  2.  K.  1475.   mar  ^bdiri, 

JADD  771,  1.    ''rakbu,  JADD  277,   R.  6 

(B.  C.  681). 
s.  of  Nabu-kasir,   gs,  of  Nabu-li ,   family 

of  Egibi,  HABL  877,  R.  e  =  JADD  889. 
f  of  Bel-uballit,  JADD  880,  I,  u. 

2.  ^EN-SES-MU  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB), 

HABL  815,  3,   an  Erechite   resident  in 
Assyria.   K.  1135. 
Be-la-ah-lstar  "Fear  Ishtar!"  Capp.  G,  20, 5, 10, 

13,  16,  21. 

Be-la-ah-Sin(Z^7.^A^)  "Fear  Sin!"  Capp.  T-D, 

241, 9. 
Bel-ah-usur  "O  Bel,  protect  the  brother!" 

1.  ^EN-PAP-PAP,  JADD  780,  i4(0,  Epon.  VS  I, 

100,  14.  Sm.  378.  82-5-22,  108.  ''rab  kisir, 
JADD  127,  R.  2  (B.  C.  681). 

2.  '^EN-SES-SESjPAP,  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB. 
*Bel(£A^)-am-ma  "The  lord  is  D5>"  (cf.  *Amma- 

mar  ''iipari,  Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.IV,29.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  190. 
Bel-ana-matlsu  (abbrev.). 

EN-DI^-KUR-su,  Merod.  II :  Bl.  st.  Ill,  44.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  188. 
Be-la-ni  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  Belanum  RPN,  lUa- 
rdni,  Samlianu) 
f.  of  Ea-nadin-zeri^),  Simb.  Lay.  53,  30. 
f.  of  Rimati  and   Tabnnti,  Melish.  Lo.  103, 
III,  16.   Ill,  3, 10, 12,  32,  44.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I, 
p.  I56ff. 
Bel-apal-iddina  "Bel  has  given  a  son"  (in  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  EN-A-AS,  JADD  291,  R.^.  ^rab{za  ....ri) 

la  "^  Tarbusi,  JADD  258, 1, 19.  530, 1.  609, 1, 
R.  1.  801,  1,  18,  B.  E.  1  (B.  C.  671).  ''baru 
alik  pan  ummanati,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  20 
(KB  I,  p.  98). 

2.  EN-A-SE-na,   f  of  An-di-a-a,  JADD  237, 

R.  12  (B.  C.  665). 

3.  ^EN-A-SE-na,  JADD  258,  e,  var. 

4.  EN-  TUR.  US-SE-na,  ^belpihati,  JADD  237, 

R./  (B.C.  665). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


5.  '^EN-TUR.US-SE-na,s.o(A}'radti\  ''riqqu, 
Simb.  Lay.  53,  4. 
Bel-apaMisir  "O  Bel,  may  the  §on  succeed" 

EN-A-GIS,  JADD  55, 3  (B.  C.  690). 
Bel-asu  "Bel  is  a  healer"  (cf.  Bel-asua  TNB) 

EN- A .  ZU,  JADD  877,  R.  7. 
Bel-asaridu    "Bel  is  the  first  one"   (cf.  NBa. 
EN-SAG. KAL,  JADD  19, 3  (III  R  47,  44a). 
20,  1, 3  (B.  C.  684). 
Bel-ba  . . . .,  JADD  1 14, 4. 
Bel(^iV^)-ba-lat  (abbrev.),  Epon.B.C.815,  IIIR  i, 

III,  2. 
BeK-'^AO-ba-laf-a-ni  (abbrev.),  JADD  425,  n. 
Bel-ballitani     i^EN-TLTI-a-ni),     or     -baltaani, 

JADD  899, 1, 30. 
Bel-bani,  oxBel-ibni  (see  also  Bel-ibni  and  Enlil- 
•    ''EN-ba-ni,  HABL  278,  R.  1. 
s.    of   A-da-si,    ancestor    of   Esarhaddon, 

pretended    king    of  Assyria;    '^ EN , 

Sar  '"^'ABur,  K.  221  +  2669, 32.  EN-BA, 
lar  '""^AHur,  K.  2801,  48.  '^EN-BA-ni, 
Esarh.  S,  R.  iv;  Neg.  5;  cf.  81-6-7,  209,  17 
(KB  II,  p.  120,  note  i).  pir  Alhir,  Shmk. 
Cyl.  23  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  196). 
Bel-baniia  {EN-KAK-a-a,  which  can  be  read 
Bel-bunala  q.  v.),  Epon.  B.  C.  824,  III  R  i, 


Bel-ba-nu  (prob.  abbrev.,  cf  Itti-Marduk-banu), 

JADB  8,  I,  7. 
Bel-basme,  see  Bel-ippalra. 
Bel-biti-Samas  "Shamash  is  the  lord  of  the 
house"  (or  "family") 
EN-E-'^Sa-mal  JADD  780,  is  (B.  C.  663). 

1.  EN-bu-na-a-a,  83-1-18,695, 1,4,  spec.  Epon. 

B.  C.  851,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  IV,  5,  van:  -tic. 

2.  EN-KAK-a-a,  Epon.  B.  C.  85 1,  III  R  r,  II,  13; 

htagir  ekalli,  82-5-22,  526,  II,  10  (KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  154). 
Bel-busu-qusur(.^)  "O  lord,  preserve  the  pro- 
EN- GAR.  GAL-SER,  ^BA  mar  larri,  b.  of 
Apal-usur  and  Isdi-Nabu,  JADD  385,  5, 

R.  3,  14. 

Bel(<'£A^).dal-ll-ili-a-a  "The  lord  of  the  needy 

No.  I. 

is  my  god",  83-1-18,  695,  XII,  20,  spec, 
cf.  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  XVI. 
Bel-dan  "Bel  is  judge"  {ci.OYidi.  Be-li-da-a-an 
RPN,  NBa.^^/-^«(-^)-««BEVIII>,  IX,  X) 

1.  EN-da-an,  ^iaBu  sa  eli  bztani,  JADD  260, 

R.J-  (III  R  48,  23  c). 

2.  EN-da"-an,   K.  241,  V,  20,   spec,    ^irrilu, 

JADB  2,  VIII,  10.  ^mar  ekalli  ia  bit  ridute, 
JADD  481,  R.  3.  ^pahat  Na-a-a-la-ni, 
JADD  890,  9.  ^salH  rakbi,  JADD  249, 
R.  //.  Epon.,  B.  C.  821,  Canon  A,  II,  42; 
B.  C.  808,  III  R  I,  III,  9;  ''nagir  ekalli. 
Canon  E;  B.  C.  750,  Canon  A,  IV,  19;  C, 

II,  24;  D,  111,4;  ''rab  BI.LUL,  Canon E-|- 
81-2-4,  187,  R.  28;  K.  6068;  B.  C.  744,  of 
Kalah,  Canon  A,  IV,  25;  B,  V,  5;  C,  II,  so; 
B.  C.  734,  of  Kalah,  Canon  A,  IV,  35; 
B,  V,  15;  iakin  "^^Kalhi,  ina  sane  purisu, 
JADD  90,  L.  E.  1.  415,  R.  12. 

3.  '^EN-da^'-an,  JADD  829,  1  (B.  C.  672). 
Bel-di-ni-a-mur  "O  Bel,  regard  my  lawsuit!" 

(cf.  Nabu-,  Samahdini-amur) 
^nuhatiimnu,  HABL  322, 10. 
Bel-duri  "Bel  is  (my)  stronghold" 

1.  EN-BAD,  HABL  158,  R.6.  610,  R. 4.  JADD 

284,  R.  io  (B.  C.  668).  323,  7.  330,  R.  // 
(B.  C.  e'je).  495, 7.  843, 7.  910,  R.  7.  KK.  535. 
1 3034.  ^elpihati ia  mar  sarri,  JADD  1 52, 
3,  7  (B.  C.  656).  333,  1  (B.  C.  648).  irriSu, 
JADD  742,  R.  13.  ''rab  bfti,  JADD  467, 7. 
'^ialiu  sa  a-rit,  JADD  324, 4,  R.  3  (III  R  48), 
husband  of  -f  Amat-Su  la  (B.  C.  692).  ia 
iepa,  JADD  860,  II,  23. 
f  of  Zer-ukin,  JADD  446,  1,  12. 

2.  '^EN-BAd,  JADD  485, 3.   752, 20. 

3.  EN-UQ),  JADD  324,  R. 3,  husband  oiAmat- 

Sula  (var.  to  i). 
Bel-emuranni  "Bel  has  looked  upon  me" 

1 .  EN-SI-a-ni,  JADD  i  ^6,  R.  /  (B.  C.  700).  Epon. 

B.  C.  686,  Canon  C,  IV,  31;  III  R  i,  V,  33; 
JADD  9,  R.  e;  ''turtanu,  JADD  134,  R.3. 

2.  EN-SI.  LAL,  Epon.  B.  C.  691,  JADD  1098, 

III,  1. 

3.  EN-SLLAL-a-ni,  JADD  32,  R.  /  (B.C. 693 

or  688).  407,  B.  E.  4.  410,  L.  E.j.  ^  ...., 
JADD  247,  R.  //.  Epon.  B.  C.  737,  of  Ra- 
sappa.  Canon  B,  V,  12.  Ill  R  i,  IV,  32.  Epon. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

B.C. 691,  of  Carchemish,  CanonA,  V,33; 
III  R  I,  V,  33,  var.;  JADD  320,  R.  E.  1; 
''bel  pihati  "^Gargamil,  Senn.  Tay.VI,  74 
(I  R  42.  KB  II,  p.  112).  Epon.  B.  C.  686, 
^turtanu,]KDV>  28,  g.  232,  R.  16. 374-  R-  E.  1. 

453,    R.  18.    612,    R.  17. 

4.  EN-SI. LAL-an-ni,  JADD  78, 7.   234,  R.  >o 

(B.  C.  710).  Epon.  B.  C.  ni ,  Canon  A, 
IV,  32.  JADD  1098,  1, 8.  Epon.  B.  C.  686, 
Canon.  A,  V,  33;  ^'turtanu,  JADD  443,  R.  is. 
482,  R.  E.  1.  1098,  III,  6. 

5.  '^ EN-SI. LAL-an-ni,  HABL 1093,  R.9.  Epon. 

B.  C.  686,  ^^turtanu,  JADD  285,  R.  s. 

6.  EN-SI.  LAL-ni,    HABL  309,  2.    1093,  8. 

K.  7532. 
Bel-epus  "Bel  has  made"  {cLBel-i-pu-ui  in  NBa. 

texts  TNB) 

ENj^EN-KAK-ul  HABL  447,  R.  17.  670,  s. 

VSI,  35,22  (KB  IV,  p.  96).  Sm.  412  (time 

Esarh.).   83-1-18,  695,  1,7,  spec.   ^'A.BA, 

Rm.  157,  17  (KB  IV,  p.  126).    ''bdru  mar 

BadiH,TB^e^.  18,  R. a.  ^masmalu,  Sm. 471. 

^'nastku  of  Nar-  Tubuliai,  HABL  906,  5. 


Bel-eres  "Bel  has  planted"  (perhaps  abbrev., 

cf.  Ana-Bel-ere^  TNB) 

1.  EN-KAM,  83-1-18,  69s,  1,20,  spec. 

2.  d EN-KAM,  bel  qafati,  JADD  67,  B.  E.  1. 

3.  ENKAM-el  JADD  73,  R.  s  (B.  C.  680). 

4.  "^ EN-KAN,  K.  1560;  s.  of  ''naggaru,   TU 

bit  'iA-e,  Nshi.  VS  I,  36,  III,  .5. 

5.  EN-PIN,  bel  qatati  (B.  C.  680),  JADD  113, 

B.  E.  2.  1 19,  R.  1. 

6.  J5"iV-/'ZV-^i',  JADD73,R.  s\  74, R.  3  (B.C.680). 

305,  1.  355. 3. 
Bel-eriba  "Bel  has  rewarded"  (cf.  NBa. '^^A^- 
SU=  riiii^bn  BE  X,  no.  99) 

1 .  EN-eri-ba,  ^kalbu  ia  bit  mar  Sarri,  HABL 

32, 9,  R.  2. 

2.  '^EN-eri-ba 

s.  of  Kurigalzu,  VS  I,  35, 27  (KB  IV,  p.  96; 

time  Marduk-sum-iddin). 
f.  of  Nabu-kusurhi,  gs,  of  Husabi,  V  R  37, 

54  a. 

3.  ^EN-SU 

f.  oi  Nabu-zer-nsabU,  94-6-1 1,  ^6,  2  (KB  IV, 
p.  176;  time  Sinsariskun). 

Bel-etillu  "Bel  is  lord" 

EN-NIR.GAL,    Unn    la    ^A.BA    ekalli, 
JADD  261,  R.  //. 
Bel-etir  "Bel  spared"   (cf.  Ar.  docket  nt2Sbn 
BE  X,  104;  as  abbrev.  Etir  or  Eleru,  q.  v.) 

1.  '^EN-e-fe-ri,  f.  of  Nabu-be/hmu,  Kanda-lYS 

V,  5,15  (KB  IV,  p.  172). 

2.  '^EN-e-tir,  f.  of  Nabu-belhinu,  VS  V,   5,  9. 

3.  EN-e-ti-ra,    HABL  877,  15  =  JADD  889: 

qmni  bit  B. 

4.  EN-KAR,  83-1- 18,  695,  I,  19,  spec. 

5.  'i EN-KAR,  HABL  1155, 3(?).    mar  I-ba-a, 

K.  1351. 

6.  EN-KAR-ir,]KDTf  167, 3  (B.C. 675).  1125 

III,  7.  HABL  730,  6.* 
s.  oiNabu-ium-eres,  b.  oiNabu-ndid,  Abp.  A, 
IIIR  19,  III,  iiG*.  Ann.  Ill,  62*.  B,  III  R  33. 

VI,  80*. 

7.  ^ENKAR-ir,  HABL  267, 7.  273,  R.  1.  543. 

R.  u*.  K.  1610*  (WSml.  p.  25).  DT  301*. 
81-2-4,  70*.  81-7-27,  20*.  7nar  Babili, 
HABL  961,  R.  6.  Chron.B,  IV,  38*  (B.  C.668) 
=  Etir  q.  v.,  cf.  WAF  I,  p.  472. 

8.  ''EN-SUR,  HABL  1 108,  R.15.  82-5-22, 129*. 

153*.    ^la.ku,    HABL  276,    R.  10.    mar 

I-ba-a,  HABL  1007,  R.  15*. 
f.  of  Bel-zer,  K.  433, 29  (B.  C.  648). 
f.  o{Sa--kab,  HABL  266, 7, 15  (IV  R  46,  no.  3). 

9.  ^EN-SUR-ir,  HABL  299, 2*.  80-7-19,  362*. 
Bel-gimll-tirra  "O  Bel,  recompense!" 

ENSU-GUR,  JADD  358,  1. 
Bel(^A^)-gi-ni-e-eres(Av3^/),  83-1-18,  695,  XII,  27, 

Bel-ha  ....,  HABL  562,  e:  ^a^aridu. 
Bel-Harran....  ifEN-KASKAL..),  JADD  586, 

R.  E.  /. 
Bel-Harran-ab-usur  "O  lord  ofHarran,  protect 
the  father!" 
EN-KASKAL-AD-PAP,    "^Ba-mat-a-a, 
JADD  152,  R.  6  (B.C.  656). 
Bel-Harran-ah-u?"''"01ord  ofHarran,  protect 
the  brother!" 
JADD  210,   R.  12:   of  "^Hi-ra-nu  (Ep.  W). 

472,  R.  8  (B.  C.  668). 
f.  of  Tab-al-a-a,  HABL  85,  s  (V  R  54,  ^oa). 
Bel-Harran-bel-usur "O  lord  ofHarran, protect 

the  master!" 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


1.  EN-KASKAL-EN-PAP,  K.  12990.    Epon. 

B.  C.  741,  Canon  A,  IV,  28.  Epon.  B.  C.  727, 
of  Guzana,  Canon  A,  IV,  42. 

2.  EN--' KASKAL-EN-PAP,  Epon.  B.  C.  741, 

Canon  B,  V,  8.  JADD  1098,  I,  4;  ''nagir 
ekalli,  Canon  E. 

3.  EN-KASKAL-U-PAP,  JADD  165,  R.  E.  ^ 

(Ep.  Q).  ^ndgir  ekalli  ia  Tukulti-apil- 
Esarra  iar  "'"^AUur,  Stele  of  Tel-Abta  9 
(KB  IV,  p.  102). 

Bel-Harran-duri  "The  lord  of  Harran  is  (my) 
EN-^-i^KASKAL-BAd,  JADD  9, 8  (B.  C  686). 
383,  R. ..  (B.  C.  674).  83-1-18,  695,  XII,  28, 
spec,  ^'■mukil  apati,  JADD  193,  1  (Ep.Y). 
^rak  . .  .,  JADD  404,  R.  /  (B.  C.  674). 
''samniaru,  JADD  279,  R.^  (B.  C.  681). 

Bel-Harran-ibni  "The  lord  of  Harran  has  crea- 
''rab  kisir,  JADD  427,  R.  9  (B.  C.  694). 

*Bel-Harran-id-ri  "The  lord  of  Harran  is  my 
helper",  JADB  21,  3. 

Bel-Harran-lttna  "The  lord  of  Harran  is  with 
me"  ^ 
Em"'^KASKAL-KI-ia!id,]M)Y)  238, 2, 6, 10,  ig 
(B.C.  688).  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  XII,  29,  spec. 
^mar  Upri  sa  belit  biti,  JADD  50,  R.  / 
(Ep.  H). 

■'Bel-Harran-ki-la-ni   "O  lord  of  Harran,  sup- 
port  me!"   Possibly  =  '^^A^-A'^^'Ar^Z- 
LU{DIB)-a-ni,  Sm.  55,  R.  n. 
Sm.  55,  17,  spec. 

"^Bel-Harran-pi ....,  JADD  180,  R.  6. 

Bel-Harran-qu-sur-a-ni     "O    lord    of    Harran, 
preserve  me!" 
JADD  279,  1,  6  (B.  C.  681). 

"Bel-Harran-sabatan'KZtA^-^z)  "O  lord  of  Har- 
ran, succour  me!" 
Sm.  55,  R.  I,  16,  spec. 

Bel-Harran-sadu(iir67^-?/)  (abbrev.  <  Bel-Harra?i- 
sadua  q.  v.),  Epon.  B.  C.  648,  JADD  206,  R.  7. 

Bel-Harran-sadua  O  Bel-Harran-iada  and  Bel- 
^adad)  "The  lord  of  Harran  is  my 

1.  EN-KASKAL-KUR-a,  Epon.  B.  C.  648(.?), 

Canon  C,  V,  ig.  Ill  R  i,  VI,  30. 

2.  EN-KASKAL-KUR-a-a,  JADD  463,  R.  -4. 

No.  I. 

3.  EN-KASKAL-KUR-u-a\  ^'Ukhi  -' Kar- 
ASurahiddin,]A.'DD42>^,  3.  Epon.  B.C.648(?), 
HABL  206,  R.  7.  289,  R.  11.  517,  R.  18. 
829, 19  (III  R  56,  no.  I).  JADD  696,  R.  E.  2. 
705,  R.  4.  859,  R.  4.  KK.  3742.  10532;  cf. 
KK.  10789.  14306. 
"•Bel-Harran-salllmannKZ^Z-zw-aw-;?;)  "O  lord  of 
Harran,  keep  me  safe!"  JADD  616,  1,  c 

(B.C.  695?). 
Bel-Harran-sar-usur  "O  lord  of  Harran,  pro- 
tect the  king!" 

1.  EN-KASKAL-MAN-PAP,  JADD    870,  2. 

mar  """^Akkadi,  JADD  931,  L.  E.  1. 
'^rakbu  ia  hpa,  JADD  207,  R.  fs  (III  R 
46, 37a).  f'salSu,  JADD  427,  R.  s  (B.  C.  694). 

2.  ^EN-KASKAL-MAN-PAP,  JADD  981,  R. 


3.  '^EN-^'KASKAL-MAN-PAP,    JADD  266, 

R.J-  (B.  C.671).  'Wab  biti,  JADD  507,  R.  2. 

Bel-Harran-taklak(/a/^//<i^-/«^)  (abbrev.  from  Ana- 
Bel-Harran-taklak*    "In    the   lord   of 
Harran  I  trust"),  JADD  246,  3. 
s.  oiU-si-,  slave,  JADD  229,  5  (III  R  46,48  c; 
B.  C.  680). 

Bel-Harran-uballit ( 77)  "The  lord  of  Harran 
has  called  into  life",  JADD  206,  R. /j 
(B.  C.  648).  83-1-18,  695,  I,  22  i-TI.La), 

Bel-Harran-usuranni  "O  lord  of  Harran,  pro- 
tect me!" 
EN-^'KASKAL-PAP-an-ni,    83-1- 18,    695, 
XII,  30,  spec. 

Bel-ibasi-duri  "The  lord  is  (my)  stronghold" 
EN-NI.GAL-BAD,  K.  241,  X,  45,  spec. 

Bel-i-ba(?)-sl(?)-ib-ri  "The  lord  is  (my)  friend", 
K.  241,  XI,  31,  spec. 

Bel-ibni  "Bel  has  created"  (cf  Bel-ba7ii  and 

1.  EN-ib-ni,  HABL  854, 2.  991, 7.  1066,  s.  JADD 

661, 8.  733,  R-  5.  930,  III,  4. 

2.  ^EN-ib-ni,    HABL  267,  R.  11.  277,  R.  3,  4: 

mother's  brother  of  Mulezib-Marduk. 
278,  3.  280,  2.  281, 1.  282,  2.  283,  2.  284,  2. 
285,  1.  286,  1.  288,  2.  292,  1.  400,  2.  402,  2. 
[460.  462.]  521,  1.  752,  R.  12.  754, 21.  791,  1. 

792,  1.  793,  2.  794,  1.  795,  2.  9^3,  R-  w- 
1 129,  R.  13.  1 136,  R.  6.  1 170, 9  (B.  C.  648). 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

K.  5437a.  7383.  8440.  Rm.  563.  Sm.  2192. 
King  of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  702 — 700,  Chron. 

B,  II,  23,  24:,  26,  28. 

s.  of  Nabu-kudur-tisur,  HABL  1 106,  R.  i4. 

3.  EN-KAK,  JADD  loi,  R.  6.  292,  R.  3.  (B.  C. 

707).  414,  4, 9,  R.  9  (Ep.  A').  568,  R.  7. 
988, 14.  K.  9462.  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  1, 5,  spec. 
ardu  }a  ^}a  eli  bitani,  JADD  326,  R.  // 
(B.  C.  692?).  ''ki-na-tati^ytu,  JADD  771,  7. 
HatammUt  JADD  928,  III,  7. 

4.  "^EN-KAK,  HABL  289,  10:   manzaz  pani 

of  the  Assyrian  king.  291,  2.  399,  2.  412, 
R.  24  (IV  R  47,  no.  4).  [460:  b.  of  Bel- 
lunu,  cf  R.  1.  3.  462].  520,  1.  736,  13.  789, 1. 
790,  2.  JADD  196, 2.  385,  12.  KK.  1992. 
4793,  1  (WSml.  II,  p.  69).  5062.  5473,  5 
(WSml.  II,  p.  65).  8440.  83-1-18,  824. 
Bu.  89-4-26,  156,  mar  hnar-baftflti  pir 
Su-an-na'"',  Senn.  Bell,  u  (Lay.  63,  14, 
cf  KA  p.  79,  note  2.  KB  II,  p.  114). 
King  of  Babylonia,  B.C.  702  — 700,  Chron. 
B.  II,  29;  King-list  A,  IV,  15. 

5.  EN-KAK-ni,  JADD  882,  13. 
"Bel-id ,  K.  10489. 

Bel-iddina  "Bel  has  given"  (cf  OBa.  Be-li-i- 
difi-nam  RPN;  '^EN-MU  =  Ar.  docket 
psbn  BE  X) 

1.  Be-el-SE,  f  of  Zi-li-ia,  VAT  4581,  7. 

2.  EN-AS,  HABL  449,  18.  505, 9.  515,  2.  JADD 

IS,  R.  J  (B.  C.  672).  661, 8.  M . BA,  JADD 
179,  R.  8  (B.  C.  697).  bel pthati"'Kul-ine- 
r«,  JADD  853,9.  ''ki-na-ta-ti,  HABL  37, 7. 
"^ Na-gi-a-ta-a-a,  HABL  830,  4. 

3.  ^EN-ASQ)  HABL  788,  4. 

4.  '^EN-MU,  HABL  815,3.  K.  117 12. 

5.  EN-SL,  f  of  Zi-li-ia,  VAT  4586,  R.  24. 

6.  EN-SE-7ta,    HABL    311,    R.  9.   312,   R.  5. 

787, 4. 

s.  oi Bel-ahehi\  He-lap-pa-a-a,]KDV)  891,9. 
'j.'^EN-SE-fia,  HABL  208,  11.  514,2.  516,2. 
780,  2.  ^rab  HU.  KAKP^  la  larri,  VS  V, 
2,  H  (B.  C.  675)  (KB  IV,  p.  166).  h'fu 
sisi,  Ninibkudurusur,  Lo.  102  (90835), 
III,  2  (King,  BBS,  pi.  LXXII). 

s.  of  Nabu-zer-iddina\  Ha-kii  Dilbat,  VS  I, 
35, 1, 14, 18, 49  (KB  IV,  p.  94),  time  Marduk- 

s.  of  Sigua,  Shmk.  CT  X,  7, 50  (King,  BBS, 
pi.  10). 
fBeI-idi(?/^iV-Zf/),  VS  I,  96, 15. 

Bel-iiani {EN-ANp^ ),  JADD  210,  7. 

(Ep.  W). 
Bel-ilani-sar-usur  "O  lord  of  the  gods,  pro- 
tect the  king!" 
JADD  23,  R.  /  (Ep.  F). 
Bel-ili-ballitani   "O   lord   of  the  gods,  keep 
me  alive!" 
EN- AN-  Tl-a-ni  JADD  899,  1, 30. 
BeNlija  "Bel  is  my  god"  (or  hypocor.) 

1.  BE{Kabti})-AN-a-a,  JADD  22,  R.^  (Ill  R 

47,  i3c;  B.C.  779?). 

2.  EN-AN-a-a,   JADD   783,  2.   83-1- 18,   695, 

I,  8,  spec,  ^'sabu,  JADD  877,  R.  s.  Epon. 
B.  C.  769,  of  Arbaha,  Canon  A,  III,  50; 
III  R  I,  III,  48;  sd  "'[Arbaha],  81-2-4,  187, 
R.  8. 

3.  ^EN-AN-a-a,  JADD  606,  R.  /(?).  "'Ku-ra- 

a-a,  JADD  500,  R.  7. 

4.  ENQ)-AN-ia,   ''la  pan   ekalli,   Shmk.   CT 

X,  7,  43. 

1.  EN-AN-iq-bi-u-ni,  VS  I,  91,  v. 

2.  EN-AN-ig-bu-u-ni,  K.  241,  X,  31,  spec. 
Bel-ili-mil-ki    "The   lord  of  the  gods  is  my 

s.  of  Bcl-nnri,  JADD  237,  R.  9  (B.  C.  665). 
Bel-ippasra  "Bel  is  appeased"  (Hinke:  Bel- 
EN-BUR. RA,  s.  of  Arad-Ea,  tuplar,  Me- 
rod.  I,  Susa  16,  III,  4. 
Bel-iqbi  (cf.  Bel-liqbi) 

ENfEN-iq-bi,   HABL   771,2.  JADD   619, 
R.  J5  (Ep.  S).  83-1-18,  695,  I,  10,  spec. 
Bel-iqisa  "Bel  has  presented" 

1.  '^BE-BA-la,  83- 1- 1 8,  695,  II,  2,  spec. 

2.  EN-BA-la,  HABL  84,  2.  85  2.  86  3.  161,  4. 

316,4.  389,2.  390,2.  541,8.  700,1.  KK. 
1914.  4530.  1301 1.  83-1-18,  695, 1, 11,  spec. 
s.  of  Bu-tia-ni,  f  of  Du-na-nu  and  Sa-ain- 
gu-nu,  of  Gambulu,  Abp.  A,  III  R  19, 
III,  114;  Ann.  Ill,  Gi;  B,  III  R  31-33,  IV, 
26, 60 ;  VI,  10, 65;  III  R  37,  no.  II,  2.  Esarh.  A, 
I  R  46,  III,  53.  —  KB  II,  pp.  132,  182,  244, 
254.  K.  2651. 

T.  XLII. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  '^EN-BA-ia,  HABL  269,  12.  336,  u,  R.  n. 
698,  1.  K.  5638.  Rm.  563.  Sm.  1655.  82-3- 
23,  85.  83-1-18,  107.  Bu.  91-5-9,  46.  ^Sa- 
tam  HABL  914,  4,  R.  9.  ''addupu,  VS 
V,  5, 5,  G  (KB  IV,  p.  172). 

1.  EN-BA-^a-a-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  792,  II  R  69, 

no.  3,  2  a;   M  "^Sib-H-ni^,    81-2-4,    187,20. 

2.  EN-BA-^a-att-ni,   83-1- 18,   695,  I,  15,  spec. 

3.  EN-BA-^a-tti,  Epon.  B.  C.  792,  Canon  A, 

III,  26;    C,    I,  19;    III  R   I,    III,  25. 

4.  EN-SA-BA-an-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  792,  JADD 

526,  R.  E.  2;  cf.  931,  13. 
Bel-isdiia-kini  "O  Bel,  establish  my  ground 
(or  "my  foot") 
^EN-GIRI-ia-ki-7ii,  HABL  865,  R.  9. 
^IVxVfmQ  EN-GAR-{un^,  K.  7543. 
*!Belit-ab-usri  "O  Belit,  protect  the  father!" 

mN IN.  LI L- AD-PAP,  HABL  149,7. 
''Belit-aga-usrI  '-'O  Belit,  protect  the  crown!" 
IdNIN.LIL-GIL\PAP\  81-2-4,  255,  I,  10, 
'Belit-ahat-usri  "O  Belit,  protect  the  sister!" 
f'NIN.LIL-NIN-PAP,    81-2-4,    244,    I,  9, 
^Belit-bel-usri  "O  Belit,  protect  the  master!" 
I'^NIN.LIL-EN-PAP,  81-2-4,  255, 1,7,  spec. 
<'Belit"belit-usrl    "O  Belit,  protect   the   mis- 
I^NIN.LIL-NINiBL  y^s^-PAP,     81-2-4, 
-     255,  1, 8,  spec. 
*^Belit-duri  (abbrev.) 

/''NIN.LIL-B AD,  JADD  227,  3,  slave  sold. 
81-2-4,  255,  I,  5,  spec. 
*'Belit-dur-usri   "O  Belit,  protect  the  wall!" 
I'^NIN.LIL-BAD-PAP,    81-2-4,    255,    1,6, 
spec;  cf  JADD  741,  15. 
^Belit-ha-si-na  (see  JADD  III,  p.  514  f.) 

d.  of  Nabu-rihtu-usw',  JADD  307,  s  (III  R 
49,  10  c),  sold. 
^Belit-ittiia  "The  mistress  is  with  me" 

fNIN-KI-ia,  amtu  sa  Isakinte,  JADD  ^6,  2 
(B.C.  652?) 
^Belit(''iV/A^.Z/Z)  "O  Belit,  support 

me!"  81-2-4,  255,  I,  2,  spec. 
fBelit('^A77V).ma-ia-li  (abbrev..?),  aintu,  VS  1,87,8. 

No.   I. 

'Belit-nese  "Mistress  of  the  lions"  (cf.  nor- 
via  •dr]p(I)v) 
NIN-UR.MAm,  TA  273,4.  274,4. 
^Be-lit-SU-nu  "Their  mistress",  83-1-18,    1846, 

R.  IV,  1,  spec. 
'Belit-sabtini  (abbrev.)  "O  Belit,  succour  me!" 
I'iNIN.LIL-LU-ni,   81-2-4,   255,  I,  1,  spec. 
''Belit-sarrat  "Belit  is  queen" 

I^NIN.  LIL-MAN-at,  —  MAN-rat,  —  iar- 
rai,  JADD  828,  s.  81-2-4,  255, 1, 3, 4,  spec. 
Belit-taddin  "Belit  has  given" 

1.  '^ GASAN-ta-ad-din\di-na,  Sm.  121 3. 

2.  NIN-SE,  JADD  899,  III,  4. 

Bel-ittila   "Bel  (or  "The  lord")  is  with  me" 

1.  EN-KI-a,  Hanu,  JADD  896,  1. 

2.  EN-KI-ia,  JADD  453,  R.  9.   K.  241,  V,  is; 

83-1- 1 8,    69s,   I,  17,   spec,    ''mutlr  teme, 
JADD  276,  R.^  (B.C.  682). 
Belit(A^//V)-u-me-ukm(?Z?^)  . . .,  JADD  814, 6. 
Belit('^A^/V)u-sa-la  "I  implored  Belit" 

JADD  206, 1, 14  (B.  C.  648). 
Bel('^^iV)-ka-bi  (cf  OBa.  Ka-bi-^Adad  T-D  LC) 
f.  of  SamU-Adad  (II),  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  51, 
11,22  (MDOG  25,  p.  33);   see  also  '^BE- 
kap-ka-pi,  '^Be-el-ta{DA)-bi  and  I-gur-ka- 
ab-ka-bu,  and  cf.  Bezold,  ZA  21,  p.  253; 
King,  Chronicles,  I,  p.  127,  n.  2. 
Bel-kapkapi,  see  Enlil-kapkapi. 
Bel-kibsi-ila  QEN-KI.  US-AN-d),  JADD  384,  R.  //. 
"Bel-kil-Ia-ni  "O  Bel,  support  me!" 

JADD   210,  8    (Ep.   W).    Cf  U-ki-la-an-ni, 
HABL  633,  R.  3. 
Bel-km-usur    "O   Bel,    protect    the   faithful 
EN-DU-PAP  ]ADD  101,2,3. 
Bel-kudur-usur,  see  Enlil-kudur-usur. 
Bei-ku-um-mu-ili-a-a  "My  representant  is  my 

god",  K.  241,  XII,  38,  spec. 
Bel-ku-un-dl-ili-a-a   perhaps   "The  lord  of  the 
city  of  Kundi  is  my  god"  (cf.  Ku7i- 
f  of  Nabn-imdesi,   gf.  of  Nabu-tuk-lat-su, 
K.  872,  R.  14. 
Bel-lamur   "May  I   see   the   lord   (or  Bel)!" 
I.  EN-la-mw,  HABL  212,  le:  b.  o(  Anu- 

eres,  JADD  9,  2  (B.  C.  686).  K.  241,  V,  17, 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

spec.    ^^A.BA,  JADD  50,  R.  9  (Ep.  H). 
262,  R.  /o. 
2.  EN-SI.  LAL,  JADD  247,  R.  //. 
Bel-li'  "Bel  is  mighty" 

1.  EN-DA,  HABL  607,  e. 

2.  ^EN-DA,   HABL  998,  3.    ^malmaH,  mar 

Egibi,  K.  960.  TRep.  24,  o.  83,  R.  1.  183, 
R.  8,  243,  R.  6. 

3.  "^ EN-ID.  GAL,  K,  10489.    hnahnahi,  mar 

Egibi,  TRep.  1 1 5  F,  R.  6. 

4.  EN-ZU,  HABL  222, 2.  JADD  1.2,  R.  E.  / 

(B.  C.  660).  355,  R  s.  hardu,  JADD  238, 
R.  /7.  239,  R.  7  (B.  C.  688).  Hrrilu,  JADD 
294,  R.  3  (B.  C.  700). 

5.  '^EN-ZU,  Ha-zak-ku,  HABL  464, 4. 
^Bel-li'  (or  -idi\  /EN-ZU),  VS  I,  96, 15: 
Bel-li'-kullati    "Bel  is  almighty"  (Winckler, 

AF  I,  p.  502:  Bel-li-kalihi\  HiNKE:  Bel- 

ile  -kalami) 
'^EN-DA-KAK.A.DI,    s.    of  Esaggilaia; 

Hatnm,  Shmk.  CT  X,  pi.  7,  48. 
Bei-liq-bi  "The  lord  (or  Bel)  may  command!" 

(see  also  Bel-iqbt),  HABL  414,  2. 
Bel-Iiq-sur"The  lord  (or Bel)  may  preserve!" 

K.  241,  V,  17,  spec. 
Bel-iisir  (prob.  abbrev.) 

1.  EN-GIS,  JADD,  31,  1  (B.  C.  695).    264,  // 

(B.  C.  688).  527,  1,  slave  sold.  570,  R.  9. 
Epon.  B.  C.  778,  III  R  I,  III,  39.  81-2-4, 
187, 36:  \^ndgir\  ekalli. 

2.  '^EN-GIS,  s.  of  I-ba-a,  HABL  718,  R.  is. 

3.  EN-SI. DI,  JADD  661,  10.  Epon.  B.  C.  778, 

II  R  69,  no.  3,  16  a;  Canon  B,  IV,  11;  C, 
1, 33;  E:  hiagir  ekalli. 
Bel-lii-balat  "The  master  may  live"  (cf.  Ln- 
balat,  -f Ln-baltat) 

1.  EN-lu-ba-lat,  JADD  38,4  (III  R  46,  3d). 

39,  3  (Ep.  D).  HrriH,  JADD  742,  R.  15.  17. 

2.  EN-lu-TI.LA,  JADD  392, 6, 7  (B.  C.  670). 

K.  1441. 

3.  EN-TI.LA,  JADD    391,  e,  10,  12.   394,  2,  3. 

772,4.  880,1,14:  s.oiBel-ah-iddin.  83-1- 18, 

695,  I,  21,  spec. 
Bel-lubaliit(?),  governor  of  the  city  of  Asshur, 

MDOG  43,  p.  36. 
Bel-lu-dari  "May  the  master  live  for  ever!" 
t    (cf.  OBa.  Be-li-lu-da-ri  RPN) 

1.  EN-lu-da-ri,  Epon.  B.  C.  730,  Canon  A, 

IV,  39. 

2.  EN-hi-dd-ri,  JADD  175,  R.  ,6  (B.  C.  676). 

Epon.  B.  C.  730,  of  Tille,  Canon  B,  IV,  19; 
JADD  I,  R.  2.  29s.  R.  E.  2;  ^'sakin  "^Til- 
[/?],  JADD  658, 10. 
Bel-mati-ilu  "The  lord  of  the  country  is  the 
EN-KUR-AN  (can  be  read  Adi-mati-ilu, 
q.  v.,  cf.  EN-ma-ti-ilu  BE  XV),  JADD 
39,   L.  E.  2    (Ep.  D).   [779, 1],   cf.   MVG 

VIII,  p.  I  I  I,  1,  24  (Ep.  P). 

Bel-mati-Marduk"Marduk  is  lord  of  the  coun- 
try" (cf.  EN-KUR-Marduk  BE  XIV) 
EN-ma-a-ti-'^AMAR.  UD  (renders  U  ^^- 
KUR-dSILIG.ELIM),  V  R  44,  sc,  sd. 
Bel-MU  ....  {^ENQ:)-MU-\_SES>'^,  King-list  A,  II 15, 
last  king  of  dyn.  C;  cf.  Enlil-hnn-usur. 
Bel-mudammiq    "The   lord    (or   Bel)   renders 
EN-mu-SIG,  Epon.  B.  C.  870,  III  R  i,  I,  40. 
Bel(^A7''i5'A')-mu-sal-lim     "Bel    preserves", 
JADD  444,  10  (B.  C.  660).  K.  241,  V,  22, 
spec,  ''bam,  Mna.  OBI  149,  I,  le. 
s.  of  Uk-ka...,  f.  of  Munnabitti,  JADD  812, 
L.  E.  1. 
Bel-naid  "Bel  is  exalted" 

I.  EN-I,  JADD  349,  R.  n  (Ep.  Q).  619,  15 
(Ep.  S).  K.  241,  V,  15,  spec.  83-1-18,  695, 
1, 6,  spec,  ''^abarakku  la  mar  larri,  JADD 
625,  R.  //  (B.  C.  690).  Epon.  B.  C.  663(?), 
II  R  69,  no.  5,  1;  III  R  I,  VI,  17;  Hurtanu, 
JADD   56,   R.  2.    153,  R-  1.    154,  p.    309, 
R.E.  i(.?).  780,  14.  993,  R.  IV,  17. 
f.  of  Arad-ntar,  JADD  640,  1, 3. 
2.  EN-na-i-di,  Epon.  B.  C.  663(?),   ''turtanu, 
JADD  470,  R.  24. 
Bel-nasir  "Bel  is  protector"  (cf  OBa.  Be-li- 
na-sir   RPN,   NB.  =  Ar.  docket   nSDbS 
OTSS  p.  316,  no.  49). 

1.  '^EN-na-sir,    uncle    of    Tab- sil- Marduk, 

TRep.  52,  R.  6.  155  B,  3.  157  C,  R.  4. 

2.  ^^^ EN-PAP,   HABL  715,   R.  2.    s.  of  Sin- 

daianu,  VS  V,  5,  5.  —  KB  IV,  p.  172. 

3.  EN-PAP-ir,  HABL  17,  R.  10.  333,  2.  670, 7. 

812,  R.  13, 18.  JADD  909, 6.  83-1-18,  695, 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


I,  18,  spec.   '' ,  JADD  481,  R.  6.   f^bel 

pihati  "^Kallia,   JADD    1104,  3-    ''mukil 
apate,  JADD  238,  R.  13  (B.  C.  688). 

4.  ''EN-PAP-ir,  HABL  812,  R.  is.  JADD  576, 

R.  /.  (B.  C  676).  K.  566,  13. 

5.  ''EN-SES-ir,    HABL    527, 2,    R.  4.    765,  1. 

TRep.  18,  R.  2.  214,  R.  1.  236,  R.  1.  253  B, 
R.  2.  274  P,  4.  K.  1599. 

6.  U-PAP-ir,  f^ ,  JADD  1 18,  R. .  (B.  C.  67^). 

*Bel-na-tan  (Ar.)  "Bel  has  given",  JADD  342, 

R. .. 
Bel-nirari,  see  Enlil-nirari. 
Bel-niiri  "Bel  is  (my)  light" 

1.  EN-LAH,  HABL  1042,  R.  3.  83-1-18,  695, 

I,  13,  spec,    ''ta^nkar,   JADD    229,    R.  4 
(B.  C.  680). 
f.  of  Bel-U-milki,  JADD  237,  R.  9. 

2.  ^yV-«/^-rz,  JADD  265,  1,  slave,  h.oiAbi-ul- 

idi.  HABL  1042,  .3,  R.  g. 
Bel-qata-sabat  "6  Bel,  succour!" 

EN-SU-sa-bat,  Epon.  B.  C.  811,  of  Maza- 

mua,  III  R  I,  III,  6. 
*Bel-ram,  or  Baal-ram,   "^EN-ra-am    (Can.,    cf 

Ph.  anb^i'n),  Ta'annek  i,  is. 
Bel-rimanni  "O  Bel,  have  mercy  on  me!" 

1.  EN-rim-a-ni,  VS  I,  95,  ^s. 

2.  EN-rim-an-ni,  83-1- 18,  695,  I,  2,  spec, 
f  o(  Sarru-naid,  HABL,  152,3. 

3.  '^ EN-ri-man-ni,  K.  5440  A. 
Bel-sa-ma....(.?)  (cf.  OBa.  Ma-nu-sa-ma(J)  RPN) 

JADD  487, 2. 
''BeSsar(.?)-[bi.^],  or  -sarruG?) 

f.  of  Apia,  HABL  912,  R.  s. 
Bel-silla-nise8u(.?'^^A^(.?)-j//(.?)-/«  (or   TIQyLA  = 

baltu)-UNP'-hi),  JADD  752,  R.  10. 
Bel-sadua  {EN-KUR-ii-a\  abbrev.,  var.  of  Bel- 
Harrati-sadfia,  q.  v.),  Epon.  B.  C.  756, 
ia  ''^Parnunna,  Canon  A,  IV,  13;  E  -f- 
81-2-4,  187,  R.  21.  Epon.  B.  C.  6480?), 
JADD  7,  R.  6.  147,  B.  E.  3.  K.  4537; 
^sakin  '"^'Surri  K.  1292;  cf.  IIIR  i,  VI,  so. 
Bel-salllm  "O  Bel,  keep  safe!" 

^'"^EN-Sal-lim,  JADD    824,  1.    83-1-18,   695, 

I,  9.  ''rab  kari,  K.  mo. 
s.  of  la-di-ilu,  JADD  880,  I,  13. 
Bel-sal-lim-a-nl  "O  Bel,  keep  me  safe!" 
Sm.  55,  XI,  15,  spec. 

No.   I. 

*Be-el-8a-am-ma(?)  (Ph.(?)  cf.  yiQ«b:?a),  messenger 
of  the  king  of  Alasia,  TA  37, 26. 

Bel-sar-ahesu  "Bel  is  king  of  his  brothers" 
EN-MAN-PAPPi-lu,  JADD  98,  R.  E.  / 
(Ep.  Z). 

Bel-sar-ibni  "Bel  has  created  the  king"  (in 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
^''^EN-MAN-KAK,  JADD  45,  R.  4  (Ep.  c). 
287,  4.    ^salSu   ekalli,   JADD    127,    R.  / 
(B.  C.  681). 
f.  of....  iliia,  JADD  256,  R.  3. 
f  of  Bani-a-a,  JADD  161,  R.  10. 
Bel-sar-ili  "Bel  is  king  of  the  gods" 

K.  241,  'IX,  5,  spec. 
Bel-sarranni  "Bel  is  our  king" 

1.  EN-MAN-a-ni,  Epon.  B.  C  699,  Canon  A, 

V,  25  +  B  VI,  is;    ''I akin  "'Kur-ba-an, 
JADD  [371,  R.E.1]. 

2.  '^EN-MAN-a-ni,    Epon.  B.  C.  699,  ''iakin 

"'Kur-ba-an,  JADD  328,  R.  u.  K  1645. 

3.  EN-MAN-an-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  699,  III  R  i, 


4.  '^EN-MAN-ni,  HABL  939,  2. 
Bel-sar-usur  "O  Bel,  protect  the  king!" 

1.  ^Ek-LVGAL-S{ES\,  VAT.  7,  1,  perh.  the 

Babylonian  prince,  see  Meissner,  MVG 
12,  p.  I57f. 
s.  of  Nabu-nd id\  Belshazzar,  the  prince  of 
Babylon,  Nabd.  Cyl.  11,24  (I  R  68);  Br. 
cyl.  II,  26;  III,  59  (I  R  69).  —  KB  III,  pt.  2, 
pp.  82,  96. 

2.  EN-LUGAL-ii-sur,  }a  "'Ki-h-si-im,  Sarg. 

Khors.  59.  —  KB  II,  p.  60. 

3.  '^ EN-LUG AL-u-sur, "' Ki-se-si-im-a-a,  Sarg. 

Ann.  67  (B.  C.  716). 

4.  EN-MANPAP,  HABL  875, 15.  JADD  206, 

R.9  (B.  C  648?).  348,7.  357,2,9.  418, 
B.  E.  2.  686, 4.  857,  IV,  17.  929, 6, 9.  ^muttr 
ptitu,  HABL  685,  R.  3.  ''rakbu,  JADD 
207,  R.  //  (III  R  46,  33a;  Ep.  B).  ^i^  ^epa, 
JADD  105,  1,  4, 6,  B.  E.  3  (Ep.  Z). 

5.  ''EN-MAN-PAP,    HABL    940,  2.    JADD 

202, 2  (B.  C.  670). 

Bel-se-zlb-a-ni  "O  Bel,  save  mel" 

JADD  Z7l,  31  (B.  C.  648.?). 
"Bel-si-man-ni  "O  Bel,  hear  me!"  Sar  Babili 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

u   viatati,   VS  III,  i8o,  20;    cf.   Ungnad, 

OLZ  X  (1907),  col.  464. 
Bel-8U-U  (abbrev.  from  Sa-Bel-M""-),  JADD  147,  3 

(B.C.  648?).  KK.  10363.  I299i(.?). 
Bel-sum-eres   "Bel  has  planted  a  name"  (in 

NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
EN-MU-KAM,  f.  of  Ahiddin,  JADD  160, 

R.  3. 
''Bel-sum-ibni    "Bel   has   created   a  son"    (in 

NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
JADD  66,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  693  or  688). 
Bel-sum-iddin   "Bel  has  given  a  son"  (cf.  An 

docket  pi511»bS  OTSS,  p.  315,  no.  46;  in 

NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
EN-MU-AS,  s.  of  Ilu-u-KAL-a-ni,  JADD 

307,  R.  10  (III  R  49, 30  c;  Ep.  F). 
Bel-sum-iskun  "Bel  has  provided  posterity" 

(in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^EN-MU-GAR-un,    48-7-20,     119.    ''kala, 

TRep.  24  A,  R.  1.  134,  R.  7  (III  R  58, 
no.  11).  235  A,  L.  E,  1.  277  N.  ^nappa^u, 
Sarg.  St.  Ill,  6, 21  (KB  IV,  p.  160). 

2.  '^EN-MU-IN.GAR,  f.  oi  Nergal-Mr-usur\ 

sar  Babili,  Ng.  Cambr.  I,  u  (I  R  6'j).  — 
KB  III,  pt  2,  p.  72. 

3.  'f EN-MU-is-kim,  ^kala,  K.  1448. 
Bel-sum-taqqin  {EN-MU-LAL-in)  or  Bel-miitaq- 

qi7i},  K.  241,  V,  20. 
Belsunu    (abbrev.,    cf.   OBa.   Be-el-hi-nu    RPN; 

Ar.  docket  ytsbl  CIS  II,  59) 
^^^EN-^u-nu,  HABL  460,  R.  3  (b.  of  Bel- 

ibni).    527, 25.   844, 1.    1074,  10.   KK.  1929. 

7355-    7515-    12991.    Bit  ^Da-ku-ra-a-a, 

HABL  238, 5.  Epon.  B.  C.  646(?),  HABL 

671,16  (III  R  51,  no.  5):  ^hazan  "'Hindana. 

1 170,  R.  5.  JADD  197,  R.  c.   943,  VIII,  4. 

1053,  III;  2.  Ill  R  34, 04  b.  Bu.  91-5-9,  5. 

f.  of du,  HABL  963,4. 

Bel-taklak  (abbrev.  from  Ana-Bel-taklak,  q.  v.) 

"In  Bel  I  trust" 
EN-tak\tdk-lak,  JADD  237,  R.  10  (B.  C.  665). 

350,  7  (B.  C.  707).  ^ardu,  JADD  913,  R.  g. 

^Ni-hu-ut-a-a,  JADD  416,  R.  w  (B.  C  710). 

Epon.  B.  C.  758,  of  Isana,  Canon  A,  IV,  11, 

see  also  Ana-Bel-taklak. 
^l\Aw3^\-\mi^.''EN-KA{ptl)-GIS,  cf.  NBa-iV^^/?- 

tdq-bi-lisir  TNB),  JADD  259,  1. 

Bel-tarsi-ilu  (cf.  the  next  name) 

EN-LAL-si-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  I,  ig,  spec. 

1.  EN-LAL-AN-ma,   K.   241,   VIII,  45,  spec. 

Epon.  B.  C.  798,  III  R  I,  III,  19;  '^^akin 
"iKal/ji,  seal  of  his  ''SAG,  OLZ  III, 
col.  434. 

2.  EN-LAL-is-AN-ma,  Epon.  B.  C.  798,  iakin 

"^Kalhi,  81-2-4,  187,  14. 

3.  EN-tar-si-AN-ma,    ''iakin    "'Kalhi    etc., 

Adnir.  IV:  I R  35,  no.  2,  9.  —  KB  I,  p.  192. 

EN-LAL-DUG.  GA,    ancient  author,    Sm. 

669,  11  (NE  p.  91). 
Bel-tuk(?)-te-tir . . .  "O  Bel,  take  vengeance!" 

JADD  177,  R.  E.  2. 
"•Bel-ti-pa-ri-l    "Bel    is  my  torch"    (cf.    NBa. 

Ea-tipar-ili  TNB),  JADD  742,  5. 
<'Be-el-ta(Z?y4)-bi,  BE  VI,  pt.  i,  18,14,  supposed 

to  have  been  a  predecessor  of  Shamshi- 

Adad  II  and  identical  with  Bel-ka-bi,  see 

Ranke,  be  VI,  pt.  I,  p.  9f.,  Bezold, 

ZA  21,  p.  253. 
Bel-uballit    "Bel   has   called    into   life"    (for 

NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  -^EN-TIN-it,  HABL  878,  R.  10.  920,  R.  g: 

foster-brother  of  vS'//«-[/^^«/-«ja;'].  [i  129,1]. 
KK.  i95o(?).  83-1-18,  no. 
s.  of  Ad-na-a-a,  HABL  969,  9. 

2.  "^ EN-u-bal-lit,  K.  13  106. 
Bel-ii-bal-lit-su  "Bel  has  called  him  into  life", 

83-1- 1 8,  695,  I,  14,  spec. 
Bel(?)-ub(.?tap!)-pu-ti-lllak(Z'£/)   Johns,  ADD  III 

p.  173  f:  Bel-ubbnti-ukin\  perhaps:  Nabu- 

tap-pu-ti-illak,  q.  v.),   as  Epon.  I,  JADD 

102,  R.  9. 
Bel-u-bi (.?)....,  K.  13 188. 
Bel-ukin  (perh.  abbrev.,  cf.  Nabn-bel-ukln) 
EN-DU-in,  Hrriiu,  JADD  742,  R.  12. 
m-Vim-mdiS\Q EN- UD-DIM,   cf.  OBa.  Masiatn 

ilu  RPN,  EN-UD-mu-e-si-e,  HABL  78, 9. 

[688,  9.? J,  Behrens,  Briefe  p.  78  f),  K.  241, 

V,  13,  spec,   '^mutlr   tetne   }a   via.)'  sarri, 

JADD  50,  R.  7  (Ep.  H). 
Bel-upahhir  "Bel  has  strengthened" 

'^EN-NIGIN,  -u-pa-hi-ir,  -NIGIN-ir,  s.  of 

Marduk-him-ibni,  HABL  792,  15. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


f.   of   Tab-silli-Marduk,   TRep.    15,   R.  3. 
194,  R.  2. 
Bel-upaqu  (abbrev.,  cf.NBa.  Ana-Be/-u/nfgu  TNB) 
"For  Bel  I  wait" 

1.  '^EN-u-paq,   s.  oi  Ku-na-a,   \\£<&\j   219,  1. 

2.  ^EN-u-pa-qu,   VS  V,  2,  ,3    (B.  C  675).    — 

KB  IV,  p.  166. 
Bel-usatI  "Bel  is  (my)  help"  (cf.  OBa.  Be-li-ii- 
sa-tim  etc.  RPN,  NBa.  '^EN-u-sa-tu  TNB) 

1.  EN-u-sa-a-te,  ''del  pihati  "'Samal,  JADD 

942,  R.  9. 

2.  '^ EN-ii-sa-ti,    f.    of  Kabtila,   Muranu   and 

Mu^allim,  Simb.  Lay.  53,  2.   (BM  90937. 
King,  BBS  pi.  20). 

3.  '^En-u-sa-tu,  HABL  327,  s.  1109,  i(.?)  ''re'u 

utullati  Sa  sarri,  HABL  iiii,  R.  7. 

s.  of  I-bu-nii,  Sarg.  St.  II,  15.  —  KB  IV,  p.  160. 
"Bel-u-sip-pi  "To  Bel  I  prayed" 

s.  oi^baru,  Sarg.  St.  V,  /<?.  —  KB  IV,  p.  164. 
Bel-usur  "O  Bel,  protect!" 

1.  ^d^ EN- PAP,  see  Bel-nasir. 

2.  ^EN-u-SES,  83- 1- 1 8,  394.  TRep.  274,  1. 
Bel-usursu   "O  Bel,  protect  him!"   (cf  NBa. 

'^EN-u-sur-^u  =  Ar.  docket  lOnSXbn  BE 
X,  126) 
EN-PAP-'su,  JADB  4,  VIII,  5. 
Bel-usabsi  "Bel  has  called  into  existence" 
'^EN-GAL-H,    Sarg.    St.    Ill,  3.    '^NI.SUR, 
Sarg.  St.  Ill,  20.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 
Bel-usallim  "Bel  kept  safe" 

1.  '^EN-DI-im,  KGAS  [8,  R.  13.  9,  R.  c].   57, 

'  R.  10.  98,  L.  E.  2. 

2.  ^^'EN-GI,  HABL  517,4,   R.  e.   998,  R.  2,  11 

(WSml.  11,  p.  23). 
s.  of  Bel-ere^,  K.   1560. 

3.  '^EN-u-sal-lim,  KK.  303.  5634.  8904:  ''barn 

(G.  Smith,  Hist.  p.  182).  Sm.  210.  TRep. 

205  A,  R.  6.  277  X,  R.  3. 
Bel(£"A7'^isW)  "Bel  has  saved",  HABL 

447,  8.  TRep.  90,  1.  272,  R.  12.  277  AE,  1. 

82-5-22,  105  (MVG  III,  p.  262).  luahnaiu, 

JADD    851,   I,  16;    all   the   same   person 

(time  Senn.). 
"Bel-u-sib-si  {^y^xoh.  =  Bel-usab^i),  K.  5634. 
Bel-utaqqin  (.?  EN-LAL),  JADD  222, 1, 4  (B.  C.  682). 
Bel-uznaia  (abbrev.).  EN-PP-a-a,  83-1- 18,  695, 

I,  12,  spec. 
No.  I. 

Bel(i5"A7''^iV)-zer  (abbrev.,  cf.  OBa.  Be-el-zlrim 

Dilbat),  K  241,  V,  15,  spec, 
s.   of  Ba-la-te  (NBa.),   BM  40590,  II,  3,  15 

(King,  BBS,  pi.  18). 
s.  of  Bel-etir,  at  Erech,  K.  433,  ig  (SMITH, 

texts  p.  28). 
s.  of  Ea-epihiluy  VS  I,  60. 
Bel-zer-ibni  "Bel  has  created  seed" 

EN-KUL-KAK,  HABL  916,4. 
Bel-zer-iddin  "Bel  has  given  seed"  (in  NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 
EN-KUL-AS,  JADD  273,  R.  4  (B.  C.  683). 
Bel-zer-iqisa   "Bel  has  presented  seed"  (in 

NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''EN-KUL-BA-'sa,  JADD  578,  7. 

Bi ,  s.  of  Atnme-bd li,  Tuk.  II,  Ann.  4. 

fB[i....,  TA  50. 

*^Bi-'-a  (Ar.,  cf  JBi-ia-tum  BE  XV,  Bi-e-a\ia) 

JADD  741, 28. 
*BI-Addi   (or  -BaalQ)  =  ^IM)    (Can.,  prob.  < 

Abi-Addi  "My  father  is  A  dad";,  Ta'an- 

nek  7,  8. 
*Bi-bi-l/e  (hypocor.,  cf  Bibiia  and  Biba  =  Ar. 

docket   xa^n    BE  VIII,    pt.   i,    no.    121. 

X,  125),  bel-narkabti,  JADD  364,  i  (B.  C. 

679).    '^sukkallu   rabu,  JADD  326,  R.  13 

(B.  C.  692?). 
*Bi-bi-ia,  Bi-bi-e-a  (cf  Bi-bi-i,  Bi.  ''na),  Rm.  157 

(B.  C.  679;  KB  IV,  p.  124).    VAT  170, 1 

(B.  C.  717;   KB  IV,  p.  166).    Haknu  U 

''I-tu--a-a,  HABL  419, 9. 
*Bi-bl-a-ha-Iu-su,  JADD  429,  26,   R.  ^9,  but  CIS 

II,  31,  Stevenson,  ABC,  p.  ^\  Bi-e-lu- 

ha-lu-su,  cf.  Pn.  ybnbi^a. 
BI(A^«i?)-da-di  (cf  Bi-Addt),  JADD  897, 12. 
Bi-e-a  (cf  OBa.  Bi-e-ia-a  T-D  LC,  Be-ia-a  RPN) 
s.  of  Sii-la-a,  s'arg.  St.  IV,  9.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  162. 
*Bi-en-e-ni-ma,  TA  256, 15. 
*BI-e-ni-e,  JADD  674, 3  =  iioi. 
*Bi-e-rl  (cf  Bi.  ^na,  ^ns?a,  xn«a),  TA  174, 3. 

s.  oi Ki-el-ra-nu,  ''nasiku  sa  ''Ha-mat,  HABL 

520,  13. 

Bl-hl-i,   "'Til-'^NINJB-a-a,    JADD    75,    R.  /. 

(B.  C.  742). 
*Bi-hu-ra,  see  PaJ^ura. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*BIia  (cf.  Bi-e-a),  s.  of  -f  Gu-la-te\ti 

1.  Bi-e-ia,  TA  292,  42,  51. 

2,  Bi-i-la,  TA  294,  le,  24,  30. 

'''Biiassili,  prob,  king  of  Carchemish,  Boghazkoi, 

MDOG  35,  p.  39. 
Bi-la-a-a  (cf.  ^'Bi-la-a-a  III  R  9,  47),  J  ADD  355, 

R.  9.  Cf.  210,  B.  E.  /  (Ep.  W). 
Bi-la-ah-A-sup   "Fear  Ashur!"   Capp.   G,   4,  5. 

Be-ld-ah-A-iir,  Capp.  G,  9,  12. 
*^Bi-lat-su-nu  "Their  produce" 

J  ADD  891,  14,  si  of  Kidin-Marduk. 

JADD  208, 3:  si.  o{  NIannu-ki-Arbdili  (B.  C. 

*Crf)B|.'.|i.ra-ka-bi  (Ar.,  cf.  2DTin,  nom.  div.  bX33n) 

i^  "'Samalla,  HABL  612,,  ?• 
*Bin(?  r67?)-a-ma(-a)-la,  TA  62, 42, 45. 
*Bin(?r6^/?)-a-na,  TA  170,37. 
*Bln(.?r^i?)-a-zi-mi,  TA  120,32. 
*Bin(?  r67?)-ba-wa(ia>za-en-2l,  Ta'annek  3,  e. 
*Bin(?  rt/7?)-da-ni-ia,  Ta'annek  7,  c. 
*BI-in-dl-ki-ri  (Ar.  *nDi53,  cf  Delitzscii,  ZA  II, 

p.  172;  JaSTROW,  ZA  X,  p.  228;  ZiMMERN, 

KA3  p.  446;    RPN    sub    Da-ki-ru-um), 

JADD  234,  R.  //  (III  R  49, 32a;  B.  C.  710). 
*Bin(?  Tl/Rye-zi-e,  Ta'annek  3, 3. 
*Bin(.?  TUR)-\\u-bi-r\,  Ta  annek  3,  s. 
*Bin(.?  TURyhu-n\-n\  (Can.,  cf  Hu-ni-nu,  Bi.  isn-ia), 

Ta'annek  7,  7. 
mnQTURyik....,  Ta  annek  7,11. 
*Bin(.?  r6'i^)ia-ma-ka-na,  Ta'annek  7,  R.  4. 
*Bin(?  T[/RyiA-kSi,  Ta'annek  7,  R.  s. 
*fBi-ni-ti,  HABL  527, 5. 
*Bi-nu-ni-i   (cf.  Bi-in-nu-nu  BE  XV,  Bi-in-na-nu 

P97,36,  Bi.  ?''31X-2n)  ^'sa7tgu  }a  "^Sa-manQ) 

ina  qabsi  Bit-'^Alw,  HABL  555, 9. 
*Bin(.?  TUR  ?  I)-za-nu-ki-ma(?),  Ta  annek  4,  4. 
Bi-ra-a  (cf  Bi-H-ia  BE  XV) 

s.  of  Arad-Ea,  DEP  VI,  p.  44,  13. 
Bi-ra-hi  {Bir-ahiQ),  cf  Ba-ri-hii  TNB,  Bi.  n-^na), 

Capp.  G  4,  2. 
*Bir-am-ma-a  (cf  OBa.  Mar-'^Am-ma{-a)  BE  VI,  1), 

JADD  855,  18.  ^Saliu,  JADD  476,  R./. 
*Bi-ir-a-tar  (An),  "Son  of  Atar" 

JADD  329,  1  (Ep.  K). 
*Bir-Dadda  (Ar.)  "Son  of  Adad"  (cf  Bur-da-da) 
i.  of  U-a-a-te-,  iar  '"''^A-ri-bi 

1.  Bir-da-ad-da  Abp.  Ann.  VIII,  2.  IX,  2.  IIIR 

36,  no.  I,  IV,  3. 

2.  Bir-^'IM,  Abp.  A,  III  R  24,  VIII,  10. 
*Bir(.?)-da-su-pa,  ^rubn  la  "'"*Zi-ki-ri-ta-a-a,]KDD 

865,  R.  1. 
*Bir-lia-a-nu   (Ar.),   "Son   of  the  god  Hanu" 

^  JADB  2,  VII,  1. 
*BlMa-ma-a    (cf    Bi-H-la-ma-zd)    ^sabit    apati 

ummi  }arri,  JADD  857,  IV,  s. 
*Bi-rl-da-as-ia(w«,  //!)  (Hit,  cf  Weber,    An- 

merkungen,   p.    11 17,   or   Iran.,    Meyer, 

KZ  42,  p.  19)  TA  196,  41.  197, 7, 15, 33. 
*Bi-ri-di-ia   (cf  the  foregoing,   and  Bu-ur-id-ia) 

aniel  "'Ma-gid-da'"',    TA    242,  3.    243,  3. 

244,  3.    246,  3.    248,  19. 

*Bir-idrl,  see  Adad-idri. 

*BI-ri-ia-ma-za    (prob,    ident.    with    Bi-ru-a-::a; 

Mit.-Iran. ?),  TA  7,  75;  time:  Burnaburiash 

and  Amenophis  IV. 
*Bi-ri-iz-ha-at-ri  (Iran.,  cf  Avesta:  bereza  "high, 

great"   +    x''''^^^^^   "splendour",   ROST, 

MVGII.p.  193;  HiJsiNG,  OLZ  II,  col.  139) 
^'hazanu  la  Madai,  Abp.  B,  III  R  31,  III,  111 

(KB  II,    p.  178,    n.  16).    K.    1779,    C.  17 

(WSml.  Ill,  p.  58). 
BiMRa-ma-na,  see  Bur-Raman. 
Bir-''Sa-mas"  Son  of  the  Sungod" 

JADD  148,  R.  E.  /.   ^tatnkaru,  JADD  281, 

R.  io  (B.  C.  694). 
BIr-ta-a-a  (cf  "^Blrtu) 

f  of  Alur-lallim,  JADD  526,  R.  2. 
*BI-ril(?)-a-za  (cf  Biriiamazd),  TA  52, 45. 
*Bi-i-sa-a   (Ar.,   cf  ^Bi-is-sa-a   TNB,   Bi.   ■^pn), 

JADB  5,  III,  15,  of  "'Be-rap-la{-a\ 
Bi-[?-]sl-i,  JADD  495,  5. 
*BI(AY3;.f.-)-si-ha-tir  (Ixzxv.T),"' Ki-li-ir-a-a,  Tigl.  IV: 

Ann.  43. 
*Bi-si-ra-in,    "'""^A-ri-ma-a-a,    Shams.    V:    Ann. 

Ill,  51.  —  KB  I,  p.  182. 
Bi-su-ni,  JADD  855,  w. 
'Bl-sa-a  (cf  Bi-sa-a  BE  IX,  Bi.  ^23) 

d.  of  Su-la-a,  gd.  of  Bel-apal-usur,  wi.  of 

Marduk-lum-iddin,  81-7-27,  201  (Ba.). 
*Bi-si-id-qi-i  (possibly  <C  Abi-sidqi) 

f  of  Kab-ri-i/u,  VS  I,  88, 28. 
*Bi-si-ta-nu,  TA  62,  2g. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Bi-'-su  "The  bad  one"  (cf.  mar  Bi-U  BE XIV, 

Bi{-)-Sum,  Bi-ih-lum  BE  XV),  JADD  100, 

R.J  (B.  C.  687).  963,  R.  3(?);  cf.  Be-a-iu, 

50,  R.  4. 
*'Bi-ta-a,  JADD  435,  R.  3. 
Bi-ta-ti-i   (hypocor.,   cf.  OBa.  Bi-ta-tum   RPN), 

JADD  83,  R.<?  (Ill  R  50,  no.  2,  17;  B.  C. 

679).  84,  R.5. 
Bit-^Bel-lu-mur,     better    Aqar{KAL)-Bel-lumur, 

HABL  640, 6. 
Bitilias,  see  Ka^tilias. 
Bit-mas-ta-ri-ib-nu    "The    writing-house    has 

f.   of  Nabu-zer-ib-nUf    Sarg.    St.   II,  24.    — 

KB  IV,  p.  160. 
'Bi-it-tu-u  (cf  OBa.  /Bi-it-te-e  T-D  LC) 

d.  of  Bel-iddina,  JADD  891,  s. 
*Bi-wa-ri   (Eg.,   cf   Patvira,  Ranke,    Material, 

p.  17),  TA  129,95,97.  131,22. 

*BI-zu ,  TA  207, 15. 

*Bu-ba-a,  var.  Ba-bu-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Bubu) 

f  of  Bubu,  Anp.  Ann.  I,  g7.  —  KB  I,  p.  62. 
*Bu-u-bu  (cf  Bu-ub-bu  BE  XIV,  XV,  Bu-bu  HAV 

p.  153,  BE  III,  pt.  I. 
s.  of  Buba;  ^mar  /jasdni  ia  "^^Niltun,  Anp. 

Ann.  I,  67.  —  KB  I,  p.  62. 
Bu-bu-u-tu  (cf  Bubu,  NBa.  Babntu  TNB),  JADD 

175,  R.  13  (B.  C  e-jG). 
Bu(6'zaO-da....,  JADD  211,3.  845,2. 
Bud-ahi,  king  of  Amurru,  MDOG  35,  p.  43. 
=='Bu-di-ba-a!  (cf  Pu.  bs^mn) 

mar   lakinlu,    Abp.  A,   III  R  18  f,   II,  121; 

III,  1;  Ann.  II,  83, 91.  —  KB  II,  p.  172. 
'-'Bu-du-ilu   (prob.  =  bi5in5!'),    king   of  Ammon: 

^""^*Bit-'"Am-ma-7ia-a-a,   Senn.  Tay.  II,  52. 

"il^"'iiBit-am-ma-na-a-a,  Senn.  King  II,  so. 

irtr  "^Bii-am-ma-na,  Esarh.  B,  V,  le.  Ill  R 

16,  no.  I.  —  KB  II,  pp.  90,  148. 
Bu(/'«?,  G'/^)-gid-da-nu   (cf  Bi.  n.  1.  laian  lh), 

JADD   852,  II,  12.   Bu-gi-da-[nu],  K.  969. 
*Bu-hi-Ja    (Hit.(?),    cf    Bu-uh-le-en-ni   BE  XV), 

TA    84,  40.    85,  31. 

^Bu'itu  "The  desired  one"  (in  NBa.  texts,  see 
TNB)  /Bu--i-tum,  yBu\=  Bul)-i-tum 
83-1-18,  1846,  R.  IV,  4,  5,  fBu-itu  {US  + 
SA)  83- 1- 1 8,  1866,  R.  IV,  7);  -^Bu-i-tu, 
VS  I,  95, 4. 

No.   I. 

*Bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-*-pi  (Eg.  =  Bk-n-nf  on  the 
P'nhy  Stele,  1.  18  "Servant  of  the 
wind",  see  Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  348, 
Ranke,  Material  p.  27);  iar  "' Ah-ni 
Abp.  A,  III  R  17,  I,  ira;  Ann.  I,  102.  iar 
"' Ha-at-hi-ri-bi,  Abp.  A,  III  R  17,  I,  ge; 
Ann.  1, 94.  —  KB  II,  p.  162. 

Bu(/'«.?)-uk(^,  ^?)-lu,  ^asu,  JADD  851,  II,  14. 
Sm.  471. 

*Bu-kur-nl-ni-ip  (Eg.  Bknrnf,  Steindorff,  BA  I, 
p.  353,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  27  f,  cf.  also 
Wiedemann,  Agypt.  Gesch.  p.  592,  n.  i), 
iar  "^ Pa-ah-nu-ti,  Abp.  A,  III  R  17,  I,  107; 
Ann.  I,  105.  —  KB  II,  p.  162. 

Bu(6^z«'.?)-la...  (cf  Bu-la-   TNB),  JADD  397,9. 

Bu-li-a,  Capp.  Ch.  5, 2.  Cf  OBa.  B{P)-u-lu  T-D  LC. 

Bul-lul,  JADD  57, 3  (B.  C.  644). 

Buliutu  (hypocor.) 

1.  Bul-lut,  K.  241,  X,  19,  spec. 

2.  Bul-lut-tu,  JADD  177,  4. 

3.  Bul-lu-tu,    HABL    914,  1.    965,    R.   12.  u. 

Epon.  C,  JADD  373,  33. 

4.  Bu-hit,  Ha  iepa,]AT>'D  771,  5.  f'KAB.SAR, 

mar  Babili,  JADD  771,  3;   s.  of  Aplaia 
891,  R.i. 

5.  Bu-lut-tu,  Epon.  C,  JADD  641,  R.  10. 

6.  Bu-hi-tu,  TRep.  232,  R.  5.  256  A,  R.  1. 

y.  Bu-ul-lu-ti,    TRep.   3,6.    77,  7.    131,    R.  4. 

229  B,  R.  4. 
8.  Bu-ul-lu-tu,  TRep.  I,  6.  4.  4.  'j6,  5.  114,  R.  1. 
196,  R.  7. 
Bultaia,  see  Baltai^a. 

s.  of  Ulula-a-a,  Sarg.  St.  II,  is. 
Bulut,  see  Buliutu. 
Bu-lut-usur(.?  PAP) 

''rab  zammari,  Epon.,  JADD  528,  R.  3. 
Bu-Iu-zak(<7.^)-ru  (for  the  first  element  cf.  Ph.  nom. 
div.  513,  Bu-li-ba-nu,  Bu-li-su-ri  BE  XV), 
'^SAG,]h^Vi  857,  11,49. 
Bu-na-Adad   "Child  of  Adad"   {ci.  Bu{-un)-na- 
Gula\ili  etc.    BE  XIV,  XV),  MDOG  28, 
p.  26. 
Bu-na-ak-ka,  HABL  loio,  e. 
Bunanu  (abbrev.,  cf  OBa.  Bu-na-nu-Su  T-D  LC, 
Bu-tm-na-nu-Sa  RPN) 
Bu-na{-a)-m4m,   f   of  Bel-iqi^a,   ^  Gam-bu- 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

/a-a-a,  Esarh.  A,  III,  53  (I  R  46).  HABL 
336,  u.  [965,  R.  28].  K.  10426. 

•■Bu-ne-ne-bel-usur  {£N-SES)Hiparu,BM  57943,9 
(King,  BBS  pi.  22). 

Bu-un-sa-da-du    "Child    of   Adad"    or    "Her 
child    is    (my)   darling"(?)    (cf.    OBa. 
Bu-nu-la-al-gi  T-D  LC) 
f.  of  I-ta-a--ilu,  HABL  262,  R.  10. 

*Bur-a-na-te  "Offspring  of  tW  (cf.  KA 
P-  353  Q-  *^''^Ia-as-bu-qa-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill: 
Mon.  I,  54.  lU  a"  R  7)-  —  KB  I'  P- 158. 

*Bur-da-da  (Med.,  quasi  Sem.=  Bur-'^IM T-D  LC; 
according  to  ScHEFTELOWlTZ,  KZ  38, 
p.  276  =  Berezata,  OInd.  Brhatd)  }a 
"^ Ni-ru-lum{^tak)-ta,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann  162, 
163  (c.  B.  C.  737). 

Bur-idri,  see  Bir-idri,  Adad-idri. 

*Bu-ur-ld-ia  (cf.  Bi-ri-di-ia,  see  Peiser,  OLZ  VI 
(1903),  col.  323)  Ta'annek  2,  12. 

*Burna-Burias  (Cass.)  =  Kidin-[bel-matati\  "Pro- 
tegee of  the  lord  of  the  lands"  (V  R 
44,  28  ab) 

1.  Bur-na-bu-ra-ri-ja-ds ,     [Sarru     rabn     sar 

'"'"'Ka-ra-'' Du-ni-ia-di],  TA  14,  1, 2,  con- 
temp,  with  Amenophis  (IV). 
f,    of    U-la-bu-ra-ri-ia-dl   iar   "'"'Tarntim'. 
larru,  We,  Misc.  pi.  i,  no.  3,  3. 

2.  Biir-na-bur-e-a-a^,  Sm.  2189,  R.  21. 

3.  Bur-na-bur-ia-a-di,  V  R  44,  28  a. 

4.  Bur-fia-bur-id-a-as,    [}arru  pa-n\a-a   alik 

mahrila,  founder  of  Ebarra,  Nabd.  Br. 
cyl.  I,  55, 57  (I  R  69.  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  82). 

5.  Biir-na-bur-ia-al,  lar  *^"'Kardujnai,  Syn- 

chron.  I,  5:  contemp.  with  Puzur-Asur, 
the  king  of  Assyria  (c.  B.  C.  1380). 
iarrti  pana  alik  mahri,  founder  of  Ebar- 
ra, Nabd.  85-4-30,  2,  I,  44,  46,  47.  II,  22: 
states  that  Hammurapi  rebuilt  the  tem- 
ple of  Shamash  at  Sippar  700  years 
before  Burna-Buriash  (PSBA  XI/1889. 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  pp.  88,  90). 
f.  of  Kurgalzu  sihru,  Synchron.  I,  le. 

6.  Bur-na-biir-ia-dl,  BE  XIV,  3,12  (7*^(?)  year). 

lugal  lig-ga  lugal  Babili  btgal  Ki-en-gi 
Urdu,  I  R  4,  no.  XIII,  s  (KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  1^2).  pa-te-si  Rm.  2,  405. 

7.  Bur-7ia-bu-ri-di,    f.    of   Kurigalzu,    gf    of 

Nazi-Maruttai,  Nazim.  Susa  2,  1, 5. 

8.  Bur-?ia-bu-ri-ia-ds;  iar  '""^Kardunia^,  TA 

II,  2:  contemp.  with  Amenophis  IV.  {iar 

Babili),  BE  XIV,  2,  29.  3  a,  9.  7,  29,  39.  9,  a. 

9  a,  7.  OBI  33,  7.  34,  2.  132,  8.  [Bur-Tia-bu]- 

s.    of  Kadahnan-'^ Eti-lil,  OBI  68,  5-14,   cf. 

OBI  66  +  6"],  ScHNABEL,  MVG  13,  p.  37; 

or    read    [Sagarakti-Su]-ri-i^a-di ,    HlLP- 

RECHT,  BE  XX,  pt.  I,  p.  52,  n.  I,  Radau, 

BE  XVII,  pt.  I,  p.  71,  n.  4. 
f.  of  Ku-ri-gal-zu,  ZA  V,  p.  418,  (KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  I54d). 

9.  Bur-ra-burQ)-ia-di,  TA  12,  7. 

10.  Bur-ra-bu-ri-ia-di,  iarru,  BE  XIV,  i,  19. 30. 
4,  18.  5,  14.  8,  33.  sar  "''''Kardunias,  TA 
6, 3.  7, 2.  8, 3.  9, 3,  cf.  1.  19:  calls.  Kuri- 
galzu his  abu.  10,  2,  cf  1.  8:  calls  Ka- 
raindas  his  abu;  contemp.  with  Ameno- 
phis IV. 
f  of  Kurigalzu,  DEP  II,  p.  93,  I,  19. 

Bur-qa-a-a  (hypocor.),  JADD   711,  R.  a?  (Ill  R 
46,  7Ga;  Ep.  E). 

Bur-Raman  "Offspring  of  Ramman" 

1.  Bir-''{Ra-m\a-na,  Epon.  B.  C.  848,  82-5-22, 

526,  II,  13  (KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  142). 

2.  Bur-ra-ma-a-nu,  b.  of.  Ilanu,  Anp.  Kurkh, 

R.42  (III  R  6.  KB  I,  p.  92,  n.  18). 

3.  Bur-'^Ra-man,  Epon.  B.  C.  848,  Canon  B, 

II,  21. 

4.  {Bur-^ Ra-m\a-tia,  Epon.  B.  C.  848,  Canon  A, 

II,  16. 

5.  Bur-'' U  {or  Bur- Adad),  JADD  359,  s  (B.  C. 

Bur-"'Sa-gal-e  "Offspring  of  S.",   Epon.  B.  C. 

76-^,  M  "^Gu-za-na,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4, 

187,  R.  14.  Canon  A,  IV,  e:  var.  '^^^-sa- 

Bur-Sin     "Offspring    of    Sin"     (for    reading 

and  translation,  see  Delitzsch,  BA  II, 

p.  622  ff.) 

1.  AMAR-'^EN.ZU-na,  larru,^m.  II.  553. 

2.  '^AMAR-'^EN.ZU,  King  of  Ur,  about  B.  C. 

2200,  I  R  3,  no.  XII.  I  R  5,  no-  XIX 
(CT  21,  pi.  25).  OBI  20,  4.  21,4,  etc.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  88 f.  SAK  p.  I96fr. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  '^Bur-'^EN.ZU,  King  of  Isin,  Kingof  Sumer 
and  Akkad,  about  B.  C.  2061:  lugal 
^^S'S^  /«^rt/  ki-en-gi  ki-uri,  BA  II, 
p.  590;  lugal  i-si-in  ^'-na  lugal  ki-en-gi 
kl-uri,  OBI  19.  —  SAK  p.  204,  a  b. 
Bu-ru-sa  (cf.  Bu-ru-u^  Cass,  tablet,  PSBA  Nov. 
1907,  pi.  1, 5,  OBa.  Bu-ur-U  T-D  LC) 
s.  of  Ab-ba-ti,   ''MUK,   Lo.   102,  I,  28,  35,  37. 

II,  32.     IV,   20,   22,   25,   30.     VI,  3,  7,  10,  12,  15.   

KB  IV,  p.  84-90. 
f,   of  Sama^-7iadin-su7ti,  Lo.    102,  I,  i?.   — 

KB  IV,  p.  82. 
*Burutas,   Burutis  (Hit?)    cf.  Jensen,  Hittiter, 

p.  117),  in  "'"fBu-BurufaL 
Bu-si-lliP'   (cf.   }^D^t)  APO,   Syr.  ^aaa) 

^'sa  pani  di-na-ni,  JADD  153,  R.  2.  154,  to 

(B.  C.  66z),  cf.  KB  IV,  p.  137,  n.  <>. 
Bu-su-su  (cf.  Bu-za-zu),  iar  "^Nu-ri-e-nu,  Esarh. 

B,  V,  24  (III  R  16,  no.  I  -=  I  R  48,  no.  i). 

Abp.  Ill  R  27,  133. 
Bu-8u(.?/^«)-lu  (cf.  Buklu),  ^asu,  JADD  417,  R.  6. 
Bu-za-zu  (cf  Bu-su-su,  ^Bu-sa-sa  TNB,  f  Bu-za- 
zu  T-D  LC) 
f  of  A-sir-i-din,  Capp.  T-D  239,  s. 
Bu-zl  (cf  Bi.  r'Q,  OBa.  Bu-zu-u  T-D  LC,  Bu-zu- 

um  RPN),  Capp.  G,  20, 2. 

*Da-a-a-uk-ku/ki,  ka  (Iran.  =  Ar]i6Kr]^,  JIN  p.  'j^; 
cf  Bit-Da-a-a-uk-kii) 
''sakin    '"""^Man-na-a-a    (B.  C.    715),    Sarg. 
-    Ann.  76, 77;  Khors.  49.  —  KB  II,  p.  58. 
Da-bi-bl  (abbrev.,  cf  '^ Ka-di-da-di-ib  BE  XV;  in 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
f  of  E-ri-si,  HABL  527,  R.  4. 
f  of  Kiriblu,  HABL  969,  7. 
f   of  La-ba-si-Marduk,    Merod.   II:   Bl.  st. 


Da-da   (cf   names   like    Ad8a,    Ad6a(;   of  Asia 

Minor),  Capp.  T-D  241,  13. 
Da-da-a  (hypocor.,  OBa.  BE  VI,  pt.  i,  NBa.  TNB, 

cf.  Pa.  xn,  8a8o(;) 
Capp.  Ch.  10, 7.  JADD  361,  B.  E.  4  (Ep.  F). 

HABL  968,  R.  9.  K.  5606.  f^'^^Ar-zi-za-a-a, 

HABL   317,  R.  2,  5.    ^Jiiasmahi,   82-5-22, 

105  (time  of  Senn.). 
Da-da-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Da-da-a,  OBa.  and  NBa. 

Da-di-ia  RPN,  TNB,  Tham.  "^-n  MVG IX, 

No.  I. 

p.  107,   Bi.  iin),  JADD  221,  .1  (Ep.  W). 

256,  7   (B.  C.  '(>^G).   359,  R.  ,6  (B.  C.  680). 

f.  of  Nabu-tagqinani,  JADD  160,  R.  E.  2. 

*Da-da-ar-su   (Iran.,   cf.   Skr.   dad'rSi   "bold", 

JIN  p.  75,  o-in  APO),   Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R 

39»  49,  50.   40,  GO. 

'*Da-ad-di-beli(?^iV-«i)  "Dadi  is  my  lord" 
83-I-I8,  695,  XII,  2c,  spec,  cf  JOHNS, 
ADD  III,  p.  XVI. 

Da-ad-di-i  (hypocor.  =  Dadt) 

^abarakku,  as  Epon  Z'  (time  Sinsharishkun), 
K.  1662,  1  (I  R  8,  no.  6,  1.  KB  II,  p.  272). 
'Hrrihi,  JADD  742,  R.  4. 

Da-di-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Da-ad-di-i),  HABL  184,  2. 
724,2.  725,2.  726,2.  727,2.  JADD  310, 
L.  E.^  (B.  C.  669).  351, 10.  PSBA  30  (1908) 
p.  111,14;  p.  112,14  (B.C.  681).  ^A.BA, 
JADD  389,  L.  E.  /.   ^'irriSu,  JADD  742, 

R.   24. 

*Da-di-i  (Iran.,  JIN  p.  76) 

^""''* Hu-bu-us-ka-a-a,  Shams.  V:  Ann.  11,37 
(I  R  30.  KB  I,  p.  178),  prob.  identical 
with  Data,  q.  v.,  see  Streck,  ZA  XIV, 

P-  155- 
*Da-di-i-lu  (quasi  As.  =  "Dadi  is  god",  cf  Bi. 
n(^)b«,  but  prob.  Iran.,  cf  NPe.  yel  > 
°il  "hero"),  "^ Kas-ka-a-a,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann. 
152  (III  R  9, 52.  KB  II,  p.  30). 
*Da-di-su-ri  "Dadi  is  my  wall"  (An,  see  Jen- 
sen, JADD  III,  p.  166,  cf  WAF  II,  p.  303) 
s.  of  Ra-  -su-nu\  "' Tar-bu-si-ip-a-a,  HABL 
132,  7  (time  of  Sargon). 

''tamkaru  "^ Kak-zi-a-a,]AT>T>  50,7  (Ep.  H). 
Dagan-bel-nasir  "Dagan  is  a  protecting  lord" 
'^Da-gan-EN-PAI\-ir),    Epon.    B.   C.    879, 
Canon  A,  1, 31  +  B  I,  31;  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  1. 
—  KB  I,  p.  96. 
Dagan-miiki    "Dagan  is  my  counsellor"   (or 
"king",  if  WSem.) 
Da-ga-na-mil-ki,  JADD  2 12,  R.  13  (B.  C.  687). 
Da-gan-mil-ki,  JADD   234,  1,  s,  15   (III  49, 
no.  i;  B.  C.  710). 
*(<i)Oa-ga-an-ta-ka-la  (Can.),  TA317, 2, 13.  318,3. 

Cf  'Wa-gan-ta....,  JADD  775,  6. 
Da-gil-ilu,  see  La-da-gil-ilu. 
Da»ha[-a-a]  (perh.  gent.,  cf  Da-ha-a-a,  Da-^u-u-a 



Knot  Tallqvist. 

TNB,  Da-ah-hu-u-a  BE  X),  J  ADD   571, 

R.  11. 
Da-hl(//?)-a,  s.  of  Na-tii-be-im,  Capp.  G,  3, 3. 
Da(?)-ia-a-tli-ilu,  see  Ba-ia-a-di-iln. 
Dajana  {DLKUD-d),    according    to    Schiffer, 

Aramaer,  p.  41:  Ar.  =  ii^?,  unless  it  is 

to  be  read  Dim,  q.  v. 
Daian-Adad  "Ad ad  is  judge" 

1.  DI.KUD-IM,    ''rab   kar-man    of   "Usana, 

HABL  43,  18. 

2.  DLKUD-'^IM,  JADD  907, 7. 

3.  DLKVD-V,  f.  of  Nergal-Ur-usur,  JADD 

Da|an-Asur  "Ashur  is  judge" 

1.  DI.KUD-AS-Sur,  ^'furtdnu  {rab  ummanate), 

Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  ui  (B.  C.  833),  159 
(B.  C.  830),  175  (B.  C.  829).  Epon.  B.  C. 
854,  Canon  A,  11,  10.  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  45;  , 
''turtanu,  82-5-22,  526,  II,  7.  —  KB  I, 
pp.  144—148.  Ill,  pt.  2,  p.  142.  Epon. 
B.  C.  827,  III  R  I,  II,  37. 

2.  ''DI.KVD-AS-lur, MVG VIII (1903), p. in,./ 

(Ep.  P).  Epon.  B.  C.  854,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon. 
II,  78  (III  R  8).  —  KB  I,  p.  170. 

3.  DLKUD-'^HI,  f^furtanu  (B.  C.  832),  Shalm. 

Ill:  Ob.  149.  —  KB  I,  p.  146. 
Daian-bel . . {fDI.KUD-EN. .),  83-1-18,  695,  XII,5, 

Dajan-Bel  "Bel  is  judge"  (Ba.) 

DLKUD-'^EN,  f.  oi  Eamm-hwi-iddina,  BM. 

102485, 7  (King,  BBS,  pi.  I). 
Dai^an-Kurban  "The  (god  of  the)  city  of  Kur- 

ban   is  judge"    (no.  3    =   Ar.  docket 

hJanDS'^l  CIS  II,  p.  15) 

1.  Da-an-kur-ba-an,  JADD  81,  4  (Ep.  Q). 

2.  Da-an-~"'Kur-ba-an,  JADD    82,  2   (Ep.  Q). 

3.  DI.KUD-kur-ba-afi,  JADD  136, 5  (Ep.  I). 

335,  R.  1  (B.  C.  687).  386, 7, 16. 
Daian-Marduk    "Marduk    is  judge"   (in   NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 
f.  oi  A-hu-ni-e-a,   Merod.  I:   Susa   16,  I,  u. 

II,  15.  IV,  11. 
f.  of  Enlil-sum-imbi,  Melis.:   Lo.  103,  I,  47, 

cf.  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  156. 
Daian-naid  "The  judge  is  exalted" 
DI.KUD-I,  K.  241,  X,  29,  spec. 

Daian-NIN.IB  "Ninib  is  judge" 

DI.KUD-^MAS,  Epon.  B.  C.  869,  III  R  i, 


Daiaukku,  see  Da-a-a-uk-ku. 

Da-i-ni    (abbrev.,    cf   flstar-bel-da-i-ni),   HABL 

542,  R.  10  (IV  R  53,  no.  I). 
Da-is-sa-nu,  nastku  sa  '"''^La-hi-ri,  Sarg.  Ann.  28I. 
*Da-ka-ni-ilu;(WSem.(?)), JADD 371, R.  2  (B.C. 698). 
Da-ku-li-e  (cf.  OBa.  Ilu-da>-kuUum  RPN),  JADD 

288,  8,  slave  sold. 
Da-ku-na,  Capp.  T-D  242, 1. 
Da-ku-ru  (see  "'"'Iht-Dakuri),  K.  5264.  mar  Da- 

ku-ru,  HABL  853,  R.  4;  cf.  Nabu-uiallim. 
*Dala-ilu  "God  has  saved",  (An,  cf.  Bi.  sin^b-^) 

Da-la{-d)-AN,  HABL  599,  R.  1. 
s.  of  Abi-ia-di- ,  HABL  280,  15. 
Da-al-hi . . . .,  JADD  7,  1, 12. 
Da-IL...,  JADD  842,  II,  1. 
*'Da-li-|a-a    (WSem.    hypocor.,    cf.   rT^bl   APO, 

Dala-ilu),  JADD  317,  1,  7  (B.  C.  686). 
Da-lll-l8tar(''^F)  "Devotary  oflshtar",  K.  241, 

XI,  4,  spec. 
"^Dalta  (Iran.,  cf.  A  vest,  d  ere  tar,  JIN  p.  yj) 

1.  Da-al-ta(cd) ,    sar    '""^Ellipil'""*El-li-ba-a-a, 

f.  of  Nibe  and  Hpabara,  Sarg.  Ann.  71, 
167,  166,  [402].  maliku,  Sarg.  A,  II,  11. 

2.  Dal-ta-a,  same  person,  HABL  129,5.  227,  n. 

Sarg.   B:    F  13;   Khors.  70,  117.    ''maliku, 
Sarg.  B:  F  21.  —  KB  II,  pp.  62,  68. 

^Dal-ta-a,  81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  12,  spec. 

*Da-ma-SU  (cf.  Adiiacoc;  11.  12,  iss,  see  also  Ad- 
me-su  sub  voce  Gir-me-su),  lar  "*"*Ku-ri-i 
(Curium),  Esarh.  B,  V,  22  (III  R  16,  no.  i. 
I  R  48,  no.  I,  11).  Abp.  Ill  R  27,  129.  Rm.  3, 
II,  47.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 

Damiq-Adad,  see  Mudammiq-Adad. 

Damiq-ilisu,  see  Damqi-ilisu. 

'Da-am-ma-te  (hypocor.),  TRep.  192. 

Dam-mu-mu-al-lid  "Damu  is  begetter" 
JADD  469,  R.  12. 

Dam-qa  (abbrev.,  cf.  Damgu) 

f  of  Asarzdu,  TRep.  221,  R.  e.         • 

'Dam-qa-a  (h}'pocor.,  cf  TNB),  TRep.  272  C. 

Damqa-amate-lstar  "The  commands  oflshtar 
are  friendly" 
SIG-KA^'-'^XV,  '^sukkallu  rabn,  JADD  326, 
R.  14  (Ep.  i). 


Assyrian  Personal  Nannes. 


Damqa-amate-sarri    "The    commands   of  the 

king  are  friendly" 
'Dam-qa-a-tl  (hypocor.),  J  ADD  741, 27. 
Damql   {SIG-i,   hypocor.,    cf.    OBa.    and    NBa. 

Dainqm  RPN,  TNB),  HABL  437,  24. 
Damqi-ilisu    "Graciously    received    by    his 

god"  (cf.  Ungnad,  Dilbat,  p.  89,  n.  4). 

1.  Da-ini-iq-l-li-^u,   s.  of  Sin-ma-gir,  BE  XX, 

pt.  1 :  47,  R.  23,  king  of  Isin,  ruled  23 
years,  about  B.  C.  1980. 

2.  Dam-H-l-li-h't,  king  of  Isin,  Dilbat  64,  26; 

king   of  Babylonia   (Dyn.  B:   3),   about 

B.  C.  1820,  King-list  B,  14. 

3.  SIG-AN....,  K  3992,  10  (WAF  I,  p.  5i6f.). 

4.  SIG-AN-hi,    ancestor    of    Simbar-Shipak, 

Chron.  A,  V,  3. 
■5.  SIG-i ,  king  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  B:  3), 

King-list  A,  I,  15. 
Dam-qu  (abbrev,,  cf.  OBa.  Damqum  MAP) 

f.  of  Za-kir,  HABL  969,  5. 
*Da-mu-u-8U,  Da-mu-u-si  (cf.  Da-ma-su) 

sar   "^  Qar-ti-ha-da-as-ti    {la   ahi   tajn-tim), 

Esarh.  B  V,  23.  Abp.  IIIR  27,  131;  Rm.  3, 

II,  49.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  248. 
Da-na-a  (hypocor.;  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB,  cf. 

Da-na-ia,    Danna,    Dmi-na-id),    J  ADD 

119,  1  (B.  C.  680). 
Da-na-la   (hypocor.,    cf.   OBa.  Da-an-ia   RPN), 

JADD  404,  R.  6   (B.  C.  674).    Da-na-a-a, 

HABL  473,  R.  4. 
Dananu  (abbrev. 

1.  Da-na-a-nu,   Epon.  B.  C.  680,  JADD    74, 

R.  E.  1:  la  '""^Mansuate,  arku  sa  Kar- 
A-u.  113,  R.  7.  IIIR  I,  VI,  1. 

2.  Da-na-ni,  same  person,  JADD  1 19,  R.  E.  1. 

3.  Da-na-nu,   same    person,    Canon  A,  VI,  1; 

C,  IV,  17.  JADD  3,  B.  E.  1.  26,  7.  164, 
L.  E.  2.  229,  R.  10.  298,  R.  E.  1.  359,  R.  9: 
sd  "^Man-su-a-te.  360,  R.  13:  ina  tarsi 
Alurahiddin  larri. 

4.  Dan-na-nu,  same  person,  JADD  631,  R.  7. 
Dan-a-sir  "Ashir  is  judge  (or  mighty") 

s.  of  Asur-istaqal,  Capp.  P,  23. 
Dan-Asur,  see  Daian-Asur. 
*Da-an-da-ru    (cf.  -iw    thistle),  JADD   752,  22. 
A.BA,  JADD '  142,  L.  E.  1  (B.  C.  684). 

No.   I. 

Da-nl-l  (hypocor.),  HABL  i,  12.  JADD  364,  R.  6 

(B.  C.  679).  f^A.BA,  JADD  857,  II,  40. 
Da-ni-ja-ti-ilu  "My  judge  is  the  god",  JADD 

337,  V. 
Dan-ilu    (cf    OBa.   Dan-l-li  T-D  LC,    Lli-dan) 

Dan-an-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  19,  spec. 
Danl-Nergal    {Dan-a-ni-UGUR)    JADD    270,  1. 

271, 9,  R.  1. 
Dan-Kurban,  see  Daian-Kurdan. 
Dan-na-a    (hypocor.,    cf.    Dan-na-ia,    Da-na-a), 

JADD  e-j,  R.s  (B.  C.  748?).  251, 4,  11.  899, 

III,   2t. 

Dannaia  (hypocor.,  cf  Danna,  Da-na-ia) 

1.  DAN-a-a,  bel-temi,  KK.  4.   375,    392.  396. 

1360.   1423.   82-5-22,  86  (B.  C.  648). 

2.  Dan-7ia-a-a,  JADD  11, 2  (B.  C.  676).  118,  4 

(B.  C.  673).  178,  4  (III  R  49, 52  b;  Ep.  H). 
202,  R.  6  (B.  C.  670).  439, 2.  ^mukil  apati, 
JADD  284,  R.  2  (B.  C.  668).  re"u  sine, 
JADB  3,  VIII,  6. 

3.  Dan-na-i^a,  JADD   117, 3  (B.  C.  674). 
Dan-ni-llu  (cf  NBa.  Dan-nu-iliia  TNB)  "Mighty 

is  god" 
JADD  420,  4  (B.  C.  670),  slave  sold. 
^Dan-nMlu,  JADD  293, 2,  slave  sold. 

DAN-aji-MAS,  K.  241,  XI,  34. 
Dannu-Nabu  "Mighty  is  Nebo" 

f.  of  Nabu-sum-iddina,  Rm.  III.    105,  P,  21 
(WAF  I,  p.  256). 
Dan-nu-Nergal(^'^WG^t/i?)  "Mighty  is  Nergal" 
JADD  280, 5.  857, 1,  12.  909, 2.  K.  241,  VII,  20, 

JADD  672, 5.  K.  241,  VIII,  34,  spec. 
Dan-nu-sarru  "Mighty  is  the  king" 

'^viar  sipri,  JADD  219,  R.  7.. 
Dan-qa-a    (hypocor.   =    Damqa,    cf.    Dan-qi-e, 
JADD  269,  R.^  (B.C.  681) 
f  of  Ba-sa-a,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  11. 
*'Da-an-qi-i  (hypocor.,  cf  "'Z^^'^z^/),  JADD  422,5, 

slave  sold. 
Da-nu-nl,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  5.   Cf  D[a-?i]u-niQ), 
TA  117,  92;  Da-nu-uni-na,  Capp.  Ch.  2,  is. 
Dan-Uruk  "A  judge  is  (the  god  of)  Uruk" 

DAN-an-UNU^',  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  s. 
Da(?Z0-qa-li-IVIarduk2,  K.  241,  XII,  15,  spec. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Da-qi . . . .,  JADD  453,  s  (B.  C.  686). 
Da-ra-ra-a-te  (see  also  Da-ru-ra-a-te),  JADD  440, 

R.  /.  (B.  C.  692). 
Da-ar-ha-si-at,  Capp,  T-D  242, 3. 
Dari-abua  (abbrev.  from  La-dari-abua*). 

Da-ri-AD-u-a,  JADD  213,  1,  4,  10  (B.  C.  681). 
Dari-bel  (abbrev.,  cf.  Lu-dar-be-li  BE  XIV) 

1.  Da-ri-be-el,  JADD  755,  7. 

2.  Da-ri-EN,  JADD  58,  R.5  (B.  C.  694).  66, 

R.  2  (B.  C.  693).  'Hrrdu,  JADD  294,  R.  4 

(B.  C.  700).    661,  4.    742,  9.    743,  8. 

*Da-riMa-mus  (for  variants  see  TNB,  pp.  53—54, 
Weissbach,  Achameniden,  p.  142,  BE  X: 
with  Ar.  docket  ttJinill.  OPe.  Daraya- 
vaus,  Elam.  Da-7'i-ia-ma-ii-il,  Bi.  ttJ'l^'ll, 
Ar.  ©l-im,  ttJinim,  ©iw-n  APO,  Gr. 
Aapetoc;,  Darius), 
s.  of  Uhta-as-pi,  A-^a-ma-ni-U-.,  }ar  ^"*Par- 
su,  Darius  Hystaspis,  the  Achaemenian, 
king  of  Persia,  Beh.  Ill  R  39 — 40,  passim. 

Dari-sarru  (abbrev.) 

1.  Da-a-ri-LUGAL,  HABL  736,  R.  3. 

2.  Da-a-ru-L  UGAL,  HABL  266, 20,  var.  of  6. 

3.  Dh-ri-LUGAL,   KK.   4,  31.   HABL   976,  1. 

4.  Da-ri-MAN,    ^rakbu    GABP\  JADD    185, 

R.  //  (B.  C.  666). 

5.  Da-ri-MAN,  JADD   853,   R.  13.   KK.  241, 

IX,  2,  spec.    13046.   '^ianu  in  ^rab  kisir, 
JADD  986,  I,  6.  ^'Sagu,  JADD  1076,1,7,12. 

6.  Da-ru-LUGAL,  HABL  266,  R.  w,  20  (IV  R 

46,  no.  3). 
Da-ru-ra-a-te  (cf.  Da-ra-ra-a-te),  JADD  64,  R.  s 

(B.  C.  672). 
Daru-sarru,  see  Dari-^arru. 
*. . .  da-a-si-ri,  ''bel  pihati  "^Kirruri^  JADD  922, 

IV,  9. 
"^'Da-su-uk-ku  (Iran..?),  HABL  174,  s,  20. 
*Da-8a,  TA   53,  58,   identical  with    Tassu,   q.  v. 
*Da-a-8ar-ti-i,  TA  162, 76. 
*Da-as-ru,  TA  261, 3.  262, 3. 
*Da-ta-a,  var.  Da-ta-na  (Iran.),  "^ Hu-bu-us-ka-a-a, 

Shalm.   Ill:   Ob.   lei,  177    (B.  C.  830).   — 

KB  I,  pp.  146,  148.     Cf.  Da-di-i. 
*De-har(;/mr)-da  (Med.),  A.BA,  JADD  469,  R.  ,2. 

s.  of  U-ni-ri-ta . . .,  JADD  806,  L.  E.  2. 
Di-lb-ba-a  (Ar.  ?),  ''pu-ut-ga-zi. . .,  JADD  469,  R.  u. 

Dl-dl-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Di-di-e-a  TNB,  iiii  APO) 
JADD   53,  2   (B.  C.  672).  ^i,  R.  6  (Ep.  V). 
121,  R.  E.  2  (B.  C.  671).  245,  R.  8.  hasanu, 
JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  12.  ^irrilu,  JADD  742,2, 
R.  5.  ^sa... .,  JADD  65,  g.   ''se-lap-pa-a-a, 
HABL  471,  17. 
•"Di-e-ru . . . .,  JADD  741, 27. 
Diha|a(?  TE-a-a,  cf.  NBa.  Da-ha-a-a  TNB) 
"  JADD  4, 3  (B.  C.  644.?).  16,  R.  3  (B.  C.  664?).  42, 
B.  E.  /  (B.  C.  670).  309, 5  (B.  C.  663).  311, 
R.  18  (Ep.  S).   391,  R.  '6  (B.  C.  717).  419, 
R.  4.  429,  23.   PSBA  30  (1908),  p.  Ill,  IS 
(B.  C.  681). 
s.  of  Hti....,  JADD  257,  R.  .3  (B.  C.  670). 
Di(Z>/?)"ia-te,  TA  193, 2. 
Di-lil-Adad(£/)  "Devotary  of  Adad" 

JADD  630,  19  (B.  C.  678?). 

Di-IIMstarC'^^XF)    "Devotary  of  Ishtar"   (cf. 


JADD  260,  R.  ,2  (III  R  48).  463,  R.  17.  641, 

R.  17  (Ep.  C).    ma-ki-su   la  pa^at  Que, 

JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  20.  ^belnarkabti,]KDD 

680,    I,  23. 

s.    of  Pu-ia{>ha)-di-dir-u-aQ),  JADD   311, 

L.  E.  3  (III  p.  526). 
s.   of  Ahti-la-mai-H,  JADD    160,  2   (III  R 

48,  30  C). 

*Di-mit-ri(-su)  (Gr.  =  Ar^jifiTpioc;) 

sarru,  RH  21,  R.  46    (B.  C.  153).   26,  L.  E. 

(B.  C.  156).    54,  R.  53  (B.  C.  155.   K.  4790. 

ZA  III,  p.  149,  no.  10,  28.  II,  1. 
'Di-im-tu  "Tear"  or  "Pillar"   (abbrev.,  cf. /-//- 

di-im-ti  BE   VI,    pt.    I),   JADD    288,  5, 

slave  sold. 
Dina  (hypocor.,  cf.  NBa.  Di-na{-a)  TNB,  Bi.  n. 

pr.  f.  nx^'i) 

1.  Di-na-a,  JADD  97,  R.  7  (or  Ki}-na-d). 

2.  DLKUD-a,  s.  of  Ur....,  JADD  257,  R.  le. 
Dinanu  (cf.  Dunanu,  the  city  Dinanti) 

1.  Di-na-?ia,  JADD  237,  3   slave  sold    (B.  G 


2.  Di-na-ni,  JADD  153,  R.^  (B.  C.  667,}). 

3.  Di-na-nu,  HABL  860,  3.  JADD  624,  R.  /j 

(B.  C.  686). 

4.  Di--na-nu,  ^irrisu,  JADB  6,  VII,  s,  prisoner 

of  war  from  Gambulu. 
Di-ra....,  JADD  335,  B.  E.  2  (B.  C.  687). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 



'""'Kib-ru-tt-a-a,    Shams.    V:    Ann.    Ill,   eo 

(I  R  31).  —  KB  I,  p.  182. 
*DI(?)-sa-a-a  (cf.  Di-si-i,  OBa.  Di-si(J)-ia  RPN), 

JADD  2,  R.  7  (Ep.  A). 
*Di-si-i   (cf.   Di-sa-a-a),  A.BA,  JADD  27,  R.  ^ 

(III  R  47,59  b;  B.  C.  667). 
Di-si-l    (hypocor.,    "My    growth "(.?),    Johns, 

ADD  III,  p.  514),  JADD  282, 2. 
Di-ta-a,  JADD  404,  R.  4  (B.  C.  674). 
*Di-ta-kl  (cf.  Datak'e  ]YH  p.  81),  mar  ^bel  pihati 

sa  La-hi-ri  (in  Elam),  JADD  275,  R,  <?. 
Di(?)-ti-bel-ta-ba  "The  decision  of  the  master 

is  good",  JADD  503,  5. 
Du(-u)-a  (cf  Du-i,  "'i'""Wu(u)a 

VS  I,  99,  //.  JADD  377,  R.  8,  b.  of  Mannu- 

ki-sabe   (B.  C.  664).   ^^AUura-a-a,  JADD 

326,  R.  10  (Ep.  i). 

s.  of  Har-ma-ki,  ''ridu,  JADD  526,  1  (B.  C. 
*Du-ud-ha-li-la  (Hit.)  Sayce,   OLZ  XIII  (19 10), 
col. 490,  compares  Bi.  b^~ri  (LXX  ©apyaX) 
s.  of  Hattusil  and  -f  Pudu-Hepa ;  sarru  rabii 
lar  "'"*"^ Haiti,   MDOG   35,   pp.    20,   27. 
Cf.    Tu-iid-ha-li-ia,   tablet  from  Boghaz- 
koi(.?)  Babyloniaca  IV,  p.  225. 
f  of  Arnuanta,  MDOG  35,  p.  29. 
*Du-di(.?)-du-ma,  Capp.  G,  10, 13. 
*Dudu  (cf.  KA3  p.  483,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  21) 

1.  Du-ud-du,  TA  169,  le. 

2.  Du-ii-du,  TA  164,  1,  10,  iG,  30,  38,  35,  43. 

3.  Du-u-du,  TA   158,  1,5,12,34.  167,28,31. 
Du-du-u  (hypocor.,  cf  Bi.  ili'i) 

^"■ph'-hi-nu  sd  '^ .  . .  .,   JADD   642,  R.  E.  2 
(Ep.  R). 
Du-du-U-a  (hypocor.,  cf  /Du-du-?i-a  TNB) 

^'mar  sipri  }a  ^'be/  pihati  "'Kalha,  JADD 
225,  R.  6. 
Du-gul-lstar(^F)    (abbrev.,    cf    Diigul-pan-ilt), 

JADD  37,  R.  /  (B.  C.  G-jG). 
Dugul-pan-ili  "Obey  the  will  of  the  god!" 
Du-giil-SI-AN,  JADD  328,  R.  3  (B.  C.  698). 
406,  R.  6.  K.  ion. 
Du-j   (cf  Diia,    Tu-u-i,    or  KittliJ)  or  Du-ndid 
(cf  HiLPRECHT,   BE  X,    p.  48,   note  II) 
HABL  379,   R.  G.  JADB  7,  II,  3.  JADD 

No.  I. 

419, 7,  R.  4.  e-je,  R  10  (B.  C.  71 1).  KK  1946. 

1948.  ^A.BA,  JADD  237,  R.  ,6.  472,  R.  ,<, 

(B.  C.  668—5). 

s.  of  Nabn-dur-usur,  JADD  446,  s  (Ep.  Q). 

\S}X-\9X{Km-7iatt)-\\}x,  JADD  176,  2,  6   (B.  C.  700). 

*Du-ma-na,  Capp.  G,  10,  //. 

Du(-um)-mu-qa-a  (hypocor.),  JADD  17, 1   (B.  C. 

687).  K.  7396. 
Du-um-mu-qu/qa    (hypocor.,    cf    ''^ Du-im-mu-qu 
HABL  1 131,8)  81-2-4,  378. 
s.  of  Iddin-Papsukkal,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36,  III,  22. 
s.  of  Ir-a-ni,  HABL  527,  R.  13. 
Dumqi-iliP'.'..    (cf    OBa.  ^Lli-du-um-qi   BE  VI 
pt.  I,  NBa.  Dum-qi-^a-iliP^-damqu  TNB) 
SIG-ANPK,.,  JADD  299, 4.  862,  4. 
\^wxm{TUR-imi)AA.  (hypocor.),  TA  254,  31, 33. 
Du-na-nu/ni  (cf  Dinanu,  Dan{fi)anu) 

s.  of  Bel-iqisa,  b.  of  Aplaia  and  Samgunu\ 
'"^'Gam-bu-lalli-a-a,  Abp.:  A  III  R  19, 
III,  107,  111;   Ann.  Ill,  52,  57;   B,  III  R  32f., 

VI,  10,  35,  64,  71,  74,  77.    KK.  2637.  265  I.  2674, 
40,  42,  47,  49;  58,  74. 

*^''^Dun-gi  (Sum.(.?);  perhaps  =  Dunqi  <  Dmnqi, 
cf  OBa.  '^ Samahdun-gi  T-D  LC) 
s.  of  Ur-'^Engur\  king  of  Ur,  king  of  Sumer 
and  Akkad,  about  B.  C.  2280,  I  R  2, 
no.  II,  I,  1;  2,  1;  3,  4;  4,  3.  Nabd.  Cyl. 
I  R  68,  no.  I,  I,  10,  13,  17,  22.  IVR 35, no. 2, 5. 
K.  8708.  Chron.  Ri,  R.  5.  DEP  VI,  pi.  6, 
no.  I,  2,  p.  22.  Cf  VAB  I,  I,  pp.  190—197. 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  8off. 

DU-NU-ZU  (perhaps  Kin-tcl-idi),]AT>T>  165,  R.E  5 

(Ep-  Q).^ 

Dup(?)-da-pl,  Ta'annek  4,  R.  5. 
Dur-Adad  "A  stronghold  is  Adad" 

1.  bAD-^IM,  HABL  703, 4. 

2.  BAD-U,   f  of  Adad-ab-tisur,  JADD   446, 

R.  18  (Ep.  Q). 

*Du-ra-ar-te-sup  (Hit.;  cf  Tu-ra-ri-te-hip  ^^  "KW 
p.  44b) 
s.  of  Gi-el-te-sup,  CT  II,  21,  23,3'- 

Dur-Asur  "A  stronghold  is  Ashur" 

BAD-AS-hir,  JADD  265,  R.  9.  Epon.  B.  C 
728,  III  R  I,  IV,  41;  sa  "'Tus-ha-an, 
Canon  E. 

Du-ra-u-a(.?.?),  JADD  429, 1  (cf  CIS  II,  31,  Steven- 
son, no.  1 8).   Cf  Jhi-ra ,  JADD  988,  e. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Dur-bellia  (abbrev.,  cf.  Nabu-dfir-beliiia) 

BAD-EN-ia,  JADD   190,  R.  6   (B.  C.  668). 

Dur-lstar  "A  stronghold  is  Ishtar" 
BAD-XV,  A....,  JADD  528,  R.  /. 

Dur-ma-ki-i-Adad  1     "A    stronghold    for    the 
frail(?)  is  Adad" 
K.  241,  XI,  11,  spec. 


1.  BAD-ma-ki-XV,  VS  I,  84, 22. 

2.  BAD-ma-ki-'^XV,    s.   of  fRam-ti,   JADD 

640,7  (KB  IV,  p.  154). 

3.  BAD-ma-ki-i-'^XV,  JADD  1132,  10. 
Dur-na  id  {BAD-1),  or  Dtin,  ^Salsu  rakbi,  JADD 

627,  R.  4  (B.  C.  666). 
Dur-qa-[ll]   (abbrev.,   cf   Nabu-dur-qalt),  JADD 

^'Dursarruklnaitu     "Woman    of    the    city    of 

BAD-LUGAL-GIN-NA-a-a-i-ti,  d.  oi^^SIR- 

tiasir,    kallat    Tab-aSab-Marduk,    Mna.: 

I  R  70,  I,  14.  —  KB  IV,  p.  78. 
Du-sa-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Du-si-i),  JADD  360,  R.  6 

(B.  C.  680). 
Du-sl-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Ilu-dnsu,  Du-sa-d),  JADD 

326,  2,  16. 

Du(W.?)-si  (reading  doubtful,  see  ROGERS,  His- 
tory, I  p.  401,  n.  3;  cf  NBa.  Dn^u  TNB) 
s.  of  Kal-til-id-si\,  king  of  Babylonia  (Dyn. 
C:  4),   about  B.  C.  1690 — 1683,  King-list 

A,    I,   18. 

*Dusratta  (prob.  Iran.,  cf.  Scheftelowitz,  KZ  38, 
p.  270) 
King  of  Mitanni,  s.  of  Sutarna  I.,  gs.  of 
Artatama  I,  f  of  Mattiuza  (MDOG  35, 
p.  37)  and  ^Tadu-Hepa,  father-in-law  of 
Amenophis  III.  and  IV.,  b.  of  ArtasSu- 
mara,  Artatama  II  and  ^Gilu-Hepa 

1.  Du-uhrat-ta,  TA  20,  3.  21,  5.  22,  IV,  44.  23,4. 

25,  IV  66.  26, 2.  27, 2.  28, 4.   TA  Mit.  Ill 

103,  107;    IV  127. 

2.  Tu-ii-e-rat-ta,  ^ar  "'"^Mi-e-it-ta-an-ni,  TA 


3.  Tu-ui-rat-ta,  }ar  mi-i-it-ta-an-ni,  TA  19,  3. 

MDOG  35,   p.  32,   OLZ  XIII,   col.  295. 
Du'uzai^a  "Born  in  the  month  of  Tammuz" 
""■"bSiy-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  19,  spec. 

Ea-epis-ilu  (Ba.,  cf  TNB) 

^E-a-KAK-AN,  f.  of  Bel-zer,  VS  I,  60,  2. 
Ea-gamil  "Ea  spares" 

1.  '^BE-ga-\mil\  last  king  of  the  dynasty  of 

the  Sea-land,  King-list  A,  I,  13. 

2.  ^E-a-ga-mil,  King-list  B,  23.  ^ar  '"'''tam-tim, 

Chron.  K2,  R.  n. 
Ea-iddina,  "Ea  has  given"  (Ba.;  for  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 
'^E-a-SE-na,    i    of   E-kar-ra-iqi'^a,    Mna.: 
I  R  66,  7  b.   Mae.:  OBI  83,  I,  10.    KB  IV, 
pp.  64,  66. 
Ea-kudurri-ibni  (Ba.) 

'^E-a-ku-dur-ri-ib-ni,  s.  of  Arad-Ea,  Mna.: 
PSBA  19  (1897),  P-  7i>  15;   bel pihati  ia 
matati,  III  R  43,  II,  s.  —  KB  IV,  p.  68. 
Ea-malik  "Ea  is  counsellor"  (Ba.) 

'^ E-a-ma-lik,  '^jiaggaru,  Melish.  Susa  3,  I,  22. 
Ea-mat-taqqin  "O  Ea,  order  the  country!" 

'^E-a-KUR-LAL,  K.  241,  XI,  4o,  spec. 
Ea-mukin-zer  "Ea  is  the  establisher  of  seed" 

1.  "^BE-viu-kin-lzii'],  king  of  Babylonia  (dyn. 

E:  2),  about  B.  C.  1024,  King-list  A,  111,7 
(reigned  for  5  months). 

2.  ^^JL-a-mu-kin-KUL, 

s.  of  Be-la-ni\  ianga  "'HI,  Simb.  Lay.  53, 30 

(King,  BBS,  pi.  22). 
s.  of  Ha^-mar\   iarru  IM.GT,    Chron.  A, 

V,  5  (reigned  for  3   months).  —  KB  II, 
p.  272. 

E-an-na-damiq(.SY6'-/^)   "Eanna  (the  temple  of 

Anu  and  Ishtar  at  Uruk)  is  f r i e n d  1  y"  (Ba.) 

re^u  sisi,   Ninibkudurusur:  Lo.  102,  III,  13. 

—  KB   IV,   p.  86.     King,   BBS,   p.   64, 
pi.  LXXIII. 

E-an-na-sum-iddina  "Eanna  has  given  a  son" 
^akin  '""'tdmti,  Enlilnadinaplu:  OBI  83,  R.  7. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  66. 

s.  of  Daian-Bel\  sakin  tamti,  BM.  1024  85,  v 
(King,  BBS,  p-.  77,  pi.  I). 
Ea-rimanni  "O  Ea,  have  mercy  on  me!"  (Ba.) 
'^E-a-ri-inan-7ii,   f  of   U^abVi-ilu,   V  R  61, 

VI,  21.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180. 
Ea-sar-ibni  "Ea  has  created  the  king" 

''E-a-MAN-KAK,  HABL  441,8.  JADD  805,76. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names 


Ea-zer-lqisa  "Ea  has  presented  seed"  (Ba.) 

1.  '^E-a-KUL-BA-la,  of  Bit-Amukkanu,  HABL 

517,  7.   K.  4515.    mar   Nam-[ri],   Simb.: 
Lay.  53, 7  (King,  BBS,  pi.  20). 

2.  '^E-a-KUL-ki-la,  HABL  896,  1. 
E-bi...,  JADD  926, 4.  Cf.  E-bi,  TA  333, 2. 
E-bl-ib-ana-NabuS  renders  LAH.LAH-KU-'^AK, 

V  R  44, 4od. 
E-bi-sl,  ^mukil  [apati\,  JADD  480,  R.  4. 
E-bi-Sum,  see  A-bi-si. 
E-da-ga-ma,  see  Etaqama. 
E-da-si  (cf.  A-da-si),  JADD  478,  R.  s. 
E-du-sal-lltn  (abbrev.),  JADD  y^,,  1,  4.  74,  1,  3,  5, 

B.  E.  2  (B.  C.  63o). 
E-du-usur    (abbrev.,    cf.    NBa.    Nabn-e-du-usur, 

OBa.  Samahwe-dam-usur  Dilbat) 
JADD  661, 9.  Cf.  AS-PAP,  K.  241/ X,  9. 
E-en-ha-mu,  see  lanhamu. 
E-gl-bi  (Ba.  hypocor.  from  Sum.  E-gi-batila  = 

Aku-batila  =  Sm-uballif,  cf.  TNB  p.  57, 

Ungnad,  ZA  22,  p.  11) 
f.  of  Ktidurru,  Merod.  IL  Bl.  st.  IV,  11.  — 

KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  188. 
f   of  Nabii-nadifi-ahi,   Kand.:  VS  V,  5,  28. 

-  KB  IV,  p.  172. 
*E-hi-ia   (cf.  Bi.  ^ni?),  JADD   59,  4,  slave  sold 

(B.  C.  681). 
Ekalla(ir.  G^-^Z)-a-a  (Ba.  hypocor.) 

mar  Abi-ratta^,   Ninibkudurusur:  Lo.  102, 

I,  u.  —  KB  VI,  p.  82. 
E-kar-ra-iqisa(i5^-j^)  "Ekarra  has  presented" 

(in  Cass,  texts  BE  XV) 
s.  of  Ea-iddina\  ^akin  ^^ lUn,  Mna.:  I  R  ^, 

II,  6.  iakin  BU-Sin-magir,  Mae.:  OBI  83, 
I,  10.  II,  3,  6.  —  KB  IV,  pp.  64-66. 

*E-ki-is-tu-ra  (Gr.,  cf.  Akestor) 

lar  "'A-di--al\'""^E-di--li,   king  of  Idalium 

in  Cyprus,  Esarh.  B,  V,  19  (I  R  48.  Ill  R  16). 

Abp.  Rm.  3,  II,  42.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 
E(?)-ku-lu,  JADD  661, 7. 
^E-kur-SA6(.? ?)...,  JADD  791,3. 
♦'E-kur-sa-la-mur    "May    I    see    her   temple!" 

81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  6,  spec. 
E-kur-sal-lim-an-ni  "O  temple,  keep  me  safe!" 

K.  241,  VIII,  38,  spec. 
*E-kur-8a-na-mir    "Her    temple    is    shining" 

81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  7,  spec. 

No.  I. 

E-kur-8um-U8ab8i(il/^-6^^Z-i?)     "The     temple 
has  called  a  son  into  being" 
iangu  "^Sippar  ''bara,  Nai.:  V  R  60,  I,  21, 30. 

II,  8,   15.    Ill,  28.    IV,  51.    —    KB    III,    pt.     I, 

p.  I76ff. 
E-kur-8U-rabu(6^^Z)    "His    temple    is  great" 

K.  241,  VIII,  39.  XII,  22,  spec. 
E-la-ni  (cf  Bi.  pbst,  Ilanu) 

f.  of  E-na-zu-in,  Capp.  G,  2, 4. 
El-ba-ni ....  (.?),  Capp.  Ch.  7, 3. 
Ellu-apal-ukin(^Z^6^-yfi-  GI.NA,  ^voh.Bau-apal- 

ukm),  K.  241,  XII,  25,  spec. 
Ellu-bab-hinni  "Bright  is  the  gate  of  hinni" 
AZAG-KA-hi{-in)-ni,  P  350,29  (OLZ  VIII, 

col.  130).  VS  I,  86,  JO.  87,  j5.  89,  ^9.  92,  ^s. 

93,  ^6- 
Ellu(^Z^(S^-e-kal-lu-u-a  "Bright  is  my  temple", 

K.  241,  XII,  26,  spec. 
Ellu-rad-dl-di-sir(?),  K.  241,  XII,  28,  spec. 
*E-lu-ra-b[i]  (Can.,  cf.  Ilu-ra-bi-t),  Ta'annek  12, 3. 
*E-lu-ra-i(^/.?)-ba  (Can.,  cf.  SArb.ns^nbK  (Hrozny), 

Ta'annek  4,  9. 
*E-lu-ra-ma  (Can.),  Ta'annek  7,  R.  3. 
E-mid-a-na-Marduk^  "I  relied  upon  Marduk!" 
mar    }arri,    BE  XIV,    10,  56,    cf.   Radau, 

BE  XVII,  pt.  I,  p.  7of. 
Emuq-" (cf.    OBa.   E-mu-uq-l-li-ia    Dilbat), 

83-1-18,  695,  XII,  6,  spec. 
E-muq-Adad^  (Ba.) 

riu  sine,  BM.  57943,  12  (King,  BBS,  pi.  22, 

p.  114). 
Emur-lstar,  or  Amur-htar 

SI.LAL-'^XV,  f.  oi Mamm-ki-Ninua,]KViD 

160,  B.  E.  3  (III  R  48). 
Emur-Marduk,  or  Amur-Marduk 

SI.LAL-'^SU,    muttr  puti,    HABL    85,  u 

(V  R  54). 
E-na-a-sur,  Capp.:  Ch.  15, 2\  G,  3,  le;  En-na-a-lur, 

Capp.  G,  24,  12;  E-na-ma-a-hir  Ch,  15,  1; 

En-nam-a-iir ,  Capp.  G,  7,  21;  T-D  241,  e; 

all  "Be  merciful,  o  Ashurl"  (cf.  RPN 

p.  227,  n.  i). 
E-na-lu,  JADD  877, 2. 
*En-an-na-tum  (Sum.) 

s.  of  A-kur-gal:  pa-te-si  of  Lagash,  SAK 

p.  28f.,  a,  b,  c. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

s.  of  En-te-me-na:  pa-te-si  of  Lagas,  SAK 

p.  40  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  16). 
s.  of  Ihne-Dagan,  the  king  of  Sumer  and 
Akkad:    priester   of  Sin   at   Ur,   I  R  2, 
no.  VI,  1, 9 a.  2,  1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  86. 
SAK  p.  206. 
E/En-na-su-in  (=  Enna-SinQ),  Delitzsch),  Capp. 
G,  6, 6 
s.  of  E-ld-ni,  Capp.  G,  2, 3. 
s.  of  Su-ga-li-a,  f.  of  A-sur-ma-lik,  Capp. 
G,  3,  *• 
*En-guP,   ^Si-ba-ra-a-a,   Shams.  V:    Ann.  Ill,  19 

(I  R  30).  —  KB  I,  p.  180. 
*En-gu-ii-ta,  TA  223, 4. 
E-ni-ba-as-ma  "Eye  ofthe  serpen  t(.?)" 

Capp.  G,  18,  /. 
E-nMlu  "Eye  of  the  god"  (abbrev.,  cf  In-ilu), 
Ph.  b3^2^ 
JADD  168,  R.  <?.  462,  R.  7  (B.C. 678).  83-1-18, 
695,  III,  5,  spec,  ardu  Sa  mar  sarri,  JADD 
242,  R.  7  (Ep,  8).   "'{"''^'Ha-am-ma-ta-a-at 
Tigl.   IV:   Ann.    151;   fh.    58   (III  R  9. 
II  R  6f).  —  KB  II,  pp.  20,  30. 
'Enlil-bani  "Enlil  is  creator"    (in  OBa.  texts, 
see  RPN,  p.  73) 

1.  ^En-lil-ba-7ii,  Capp.  E,  3, 82.  HABL  238,  2. 

239,  2.  240,  2.  797,  16.  1 1 24,  R.  8.  nisak 
'^ Enlil,  BM.  91036,8  (King,  BBS,  p.  3, 
pi.  i),  time  of  Kurigalzu.  King  of  Isin, 
ruled  24  yars.  Dynastic-list,  R.  is. 

2.  '^En-lil-KAK,    amel   urgi,    established   as 

king  (of  Isin)  by  Ura-imitti,  Chron.  K*, 

R.  8,  12.  K^  1, 6. 
"  En-lll-ba-an-kudurri(5^  .DU) 

s.  of  Amel-Gula\  mahnalu,  ancient  author, 

K.  9717,  u  (NE  p.  90). 
■'En-lil-du-me-qa-an-ni,    renders    '^ NAB-SA-ME- 

EN-NA,  V  R  44, 46  c  d. 
["En-lil-haj-az-zi  (.?  =  Ar.  docket  [rjnbbs?,  Clay, 

AJSL  23,  p.  270),  JADD  250, 3,  slave. 
Enlil-ibni  "Enlil  has  created" 

'^ Efi-lil-ib-ni,  renders  ^SI-KAK,  VR44,35cd, 

prob,  a  Bab.  king. 
''En-lil-iqlsa(^^-i«)     "Enlil    has    presented" 

(cf.  OBa.  '^ En-lil-i-qi-sd-am  BE  VI,  pt.  i, 

p.  1 1 ;  see  also  Bel-iql^d),  HABL  699,  2. 

"En-lil-i-za .... 

s.  of  Kar-zi-ia-ab-ku,   ^^akin   "^^ Ir-ri-e-a   u 
""^Pur-rat-tah  DEP  VI,  p.  44,  5. 

iarru  pann,  Adnir.  IV:  I  R  35,  no.  3, 24. 

—  KB  I,  p.  188.    Cf.  Clay,  AJSL  23, 
p.  264,  HusiNG,  OLZ  X,  col.  235. 

•"En-lil-ki-di-ni  "Enlil  is  my  protection"  (Ba.) 

f.  of  Ahu-da-ru-u\  „a  rich  and  influential 

slave-dealer  at  Nippur  during  the  time  of 

Burna-Buriash"  (Radau,  BE  XVII,  pt.  i, 

p.  55),  Melis.:  Lo.  103,  IV,  13, 29,  44.  V,  1, 31. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  i58ff. 
Enlil-kudur-usur  "O  Enlil,  protect  the  boun- 
dary (.?)" 

1.  ''BE-ku-dur-PAP,  lar  "'"^AUur,  about  B.C. 

1240,  Synchron.  Ill  R  4,  no.  3, 3,  4,  con- 
temp,  with  Adad-sum-usur,  the  king  of 

2.  -"En-lil-SA.DU-SES,   IV  R  34,   no.  2    + 

JRAS  1904,   p.  4i5ff.   (MVG  13,   p.  43). 

3.  ^^En-lil-SA.DU-u-sur,  renders  ''LA.ARJW- 

^A.DU.AL,  V  R  44, 54cd. 
"En-lil-man-nu-ma-la-ak  "O  Enlil,  who  is  all 
that  thou  art!"  =  A.BA-L-DIR,  V  R 

44,  48  Cd. 

<*En-lil-mu-di-e-nise  {UN^^  "Enlil  knowes  the 

people"  VR  44, 45cd  =  HU-UN-ZU- . 
Enlil-mukin-aplu    "Enlil    establishes    a   son" 

(cf.  '"En-lil-mu-kin-lUR.U^  BE  XVIII, 

pt.  I) 
'^En-lil-GI.NA- TUR.  US, s.  of  i5^/. . . .,  Mna.: 

PSBA  19  (1897),  p.  71, 14. 
Enlil-musallim-aplu,  see  Enlil-iallim-aplu. 
Enlil-nadin-aplu  "Enlil  gives  a  son" 

1.  '^En-lil-SE-A,  81-2-4,  201,  owner  of  tablet. 

2.  ^En-lil-SE-TUR.US,  Sarru,  king  of  Baby- 

lonia (dynasty  D:  5),  OBI  83,  I,  9,  is.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  64. 
Enlil-nadin-sum  "Enlil  gives  a  name" 

1.  "^En-lil-MU-MU,   king   of  Babylonia   (dy- 

nasty C:  29),  King-list  A,  II,  s,  reigned 
for  I  year  and  5  months,  c.  B.  C, 
1243— 1242. 

2.  ^ En-lil-na-di-bi-lu-mi,   in    OBa.  texts,   see 


3.  '^ En-lil-na-din-MU,  larru  (=  no.  i),  Chron. 



Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


P,  IV,  14,  iG,  contemp.  with  Kidin-Hutrutas 
of  Elam. 
s.  of  Ahu-da-ru-u,  Melish.:  Lo.   103,  V,  12. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  160. 
s.  of  Sa-zu-u-H,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  11.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  70. 
4.  '^ En-lil-SE-MU,  mar  Habban,  ^akin  "''''Na- 
mar,  Neb.  I:  V  R  56,  II,  23.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  168. 
''En-lil-nasir(P^/'-zr)  "Enlil  is  protector"  (cf. 
OBa.  ^En-lil-na-si-irKV^),  83-1-18,  695, 
XII,  10,  spec. 
•"En-lil-nl-ip-pu-ru-ana-as-ri-su-te-lr  "O  Enlil,  re- 
store   Nippur    to    its    place!"    V  R 
44,  39cd  =   '^En-lil-EN.LIL.KI.BI-GL 
Enlil-nirari  "Enlil  is  (my)  helper" 

King  of  Assyria,  c.  B.  C.  1340,  son  of 
Ashuruballit,  father  of  Arikdenilu,  con- 
temp,  with  Kurigalzu  sihru,  the  king  of 

1.  BE-ZAB.DAH,   iar   ^^'AVsur,    Synchron. 

I,  18,  contemp.  with  Kurigalzu  sihru. 

2.  ^BE-ZAB.DAH,  iar  '"^'AHur,  Synchron. 

I,  19. 

f  of  Arik-den-ilu,  gf  of  Adad-nirari  I; 
Sar  """As^ur,  Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  8,  3.  11,3. 

3.  '^Eh-HI-ZAB.DAh 

s.  of  Asur-uballit,  i.  of  Arik-den-ilu,  Arikd.: 
Lenorm.  Choix,  p.  169  (AKA  I,  p.  3,  n.  2. 
KB  I,  p.  2);  gf.  of  Adad-nirari  I:  langu 
"^A-sur,   Adnir.   I:    KAHI    I,  4,  17.    5,  25. 

"    65,  16. 

f.  of  Arik-den-ilu,   gf    of  Adad-nirari   I 
iakin   '^En-lil  iangu   '^A-sur,    Adnir.   I 
KAHI   I,   6,  3;    sanga   Asur,   Adnir.   I 
IV  R  39,  23  (KB  I,  p.  6);   sar  '""AHur, 
Adnir.   I:   I   R   6,   no.  Ill   A,  3;   KAHI 
I,  9,  3. 

4.  Enlil-nirari,  s.  of  Ahir-uballit:  ^ar  '""^A^- 

sur,  K.  6303,  5  (WAF  II,  p.  1 1). 
•'En-lil-sallim-aplu(6^/-rf/7e.t/5;   possibly  Enlil- 
musallini-aplu)  "OEnlil,  keep  the  son 
mar  Haq-'^up-par  sa  temi  ^a  matati,  Mna.: 
Ill  R  43,  II,  5.  —  KB  IV,  p.  68. 
Enlil-sar-usur  "O  Enlil,   protect  the  king!" 
I.  ''BE-MAN-PAP,  83-1-18,  695,  XII,  9,  spec. 

No.  I. 

2.  En-lil-MAN-PAP,  ibid.  II,  1,  spec. 
"En-lil-sum-ib-ni   "Enlil  has  created  a  name" 
s.   of  Raba-Sa-Marduk]    '^iakin    Ni-H-in^', 
Nai.:  CT  X,  3, 24.  —  KB  IV,  p.  94. 
<'En-lil-sum-im-bi   "Enlil  has  called  a  name" 
s.  of  [Daian\-Mardiik,   TIG. EN.  N A  Nip- 
puri,  Melish.:  Lo.  103  (90287),  I,  46.   Ill,  e, 
25, 84, 37.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  i56ff.  King, 
BBS,  pp.  II,  13. 
En\\\-l\xm-\xsw{}'^BE-MU-SES),     larru    pana, 
Neb.  I:  K.  2660, 5, 11  (III  R  38, 63a,  69a);  cf 
Bel-i^EN)-MU....,   King-list   A,   II,  15, 

SCHNABEL,    OLZ    XIII,    col.    353  f.,    THU- 

reau-Dangin,  ibid.,  col.  401  f. 
"En-lil-tab-ni-bu-ul-lit  "OEnlil,  preserve  what 
thou  hast  created!" 
Haru,  Neb.  I:  VR  56,  II,  25.   —    KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  168. 
"  En-lil-za-kar-su-me,  V  R  44, 41  cd,  =  <^KUR.  GAL- 

••En-lll-zer-ki-nl   "O  Enlil,  establish  seed!" 
s.  of  Arad-Utar,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  I,  24.   — 
KB  IV,  p.  68. 
*En-men-nun-na   (Sum.),   ruler   belonging  to    an 
early   period    of  Babyl.  history,   Chron. 
A,  1, 3. 
En-nam-a-a  (hypocor.),  Capp.  G,  8, 2. 

f  of  Samal-ba-ni,  Capp.  T-D  239,  21. 
En-nam-a-sir   "Be   merciful,   o  Ashir!"    (Cf. 
E-na-Ahir),   Capp.  G,  7,  21.   T-D  241,  g. 
En-na-nim,  Capp.  Ch.  4, 3.  5, 5.  16, 7. 
En-na-su-in,  see  E-7ia-su-in. 
En-nu-si,  JADD  661,  R.20. 
E-pa-a  (cf  Bi.  rjB''?,  ''&■'?),  JADD  953,  III,  n. 
*E-pa-ar-na  (Iran.,  cf  Wifarna,  JIN  p.  141) 
''^azdnu,  in  "'"*Hattu}arra  in  Media,  Esarh. 
A,  IV,  13;  B,  IV,  6  (I  R  46.  Ill  R  15.  KB  II, 
p.  132).  80-7-19,  15, 8.  83-1- 1 8,  483,  9  (see 
WAF  II,  p.  8). 
*[E]-pa-ar-nu-a  (cf  Epama) 

""' Si-ig-ri-na-a-a,  Sarg.  A,  II,  6  (WS  pi.  44). 
E-qa-a-a(?),  K.  241,  IX,  35,  spec. 
E-ra-da-ilu  (cf  ?Bi.  -rys),  Capp.  G,  8, 9, 15. 
E-ra-hi(ti?),  Capp.  S.  i,  20. 

f  of  E-na-A^ur,  Capp.  G,  3, 17. 
*Eresu  (cf  E-ri-su) 

King  of  Soloi  in  Cyprus,  sar  ^'i'"^^ Si-il-lu, 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

1.  E-ri-e-s2i,  Esarh.  B,  V,  21  (I  R  48,  no.  i.  Ill  R 

16,  no.  i;  27,  128).  —  KB  11,  p.  148. 

2.  E-ri-su,  Abp.:  Rm,  3,  II,  46.  —  KB  II,  p.  240. 
Eres-Asur  "Ashur  has  planted" 

KAM-ehAS-lur,  VS  I,  85, 24,  94,  29. 
Eres-ilu  "God  has  planted" 

KAMi-ePi-AN,  JADD  619,  R.  /j   (Ep.   S). 
795, 2.  ^iaknu,  HABL  638, u.  ^'^allu  rakbi 
la  mar  larri,  JADD  273,  R.  6. 
Eres-lstar  "Ishtar  has  planted" 

PIN-ehXV,  JADD    55,  R.  4    (B.  C.  690). 

661,  15. 

Eriba  (abbrev.,  cf.  OBa.  E-ri-ba-am  RPN,  Eriba- 
a-a,   SU-a  =  Ar.    docket   in-i-ii?   OTSS 

p.  300,  =  "^ni-i^  CIS  II,  p.  76) 

Eri-ba,  HABL  222,  le  (V  R  53,  no.  i). 
s.  of  Im-bu-pani-ia,  f.  of  Iddina  and  Suma, 

Sarg.  St.  Ill,  24.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 
s.  of  Na-7ia-su,  Mshi.:  VS  I,  35, 10.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  94. 
Eriba(iB'r/-/5«)-a-a  (hypocor.),  HABL  446, 3.  K.  241, 

IX,  36,  spec. 
Eriba-Adad  "Adad  has  rewarded" 

1.  SU-'^IM,  JADD  42,  3   (B.  C.  670).    103,  3 

B.  C.  669).  186,  R.  3  (B.  C.  674).  1041,  R.  P. 
be  I  qatati,  JADD  lOO,  R.  1  (B.  C.  687). 
King  of  Assyria,  father  of  Ashuruballit, 
Tigl.  1:  Hunt.  V,  4  (I  R  28,  11^  4.  KB  I, 
p.  126).  '^A-Sur  abi  dlik  panila, 
Adnir.  I:  KAHI  I,  4,  35.  hrr  kiHati  iar 
kullat  kibrat  irbitti,  K.  2693,  1  (WAF  III 
p.  248).  Cf.  MDOG  44,  p.  39:  lar  kih 
f.  of  Alur-uballit\  Ahir,  KAHI  I, 

2.  SV-U,  '^lann,  JADD  208,  R.  ,4  (B.  C.  668), 

3.  SU-'^U,  JADD  99,  R.^  (B.  C.  670). 
Eriba-ahe  (abbrev.) 

SU-PAPP',  JADD  311,  R.  .6.   415,  R.  9,  of 
"'Nappah-hurasi  (B.  C.  734).   419,  7,  R.  4. 
841,  4.  K.  241,  IX,  44,  spec,  ''qipu  oi"'Kar- 
Samal,  JADD  363,  R.  7  (B.  C.  682). 
Eriba-Ai,a  "Aya  has  rewarded" 

1.  Eri-ba-'^ GAL,  s.  oiSES-ia...,  Mna.:  PSBA 

19  (1897),  p.  71,  '°- 

2.  SU-'^GAL,  JADD  661,  8. 

Eriba-Asur  {SU-AS-lur),  JADD  412, 3  (B.  C.  748). 

£x\hdi-\\M{SU-ANPi-?ii),  read  Tarib-ilani,  JADD 
138, 8.  ^tamkaru,]KDVi  328, 7, 15  (B.C.698). 

ErIba-ilu(5f/-^A0,  or  Tarib-lll  (cf  Ilu-ta-ri-bt), 
JADD  314, 4.  388,  R.  8.  83-1-18,  695,  HI,  7, 

Eriba-lstar,  see  Tanbi-IUar. 


1.  Eri-ba-'^ AMAR.UD,    king    of  Babylonia, 

Chron.  K^,  R.  u;  iarru,  Nabd.  St.  Ill,  17; 
sar  Babili,   Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  II,  43,   an- 
cestor of  Merodach-Baladan  II. 
s.  of  Arad-Ea,   ''be I  pihati,   Nai.:    CT  X, 
3,  29.  —  KB  IV,  p.  94. 

2.  Eri-ba-'^ SU,  s.  oi  Mardtik-lakin-^ium;  king 

of  Babylonia,  Chron.  K=',  R.  8,  15. 

3.  SU-'^AMAR.UD,  lav  Babili,  IR  5,  no.  XVII,  g. 

Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  Ill,  52.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  188. 
Eriba-Sin  (cf.  OBa.  E-ri-ib-Sin  BE  VI,  pt.  i) 
r.  Eri-ba-'^ XXX,  f.  of  Simbar-Sipah ,  Chron. 

A,V,2.  -  KB  II,  p.  272. 
2.  SU-'^XXX 

f.  of  Simbar-Sipak,  Chron.  K^,  12. 
f.  of  Tabnea,  Simb.:  Lay.  53, 3. 
ErIba-sarru(vS'^-J/^AO,  VS  I,  89  ^s. 
Eriba-Tutu(^f/-''7^^.  7'^) 

s.  of  Ta-ri-bi-ni . . .,  K.  2883. 
Erlda("'jy/)-a-a  "Native  of  the  city  of  Eridu" 

JADD  618,4  (Ep.  T). 
E-Pi-hi  (cf.  E-ra-ht),  '^pir-hi-nu  }a  Nabn,  JADD 

302,  1. 
*E-ri-me-na    (Erimenas,    Iran.    (Apiap-evrjc;),    cf. 
HOMMEL,  Grundriss,  p.  38,  n.  2),  Chaldian 
king,  f.  of  Rusas  III(?). 
*E-ri-8l-in-ni  (cf.  Irilenni) 

s.    of   U-a-al-li-i,    gs,   of  Ahlcri,   of  Man, 
'     Abp.:   A,   III  R  19,   III,  75;   Ann.   Ill,  18; 
B,  III  R  31,  III,  103.  —  KB  II,  p.  178. 
E-ri-SU  (van  E-ri-e-su  q.  v.,  cf.  Eri-si  BE  XV, 
198,  90;  perhaps  <C  Eris-sii) 
s.  of  Mafi-?iu-ka-sarri,  JADB  5,  II,  10. 
E-ri-se,  see  Irilum. 

'E-ris-tu  (abbrev.;  for  OBa.  and  NBa  texts,  see 
TNB,  TlD  LC)  81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  s.    Cf. 
fE-ri-{ihtu\  JADD  220,  1. 
Erisu  prob.  "Gardener"  (cf.  Arb.  \-:jXs^,  Sab. 
Dnin,  Aretas;  see  also  Irilmn) 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


I.  E-ri-H,  HABL  865, 6. 

s.  of  Da-bi-bi,  HABL  527,  3. 

s.  of  Nabu-belani,  K.  433,  a  (B.  C.  648;  KB 

IV,  p.  170). 
s.  of  Sa-pik{}),  K.  433,  6  (B.  C.  648). 
_  2.  E-ri-hi,  HABL  11 19,  R.  7. 
E-sag-gil-a-a   (hypocor.;    cf.   PSBA    19   (1897), 
p.  71, 13) 
s.  of  Arad-Ea',  dup'^ar,  Simb.:  Lay.  53,  31 
(BM.  90937,  B.  E.  2.    King,  BBS,  p.  103, 
pi.  22). 
f.  of  Bel-li--kullati,  CT  X,  7,  48. 
E-sag-gll-bu-nu-u-a  (abbrev.) 

^}}azan  Bit-Ada,   Mna.,  Ill  R  43,  11,  24.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  70. 
E-s]ag-gi-li  (Ba.,  hypocor.,  cf.  E-sag-gil-li  TNB) 
f.  of  Za-k[i-ru\,  Simb.:  BM  90937,  9  (King, 
BBS,  p.  102,  pi.  20). 
E-sag-gil-ki-in-ap-li  (abbrev.) 

V  R  44,  44cd,  =  ES.  GU.ZI.  GIJN.A. 
E-sag-gil-sad-du-u-nl,  van  —  KUR-u-7ii  (abbrev.), 
V  R  44,  God.    mar  la  ma-ma-na ,  f.  of(.?) 
Adad-apal-iddina,  the  Babyl.king,Synchr. 

II,  31. 

E-sag-gil-zeru  (abbrev.  from  Ina-Esaggil-zer,  q.  v.) 
f  of  Tab-as ab- Mar duk,  Neb.  I:  V R  56,  II,  22. 
f.  of  Uras{fIB)-li-ia,  II  R  2,  no.  5,  7.  6,  7. 
E-sln-na-a-a  (cf  I-sin-na-a-a) 

f.  of  Naba-nasir,  HABL  963,  3. 
E-8u-rl-zer(.?),  JADD  741, 17. 
E-sl-da-a-a    (cf  ^^ E-si-[du'?]  JADD    887,    R.  :) 

irrisu,  JADD  742,  R.  12. 
Esi-eres  (abbrev.) 

f  of  Arad-Istar,  JADD  525,  R.  7. 
Esrai^a,  or  Um-esraia  "Born  on  the  twen- 
tieth day"  {UD-XX^^^If^^^'^-a-a,  cf  OBa 
Mar-nm-eh-a),  K.  241,  IX,  23,  spec.  82-3-23, 
137,  I,  3.  t}paru,] ADD  1020,  ^'rakbu 
sepa,  JADD  354,  R.  1. 
Es-ru-u-a  (hypocor.) 

f  oi Adad-^apik-zer,  Simb.:  Lay.  53, 28  (KiN(;, 
BBS,  p.  103,  pi.  21). 
*Etaqama  (cf  Hommel,  Altisr.  Uberl.   p.  220,  . 
KA3  p.  468) 
s.  of  Siitarna  {Stitatarra),  of  Kinza 
I.  Aitakama,  Aitukkama,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG 
35,  p.  35,  OLZXIII,  col.  292. 

No.  I. 

2.  A-i-tuQ)-ga-ma,  TA  53,  s,  21, 28, 37, 00. 

3.  A-taq-qa-ma,  TA  56, 28,  27. 

4.  E-da-ga-ma,  amel  ^^Ki-in-za,  TA  174,  n. 

175,  9.  176, 9. 

5.  E-ta-ga-ma,  TA   149,  so.   pa-wa-ri^^KidU, 

TA  151,  59. 

6.  E-tak-ka-ma,  TA  189,  2. 

7.  I-ta-ka-ma,  TA  140, 25. 

8.  I-tak-ka-ma,  TA  189,  R.  20. 

9.  I-ta-at-ka-ma,  TA  197, 31. 
E-tar....,  JADD  597,  R.^r. 

E-til-li  (abbrev.;  cf  TNB),  HABL  815,  R.  21. 

f  of  Nergal-etir,  Sshi.:  ZA  IX,  p.  398,  9. 
^Etillit-Arbail  "Arbela   is  a  lady",  or  abbrev. 

"Mistress  of  Arbela" 
fNIR,GAL--hV-AN,  JADD   61,  4,    slave 

*E-til-lu-na  (cf  EoreXXoov,  Ei)Te}via)v,  ATeXr](;(?), 

Hommel,   Grundriss,   p.  62),   messenger 

of  king  of  Alasia,  TA  37, 23. 
E-til-pi-i-NIarduk  "Marduk  is  lord  of  the  word" 

(cf  E-til-KA-Marduk  T-D  LC  157),  VR 

44,Gc6,  =  KA.  SE.  IR.MA.  AL-^  TU.  TU. 
E-til-pu    (abbrev.;     cf    OBa.    E-til\te-el\-pu{-um) 

RPN,  T-D  LC),  malmaH,]K\)V>  851, 1,6. 
Etil-qabi(.?56/^Z:-^),  JADD  385,  R.  g. 
Eteru  (abbrev.,  cf  Bel-etir) 

1.  E-te-ri,  JADD  385,  R.  g.  677,  R.  e. 

2.  E-te-ru,  HABL  702,  1.  878,  12, 17, 21.  1003,  4. 

1066,  8.    1093,  14  =  Bel-etir,  q.  v.    KK. 

12962.    Sarg.  St.  IV,  4. 
s.  o{ Ba-ni-ia,  Hanga  '^A.E,  Sarg.  St.  IV,  26. 
f  of  Belaherlba,  K.  433,  4. 

3.  E-ti-ru,  HABL 97 1,  R.5.  ioii,g.  VR44,38b. 
Etir-ilu  "God  spared"(Ba.) 

I.  E-tl-ir-AN,  JADD  168,  R.  s. 
_  2.  KAR-ir-AN,  K.  241,  VIII,  9,  spec. 
^K\x-}^zxAw\.(>KAR-ir-''KU),  JADD  434,  R.  5,  9. 
m-\^\Ky\\s{^KAR-ir-'iPIN),  K.  3263. 
E-ul-mas-di-na-an-ni  (Ba.) 

s.o{ Sin-e-pi-ri,  BM91015,  12,  R.25  (not  quite 
certain,  King  BBS,  p.  109,  pi.  CVI). 
E-ul-mas-nasir(5Zf5)  "The  temple  of  Eulmash 
is  protector"  (Ba.) 
s.  of  Tu-na-mis-sa^,  lakin  te-me  mati,  Lo. 

102,    VI,  19. 

Eulmas-sakin-sum,  see  Ina-Eulmahlakin-lum. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 


JADD  232,  R.  /J  (B.  C  685).  523,  R.^. 
^E-zip-tum/tu,  JADD  811, 5.  884, 4.  K.  929. 


f.  of  Ha-nu,  Capp.  T-D,  239,  1. 
Gab-ba . . .,  JADD  793, 3. 

Gabbaru  (WSem.,  abbrev.,  cf.  St -gab-ba-ri,  Ar. 
naa,  He.  n.  a.  1135  "strong") 

1.  Ga-ab-bar,  Epon.  B.  C.  (^J,  JADD  139,  5. 

2.  Ga-ab-ba-ru,  Epon.  B.  C.  €67,  III  R  i,  VI,  u. 

3.  Ga-ba-ri,  in  mar  G.,  name  of  a  country 

or  tribe,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II,  83.  —  KB  I, 
p.  170. 

4.  Gab-ba-ri,  in  mar.  G.  Sa  Up  ^""^'Hamafii, 

Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II,  24.  —  KB  I,  p.  162. 
Cf.  no.  3.  Cf  "'Subat- Gab-ba-ri  BE  IX, 
^^  Gab-ba-ri-KAK,  We.  Misc. 

5.  Gab-barQ)-ru,  Epon.  B.  C.  667,  JADD  315, 

R.  7:  sd  "'Sina/iertba. 

6.  Gab-ba-ru,  JADD  81,  B.  E.  2  (Ep.  Q).  540, 3. 

K.  8741.   83-1-18,  847.  Epon.  B.C.  667, 

JADD  27,  B.  E.  2.  185,  R.  18.  200,  L.  E.  1. 

Ill  R  I,  VI,  14. 
Gab-bi-i,  varr.   Ga-bi-i,    Ga-bi-a,    Ga-bi-e,   Gab-e 

(hypocor.,  cf  TNB  s.  v.  Gab-bi-e-d) 
HABL  7^7,  12:  of  Barhalsa,  JADD  132, 3 

(B.C.  682?). 
f    of   Marduk-Sar-usur,    HABL    1106,  12. 

JADD  115,24  (III  R  47,25  a).  116,25.418,31. 

429,  R.  27.    82-5-22,  131. 
Gab-bHa-ana-Asur(?),    ^akin    mat...,    Epon.(?), 

Adnir.  Ill:  KAHI  I,  24,  R.  ig. 
Gabbi-ilani-eres,  see  Gabbu-ilani-erel. 
Gab-bu-Adad  (abbrev.) 

JADD  167, 3  slave  sold  (B.  C.  675). 

1.  Gab-bu-a-mur,  JADD   428,  2,   slave   sold. 

742, 9.  775, 5.  824, 3.  854,  R.  4. 

2.  Gab-bu-SI.LAL,  K.  241,  XII,  23,  spec. 

3.  KAK-a-mur,  s.  of....,  JADD  211,2. 

4.  KAK-SI.LAL,  mafihfi,  JADD  500,  R.  9. 
Gabbu-ana-Asur  "All  belongs  to  Ashur" 

1.  Gab-bu-a-na-AS-Sur,  HABL  124,  2. 

2.  Gab-bu-TIS-AS-iur,  HABL  121,  2.  122,  2. 

123,2.  125,2.  K.  7797. 

Gab-bu-ana-lstar(^r)  "All  belongs  to  Ishtar" 
(cf  OBa.  y  Ana-be Itim-kallama  RPN) 
^irriSu,  JADD  661,  R.  21.  742,  R.  28. 
Gabbu-eres  (abbrev.) 

KAK-PIN-eh  JADD   119,  R..?  (B.  C.  680). 
Gabbu-ilani   (abbrev.,    cf.    the    next   name   and 
Gabbi-ilani-sar-usur  TNB) 

1.  Gab-bu-ANPt,  JADD  82,  E.  3  (Ep.  Q).  130, 7, 

of  "^ Ha-an-du-a-ta.  743,  R.  u.  naggaru, 
JADD  159,5. 

2.  Gab-bii-ANP^-ni,  JADD  92,  R.  3. 
Gabbu-ilani-eres  "All  the  gods  have  planted" 

1.  Gab-bi-ANP^-ni-KAM-ei 

i.  of  Marduk-lwn-iqi^a,  gf  of  Nabu-zuqup- 
ken\  ''rab  dupiarre  of  Calah,  KK.  75,  24. 
2678.  2679,9.  2682.  2686.  2688.  3044. 
3055.  3064,  3066.  3067.  3068.  3071,  R.  7. 
3074.  3129.  3163.  9452.  9487  (III  R,  2,  1, 

2,  3,  0,  13,  16,  22,  32,  3i),  44,  45,  4?).  Sm.  854'  92P} 

etc.,  cf  Nabfi-suqup-ken. 

2.  Gab-bii-ANP'-PIN-el,   JADD    270,  3;    cf 

Sm.  55,  XI,  4,  spec. 

3.  KAK-ANP'-ni-KAM-d,  K.  241,  IX,  45,  spec. 
Gabbu-ina-qata-ill  "All  is  in  the  hand  of  the 

go  d"(cf.  NBa.  Gabbi-iyia-qata-Sama^TW^') 

Gab-bu-AS-Sl)'-AN,  K.  241,  VIII,  2a,  spec. 

Gab-bu-it-tah-di-an-ni,  prob.  to  be  read   Gabbu- 

risi-^allimafmi,  K.  241,  XII,  24,  spec. 
Gabbu-qata-ili    (abbrev.,    cf     Gabbu-ina-qata-ili) 

Gab-bu-SU'-AN,    JADD    153,  4.    154,  5 

(B.C.  663?). 
*«'Ga-bi-a  (prob.  Ar.,  cf  Talmud,  n.  pr.  m.  T\T^'2l, 

Bi.  «^na),  JADD  237, 3:  wife  oi  Di-na-na, 

sold  (B.  C.  665). 
*Gab-ri(-i)   (hypocor.,  cf  NBa.  Gab-ri-ia  TNB) 

JADD    248,3,6   (B.  C.  714).    ^rab   kisir, 

JADD  268,  R.J-. 

f  of  Ahaa,  JADD  5,  I,  i. 
*6a-da-a/'    (Ar.,  abbrev.,   cf.  '^  Ta-ri-ga-da-   BE 

VIII,  pt.  I,  Bi.  bs^^a) 
JADD  841,  R.  5.    ''mutir  pati,  JADD  857, 

II,  34.   Ha  Upa,  JADD  860,  IV,  23. 
'''Gaddas,  see  GandaL 

f  of  Bilah-A^ur,  Capp.  G,  4,  g,  cf.  KB  IV, 

p.  50,  III. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*GadiJia  (hypocor.,  cf.  Bi.  i-l|,  Pa.  x^ia,   '^UD^^- 
ga-di-i  Nabd.  BE  VIII,  pt  i,  52, 3) 

1.  Ga-di....,  J  ADD  841,3. 

2.  Ga-di-a...,  HABL  1009,20. 

3.  Gad-ia-a,  VS  I,  87,  24.  93,.  v. 

s.  o{A-H-ma(J)....,  PSBA 30(1908),  p.  138,31 
(Ep.  N).       . 

4.  Ga-di-i- ,  HABL  897, 2. 

5.  Ga-di-i  a,  J  ADD  291,  R.  10. 

6.  Ga-di-ia-a{}\  JADD  275,  5,  sold. 
*6a-di-ilu  (cf.  Bi.  bx'^^a) 

JADD  443,  1  (JB.C.  686?). 
^Ga-ga-a  "Necklace"  (hypocor.,  cf.  Gagu,  NBa. 
/Gaga  TNB,   OBa.   Ga-gi  BE  III  pt.  i, 

33,  <t 
JADD  891,  R.  5:  wife  of  Iddfia,  of  Bab-sa- 

Ga-gi-l  (hypocor.,  cf.  Gagi,    Gaga),  K.  199 1  (J). 
*Gagu  (cf  ?Bi.  y\y,  PraSek,  GMP  I,  p.  131,  note) 

1.  Ga-a-gi,    f    of   Pa-ri-hi-a    and    Sar-a-ti\ 

^'hazan  "'"*Sa-hi  in  Media,  Abp.  B,  III  R 
3^1,  IV,  1.  K.  1779,  C,  19  (WSml.111,  p.  58). 

2.  Ga-gi,  same  person,  Abp.  B:  K.  1732,  IV,  i 

(WSml.  Ill,  p.  41).  —  JADD  741, 39: 
s.  of  Narbatium,  Capp.  E,  2,  9. 
Gahal,   Ga-fiul  (abbrev.,   family  name,    cf  Bit- 
Gahal  HABL  877, 3  =  JADD  889) 
mar  Gahal  HABL  282,  7  (see  Sum-iddina). 
878,  u.  I  R  4  j7  28  (see  Suzubu). 

f  of  Nd id-Mar duk,  81-7-27,  205  (Ba). 

riu,  JADD  386,  R.  9. 
*6al-pa-ru-da,  see  Qdl-pa-ru-da. 
Galiilu  (cf  Bi.  bba,  Tham.  \h^  MVG  IX,  p.  107, 

1 .  Gal-lul,  '^rab  kisir,  JADD  266,  R.  6  (B.  C.  670). 

2.  Ga-lul,  JADD  138,  5.  429,  e.  893,  2.  K.  241, 

XI,  6,  spec,  ^'■massar  bit  Hi,  HABL  493, 
R.  11.  ^NI.  GAB  U  ekalli,  JADD  25  5,  R.  16. 

3.  Ga-lu-lu,  '^NI.  GAB,  JADD  218,  R.  ^  (B.  C. 

687).    Cf    HABL    1 132,  7: 

*6a-ma-lu   (Can.,   cf  Bi.  b^'ib'aa,    Ga-ma-al-Sin- 

Iflmur  BE  XIV),  Ta'annek  7,  5. 

f  of  A-zu-ta-a,  Capp.  Ch.  10,  10. 

No.   I. 


f  of  Marduk-nasir,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  90. 
—  KB  IV,  p.  70. 

"Gam-lat-sar-usur  "O  Gamlat,  protect  the 
king!"  83-1-18,  135,  R.  eb,  spec. 

*6a-na"bu  (cf.  Pa.  KSSa,  Talmud.  XS''3a),  HABL 
631,11  =  JADD  759,10. 

*Gan-das  (Cass.),  king  of  Babylonia,  the  first 
ruler  of  the  Cassite  dynasty  (C),  King- 
list  A,  I,  15;  abbrev.  into  Gan-di,  f  of 
Agfim  rabfi,  gf  of  Kastiliaiu,  ggf  of 
Abiruttas,  gggf  of  TasUgurumal,  ^g^^i. 
ol  Agnm  II,  Agk.:  VR  33, 1, 22  (cf  HOM- 
MEL,  OLZ  XII  (1909),  col.  108  f),  Gan-de 
and  Gan,  see  Hilprecht,  OBI  p.  28—30; 
prob.  identical  with  Ga-ad-dal  sar  kib- 
rati  arbci  sar  '""^Sumeri  u  Akkadi  sar 
Bd-bd-lam,  84-2-1 1,  178  (WUAG  pp.34, 
156,  OBI  p.  30  and  n.  3). 

•"^♦Gar-ga-mes-a-a  "Native  of  Carchemish" 
JADD  286,3  (B.C.  691). 

*Ga-ri-a  {ci.{G)ud-ga-ri-a),  Capp.G,  2,  //.  11, 1,16,20. 
s.  of  Gimil-belim,  Capp.  G,  3,  is. 

*Ga-ri-da-[a]  (Ar.) 

JADB  7,  I,  5,  nappaji  siparri. 

*Gar-pa-ru-un-da,  see  Qdl-pa-ru-da. 

*6a-ru-su,  JADD  584,  R.  2.  929,  s.  >.  Gar-ru-su, 
K.  241,  XI,  5,  spec. 

*<'Ga-as-su-li-|a-u-i-e  (Mit.),  princess  of  Amurru, 
wife  of  Pud-Ahi,  MDOG  35,  p.  43. 

*Ga-'-u-ni  (Ar.,  cf  -'^Ga--u-ni  III  R  15,  IV,  21) 
Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  1, 35  (III  R  7):  of  '^'Sa- 
r[u-gt\  =  a^niO  Gen.  1 1, 20-28.  KB  I,  p.  1 56. 

*Ga-zi-lu  (WSem..?),  JADD  350,  s,  ig  (B.  C.  707), 
slave  sold. 

*6i-am-mu  (cf.  Panammu,  *Kilammu  =  liabs 
Senjirli  IV),  ''hazanu,  prefect  of  cities  on 
the  River  Balikh,  Shalm.  Ill:  Co.  68.  Mo. 
II,  79.  Ob.  55.  —  KB  I,  pp.  132,  170. 

"^Gidgidanu,  see  sub  Bugiddanu. 

*Gi-el-te-sup  (Mit.) 

f  of  Du-ra-ar-  Tesup,  CT  II,  2 1, 25,  26. 

*Gi-es-ha-a-a  (Mit.) 

f  of  U-ku-ia,  CT  II,  21, 22. 

6i-hi-lu  (perh.  WSem.),  Epon.  B.  C.  689,  III  R  i, 
V,  35.  Gi-hi-AN-i-lu,  same  person,  JADD 
1098,  III,  3. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 


s.  oiBel-iqlU(^),  JADD  415,  R.^  (B.  C.  734?). 
*GI-ki-i,  ^targumanu,  la  "''"'Man-nu-a-a,  JADD 

865, 6. 
'''Gilgames  (Gr.  ri^-yajioc;  in  Aelianus,  Hist.  anim. 

XII  21,   see   Sayce,   Academy  1890,   8'^ 

Nov.,    p.   421),   ancient   Bab.   hero   and 


1.  ^Gil-ga-mel,  82-5-22,  915  (PiNCHES,  Bab.  & 

Orient.  Record  IV  (1890),  p.  264.   KA^ 
p.  566,  n.  4). 

2.  ''GIS,  VATh,  4105,  I,  3,  6, 7  etc.  (MVG  VII, 

p.  I4ff.). 

3.  ^GIS.BIL-ga-tnii,  OBI  26, 7  (SAK  p.  222). 

4.  '^GIS.  TU.BAR,    in    Epic    of   Gilgamesh, 

passim.  HABL  56,  R.  5.  JADD  941,  III,  e. 

943,  1,9.   Maqlu  1,38.   KK.  164,47.    7149. 

8291.  9717.    12032.  83-1-18,  452:  larru 

dannu  la  gabri  la  iU.  terit  G.,  K.  8294,  7 
(CT  XXVII,  7). 
*Gi-li-ia    (Mit.    hypocor.,    cf.    Gil-Telup    etc.) 
mar  hpri  of  Tushratta,  nephew  of  Ma- 
zipatli,  TA  17,  46:  ^sukkallu.   19,  25, 39, 71. 

20,  18,  23.     26,  15.     29,  34,  39,  69,  108,  147,  151,  166, 

158, 160, 162, 168,  171.  Gi-H-ia-al-la-an,  TA  Mit. 

IV,  20,  21.    Gi-li-i-an,  II,  7.    Gi-li-la-na-an, 

IV,  36, 37.   Gi-li-i-dl,  1, 100.  IV,  26, 27.  Gi-li- 

i-dl-M-an,  1, 91. 
*Gil-Tesup,  see  Gi-el-te-lup. 
*Gi-lu-u-a   (hypocor.,    cf.    Gi-li-ia),  JADD  930, 

IV,  2,  15. 

*'Gi-lu-he-pa  (Mit,  Eg.  Kjr-gpi,  see  Weber, 

Anmerkungen  zu  den  El-Amarna-Tafeln, 

p.  1043) 

d.  of  Sutarna  I,  si.  of  Tulratta  and  Artal- 

lumara,  wi.  of  Anienophis  III),   TA  17, 

5,  41. 

Gi-lu-lu  (cf.  Ga-lu-hi),  Capp.  E,  2,32. 
Gimil(5^)-a-num  (hypocor.) 

f.  of  A-gu-za,  Capp.:  E,  i,  8.  3, 2,  u.  G  7, /<?. 
Gimil(i6^)-be-lim  "Present  of  the  lord" 

f  of  Ga-ri-a,  Capp.  G,  3,  19. 
Gimil-dumqi-liimur  "May  I  see  the  gracious 

present! "  (cf.  OBa.  Lumur-gimil-Samal 

RPN),  K.  241,  XI,  41,  spec. 
Gimil(5tO-"'Gu-la    "Present    of  Gula"    (perh. 


s.  of  Iddin-Nabu,  '^malmalu,  ancient  author, 

K.  9717, 8.  Sm.  669,  R.  2  (NE  no.  51.  52). 

Q\m\\-\\\{Sir-AN,  cf.  OBa.  Gi-mil-Ui)  "Present 

of  the  god",  JADD  5,  B.  E.  2  (KB  IV, 

p.  no). 

Gimil(5f/)-is-ha-ra    "Present    of    Ishkhara", 

Capp.  Ch.  12,  1. 
Gimil(^£^)-lstap  "Present  of  Ishtar",  Capp.  G, 
12,  //.   14, 3. 
s.  of  MAN-a-sh',  Capp.  T-D  239, 7,  is. 
f.  of  A-hu-wa-ld,  Capp.  E,  2, 1. 
f.  of  A-Hr-ta-a-a-ar,  Capp.  G,  i,  4. 
Glmil(5t)')-ku-bu-um  "Present  ofKubu",  Capp. 
T-D  241,  10.  SU-ku-bii-bi\bi-im,  Capp.  Ch. 
5,  11.  G,  7, 4. 
f.  of  A-lur-ma-lik,  Capp.  Ch.  i,  4. 
Gimll(5t/)-la-ba-an     "Present    of    Laban"(!) 

Capp.  G,  7,  19, 23. 
Gi-mil-lu    (abbrev.)    "Present"    (also    in   OBa. 
and   NBa.   texts)   HABL    530,  2.    815,  2. 
JADD  485,  R.  7.    499,  R.  4   (B.  C.  670). 
PBT  I,  10,  /. 
Gimil-Sin  "Present  of  Sin" 

S(J-^EN.ZU  (also  ''SU-'^EN.ZU),  s.  of 
Bur-Sin^  f.  of  Ibi-Sin,  king  of  Ur,  about 
B.  C.  2210,  lar  Urim^'  "lar  kibratim 
arbaim,  I  R  3,  no.  XI,  1.  IV  R  35,  no.  4, 3. 
—  Cf.  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  88 ff.  SAK  p.  200 ff. 
Gimil-tirri  (abbrev.) 

SU-GU[R-ri],  HABL  180,  R.  1. 
Ginaia  (hypocor.,  cf   Gi-ni-ia) 

1.  Gi-na-a-a,  '""*Elamma-a-a,]AT)T>  625,  R. /^ 

(B.  C.  670).    Hamkar,  JADD    200,   R.  9 
(B.  C  667). 

2.  Gi-na-i^a,  JADD  661. 

3.  Gi-in-na-a-a,  JADD  493,  R.  9. 

*GHn-di-bu-'  (Arb.,  cf.  Zi<yLL  "black  locust") 
'""'Ar-ba-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II,  94 
(IIIR  8).  —  KB  I,  p.  172. 

Gi-ni-i  (hypocor.),  JADD  874,  4. 

Gi-ni-la  (hypocor.),  JADD  364,  R.  s  (B.  C.  679). 

Gi-ra-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Gi-ra-  BE  IX,  Bi.  s-ij^) 
JADD  621,  12,  R./<y  (IIIR  50,  no.  3;  Ep.F). 

Gir-ha-a,   rab  hanla,  JADD  197, 4   (B.  C.  648). 

Giri-Adad,  see  Giri-Dadi. 

*6i-ri-ba-'-al   "Client  of  Baal",  (cf.  Ph.,  NPu. 

bi^ana  APO),  JADD  775, 7. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Giri-Dadi  "Client  of  Adad" 

1.  Gi-ri-da-di,  *""*A^-ia'a-ia,  Anp.:  Ann.  111,94 

(IR  25).  —  KB  I,  p.  no. 

2.  Gi-ri-'^IM,  oiBit-Adini,  Shalm. Ill:  Mon. 1, 35 

(IIIR  7).  —  KB  I,  p.  156. 

3.  Gi-rW'IM,  Rm.  157  (B.  C.  679).  —  KB  IV, 

p.  124,  no.  III. 
*Gi-ri-milki(J/^iV)    "Client   of  Milk"   (cf.  Ph. 

bel  pihati  sa  Til-turi,  cousin  of  Si-  -lu-ki-di, 
HABL  131,  7,  12,  17,  R.  7,  10  (cf.  WAF  II, 

p.  305)- 

1.  Gi-rit-tu,]KY)D  i,  R.j  (B.  C  731.?).  ^aknu, 

JADD  771, 6. 

2.  Gi-ri-tu,  ^rfii,  HABL  727,  e. 
*GI-ri-za-kan(.?/«)-ni,  JADD  148,  R.  4. 
*Gir-me-zu(j-«  Rm  3),  better  Ad-vie-su   (cf  'A8- 

p.r]T0(^  II.   II,  7,  13,  see  also  Da-ma-su) 
sar   '^^/""''  Ta-me-su,   king   of  Tamassus   in 

Cyprus,  Esarh.  B,  V,  22.  Abp.  Ill  R  27,  130. 

Rm.  3,  II,  48.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 
*Gir-8a-',  "^ Ni-^u-ut-a-a,  JADD  416,  R.  jo. 
*Gir-sa-pu-nu  "Client  of -jisir"  (WSem.,  cf  Gi- 

ri-za-kanQ)-ni  JADD    148,    R.  4.   Gi-[7'i- 

sa]-pu-[nu],    469,    R.    11)    JADD    832,  12. 

Epon.  B.  C.  66o(.?),  Ill  R  i,  VI,  20.  JADD 

[12,   13.    362,    R.  8.]    444,    R.  21. 

Gir-tu/te,  JADD  151,  R.  ,0  (III  R  50,  no.  i;  Ep.  Y). 

622,  G  (Ep.  D).  hiag-gar  nartabi  viu-gir-ri, 
.    JADD  50,  3  (Ep.  H.) 
Gi-ru  .  . .,  mutir  temi   of  Nergal-zer-ibni,  JADD 

463,  10. 
Gi-ru-Dadi,  see  Giri-Dadi. 
Gi-su-su,  K.  241,  XI,  19,  spec. 
*6i-i8-ta,  "'''*Ab-da-na-a-a,^\i2iKVL's,.N\  Ann.  Ill, 56 

(IR  30).  —  KB  I,   p.  182. 
fGi-i-zir(.?),  JADD  741, 27. 
*Gubaru  (Iran.,  OPe.  Gaubaniwa,  Gr.  FoPpOqc;) 

1.  Gu-ba-ru,  ''pahatu,  Nabd.  Ann.  Ill,  20. 

2.  Gu-ba-ru- ,  s.  of  Mar-du-\ni-id\,  supporter 

of  Darius,  Beh.  in. 

3.  Ug-ba-ru,  Nabd.  Ann.  Ill,  22.  ''pahat  "'"*Gu- 

ti-um,  Nabd.  Ann.  Ill,  15. 
Gii-de-a  (Sum.),  patesi  of  Lagash,  I  R  5,  no.  XXIII, 
I,  4.  XXIII,  2, 5;  see  SAK  pp.  66—147. 

No.   I. 

*Gu-ud-ga-ri-a,  var.  Ud-ga-ri-a  (cf  Gu{d)-da-ri-a 
BE  III,  pt.  I,  Ga-ri-d) 
f.  of  Ha-M-M-at'-na,  Capp.  D-T  242,  9,  is. 
Gu-gi-i  (hypocor.,  cf  -f  Gu-gu-ii-a  TNB) 
f  of  Adad-uballit,  JADD  446,  R.  11. 
f  of  Za-ru-ti-i,  JADD  44,  B.  E.  1. 
*Gugu  (Lyd.  Gyges,  cf  Kili-gugu\  Da-ma{^)-gu-gu 
BE  VI,  pt.  2,  Car.  lbax\^xoc,  Klio  XI,  478) 

1.  Gu-gu,  JADD  94,  R.  2.  Mr  '"^^Luddi,  king 

of    Lydia,    Abp.:    A,    III  R    19,    III,  5. 
B,  IIIR  29,  no.  I,  R.  13. 

2.  Gu-ug-gu,   the   Lydian   king,   Abp.:   Ann. 

II,  95.  —  KB  II,  p.  172. 
Gu-hu-ru,  mutir  pnte,  HABL  552, 3. 

JADD  100,  4  (B.  C.  687). 

K.  5656,  R.  5  (JADD  II,  p.  376f.),  spec. 

JADD  7n,  8  (III  R  46, 59a),  spec. 
Gula-sum ....  {^ME.ME-MU. . .),  JADD  624,  R.  s 

(B.  C.  687). 
•■Gu-la-su-me-e-di-lib-sl   "O  Gula,  may  it  be  a 
first  son!" 
V  R  44,  19  c  d,    renders   '^DA .  MU.  MU.  AS. 

K.  5656,  R.  6  (JADD  II,  p.  376 f),  spec. 
"Gu-la-ta-ki-se-lib-tut  "O  Gula,  may  the  child 
that  thou  presented  live!" 
K.  5656,  R.  4  (JADD  II,  p.  376f ),  spec. 
**'Gu-la-te/ti,   m.  of  Be/a,  TA  292,  42.  294,  17, 24. 
"Gu-la-za-ri-li-kun  "O  Gula,  may  the  begetter 
stand  fast!" 
K.  5656,  R.  3  (JADD  II,  p.  376),  spec. 
^Gu-\di-zer-eres{KAM-es)    "Gula  has   planted 
^^A.BA,  JADD  200,  L.  E. .  (B.  C.  667). 
Gula-zer-ibni   "Gula    has    created    seed"  (cf. 
'^ME.ME-KUL-KAK,    Hangu    la   '^Gula, 
JADD  255,  R.  /o. 
''Gu-la-zer-iqlsa(i?^-i«)   "Gula  has  presented 
seed"  (Ba.) 
'^bairu,  Nai.:  CT  X,  3,  i3-  -  KB  IV,  p.  92. 
s.  of  Hu-un-na,  Neb.  I:  Nippur  V,  23. 
*Gu-li-Addi(''/J/)  (Can.),  Ta  annek  i,  3. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*6ul-ki-saP,  6^^  king  of  dynasty  B,  King-list  B,  is. 
V  R  44, 15  =  muabbit  kissati.  sar  ^"Hamti, 
OBI  83, 3, 6  (KB  IV,  p.  64).  Gul-ki,  King- 
list  A,  I,  8.  Cf.  WAF  I,  p.  130,  n.  3, 
p.  267;  Lehmann,  Zwei  Hauptprobleme, 
p.  18;  Jensen,  in  GGA,  1900,  p.  860; 
HiNKE,  Boundary  Stone,  p.  204  n.;  King, 
Chronicles,  I,  p.  i54ff. 

"^Gu-lu-SU  (cf.  ''Gulu-su,  a  Aramean  tribe  II R 
67,  31) 
Haknu  i-tu-\  JADD  857,  II,  11.   860,  III,  22. 

*6u-ma-a-tu/ti  (Old-Pe.  Gaumata),  the  Pseudo- 
Smerdis,  B.  C.  522,  ''ma-gu-iu,  Beh.  Ill  R  39, 

20,  25,  26,  28,  29.    4O,  90,  109. 


King  of  Larsa,  I  R  2,  VI,  i,  oa;  cf.  KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  86,  n.  I,  SAK  p.  206. 
'^Gun-zi-na-nu,  var.   Gu-un-si-na-nu  (cf  Jensen, 

Hittiter,  p.  116) 
"'"*Kam-ma-nu-u-a,  king  of  Melidda,  Sarg.: 

Ann.  1 89.    Bull  26.    Khors.  83.   Pp.  IV,  24. 

XIV,  9.  —  KB  II,  p.  62. 
*Gun-zu-na-nu,  JADD  880,  II,  7. 
*Gu-ra-'  (WSem.,  cf.  Pa.  »nia,  OBa.  Gu-ri  akil 

{PA)  atmirrfm  VS  VII,  204, 42) 
irriiu,  JADD  742,  12. 
Gur-ra-a-a  (cf.  OBa.  Gur-ru-ii-um  CT  29,  16,  e), 

JADD  124,  R. .  (B.  C  674). 
Gur-ra-ba-a,  (Ar.)  his  al  h,  JADB  2,  1, 19. 
Gur-un,  K.  4285. 

Gu-ru-na(-a),  JADD  852,  II,  9.  899,  1, 37. 
*Gu-u-si   (cf.    n.  gent.    Gu-sa-a-a  BE  X,    Ga-la- 

*""*Ia-ha-na-a-a,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  77  (I  R  25). 

—  KB  I,  p.  106.  Cf.  Agnsu,  and  Schiffer, 

Aramaer,  p.  90,  n.  6. 
Gu(?)-sa-nu,  JADD   e^,  R.  E.  /    (B.  C.  693   or 


*Ha,  TA  1 1 7,  65,  prob.  identical  with  Haia. 
Ha-a-a-ri-SES,  mar  Hpri,  HABL  627, 4. 
Ha-ba-ba  (HPN,  cf.  Bi.  nnir».  Sab.  aan),  JADD 

438,  'S. 
*Ha-ba-du(?),  Ta'annek  7,  R.  10. 
*Ha-ba-hu-ru,  JADD  329,  s  (Ep.  K). 
*Ha-ba-ia  (perh.  Eg.,  Ranke,  Material  p.  21) 
'^rabisu  sa  iarri,  TA  316,  15. 

HabakI  (Mit.) 

Boghazkoi,  OLZ  XIII  (1910),  col.  292. 
Haban,  see  Habban. 
Ha-ba-nam(5:/?)-ru,    iar   "^Pu-da-    (in   '""Wazu), 

Esarh.  B,  IV,  22  (III  R  1 5).  —  KB  II,  p.  148. 
Ha-ba-ni  (cf.  Ha-ba-na-tum  BE  VI,  pt.  i),  JADD 

197,  r"  .  (KB  IV,  p.  148,  XV). 
Habastu,  see  Ahi-bastu. 
Ha-ba-8u/sl  (cf.  Habbahi  TNB),  JADD  (^,  9  (B.  C. 

693  or  688).  434,  8.  989,  6. 
Ha-ba-ta-li,  Capp.  T-D  240, 1,  e,  7, 12, 15, 19, 21. 
"^Habban  (patronymic,  cf  Bit-Habbayi) 

1.  Ha-ba-an,  f  of  Ia?isri,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  125. 

—  KB  I,  p.  142. 

2.  Hab-ban 

f.  of  Alieriba,  Nai.:  CT  X,  pi.  3,  2g.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  94. 
f.  o{  Enlil-nadin-himy  Neb.  I:  VR   56,  II, 

23, 27.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  168. 
f.  oi Marduk-lum-ukm,  Nai.:  VR  61,  VI,  19. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180. 

f.  of  Nergal-apal-usu7-,  VS  I,  57,  II,  6. 
f  of  Sir-nasir,  Mna.:  I R  70,  1, 13.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  78. 

3.  Ija-an-ban,  f.  of  lanzn,  Shalm.  Ill :  Ob.  95. 
*Ha-a-bl  (perh.  ¥.g.,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  22;  cf. 

$arru-f}a.a-bi),  JADD  437,  1  (B.  C.  682). 

TA  149, 37. 
Ha-bil/bil-kinu(/?6^)  (the  meaning  is  obscure,  cf. 

Ha-bil-ki-?m{-um)  BE  XV,  Dilbat,  Ha-bi- 

il-ki-nu  RPN,  AN-ha-bil\bil  T-D  LC,  Ha- 

bil-a-lji  RPN,  Ha-ab-bil-ili  BE  XV ;  instead 

of  Hab{kit)-il-ga-ad-du  BE  X,  32,  3  read 

JADD  173,  5  (Ep.  G),  slave.   469, 5.   K.  241, 

IX,  38,  spec. 
*Ha-bi-ni,  var.  Ha-pi-td 

''  Til-abndia,  Anp.:  Ann.  Ill,  55,  gs  (I  R  24). 

Shalm.  Ill:  Co.  75  (B.  C.  853);  Mon.  1, 35; 

Ob.  07.  —  KB  I,  pp.  104,  134,  156. 
*Ha-bl-SU  (cf.  Ha-bi{-i)-si  BE  IX,  X) 

iar  "'Qa-da-ba-\  Esarh.  B,  IV,  21  (III  R  15). 

80-7-19,  15,  21. 
*Ha-da-sa-a  (cf.  Handasani,  JADD  III,  p.  XVI), 

''tamkaru,  JADD  281,  R.  9  (B.  C.  694). 

Ha-di ,  JADD  429,  R.  so. 

Ha-di-'  (cf.  Si.  sin?),  JADD  206,  R.  js  (B.  C.  648?). 



Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Ha-di-du/dl  (Ar.  =  "ingenious"?),  JADB  14, 6. 

^muttr  puti,  J  ADD  857,  II,  48. 
*Ha-di(-l/e)-li-bu-8U    "His   heart   has  joy"    (cf. 

■f  Hii-di-e-'^a-lib-bt) 
K.   241,    XII,  13,    spec.    Epon.   B.    C.   850, 

Canon  A  II,  u;  B  II,  i9;J^  «' ,  82-5-22, 

•  526,  II,  n  (KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  142). 
Ha-di-[a  (hypocor.;    cf.  Ha-ad-di-ia  BE  X,  HlL- 

PRECHT,  BE  X,  p.  5 1,  n.  ft);  'HrrUu,  JADD 

742,  34. 
Ha-gur(?)-ru  (cf.  Ha-gu-ru  TNB),  TA  238, 24. 
Ha-ah-hu-ru  (in  NBa.    texts,  see  TNB,   cf.   Bi. 


s.  of  Se-in ,  HABL  780,  5,  13. 

*Ha  I   {Ha-a-i,  Eg.,   cf  Ranke,  Material,  p.  9), 

TA  166,  1,  14.  167,  1. 
*Ha[a  (Eg.,  cf  Ranke,  Material,  p.  9) 

1.  Ha-a-a,  rabii  of  Amenophis  IV,  TA  11,  ni, 

R.  13,  14. 

2.  Ha-a-ia,  TA  255,  s. 

3.  Ha-ia,  TA  71,  1,   ^rabisu  of  the  Egyptian 

king    112,  42,  48.      Cf.     109,  62. 

4.  Ha-ia,  TA  268,  ig 

s.  of  Mi-ia-ri-e,  TA  289, 31,  sent  with  troops 
to  Jerusalem. 

5.  Ha-ia-a,  TA  1 01,  2,  19. 

I.  Ha-a-a-nu,  "'"^Sa-ma--la-a,  Shalm.  Ill: 
Mon.  1, 53  (III  R  7).  --  KB  I,  p.  158.  Cf 
Ha-a-a-nu,  f.  of  Nergal-uballit  Abp.  BE 
VIII,  pt.  I,  no.  I,  11,  16. 

2:  Ha-a-ia-ni,  Anp.  Ann.  1, 95. 

3.  Ha-ia-a-ni,    "^ Hi-in-da-na-a-a,   Anp.   Ann. 

"  I,'^96  (I  R  I9>  —  KB  I,  p.  66. 

4.  Ha-ia-a-nii,  mar  Gabbari  sa  sep  iadl  Ha- 

mani,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II,  24.   —   KB  I, 
p.  162. 

5.  Ha-^a-ni,   mar  Gabari,   Shalm.   Ill:   Mon. 

II,  83.   —    Probably   identical   with   X^n 

(Senjirli  IV). 
*Ha-ib  (perh.  Eg.,  see  Ranke,  Material,  p.  21), 

TA  107,1s.  127,7.  132,40,42.  133,9. 
Ha-il-ilu  (cf  Lu-ha--il,  Si-^a-ilu) 

ia  ^^Bir-ti  Sa  "' Sap-ha-a-ni,  HABL  524, 2. 
*Ha-ak-ku-bu  (cf  Aqqubu  TNB,  A-qu-bu  BE  IX, 

Bi.  aipy),  JADD  179, 3,  G  (B.  C.  697). 
Ha-lah....,  JADD  256,  R.  <y  (B.  C.  t^6). 

No.  I. 


f.  of  hdi,  JADD  345, 2. 
Ha-la-ma/me(Ar.?),  HABL  685,  ig.  JADB  3, VIII,  1. 
*Ha-la-8u-rl  (cf.  Hi}'ri-Su-ru) 

JADD  329, 9  (Ep.  K). 
*Hal-bi-8U,  ^^ Sa-mir-i-na-a-a,  HABL  633, 5. 

Hal-di ,   hnukil  apati  {ABp^,  JADD  241, 

R.  6.   A.BA,  JADD  201,  R.  7  (B.  C.  694). 
Hal-dl-ah-usur  "O  Khaldi,  protect  the  bro- 
ther!" f'na-si-kii,  JADD  241,  R.  7. 
Hal-di-eres(iir^Jf-^i)    "Khaldi    has   planted" 

JADD  899,  III,  10,  in  "^ Pu-ram-ma. 
Hal-di-etir(^^i?-?>)  "Khaldi  spared" 

'HSparu,  JADD  244,  R.  h. 
Hal-di-ja-a  (hypocor.),  JADD  899,  1, 6. 
Hal-di-ibni  "Khaldi  has  created" 

U  ^^SELa-ki-pi,  JADD  416,  R.j  (KB  IV, 
p.  112;  B.  C.  710). 
Hal-di-ili-a-a  "Kaldi  is  my  god"  or  "Native 
of  "^Hal-di-li";  JADD  241,  R.  4  (or  Hal- 
pa-a-a,   see  JADD  III,  p.  462  f).    ''amel 
urqi,  JADD  360,  R.  9  (B.  C.  680). 
Hal-di-ilu(?),  HABL  925,  R.  7.  JADD  244,  R.  4- 
Hal-di-ittna(Z>^-z«)  "Khaldi  is  with  me" 

^sa   Sep  a  "' Hu-bab-a-a,  JADD   446,  R.  is 
(Ep.  Q). 
Hal-di-naslK^-^^)  "Khaldi  is  protector" 

K.  4287.    f^rak-su,  HABL  396,  g.    Sd  ^'SE 
La-ki-pi,  JADD  416,  R.j  (KB  IV,  p.  12; 
B.  C.  710). 
•* Hal-di-rim-a-ni    "O  Khaldi,  have  mercy  on 
^tamkaru,  JADD  261,  R.  10, 
Ha-li-e,  in  Bit-'"Ha-li-e,  Shmk.  CT  X,  pi.  6,  is. 
Ha-li-e-abu . . .,  JADD  792, 2. 
Ha-a-ll-ilu  "Khali  is  god"  (cf  Ha-lu-ii-mi-il-ki 
^man-di-di,  K.  931. 
*Ha-li-mu-su  (cf.  Hal-mu-sii) 

M  ^^ Ar-zu-ra-na,  JADD  877, 5. 
Hal-la-ba-a   (cf.   ^^Hallab),  ''iSparu,  JADD   386, 

R. /o. 
*Hal-la-al-la-'  {Halia-Alla}) 

f  of  La-ki-e,  HABL  520,  15. 
Hal-li....,  JADD  312,  R. /^. 
*Hal-ll-ar-ra-ka  (Med.?) 

A.BA,]AX)D  469,  R. //. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

Hal-li-[a  (hypocor.),  JADD  288,  R.  la. 

Hal-lti,  see  Ilusuma. 

"^Hallusu  (with  varr,,  Elam.),  king  of  Elam.,  B.  C 
699—693,  b,  of  Istarnanhundu  {Sutur- 
nanhundu).  For  Hallusu  II,  see  Ungnad, 
OLZ  X  (1907),  col.  62 if. 

1.  Hal'lu-si,  Abp.  A,  III  R  22,  VI,  91. 

2.  Hal-lu-lu,  iar  Elaniti,  Chron.  B,  II,  33,35,39; 

"  III,  7,  8. 

3.  Ha-lu-si,  Abp.  Ann.  VI,  54.  ~  KB  II,  p.  206. 

4.  Ha-lii-su,  K.  3062  (G.  Smith,  History,  p.  247). 


^mu-iar-kis,  JADD  261,  R.  4. 
Hal-mu-su  (cf.  Ha-li-mu-su) 

^ ,  JADD  462,  L.  E.  3  (B.  C.  679).  ''ardu, 

464,    R.  ^.     ^DUR.DUG.SAR    {kasiru) 
sal-Su,  296,  2,   slave  sold,   irriiu,  JADB 
2,  II,  5. 
Hal-pa-a-a  (gent,  from   "'\'""*Halpi),  JADD  241, 

.    R.  ,  (III,  p.  462). 
*Hal-pa-as-su-lu-bi-is  (Hit.) 

s.  of  Mursilis,  MDOG  35,  p.  19. 
Hal-8l-tu(?),  JADD  51,  R.^  (B.  C.  683). 
Hal-su-hu,  JADD  334, 2. 
Hal-su-a-a   "Native   of  the   city  of  yal§u", 

K.  241,  IX,  16,  spec. 
Hal-u-a  (or  BaruaT)  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ha-lu-ii,  Haln- 
milki  TNB,  Ha-li-e-),  ^A.BA,  JADD  238, 
R.  6  (B.  C.  688). 
*Ha-lu-si/su,  see  Hallulu. 
Ha-am ,  JADD  43 1,  R.  /o.  ^^NI.  GAB,  JADD 

857,    II,  24. 

*Ha-ma-du-du  (cf.  Ha-ma-tu-hi) 

f.  of  ^A-u-bel-ili,  VS  I,  88, 30  (Ep.  E). 

*Ha-ma-ni  (hypocor.,  cf.  pn  APO) 

s.  oi  la-a-H-mu,  HABL  542,  R.  e  (IV  R  53, 
no.   i). 


f.  of  Sifi(J)-daian,  VS  I,  102, 6. 

*Ha-ma-as-s[a]  (Eg.),  TA  198, 15,  a  rabim  of  the 
Egyptian  king. 

"^Hamassi  (Eg.) 

1.  Ha-a-mas-H,    mar   Upri    of    Amenophis 

III    &    IV,    TA    [11,  9].    27,  37,  40,  52. 

2.  Ha-a-ra-ma-ahU,  TA  20,  33,  .se,  messenger 

of  Amenophis  IV. 

3.  Ha-mas~H,  nagiru  of  Amenophis  III,  TA 

29,  25. 

Hamataia  "Native  of  Hamath" 

1.  Ha-ma-ta-a-a,    ''saknu    of   "^^ Suru,    Anp. 

Ann.  1, 75  (IR  18).  —  KB  I,  p.  64. 

2.  '""* Ha-ma-ta-a-ia,    Anp.    Ann.    I,  75,   var. 

'""^La-qa-a-ia,  Tukl.  II,  Ann.  R.  5. 

*Ha-ma-tu-tu  (=  Ar.  docket  tai^ian,  CIS  II,  38,  ZA 
III,  p.  240,  Stevenson,  Contracts,  no.  2), 
M  "'Ha-an-d»-a-te,  JADD  129,  4. 

*Ha-am-ba-qu  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB,  cf.  Bi. 
p'^'^'^'n),  rakkab  iepa,  JADD  207,  R.  n 
(KB'  iv,  p.  150,  no.  XVIII;  Ep.  B). 

Ha-am-bi-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ha-an-bi),  HABL  473, 
R.  12.   ''rab  nappalji-^urasi^',  JADD  244, 


*Ha-am-bu-8U  (cf.  -^ Ha-am-bu-su) 

f.    of   Abi-sa-la-me,    PSBA    XXX    (1908), 
p.  137,2. 

*'Ha-am-bu-su  (==  Ar.  docket  [l]TCSn,  Steven- 
son, Contracts,  p.  42 ;  cf.  OBa.  '"Ha-am- 
bu-zu-ii  T-D  LC),  JADB  1 1,  I,  s.  JADD 
233.5   (III  R  46,  no.  5;   KB  IV,    p.  138). 

*Ha-am-da-nu  (cf.  Bi.  i^ttn) 

''nasiku  of  Gambulu,  Sarg.  Ann.  254. 

Ha-me^ ,  JADD  630,  R.  10. 

Ha-am(.?)-ma-[a-a]  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB,  cf. 
f  Ha-ain-ma-a,  ibid.),  JADD  210,  L.  E. /. 

'''Hammu-rapi  (WSem.,  probably  =  '^ Animu-rapt 
"Ammu  is  lofty",  ci.  Am-ra-pi- ,'^'^2.. 
Ha-mu-ra-pu  VS  IV,  2,  g  (Ungnad,  OLZ  X 
(1907),  col.  622);  for  different  attempts 
of  interpretation  see  HusiNG,  OLZ  X 
(1907),  col.  235  f,,  HOMMEL,  ibid.,  col.  482, 
n.  2,  WEBER,  ibid.,  col.  I46f.,  MVG  XII 
(1907),  p.95  ff,  Thureau-Dangin,  OLZXI 
(1908),  col.  93,  Ungnad,  ZA  XXII  (1908), 
pp.  7 — 13;  supposed  to  be  identical  with 
Bi.  bsn'OK,  see  Schrader,  SBAk.  1887, 
p.  600 ff!,  Hommel,  Altisr.  tjberl.  (1897), 

p.  193  f.). 
King  of  Babylonia  (dyn.  A:  6),  son  of  Sin- 
muballit,  father  of  Samsu-iluna,  ruled  43 
years,  about  1958 — 1916  B.  C. 

1.  Am-mu-ra-bi,  CT  II,  pi.  9,  17. 

2.  ^»?-;««-rrt!-//,HABL2  55,8, 10,  cf.  Meissner, 

WZKM  XII  (1898),  p.  364. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  Ha-am-nii-ra-am    (sic,     pro    bi)^     CT    II, 

pi.    28,  17. 

4.  Ha-am-mu-ra-bi,  Chron.  K^,  a,  ih.  King-list 

B,  6.  IR  4,  XV,  no.  I,  e;  2,  1;  3.  Nabd.: 
Br.  cyl.  IR  69,  11,8;  85-4-30,  2,  II,  20: 
7(X)  years  before  Burnaburiash;  III,  2,  28 
(KI3  III,  pt.  2,-  pp.  82,  92).  V  R  44, 21a b, 
=  Kim-ta-ra-pa-a^-tum.  Bu.  91-5-9,  221 
(CT  XIII,  pi.  47).  In  OBa.  inscriptions, 
passim,  cf.  Ranke,  FN  p.  85f. 

5.  "^Ha-am-mu-ra-bi,  Strassm.,  Warka  28,  ig,  36 

(BM  33212). 

6.  Ha-am-mu-ra-bi-if}(}),  PSBAXXIX  (1907), 

p.  184. 

7.  Ha-am-mu-um-ra-bi,      Strassm.,     Warka 

31.  39  (BM  33223). 

8.  Ha-mu-ra-bi,  Rm.  2,  134.  MAP  49.  CTVIII, 

pi.  35.  BE  VI,  pt.  I,  p.  40.  VS  VII,  6,  26. 
Ha-am-na(-a)-nu  (cf.  Hamnumi),  K.  4786.  ^mukil 

apati,  JADD  268,  R.  2. 
Ha-am-nu-nu  (in  a  NBa.  text,  see  TNB),  JADD 

231,  3,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  680). 
Ha-am-pa . . . .,  JADB  5,  III,  le. 
Ha-mu-u,  in  ""' SE  "' Ha-mu-u  (cf.  '"'Ha-mu  HABL 

214,  R.  15, 16,  yian  CIS  II,  28),  JADB  13, 1, 4. 
Ha-mu-na-a-a,  HABL  303, 15  (time  Sarg.). 
*Ha-mu-ni-ri,  see  Ammu-nira. 

Ha-an ,  JADB  i,  II,  le.  JADD  299, 3.  425, 10. 

Ha-?-na-bi-im,  Capp.  G,  14, 1. 
•"Ha-na-bu-sa-a,  VS  I,  95, 5. 
Ha-an-ahu(?P^P)-u-si(?),  JADD  209,  R.  13- 
*Hananu  (WSem.,  cf.  Ha-na-na\nu  BE  IX,  TNB, 

Ha-na-an-na  BE  X,  Ha-na-nu-u  BE  XIV, 

Bi.  IDH  =  APO) 

1.  Ha-na-na,  JADB  5,  II,  21.  JADD  499,  R.  6 

(B.  C.  670?).  Sm.  549.  bel  qatdti  }a  sarri, 
JADD  94,  4. 

2.  Ha-na-Tii,  JADD  54,  R.  2. 

3.  Ha-na-nu,  JADD  629,  1.  752,  10.  Epon.  B.  C. 

701,  Canon  A,  V,  23  +  B,  VI,  11;  ^sa- 
ktn ,  IIIR  2,  46  (K.  3163,  14) 

4.  Ha-na-num,  f  of  Rabi-Aiur,  Capp.  G,  23,  4. 
Ha-na-si  (cf.  Ha-na-si-i,  f Ha-na-hi  TNB),  JADD 

216,  R.  6. 
Ha-na-si-i,  JADB  4,  IV,  le. 
*Ha-na-si-ru-i(a,   "''''Ma-ta-a-a,    a   Median   chief, 

Shams.  V :  Ann.  Ill,  32  (I  R  30).—  KB  I,  p.  1 80. 

No.  I. 

Ha-an-bi   (patronymic,   cf.   Bit-"" Ha-an-bi  q.  v., 

Ha-an-bu  BE  XV) 
f  of  Amel-Enlil,  Mna.,  Ill  R  41, 1,  n,  28.  — ' 

KB  IV,  p.  74-77. 
*Ha-an-da-da  (cf  Un-da-du;  Ha-an-di-di,  Camb. 

BE  VIII,  1),  JADB  2,  1, 3. 
*Ha-an-da-pi-i  (cf  IJu-da-pi-i) 

s.  of  Hu-wi-2ii-di-i,  of  "^ Hu-bab-a-a,  JADD 

446,^  R. ..  (Ep.  Q). 
*Ha-an-da(?/'«)"8a-ni  (cf  NBa.  Ha-an-da-ia-an-ni 

BE  IX,  Ha-an-da-sa-nu  BE  X,  Ha-an-tu- 

U  etc.),  JADD  113,^.    119,  3  (B.  C.  680). 

855,  R-  3. 

*'Ha-an-di ,  JADD  292,2,  slave  sold. 

*Ha-an-di-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Ha-an-di-id) 

JADD  273,  R.  i3  (B.  C.  694).  300,  R.  4  (B.  C. 
684?).  ^'^rt-iH  JADD  215,  R.  7  (B.C.  682). 

*Ha-an-di-ia  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ha-an-du) 
HABL  863,  R.  5. 

*Ha-an-du,  JADD  262,  R.  g. 

*Ha-a-ni  (cf  Ha-nu,  Ha-ni-i  etc.),  '""^Sa-am-'la- 
a-a,  Shalm.  Ill,  Mon.  I,  42  (III  R  7).  — 
KB  I,  p.  156. 

*Ha-an-i  (Eg.,  cf.  Weber,  Anmerkungen  zu 
KNUDTZON,Dieel-Amarna-Tafeln,p.  1099, 
Ranke,  Material,  p.  9).  T A  1 6 1 ,  11, 17, 27, 31 ; 
Ha-an-ja,  TA  47, 23, 26.  301,  12;  Ha-an-ni, 
^mar  Hpri,  TA  162,  56,  63 ;  [Ha-n]i,  mar 
Upri,  TA  227,  16;  Ha-ni-e,  targumanu  of 
Amenophis  III,  TA  21, 25. 

*Ha-ni-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Hannl) 

JADB  2,  II,  16.  10,  VI,  2.  JADD  164, 2, 4, 
6,  16  (B,  C.  679).  922,  I,  3.  sa  "' Ha-u-ri-na, 
VS  I,  91,  ^^  (Ep.  N). 

*Ha-ni-na-a-a/[a  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  Ha-ni-nu-um 
RPN,  NBa.  Ha-ni-ni  TNB),  JADD  30,  7 
(B.  C.  681).  212,  R.  '2  (B.  C.  687). 

*'Ha-nl-na-a  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB),  amtu, 
VS  I,  90, 4. 

*Ha-an-na-na  (An,  cf  NBa.  Ha-an-na-ni-  =  Ar. 
docket  IMP  BE  X,  132),  HABL  287,  4: 

*Ha-an-ni-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Na.  bx2n,  Bi.  bs'^sn, 
Pu,  «5n  (Hanno),  Ha-an-ni-id  =  Ar, 
docket  "^sn  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  27),  JADD 
39,  n  (Ep.  D).  755,  4.  OLZ  VIII  (1905), 
col.  131.  VS  I,  86, 8  (Ep.  Sili).  89,  a. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*Ha-an-pa(?)sa-nu,  JADB  2,  III,  10. 
Ha-an-nu-bu   (cf,  Ha-nu-bn,   Hun{n)ubu,   Hunabu 
etc.  BE  XV,  RPN),  VS  I,  95, 3^  (Ep.  A). 
Ha-an-si-i  (hypocor.),  'Hrri^u,  JADD  742,  36. 

f.  of  Kisir-Asur,  OLZ  VI,  col.  199,  R.  12. 
Ha-an-tu-su     (cf.    Ha-an-ta-hi,    Hantaiu    TNB, 
Hand{f)a^Pani,  Bi.  Wlisn),  JADD  246,  R.  10. 
Ha-nu....,  JADD  741, 40. 

s.  of  Ga-ba-tim,  Capp.  T-D  239,  1. 
Ha-nu-bu  (cf.  Ha-an-nu-bii),  JADD  415,  R.  4. 
^Haniinu  (Can,,  cf.  Ha-7iu-nu  TNB,  Ha-nun  BE  IX 
=  Ar.  docket  lisn,  OTSS  p.  303,  Bi.  'jisn) 

1.  Ha-a-nu-nu,   sar  "'Hasiti,   Sarg.:   Bull  23; 

Cyl.  19  (I  R  36.  KB  II,  p.  42);  Pp.  IV,  40. 

2.  Ha-a-nu-u-nu,  "^Ha{-as)-sa-at-a-a,  Tigl.  IV, 

B.,  R.  12"  (II  R  6y,  62).  Ill  R  10,  no.  2,  s.  — 
KB  II,  pp.  20,  32. 

3.  Ha-nu-nu,  JADB   7,  III,  i7(?).  JADD   586, 

R.  8  (B.  C.  661).  *r<z^  /^/j/>  r ab J agi  JADD 

857,  II,  10.    i«r  "^Haziti,    Sarg.:   Ann.  30; 

Khors.  25, 26;  XIV,  le.  —  KB  II,  p.  54. 
Ha-pi-ni,  see  Ha-bi-ni. 
Ha-'-ra-hu  (cf.  OBa.  Ikm-ha-ra-liu  T-D  LC),  in 

"iBU-'"Ha--ra-^u,  Shmk.  CTX,  pi.  5, 12,  le. 

6,  29. 

*Ha-a-ra-ma-as-8i,  see  HamaBi;  cf.  Na^rainaUi. 
*Ha-ra-a-ni  (Ar.,  cf.  ym  i  Ch.  2, 46,  Schiffer, 

Aramaer,    p.  ICXD,  n.  2),   '"^^La-a-qa-a-ia, 

Tukl.  II,  Ann.,  R.  e. 

Har(a)-sarru  (cf  OBa.  Ha-ri-ma-li-ki  T-D  LC) 
"Khar  is  king" 

1.  Ha-ra-MAN,  JADD   64,   R.  9  (B.  C.  672). 

''miikil  apati,  JADD  178,  R.^  (Ill  R  49, 
no.  5.  KB  IV,  p.  128;  Ep.  H'), 

2.  Har-MAN,  JADD  387,  R.  e. 

3.  Ha-ri-L[UGAL\  JADD  356,  2. 
Ha-ra(r«?)-2a(j<2  .?)-za(^  ?) 

JADD  279,  R.  4  (B.  C  681). 
*Har-bi-sl-pak  (Cass.)  "Lord  is  Shipak"(?) 

ka-bir-a-a,  IV  R  34,  no.  2,  5,  u;  JRAS  1904, 

P-  415. 

*Ha-ap-duk-ka  (Iran.  =  AptoKac;  of  Ktesias,  Bu- 

DINGER,  SWAk.  1880,  p.  499,  JIN  p.  127, 

RosT,  MVG  II  (1897)  p.  218,  Streck, 

ZA  XV  (1900)  p.  359,  n.  4,  Pra.^ek,  GMP. 

p.  102,  106) 
M  '""^HaQ Za)-[a\r-zi-a-mi,  a  Median  chief, 

Sarg.  A,  II,  29  (K.  1668  b). 
Har-ha-an-da-a,  h-akkabu  la  ekalli,  JADD  469,  is, 
^     ^   R.  1. 
"HAR-ibni  {^Bmie?ie-ibni  or  ^Ma^ir-ibnii),  83-1-18, 

695,  XII,  in,  spec. 
Ha-ri-e,  JADD  891,  n. 
*Ha-ri-ma-a  (An,   cf   Ha-ri-im-ma-    BE  X,   Pa. 

'iTQ^n;  )^^   "devotus"),  JADB  3,  VI,  4. 
*fHa-ri-ma-te(?),  HABL  509,  n. 
*Ha-ri-me-i,  JADD  813, 8. 
Ha-ri-ri  (cf  OBa.  Ha-{ar-)ri-rum  RPN),  HABL 

1056,  R.  14 :  bit  H. 
Ha-ri-sarru,  see  Hara-larru. 

Ha(?)-ri-zu ,  Ta'annek  4,  R.  3. 

Har-ma-kl,  JADD  21,  //  (B.  C.  682).  536, 1. 

f.  of  Du-bu-si-i,  JADD  526, 2. 
Har-man  (?cf  iprhr  APO),  see  Hara-iarru, 
Har-ma-sa  (cf.  Har-hur-ma-su  BE  X) 

f'malaliu,  JADD  324,  R.  E.  /  (III  R  48,  no.  3; 

B.C.692).  ''i«/i«, JADD  324,R./.7  (B.C.692). 

Har-pfa ],  Sarg.  St.  111,5.  —  KB  IV,  p.  160. 


1.  -^Ha-ar-ra-a,  JADD  741, 15. 

2.  yjiar-ra-a,  JADD  741, 23. 

Harranaia  "Native  of  the  city  of  Harran" 
^"^KAS-a-a,  JADD    25,   R.  7   (B.  C.  645?). 
600,  R.J.    872,  4.    1046,  I,  6(?).    K.  241, 
IX,  15,  spec, 
f  of  Ah-eriba,  JADD  446,  L.  E.  2. 
Harran-sadu  (abbrev.,  cf.  '* Bel-Harran-lada) 
'^KAS-KUR-ii,  s.  of  Mar-tuk,  gs.  of  Bau- 
eres,   of  the  family  of  Bel-etir,   HABL 
877,  12  =  JADD  889. 
Harran-sadu[a  (or  Ilu-illat-a-aQ),  cf.  Ilu-illati) 
^KAS-KUR-a-a,    b.    of   A-e-lum-ibni,    Lo. 
102,  1,23.  —  KB  IV,  p.  82. 
Har-ra-nu-u  "Native  of  Harran",  HABL  212, 13. 
Har-ru-§u  (cf  OBa.  Hu-ru-zum,  -^Hurazatum  RPN, 

Bi.  y^in),  JADD  352, 2.  c/  t^^-r-^J^'  S«-^ 
*Har-8Ma-e-su  (Eg.  Hr-si-is/.t,  Gr.  Ap(5if](Sic;, 
"Horus     son     of  Isis",     Steindorff, 
BA  I,  p.  350,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  28) 
sar  "' Sab-nu-u-ti,   Abp.:   A,  IIIR  17,1,100; 
Ann.  1, 98.  —  KB  II,  p.  162. 



Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Har-8i-su  (cf.  Har-lte-iu),  JADD  590,  R.  4. 
*Har-se-sii   (cf.   HarsiiaeSu),   ''laknu,   ''AN.TA- 
a-a,  JADD  860,  IV,  1. 

*Har-ti-bu-u  (Eg.  Hr-t:?-bi(.t),  cf.  xannn  on 

an  ostrakon  from  Elephantine,  CIS  p.  140, 

JADD  III,  p.  537,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  28), 

JADD  767,,  6. 
Ha-ru-ra-[a-a],  JADD  473, 1,  g,  u  (B.  C.  698). 
Ha-sa-bu,  JADD  375, 2,  s. 
Ha-sa-la-an-ma-nu,  JADD  6t,T),  R.  4. 

Merod.I:  DEP  VI,  p.43,11.  ''suka/lu,  Merod.  i : 

Susa  16,  III,  16. 
s.   of  Su-me-e;    ^sukkal  mu-ni-ri,    Melish., 

Lo.  10 1  (90829),  I,  14, 22.  —  KB  IV,  p.  58. 

KING,  BBS,  p.  20,  pi.  XXIV. 
Ha-a-si-ku  (cf  ?Xor,iaKO(;  JIN  p.   173),   ''^alSu 

mar  sarri,  JADD  857,  IV,  s. 
Ha-su-u-kul  (n.  pr.?),  JADD  931,  R.  16. 
Ha-sa-ba(?/«.?'),  JADD  422, 4,  slave  sold. 
*Ha-sak-e  (?cf,  Xosak'  JIN  p.  173),  '^sabu,  JADD 

^77,  R.  V. 

Ha-sa-na/nu    (cf.   Hu-^a-mi   and    the    city   name 
JADD    403,   R.  ^.    752,  12.   ^'muttr   feme   sa 
^iaknu,  JADD  34,  s  (B.  C.  695). 

*Ha-sa-at-ri-Jt-ti,  var.  Ha-^a-at-ri-tum  (Iran.,  cf 
Kastariti\  JIN  p.  176),  name  taken  by 
Parumartis  (Phraortes),  the  Median  pre- 
tender, Dar.  Beh.  39, 02. 


s.   of  Sa-si-i,   "'Ka-nic--a-a,    PSBA   XXX 
(1908),  p.    138,  26  (Ep.   N). 

Ha-as-ba . . .  (cf  OBa.  Ha-dhbu  T-D  LC) 

JADD  307,  R.  /<?  (IIIR  49, 38c;  Ep.  F). 
Has-da-a-a    (cf    Has{a)da    TNB,    Ha-ahda-a-a 
BE  IX,  X) 
riu  sisi,   Nku.  Lo.  102,  III,  15.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  86. 
*Ha-as-ha-me-ir,  pa-te-si   n-kii-im-Sin''\  I  R   i, 

no.  I,  10,  5. 
'"Has-mar  (Cass.  =  kasiisu    "strong",    abbrev., 
cf  Ha-as-mar  BE  XVII  pt.  i,  Hahmar- 
Gal-du    BE   XV,    '^^ Ha-as-mar-Sah    BE 
XIV,  Bit-"' Hal-mar  Chron.  A,  V,  e) 
f  of  Ea-mukm-ser,  Chron.  A,  V,  5.  —  KB  II, 

p.  272. 
No.  I. 

*Ha-8u-8ar(Jfrt-«r)-na  (Hit.?),  Capp.  T-D  LC  242, 

8,  12,  lit,  s.  of  {Gu-)ud-ga-ri-a. 
*Ha-ta,  JADD  469,  R.  13. 
Ha-ta-a-a  (hypocor.(?),    cf.  Ha-ta,  Naba-ha-a-ta 

TNB;  or  gent.,  cf  "^Ha-iu  Anp.  Ann.  1, 59, 

^Ha-ta-a-a  Rm.  564) 
JADD    178,  1,  5  (III  R   49,  48,  53b.   KB  IV 

p.  128;  Ep.  H).  K.  6409. 
Ha-tar-a-nu  (gent,  from  "^Hatarti) 

rab  kisir,  HABL  631,  10,  15  =  JADD  759; 

cf  WSml.  II,  p.  62,  WAF  I,  p.  465. 
f  Ha-te-',  Bu.  89-4-26,  38, 2. 
*' Ha-te-za-a-a,  JADD  619, 12,  slave. 
Ha-tl-a-nu  (cf  "^Ha-ta-a),  JADD  365,  R.  5  (B.  C 

*Ha-ti-ib(/)  (prob.  Eg.),  TA  161, 38, 43,  4g.   164, 4, 

18,26,42.    165,15,26.     166,  12,  S2.     167,14.     1 68,  8. 

*Ha-at-pi-mu-nu  (Eg.  cf  '^A-ma-an-ha-at-pi) 

JADD  38, 12  (IIIR  46,  13d).   39,  10  (Ep.  D). 

*Hat(?)-ta-mu  (cf  Bi.  onin),  ^laqa,  HABL  322,  n. 

Hat-ti-be ,  Ta'annek  4,  R.  4. 

*Ha(-at)-tu-sar  (Hit,  Eg.  Kketasar,  =  Hattu-Ul 

q.  V.) 

f  of  i.  e.  ancestor  of  Sd-di-^le-hip,  larru 

M  "^l/r-ra-ti-na-a},  the  king  of  the  Hit- 

tites,  Tigl.  I,  Ann.  II,  41.  —  KB  I,  p.  20. 

*Ha-at-tu-si-la/li  (Hit.  =  Hattu-'lar) 

Grand  king  of  Ku-ul-lar,  WlNCKLER,  OLZ 
IX  (1906),  col.  629.  Son  of  Mur-H-li, 
gs.  of  Su-ub-bi-lu-li-u-ma,  b.  of  Hal-pa- 
ai-lu-lu-bi-is,  Muttallu  and  -^ Ili^''-ir-in-na, 
contemp.  with.  Ramses  II  (B.  C.  1272), 
OLZ  IX,  col.  629,  MDOG  35,  pp.  19,  27. 

Hdi^\il\l-dAA\Q',  ''irriSu,  JADD  481, 


Ha-tu-ku . . .  (.?),  JADD  806, 10. 

Ha-u-ka-nu    (Ar..?),    sd  ''^ Nu-ha-a-tii,    nasiku  Sa 

''Pu-qu-di,  Sarg.  Ann.  268. 
*Haza-ilu  (An,  Bi.  bsm  and  bXHTn,  Ar.  docket 

bxnm  OTSS  p.  316,  no.  50,  PoGNON, 

Inscript.  Sem.  no.  86  biitn) 

1.  Ha-za-a-AN,  I.  of  U-a-a-te- ,  Abp.  A,  IIIR 

24,  VIII,  9. 

2.  Ha-sa{-)-AN,   HABL  559,  5,  10,  12.    * , 

JADD  572,  R.  7.  nasiku  of  Gambulu,  Sarg. 
Ann.  254.  mar  la  tnama7ia,  Shalm.  Ill: 
KAHI  I,  30,  26,  succeeded  Adad-idri.    sa 

Knut  Tallqvist. 

"""^Dima^gi,  Shalm.  Ill:  Co.  42;  Ob.  97, 103; 
cf.  MDOG  29,  p.  45.  Sar  '""Wimasqi, 
•  Shalm.  Ill,  III  R  5,  VI,  2.  —  KB  I,  pp.  140, 
142.  Mr  '"''^Aribi,  K.  3405,  2, 9. 
f.  o{Ia--lu-u  iar  '""^A-ri-bi,  Esarh.  A,  I R  46, 
Ilf,  3,  19  (KB  II,  p.  130).   Cf.   Senn.  VS 

I,    77,    R.  23. 

f.  of  U-a-a-te-  {la-u-fa-),  the  king  of  Aribi, 
Abp.  Ann.  VIII,  1,  4g;  IIIR  34,  VII,  si 
{sar  "'^'Qidri);  VS  I,  S^,  1, 3.  ZA  II,  pi.  II, 
R.  5,  cf.  WAF  I,  p.  526 ff. 

<'Ha-za-la-a  (cf  '"Hii-za-la-d),  JADD  256, 4,  sold 
(B.  C.  676). 

Hazanu  (cf  Ha-za-a-nu  TNB)  "Prefect" 

1.  Ha-za-nu,   HABL   212,  4,  20.  JADD    1125, 

^  III,  7. 

2.  EN.URU,  M  ^^Su-la-ia,  ''na-si-ku  of  Yat- 

buri,  Sarg.  Ann.  282. 
""Hazaqnau  (He.  =  Bi.  n^prn),  Hezekiah,  the  king 
of  Judah 

1.  Ha-za-qi-a-a-u,  larru,  Senn.  Kui.  Lay.  61, 11. 

2.  Ha-za-qi-a-u,  Senn.:  King  III,  66 ;  Kui.  I,  so 

"  (III  R  12);  Tay.  Ill,  29  (I  R  39).  ^"*landaia 
Senn.:  King  III,  s,  as;  Kui.  I,  23, 27;  Tay. 
Ill,  11.  sarru,  Senn.  Co.  13  (I  R  43).  — 
KB  II,  pp.  94,  118. 

3.  Ha-za-qi-ia,  var.,  see  KB  II,  p.  92,  notes  15,16. 

4.  Ha-za-qi-ia-u,  '""*Iandaia,  Senn.  Tay.  II,  71. 
Ha-zi-a-nu  (cf  Bi.  Ti^m),  JADD  61,  R.  9  (Ep.  L). 

Cf.  Ha-zi-an{niu,   cf.  Bi.   bs.-'Tn),  JADD 

233,  3. 

Ha-zu-gu,  JADD  343.  e. 

*Hemti-ilu  (Ar.)  "My  ardour  is  the  god" 

1 .  Hi-am-ti-AN,  '""'La-qa-a-a,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  4g. 

—  KB  I,  pp.  100,  102. 

2.  Hi-en-ti-AN,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  30. 

3.  Hi-im-ti-AN,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  46,  var. 
*Hi-bi-ia,  TA  178,  2,  of  "'Jatani.    Cf.  Hi-bi . .  . ., 

Ta'annek,  7  R.  1. 
Hi-da-ta-ni  (Ar.   "Thou  hast  renewed  me"?) 

JADD  400, 2  (B.  C.  688). 
Hi-di-i,  Senn.  King  V,  4,  king   of  Til-Garimmu. 
Hi-hi-e  (hypocor.,  cf  Hi-hi-t-li),  VS  I,  95, 31. 
Hi-hi-i-li(?),  Capp.  S.  1,3. 
Hi-la-a . . .  (hypocor.,  cf  Hi-li-ia) 

f.  of  Nabu-refini,  gf  of.  Aia-luzuh-ili , 
K.  2169,  R.  15  (Smith,  Texts,  p.  20). 

Hi-li-ia  (hypocor.,  cf.  Hi-la-a,  Te-ri-}^i-li-ia  BE  X, 

OBa.  Hi-lum  Dilbat;  or  Kuzbi-ia,  or  Aki- 

li-ia),  JADD  265,  R.  //. 
Hi-ma-gu,  in  Bit-'" Hi-ma-gu,  Merod.  I,  Susa  16, 

I,  20. 
Hi-ma-ri-i  (according  to  Hilprecht,  BE  X,  p.  51, 

n.  4^  =  AJti-ma-ri-i) 
JADD   178,  R.J  (IIIR  49,  51  c;    B.  C.  672). 

209,  R.  IS.  569,  R.  6  (B.  C.  695). 
Hl-mi-li-e,  see  Tab-melu. 
"^Himti-ilu,  see  Hemti-ilu. 
*<'   (cf  "' Hi-m-ni- -'^ EN  BE  X,  Pu. 

by^Dn  (Hannibal),  82-3-23, 135,  R.  10b,  spec. 
*HI(-in)-nu-mu,  HABL  965, 3, 6, 11, 13, 17, 23,  R.  9, 15. 

kisir  sarri,  JADD  276,  R.j-  (B.  C.  682). 
^Hi-pa-a,  K.3787,  slave  (B.C.710).  —  KB  IV,  p.  166. 
*'Hi-ip-ta-a-a  (cf  fHi-pa-ta-a  TNB),  82-3-23,  135, 

R.  4  a,  spec. 
Hi-ri-ahi(/M/*i*')  (prob.   abrev.,   cf    Hi-ri-ahua), 

''nmkll  apati,  ''' Da-na-a-a,  JADD  470, 3 

(B.  C.  663). 
Hi-ri-ahu[a](/^^/^-«[-«]),  JADD  404,  R.  9  (B.  C.  674). 
Hi-ri-ba....,  JADD  848,6. 

Hi-ri-sa-a-a  (prob.  gent.,  cf  Ha-ri-sa-a-a  TNB) 
JADD  325,  R.  16  (Ep.  A").  327,  R.  /.  (IIIR 

46,   no.  9;   Ep.  N).   349,  R.  16  (Ep.  Q). 

623,    L.   E.  /.    (IIIR  46,  sob;    Ep.   A"). 

*iV7.  GAB    }a    Bit-kidmnri,    308,    R.  .4 

(Ep.Q).  309,  R.  7  (Ep.Q).  318,  R.  u  (IIIR 

46, 32  b).  345,  R.  /.  711,  R./0  (Ep.  E). 
*Hi(r)-ri-8u-ru  (cf  Ha-lu-h'i-ri) 

f  of  Kudurra,  Mardukakheriba:   OHI  149, 

I,  21. 

*Hir-si-na,  mar  Me-ig-di-a-ra,  Shams.  V,  Ann. 

II,  23,  3s  (IR  30).  —  KB  I,  p.  178. 
'-^Hi-ru-um-mu  (cf  Bi.  DilTi,  onTi,  Hiram) 

"""'Sur-ra-a-a,  of  Tyre,  Tigl.  IV,  Ann.  [so],  151 

(ill  R  9, 51).  —  KB  II,  p.  30. 
Hi-sa-a-a  (cf.  "'Hi-e-sa  HABL  414,  4),  JADD 

661,  12. 
*Hismia  (Mit),  of  Ni,  Boghazkoi,OLZXIII(i9io), 

col.  292. 
*Hi-si-'-ar-si-',  see  AhUiarM. 
'Hi-tu-bar-ra  (perhaps  BAR.RA  =  tapti)  JADD 

741,  26. 

*Hi-zi-ri   (cf  Bi.  -iim,   Ar.  irn  APO,   Hu-zi-ru 
of  Hmdan  TNBj,  TA  336,  3.  337  *• 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Hu-'-a,  mar  Upri  of  Burna-Buriash,  TA  1 1, 5. 
«'Hu-ba-ba-a-a  "Native  oi  Hubaba" 

JADD  46,  A. 
Hu-ba-a-a  (cf.  OBa.  Hu-ba-tum  RPN) 

Epon.  B.  C.  830,  Canon  B,  II,  39.  Ill  R  i,  II,  34. 
Hubasate,  see  Ahi-bastu'. 

*  (prob.  Mit.,  cf.  Hu-bi-da  VS  VII.  126, 2. 
161,6,  Ungnad,  Dilbat,  p.  15) 
s.  of  Te-en-di,  VS  I,  109,  s. 
'Hu-da....,  JADD  256, 4,  sold  (B.  C.  676). 
Hu-da-ia-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Hu-di-ia  BE  XV) 
JADD  249,  4, 9,  R.  2. 

s.  of  Mu-siir-a-a,  JADD  250,  1,  4,  g  (III  R 
46,  c;  Ep.  G). 
*Hu(i5^^?)-da-pi-i  (cf.  Ha-an-da-pi-i),  JADD  144, 2 

(B.  C.  700). 
Hu-ud-da-[a  (cf.  Hu-da-a-d),  HABL  1078,  9. 
^Hu-di-e-sa-lib-bi  (cf  Ha-di-e-li-bu-su) 

JADD  217,  1,  slave  sold. 
Hu-di-sarrutsu(i^^A^-jr4  JADD  66,  is  (B.  C.  693). 
Hu-la-a-a,  van  Hu-la-a-ia 

^hasanu  of  Halsi-dipha,   Anp.  Ann.  I,  102, 

107,108,110  (IR  19).   —    KB  I,  p.  68—70, 

Hu-la-Ia  (cf  Hu-la-li  TNB,  OBa.  Hu-la-lum  RPN) 

"A  precious  stone",  ^eribblti,  HABL 

468, 7. 

'Hu-la-II-ti  (cf  Hu-la-lu,  OBa.  -f Hu-la-al-tum) 

HABL  454,  13. 
Hu-ll-i    (cf.  Hi-la-a,    Hi-li-ia,    NBa.    /Hu-li-i-ti, 
OBa.  Hii{J)-li-ia  RPN),  JADD  184,2,  slave. 
^irrisu,  HABL  167,  le. 
*Hulli  (Hit,  cf  Jensen,  Hittiter,  p.  116) 
Hul-li-i,  Hu-ul-li-i 

s.  of  la  ma-ma-na,  Tigl.  IV,  B,  g5  (II R  67, 65. 
KB  II,  p.  20),  succeeded  Uassurme  on  the 
throne  of  Tabal;  = 
f.  of  Am-ba-ri-is\di,  of  Bit-Bu-ru-ti-is,  hus- 
band of  -^Akat-abisa,  the  daughter  of 
Sargon,  Sarg.:  Ann.  170,  171;  Khors.  30. 
K.  13854.  —  KB  II,  p.  56. 

f    of  Kli-ul-SU,    CT    II,    21,  24. 

^Hu-IU"Ut-ti   (cf   NBa.   fHu-li-i-ti  TNB),   HABL 

527,  6. 

Hu-ma-ma-te  (cf  OBa.  Hu-ma-a-ma  RPN;  scar- 
cely abbrev.  from  Ahu-mamate,  HlL- 
PRECHT,  BE  X,  p.  51,  n.  r|=,  since  PAP- 

No.  I. 

mamate  prob.  =    U^ur-   or   Na^ir-ma- 

mate),  JADD  230,  R.  13  (KB  IV,  p.  120, 

no.  IX;  B.  C.  684). 
^^iiHum-ba-ba  (El,  see  Jensen,  KB  VI,  pt.  i, 

p.  437  f,  cf.  K6p.(3a|3o(5),  mythol.  person, 

NE  passim.  Hum-ba-ba  (his-eye),  K.  3805,3. 
^Humba-hal-dasu,  varr.  Umman-al-dasi,   Ummati- 

al-dase  (see also  Uimnan-al-dai vi'\\}a.Ydxx.\ 

El.:  Humban-^al-tar) 
I  Hiim-ba-hal-da-lu,    king    of  Elam,   B.    C. 

689 — 681,  succeeded  Menanu,  Chron.  B, 

III,  27,  30,  31. 

II  Hum-ba-hal-da-iu,    king   of  Elam,    B.    C. 

681—675.  ianu,  Chron.  B,  III,  23.  IV,  11, 12. 
Um-man-al-da-a-h,  larru  alik  pani  Urtaqi, 

f    of   Kudurru   and    ParU,    K.    1707,  36 

(WSml.  Ill,  p.  6z)\  b.  of  Urtaqu,  Abp.  B, 

IIIR  31,  78  b. 
Um-tnan-al-da-si,  f  of  Kudurru  and  Para, 

b.  of  Teumman,  K.  2867, 21,  (23). 
Um-man-al-da-le,  f.  of  Kudurru  and  ParU, 

b.  of  Urtaqu,  Abp.  B,  III  R  3 1,  IV,  82,  93. 

—  KB  II  p.  246. 
*Hum-ban . . . .,  K.  5610. 

*Humbanigas  (with  varr.,  see  also  Ummaniga^\YX) 
s.    of   Um-ba-da-ra-a   (Abp.    Ann.   VI,  52), 

iar  '""^Elamtil^Elamn,  king  of  Elam,  B.  C. 


1.  Hu-ba-ni-ga-a^  HABL  917,  17. 

2.  "^Hum-ba-ni-ga-al,   Sarg.:    Ann.  231    (van, 

pi.  27);  Bull  12;  Cyl.  17  (IR  36);  Cypnl,28 
(IIIR  II);  Khors.  23,  m;  N  7;  Pp.  IV,  u; 
XIV,  7.  -  KB  II,  pp.  36,  40,  54,  68. 

3.  '^ Hu-um-ba-i-ga-as,  Sarg.  K.  1349, 17  (WSml. 

^n,  p.  I). 

4.  Hu-imi-ba-ni-ga-ai,  Sarg.  Ann.  231. 

5.  Um-ma-ni-ga-as,  Chron.  B,  I,  9,  33. 

6.  Um-man-i-gal,  Abp.  Ann.  VI,  52.  —  KB  II, 

p.  206. 

*Hu-um"ba-an-un-da-sa  (El,  for  the  second  ele- 
ment cf  Unddsu) 
^na-gi-ru  }a  }ar  Elamti,  Senn.  Tay»  V,  69 
(IR  41).  —  KB  II,  p.  108. 

*Hum-ba-ri(?)-ga(.?)  (El),  K.  7500. 

*Humbe  (cf  "'"'Bit-'^Hu-um-bi-e  DT  237) 

1.  Hum-bi-e,  K  7310. 

2.  Hu-uin-bi-e,  JADD  752.  R.  11. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

^Humbustu ici.Hambusu  ■fHii-um-bu-us-tumTN^); 
m.  of  Ea-zer-iqila 

1.  y Hwfi-bu-us-te,  HABL  517,13. 

2.  ^ Hu-um-bii-us-ti,  HABL  896, 2. 
Hu-um-mu-ru    (hypocor.,    cf.   OBa.    Hu-mu-rumj 

ru-um  RPN,  BE  XIV),  HABL  965,  R.  11, 

of  Uruk. 
*Humri  (Bi.  in^S*,  Omri),  Hum-ri-a,  Hu-um-ri-a\i, 

see  '"''^Bit-Hwnri. 
Hu-mu,  JADB  5,  I,  17,  b.  of  Kakustu.  Cf.  Hu-me-e 

(if  personalname),  Nabd.  Ann.  I,  7. 
*Hu-un-da-ru,  HABL  458, 7.  791,  R.  3, 7. 
Hu-nl-i  (cf.  Hunni\  iDin  APO),  JADD  823,  R.  10. 
*Hu-nl-nu  (An,  cf  Bin-hu-nii-ni),  nasiku  of  JJin- 

daru,  Sarg.  Ann.  269. 
*Hu-ni-sa-a  (prob.  An),  JADB  6,  1, 1.  7,  1, 4.   Cf 

Hu-ni-si,  JADB  7,  L.  E.  II,  2. 
Hu-un-na  (according-  to  Hilprecht,  BE  X,  p.  51, 

n.  4=   abbrev.,   cf  AJiuna\   but  cf  OBa. 

^Hu-un-nu   "Vine"   Dilbat,   "'Hu-un-na- 

tum  RPN,   f'fHu-na-tum  T-D  LC,    NBa. 

■f Hu-un-na-tu  TBN  and  Hiinni) 
f.  of  Amel-"'I-H-in,  Neb.  I,  Nippur  V,  21. 
f.  of  Bau-lum-iddm,  Neb.  I:  VR  56,  II,  is; 

Nippur  II,  17.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  168. 
f.  of  Gula-zer-iqiia,   Neb.  I,  Nippur  V,  23. 
f.  of  Kahlu-it,  Neb.  I,  Nippur  V,  22. 
Hu-un-ni-i   (hypocor.,  cf  Hunna,  Hum),   HABL 

216,  5,  R.  10,  karib  iarri. 
^Hu-un-nu-bat-''Na-na-a(Ba.),  maratiarri,  Melish.: 

DEPX,    pi.    11,1,12,15.    VIII,  4,  18. 


f  of  Ha-an-da-pi-i,  JADD  446,  R.  21. 

iar   '"'''Elamti,    king   of  Elam,    Chron.    P, 

III,  10,  13,  17. 

Hu-ur(.?)-bi-e,  TRep.  116  A. 

*Huria,  see  Naphururia. 

*Hu-u-ru  (abbrev.,  Eg.,  JADD  III,  p.  537,  Ranke, 

Material,   p.   29;    cf   -iin   APO),   JADD 

763, 9.  A,BA Mu-sur-a-a,  JADD  85 1,  IV,  3. 
*Hu-ru-bi-lr . . .,  JADD  471, 10,  slave  sold. 
Hu-8u-ra-a-a   (cf   """^Hasur),  JADD  325,    R.  n 

(Ep.  A). 
Hu-sa-bi  (in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

f.  of  Bel-ertba,   gf  of  Nabu-kusursu,   VR 

37>  55  a. 

Hu-sur-a-a,  JADD  340, 11  (Ep.  Z). 

Hu(.?  6^z/)-sa-nu  (cf  Ha-sa-nu),  JADD  66,  R.  E.  / 

(B.  C  693).  ^ 
*Hu-Tesup  {^=Hud-  Te^up,  ci.Hu-ud-te-iup  BE  XV: 

CBM  3474;  or  Bag-Te^up) 

1.  Hu-te-lup,    HABL    139,    R.  5.    215,  2:   ina 

muhhi  temi  }a  "'"*Urartaia  (time:   Sar- 
gon).  252,  14.  R.  9. 

2.  Hu-te-lu-pu,  HABL  139,  R.  s. 
Hu-ut-ni-ilu  "My  protection  is  the  god" 

83- 1- 18, 695,  III,  23,  cf  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  XV. 

*Hu-za-la-a " Gazelle"(.?),  cf  Hu-za-lu TNB, OBa. 
Hu-za-lum  RPN,  -f Hu-za-la-tum  RPN, 
Saf  bsy,  ''mar  Upri,  HABL  627,  e. 

Hu-za-nu,  ardu,  JADD  30,  R.  2  (B.  C.  681). 

Hu-zi-na,  JADD  165,  L.  E.^  (Ep.  Q). 

la-a-a  (cf  Ia-ia\  gentilic(?)  from  '««'/«',  JADD 
III,  p.  122),  K.  4268,  4  (=  Ursa(>), 
KGAS  48,  cf  WAF  II,  p.  52).  JADD  75, 
R.  /J,  "^  Til-Nifiib-a-a  (B.  C.  742). 

*la-ab-ba-a  (uncertain) 
JADB  7,  III,  12. 

la-abi  (cf  Bi.  SXi''.^),  "' Kan-nu-a-a,  VS  I,  85, 1,8. 
Cf  A-a-ab-bu. 

la-ahiP'  (cf.  Bi.  n«T^(?),  see  also  A-a-a^i),  JADD 
471,  9,  slave  sold. 

la-bar,  see  labiiru. 

'la-bi-bi-e  {d.  la-bi-bu,  Adad-bi-bi-e),  K.  1991  (J). 

la-bi-bu  (cf  JIa-bi-bi-e,  NBa.  la-a-bi-bi,  Bi.  aa'Ti), 
K.  241,  XII,  1,  spec. 

*la-a-bMlu  (Can.)  "Gift  of  god"  (cf  Na.  bxnw), 
K.  5627. 

*la-bi-milkl(i:^6^^Z)  (Can.)  "Gift  of  Milk", 
TA  153,2. 

la-bi-qu,  K.  1998. 

*la-bi(?)-tl-ri  (Can.)  "Gift  of  Tir"(?),  TA  296,4. 

*la-ab-ni-jlu  (Can.,  cf  Bi.  bSDn;:),  amelu  }a  "^La- 
ki-su,  TA  328,  4. 


1.  la-bar,  JADD  300,  R.  7. 

2.  la-bur,  JADD  499,  R.  2  (B.  C.  670). 

3.  la-bu-ru,  Sa  "'  Ta-la-rnu-sa,  JADD  877,  7. 
*la-a-da  (cf  Pa.  xi^  =  ia8r](;,  or  Bi.  ^"nn;:) 

JADD  294,  R.  8  (B.  C  700).    796,  L.  E.  r. 
*la"da . . . .,  JADD  200,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  66i). 
*ia-da-'  (cf.  Bi.  2>i^)  HABL  1020,  R.  10. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Uda-ilu  (cf.  OBa.  Ta-dal}-ilu  RPN,  Sarb.  bi55^l\ 
Ia-di-\A-di--ilu  TNB,  Ilu-ia-da-) 

1.  la-da- AN,  ^I-tu--a-a  la  "'La-ki-pu,  JADD 

416,  K.S  (B.C.  710). 

2.  la-di-AN,  f.  of  Bel-sallim,]AT)T>  880,  1, 13. 
*la-da(?)-lum-nu,  Ta'annek  3, 12. 

*la-da-nu  (cf.  la-da- ....  nu,  HABL  520, 13,  Bi.  liT^) 

JADD  360,  R.  //  (B.  C.  680). 
*la-di-'  (abbrev,,  cf.  Iada-ilu\  ''I-tic- -a-a,  HABL 
962,   R.  10,    ^na-si-ku  la  "'"^la-ki-ma-nu, 
HABL   1 109,   R.  8.    TRep.   90,  R.  9.    sa 
'-iBLKAP\  JADD  404,  R.  s  (B.  C.  674). 
*la-di-ilu,  see  lada-ilu. 
*la-a-g[i?],  mar  I.,  HABL  1020,  R.  5. 
*la-halu  (cf.  la-ha-a-lu  Camb.  218, 5) 

I.  A-a-ha-{a-lu\    Epon.   B.    C.   825,    IIIR    i, 
II,  39,  var. 
.  2.  A-a-ha-H,  JADB  5,  VIII,  10. 

3.  la-ha-lu,  JADD  661,  21.    Epon.  B.  C.  834, 

Canon  B,  II,  35;  IIIR  i,  II,  30.  Epon.  B.  C. 
825,  IIIR  I,  II,  39,  var.  Epon.  B.  C.  822, 

III  R    I,    II,  42. 

4.  la-ha-lum,  Epon.  B.  C.  834  or  825,  ''abarak- 
ku  rabn,  Shalm.  Ill,  KAHI  I,  28,  15. 

*la(-a)-hi-niil-ki   (Ph.,    cf.   OBa.   la-hi-ilu  Dilbat, 
Bi.  bi?''n^  Baudissin,  Adonis  und  Esmun, 

p.  477) 
s.  of  Bdlu,   of  Tyre,   Abp.:  A,   IIIR    18, 

II,  96.  Ill  R  30,  II,  50;  Ann.  II,  58.  —  KB  II, 

p.  168. 
*la-hi-ri,  JADD  1101,11 

f  of  Ahi-ramu,   Anp.  Ann.  II,  22   (I  R  20). 

-  KB  I,  p.  74. 
*la-hu-tu/tl,  JADD  117,4  (B.  C.  674).   165,  R.  7. 

988,  1, 5. 
^lanu  "'"'Rasappa,  JADD  1 18, 1, 5  (B.  C.  e'jz). 
*la-ah-zl-ba-da  (Can.,  cf.  Bi.  bx^Tn:),  TA  275, 4. 

276, 4. 
*la-[a  (cf  la-e-a  P  97,  34,  la-a-d),  TA  1 54,  s. 
*la-ila,  see  A-a-ila-a-. 
*la'iru  (cf  Bi.  ni«^,  -i^:^^) 

1.  Ia--i-ru,  ^sanu,  HABL  414,  20,  appointed 

^rab  ''^Sib-te. 

2.  la-i-ru,  ''Gam-bu-la-a-a,  HABL  140,  R.  3. 

*la-a-i-si  (if  all  the  name,  cf.  Bi.  ©■'iP'^),  JADD 

130,  6. 
No.  I. 

*la-a-ki-e  (cf  OBa.  A-bi-ia-ki  T-D  LC),  JADD 

17, 5  (B.  C.  687). 
*la-ki-ni  (cf.  Bi.  I'^D'j;  see  also  Btt-Jakln) 
lar  '""^Tamti,  Shalm.  Ill,  Bal.  VI,  7. 
"^lakinlu,  see  Ikkalu. 
*la'la  (cf.  Bi.  «by^)  "Mountain-goat" 
"  I.  Ia--la-a,)KD\^  20, 7  (B.  C.  684).  —  KB  IV, 
p.  118. 

2.  la-la-a- ,  JADD  912,  e,  slave.  Cf  la-la , 

HABL  466,  1. 
la-la(^/?)-ma-a,  JADD  752, 19. 

*la-'-lu-u/u  (Arb.  ^  =  Jo^   Haupt,  BA  I, 

p.  170  tt) 
s.    of  Ha-za-ilu,    lar  "'^^Aribi,   Esarh.   A, 
III,  20;  C,  III,  8.  —  KB  II,  p.  130. 

*la-ma  (cf  Eg.  Pu-u-a-a-md),  TA  230,  2. 

"^[amani  (as  var.  of  latna  q.  v.,  prob.  a  gentilic 
name:  "native  of  ^"^lamanii'  (iv)  or 
"native  of  Yemen"  (.?),  see  WiNCKLER, 
Sargon,  I,  p.  XXX,  note  2,  KA^  p.  70, 
note  I,  MVG  III,  p.  26,  note  i ;  cf  la- 

1.  } A-a-i-man-ni,  JADD  801,  R.  u. 

2.  la-a-ma-ni,  JADD  214,  4,  10  (Ep.  P). 

3.  la-ma-ni,  king  of  Ashdod,  Sarg.:  Ann.  220: 

la   be  I  kussi]   A,   III,  15,  a?   (K.   1668  b); 
Khors.  95,  101;  XIV,  11:  "^ As-du-da-a-a. 

4.  la-man-ni,  JADD  ^6,  R.  4  (B.  C.  652.?). 
lamannu  "Native  of  '""^lamamr  (]'i^) 

1.  la-man-i-a-a,  JADB  7,  II,  4. 

2.  la-man-nu-u,  JADD  233,  R.  /^  (B.  C.  659). 

''rab  hansa,  JADD  233,  R.  is  (B.  C.  659?). 
HUA,  PF(a;.?)-mi-ba-an-da,  "larru\  Ta'annek  3,13; 

cf   4,  13. 

*la-mi-u-ta,  amel  "^  Giuidahma,  TA  177,  2. 

*la-an-di ,  Ta'annek  7, 10. 

*lanhamu  (prob.  =  t:y3\  Hommel,  Altisr.  Uberl., 
p.  223);  rablsu  of  the  Egyptian  king: 

1.  E(J)-en-ha-mu,  TA  286,  28. 

2.  la-ha-mi,  TA  83,  4o. 

3.  la-i^-en-ha-mu,  TA  289,  45. 

4.  Ia-an-ha{s,{c),  TA  116,  73. 

5.  la-an-ha-ma,  TA  106,  36,  37.  131,  g2.  215,  10. 

V^,  25.    330,  14. 

6.  la-an-J^a-me,  TA  117,61.  118,49. 

7.  la-afi-ka-ini,  TA  83,  31,  39.  85,  48.  98,  1.  102, 1. 

105,  15,  36.    118,  55. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

8.  la-an-ha-viu,  TA  85,  23.  86,15.  127,23.  132,29. 
171,  5,  11,  13.    270,  11.    283,  13,  28.    284,  33. 

296,  24. 

*la-nu-qu   (Ar.  =  i{j5^3^    "suckling"),  ^na-sik-ku 

sa  "^Za-me-e,  Sarg.  Ann.  267. 
s.  of  Samaha-a-li,  JADD  288, 2. 
*la-an-zu-ii  (Cass.  =  "king";  cf.  la-an-zu-u  ahla- 

mu  BE  XV,  168,  ig) 
mar  Habban,   Shalm.   Ill:  Ob.  95,  125.    ^ar 

"'"^Ndiri  (B.  C.  715),    Sarg.:  Ann.  78,  121; 

Khors.  .54.  Sar  "'"'Najnri,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  112; 

Statue,  KAHI  1, 30,  III,  1.  —  KB  I,  pp.  140, 

142;  II,  p.  58. 
*na-pa-'    (WSem.  =    ns^)    "The    beautiful 

larrat  "^ Dihrani,  Esarh.  B,  IV,  20  (IIIR  15). 

—  KB  11^  p.  146. 
*lapa(h)-Addu  (Can.,  cf  SArb.  5>&^bi5,  OB2i.  la-pa-el 

VSVII,  16,39) 

1.  Ia-ap-p{a-ahY IM,  TA  97,  2. 

2.  la-pa-'^IM,  TA  83,  26.  85,  29, 42.  103,  19.  105, 

31,  78,  8.5.    113,  8,  12,  47.    I  I4,  IG,  59,  69.    I  I6,  25,  51. 
117,  65.    119,  57.    120,  2. 

3.  la-pa-ah-'^ IM,  TA  98,  2.  106,  19. 
*j[a-pa-hi  (Can.,  abbrev.,   cf  Iapah-Addu\  la-a- 

pi-hi  BE  VIII,  pt.  I)  ^       " 
amelu  }a  ""^  Ga-az-rV''  (Gezer),   TA  297,  3. 
298,  4.  299,  3.  300,  4. 
*laptih-Addu  (Can.,  cf  Bi.  nPB'i,  n.  1.  bxnns";) 

1.  la-ap-tl-ha-da,  TA  335,  9. 

2.  la-ap-ti-ih-'^ IM,  TA  288,  45. 
*'la-qar-ahiP'    (WSem.,    cf    OBa.    ^Wa-qar-a- 

JADD  245,  3,  slave  sold, 
*na-qi-ra[-tu]  (WSem.),  JADD   435,  R.  4,   slave 

sold  (Ep.  A). 
laram,  see  '^A-a-ram-mu 
*la-ra-pa-a  (Arb.,  cf  Ra-pa-ia,  SArb.  ^^&'^^  Arb. 

liw>  ^^io,    Weber    MVG    VI    (1901), 

p.  57  f,  Baudissin,  Adonis  und  Esmun, 

P-  319) 
^rab   kisir  (of  Aribi),   HABL   631,  1,  g  = 

JADD  759. 
la-ri-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Manmi-iari,  OBa.  la-a-rmn 

Dilbat,  la-ri  BE  XV) 
Epon.  B.  C.  885,  IIIR  I,  1, 25;   cf  Scheil 

Annales  de  Tukulti  Ninip  II,  p.  33  f,  and 
see  Nd di-ilu. 
*la-sa-am  (cf.  A-a-sam-mu,  Bi.  bX'QiTS';') 

s.  of  Nabna,  "^Kan-nu-a-a,  VS  I,  84,  1. 
*la-su-mu  (cf  la-a-lu-mii),  HABL  502,  10. 
*la-as-da-ta  (cf  OBa.  la-al-di-ha-am-mu  CT  IV, 
2, 21,  and  Zi-ir-dam-ia-al-dd),  of  Megiddo, 
TA  245,  12,  15.  248,  3. 
*[a-as-hu-ru,  Capp.  G,  20, 2, 33. 
*[a-sii-ia  (cf  Bi.  ^yt%  TA  256,  is. 
la-a-sii-mu  (cf  la-su-mu,  'NBa..  la-M-um-maTNB) 

HABL  542,  R.  7. 
*la-ta-'  (cf.  SArb.  :?n'',  prob.  identical  withla-ta-d) 
^rab  alani  hi  ^a  qani  tahume  ia  '""'■Urar- 
taia....,  HABL  252,7  (BA  II,  p.  55). 
*la-ta-a    (alternates    with    Idla    and    la-u-ta-, 
thus  la-ta-a  =  la-u-ta-    prob.  epith.  of 
Id lu  and  =  SArb.  royal  epith.  yni;  for 
an    other    view    see    Winckler,    AF  I, 
p.    S28f.);    s.  of  Hazail,   king   of  Aribi, 
K..?  =  ZA  II,  pi.  II,  R.  8. 
*[a-ta-ma-a  (cf  Ar.  oini  APO,  xiani  Lidzb., 
Ephemeris  II,   p.  224,   Bi.  WS^*^),  JADD 
741,  2.3.    Cf  la-at  [})-7na-a,  JADD  752,  19. 
*la-ta-na-8-li  (Ph.  ^bsDn"^) 

f  of  TakU(})-ana-bel,  JADD  621,  2  (IIIR  50, 
no.  3;  KB  IV,  p.  152). 
■'ja-'-ta-a-nu,    (Ph.,    abbrev.,    cf    liu-id-fa-a-nu), 

JADD  54,  R.^. 
*la-te-e    (or   Nap-te-e^)   (cf  Abi-ia-te- ,   la-ta-d), 

JADD  59,  6,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  681). 
*la-at-na,  var,  lamani  (cf  Ar.   XDn"'  APO);    la 
bi'l  kusst,  king  of  Ashdod,  Sarg.  Ann.  220. 
*la-u-a  (=  Bi.  ^TC^,  Jehu) 

miir  Humri,  king  of  Israel  who  overthrew 

the   dynasty    of  Omri,    Shalm.    Ill  R    5, 

no.  6, 25;  Ob.  Epigr.  II.  —  KB  I,  p.  150. 

*^«'^la-ii-bi-'-di    (WSem.    *i"i5>nin\    Hoffmann, 

ZA  XI,  p.  228,  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  251, 

ZiMMERN,  KA3  p.  465  f.;  var.  Ilu-bidi,  q.  v.) 

King  and  usurper  of  Hamath  (B,  C.  721), 

{^""^A-ma-ta-a-d),  Sarg.:  Cypr.1,53 (IIIR  1 1); 

Khors.  33;   N.  h;   WS  pi.  49a,  K  VIII,  25; 

K.  [1349,  17].  —  KB  II,  pp.  ^6,  56. 

*la-u-ha-2i  (He  =  Bi.  Tns«(in^),  Ahaz) 

"'"*Ia-u-da-a-a,  king  of  Judah,  Tigl.  IV,  B  ci 
(II R  67).  -  KB  II,  p.  20. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*lau-idri,  see  A-a-u-id-ri. 

*la-u-ta-',  la-ii-ta-   (Arb.,  var.  la-ta-a  q.  v.,  see 

also   Uaite   and  WAF  I,  p.  528),  Abp.  B/ 

IIIR  34,  VIII,  23, 28, 34, 37.  Bu.  91-5-9,  178. 
*la-u-ta-ar-sl  (Iran.,  cf.  Mami-i{t)ariu),  Tigl.  IV, 

Ann.  iGit,  a  Median  chief. 
*la-zl-e,  HABL  1026, 7  (WSml.  II,  p.  12).  A-a- 

zi-e,  ibid.,  1.  15. 
*la-zl-ni  (cf.  Bi.  n^5TS5^  /«?-^?-«m  JADD  899,  II,  n) 
f  of  Marduk-Sar-usur,  JADD  325,  R.  12. 

l-ba-a  (hypocor.,  =  Ar.  docket  MSN,  BE  VIII, 
pt.  I,  27;  cf  TNB  p.  68),  HABL  453,  12. 
454, 8. 
f  of  Bel-etir,  K.  135 1.    HABL  1007,  R.  15. 
f  of  Bel-lzHr,  HABL  718,  R.  u. 

^rab    PAP.SE.DA    }a  ^tar-ta-nu,   JADD 
275,  R.  6. 
Ibassi-llani  "There  exist  gods"  {d.  IbaUi-ilu) 

1.  I-ba-ahsi-Am^-ni,  f  of  Pa-H-i,  JADD 373, 2. 

2.  NT.  GAL-Am^,  JADD    190,  i   (B.  C.  668). 

265,  R.  9.     bel-qata  sa  iarri,  JADD  80, 
R. /. 
s.  of  Nergal-ilUa,  JADD  446,  R.  20  (Ep.  Q). 

3.  NI.GAL-Ami-ni,  JADD  190,4.   355,  R.  7. 
Ibassi-ilu    (cf    IbasU-ilani,    OBa.   I-ba-ahsi-AN 

BE  VI,  pt.  I,  XIV,  GAL-U-AN  be  XV; 
ZiMMERN,   Behrens,   Briefe,  p.  4,   n.  4) 

1.  GAL-H-AN,  ^?  i^  "'Kalha,  JADD   161,  /^ 

(B.  C.  679). 
s.  of  Ea-rlmanni,  ^'■sukkallu,  Nai.:  VR  61, 
VI,  20  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180). 

2.  NI.GAL-AN,  K.  241,  VIII,  31;  83-1-18,  695, 

III,  1,  spec,  '^pa-lii-zu  {ruT),  HABL  166,  2, 
Ib-bu-tu    (prob.   hypocor.,    cf   Ib-ba-tum    RPN), 

HABL  901,  1.    f  of  Ulula-a-a,  Aei.:  BE 

VIII,  pt.  I,  5,  3. 
l-bi-ia  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  I-bi-ia{-d)  RPN,T-D  LC 

JADD  702,  3  (B.  C.  656.?). 
l-bi-Sin    "Sin   has    called"   (cf  I-bi-Sin  RPN) 

King  of  Ur,Sm.  1224.  K.6102,  s.  Rm.2,  174 

(OLZ  X  (1907),  col.  114,  n.  i). 

Ib-na-a  (hypocor.,  cf  TNB) 

s.  of  Nur-Sin,  HABL  969, 3. 

Ib-na-a-a  (hypocor.;   in   NBa.  texts,   see  TNB) 

^na-si-ki  Babila-a-a,  JADD  478,  R.  2. 
No.  I. 

lbnl(?)-OE-a  "Ea  has  created"  (Ba.) 

f  of  Nabu-etil-ilani,  BM.91015,  R.  20  (King, 
BBS,  p.  no,  pi.  CVI). 

Ib-nMa  (hypocor.;  in  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN) 
f.  of  Nabu-etir-naplati,  JADD  430, 2. 

IbnI-Marduk  "Marduk  has  created"  (Ba.) 

1.  Ib-ni-'^AMAR.UD  (in  OBa.  &  Cass,  texts, 

see  RPN,  P  97,  is) 
s.  q{  Arad-Ea,  Melis.:  Lo.  loi  (90829),  I,  13 
(King,  BBS,  p.  20,  pi.  XXIV);   Susa  3, 

I,  28. 

2.  KAK-'^AMAR.UD 

s.    of   Amel-'^TUR.NUN.NA]    author    of 
"the  fox",   K.  9717,  12.   Sm.  669, 25  (NE 
pp.  90,  92). 
s.  oi  Nur-Marduk,  ^ia\_qu\  Nai.:  BM.  90936, 
II,  10  (King,  BBS,  p.  108,  pi.  CV). 

s.  of f'Sin,  BM.  91 01 5,  R.  n  (King,  BBS, 

p.  no,  pi.  CVI). 
l-bu-nu  (cf  I-bu-ni  TNB) 

f   of  Bel-usatu,   Sarg.  St.  II,  15;   IV,  2.  — 
KB  IV,  pp.  160,  162. 
l-bu-te-ilani  {ANP^-ni) 

f  of  ^A-u-e-ballitani,   VS  I,  88,  24   (Ep.  E). 
Jdanni-ilu  "The  god  has  looked  upon  me" 
(cf  Ilu-i-da-an-ni  BE  XV) 
ZU-an-ni-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  2,  spec. 
l-da-a-te-bel-a-Ia-ka  "At  the  side  of  the  lord 
I  walk" 
s.  of  Aiur-lallim,  JADD  266, 1  (III  R  49, 37  a). 
Id-di-i  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  I-id-di-i  RPN,  Id-di-ia 
BE  VIII,  I,  BEX,  with  Ar.  docket  [S^j-'IS), 
^{tamkar}\  JADD  349,  R.  E.  .   (Ep.  Q); 
cf  A-di-i,  I-di-i. 
Id-di-ia-a-tu  (Ba.,  hypocor.,  cf  Iddt),  in  Btt-'"/., 
BM.  102485,  1, 4  (King,  BBS,  p.  77,  pi.  I). 

Id-din ,  Epon.,  JADD  243,  R.  E.  2. 

Iddina  (abbrev.) 

SE-tta  {Nadinat),  ''dupiar,  VS  V,  2,  le  (B.  C. 

s.  of  Eriba,   gs.  of  Imbu-pdniia,   Sarg.  St. 

Ill,  23.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 
iddina  (hypocor.;  in  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
s.    of  ^langu   "^Marduk,   VS  I,   35,  s^.    — 

KB  IV,  p.  96. 
s.  of  Sapik-zer,  VS  I,  35,  34,  37,  64. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Iddina-Asur  "Ashur  has  given" 

1.  SE-na-AS-sur,  HABL  532,  2. 

2.  SE-na-^'AS-lur,  JADD  738,  R.  7. 
Iddin-Addu,  TA  123,47. 

Iddina[a  (hypocor. 

1.  Id-din-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  31,  spec. 

2.  Id-din-ia,  HABL  176,  4.   177,  2.   ^sangn  la 

dNIN.IB,  JADD  640,  R.  /. 

3.  I-din-a-a,  ^langu  sa  ^NIN.IB,  JADD  642,6 

(IIIR  49,7  b). 

4.  I-din-7ia-a-a,  JADD  265,  3. 

5.  SE-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  26,  spec. 

6.  SE-na-ia,  ^langa  sa  '^NINJB,  JADD  641, 

R.  //." 
Iddina-lstar  "Ishtar  has  given" 

SE-na-^XV,  s.  of  Tala,  JADD  257,   R.  n 

(B.  C.  670). 
Iddlna-Nabu  "Nebo  has  gfven"  (cf.  OBa. /-^/«- 

'^Na-bi-um    T-D  LC;    Ar.   laDHfii    APO 

60,  1, 2;  BE  VIII,  pt.  I,  no.  14) 

1.  SE-na-'^AK,  Sarg.  St.  1, 6.  —  KB  IV,  p.  158. 

2.  SE-na-'^PA,  Sarg.  St.  1, 13. 

1.  MU-^SUKKAL,    f.    of   Dummuqu,    Nshi., 

VS  I,    36,    III,  23. 

2.  SE-'^SUKKAL 

f.  of  Nabu-li\  Nshi.,  VS  I,  36,  IV,  s. 

f.  of  Nabii-lum-usur,  Merod.  I,  VS  I,  34, 22. 

3.  SE-na-^SUKKAL,  f.  of  Nabu-nadin-lumu, 

VAT  402,  R.  21  (Reisner,  Hymnen,  p.  68). 
Iddina-sarru  "The  king  has  given" 

SE-na-LUGAL,  f.  of  Za-ki-ru,  K,  4740,  24 
(WAF  II,  p.  25). 
Iddin-Bel  {MU-^EN) 

s.  of -sir,   gs.  of  Mu-le-sib,   owner   of 

tablet,  CT  XVII,  n,  42. 
Iddin-[au  (AS-a-a-u),  JADD  991. 
Iddin-Lamassu  (AS-'^HE.UL) 

f.  of  Gimil-Gula,  K.  9717, 8  (NE  p.  90). 
Iddin-Ninib  {SE-^NIN.IB) 

s.  oi  Sin-apal-iqila,  Mna.,  PSBAXIX  (1897), 
p.  71, 2, 0. 
Id-du-u-a  (hypocor.,  cf  I-du-u-a;  Iddutum  TNB, 
Bi.  i'^S,  i'^y,  bJi^^),  ''r^^  /5a/^f  /««  bab  sa- 
a-me  (in  Babel),  JADD  891,  R.  5. 
l-di-i  (hypocor.) 

JADD   309,   R.  6\   "''"'KW''\    325,   R.  >5  = 

^tamkaru,  JADD  308,  R.  13  (Ep.  Q).  318, 
R.  10  (Ep.  A).  344,  R.  2,  623,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  A); 
seems  to  be  same  person  as  A-di-i  ^tam- 
karu,  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  287,  and  Id-di-i. 
*ldibriu  (cf.  Bi.  b«ni«,  ^I-di-ba--U-a-a,  a  Arb. 

tribe  IIIR  10,30;  for  literature  see  Ges.- 

BUHL,  HWB  p.  9  a) 

1.  I-di-bi- -i-li,  Tigl.IV,  B  56  (II R  67),  appoint- 

ed qepu  of  Musru.  —  KB  II,  p.  20. 

2.  I-di-bi{-)-i-lu,  Tigl.  IV,  Ann.  220,  240:  ""''^- 

ru-bu  (IIIR  10,  45). 
Idi-llu  "The  god  knows"  (cf.  /-^/-//«  TNB) 
ZU-AN,   83- 1 -1 8,  695,  III,  8,  spec.   JADD 

388,  R.  s.    ^rab  kisir  }a  ^mar  Hpri  ia 

sinnilti  ekalli,  JADD  494,  7. 
idin-abim    "My  father  has  given"   (cf.  OBa. 

I-d'm-a-bu  T-D  LC) 

1.  I-din-a-bi-im,  Capp.  G,  15,  1. 

2.  I-dm-na-bi-im,  s.  of  Alir-mu-ta-bi-el,  Capp. 

T-D  239,  3. 

f.  of  Ma{KuT)-ku-a,  Capp.  Ch.  10, 9. 
Id-ra-nu,  see  Itranu. 

Id-ri ,  K.  7393. 

Id-ri-ia,  see  It-ri-ia. 

*ld-ri-a-ha(-a)-u  (WSem.  *^nyniin  =  Ad-ra-a- 
^a-u,  Adad-ra-fia-a-u,  q.  v.) 

HABL  593,  R.  2.   ''rab  kisir,  K.  4792. 
*ld-ri-li-i    (cf.   Bi.  bst'^niy,    Id-di-ri-ia-ili  BE  IX) 

irrilu,  JADB  19,  II,  4. 
*'ldru  (-id-ru\  cf.  Id-ra-    TNB,  Bi.  "il!?  or  iT:?) 

''■mu-ri-ib-ba-nu  }a  Nundaru,  HABL  458, 5. 
l-du . . . .,  ^'rab  alani,  JADD  306,  1. 
l-du-U-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Idduci) 

^qallu,  HABL  266,  R.  10. 
ldu(//^)-sa-A-sur,  Capp.  Ch.  16,  R.  r,  G,  6,20.  12, 10 

(Peiser,  KB  IV,  p.  52:  Lta-Alur). 
ldu(/Z>)-sa-lstar,  Capp.  Ch.  4, 4. 
l-gl-l,  JADD  388,  R.  7. 
*l-gi-li-i  (cf.  Igld,  Higld  BE  X) 

''tamkar  sisi ''' Kal-ha-a-a,  ]ADY)  806,  R.  9. 
l-gur-ka-ap-ka-pu,  l-gur-qa-ap-qa-pu  MDOG  45,  p.  50 

f.  of  Samsi-Adad,  the  patesi  of  Asur,  I R  6, 
no.  I.  —  KB  I,  p.  2. 
*lh-li-ba-bu,  or  Ah-li-ba-bu 

f.  of  Nu-ba-na-ni;  ^/jasannu,  CT  II,  21,  27, 
L.  E.  3. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*lljli-Tesup,    or    AJ^li-Te^up,    cf.    the   hypocor. 

Afi-li-ia  BE  XV,  VS  I,  107, 3 
Il}-li-te-ei-^up,  VS  I,  iii,  R. 
Ifi-li-te-lup,  s.  of  Ta-i-le-en-7ii,  CTII,  2I,^/,J^. 
Ih-ni-AD-ka (?)....,  ''bel pil}ati,  JADD  867,7. 
l-ka-ru/ri   (prob.  =  Ikkaru,   q.  v.;   cf.   A-ka-7'u) 

JADD  471,19,  B.  E.  2. 
*l-ka-ii-8U   (WSem.,   cf.  ZiMMERN,    KA3  p.  473) 
i^^  ^11'""^ Afnqaruna,  king  of  Ekron,  Esarh. 

B,  V,  17   (III  R  16  =   I  R  48,   no.   I,  5). 

Abp.  Rm.  3,  II,  36.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 
l-kib-ilu  (cf.  OBa.  Ikibtim  RPN) 

Capp.  G,  4,  3.  II,  4.  14,  2.  17,  1. 
*lkkalu,  Ikkilu,  lakinln 

iar  '""* Aruada,  king  of  Aruad 

1.  Ik-ka-lu-u,   Abp.  K.  11450,5  (KG AS  66). 

2.  Ik-ki-lu-u,  Ah^.  HABL992,i5.  K.2675,  R.27. 

—  KB  II,  p.  170,  n.  2. 
■  3.  la-ki-in-lu,  Abp.  B,  K.  1779,  ^  »  (WSml. 
"   ni,  p.  57). 

4.  la-ki-in-lu-u,  Abp,:  A,  II,  119,  124;  Ann,  11,63, 

81, 85;  B,  II,  65, 77, 80.  —  KB  II,  pp.  170, 172. 

5.  la-ki-in-lu-u,   Abp.:   A,   III  R    18,   II,  101; 

Rm.  3,  II,  38.  —  KB  II,  p.  240. 
Ik-ka-ru  "Peasant"  (cf.  Ik-ka-rum\ri  BE  XIV, 

XV,  see  also  I-ka-rti) 
HABL  248,  2.    249,  2.   250,  2.   739,  2.   740  2. 
Ikkilu,  see  Tkkalu. 
Ik-la-nu  (or  Ig-la-nu,  cf.  Bi.  'j'ibJiy) 

''rab  alani,  JADD  627,  R.  w  (B.  C.  666). 
Ik-li-i  (or  Iglf,  cf.  I-gi-li-i) 

■HABL   271,  3.    467,   R.  19.   JADD   270,  1. 

271, 9.  744,  R.  7.  ardu  Sa  Kur-ba-m,  JADD 

1141,49  (B.  C.  709). 
*lk(?  C^/Pj-te-sup  (the  first  sign  is  questionable, 

cf. , . }  in-gi-te-m-u^,  king  of  '"'^'Sup-ri-a, 

Esarh.:  KAHI  I,  75,  e. 
Ikunu   (abbrev.,    cf.  ' I-ku-nu-bi-{KA)-Adad,    Ilu- 

i-ku-nim  RPN),  I-ku-num,  Capp.  Ch.  16, 

R.  .5-.  Assyrian  priest-king: 

1.  I-ku-nmn,  Capp.  Ch.  16,  R5;  f.  oi  Sarru-ki- 

in  (1),  MDOG  38,p.  33,  n.    Cf.  MDOG  25, 
p. 67. 1-[ku-num]pa.te.[si]  '^A-[sir],  Capp.E. 

2.  I-ku-nu-um,  Arn.,  KAHI  I,  63,  5. 

s.  oiE-ri-sum,  KK.  8805  +  10238  +  10888, 5 
(AJSL  18,  p.  176.  MVG  VIII,  p.  102. 
King,  RRT,  p.  55,  n.  4). 

No.  I. 

*l-la-a  (Ar.  hypocor.;  for  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN; 
cf.  Bi.  Kb«) 
JADD  246,  R.  9.  ''na-si-ku  Sa  "'"'La-qilqa-e, 
Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  43,  45   (I  R  24).   —   KB  I, 
p.  102. 

*l-la-[-a-bi  (Johns,  ADB  p.  15,  supposes  a  pho- 
netic spelling  for  AN-a-a-abi]  probably 
Ar.  =  ins?  inb«,  SCHII'TER,  Spuren,  p.  23; 
cf.  lliia-a-bi),  JADB  5,  II,  19. 

*IIanu  (cf  I-la-nu-um  RPN,  I-la-nu-ii-a  BE  XV, 
Bi.  "{ib«) 

1.  I-la{-a)-ni,  mar  Za-ma-ni,  Anp.  Ann.  Ill,  105 

(IR  26).  —  KB  I,  p.  112. 

2.  I-la-a-nu,  b.  oi  Bur-Ramcinu,  Anp.,  Kurkh, 

R.  42  (IIIR  6,  error). 
Il-biti-kuzub-ilani  "The  household  god  is  the 

splendor  of  the  gods" 
AN-E-HI.LI-ANP^-ni,    ^'A.BA  sifiru,   VR 

41, 32ef.    Cf.  CT  XVIII,  28. 
Ilda[a,  see  An-da-a-ia. 
l-li  \ . . .,  JADD  679,  R.  4  (B.  C.  682). 
Ill-bani,  see  also  Ilu-bani) 

1.  AN-ba-?ii,  Capp.  G,  7, 20. 

2.  l-li-ba-ni,  Capp.  G,  8,  10,  13. 
Iir-bullut-ilu  "The  god  is  able  to  keep  alive" 

ZU-TI-AN,  JADD  568,  R.  ^.  f' d[a-a-a-l]i, 
JADD  345,  R.  .. 
1-li-dan,  f.  of  Aiur-tabQ),  Capp.  E  2,  2,  4. 
Ili-estaqel   (cf.   Am-mi-ihta-kal  T-D  LC,   Alur- 
ihta-gal  etc.,  RPN  p.  233,  n.  7) 
I-li-ehia-ki-el,  Capp.  Ch.  16,  4. 
Ili[a  (abbrev.  or  hypocor.;  cf  /-//-'-/[«]  BE  XVII, 
pt.  I) 

1 .  AN-ia,  f.  of  Nabii-liu,  V  R  49,  IX,  34. 

2.  AN -id,  f.  of  Nabu-bel-himati,  Shmk.  CT  X, 


3.  'l-li-ia{}),  VS  I,  107,  3. 

Ili-[a-a-bi  "My  god  is  (myj  father"  {ol.I-li-a-bi 

RPN,   but  also  A-a-ab-bu,   la-abi)   Abp. 

K.  2564. 
*lli-[a-a-u  "My  god  is  (la-)a-u"  (cf.  Bi.  n»b», 

ScHiFFER,   Spuren,   p.  38,  "^A-u-ili-a-a), 

JADD  312,  6, 
lliia-bel  "My  god  is  the  lord"  (cf.  OBa.  If-li- 

be-li  RPN),  or  ^A-a-bel,  q.  v. 
AN-a-a-EN,  HABL  933,  s,     KK.  5420b. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*lli-[a-di-nu  (WSem.  *']''l^bK,  evidently  identical 
with  AN^^-a-di-nu,  TNB  p.  75,   cf.  HiL- 
PRECHT,  BE  X,  p.  XII) 
^rab  kisir  }a  mar  iarri,  JADD  345,  R.  E.  /. 

361,     R.    12. 

Ili-ia-ib . . . .,  TA  168,  R.  12. 
*lli-milku  (Bi.  Tb^^b^,  Ar.  ^bttb^,  Eg.  'Aruma- 
raka;   cf.   also    Ilu-milki  and  Milki-ilu) 

1.  AN-LUGAL,  ante  I  Hpri,  TA  151,45. 

2.  I-li-mil-ku,  TA  286, 36. 

*lli-rabih   (WSem.;   for  the  second  element   cf. 

1.  AN-ra-bi-ih,  TA  139,  2.  140,  3. 

2.  I-li-ra-[bi'ify],  TA  128, 21. 

Il-lu-u  (cf.  /MV«  BE  XIV,  XVII,  pt.  I,  Il-la-a 

BE  VIII,  pt.  I) 
JADD  89,  R.  4  (B.  C.  683). 
Il-lu-uk-nu  (cf.  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  58),  JADD 

30,  R.  /  (B.  C.  681). 
Il-qi-su,  JADD  163,  R.  //  (B.  C.  664?). 
Il-ta-da-a-a,   ^mukil  apati   ummi  iarri,  JADD 

857,  IV,  10. 
Il-tap-pa  "The  god  is  companion"  (?cf.  OBa. 

'l-li-tab-ba   BA  VI,    3,   p.  70;    Il-tab-bu- 

ut-ta  BE  XV;  Il-tap-pi-ta  BE  XIV) 
JADD  73,  R.  3.  74,  R.  2  (B.  C.  680). 
II-ti-UR(?),  ^tamkar,  JADD  387,  R.  7  (B.  C  651). 
llu(^A^)....,  Epon.  B.  C.  805,  Canon  A,  III,  13; 

B,    III,  26. 

Ilu-aba ....  {AN- AD . . . .),  JADD  70,  s  (B.  C.  674). 
Ilu-aba-sallim  "O  god,  keep  the  father  safe!" 

AN-a-ba-DI,  s.  of  Pappu,  JADB  i,  I,  e. 
Ilu-ab-erlba    QAN-AD-SU),  JADD    311,   R.  /^ 

(Ep.  S). 
Ilu-abi[a  "The  god  is  my  father"  (cf.  Abi-iliia, 
OBa.  Ui-a-bi  RPN),  JADD  742,  u,  irriSu. 
Ilu-Adad  "God  is  Adad" 

AN-^IM,    "^Qat-na-a-a,    Anp.    Ann.    I,  78 

(IR  19),  var.  Amel-Adad.  —  KB  I,  p.  64. 

Ilu-ah-usur   "O    god,    protect   the  brother!" 

AN-PAP-PAP {Ilu-nasir-ahuT),  VS  I,  97,/^. 

Ilu-ak-kur  (or  '^Nabu-KUR),   tablet  from  Vyran 

Shehir,  OLZ  V,  col.  245. 
*llu-amara   (WSem.,   cf   Amar-ihc,   Bi.   'in^lTQX) 
^rab  kar-ma-ni  sa  "^ Maganuba  (B.  C.  694) 
I.  AN-a-mar,  JADD  137, 3.  427, 2,  12,  is. 

2.  AN-a-ma-ra,  JADD  508,  R.  2. 

3.  AN-a-mar-ra,  JADD  508,  1. 
Ilu-apal-iddin  "The  god  has  given  a  son" 

AN-  rUR-As,  JADD  686,  R.  e. 
*llu-a-qa-bi  (WSem.,  cf.  Ilu-a-qa-ba  TNB,  A-qa- 
''re'u  alpe  of  ^^Halfde,  JADB  9,  III,  4. 
Ilu-balatsu-iqbi  "The  god  has  announced  his 
AN-TI-LA-su-iq-bi,     ^ardu    ia    abarakki 
rabl,  JADD  464,  R.  7. 
Ilu-ba-na-a  (WSem.  *n5nbi<,  cf.  Ili-ba-na-  BE  X, 
Ba-na--ili    BE    IX;    or    abbrev.    from 
Arkat-ili-bana),  83-1- 18,  695,  II,  32,  spec. 
Ilu-ba-ni  "The  god  is  creator"  (cf  OBa.  /-//- 
ba-ni{-i)  RPN),  JADB  6,  VIII,  5.  K.  7335. 
f.  oi  Nabu-zer-iddina,  Nshi.,  VS  I,  36,  III,  le. 
*llu-ba-ru  (or  A^i-ba-ru,  cf  Am-bu-ru  TNB) 

f.  of  Zabda,  JADB  3,  V,  is. 
Ilu-be-la-ah  (.?Sayce:  Ilu-nu-la-lim;  cf.  Belah-Sin, 
-htar,  Bilah-Ahir) 
f.  of  Sil-Htar,  Capp.  E,  i,  13. 
*l-lu(-u)-bi-'-di  (WSem.;   var.  lau-bidi,  q.  v.) 
''A-fna-ta-a-a,  king  and  usurper  in  Hamath 
(B.  C.  721),  defeated  at  Qarqar,  B.  C.  720, 
Sarg.:  Ann.  23;  Cyl.  25  (Pi,  P^).  -  KB  II, 
p.  42. 
Ilu-bulutsu-iqbi  "The  god  has  announced  his 
life"  (cf.  Ilu-balatsu-iqbi) 
AN-bu-lut-BI-E,  ia  iepa,  JADD  105,  R.  7 
(Ep.  Z). 

AN-dan-in-LUGAL,  K.  37. 
*llu-da-la-a  (Ar.)  "The  god  has  saved"  {ci.Da- 
la-{a-)ilu\  "iDblbs  CIS  II,  54,  KA  p.  438, 
SCHIFFER,  Aramaer,  p.  52) 
HABL  251, 10,  14, 22,  R.  2. 
llu-du-u-SU  (cf  Dusa,  Dusi) 

JADD  600,  /. 
Ilu-eres  "The  god  has  planted" 

1.  AN-KAM-ei,]KDVi  69, 1, 3  (B.  C.  692).  186, 

R.  1,  4   (B.  C.  679).   '^NI.  GAB  U  ekalli, 
JADD  255,  R.  13. 

2.  AN-PIN-el  JADD  1141, 33  (B.  C.  709). 
Ilu-eriba  "The  god  has  rewarded"  (cf.  OBa. 

ANSU,  K.  241,  XI,  42,  spec. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


llu-etir  "The  god  spared" 

1.  AN-e-tir,   ma-hi-is  hegalli,    HABL  416,  1. 

2.  AN-KAR-ir,  JADD  266,  R.  ,0  (B.  C.  670). 
Ilu-gabbi-iqbi  "The  god  has  announced  all" 

AN-GAB'E,  JADD  279,   R.  ^   (B.C.  689). 
*llu-gab-rl    (cf.   Bi.   bs-^nn?,    nu-gab-ra\ri  TNB) 
sa  iepa,  JADD  318,  R.  is. 
s.  of  Nabft-Ia-di,  JADB  5,  I,  8. 
Ilu-gu-!u(?),  JADD  775,  p. 
Ilu-hir-be,  see  An-hir-be. 
*llu-iada'  (WSem,  cf.  Bi.  ^Tbi?) 

i'^.  AN4a-da-\  HABL  168,' g,  R.  13  (WSml.  II, 

p.   46).      170,    R.  7.      171,4.     212,26.      502,2. 
503,   2.      504,    2.      505,  2.      638,    8,    10,    13,    R.   7. 

1041,  8.  KK.  570.  4779,8  (WSml.  II,  p.  54). 

''}akin  DfD'ili   (B.  C.  726),    Sarg.  St.  I,  2 

(KB  IV,  p.  158). 
2.  AN-id-a-da-\  HABL  560,  4. 
■    3.  AN-id-da-\  HABL  168,  R.  22. 
*llu-ia-di-nu,  see  Ili-ia-di-mi. 
*Hu-la-ta-a-nu  (Ph.,  cf.  "jn^bx  APO,  la- -ta-a-jm, 

'<■  na-si-ku    of    Nar-Tii-bii-li-  -ai,    HABL 

II 12,  8. 
l-lu-l-ba-si  (if  n.  pr.  cilbaUi-ilu),  HABL 3 14,  R.4. 

s.   of  Esaggil-ser,    at   Kalah    (B.   C.  711), 

KK.  2678.  2683  (IIIR  2,7). 
Ilu-ibni  "The  god  has  created"  (cf.  OBa.  /-//- 

ib-ni  Dilbat) 

1.  AN-ib-ni,  ^'lak'm  '"'"'Sii-hi,  Tukl.  11,  Ann.  70. 

Anp.,    Ann.    I,  10:)  (I  R  19).     ^'^dupsarru, 
JADD  244,  R.  ,7. 

2.  AN-KAK,  JADD  326,   R.  9.    83-1-18,  695, 

II,  22,  spec.    ''Inkin  '""'Su-hi,  Anp.  Ann. 
I,  100  (KB  I,  p.  68). 
Ilu-iddlna  "The  god  has  given"  (cf  OBa.  /-//- 
i-din-nam  RPN) 

1.  AN- As,  JADD  686,  R.  5  (if  all  the  name). 

2.  AN-MU,  JADD  573,  R.  2. 

3.  AN-SE-NA,  Epon.  IIIR4,  no.  1,20. 
Ilu-idi  "The  god  knows" 

AN-ZU,  may  be  read   llu-li,  q.  v. 
*llu-id-ri  (cf.  Bi.  "it^j'ibx) 

VS  I,  88,  33.  ''amel  urqi,  JADB  21,  1,8. 
^  tamkaru,  JADD  922, 10.  duplarru,  JADD 
54.  R-  4. 

No.    I. 

ilu-illat-a-a,  see  Harran-ladnia. 

Ilu-illati,  or  Anu-illati 

Chron.  A  II,  1,  ruler  belonging  to  an  early- 
period  of  Babylonian  history. 

Ilu-ilu-ma  (cf.  I/uma-ilu),  83-1 -18,  695,  II,  33,  spec. 

*llu-im-me  (cf.  Bi.  UThVi) 

JADD  162,^  (B.  C.  693).    273,  R.  //    (B.  C. 
683).  397,  R.  9.  742, 22. 

Ilu-ippas  "The  god  will  execute  it"  (cf.  llti- 
ip-pu-ui  BE  XIV) 

1.  AN-ip-pa-ai,  JADD  741,  is. 

2.  AN-KAR-as,  83-1- 18,  695,  11,23,  spec. 
Ilu-ip-[qid],  JADD  1 14,  R.  4. 

Ilu-iq-bi  "The  god  has  announced" 

HABL  910,  R.  8.  81-2-4,  116.  83-1-18,  695, 
II,  24,  spec. 

''naggaru,  of  "'Immirma,  JADB  12,  II,  a. 
Ilu-ittiia  "The  god  is  with  me"  (cf.  OBa.  I-ii- 
"  DA-ia  T-D  LC) 

1.  AN-KT-e-a,  Epon.  B.  C.  694,  IIIR  i,  V,  30, 

var.  JADD  120,  R.  3.  162,  R.  3. 

2.  AN-KI-ia,  K.  241,  IX,  e.  XII,  41,  spec.  JADD 

324,  9  (in  Nineveh;  B.  C.  692).  Epon. 
B.  C.  694,  III  R  'i,  V,  30.  IIIR  2,  no.  20,3 
(nth  year  of  Senn.),  JADD  58,  R.  E.  2. 
140,  R.  1.  201,  R.  9.  272,  R.  6.  281,  R.  15. 
427,  R.  le;  Senn.  King  VIII,  88;  ^ia-kin 
'"^Dimi^qa,  JADD  324,  9. 
f.  of  Al-Naihu-milkl,  JADB  2,  I,  11. 

3.  I-lu-KI-{a\   mar  "^ Ku{Dnr)-ra-a-a,  JADD 

500,  R.^. 

4.  Ilu-ittiia,  MDOG  42,  p.  51. 
Iluka-asarid   "Thy  god  is  the  first  in  place" 

AN-ka-MAS,  HABL  811,  8,9.  JADD  374, 
R.  14  (B.  C.  685).  624, 9  (B.  C  687). 
Ilu-ka-[a-a[ .  ..t\  perhaps Ilu-pani-ia-a[-lik],]AY)D 

288,  R.  9. 
Iluka-apal-usur  {AN-KA-a-PAP,  Behrens,  Briefe, 

p.  6),  see  Ilu-paniia-usur. 
Iluka-nasir  {AN- K A- PAP),  see  Ilu-pi-usur. 
Ilu-kib-su-usur    "O   god,   protect   the  walk!" 

JADD  569,  R.  s  (B.  C.  695). 
Ilu-kin-usur    "O   god,    protect    the   faithful 
AN-DU-PAP,  JADD   [117,4]   (B.  C.  674). 
118, 6  (B.  C.  ^T^.  266, 6,  slave  sold  (B.  C. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

670).    800,  1.    83- 1- 1 8,    695,    II,  25,    spec. 

Epon.  B.  C  829,  IIIR  I,  II,  35. 
Ilu-ku-sur-su  "O  god,  save  him!" 

K.  241,  VIII,  15,  spec. 
llu-la-8U....,  JADB  7,  1,3. 
Ilu-li'  "The  god  is  mighty" 

AN-ZU  (or  Ilu-idi),  JADD   475,  2   (B.  C. 

698).   VS  I,  97,  1.   ''dupiarru,  JADD  269, 

R.  6  (B.  C.  687). 
l-lu-lu   (cf.   OBa.    Warad-i-lu-li  BE   VI,   pt.    i) 

s.  of  Zu-bi-ir  "^ ,  Ta'annek  4, 3. 

Ilu-ma-ba-ni    "Truly,    the    god    is   creator" 

(cf.  OBa.  Ilu-lu-ba-ni  RPN) 
^rakbu,  JADD  349, 10  (Ep.  Q). 
Ilu-ma-damiq    {SIG-iq)    "Truly,    the    god    is 

s.   of  Nur-Marduk,    Lo.    102,    VI,  22.    — 

KB  IV,  p.  92. 
Ilu-ma-ilu  "Truly,  the  god  is  god"  (cf.  OBa. 

liu-ma-t-ia,    var.    -'^I-Ia,    see    Ranke, 

BE  VI,  pt.  I,  p.  8,  n.  I) 
The  first  king  of  the  second  Bab.  dynasty, 

Chron.  K^,  R.  1,  6, 7, 9.    King-list  A,  I,  13; 

B,  12;  Ui-ma-AN  BE  VI,  pt.  2,  68,  29. 
*llu-malak  (cf.  Ilu-milki,  Bi.  l^ti^bx,   OBa.  Ilu- 

ma-lik  RPN,    I-li-ma-li-ki  CT  8,  50, 7  b) 

1.  AN-ma-la-{ak\   JADD   378,  2,  12,    =    Ar. 

docket  'rbttbK  (CIS  II,  28.  Stevenson, 
Contracts,  no.  22). 

2.  AN-ma-lak,  JADD  476,  R.  10. 
Iluma-li'  "Truly,  the  god  is  mighty" 

1.  AN-ma-ll-  JADD  373,  R.  E.  4  (B.  C.  648?). 

2.  AN-ma-ZU,  JADD  513,  R.  /.  83-1- 18,  695, 

II,  28,  spec,    ''rab  kisir,  JADD  627,  R.j-. 
Epon.  B.  C.  782,  Canon  C,  1, 29.   Ill  R  i, 

III,  35;  M  "' Na-zib-i-na,  81-2-4,  187,  32. 

s.    of  Su-si-ia,  JADD   415,   R.  j  (KB  IV, 

p.  104;  B.C.  734  or  745?). 
Ilu-ma-lid-gul,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  29,  spec;  cf  JADD 

III,  p.  XV. 
Ilu-ma-lid(t>qi(?),  '^naS patri,  JADD  248,  R./o  (B.C. 

Ilu-lim-si-i    "The   god   may   forget!"(.?) 

JADD  642,  L.  E.  .. 
Ilu-ma-tak-lak   (abbrev.)   "Truly,    in    the  god 

I  trust"  (cf.  Ilu-taklak) 
HABL  712,  R.  5. 

Ilu-me-hu-na-a-a,  JADD  296, 3,  slave  sold. 
Ilu-me-i  (cf  ScHiFFER,  Spuren,  p.  16;  Bi.  ^isrii), 

VS  I,    91,  26. 

Ilu-me-ti  (for  the  second  element  cf.  Me-tu-?m), 

VS  I,  100,  IS. 
Ilu-miiku  (cf.  Ili-milku,  Ilu-malak)  Epon.B.  C.  886 

1.  AN-mil-ki,  Canon  B,  1, 24.  IIIR  i,  I,  24. 

2.  AN-mil-kn,  Tuk.  II,  Ann.  13. 
ilu-mu-ki-in    (abbrev.;    cf.    ANf^-mu-ki-in,    Cass. 

tablet,  PSBA  XXIX,  Nov.  1907,  pi.  II,  1) 
^tnar  Hpri  ia  ^bel  plkati,] ADD  48,  R.j-. 
49,  R.S  (B.  C.  656).  ^ 
llu-mukin-ahu,  see  Ilu-kin-usur. 
Ilu-mu-se-zib  "The  god  saves" 

JADD  362,  R.^.    572,  R.  9.    VSI,  85,  .4?). 
^rakbu,  JADD  860,  II,  13. 
Ilu-mutaqqin  "The  god  orders" 

AN-mu-LAL,  JADD  363,   R.  4  (B.  C.  682). 
Ilu-na-da  "The  god  is  exalted"  (cf  Ilu-naid), 

Capp.  G,  4, 14. 
Ilu-nadin-ahu  {AN-AS-PAP),  or  Ilu-edu-usur}  or 
nu-iddina{na),  cf  JADD  III,  p.  XV 
83-1-18,  695,  II,  31,  spec. 
Ilu-nadin-aplu  "The  god  gives  a  son" 

AN-AS-A,  JADB  5,  II,  20.  *i^/i«  (B.  C.  664), 
JADD  115, 7  (IIIR  47)-  *•?«««  ^ci  '-^Hau- 
rtna,  JADD  922,  I,  s. 
Ilu-na'ld  "The  god  is  exalted"  (cf  OBa.  Ilu- 
na-id  RPN;  Ilu-na-dd) 
AN-I,  ''rab  ki^ir  Sa  lepa,  JADD  235,  R./^. 
Ilu-napsat-iram    "The   god   loves   the   living 
AN-ZI-RAM,  JADD  311,  R.  /^. 
llu-nasir  "The  god  is  a  protector"  (cf.  OBa. 
Ilu-fia-sir\si-ir  RPN) 
AN-PAP,  JADD  80,  L.  E.  /.    347,  2.    473, 
R.  ,i   (B.  C.  698).    661,  13.    K.  241,   IX,  41, 
spec,  ardii  Ha  ''ttirtami,  JADD  244,  R. /o. 
*llu.natan   (WSem.,  cf  Ar.  and  Bi.  "jnDbx,  //z>^- 
na-tan-nu  BE  X) 

1.  AN-na-tan,  JADD  240, 4,  slave  sold  (B.  C. 


2.  AN-na-ta-ni,  JADB  3,  VIII,  7. 
llu-?-nl,  MDOG  42,  p.  51. 

Ilu-nu-ri  "The  god  is  my  light"  (cf.  Eg.-Ar. 
■i-ilsbK..  APO) 
^amel  urgi,  JADB  i,  I,  25. 

T.  XLIIl 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


llu-pah-hir  "O  god,  strengthen!" 

JADD  272,   R.  4  (B.  C.  694).   869,  6.   OLZ 

VIII,  (1895),  col.  132  (Ep.  Sili).  nappahu, 

JADD  770,  4. 

Ilu-pani(^/).ia . . . .,  JADD  576,  R. //  (B.  C.  6^6). 

llu-paniia-usur    "O   god,   protect   my   face!" 

1.  AN-KA-a-PAP,   h-e'u,   HABL  639,  10  = 

no.  3. 

2.  AN-KA-ia-PAP,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  30,  spec. 

3.  AN-SI-ia-PAP,   ^r/u,   K.   loii   =  no.  i. 

Ilu-pi-si ,  JADD  264, 10  (B.  C.  688?). 

Ilu-pi-usur   "O  god,  guard  the  mouth!"   (cf. 

NBa.  Ilui^^-pi-i-u-sur  TNB) 

1.  AN-KA-PAP,  JADD  243,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  688). 

696,  R.  2  (B.  C.  648). 

2.  AN-pi-i-SES,  HABL  1162,4. 
*llu-qa-na-a  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  n3|?bi<),  83-1- 18,  695, 

II,  35,  spec. 
*llu-qatar    (WSem.,    cf.    Ilu^^-qa-ta-ri   BE  IX) 
"The  god  is  a  rock"  i^sil) 

1.  AN-qa-at-ta-ra,  83-1-18,  695,  II,  se,  spec. 

2.  AN-qa-tar,   ^mutir  puti,  JADD   34,   R.  4 

(B.  C.  695). 
Ilu-rabi  {GAL)  "The  god  is  great"  (cf  OBa. 
Ilu-ra-bl  RPN;  ?//«-r^-^/-/,Ta*annek,  2,21. 
E-lu-ra-b[i\  ibid.,  vol.  LII  (1906),  3,  p.  41, 
Baudissin,  AE  p.  323,  note  2).    limum, 
Capp.  G,  4, 8. 
Ilu-rim-a-ni    "O   god,   have    mercy   on   me!" 
(cf.    I-li-ri-man-ni ,    Cass,   tablet,   PSBA 
Nov.  1897,  pl.  I,  17) 
JADD  [108,  R.  4].  152,  R.  7  (B.  C  656). 
niu-sa-a.,..,  IV R  6r,  III,  13,  a  prophetess. 
Ilu-sabatanni  "O  god,  succour  me!"  (abbrev., 
cf.  Bel-qata-sabbatanni  TNB) 
AN-LU-an-ni,  K.  10532  (B.  C.  648). 
Ilu-saduni  "The  god  is  our  mountain" 

AN-KUR-u-ni,  JADD  221,  R.  6. 
Ilu-sal-lim  "O  god,  keep  safe!" 
''mutTr  puti,  JADD  860,  II,  4. 
Ilu-sal-lim-ahu  {PAP)  "O  god,  keep  the  bro- 
ther safe!" 
U-Dur-rimte,  JADD  66,  L.  E.  ^  (B.  C.  693). 
Ilu-salllmsunu  "O  god,  keep  them  safe!" 

AN-DI-H-nu,  JADD  211,  R.  16: 
llu-sam-si  "The  god  is  my  sun" 
JADD  713,2. 

No.  I, 

llu-sar-usur  "O  god,  protect  the  king!"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
AN-MAN-PAP,  JADD  64,  R.  3  (B.  C.  672). 
Ilu-se-zib  "O  god,  save!" 

JADD  351,  L.  E. /. 
Ilu-se-zib-an-ni  "O  god,  save  me!" 

''rab  biti,  HABL  1078, 7. 
*llu-si-im-kl  "The  god  is  my  support"  (Ar., 
cf.     Se-im-ka,     Si-im-ka-ia;     Schiffer 
Aramaer,  p.  35) 
^amelurqi,  oi'^^^A-at-a-nu  qa-ni"'Harran, 
JADB  I,  II,  83. 
Ilu-si-si-i,  see  Ilu-limh. 
Ilu-suma  "Truly,  he  is  god" 
King  of  Assyria: 

1.  AN-lu-ma  IR  6,  no.  2. 

2.  AN-lii-ma,   s.  of  Sd-lim-a[-hu-um],  gs.  of 

Ka-te-[AHr],  f  of  I-ri-lum\  A-lir, 
Erish.  KAHI  I,  i.  MDOG  47,  p.  40. 
f.  of  I-ri-ium;  '^A-Ur,  Erish.  KAHI 

I,  60, 4.  61,  4.  VS  I,  62,  4. 

3.  AN-lum-ma,    iar    *"^*Ailur,    Chron.   K', 

R.  14:  contemp.  with  Suabu.' 
f.  of  E-ri-^u,  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  51,  II,  17. 
liu-sum-iddin  "The  god  has  given  a  son" 
AN-MU-AS,  ^mukil  apati,  of  ^'Maganuba, 
JADD  422,  R.  IS. 
Iluta-ibnl  {}AN-ta-KAK,   abbrev.,   cf.   Ea-ilata- 
ibni  TNB) 
f.  of  Marduk-him-ukin,  Nshi.  VS  1, 36,  III,  15. 
Ilu-tak-lak  (abbrev.)  "In  the  god  I  trust" 
JADD  1057,6.   83-1-18,   557  +  563,6,  R.  7 
(KGAS);  695,  II,  34,  spec.  ^pahati'"^*Par- 
su-a,  JADD  992, 2. 
Ilu-ta-ri-bi   (abbrev.),  JADD   23^,  4,    slave    sold 

(B.  C.  680). 
Ilu-udanninanni,  or  -udammiqanni 

1.  AN-u-KAL-a-ni,  i.o{£el-ium-iddin,]hDD 

307,  R.  10. 

2.  AN-u-KAL-ni,   JADD    162,  6    (B.  C.  694). 

83- 1- 18,  695,  II,  27,  spec. 
llu-u-kal-la-an-nl"The  god  has  supported  me" 
JADD  698,  B.  E.  2  (B.  C  649).  83- 1- 1 8,  695, 

II,  26,  spec. 

Ilu-ur-rl  "The  god  is  my  light"  (cf  Bi.  bS-^niK, 
or  perh.  abbreviated) 
''laqa  ma-qa-al-ta-a-nu,  HABL  633, 6. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*l!u-zab-bad-da  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  in^y:,  Ilif'-za-bal 

bad-du  BE  IX,  X) 
dup^arrusa  ^'■hasani  "^Ninua,  JADD  814,  u. 
|!u-zu-nu  «  IlntswiuT),  'Hrrihi,  JADD  742,  R.  17. 
l-ma-'-in,  ^'sagn,  HABL  527,  R.  13. 
l-ma-nl-ilu   (if  all  the  name,   cf.  Im-ma-ni-Ahir; 

perh.    "Our    0!?    is   the   god";   hardly 

combinable    with    bx^3Tay,    JADD    III, 

p.  122),  JADD  286,  R.  /  (B.  C.  691). 
l-man-na-a,  Sarg.  St.  Ill,  10,   prob.   I-sin-na-a-a, 

Ungnad,  VS  I,  p.  IX b. 
*l-man-nu-u  (cf.  la-man-nu-ti,  Im-ma-nu-u),  JADD 

234,3  slave  (B.  C.  710).  598,  R.  5. 
l-mas-si  (abbrev.) 

s.  of  Adad-gab ,  VS  I,  103, 4. 

*lm-ba-ap-pl  (El.  =  Uimnatiappa,  cf.  hn-ba-atn- 

bu  BE  XV) 
^qepu,  var.  ^rab  qa'^ti  'ia  "^ Bi'-hnbl,  ^hatati 

Ummanaldasi,   Abp.  A,  III  R  21,  V,  e?; 

Ann.  V,  1.  —  KB  II,  p.  196. 
Imbi,  see  "'Bu-Imbi. 
Im-bMa-ti  "He  called  me"  (Hinke),  IIIR  41, 

I,  5,  in  Bit-Imbi-iati.  —  KB  IV,  p.  74. 
Im-bu-ia  (hypocon,  cf.  Im-bu-ii-a,  BE  XV,  Imba, 

Im-bi-ia  TNB) 
f.  of  Ta-ri-bi,  JADD  e^j,  R.  5. 
lm-bu.pani(5/)-ia  (cf.  TNB) 

f.  of  Eriba,   Sarg.  St.  Ill,  24.   —    KB  IV, 

p.  162. 
nm-ina-a-a  (cf.  -f Ahat-im-ma-a-d),   83-2-23,    135, 

VI,  1,  spec. 
Im-ma-ni    (abbrev.,    cf    I-ma-ni-iiu,    Im-ma-ni- 

JADD  85,  R.  7. 
Im-ma-ni-Asur  (AS-Iur)  (cf  I-ma-ni-ilu) 

JADD  75,  R.  ,3  (B.  C.  742),  of  Til-Ninib. 
*lm-ma-ni-e-su  (=  P^  Imanis,  El.    Umma7mis), 

name  taken  by  Martia,  the  Susian  pre- 
tender, Dar.  Beh.  42, 92  (III  R  39). 
*lm]-ma-nu,  JADD  275, 3,  slave  sold. 
*lm-ma-nu-u,  ^tamkar,  "'Kis-qa-a-a,  JADD  357, 

R.  10. 


''ki-i-pi  }a  "^Ha-Mu,  HABL  214,  R.  u. 
*lm-rum(?)-ilu,  Capp.  E,  2,  e. 
*lm-sa-i  =  ^IM-sa-i,  see  Adad-iakni. 

Ina-Asur-Sum-asbat   "With  Ashur  I  received 

a  son"(r) 
I-na-'^AS-^ur-MU-as{>)-bat,  Epon.,  Tukl.  I, 

KAHII,  17,  R.  n;  d.  Alur-hmi-LU-bat, 

saknii,  MDOG  44,  p.  39. 
l-na-E-sag-gil-zeru  (abbrev.,   cf.  Ina-EsaggU-ser- 

ibni  etc.  TNB;  in  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN; 

abbrev.  >>  Esaggil-zcru,  q.  v.) 
f.  of  Marduk-ll-naphari,  Mna.  IIIR  43,  I,n. 

IV,  E,  3.  —  KB  IV,  pp.  68,  74. 
f.  of  Tab-aMb-Marduk,  Mna.  I  R  66,  II,  12; 

I R  70,  I,  iG,  18.  —  KB  IV,  pp.  66,  80. 
Ina-esi-etir  "From  destruction  he  (i.  e.  the 

god)  has  delivered"    (for  NBa.  texts 

see  TNB) 

1.  y^5-BL   \i20^-KAR-ir,   HABL  472,   R.  8. 

1047,  1. 
s.  of  Arrakntu  (B.  C.  723},  Sarg.  St.  I,  4,  le, 

22,  23,  34.  II,  26.  —  KB  IV,  p.    I58ff, 
f.  of  Su-lu-lu,  HABL  781, 8. 

2.  ^5-BL  1 1  20^-SUR 

s.  of  Nabn-etir,   K.  433,  1    (B.  C.  648).   — 
KB  IV,  p.  170. 
(lna-)Eulma8-sakin-sumu     "In    Eulmash    is    a 
name  (son)  established" 

1.  AS-EML.MAS-GAR-MU,  king  of  Baby- 

lonia, about  B.  C.  1024  (dynasty  F), 
^anu,  Nai.  V  R  66 f,  I,  29.  IV,  50.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  I76ff. 

2.  E.  UL.MAS-GAR-MU,  iarru  (=  no.    \), 

Chron.  K'',  14.  King-list  A,  III,  10  (reigned 
for  17  years).  Nai.  VR  60  f.,  1,29.  IV,  50. 
marBa-zi,  Chron.  A,  V,  9  (reigned  for 
15  years).  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  pp.  176,  178. 
II,  p.  287. 

3.  E.UL.MAS-ia-ki-MU  iyiW.vwLCWY,  Assy- 

riaca,  p.  15,  n.  8:  Eulmas-surqi-iddin), 
mar  Ba-zi,  Mna.  PSBA  XIX  (1897), 
p.  7 1 ,  rz.  inarBa-zi  Haq-}up-par  iamatati, 
Mna.  IIIR  43,  I,  29.  —  KB  IV,  p.  68. 

l-na-ilMa-al/a-iak  "With  my  god  I  walk" 

7'ab  zamnian,  Epon.  B.  C.  1,  Tigl.  I,  Ann. 
Vm,  89  (IR  16).  -  KB  I,  p.  46. 

Ina-qata-ilani     (abbrev.)    (cf    OBa,    I-na-SU-ili 
BE  VI,  pt.  I) 

As-su'^-Am,  K.  241,  VIII,  21. 82-3-23, 137. 

II,  2,  spec. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Ina-qibi-Bsl   (abbrev.)    "By   order  of  Bel"   (in 
Nl^a.  texts,  see  TNB) 
AS-kl-di-'^EN,    ^erib   bid   ki-^a-li-e,    b.    of 
Nadin-ahu,    HABL   475,  o.    496,  13;    cf. 

527,  17. 

Ina-qibi-^EN.AB    (?cf.    Hinke,   Boundary  Stone, 
p.  206,  n.) 
''hazanmi  Babili,  Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.  V,  5.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  192. 

f  of  A^ur-tabii,  Capp,  Ch.  1,7. 
Ina-sari-bel-a!ak    "In    the   breath   (favor)   of 
the  lord  I  walk"  (cf.  Ina-sari-Mardukj 
Niisku-alak  BE  XIV) 

1.  AS-IM-EN-a-lak,  HABL  167,  2. 

2.  AS-IM-EN-DU-ak,    K.    1257    =    HABL 

In-ba-a...   (hypocor.,   cf    NBa.   Hn-ba-a   TNB, 
^In-ba-tum  RPN) 
JADD  590,  R.  6. 
In-bu-sa  (for  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN;  for  explana- 
tion of  the  name,  ibid.  p.  I9f.) 
s.  of  Nur-ahhihi,  arad  ^Lugal-batida,  DEP 
VI,  p.  52/ 
*ln-da-bl-ia   (prob.  El.  hypocor.;    cf.   yJn-di-bi-i, 
''rab  suHi,  HABL  774,  R.  7. 
*ln-da-bi-gas  (El.;  cf.  In-da-bi-id) 

ardu  of  Tammaritu,   rebelled  against  him 

and  succeeded  him  as  king  of  Elam,  in 

the  time  of  Ashurbanipal;  lar  """^Elamti, 

'    Abp. :  A.  Ill  R  20  ff.,  IV,  77, 88.  V,  48.  VII,  47 ; 

Ann.  (V  R  4.  7)  IV,  11,  25,  115.  VII,  23;   B, 

III  R    33— 34,     VII,  47,  60,  70;     C,    VII,  94,  117 

(G.  Smith,  History,  pp.  179,  181);  IIIR 
36,  no.  6,  2;  37,  no.  Ill,  7,  11,  19;  38,  37a, 
39a.  KK.  1364,  R.  6.  4453.  5456 b.  5622. 
82-5-22,  531.  83-1-18,92;  263.  Bu.  89-4-26, 
57.  HABL  622, 6.  1 125, 2. 1 1 5 1, 2.  1 167,  R.  8. 
—  KB  II,  pp.  188,  194,  210,  266. 

*nn-di-bi-i  (cf  In-da-bi-id),  JADD  (£,  %  (B.  C.  693). 

*ln-di-lim-ma  (Hit.?;  if  Sem.  perhaps  "Lim  is 
my  support"  (cf  HOMMEL,  Grundriss, 
p.  50,  n.  I,  Ranke,  be  VI,  pt.  I,  p.  45, 
n.  0 
mar  Se-ir-da-viu,arad  ^ Iihara,]^h.^  1892, 
p.  369  f.,   Peiser,  Die  Hetit.  Inschriften, 

No.   I. 

Nachtrag,  p.  i,  Messerschmiut,  Corpus 

inscript.   Hettiticarum,   pL  XLV,   no.   8. 

In-du-u  (cf  In-du-ut-tim  BE  XV),  JADD  24,  R.  3 

(B.C.  645?). 
*.?in-gl-te-su-up     {Tesup)     (perh.     Kingi-Tehcp, 
Streck,   ZA  20,   p.  458;    or  Ni-in-gi-), 

b.    of  Se-ir-is ,    of  Shupria,   Esarh.: 

KK.  2852  -i-  9662,  II,  22  (WAF  II,  p.  34), 
cf  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  75,  e. 
l-ni-bi-Asur  (AS-sur)  "PVuit  ofAshur" 

JADD  62,  R.  1. 
In-ilu    "Eye  of  the  god"  (abbrev.,  cf  In-ilii'' 
BE  IX,   E-ni-ilu,   Ph.  ba-^y,   Arb.  Ji^xc 
Wellhausex,  Reste,  p.  6) 
''i^par  birmi,  JADD  741,  24. 
l-ni-Tesup,  king  of  Carchemish,  MDOG  35,  p.  28, 

time:  DudkJialia. 
In-nu-u-a  (hypocor.,  cf  BE  XVII,  pt.  I,  p.  1 5,  note  5  • 
Inna-Naba  BE  IX) 
f.  of  Sarrani,  Sarg.  St.  II,  36.  Ill,  8.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  160. 
Hn-qa-a-a,  oi  qinnu  Bit-Arad-Iitar,]AT>Y)  891,  5. 
l-nu-ba-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Inba) 

f  of  Amur-ilu,  Capp.  G,  9,  e. 
lp-ta-tar-lisir(6^/5)(.^)    "He    (i.e.  the   god)   has 
opened  (cf  Gen.  30,22)  —  may  it  (the 
child)  succeed",  JADD  618,2  (Ep.  T). 

Ip-te ,  TA  207, 2. 

*lp-ti-har-tl-8-su   (Eg.   "Ptah  has   given  him", 
Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  352,  Ranke,  Mate- 
rial, p.  29) 
sar  "^ Pihattl-hurunpiki,  in  Egypt,  Abp.:  A, 
IIIR  17, 1,  105;  Ann. 1, 103.  —  KB II,  p.  162. 
Ip-tu  . . . .,  HABL  174,  R.i. 
Iq-bi-Asur  "Ashurhas  announced" 

''A.BA,  of  Kar-Sulmanasarid,  82-5-22,  158. 
Iq-bi-bel  "The  lord  has  announced"  (cf  the 
city  name  "'Iqbi-Bel) 
^'A.BA,  JADD  325,  L.  E.  2  (Ep.  A). 
Iq-bi-ilu  "The  god  has  announced" 

JADD  267,  R.  /o.  285,  R.  J  (B.  C.  686).  661,22, 
slave.  K.  241,  VIII,  12,  spec. 
Iq-bl-lstar('^^F)  "Istar  has  announced" 

JADD  826, 5. 
IqiSU,  abbrev.  >  Q^su,  q.  v. 

I.  I-gi[-i]-su,  Id  "^ Me-hi-ni-il,   Epon.  B.  C.  755, 
Canon  E  -f-  81-2-4,  187,  R.22. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

2.  T-qi-si,  JADD  264, 4  (B.  C.  688). 

3.  Qi-i-su,  Epon.  B.  C.  755,  Canon  A,  IV,  u. 
Iqisa  "He  has   presented"  (abbrev.,  cf.  I-giS 

BEIX, /-^/-i^TNB) 
BA-'sa,  Sm.  545  =  HABL  1053  s. 
Iqisa  (hypocor.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

BA-}a-a,  HABL  212,  is.  280,  R.  10, 23.  ^A.BA 
SaMrri,  HABL  274,6.  JADD  232,  R./^ 
(B.C.  685). 
s.  oiSum-ukm,  Sarg.  St.  II,  19.—  KB  IV,  p.  160. 
Iqisa-a-a  (hypocor.),  JADD  97,  R.  5. 
Iqisa-Bau  "Bau  has  presented" 

BA-la-'^Ba-u,  s.  oi  Arad-Ea,  Mel.  Lo.  10 1, 
11,8   (KB  IV,    p.  58).  Merod.  I,  DEPVI, 

p.  43,  16. 

Iqisa-Gula  "Gula  has  presented" 

BA-ia-'^Gula,  Sm.  669,9  (NE  p.  91). 
Iqisa-Marduk  "Marduk  has  presented" 

1.  BA-U-'^AMAR,UD,   K.  4682, 1  (WStnl.  II, 

p.  40).  mar  Sarri,  s.  of  Merodach-Bala- 
dan  II,  Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.  IV,  sv.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  190. 

2.  BA-^a-'^SU,  K.  241,  X,  11  spec. 
l-rak-ka-a...(?),  Sarg.  B,  D  9. 

Ir-a-ni  (abbrev.,  cf  Ir-a-ni- Marduk  TNB,  cf.  ibid, 
P-  330) 
f  q{  Dummuqu,  HABL  527,  R.  u. 

*""*  Man-na-a-a,  king  of  Man,  f  of  Aza,  gf 
oi  Bagdatti  and  Uliusunu,  died  B.  C  716, 
Sarg.:  Ann.  32;  Khors.  se;  Rm.  2,  97.  R.  [s]. 

—  KB  II,  p.  56;  III,  pt.  2,  p.  144. 
Irassi-ilu,  or  RaU-ilu 

1.  TUK-AN,  s.  of  Apli-i-a,  Mna.  Ill  R 43,  II,  15. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  70. 

2.  TUK-H-AN,  HABL  496,  2.  497,  2.  498, 1, 

R.  1.  499.1-  500,2.  501,1.  861,9.  949,6. 
1034,  14.  JADD  385,  R.  //.  TRep.  46 A, 
R.  7.  loi,  R.  5.  173,  R.  1.  236,  R.  8.  277  B, 
R.  7;  ardti  Sa  Sarri  makrujpanu,  26,  R.  5. 
33,  R.  7.  59,  R.  4.  60,  R.  4.  65,  R.  1.  66,  R.  6. 
85,  R.  8.  96B,  R.  2.  107,  R.  11.  126  (III  R  58, 
no.  10).  147,  R.  9.  148,  R.  6.  164,  R.  9. 
165  A,  R.  3.  i82,R.  8.  227,  R.  7.  244 A,  R.  4. 
245,  R.  7.  247 A,  R.  12. 250 A,  R.  3.  269,  R.  15. 
273,  R.  4.  81-2-4,  164,  K.  241,  XI,  37, 
spec,   ^'salsu  rakbl,  HABL  425,  7. 

s.    oi  Ea-rtmanni,     VR  61,  VI,  20      (B.  C. 

s.  o{  Nu-ur-sa-nu ,    astrologer    (cf  above), 
HABL  500,  R.  13.  TRep.  1 15  E,  R.  6.  126, 
R.  1.  130,  R.  0.  i74A,R.  4.  218  A,  R.  1.  246, 
R.  1. 
l-rat-ti,  HABL  248,  n. 
Ir-bi-hal-di  "Great  is  Khaldi" 

JADD  885, 2. 

1.  Ir-fiu-li-e-ni,  *""* A-mat-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill,  Mon. 

II,  88.  '""'  \Ha\-ma-fa-a-a,  of  "'Ai-ta-ina-ku 
Shalm.  Ill,  Bal.  M.  —  KB  I,  p.  172. 

2.  Ir-^u-li-na,  '""'A-ma-ta-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill,  Ob  .go. 

-KB I,  p.  134. 

3.  Ir-fiu-li-ni,  '""'A-ma-ta-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill,  Co.  87, 

92,  100;  Tigr.  2, 21. 

4.  Ur-f}i-li-ni,   "'"*Ha-ma-ta-a-a,    of  "'A-da-a, 

Shalm.  Ill,  Bal.  I. 
*l-ri-ma-ia-as-sa  (Eg.),  TA  130,  n. 

VSI,  110,2. 
l-ri-8U-iliP'  (cf.  Erisu,  Bi.  ''D'''i»),  JADD  147,  R.  1. 
l-ri-sa,  Abp.  K.  2846, 27  (WAF  I,  p.  474). 
*l-rl-se-en-ni  (cf.  Erisinni) 

s.  of  It-l}i-bu-si,  CTII,  21,  s,  10,  13. 
Frisum   "Agricola"   (cf.  Arb.  o>jl=>,   see    also 

Erilii),  ancient  Assyrian  ruler,  s.  of  Ilu- 

lumma,  i.  of  Ikunum 

1.  £-r/-i=^,Shalm.I,KAHII,i3,III,38:  159  years 

before  Samsi-Adad. 

2.  E-rihi,s.oi Iluhirnma\  ^angu  ''y^jfwr, Esarh. 

KAHI  I,  5 1,  II,  17 :  1 26  years  before  Samsi- 

3.  E-ri-iu,  Shalm.  I,  KAHI  I,  13,  III,  36. 

4.  E-ri-lum,    f    of    I-ku-nu-um,    K.  8805  + 

K.  10238 -l-K.  10888,  6  (AJSL  18,  p.  176. 
MVG  VIII,  p.  102.  King,  RRT,  p.  55, 
note  4), 

5.  I-ri-lum,  s.  of  Ilu-lii-md);  Shams.  I,  KAHI  I, 

2,  1,  19.  '^A-Hr,  I  R  6,  no.  2 
(WiNCKLER,    ZA    II,    p.    314.    MEISSNER, 

MVG  VIII,  p.  100  ff.  AKA  pi.  I,  p.  I. 
KB  I,  p.  I).  VSI,  62.  KAHI  I,  60.  61; 
s.  of  Ilu-h'L-ma,  gs.  of  Sd-lim-a[-liti\-um, 
ggs.  of  Ka-te-[AHr],  Ahr  KAHI 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


I,  I.    —    Cf.   MDOG   43,  p.  39.     Irihim  A-}ur,  MDOG  47,  p.  40. 
Mr-kul-lu,  82-3-23,  135,  V,  11,  spec. 
Ir-rl-ga  (cf.  Ir-ri-gl  BE  XV) 

'^^aq^arri,  Mel.,  Susa  3,  I,  13. 


f.  of  Zu-zu-ia,  VSI,  107,  c. 
*lrruwabi   (Mit),  Boghazkoi,  OLZ  XIII    (1910), 

col.  292. 
Ir-si-si,  JADD  383,  5,    R.  /j  (B.  C.  674;  IIIR  50, 

no.  4). 
*lr-8a-ap-pa  (Eg.  (?),  cf  Ir-iup-pi) 

TA31,  n,  29,  messenger    sent  by  Ameno- 

phis  III    to    Tarkhundaraba  of  Arzawa. 

*Ir-sup(ru?)-pi  (cf  Ir{})-hipQru)-pi  Capp.  G,  5, 10) 

Tigl.  I,  Ann.  II,  26,  by-name  of  Kili-Tesup, 

—  KB  I,  p.  20. 


f.  of  Ld-ki-bi-im,  Capp.  T-D  239,  19. 
*lr-ti-sa-tl  (cf  perh.  Ir-tim) 

'""*  Gi-in-gir-da-a-a,  Shams.  V,  Ann.  Ill,  gi 
(IR31).  —  KB  I,  p.  182. 
lr-tuk(.?/«/&)-ka-a-nu,  HABL  128,  R.s. 
Ir-si-e-tu,  Ta'atlnek  7,  R.  9. 
l-sa-na-a-a  "Native  of  the  city  of  Isana" 
JADD  76,  R.  6  (B.  C.  656).    121,  R.  ^(B.  C 
671).  267,  R.  6. 
l-sin-na-a-a  "Native  of  the  city  of  Isin" 

f  oiUsalH,  Sarg.  St.  Ill,  10.  —  KB  IV,  p.  160. 
Is-kal-da-a,  to  be  read  Is-qur-e-a,  q.  v. 

Mel.,  Lo.  103, 1,  41.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  156. 
Is-ka-me-e  (?  Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  103;  or  Kak- 
ka-tarisT),  JADD  ^,  R.  E.  2  (B.  C  693). 
Is(.?)-me-ta8,  Capp.  R  2, 5. 
Ispabara,  see  Upabara. 

■'ls.pi-iMi-l[lu.?]  (WSem.,    cf   Pu.  [tDB]©'^byn,  Bi. 
in^t2!D©,  Can.  Sipfi-Addu),  JADD  775,  9. 
Is-pu,  see  Tzbu,  Tzbu-ltHr. 
*ls-pu-te/ti   (cf  Bi.  J^nspX),   or   h-bu-tu}  JADD 
841,5.  1128,4.  1140,4.  ^dagil  issiiri,]hXyD 
*l8-pu-tu  (WSem.) 

s.  of  Mu-sa-la-inu,   '^amel  urqi   hi   ekalli, 
JADD  182,  1,4. 
Is-qur-e-a  (hypocor.,  cf  hkiir-Nabu) 

s.  of  A-dal-la-li,    mar   inartl  sa  Bit-'"  Ta- 
No.  I. 

kil-a-na-ili-iu,   Mel.  Lo.  103  (90827),  I,  4<) 

(King,  BBS,  pi.  VII,  p.  11  with  note  12). 
■^Is-sa-a  (Ar.,  cf  Talm.  stj-is) 

''reu  alpe  in  ''Ua-na-ta- ,  JADB  4,  III,  le. 
l-§i-ia-e,  HABL  144, 21. 
l-sar-ha-ri-im  "Horus  is  righteous"  (cf  I-lor- 

Samal  VS  VIII,  14,  v),    I-lar-i-li  BE  III, 

pt.  I,  I-iar-li-im) 
f  of  Ma-num-ki-i-e-ni-a,  Capp.  Ch.  i,  9. 
Isbi-Urra  (cf  Il-ba-tum  Dilbat) 

1 .  '^Ps-bi-  UR-ra,  iar  t-si-in,  K.  475 5  ==  IV  R  3 5, 

no.  7. 

2.  n-bi-'^  UR-ra,  his  feriu,  K.  3970,  R.21  =  CT 

XXVII,  22. 
Isdi  (abbrev.) 

SUHUS-i,  JADD  877, 4.    ^NLSl/R,  JADD 
320,  R.  s  {B:jC.  691).   ^A.BA  ar-ma-[a-a], 
JADD  782,  3  (B.  C.  661). 
s.  of  Ha-la-id-di,  JADD  345, 1, 
Isdi-Adad  ^ 

JADD  931,  R.6.  K.  241,  XI,  29,  spec. 

83- 1- 1 8,  695,  XII,  14,  spec. 

HABL  217, 11.  919,  2.  JADD  138,6.  857,11,28. 
K.  1 197,  11  (WSml.  II,  p.  17). 

JADD 373,7  (B.C.648?).628,R.  9.  MVGVIII 

(1903),  p.  Ill,  ^.?  (Ep.  P). 
s.  of  Arad-ihar,  JADD  67, 5,  B.  E.  3. 

1.  SUHUS.a-la-a-a,]KDT>  350,  u  (B.  C.  707). 

2.  SUHUS-'iAl-la-a-a,^yi-i2,,6gS,^>6'  spec 

bel-pihati  of  Milidda,  JADD  904,  I,  e. 

JADD  86, 2, 4  (B.  C.  650?).  88,  L.E.^.  877, 3. 
'^abarakku,  JADD  35,  R.^  (B.C.  665?). 

s.  of  Tar-ti-ba-rstar,]hD'D  7\\,f>. 

HABL  167,  R.  10. 
Isdi-ba-ki-um-me,  see  Udi-la-ku-um-me. 

s.  of  A-ti-i\  aUaku,  JADD  307,  R.  11. 

Isdi-^Bu ,  83-1-18,695,  XI,  18,  spec. 


83-1-18,  695,  XII,  7,  spec. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 





lsdi-dl[-ri],  JADD  68,  L.  E. ..  (B.  C.  645).      . 

K.  241,  VIII,  40;   XII,  2o(?),  spec,    ''rakbu, 
JADD  207,  R.  ,3  (Ep.  B). 

\^ SUHUS-KAS,  K.  241,  VIII,  IS,  spec,   hnutir 
pute,  HABL  408,  7.    '^rab   kisi?'  Gi-viir- 
r<7-^-rt,  JADD  364,  R.  7  (B.  C.  679).  ''saknu, 
JADD  159, /o.    f^ialhi  rakbi,  JADD  627, 
R.  8  (B.  C.  ^^). 
.  SUHUS-KAS',  JADD  880,  II,  13. 
SUHUS-">KAS,  JADD  32,  R. .    (B.  C.  688). 
124,3  (B.C. 674).  [585,  R.7]. 
83-1-18,  695,  XII,  16,  spec. 


JADD  332,  R.9,//  (B.C. 670).  hazan^'Gar- 
di-kan-ni,  JADD  499,  1  (B.  C.  670). 


SUHUS-XV,  JADD  374,  R.  ,s  (B.  C.  686. 
989,  12.  ''sasinu  ardu  la  '^bel  pihati  hi 
"'Kalhi,  JADD  1 141, 66  (B.  C.  709).  ''rakbu, 
JADD  852 ,  I,  G.  ^U....  Uknuti,  JADD 
857,  II,  8.  ^zammaru  ia  ''sukkalli,  JADD 
382,  R.  J  (B.C.  716). 

2.  SUHUS-^XV,  JADD  69,  R.  s    (B.  C.  692). 

624,  R.  9  (B.  C.  687).  dagil  issari,  JADD 
s.  of  Ahu-lamur,  JADD  809,  j^. 

3.  SUHUS-NINNI,  h'igqu,]KDD6o6,  R.s. 

83-1  - 1 8, 69s,  XII,  17,  cf.  Johns,  ADD  III  p.X  V. 

1.  SUHUS-'^AK,  K.  13035.  habkisir,]ADD 

361,  //  (Ep.  Y.) 

2,  .SUHUS-'^ PA,  HABL  186,2.   187,2.  188,2. 

189,  2.  728,  2.  JADD  3,  R.  4.  26,  R.  6  (B.  C. 
680).  121, 5  (B.C.  671).  163,  R./o.  169, 
R.E.  /.  343, 8.  385,  R.  ,s.  394,  R.  11.  414,  18, 
21,  R.5.  415,  R.  E.  1  (B.  C.  745).  456,  R.  7. 
621,8.  622,  R.  E. /.  711,  R.9.  1069,2. 
K.  1 3 737.  hy^jj  ekam,]ADT>  640,  R.  6.  642, 
R.  E.  7  (Ep.  R).  VS  I,  90,  .7.  ''  rab  kisir  (Sa 
mar  iarri),  JADD  325,  R.  ,g.  (Ep.  A').  327, 
R.9  (Ep.N).  414,  R..9  (Ep.A).  621,  R./# 
(Ep.  F.)  h-ab  matt,] ADD  641,  R.  ,j  (Ep.  C ; 

Abp.).  ^'rakbu  ia  mar  sarri,  JADD  312, 

R.  9  (Ep.  f). 

JADD  104 1,  R.  5. 

1.  n-di-UGUR,  VS  I,  95,  .6  (Ep.  A). 

2.  SUHUS-UGUR,  JADD  743,9.    h-ab  kisir 

rab  saql,  JADD  857,  I,  S7. 
IsdM  Nusku 

JADD  253. 5. 

83- 1- 1 8,  695,  XII,  15,  spec. 
IsdNsa-gal-e,  van  Bur-sa-gal-e,  q.  v. 
l3d|.SIbilti(?  '^VII-BT,  LibbiT) 

JADD  922,  IV,  13.     ''tamkaru,    JADD  364, 
R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  679). 

JADD  857,  IT,  36.  946,  II,  6. 

1.  ysUHU^-UD{}),  JADD  811, «. 

2.  "'SUHUS-'^  UDQ),  JADD  660,  10. 
IsdI-sarru  (lUGAL) 

JADD  413, 9,  R.  3. 
lsdi(.-)-Sulman("'/?/-wrt//...),  83-1-18,  695,  XI,  20, 

Isdl  (.?)-"  ZIB,  83- 1 -18,  695,  XI,  11,  spec. 
Isidsunu  (abbrev.) 

SUIJUS-su-nu,      ''iaknu,    JADD  175,  R./^ 
(B.C.  676). 
l(.^)-sl-i,  VS  1,95,  -'3  (Ep,  A),  prob.  Sam-H-i. 
•  ls-ka(l>lu-u 

'''  Ta-ba-la-a-a,  KK.  1 1 476,9.  1 1 484, 2.  82-5-22, 
483, 2  (KGAS  56.  57.  59).  (renders  Sapin-iiiat-nukurti  V  R  44,  ua) 
King  of  the  country  of  the  sea  (dynasty  B), 
King-list  A,  I,  e;  B,  15. 
*ls-ku-ru  (if  not  Mil-hi-ru,  cf.  Milki-rirti),  hus- 
band o{  y  Ummahnu,  TA  83,  .53.  85,  s.'j;  /i- 
kur-[ru],  84,  43. 
Is-ma-a-sur  "Ashur  has  heard" 

Capp.  G,  17,3. 
ls-man-ni-Adad('^ 6^)  "Adad  has  heard  me" 

s.  of  Adad-qassun,  JADD  172,  R.  13. 
Ismanni-Asur  "Ashur  has  heard  me"' 

1.  HAL-a-ni-AS-lur,  HABL  325,  3. 

2.  HAL-ni-AS-iur,  HABL  182,  2.  723,  1. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Ismanni-ilu  "The  god  has  heard  me" 

1.  HAL-an-7ii-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  4,    spec. 

2.  U-man-ni-AN,  ibid.  Ill,  3,  spec. 
Isme-Dagan  "Dagan  has  heard"  (cf.  OBa.  U- 

dhma-af}-'^ Da-gan  T-D  LC) 

1.  U-vie-'^Da-gan 

f.  of  '^ AUr-nirari{^\  '^AHr,  Ash- 
nir.  I,  KAHI  I,  62, 3.  Arn.,  KAHI  I,  63,  7. 

f.  of  Sam-H-'^Adad;  A^ur,  Tigl.  I, 
Ann.  VII,  63.  VIII,  3.  —  KB  I,  p.42ff. 

2.  '^U-me-'^Da-gan,  lugal  I-sl-in'"-na,  king    of 

Isin,  I  R  2,  V  1, 1;  2, 1  (CT  XXI  20.  21). 

—  KB  III  pt  I,  p.  m.  SAK  p.  206. 

f  of  En-an-na-tum\    king    of  Sumer    and 
Akkad,  IR2,  VI,  5b;   2,6  (CT  XXI).   — 
KB  III  pt.  I,  p.  86.  SAK,  p.  206. 
Is-me-iiu  "The  god  has  heard"  (for  OBa.texts, 
see  RPN,   cf   li-ma-ilu   Manishtusu,  Bi. 
and  Sab.  bX5?^T0i) 
JADD  392,   R.^   (B.C.  710).   83-1-18,   695, 
III,  21,  spec,  '^rab  kisir,  HABL  582,  4. 
Is-me-ilu-a-a  "My  god  (or  Aia?)  has  heard" 

Sm.  520. 
*l^s'pabara  (Iran.,  see  also  Ahpa-ba-rd) 

s.  of  Dalta,  b.  of  Nibe,  king  of  Ellipi. 

1.  Is-pa-ba-a-ra,  Sarg.:  Ann.  407.  Senn.:  Bell. 

28;  King  11,23;  Kui.1, 13  (III  R  19);  Tay. 
II,  9  (I  R  38).  —  KB  II,  p.  88. 

2.  H-pa-ba-a-ra,  Sarg.:  Ann.  404;  Khors.  118, 

119,  121. 

*ls-pa-ka-a-a    (Iran.,    cf.  "AtfjiaKo^  JIN  p.  143) 

-    '"^* As-gu-sa-a-a   (B.  C.  678),   Esarh.:  A, 

II,  29;  B,  III,  17.  —  KB  II,  pp.  128,  146. 

*ls-pi-ma-a-tu  (Eg.  Nspemete,  Gr. 'E(Sjr|i(v)fiTi(;, 

Steindorff,BAI,  p.354,  orNspi-mdw, 

Ranke,  Material,   p.  29,    ti^BDX,   llSSttJX 

APO)  King  of  Tanis  in  Egypt,  ^ar^'Ta- 

a-a-ni,  Abp.:  A,  III  R  17,  I,  no;  Ann.  I,  los. 

—  KB  II,  p.  162. 

*ls-pu-ii.i-ni  f  of  Menua,  HAV  p.  26of.;  s.  of 
Sardur,  DWAk.  36,  II,  inscription  from 
Ashrut-Darga;  KBAk.  1899,  p.  118.  Iden- 
tical with,   Uhpl-na,  q.  v. 

Is-ta-an-bu,  (cf.  U-ta-bu  (T-D  LC  238,40),  JADD 
228,  R.  2. 

Istar(dXF) ,  HABL  300,  1.   552,  2;   cf  lUar- 

nadin-aplu  and  -sum-ereL 
No.  I. 

Istar-ab-usur  "O  Ishtar,  protect  the  father!" 

^XV-AD-PAP,  '^paf^ayu,  JADD  948,  1. 
Mstar-aga-USUP     "O     Ishtar,     protect     the 

'^XV'GIL-PAP,  81-2-4,  255,  11,4.  82-3-23, 
135,  V,  5,  spec. 

''XV-PAP-SU,]A\^T>  193,  R.^. 
Istaranu  (cf.  Samsanu,  littJpTS,  Belanu) 

dXV-a-ni  (gen.),  JADD  532,  1. 
istar-apal-iddin  "Ishtar  has  given  a  son" 

1.  ''XV-A-A^,  JADD  943,  VII,  5. 

2.  ^NINNI-A-AS,  JADD  480,  R.^. 
Mstar-Arba'll  ....  (fXV-IV ),  JADD  292, 3, 

slave  sold  (B.  C.  707). 

XV-KA-PAP-AS,  JADD  138,  R.  2. 

1.  XV-bab-KAM-es,  JADD  73,  R.  E.  /,  van  of 

no.  3. 

2.  XV-KA-KAM-ei,  JADD  40,  R.  4  (B.  C.  6^6). 

3.  XV-XA-PIN-el  JADD  74,  R.  j-  (B.  C.  680). 

4.  XV-KA-SA.  tar,  HABL  387,io,cf.BEZOLD, 

Catal.  p.  2064  b. 

XV-KA-SU,   JADD  13,2.   46,  R.  ^.    ^'ata, 
JADD  232,  R.//  (B.C.  685). 

XV-KA-KAK,  JADD  814,  II,  2. 

1.  [XV]-ba-bu-AN-a-a,]KDT>  iSo,K.  7   (B.C. 


2.  XV-KA-AN-a-a,  ]KDD  12,^,    R.  3.    44^,0, 

slave  sold.  826,  4. 

3.  ^XV-XA-AN-a-a,  HABL  342,  u. 

^XV-XA-sa-pi,  JADD  i27,R.j  (B.  C.  681). 
Istar-bab-sa-tar,  see  Fstar-bab-erel  {^). 

XV-KA-Ul-lim-a-ni,    ^'A.BA,    of   Carche- 
mish,  JADD  675,  R.  11. 
l8tar-bab-tanitti(?  cf.  Ta-nit-ti-Bel) 

dXV-KA-UB.RI,  JADD  775, 5. 
I8tar(?).bab-tabu(.?^/....),  OLZ  VIII  (1905),  col. 

132,29  (Ep.  Sili). 
Istar-bab-usur  (or  -nasir) 

XV-KA-PAP,  JADD  847, 5. 



Knut  TallQvist. 


■f XV-EN-da-i-ni,  le-lu-tu  id  iarri,  prophe- 
tess, IVR61,  V,  10. 
Istar-di . . . .,  {fXV-di ....).  JADD  97, 4. 
Mstar-di-'-ni-ni  "Olshtar,  judge  mel"  {ciJBelit- 
di-ni-in-ni  BE  XV)  JADD  320, 4  (B.  C.  691). 
Istar-diiri  (prob.  abbrev.) 

1.  XV-BAd,  HABL  163,  2.    JADD   24,  R. . 

(B.  C  645).  63,  R.^.  329,  R.9  (Ep.  K). 
334,  R.  E.  /.  379, 5  (B.  C.  653).  irrUu,  at 
Nineveh  gate  of  Arbela,  JADD  742,  n. 
^  mutir  pfiti,  HABL  544,  6.  JADD  857, 
III,  21.  Epon.  B.  C.  774,  Canon  A,  III  R  i, 
III,  43.  Epon. B.  C  714,  IIIRi,  V,io.  — 
Cf.  Sardaurri. 
I  of  Manzaz-Alur-sabat,  JADD  80, 3. 

2.  '^XV-BAD,   HABL  112,  n.   707,2.   709,2. 

710,2,  ^iangu  iaBit-kidmuri.  JADD  28, 
R.  3  (B.  C.  686).  281,  R.  12  (B.  C.  694).  292, 
R.  .  (B.  C  707).  331, 1, 9  (B.  C.670).  507,5. 
638,  R.  ^.  980,  I,  IX.  ^A.BA,  JADD  185, 
R.  14.  Epon.  B.  C.  774,  of  Nasibina,  Canon 
B,  IV,  15  +  Canon  E.  Epon.  B,  C.  714, 
Canon  A,  V,io;  C,  III,  22;  D  IV,5;  JADD 
1098,  II,  9. 
f.  of  Sa-la-beltilunu,  JADD  160,  R.  12. 

3.  XV-du-ri,  HABL  160, 2. 

4.  '^ XV-du-ri,ll ABl^it,y,  2. 158,  2. 159,  2. 161,  2. 

162,  2,  164,  2.  708,  2.  711,  2. 
Istar-diir-qali  "Ishtar  is  the  stronghold  (re- 
fuge)   of  lamenting"    (cf.  Ar.  docket 
bxp"n"i©. .  CIS  II,  p.  29,  Stevenson,  Con- 
tracts, no.  12) 

1.  '^XV-BAD-qa-a-li,  JADD  318,  g,  slave. 

2.  "XV-BAD-qa-li,  Haknu,  JADD  6 19,8. 
nStar-dur-usur  "O  Ishtar,  protect  the  wall!" 

y^ XV-BAD-PAP,  81-2-4,  255,  II,  5,  spec. 
"Istar-e-mu-ki-ia  "Ishtar  is  my  strength" 

JADD  775,1.    Cf  XV-W.KAL..,  Epon. 
B.C.  868,  IIIR  I,  1,42. 
Istar-eres  "Ishtar  has  planted" 

^XV-KAN,  JADD  619,  R./,. 

XV-SU,  JADD  661,  22,  slave. 
Istar-e-ti-li  "Ishtar  is  my  lord"(?) 

JADD  661,  R.  3. 

Istar-gamil  "Ishtar  spares" 
'^n-tar-SU,  JADD  661, 21. 
"Istar-ha-am....,  81-2-4,  255,  11,6,  spec. 
*ls-tar-hu-un-du,  see  Sutur-Nahundi. 
Istar-ID.KAL  {emnqi.),   Epon.  B.  C.  868,  IIIR  i, 

I,  42. 

Istar-ilu-a-a  "Ishtar  is  my  god"  (cf  OBa.  IHar- 
ilu  Dilbat) 
^rab  kisir,  JADD  470,  e  (B.  C.  663  ?).  ia  Upa, 
JADD  711,  L.E. /. 
Istar-is . . . .,  JADD  1 14,  R.  /. 
lstar(BL  8862)-la-ba,  Capp.  G,  8,  17. 
lstar(BL  8862)-Ia-ma-zi    "Ishtar    is  my  guar- 
dian deity"  Capp.  G,  20,  3. 

7nar  "^Arbdili,  Esarh.  IVR61,  1,29, 

JADD  87,  R.  6  (Ep.  W). 
Istar-mltu-ballit   "O  Ishtar,  let  the  dead  (i.  e. 
ill)  one  live!" 

1.  '^ XV-BAD- TI,  JADD  81,  R.  E.  /  (Ep.  Q.) 

=  no.  2. 

2.  '^XV-7nit-tu-bal-lit,]AY)T>^2,R.^.  ^  =  no.  i. 

JADD  177,  R./.  (Ep.  W.) 
Istar-nadin-ahe  "Ishtar  gives  brothers" 

1.  '^XV-SE-na-PAPP^,  JADD  354,  4. 

2.  XV-SE-PAPPt,  JADD  899,7.  ^belnarkabti, 

JADD  525,  R.^.  840,  II,  2.  la  Upa,]ADVi 
446,  R.  E.  /  (Ep.  Q.). 
Istar-nadin-aplu  "Ishtar  gives  a  son" 

1.  ^ XV- As- A,  JADD  507,  R.  6.  hA.BA,  JADD 

420,  R.  7  (B.  C.  670). 

2.  '^XV-MU-A,  {^A.BA\  JADD 448,  R.23. 

3.  XV-SE-A,  JADD  2,  R.  4  (Ep.  A).  82-5-22, 


4.  ''XV-SE-A,  ^A.BA,  JADD  331,  R.  7.  [421, 

R. /^].  ^rab  X-ti  {la  f'A.BAP')  sa  "^Ar- 
bdilu,  HABL  [671,  2]  (B.  C.  646).  829,  2 
(III  R  5 1 ,  no.  5,  e;  B.  C  648),  HAV  p.  257. 

(B.C.  647). 
Istar-na'id  "Ishtar  is  exalted" 

1.  Is-tar-I,  "^Ku-ra-a-a,  JADD  500,  R.  4. 

2.  XV- 1,  JADD  388, 2.  860,  II,  32.  ''ha-sa-nu, 

HABL  419,  4.  ''rab  kisir,  JADD  857, 1,  32. 
'^  naggar  D  UBBIN,  Louvre,  AO  222  r,  R.  s 
(B.  C.  656  (.?);  OLZVI  (1903),  col.  198), 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  '^XV-I,  HABL  417,  -'.  JADD  186,  R.  9  (B.  C. 

674).  532,  R.  ^.  82-5-22,  128.  83-1-18,  20. 
s.  o{  Ag-ri,  '^la-si-mu  ia  Ninua,  JADD  160, 

R.  2  (Ep.  G). 
f.  of  Aiur-apal-liUr,  JADD  1040,  R.  5. 

4.  '^XV-na--id,  K.  8530  =  HABL  1034,  11. 

amcl  urqi,  of  "^hpaliuru,  JADD  742,  32. 
*ls-tar-na-an-di   (EL,   cf    Ihtar-na-an-hu-un-di) , 
Abp.  13765.  sarru^a'"''*Hi-da-li,  K.  2674,7 

(III  R  37, 1,  «)• 
*ls-tar-na-an-hu-un-dl,  see  Sutur-Nanhmidi. 
n8tar('^XF)-nap-8lr  "Olshtar,  be  kind  again!" 

JADD  725,  3,  slave  sold. 
Istar-nasir  "Ishtar  is  protector" 

XV-PAP,  f.  of  Kisir-Uu,  JADD  237,  R.  s. 
lstar('^A'F)-pa-ia  (hypocor.) 

'Hamkaru,  JADD  160,  R.  <y  (Ep.  G). 
^l8tar('^JfF)-ri-me-ni  "Ishtar  is  merciful" 

JADD  211,  5,  slave  sold. 
n8tar('';rF)-sal-Iat-ti     "Ishtar     shadows"   (cf 

fSallatium  TNB),  81-2-4,  255,11,3,  spec. 
nstar(XF)-sil-lit  (cf.  f lUar-sallatti) 

JADD  955,  R.  3. 
Istar-8um-eres  "Ishtar  has  planted  a  name" 

1.  '^n-tar-MU-KAM,  K.  3877. 

2.  [^n]-tar-MU-KAM-e^,    s.  of   Nabu-zuqup- 

kena,  K.  5990  (III  R  53,  no.  2,  43). 

3.  ^NINNI-MU-KAM-el    K.  2670    (III  R  2, 

no.  XXII,  57;  B.C. 684). 
4   XV-MU-KAM,   HABL   31,2.   35,2-650,3. 
673,2.   676,2.   TRep.  21,   R.  5.    31,  R.  10. 
159,  R.  6.  247,  R.  5.  277  L,  4. 

5.  XV-MU-KAM-el  HABL  33,  2.  34,  2.  36,  2. 

37,2.  38,2.  [39,2].  40,2.  [41,2].  332,4. 
384,  2.  385,  2.  386, 2.  519,  2.  [672,  2].  674,  2. 
[675,  2.  e'j'j,  2].  JADD  445,  R.  6  (B.  C.  660). 
TRep.  7,  7.  21  A,  5.  93,  R.  1.  128,  R.  5 
(III  R  58,  no.  6).  [136O,  R.  3].  136P,  R.  3. 
157  D,  R.  1.  168,  R.  4  (III  R  58,  no.  4). 
198,  R.  1.  206,  R.  7  (IIIR  59,  no.  11).  244, 
R.  1  (III  R  59,  no.  IV),  255,  R.  1.  [262  B]. 
264,  R.  10.)    [267,  R.16].  K.  115. 

6.  ^XV-MU-KAM-d, TRep.  2 57,  R.  s.  K. 1 3 906. 

JADD  444,  R.//.  448,  R.//.  ^'laBu,  JADD 
247,  R.  4. 

No.   I. 

s.  of  Nabu-zer-l'tlir  ^rab  Gl-u  {qanat),  ''rab 
tup-iar-ri  ia  Aiur-bdn-aplu,  K.  2861, 
R.42  (IVR9, 5ob). 

7.  XV-MU-KAN,  HABL  580,  R.  3. 

8.  XV-MU-PIN-el  HABL  [16, 5].  670,  2.  845, 

R.  6.   maimalu,  JADD  851,  1. 

9.  '^XV-MU-PIN-el    TRep.    55,  r,  =  HABL 

993,  G. 
Istar-sum-iddin  "Ishtar  has  given  a  son"  (cf. 
''ihtar-MU-MU  TNB) 

1.  XV-MU-AS,  JADD  61, R.j  (Ep.L). 448,  R./^, 

2.  '^XV-MU-AS,    JADD  860,  II,  10.     ^A.BA, 

JADD  41,  R.^  (B.C. 671) 
f.  of  Nabu-eriba,  JADD  160,  R.  9. 

3.  ''XV-MU-SE-na,  H^paru  }a  zinniht  ekalli 
f    of  Ahir-matka-danin    and     Na  id- Is  tar 

JADD  642,3. 
Istar-sum-iqisa  "Ishtar  has  presented  a  son' 
XV-MU-BA-U,    HABL    205, 2    (V  R  54 
no.  4). 
Istar-sum-ukm  "Ishtar  has  established  a  son' 

^XV-MU-DU,  JADD  852,  II,  10. 
Istar-tabni-bullit  (Ba.)   "O   Ishtar,  keep   alive 
what  thou  hast  createdl" 
NINNI-tab-ni . . . .,  81-2-4,  164. 
l8tar(''XF)-ta-a-a-ru-u    "Ishtar    is     merciful" 

JADD  1073,  3. 
ni\2iV(fXV)'\2k-\dk  (abbrev.)  "In  Ishtar  I  trust" 

81-2-4,  255,  II,  1,  spec. 

1.  XV- -^U,  see  lUar-eriba. 

2.  ''XV-ta-ri-ba,  JADD  13, 3.  780, 1,  e  (B.  C.  663). 

3.  '' XV-ta-ri-bi,  JADD  89,  R. ^  (B.C. 683). 

4.  XV-ta-SU,  JADD  250,  R.  /  (Ep.  G). 

5.  ''XV-ta-SU,  ''rid  immere,  JADD  196,  1. 

JADD  148,  R.  6. 

81-2-4,  255,  11,2,  spec. 
lstar(XK)-tuk-lat  (abbrev.) 

JADD  893,  3. 
nstar-umml-sarrani  "Ishtar  is  the  mother  of 
our  king" 

f XV-DAMAL-MAN-ni,  JADD  741, 15. 


''XV-ut-sji,  JADD  316,  6,  slave  sold. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

*j8tar  (^^)-wa(ia)-8ur   (Can.),    Ta'annek   1,1.2,1. 

5,  1.  6,  1. 
*ls-te-li-ku  (Med.,  cf.  Streck,  ZA  XV,  p.  357). 
^hazanu  }a  """^Liyi-ta-nu,  a  Median  chief, 
Sarg.  A,  II,  30. 
*ls-te-8U-ku  (Med.) 

^a  '"'U-te-up-pu,  Sarg.  A,  II,  is. 
l8-tu....,  HABL33i,o. 

*ls-tu-me-gu  (Iran.  =  Astyagcs  =  astivaegha, 
cf.  JUSTI,  ZDMG,  49,  p.  690) 
Nabd.  Ann.  II,  2.  ^ar  ^  Ummanmanda,  Nabd. 
Rm.  A,  1, 32.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  pp.  98,  128. 
•■I-sum-ba-ni  "Ishum  is  creator"  (for  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts,  see  BEVI,  pt.  i,  TNB) 
s.  of  Sin-ka-rab-ii-me,  ^SA.KU  QutT,  Me- 
rod. II, Bl.  St.  V,  1.  —  KBIII,  pt.  i,p.  192. 
l-ta....,  JADD251,  R.4. 
*l-ta-a-'-ilu  (WSem.  5^ni  +  bx) 

s.  of  Bu-un-ia-da-du,  HABL  262,  R.  10. 
*ltakkama,  see  Etaqama. 
*lt'amara  (Arb.  yn"!  +  -ittX,  cf.  Hommel,  Altisr. 
tjberl.  p.  84) 

1.  It--am-a-ra,  "<"' Sa-ba--a-a,  Sarg.  Khors.27. 

-  KB  II,  p.  54- 

2.  It--am-ra,  same  person,  Sarg.  Ann.  97. 
*I-ta-me-tu  (identical  with  At-ta-me-tu,  q.  v),  ''7'ab 

qahi,  Abp.  B,  WSml.  Ill,  p.  46,  is. 
•It-hi-ib-sar  (cf.  Te-hi-ih-LUGAL) 

f  of  ^r-/«-/^,  CTII,  21,4. 

f.  of  I-ri-Se-en-ni,  CT  II,  21, 5. 
*lt-ra-nu  (Ar.,  cf.  Bi.  inni;  Sciiiffer,  Aramaer, 
p.  34,  n.  17:  idru  +  sufif.  i  p.  pi.,  cf  bsSITl? 
^'amel  urqi,  of  "'Dim-me-ti,  JADB    i,  1, 32. 
''irriM,  of  "'Ba-da-ri,  JADB  4,  III,  s. 
It-ri-[a/la  (var.  A-tar-a-a,  q.  v.) 

JADD360, 1  (B.C. 680).  K.974  (G.  Smith, 
History,  p.  204).    ''be/  pihati,  JADD  833 
=  A-tar-a-a. 
It-ta....,  JADD  456,  R.^. 
It-tab-si  (abbrev.) 

s.  of  Nabu-\}adunu}\  ^erib  '^ Lagamal,  VS  I, 

35,  25.  —  KB  IV,  p.  96. 
f.  of  Ba-lat-su,   Sarg.   St.  II,  21.    IV,  11.   — 
KB  IV,  pp.  160,  162. 

K.  241,  XII,  5,  spec. 


1.  It-ti\  '""* Sal-la-a-ia   (B.  C.  867),  Anp.  Ann. 

111,94  (IR35).  -  KB  I,  p.  no. 
'""^Al-lab-ra-a-a,  king  of  Allabra 

2.  It-ti-i,  Sarg.:  Ann.  58,  gs;  Cyl.  32;  Khors.  55,  sg; 

XIV,  55.  —  KB  II,  pp.  44,60. 

3.  It-ti-la  Sarg.  K.  1660,  2  (WSml.  II,  p.  4). 

1.  TA-^IM-PAP-u-tu,  K.  241,  XI,  30,  spec. 

2.  TA-'^IM-PAP-u-tu,  JADD  416,  R.7  (B.  C. 

710).  792,3. 

3.  TA-'^IM-SES-u-te,  JADD  780,  is  (B.  C.  661). 

4.  TA-'^IM-SES-u-tu,     irrisu     of    "'Bel-iqbi, 

JADD  742,  R.28. 

5.  TA-U-PAPP^-u-tii,  VSI,  87,25. 
Ittl-Adad-aninu  "With  (or  from)  Adad  are  we" 

Epon.  B.C. 679 

1.  DAQ)-'^ lAf-ni-ni,  Canon  C,  IV,  is. 

2.  DAQ)-U-a-ni-ni,  IIIR  i,  VI,  2,  var. 

3.  PA-'^ IM-a-ni-nu,  Canon  A,  VI,  2.  JADD  1 50, 

R.a.  364,  R.E.I.  534,  L.  El. 

4.  TA-ir-a-tii-fiu,]KDT)'^62,  L.  E2. 

5.  PA-'^U-an-ni,  JADD  161,  R.s. 

6.  PA-U-ni-nu,    JADD  83,  R.  E.  1;    var 

a-ni-nu,  84,  R.  1. 
It-tMA-u-su    "With    (or  From)   Au   is    he"(?) 
Epon.  B.  C.  ?,  Adnir.  I,  KAHI  I,  p.  1 1,  note  2. 
Itti-ili-nibu,  see  Kiannibu. 
It-tl-ma-an-ni-ia-be-lu ,  Kl-man-ni-ia-'^ EN 

83- 1- 18,  1846,  R.III,  NBa.  spec. 
Itti-Marduk-balatu   "With  Marduk  is  life"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Itti-Marduk-baldtu,  Bab.  envoy  to  IJattiishil, 

MDOG  35,  p.  22. 

2.  Ii-ti-'fAMAR-UD-ba-ld-/u,\fK 44,11,2  (Jen- 

sen,   ZA  XI,    p.  90,  WiNCKLER,     UAG, 

P-  139). 

3 .  It-ti-^AMAR.  UD-  PL  LA,  HABL  476,  c,  R.  s, 

an  Erechite. 

4.  KL-'^AMAR.  UD-  PI 

f.  oi  Sapiku,  s.  of  Arad-Ea,  Mna.,  Ill  R  41, 
1,13.  -  KBIV,  p.  74. 

5.  KL'iAMAR.  UD-  PI. LA^^^aq larri, Mel. Lo. 

101,1,20.  —  KBIV,  p.  58.  iarru,  BM. 91 01 5, 
R.  24  (King,  BBS,  pi.  CVI,  p.  no), 
s.  oi  Marduk-kabti-ahehi\  sarru,NS\,\\2, 
identical  with  the   father  of  the  Baby- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Ionian  king  Adad-apal-iddin  (see  no.  6), 
Cf.  WiNCKLER,   OLZ  X,   col;  59O,  PEISER, 

ibid.  col.  6 1 7,  ScilNAi?EL,MVGXIII,p.54. 
s.  of  Sapik-zer,  gs.  oiBalasu,  dedicated  to 
Bel   by  Nadii-bel^umi,  HABL   877,  6  = 
JADD  889. 
f.  of   Nabu-zer-hhr,  descend,   of  Arad-Ea, 
Neb.  I,  Nippur  III,  u. 
6.  KI-'^AMAR.UD-TIN,  HABL  831,2 
s,  of  ''iangu  '^Sin,  K.  69  (ZA  X,  p.  276). 
f.  of  Adad-apal-iddin,  ^arru  IM.  GI,  K  3,  g ; 
cf.  no,  5. 
Itti-Marduk-banu  "With  Marduk  is  joy" 

It-ti-^AMAR.UD-5a-nu-u,  VR44,  11,3. 
ltti-Marduk-napharu(?),  ovpaMru  {cUtti-Bel-pa-sar 
BE  IX) 
TA-''SU-NIGIN,  JADD  328,  2  (B.  C.  698). 
Itti-Nabii-balatu  "With  Nebo  is  life",  in  Nba. 

texts,  see  BE  IX,  TNB. 
Itti-Samas-balatu  "With  Shamash  is  life"  (for 
NBa.  texts  see  BE  IX,  TNB) 

1.  KI-'^UD-ba-la-tu,  K.  1016. 

2.  KI-dUD-TLLA,  K.  1281  =  HABL  992,  2. 

3.  KI-^UD-riN,  Bu.  91-5-9,  86. 
•"^M-tu-a-'-a-a  "Native  of  Itu'",  JADD  415,4. 
*l-tu-u  u-an-da-ar  (Gr.  'Ere/av8poq) 

Sar  "^\"'"fPappa,  king  of  Paphos,  Esarh.  B, 
V,  21  (I  R  48,  no.  I).  Ill  R  27, 127.  Abp.  Rm.  3, 
11,  45.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 
*l-tu-ni-i  (El.,   d.  Jensen,  WZKM,  VI,  p.  215) 
^Ut-ut-re'^  naphar  '"^^Elamti,  K.  2674,  II,  31 
(III  R  ij,  49  b.  G.  Smith,  History,  p.  145). 
l-ti-ru  (abbrev.,  Ba.),  83-1 -18,  554. 
*n-u-ni,  wife  of  Tushratta,  TA  26,  go. 
l-za-al-di . . . .,  JADD  807,  R.  22. 
Iz-ba-Adadi  "Sprout  of  Adad" 

a-te(^^  babi^^Dur-Kurigalsii, Mel. Susa  3, 1,  is. 
Iz-bu  "Sprout"  (abbrev.) 

JADD  85,  R.  4.    90,  R.  9    (B.  C.  734).   624, 

R.  //  (B.  C.  687).  869,  III,  8.    ardu  }a  h-ab 

A.BA,  HABL  307,  4. 

lz-bu-lisir(^/./?/)"The  sprout  may  succeedl" 

Sm.  236.    ^na^  patri,    JADD  248,    R.  9 

(B.C.  714). 
Iz-bu-tu,  see  Is-pu-tu(}). 
Iz-kur-e-a,  see  Is-qur-e-a. 
Iz-kur-NlardukS  ^t^ar  AhUi-ri,  P  97, 23. 

No.  I. 

Iz-kur-Nabu^  "Nabu  has  called  by  name" 
s.  of  Arad-Ea,  Merod.  I,  Susa  16,  II,  3. 
Iz-kuHSah,  P  97, 2. 
Iz-zl-za-Marduk',  P  132. 
Iz-zak-rak-ra-ma(?),  JADD  396,  R.  7. 

"KabaK?  BL  48i7)-apal-iddlna  {^A-SE..)  HABL 

*Ka-bar-ilu  (WSem.,  cf  Kabri-ilw,  possibly:  Ka- 

mas-i/u)  JADD  167,  R.j-  (B.C. 675).  1041, 

R.8.  PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  138,^7  (B.  C 

Ep.  N.)  ^zVrzi/^,  JADD  742, 23:  in  A-si-hi. 

742,  R.  23:  in  Irinnih.  ''mutirputiia  [sarrt], 
JADD  177, 6. 

PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  138,39  (B.CEp.N). 

amtu,  VSI,  91,  5. 
*Kab-ri-ilu  (WSem.,  cf  Kabar-ilu,  Kabrum  BE 

s.  of  Bi-si-id-qi-i,  VS  I,  88,  27. 
^Kab-ta-a-a  (hypocor.;   cf  ^Kab-ta-a  TNB) 

JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  10. 
Kab-ti . . . .,  s.  of iadu-ni,  BM.  91 01 5,  R.  n. 

(King,  BBS,  p.  1 10,  pi.  CVI). 
Kabti  (hypocor.) 

1.  Kab-ti-i,  HABL  740,  19.  ^duplarru,  HABL 

733>  2.  872,8:  servant  of  Asur-dain-aplu. 
JADD  1 141,  43:  i«  ''pahat  "'Kalhi  (time  of 
Sargon;  cf.  OLZ  VI,  col.  195,  12). 

2.  DUGUD-i,   K.  241,   X,  16   (spec).    >^A.BA 

JADD  161,  R.  7  (B.  C.  679). 
Kab-tJMa   (hypocor.;  for   NBa.    texts  see  TNB) 

HABL  202,  2.  944, 2  (B.  C.  650.?). 
s.  of  Bel-usati,  b.  oiMuratiii  and  Mu^allim, 

Simb.  Lay.   53, 1,  g  (King,  BBS,  p.   102, 

pi.  20). 
^'Kab-ti-k  =  fBE-la  (NBa.,  hypocor;  cf.  ^Kab-ta-a 

TNB)  83-1-18,  1866,  R.  IV,  1, 2,  spec. 
Kabti-ilani  (abbrev.,  ci. Kabti-ilani-MardukTW^) 

1.  Kab-ti-ANP\]KDV>  22,  R. .    (cf  III  R  47, 

10c).  175,  R.7  (B.C. 676). 

2.  Kab-ti- AN P'-7ii,  JADD  29, 3  (B.  C.  693). 
Kabtl-ili[a(^^-^A/'-<j:-^,  or  Bel-ilH^a}) 

JADD  22,  R.J  (IIIR  47,13). 
Ka-da-la-ni  {^xoh?i!o\y  =^  Kandahlnu,  q.  v.) 
JADD  500, 7. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 


JADD  15,  R.  /  (B.C.  672). 
*Kada8man-Bel,  see  Kadahnan-Enlil. 
*Kadasman-Burias  (Cass.) 

Ka-dds-man-bur-ia-ai\dl,  V  R  44, 1,  41.  mar 
Ki... .,  ^iaknu,  III  R 4.  no.  I,  7    (AKA I, 

P-  133). 
'''Kadasman-Enlil  (Cass.) 

King  of  Babylonia 

1 .  Ka-da-cU-ma-an-'^ Eft-lil,  ^ar '""' Ka-ra-'^ D71- 

ni-ia-ai,  TA  1,1.  2,  2.  3,  3.  5,  2. 

2.  Ka-dahman-'^En-lil,    VR44, 29ab=    Tu- 

ku/ti....,  BE  XIV,  115,11.  117,2. 

3.  '^Ka-dd^-mati-'^En-lil,^'EXlY,\\6,\Q.  sarru, 

BM.  91036,  II,  3  (King,  BBS,  p.  4,  pi.  i). 

4.  Kad-dahman-'^ En-lil,  f.  of  {Bur-na-buV[-ri- 

ia-ds,  OBI  68,  u,  cf.  66  +  67. 
*Kadasman-Harbe    (Cass.)     "My    support     is 
Kings  of  Babylonia: 

I  Kadasman-Kharbe  I,  about  B.  C.  1408  — 
1388,  s.  of  Karaindai,  f.  of  Kurigalzti  II, 

1.  ^Ka-da-dl-man-liar-be,  f.  oi  Kurigalzu,  ^"E 

XIV.  39,  B. 

2 .  Ka-ddhman-har-be,  s.  of  Kar-in-da-aS,  maru 

Sa  y Muballitat-'^ Serua  marat  Aluruballit 
iar  '""'AUw^  Chron.  P  I,  5,  12,  u. 

3.  '^ Ka-ddhman-Jiar-be,  f.  oi  Kurigalzu\  Sarru 

la  Sanan,  BM.  91036,  I,  e  (ZAII,  p.  309. 
King,  BBS,  p.  3,  pi.  i). 

II  Kadasman-Kharbe  II,  about  B.C.  1279 

— 1274.  Ka-dal-\man-har-be?\  King-list  A, 
II,  4. 

III  Kada.sman-Kharbe   III,     about     B.  C. 

1242 — 1241,    Ka-ddhman-f^ar-be,     King- 
list  A,  II,  9,  reigned  for  i  year  and  6  months. 

*Ka-das-man-sah  (Cass.),  VR44,  I,  42  (BE  XIV. 

"^Kadasman-Turgu  (Cass.) 

King  of  Babylonia,  about  B.  C.  1296— 1280, 
s.  o{  Nasimaruttas)  in  letter  to  Hattu.sil, 
MDOG  35,  p.  21. 

1.  Ka-da-dl-ma-an-tu-ur-gu,  OBI  59,  3. 

2.  Ka-da-dl-ma-an-tiir-gu,  iarBabili,  OBI  63,0. 

3.  Ka-ddhman-tiir-gu,   BE  XIV,  90,8.  91a,  2, 


4.  Ka-ddS-man-tur-gu,  OBI  62, 

s.  of  Na-zi-ma-ru-ut-taS,  OBI  60.  61, 3.  BE 
XIV,  88,  10,  etc. 

Ka-di JADD  397,  R./o. 


HABL  561, 5. 
KA.KA-li-pu-su,  see  Lidbubn-lipiihi. 
*Kaki  (perhaps  Iran,  cf.  NPe.  kaka,  kakti  „uncle", 
JIN  p.  152,  Streck,  ZA  XV,  p.  327,  n.  i; 
cf.  also  KccKKaq,  Kcckkic;,  Kretzschmer, 
Einleitung,  p.  351) 

1.  Ka-a-ki,   iar  "^ Hu-bu-uhki-ia,   Shalm.  Ill, 

Mon.  II,  64  (III  R  8.  KB  I,  p.  168). 
f.  of  Samal-abua  ia  "'Ma-ga-ni-si,  JADD 

337, 2. 

2.  Ka-ki-i,    king    of   '"^^ Bit-zatti ,   Tigl.    IV: 

Ann.  34.  ^nappah  Iturdsi,  JADD  425,  le. 

3.  Ka-ki-ia, lar "'^*Na-ir-i(Q.C.?,6o), Shalm.III: 

Mon.  1, 20  (IIIR  7.  KB  I,  p.  154). 
Kak-ka-tari§(?Z^Z.£')   "Kakka     directs"    (cf. 

I-din  '^Ka-ak-ka,  T-D  LC),  oi- Is- ka-tne-e^ 

hnarNIAT.ME,]ADT^  66,  R.  E.  2  (B. C.  693 ?). 

Ka-ak-ki-[a    (hypocor.,    cf.  Kakkumi^^-id-'^ Adad 

T-DLC)  JADD  5, 6  (B.  C.  712). 
*Kakkulanu  (with  varr.,  cf.  Ak-kul-en-ni  CBM  3481, 

BE  XV) 

1.  Ak-ku-la-7ti,  JADD 7 5 5,  R.3. 

2.  Ak-kul-a-nu,  ^erib  biti,  HABL  539,  R.i4. 

3.  Ak'kul-la-a-nu,  HABL  840,  3. 

4.  Ak-kul-la-ni,  TRep.  235    (III  R  59,  "O-  4)- 

5.  Ak-kul'la-nu,  HABL  16,  6.  42,  2.  43, 1.  44,  2. 

45,  2.  46,  2.  47,  2.  50,  2.  185,  7.  429,  2.  470,  3. 
678,  2.   679.  2.   681, 2.  JADD  342,  R.  E.  2. 
TRep.  34.  36.  87  A.  89.  138  A.  144.  144  B. 
f.  of  Ahusi,  JADD  160,  4. 

6.  '^ Ak-kul-la-nu,  K.  13  176. 

7.  A'kul-ia-nu,  HABL  680.  rab  kisir  ia  mar 

Sarri,  JADD  312,5. 
S.  Kak-ku/'/a-a-nilnu,  JADD   211,   R.  4.   322, 

R.  9  [846, 2]. 
9.  Kak-kul-la-ni\nu,  JADD  no,   R.  E.  1.  235, 

R.8.   309,2   (Ep.  Q).   318,    R.  2    (Ep.Q). 

325,  8,10.  B.  E.  4  (Ep.  B).  621,  13.  7n,  10 

(Ep.  E).  h'ab  kisir  {lar  mar  sarri),  JADD 

21  I,  7.     235,  G.     318,  8     (Ep.  A).    414,   7,  13,  15, 

r.  xLiii. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 

I  ir 

20, 27,   R.  18, 19  (Ep.  A).  621,  R.  1    (Ep.  F). 

623,  R.  10  (Ep.  A). 
10.  Ka-ku-la-a-ni,  HABL  243,  R.  7. 
\\.  Ka-ku-la-nu,    ^mutir  pute,    HABL   243,8, 
^rab    kUir   ia    mar   larfi,  J  ADD  308,  6, 

R.  1  (Ep.  Q.) 

12.  Ka-kul-la-nu,  J  ADD  619,  R./o   (Ep.  S). 

13.  Ku-ku-la-a-nu,    s.    of  Arad-Htar,   JADD 

1 141,  4S  (B.  C.  709). 

14.  Ku-kM-Za-nilnu,  JADD  24g,  12,  B.E.4(Ep.Q). 
400,  11,  R.  5.  rab  kisir  }a  mar  iarri, 
JADD  361,  6  (Ep.  F). 

15.  Ku-ku-ld-num,  Capp.  E,  3,  e,  12,  15. 

16.  Ku-kul-a-ni,  JADD  327,  a  (Ep.  N). 

17.  Ku-kul-la-a-ni,  JADD  327,  R.  5  (Ep.  N). 

18.  Ku-kul-la-ni\nu,]KDD  361, 4,  R.  3  (Ep.  F). 

19.  Kul-ku-la-a,  JADD  703, 2  (B.  C.  683). 

20.  Kul-ku-la-a-nu,    ^rab   kisir,  JADD  446,  11, 

R.  3  (Ep.  Q). 

21.  Kul-ku-la-nu,  rab  kisir,  JADD  349,  9. 

JADD  285,  R.  4  (B.  C.  6Z6). 

s.  of  Ar-ta-la-nu,  JADB  5, 1,  is. 

Ka-al ,  TA  295,  is. 

Kal-bi  (abbrev.,  cf.  Kal-ba-a  =  Ar.  docket  "^SbD 
BE  VIII,  pt.  I,  50,  Na.  and  Ph.  «nbD) 
s.  of  Nabu-etir,   82-5-22,  105, 1   (MVG  III, 

p.  260). 
f.  of^/'^^-G^^^/^,  Neb.I:  VR56,2i.-KBIII, 
.   pt.  I,  p.  168. 
Kalbi-Nannari(W?-''i£"5.Ar/)   (OBa.),  K.  9717,  u 

(NE,  p.  90). 

1.  Kal-bi-ic-ku'U-la],  HABL  900, 1. 

2.  UR.KU-u-ku-u-a,  K.  1936. 
Kal-bu  (abbrev.,  cf.  Kalbi,  Bi.  sb^) 

^se-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD  769,  3. 

JADD  361, 3  (Ep.  F). 
Kalhaia  "Native  of  the  city  of  Calah" 

1.  "'Kal-^a-a-a,    K.  241,   IX,  is,   spec.   ^mukiL 

apati  (B.  C.  680),  JADD  631,  R./.  ^^akin 
^'Si-e-la-a,  JADD  918,  II,  5. 

2.  "^Kal-ha-a-a,  JADD  266,  R.  9  (B.  C.  670). 

[292.^R.  3]  (B.  C.  707). 

No.     I. 


82-3-22,  135,  VI,  5,  spec. 
^»'Kal-hi-i-tu  "Women  of  the  city  of  Calah" 

81-2-4,  255,  R.  VII,  10,  spec. 
'Ka-Ii .  . .  .,  wi.  of  Na-tan-nu,   HABL  422,  R.  1. 
Ka-ll-l .  . . .,  JADD  469,  R.  n. 
♦Ka-li-^Te-sup  (Hit.) 

f.  of  Kili-  Teiup,  Tigl.  I:  Ann.  II,  25.  —  KB  I, 
p.  20. 
Kal(?)-ll-tu,  Ta'annek  3, 7. 
Kalparuda,  see  Qalparuda. 
Ka-ma-ba-ni  "Kama  is  creator" 

''Tab-la-a-a,  slave  sold,  JADD  197, 3  (B.  C. 
Ka-ma-nu  (for  OBa.  texts  see  Dilbat) 
JADB  6,  VIII,  5:  in  Adad-bidu 
*K[a-m]a-ru  (cf.  '^A-a-ka-ma-m) 

Ta'annek  3,  s. 

Abp.  B,''VIII,37   (cf.  KA3  p.  472),   king   of 

''irriiu,  JADD  471,  10. 
"^Kambuzna   (OPe.    Kambujiya,  Gr.   Kap.|3i)tfr)<;, 
Ar.   '^T^nSD   APO;   cf.   TNB),   Cambyses, 
name   of  kings   of  Anshan    and  Persia, 

1.  Ka-am-bu-zi-ia 

s.  of  Kuras  (gs.  of  Kambuziia,  ggs.  of 
Kural,  descend,  of  Sispis),  V  R  35,27.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  124. 

s.  oi  Kurai,  gs.  oi  Sispis,  f.  of  KuraS;  iarrii 
rabu  lar  '««M«i=««,  VR35, 21.  —  KB  III, 

pt.  2,p.  124. 

2.  Kam-bu-zi-ia 

s.  of  Kura},  Nabd.  Ann.  Ill,  24.  —  KB  III, 

pt.  2.  p.  134. 
f.  oi  Kura^\  ^arru  rabu,  51-1-1,  181  (BAII, 

p.  214). 

3.  Kam-bn-zi-ia,  Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39,  12,  13,  ic, 

17,  IS,  19. 

4.  Kan-bu-zi-ia,  DT  33. 

Kam(.?)-nia-li-ia,  dupsarru,  Boghazkoi:  MDOG35, 

p.  28. 
*Ka-am-mu-8U-na-ad-bl  (Mo.  mSttJttD) 

'"^'Ma--ba-a-a,  king  of  Moab,  Senn.:  King 
II,  si;  Tay.  II,  53.  —  KB  I,  p.  90. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Kan-da-a  (cf.  Kandi) 

Sm.  2491, 8  (KGAS  63). 

1.  Kafi-dal,   king   of  Babylonia    (see    no.  3), 

King-list  A,  IV,  22. 

2.  Kan-da-la-ni,  JADD  51,  6  (B.  C.  683). 

3.  Kan-da-la-nu,]NDT>  210, i,  slave  sold  (B.C. 

684).  King  of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  647—626 
(in  conjunction  with  Ashurbanipal),  passim 
in  dates. 

4.  Ka-da-la-ni,  JADD  500,  7. 

5.  Ka-dil-a-fm,]KDT)  58,8,  slave  sold  (B.C.694). 

279,  R.^  (B.C.  681). 

f.  of  Ba-m-zd,Nal:  VS  I,  35, 29.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  96. 
Ka-an-di  (of.  Kandd)  . 

f.  of  Sm-kabti-ilaniy  Mae.:  OBI  149, 1,  4. 
Ka-nik-babi  "Notary"  (cf.  TNB) 

f.  of  Marduk,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  IV,  26.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  190. 

JADB  I,  II,  18, 21. 
Kan-nun-a-a,  see  Nuhla-a-a. 
Ka-nu-ni,  JADB  i66,  R.  5  (Ep.  S). 
Ka-pa-ru  "  S  h  e p  h  e r  d  "  (?)  (cf.  "^e  Ka-pa-ru]AYm  2, 
VIII,  7;  Ph.?  nss) 
JADD  33,  L.  E. .  (B.  C.  692). 
Kapdu  "Bird  catcher" 

HU-KAK,  JADD  246,  R.  is. 
*Ka-ra-har-da-a8  (Cass.) 

s.  of  J Muballitat-Serfia,  gs.  of  Alur-uballit\ 
Sar  '"'''Kar-du-ni-aS,  Synchron.  1,8,  cf.  l.u: 
Ka-ra-in-da-al\  according  to  Chron.  P  the 
true  reading  will  be  Kadasman-Harbe, 
"^Kara-in-das  (Cass.) 

Kings  of  Babylonia: 
I  Ka-ra-in-da-as,  sar  '"'''Kar-du-ni-as,  Syn- 
chron. I,  1:  contemp.  with  Asur-EN- 
niselu  of  Assyria. 
II  Kara-in-dal  11,  about  B.  C.  1425 — 1408, 
hu.  of  Muballitat-Serna,  son-in-law  of 
Ahir-uballity  f.  of  Kadasman-Harbe: 

1.  Ka-ra-in-da-aS,  Synchron.  I,  u,  probably  a 

mistake  for  Karahardal  (1.  a)  (Kadasman- 

2.  Ka-ra-in-da-dl,  TAio,  s:  ancestor  of  Burna- 

Buriyash.  lugal  ligga  lugal  Babili  Itigal 
Ki-en-gi  Urdu  lugal  Ka-dhsii-u  lugal 
Ka-ru-du-7u-ia-di,JVKT)6,  no.  3, 4  (KB III, 
pt.  I,  p.  152). 
3.  Kar-in-da-as,  f.  of  \Kadasman\-Harbe,  hu. 
of  -f  Muballitat-Sertia,  Chron.  P,  1, 5  (cf  I.12). 
*Ka-rak-ku  (abbrev.,  ci.Q?L^?,. Ka-rak-SahV>Y.yN) 

sa  "'Ur-ia-ku,  HABL  713, 6. 
Karastu  [} Kara^u-hd) 

dlik  pan  ummanati,  Synchron.  II,  13. 
Kar-e-hl  (cf  Ka-ru-hi-id  CT  XXII,  3,  10, 21) 

K,  4269,  G  =  KGAS  64. 
Ka-ri-be  (cf.  Ka-rib-bl  BE  X) 

Sm.  2021,  sb  (WSarg.  II,  pi.  45  b). 
Ka-ri-e-a  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  Ka-ri-ia  RPN,  NBa. 
Ka-ri-e{-a)  BE  X,  TNB,  Nabu-ina-kari- 
f.  of  Nabu-gaviil,  Merod.  II :  Bl.  st.  IV,  7.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  188. 
*Ka-ar-ma-du  (?) 

Capp.  S  I,  10:  li-tnu-wn. 
*Kar-me-u-ni  (perhaps  Eg.,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  37) 

^ur-ki-u,  JADD  307,  R.  u  (Ep.  F). 

m.  of  Al-la^) ...,  VS  I,  103,  ic. 

K.  241,  VIII,  35,  spec. 
*KSi{Sar,   Sar}yru-\\  (cf  Sar-a-ti,  Sa-ra-a-tnm) 
}d  '""'Kar-si-nu-u,   a  Median  chief,   Sarg.: 
A,  II,  33. 
"^Karzijabku  (patronymic  of  Bit-'^Karziiabkii) 

1.  Kar-zi-db-ku 

i  of  '^ Su-qa-mu-na-apal-iddina,  Ninibkudar- 
usur:  Lo.  102,  IV,  e.  —  KB  IV,  p.  88. 
King,  BBS  p.  68,  pi.  LXXIV,  LXXVI. 

f.  of  Zer-ukln,  ibid.  IV,  15,  28,  33. 

2.  Kar-zi-ia-ab-ku 

f.  of  dEn-lil-i-za ....,  DEP  VI,  p.  44, 6. 
f.  oi Ritti-Mardiik,  Neb.  I:  VR56,  II,  8.  - 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p,  169. 

mar  Upri  of  Amenophis  III,  TA  3,  le. 
*Ka8-sa-a-tar  (cf  Bi{>Kas)-si-ha-tir),  or  Bi-ir^)- 
JADD  329,  1  (Ep.  K). 
Kas-SU-a-a  (cf  Ba.  Ka^-sa-a-a) 
''Assura-id,  HABL  307,  R.  7. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Kas-su-na 'id (/)  "Kasshu  is  exalted" 

J  ADD  119,  R.^  (B.C.  680). 
*Kastariti  (Iran.,  cf.  OPe.  Khiathrita,  Haiatritti) 

^hazanu  ^a'""'Kar-kahH-i  (time  ofEsarh.) 

1.  Ka-as-ta-ri-ti,  K.  1 1442  =  KG  AS  4, 4. 

2.  Ka-ahta-ri-ti^y\.c)i-l-(),\^\.  KGAS  1,4.  2,2, 

R.  2.  3, 3,  R.  5.  5, 2.  6,  R.  1. 

3.  Kas[Kal)-ta-ri-ti,^i-2-af,Atl(i'  Bu.91-5-9,201. 

KGAS  7,  R.  3.  8,  4. 

IV  R  34,  I,  31  a,  of  '""'Kasalla. 

K.  241,  XI,  7,  spec. 
Ka-su-tu,  f.  of  Ardu,  P  97,  11. 
Ka-si-ru  (abbrev.,  cf.  Nabu-kasir) 

'  K.  4268  -=  KGAS  48,  L.  E.  3. 
*Ka-sak-tl-[a-an-zi  (Cass.) 
.       f.  of  Uballitsu,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  10.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  70.  King,  BBS,  p.  45,  pi.  XLVII. 
*Ka-sak-ti-su-gab  (Cass.) 

s.  oi  Ahu-ba7ii,  Nazim.:  Susa  2,  II,  30;  Med.  1,2. 
Kas-mar . . . .,  JADD  108,  R. /. 
Kas-sa-a  (Ba.,  cf.  Kas-sa-a-d) 

^^akin  tend,  Mae.:  OBI  149,  I,  is. 
Kas-sa-a-a   "Cassite"    (cf  Kal-^a-a,  KahiU-u, 
Kai-H-i  BE  XV) 
s.  oi  Aj-ad-Sibitti,  Nku.:  Lo.  102,  I,  12;  III,  ic; 
IV,  31.  —  KB  IV,  p.  82fr.,  King,  BBS, 
pp.  59,  64,  67. 
Kas-su-u  (cf  Ka^-sa-a-d) 

'  duplar  nisak  Bit-Sin-hme,  Neb.  I:  Nippur 

s.  of  Hu-un-na,  Neb.  I:  Nippur  V,  ?^. 
Kassudu  (cf  }  Ka-ahM-tu  TNB) 

1.  Kas-H-dti,  JADD  81,  R.  E.  .  (Ep.  Q). 

2.  Kas-iu-ud,  JADD  81, 9,  B.  E.  1. 

3.  Ka-U-du,  JADD  82,  E  2. 
''Kas-SU-u-kin-apfu(/>6/"-^)  "O Kasshu,  establish 

the  son!"  (Ba.) 

mar  Ba-zi,   iag-iup-par,   Nku.:  Lo.  102, 

VI,  17  —  KB  IV,  p.  90.  King,  BBS,  p.  58, 

pi.  LXXIX. 
Kassu-mukin-aplu,  see  KaUu-kin-aplu. 
'*Kas-su-ii-nadJn-ahe(6'i5"-5i5"5//)  "Kasshu  gives 

brothers"  (Ba.) 

s.  of  Abi-rat-tai,  b.  of  Kal-ia-a-a,  Larak- 
No.   I. 

zer-ibni,  Ninib-apal-iddin,  Ekalla-a-a, 
U-zib-ia  and  Zer-ibni  Nku.:  Lo.  1 02  (90  83  5) 
1, 13.  —  KB  IV,  p.  82.  King,  BBS,  p.  59! 
pi.  LXVIII. 
s.  of  Ahu-bani\  ''saga,  ibid.  IV  A,  34.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  90.  King,  BBS,  p.  68,  pi.  LXXV. 
Kassu-nadin-ahu  "Kasshu  gives  a  brother" 
King  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  E:  3),  about 
B.  C.  1024— 1022,  s.  of  Sip-pa-a-a: 

1.  Kai-}u-u-MU-SE$,  King-list  A,  III,  g. 

2.  ^Ka}-}u-u-SE-SB^,  iarru,  Nai.:  V  R  60, 1,25. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  176.  King,  BBS,  p.  122, 

pi.  XCVIII. 
s.  of  Sip-pa-a-a,  Chron.  A,  V,  7. 
'*Kas-su-u-sum-iddma(J/t/-6"^-««)  "Kasshu  has 

given  a  son"  (Ba.) 
s.  Q>{ Nasi- Mar diik\  '^sukkallu,  Nku.:  Lo.  102 

(90835),  VI,  18.  -  KB  IV,  p.  90.   King 

BBS,  p.  58,  p.  LXXIX. 
"^KastiMasu  (Cass.) 

Kings  of  Babylonia   (Dyn.  C:    3  and  28); 

I,  about  B.  C.  1712— 1691;  II,  about  B.  C. 

125 1  — 1244. 

1.  Ka-ds-ti-li-ia-Ht,  larru,  Thureau-Dangin, 

OLZ  XI  ([908),  col.  93,  Lettres  et  Con- 
trats,  238,  27,  55. 

2.  KaUiL...,  Chron.  P,  IV,  1  (cf  King,  RRT, 

pp.  96,  157).  sarru,  DEP  II,  p.  93,  II,  5. 
s.  of  Sagarakti-Suriial,  King-list  A,  II,  7. 

3.  Kas-\til-\a-su,  ^ar  '""'Kar-Duniai,  Synchron. 

1, 32;  cf  King,  RRT,  pp.  102,  159. 

4.  Kas-til-a-iu\   lar   '""^^Kar-DuniaS,    Tuk.  I: 

Ann.  30,  contemp.  with  Tukulti-Ninib  I. 
sar  kas-ii-i,  ibid.  33. 

5.  Kai-til-ia-dl  BE  XIV,  143,  10  (5'^  year). 

6.  Ka^-til-id-as,  b.  of  U-lam-bur-ai,  "''''KaS- 

iu-u,  Chron.  K^,  R,  12;  f  of  A-gu-um, 
Chron.  K^,  R.  u;  cf  King,  Chronicles,  I, 
p.  103  f. 

7.  Kahti-li-ia-a-sii,  Sarru,  DEP  II,  pi.  20,  3.  4. 

8.  Kal-til-id-U,  f.  oi Du^)-H,  King-list  A,  1, 17. 
Kahti-li-a-su,  Epon.  (and  king?),  MDOG40, 

p.  22. 
KaUil-ia-U,  OBI  71.  sar Babili,^^XW, 

144, 9  (6'i>  year).  145,  is. 
s.  oiAgum  raba,  gs.  of  Gandai,  i.  oiAblr{ut- 

tas\  gf  of  TaUigurumal,  ggf.  of  Agnm  II, 





Knut  Tallqvist. 

Agk.:   V  R  33,  I,  i?;   cf.  Hommel,  OLZ 
XII  (1909),  col.  io8f. 
s.  of  Sd-ga-rak-ti-Sur-ia-di ,  OBI  70. 
Ka-te-Asir  (abbrev.,  cf.  Sar-ken-ka-te{atnate'i)-AHr) 
f.  of  Sa-lim-a-hu-uni,   gf   of  Ilusuma,  ggf. 
of  Irihim\  pa-te-si  AUr,  Irish.:  KAHI  I, 
I,  12. 

"'"^Qa-u-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  128.  '""'Qu-u-a-a, 

Shalm.  Ill :  Mon.  1, 53.  —  KB  I,  pp.  1 44,  1 5  8. 

Ki-i-abi-aq-bi  "Like  the  father,  I  said"  K.  241, 

XI,  13,  spec. 
*Ki-ak-ki  (Hit?) 

iar    '""■' Ta-ba-li,    "^ Si-nu-uh-ta-a-a,     Sarg.: 
Ann.  42;  Cyl.  22  (I  R  36) ;  Khors.  28;  N.  n.  — 
KB  II,  pp.  38,  42,  54. 
*Kiannibu  (or  Itti-ili-nibu}) 

1.  Ki-an-tii-bi,  king  of  the  Sea-land,  King-list; 

A,  I,  4:  Ki-an\  B,  13. 

2.  Ki-an-ni-bUy  f.  of  Zi-li,  CT  II,  21,  29. 

"^ Kar-si-bu-ta-a-a,   Shams.  V:   Ann.   Ill,  5 
(IR30).  —  KB  I,  p.  180. 
*Ki-ba-ba  (El.) 

^hazanu  sa  "^Harhar,  Sarg.:  Ann.  70 ;  Khors,  ei. 
^  -  KB  II,  p.  60. 

J  ADD  106,  3. 

HABL  174, 7,  17.  K.  8536. 
Ki(Qi)-bi-ia  (hypocor.) 

Tablet  from  Vyran-Shehir,  OLZ  V,  col.  245 . 
s.  of  Pa-li-ia,  CT  II,  21,  3,  o,  12. 
Ki-bi-ni-i  =  Qi-bit-?ti-e,  q.  V. 

^SIBTR,  JADD  392,  R.J  (B.  C.  710). 
Ki-bit-Asur,  see  Qibit-Ahir. 
Ki-bit-NIAS,  see  Qibit-NIN.IB. 
fRi-i-di  (cf.  Ki-di-ia  BE  XV) 

81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  14,  spec. 
Ki-din-Addi('^/J/)  (cf.  BEXVII,  pt.  i)  "Protegee 

of  Adad",  TA  12, 23. 

VR44, 56d,  renders  BE-AN-MU-UL-LIL- 

f.  of  Nasiru,  s.  or  descend,  of  Arad-Ea, 
DEP  VI,  p.  48. 

*Ki-din-'«Hu-ut-ra-tas  (El.) 

lar  "'"^Elamti,  king  ofElam,  Chron.P,IV,  13, 17, 
contemp.  with  Enlil-nadin-lum. 
Ki-di-ni  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ki-di-in  etc,  BE  XVII,  pt  i, 
s.  of  Bel-iddina,  gs.  or  descend,  of  Nabu- 
zer-iddina;    ''erib    bit   '^Lagamal,    Msi.; 
VS  I,  35,  2,  6, 21, 32.  —  KB  IV,  p.  94 f. 
Ki-di-ni-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ki-din-e-a  BE  XIV) 

JADD  376,  7. 

JADD  112,3  (B.  C.  700). 

VS  V,  2, 2,  6,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  675).  —  KB 
IV,  p.  166. 
Kldln-Marduk  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Ki-din-'^AMAR.UD,  ^MIR.GAL,  Melish.: 

Lo.  loi  (90829),  II 11  (King,  BBS,  p.  21, 
pi.  XXV).  f^pahat  ^^ Ir-ri-e-a,  DEP  VI, 
p.  44, 9. 

2.  Ki-din-'^Mar-duk  (BE  XVII,  pt  1) 

s.  of  Sa-pi-ku\  ^rab  bam,  of  Bab-Sapi, 
JADD  891,  12. 

3.  Ki-din-[Marduk],  VR44,  28  b,  renders -5«r- 

KI-din-^Na-na-a  (Ba.) 

f.  of  Zeriia,  Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  III,  is. 
Ki-din-«NIN.IB  (Ba.) 

Melish.:  Lo.  103  (90827),  1, 30  (King,  BBS, 
p.  II,  pi,  VII.  KB  III,  pt  I,  p.  156).  mar 
Namri,  }akin  '^^Bagdada,  Merod.:  Susa 

16,  II,  6,  21. 

Ki-din-Sin  (Ba.) 

f.  of  Pir,  N§i.:  VS  I,  36,  IV,  a.  A,BA  mar 
su-ti-e  A.BA  Sarri,  K.  4349,  XII,  9  (CT 
XXIV,  46). 

Ki-din-Tuplias(^i5.iV^iV.iV.^*').  VS  1, 57,  H,  3. 

f.  of  A-tu-'-u,  Neb.  I:  Nippur,  V,  u. 
Ki-di-u-ni(?),  JADD  514,  R.  6. 

JADD  416,  R.4.  of  "'Se  La-ki-pi  (B.C.  710). 
*Ki.el-ra-nu  (Hit.) 

f.  o{  Bi-ha-a-a-tu,  oiHa-mat,  HABL  520,14. 

*Ki-ki-a    (probably   Mit,    see   Ungnad,   Dilbat, 

p.  13;  cf.  mar  Ki-ki-la,  Ki-ik-ki-ia-en-ni 

BE  XIV,  Bit-Ki-ki-e  BE  IX),  ancient  ruler 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


of  Asshur,  ancestor  of  AHr-rfm-niSeiu, 
KAHI  I,  61, 5.  MDOG  25,  p.  67. 

f.  of  '^Samsi. . . .,  K.  8805  (AJSL  18,  p.  i-jGi). 
*Ki-kil-la-a-nu  (cf  Kakkulanu) 
irri^u,  JADD  742,  R.  10. 

JADD  236, 1,  4. 
*Ki-kin-zu  (cf  Ki-rim  {kt/^)-zu) 

JADD  S25,  R.  ^o. 
*Ki-ik-ku-ll,  in  Hit.  inscription,  OLZ  IX  (1906), 

col.  632. 

JADD  59, 6,  slave  sold  (B.  C  681). 

JADD  27s,  R.  /o. 
Ki-i-ia-mas(an?)-si  (perhaps  abbrev.     "(Who   is) 
like  the  guardian  deityl"  (but  cf  the 
nexts  name),  K.  241,  XI,  u,  spec. 
^Kifamsi  (cf  the  foregoing  name) 

1.  Ki-lam-U,  JADD  146, 3. 

2.  Kil-lam-U,  JADD  462,  L.  E.  /  (B.  C.  679). 
*Ki-ll-gu-gu  (Hit,  cf  Ki-il-li-gu-ug  TNB) 

83-1-18,  169  =  HABL  1 148,  R.  5. 
*Ki-li-''Te-sup  (Hit) 

s,  oi Ka-li-Te^up,  king  of  "'''^Qurfe,  Tigl.  I: 
Ann.  II,  25  (KB  I,  p.  20),  also  called  Ir- 
ru{^up})-pi,  q.  v. 
^Killamsi,  see  KilamH. 
Kil-8i,  K.  1897. 
*Ki-luI-la  (Sum.) 

s.  of  Ur-ba-gas,  IV  R  35,  no.  2,  7  (VAB  I, 
p.  194),  time  of  Dungi. 

s.  of  \Sci\-niai-sarUri,  JADD  675,  R,  10. 
Ki-ma-ma  (abbrev.,  cf  Lu-ki-ma-ma) 

JADD  213,  R.  6  (B.C.  681).  586,  R.  7  (B.C. 
661  ?).  633,  R.  7.  ia  "Wa-sa-pi-na-a,  JADD 
152,  R..^  (B.C.  656?). 
f  of  KUR-nadin-ahu,  JADD  446,  R.  19. 
Kim-ta-ra-pa-as-tum,  VR44, 21b,  renders  Hammu- 

Kim-tum-kit-tum,  V  R  44,  22  b,  renders  Ammi-sa- 

Kl-mu-nu,  JADD  610,  e. 

Kina  (hypocor.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB,  p.  89) 
I.  Ki-na-a,  HABL  143,  2,  R.  3.  865,  5.  JADD 

No.   I. 

97,  R.  7  {Di}-na'd).  K.4745.  Shmk.  CT  X 
R.  [25].  ^nialaJiu,  HABL  167,  u. 
2.  Kin^)-na-[a\  HABL  559,  2. 

Kin-abija  (cf  Kin-abua) 

DU-AD-ia,  JADD  90, 3  (B.  C.  734). 

Kin-abua  (cf  Kin-abi-id) 

1.  DU-AD-u-a,  Epon.,  B.C. 795,  III  R.  1, 111,22; 

M  ^^  Tui-ha-an,  81-2-4,  187,17. 
f  of  Sinqi,  JADD  311,  L.  E.  2  (Ep.  S). 

2.  Kin-AD-u-a,  JADD  733, 3. 
Kin-ahu,  or  Km-usur  (cf  Ahi-kinu) 

DU-PAP,  ardu  ^a  ''abarakki,  JADD  244, 
R. /.?. 
Ki-na-nim  (cf  ATz-^^-z^?^  T-DLC,  ?Bi.  pi;?),  Capp. 

S,  1, 22. 
Kinanni-lstar  "Establish  me,  o  Ishtarl" 

DU-a-ni-XV,   ^ardu    la    ^abarakki    rabi, 
JADD  464,  R.  7.    irrilu,  JADD  742, 3,  7. 
^rab  kisir  mar  larri,  JADD  857,  III,  38. 
Ki-ne-a-a,  see  Kinuna-a-a. 
Ki-ni-i-li  (cf  OBa.  Ki-nam-t-li  RPN) 

JADD  6y6,  R.  s  (B.C.  711). 
Kin-pi-Samas  "True  is  the  mouth  (word)  of 
Ki-in-KA-'i  UD  f.  of  Ta-qi-H,  Neb.  I:  Nip- 
pur, V,  12. 
Kin-sarrani  "True  is  (or  Establish)  our  king" 

DU-LUGAL-ni,  VAS  I  91,  ^9. 
Kiniina(iir/.iV£')-a-a   (hypocor.,    cf   Raba-la-kl- 
nu-ni  BE  XIV,  Warad-'^ KinuniOLZ  1906, 
col.  203),  HABL  459, 3. 
Ki  -zer  (abbrev.) 

DU-KUL  HABL  1106,  17.  KK.  241,  XI,  26, 
spec.  1095.  7540.  VS  V,  2, 13  (B.  C.  675). 
mar  Amukkani ,  Tigl.  IV:  B  23  (II  R  67. 
KB  II,  p.  14).  King  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.J:  i), 
B.  C.  732—729,  Xivt,i]poc;,  Chron.  B,  I, 
18,  19, 21, 22.  Kinglist  A,  IV,  7. 
s.  of  Nabu-erel,  81-2-4,313. 

irriiuy  in  «  Asihi,  JADD  742, 20. 
KI-rl-bi-tu-Asur  "The  blessed  of  Ashur" 

JADD  265,  4. 
Ki-rib-tl-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Kiribtu) 

K.  241,  X  12  (spec). 
Kiribtu  (abbrev,  cf.  TNB) 

I.  Ki-rib-tu,  s.  of  Ni-me-du,  JADD  812,  L.E.3. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

2.  Ki-rib-tu,  HABL  1053, 7. 
s.  of  Da-bi-bi,  HABL  969,  7. 
*KI-rim(?kil)-zu  (cf.  Ki-kin{^)-su  JADD  242, 2. 


b,  oiKate,  king  of  Que,  B.C.  834,  Shalm.III: 
Ob.  139.  —  KB  I,  p.  144. 
Kir(Kil)-si,  K.  1897. 

1.  Ki-ir-ti-a-ra,  of  Larbusa,    Anp.:   Ann.  II, 

40, 59  (IR  20,  21).  —  KB  I,  pp.  ^6,  80. 

2.  Ki-ir-te-a-ra  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  5;',  var.  to  (i) 


^hazanu  M  "' I/-/u-ub-ri,   Senn.:    King  IV, 

62,  82,  86. 


JADD  616, 3, 7  (B.  C.  695). 
Ki8(i)-li-i,  JADD  899,  II,  10. 
Ki-i8(j,  ^)-p(<^)u,  JADD  869,  III  12. 
Kisu,  see  Qlsu. 
Ki-sir-^Adad  "Property  of  Adad" 

s.  of  Qa-nu-ni,  JADD  660, 11. 

1.  Ki-sir-AS-iur,  HABL  190,  2.  191,  2.  485, 4. 

578,  R.  7.  976, 2.  JADD  1,2  (B.  C.  730). 
23, 2  (Ep.  F).  48,  R.  6  (B.  C.  656).  49,  R-  ^ 
(B.  C.  656).  80, 2  (Ep.  a).  102, 6  (Ep.  I).  1 10  2, 
R.  5.  [571,  R.  A  619,  R.  9  (Ep.  S).  K.  764. 

7342.  * JADD  503,  R.  6.  f'bel  pa^ati 

Sa  "^ Dur-Sarriikin  HABL  989,  2.  ''rab 
ki-sir  JADD  151, 3,  R.6  (Ep.  Y).  325,  R.  7 

(Ep.  A).    361,  R.  9    (Ep.  F).    414,  12,  14,  2.3,24, 

R.  3, 25  (Ep.  A),  ^r^b  ki-sir  {3a)  muiir  puti 
la  mar-sarri  JADD  207,  6,  15  (Ep.  B).  211, 
R.  12  (Ep.  A).  235,  R.  9.  ^rab  ki-sir  sa 
mar-}arri]ADD62i,G,  9,  R.  ^^  (Ep.  F).  la 
"^ Hu-ba-ba-a-a  JADD  46, 3,  R.  2, 
s.  of  Ha-an-da-h,  Louvre,  AO  2221,  R.  a 
(B.  C.  656(.?);  OLZ  VI  (1903),  col.  199). 

2.  Ki-sir-'^ AS-lur,   Sm.  55,    R.  XI  u    (spec). 

K.  764,  8. 

3.  Ki-sir-^ Hi,  HABL  402, 6. 

JADD  208,  R.  IS  (B.  C.  668). 
s.  of  lUar-nasir,  JADD  237,  R.  a  (B.  C.  665). 

I.  Ki-sir-XV,  JADD  311,  R.  E.  .  (Ep.  S).  489, 

R.  2.  ''salliu  hinni  sa  rab  BI.LUL,  JADD 
330,  R.  7  (B.^C.  6^6). 
2.  Ki-sir-'^ XV,  Bu.  91-2-9,  218,  II  11  (WAF  II 
p.  21),  a  governor  in  Egypt,  at  the  time 
of  Esarh.  *Jf«  bu-li-su  JADD  1076,  II 1. 
KI-sir-Nabu2  (cf.  tNB) 

80-7-19,34.   masmasu]KY)T)  8^1,  s.  A. BA, 
JADD  207,  R.  E.  3  (Ep.  B). 
JADD  600,  R  .. 

s.  o{'^A-Hr-ni-ra-ri,pa-te-si  -^  A-Ur,  MDOG 
38  p.  33,  n. 
Ki-sl-i,  (.^  cf.  Ki-ii-h) 

f'a-ru-mu,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  135 f  (III  R  9). 
*KI-is-sl,  TA  341,  4, 7. 
Ki-siMu  "Property" 

JADD  882, 6. 

Hangu,  JADD  761,  1. 
Ki-la-a-a  (ci.  GAD  {Kitu)-ia-a,  HABL  1045, 3)- 

JADD  243,  R.  's  (B.  C.  688). 
Ki-ti-nu  (cf.  Qi-te-nu),  JADD  2, 3  (Ep.  A). 
Kit-ra-a  (hypocor.,  cf  names  as  Kitri-Istar,  Ph. 

«-inD)  JADD  589,  R.  9. 
Kit-ri-lstarC'XF)  "My  ally  is  Ishtar" 

K.  13023,  writer  to  king. 
Kit-tl-be  (cf.  Kut{}  Tar)-ti-be) 
''irriSu,  JADD  741, 37. 
Kitti-ilani  (abbrev.) 

1.  Kit-ti-ANP'-7ii  JADD  741,25.    ''hirsu  JADD 

326,  R.  18. 

2.  Kit-ti-ANP'  JADD  899, 3,  of  "^A-bi-la-te. 
Y:\\\\-\\%\x{DU-SLDI\  abbrev.,  cf  Nabu-zer-kitti- 

llHr),  K.  241,  XI,  27. 

''irrilu,  of  ^^Se  Ilu-sa-li-e,  JADD  742, 37. 
Ku-bu-bu  (cf.  Ku-j4b-bu-bu,  / Ku-bu-ub-tiV>Y.yjN) 
amil  bab  ekalli  Bit-Sin-seme    Neb.  I,  Nip- 
pur, V,  12. 
Kud(i%i)-da-a-nu  (cf  Ku-da-nu  BE  XV) 

irrihi,  JADD  742,  R.  5. 

JADD  573,  R  .0. 
Ku-du-ra-na  "The  cock"(?)  (cf  Ku-dn-ra-nu  BE 
XV,  TNB,  JKu-du-ra-ni-ta  P  1 16,  s) 
s.  of  En-lil....,  Lo.  103  (90827),  1, 21  (time 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


AdadSumiddin).  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  156. 
King,  BBS,  p.  10. 
*Kudur-Enlil  "Servant  of  Enlil" 

f.  Qi  Sagarakti-Suriai\  iarru,  king  of  Baby- 
lonia (Dyn.  C:26),  about  B.C.  1273 — 1265: 

1.  Ku-dur-'^En-lil,   King-list  II,  5:    b.  of  Ka- 

dalman-Harbe,  see  Schnabel,  MVG  XIII, 
p.  10.    BE  XIV,  117a,  9.    OBI  64. 

2 .  '^Ku-dur-'^En-lil,  lar  Babili,  BE  XI V,  1 1 8, 2, 34. 

3.  ^Ku-dur-ri-'^En-lil,  {Ur  Babili),  BE  XIV, 

117b.  119  — 124.  123a. 

4.  SA.DO-'^En-lil,  Nabd.:   Rm.  A,   III,  20,  31 

(V  R  64).  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  106. 
*Ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk  "Servant  of  Mabuk"  (El.) 

Prince  of  Emutbal,  in  western  Elam,  father 

of  Arad-Sin  and  Rim-Sin: 
s.oi  Si-im-ti-U-el-ka-ak, ad-da  *'*"*MAR,  TU, 

I  R  2,  no.  Ill  3  (CT  XXI,  33).  —  KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  92.    SAK,  p.  210, 
f.  ofArad-  Sin,  ad-da  Emutbala,  I R  5,  no.  XVI, 

1, 9,    IVR  35,  no.  6,  II,  10.    CT  I,  96-4-4, 

2,  19. 

f.  of  Rim-Sm,  see  SAK,  pp.  210 — 221. 
*Kudur-Nahundi  "Servant  of  Nakkhunte"  (cf 
Ku-tir{ti-h)-'^ Nah-hu-un-te  DEP II,  p.  1 17, 
Ku-te-ir-'^Na--hu-un-diT>^V  VI,  pi.  7,  etc.; 
abbrev.  >>  Kudurru,  q.  v.).  Name  of  two 
(or  three)  kings  of  Elam. 

1.  Ku-dur-na-an-hu-un-di,    about   B.  C.  2200, 

KK.  2631,   i,  12  (III  R. 3 8,  no.  i;  KB  II, 
p.  2o8f.).    2660,2  (IIIR  38,   no.  2,  60;    cf 
-      WiNCKLER,  AF  I,  p.  534ff.). 

2 .  [Ku]-dur-'^ Na-hu-un-di, '' e- [la-mu-u],  K. 4493 . 

3.  SA.DU-'^Na-hu-un-di,  sar  '""^Elamti,  Senn.: 

Tay.  IV,  80.  =  4, 

4.  SA.DU-^Na-hu-un-du  {^Kudurru,  Chron. 

B),    B.  C.  693-692,    ^'e-la-mu-u,   Senn.: 
Tay.  IV,  70  (I  R  40).  —  KB  II,  p.  102. 

s.  oi  Hi{})-ri-su-ru,  J^a-bir-a-a  OBI  149,  I,  21. 
Kudur(r)u  (abbrev.;  cf.  TNB) 

I.  Ku-dur-ru  HABL  140,  12.  276,  2,  447,  u. 
s.  of  E-gi-bi,  Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.  IV,  n. 
s.  of  Um-man-al-da-le  iarri  alik  pani  Ur- 
taki,   son  of  the  Elamite  king  Humba- 
baldas  II,  brother  of  Paru,  Abp.:IIIR  31, 
IV  82, 92.    K  2867,  21. 

No.   I. 

2.  Ku-du-ru  (K  4268)  KGAS  48,  L.  E.  .•». 

3.  Ku-dur  HABL  607,  s. 

4.  Ku-dur  ri,  BM.  38646,   II,  8  (King,  BliS, 

p.  94,  pi    i8f.). 
f.  of  Zeriia,  Lay.  53,  33. 
f,  of  Samai-lum-lihr,  gf.  oi Sin-ka\bti\-ilani, 

BM.  104404,  II,  3  (King,  BBS  p.  81,  pi.  11). 

5.  5^.Z>;7  82-5-22,   131.    83-1-18,   125,  811. 

HABL  258,  R.3:  i^  Bit  Amukkanna.  266, 
R.  11.  274, 2.  275,  2.  277, 2.  278, 3.  279, 2. 

296,    1.     451,   2.     469,    15.     518,    2.     754,    2,    27. 

755  1.  906, 9.  961, 10.  998,  R.  9. 10  (WSml. 
II   p.  23).    JADD  829,  2,  3    (B.  C.  672). 
K.   241,    XI    17    (spec).      1599    (WSml. 
II  p.  25).  5440a.  TRep.  277  E,  mar  Ba- 
ku-r  I  Chron.  B  IV  15  (c.  675  B.  C).  mdr 
sipriUABL62y,i.    ''lakin  "'"^Suhi  Anp. 
Ann.  Ill  17,  18  (I  R  23.  KB  I  p.  98).    lar 
'"'''Elamti,  king  of  Elam,  B.  C.  693—692, 
=  Kudur-Nahundi,  Chron.  B  III  9,  u,  15. 
^Urukaia,  HABL  11 06,  R.  s. 
s.  of  Mai-tuk-ku  CT  XXIV  50,  R.  9. 
s.  of  Naba-dumqi-ilani  HABL  627,  5. 
s.  of  Nabu-nasir  HABL  738, 4.  880,  15. 
s.  of  Samal-ibni  HABL  756, 1. 
f.  of  Nabu-him-ukln  HABL  469,  R.  12. 
Ku-gal-zu,  or  perhaps  Ku-ri-gal-zu,  HABL  345, 2. 
Ku-ku-a  (cf  OBa.    Ku-ku-u-a  RPN,  Ku-ku-u-ia 

T-D  LC),  Capp.  Ch.  10, 0. 
Kukulani,  Kukullanu,  see  Kakkullanu. 
Ku-ku-pi . . . . ,  Capp.  Ch.  7, 2. 
Ku-ld-ku-la,  Capp.  Ch.  2,  n. 
*Kul-ba-la-di  (abbrev.,  WSem.,   cf  Bamdi{-ilii), 
■f  Gabbi-ina-qdta,     Gabbi-ina-qata-Samal 
s.  of  Al-Nashu-milki,  JADB  2,  I,  17. 
Kulkula,  see  Kakkulanu. 
'«KU-la-8am-ma(?),  JADD  690, 2. 

d.  of  Bel-iddina  JADD  891,  e. 
Kulmakulma(?),  Capp.  Clerq  (Chantre,  Cappadoce, 

p.  95)- 
Kulu-lstar  (cf  OBa.  Ku-lu-um  RPN,  NBa.  Kui^)- 
lu-ii  TNB) 

1.  ^«-/«-V^F  JADD  81, 3;  82,  /  (Ep.  Q). 

2.  {Ku\-lu-''XV]hViD  352,  R.9  (Ep.  S). 
Ku-lu-ka JADD  92,  R.6. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Ku-lu-ma-a(?),  Capp.  Ch.  12,  R.  7. 

Ku-ma-a-a  "The-man  of  the  city  of  Kume" 

JADD  335,  B.  E.  1,  in  Nineveh,  (B.  C.  687). 
*Ku-ma-ni,  VS  I,  109, 7. 
Ku-um-ri-?-  (cf.  Pa.  bn'ilttD),!  Capp.  G,  1 1, 24,  cf 

KB  IV,  p.  54,  no.  VII. 
Ku-na-a  (hypocor.;  cf  TNB,  OBa.  JKu-na-a  RPN) 

HABL2i2,2.  815,11.  862,  R.  7.  JADD  862,2. 
Ku-na-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Ku-na-a) 

HABL  447,  15:  a  mahnaiu,  cf  JADD  851, 
1, 13.  K.  241,  IX, 32,  spec.  ''SAG. . .,  JADD 

805,  15. 

Kun-da-a-a     (cf     "'Kundi,    Bel-ku-un-di-ili-a-d), 

JADD  nz,  R.  7. 
"^Ku-un-da-as-pi   (cf  '^Kuhalpi,    Iran.    Vindaspa) 
"'Kumu-ha-a-a,    B.    C.  854,     Shalm.   Ill: 

Mon.  II,  83. 
*Ku-ni-e-a   (cf  Kuveaq(?),   Hommel,    Grundriss, 

p.  62),  messenger  from  Alasia  to  Egypt, 

TA  17, 22. 
'Ku-un-zu-ub-tum,  P  127,  s. 
*Kun-zu-na-nu,  see  Gun-zu-na-nu. 
Ku(?)-ra-ra-a..,  JADD  763,  u. 
*Kuras  (OPe.  Ktirui,  El.  Kura},  Bi.  On'lS),  Cyrus 

Kings  of  Anshan  and  Persia: 
I  Ku-ra-al,  s.  of  Si-is-pi-i^,  f  of  Ka-am-bu-zi- 

ia,  gf  of  Ku-ra-al ;  larru  rabu  iar  ^'An- 

}a-an,  Cyr.:  Cyl.  21  (VR  35.  KB  III,  pt.  2, 

p.  124). 
II  Cyrus,  king  of  Persia,  B.C.  559 — 529,  king 

of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  539—529,  s.  of  Cam- 


1.  Ku-ra-as,  Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39, 21.    lar  "'An- 

id-an,  Cyr.:  VR 35, 12  (KB III, pt.2,  p.  122). 
}ar  '""*An-za-an,  Nabd.:  Rm.  A,  1, 29  (V  R 
64.  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  98). 
s.  of  Kambuziia,  Cyr.:  Cyl.  27,  35.  banim 
Esagila  u  Ezida,  51-i-r,  181  (BA  II, 
p.  214);  —  gs.  of  KuraS,  descend,  of  Si}- 
pii\  }ar  kiHati  iarru  rabu  }.  dannu  iar 
Babili  s.  *""*Sumari  u  Akkadz  }.  kibrat 
irbittim,  Cyr.:  Cyl.  VR  35, 20  (KB  III,  pt.  2, 
p.  124). 

2.  Kti-rdS,   Sar  "'^*An-}a-an,  Nabd.:  Ann.  II, 

1,  2,  3;  III,  12, 15,  18,  19.  ^ar  *""*Parsu,  Nabd.: 
Ann.  II,  15. 
f  of  Kam-bu-zi-ia  Nabd.:  Ann.  Ill,  24. 

3.  Kur-ai,  iar  matati,  V  R  39, 55. 

4.  For  other  variants,  see  TNB,  p.  92. 
Kur-ba-an-a-a  "Native  of  the  city  of  Kurban" 

JADD  1 04 1,  R. 3.  Cf  Kur-bi-AN-a-a,  PSBA 
XXX  (1908),   p    III,  e;    112,  11;   cf  also 

Capp.  G,  12,  12. 
Kur-ban-lstar,  Capp.  G,  19, 5,  s. 
Kurbanu  (abbrev.;  cf  Na-ad-ba-nu) 

1.  Kur-ba-a-nu,  JADD  989,  3. 

2.  K2ir-ba-ni,  JADD  1141,  49, 51  (B.  C.  709). 

3.  Kur-ban-nu,  ^irriSu,  JADD  742,  R.  34. 
Kur-hu-ni-ii,  Cass,  tablet:  PSBA  1907,  Nov.  pi.  I. 
Ku-rl-e  (hypocor.,  cf  Ku-ri-i  BE  XIV,   Ku-ru- 

um  T-DLC) 
•mar  ekalli,  JADD  816,  6. 
^Kurigalzu  (Cass.,  VR  44,  23b  =  Ri-  -i-kal-U-i) 
Ku-ri-gal-zi\zu,  HABL  32,  R.  11,  le.  KK.  5638. 

9562.  Rm.  563.  Ku-gal-zu,  HABL  345, 2, 4, 
s.  of  Bel-enba,  VS  I,  35, 27  (KB  IV,  p.  96; 

time  Msi.).    Kings  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  C) 

1.  '^ Kur-e-gal-zu,  iar  Babili,  BE  XIV,  36,  12 

(=  I.  of  Nazim.). 

2.  Ku-ri-gal-zu,  OBI  37,  38.  40.  44,  etc.    ri-ia- 

um,  OBI  41  +  46,  8.  133,  4.  sakkanak 
'^En-lil  {lugal  ligga  lugal  Kengi  Urdu 
lugal  AN.  UB.DA-IV-ba),  I R  4,  XIV,  1,4; 
2,  1;  3,  3  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  154).  iar  Babili, 
BE  XIV,  .10,  1,  .59,  12,  1,  etc.  Nabd.:  Br. 
Cyl.  II,  32  (I  R  69.  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  84).  iar 
Ka-ru-du-m-ia-ds,OBl  4^.  SarkiUati  lar 
^^ Babili,  BM.  102  588, 3  (King,  BBS,  p.  5, 
pi.  2).  Ancestor  of  Marduk-apal-iddin  (I) 
mar  Meli-Sipak,  IV  R  38,  I,  25  (KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  162;  IV  p.  60.  We.,  Misc.,  p.  3ff. 
SCHNABEL,  Chronologie,  p.  9). 

s.  of  Burnaburias  (and  f  of  Nazimaruttas), 
DEP  II,  93,  I,  6,  18.  OBI  35.  36.  39.  133 
(cf  ZiMMERN,  ZA  XIII,  p.  304).  ZA  V, 
p.  418  (KB  III,  pi.  I,  p.  154).  Nazim.: 
Susa  2,  I,  3.  II,  28.  sihrti,  Synchron.  I,  is: 
contemp.  with  Enlil-nirari  of  Assyria. 

s.  of  '^Ka-da-dhman-liar-be,  BE  XIV,  39,  s. 

f  of  Burnab74rias  (contemp.  with  Ameno- 
phis  III),  TA  9,  19.  II,  R.  19,  20. 

f.  of  E-mid-a-na-Marduk,  BE  XIV,  10, 56. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


f.  of  Me-li-U-pak,  Be.  6378  =  We.,  Misc. 
no.  2;  gf.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin\  larru 
kai-}u-u,  Merod.  I:  VS,  I,  34, 20. 

f.  of  Nazi-Maruttai,  OBI  55.  58.  75+136, 5 
(cf  ZiMMERN,  ZA  XIV,  p.  302). 

3.  ''Ku-ri-gal-su 

s.  oi ^ Ka-ddhinan-har-be\  sarru  dannu  iar 
Babili,  Kurig.:  BM.  91036  (83-1-18,704), 
1, 4  (King,  BBS,  p.  3,  pi.  i.  ZA  II,  p.  309). 

f.  of  Nazi-Maruttal,  BE  XIV,  39, 9.  Chron.  P, 

II,  10 ;    III,  10,  12,  15,   18. 

4.  Kur-ri-gal-zu,     f.     of     Na-zi-ma-ru-ut-tas , 

OBI  56. 

5.  Ku-ur-gal-zu,    V  R  44,  23  a,  renders  Ri--i- 


s.  of  Bur-na-bur-ia-ai\  si-ih-ru,  Synchron. 
I,  16,  contemp.  withEnlil-nirari  of  Assyria, 
KUR-ilija,  see  Mati-ilaia. 
*Klir-ir-pa  (Hit.,  cf  An-hir-be) 

"'"^Ku-muh-a,  JADD  1076,  1, 3. 
"^Kurkame,  see  Saddakme. 
''KUR-la-mur,  81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  11,  spec. 
Kur-me-e,  see  Ahi-imme. 
KUR-nadin-ahu(^'i-/MP)"Kur  gives  a  brother" 

s.  of  Ki-ma-ma;  ''■nagiru,  JADD  446,  R.  ig 

(Ep.  Q). 
Ku(Z>«r,  r^r?)-ru-ku 

bel  qatati,  JADD  228,  R.  /, 
*Kur-za-a  (Ar.,  cf  itid) 

JADB  5,  111,16.  9,  IV,  17:  ''reu  sene,  in  "^Be- 

s.  of  Su-me-e-a,  DEP  VI,  p.  44,  u. 
Kusata  "Native  of  Kus"  (cf  Bi.  ^tr2) 

1.  Ku-sa-a-a,  JADD  2,  R.  7  (Ep.  A).  429,  15. 

^mukilapati  Sakin  mati,]ADD  815,  R.II,  p. 
^rakbu,  JADD  207,  R.  /o  (Ep.  B.). 
s.  of  Si--a-qa-ba,  JADB  i,  II,  41. 

2.  Ku-sa-ia-a,  VS  I,  86,^9,.?^.  89,^7.  OLZ  VIII, 

col.  132. 
Ku-sa-sa-a/'  (cf  Ku-si-si-i) 

VS  I,  84, 2s.  85, 2.  (Ep.  E). 
Ku-si-ni,  JADD  589,  s. 
Ku-si-si-i  (cf  Ku-sa-sa-a) 

JADD  230,  R.9 (B.C.684).  612, R./6 (B.C.686). 
Ku-sur-a-a(hypocor.,cf7irz^-j://r-^  BE  IX,TNBp.93) 

JADD  605,  L.  E.  /. 

No.   I. 

Kusurani  {KA  T-a-ni;  abbrev.,  cf  Nabu-,  Sin-ku- 
Sm.  255,  XI,  13,  spec, 

s.  of  Huluqqa,  CT  II  21,  24,31. 
*Ku-U8-ta-a8-pi    (Iran.    Vihaspa,    OPe.    Gultasp, 
'^CTCcOijrric;),  "^ Kuimnuha-a-a,  B,  C.  740, 
Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  86,  153;  B,  46,  57  (II  R  67. 
IIIR9.  KB  II,  pp.  18-21,30). 
Ku(?)-8u-a-ku,  K.  241,  VIII,  37,  spec. 
Ku-ta-a-a  "Man  of  Cutah"  (cf  fKuta--i-tum 
s.  of  Sidi,  HABL  502,  s. 
Ku-ti-i  (or   Tukulti}) 

K...,   JADD   342,    R.  ^.    ^A.BA,   HABL 
^11,  R.  2. 
*Ku-za-a  (cf  Na.  xtid) 

^i«  sa-ga-fe-su{}),  HABL  167,  17. 
Kuzub-lstar  {HI.LI-^XV) 

JADD  902, 7. 
Ku-uz-zu-pa-ak,  K.  1 1 490,  g  =  KGAS  60. 


}ar   "^la-di-,   Esarh.:   A,  III,  40;    B,  IV,  26 
(IR46.  IIIR15.  KB  II,  pp.  132.  148).  iar 
^BE.ZU,  HABL  839,  R.  9. 
*La-a-a-te-ilu,  see  Lditi-ilu. 

HABL  1032, 1, 2, 6, 10,  14. 

1.  La-ab-a-ia,  TA  245,  25,  43;  f  of  Mutbaiu, 

TA  25s,  15. 

2.  La-ab-a-id,   TA  237,  2.  244,  11,  17,  29,  38,  41. 

246,  6.  249,  17.  250,  6,  11,  14,  16,  26,  36,  89,  40,  54. 
252,  3.  253,  2.  254,  2.  263,34.280,30,33.  287,30. 
289,  6,  22. 

3.  Lab-ba-ia,  TA  32,  1,  4,  10:  Lab-ba-ia-an. 

4.  La-ab-a-an  (ace),  MDOG  35,  p.  19**. 
La-ba-na-da     "Lab  a    (or    Laban?)     is    lofty" 

Capp.  G,  12, 2. 
La-ba-a-ni   (cf  La-ba-ni-    BE  X,   La-ba-ni-ia  = 
Ar.  docket  iDnb,  OTSSp.301,  BEIXp.62), 
JADD  674, 7  =  1101. 
La-bar-sum (i/6^)-su  (abbrev.) 

s.  of  Ap-pa-a,  HABL  331,  R.  1. 
La-ba"Si(-i)  (probably  =  La-bah) 

''rab  kari,  Epon.,  B.  C.  654(r),  III  R  i,  VI,  29. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

JADD  646,  R.  39  =  647.  TRep.  1 36  B,  R.  9. 
264,  L.  E.  1.    La-ba-si-i,  HABL  929,  2. 
La-basi  (abbrev.;  Ar.  docket  t!±>  BEX;  cf.  TNB) 

1.  La-ba-U,    ''Da-ra-ta-a-a,     HABL     222,    1 

(VR53,  no.  I), 
f.  of  Zer-ukin,  HABL  472,  R.  6. 

2.  La-ba-lu 

s.  oiRa-hl,  h-iqqu^a  '^GAL,Sdsg:.  St. IV,  10. 
—  KB  IV,  p.  162. 

s.  of  If-sal-li,  Sarg.:  St.  II,  20. 
La-a-ba-si-ilu  "Does  the  god  not  exist?" 

f.  of  Nabn-aheriba,  TRep.  241,  R.  5. 
La-basi-Marduk  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  La-a-ba-U-'^AMAR.  UD,  king  of  Babylonia, 

B.  C.  556,  s.  of  Nergal-lar-usur,  Nabd.: 
St.  IV,  27, 37. 

2.  La-ba-H-'^AMAR.  UD 

s.  oi  Da-bi-bi\  ^latam  Esagila,   Merod.  II: 

Bl.  St.  V,  8.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  192. 

^irrilu,  JADD  742,  15. 
La-bi-ga-a-a,  JADD  325,  R.  14  (Ep.  A). 
La-bi-rum  (abbrev.),  K.  241,  XF,  32,  spec. 
La-ab-sa-rl-e,  JADD  359,  R.  /^  (B.  C.  680). 
La-da-gil-ilu  "The  god  does  not  deal  falsely" 

(f  cf.  >}r  89, 34;  abbrev.:  Da-gil-ilu  TNB) 
mar    Arbdiii,    IV  R   61,  71a.      f^NI.SUR, 

JADD   775,  4.     [La-]da-gll-ilu,    ''ailaku 

JADD  619, 6  (Ep.  S). 

f  of  A}ur-rabi,  Capp.  P,  23. 
*La-du-qi-i,  JADD  175,3,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  676). 
aa-ha....  JADD  295, 1. 
aa-haL...  JADD  556,5. 
la-hi-8-ilu,  JADB  14,4. 
La-hi-ra-a-a,  JADD  447,  R.  7  (B.  C.  683). 
La-la-\ . . .,  JADD  718,5. 
Lafale,  see  La-a-a-li-e. 
La  iti-ilu  (cf  Nusku-la-it-ilani  BE  XV) 

1.  La-a-a-te-AN,  ''bel plhaH  "^A-me-di,]AT)T> 

942,  R.  7. 

2.  La--i-ti-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  13,  spec. 

3.  La-i-ti-AN,  JADD  572,  R.  4. 

4.  La-it-ti-AN,  irrihi,  JADB  2,  R.  VII,  2. 
L  a-ki-bi-im  (identical  with  Laqipu,  q.  v.) 

s.  of  Ir-tim,  Capp.  T-D  239,  is. 

La-ki-e (cf.  OBa.  ^ La-kl-tum,  T>\\h3±)  "The  weak 

s.  of  Hal-la-al-la,  HABL  520,  15. 
'Lal-a-al-tu(?),  81-2-4,  255,  VIII,  n,  spec. 
La-li-be-i  (cf.  Na-ni-be-im),  Capp.  Ch.  1 5, 4. 
La-ll-im  (abbrev.,  cf  OBa.    La-{a-)luni,  La-li-im 

RPN,  ""A-ri-la-lum  BE  XV  Capp.  S.  1,21. 

HABL  478,  R.  3,  soldier  of  Ummanaldasu. 
*Lalla  (cf.  AaXXa,  AaXat;  of  Asia  Minor),  king 

of  Melitene,  B.  C.  837;  ^'l"''"Melida-a-a, 

KB  I,  pp.  142,  170. 

1.  La-al-la,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  109. 

2.  La-li,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  11,83. 
La-mas-si-'»Papsukkal,  renders  ''KAN.UL-'IKAL. 

RA,  VR  44,23  d. 

JADD  72,  R.  5,  slave  pledged,  B.  C.  677. 
La-a-mas-si-bel    "My   protecting   deity   is  a 

lord"  JADD  149,3  (B.  C.  684). 
*La-nie-in-tu/tu  (Eg.,  cf. Steindorff,  BAI,  p.  353, 
Ranke,  Material,  p.  30),  iar  "'Hi-jim-ni, 
Abp.  A,  III  R  17,  I  109;  Ann.  VR  i,  1 107. 

JADD  365,  R.  4  (B.  C.  702). 
La-an-si-i  (=  La-an-h-e) 

K.  7556.  13  161. 
La-an*se-8  (cf.  La-an-si-i\  Mtnu-la-an-li)  HABL, 
848,  2.  849,  2.  850,  2.   851,  2.   KK.  5450b. 
5559.  9187.  13 169. 
f.  of  [Mardu]k-ibni,  K.  8683. 

mar   Tu-bu-si,  of  "'"'Nirdun 

1.  La-ap-fu-ru,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  13  (var.). 

2.  La-ap-iu-ri,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  13, 98, 102  (IR  20.22). 

3.  Lap-tu-ri,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  98  (var.),  102  (var.), 

Ill,  no  (I  R  22.  26);  Kurkh  Mon.,  R.  15, 20 
(III  R  6). 
Laqipu  (cf.  BE  IX,  X.  TNB);  see  also  Ld-ki-bi-im 

1.  La-qi-pu  JADD  160,  R.3  (Ep.G).   163,  R.  >o 

(Ep.  O).  Epon.  B.  C.  760,  Canon  A,  IV  9; 
[id]  "'Kdl-zi,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  187,  R.  ic. 
''muttrpfiti]KDT>  857,  II 45.  '' zammanii^) 
JADD  847,  R.  2.      ''irrihi,  JADD  742, 

R.  27. 

2.  La-qi-pi,  JADD  11,  3  (B.  C.  ^'jG).  650,  R.  c. 

3.  La-ki-pu,  JADD  425,  R.  2^.  743,  R.  e.  -*/;'- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names, 


riiu,  JADD  742,  R.  27.    '^ia  iepa,  JADD 
604,  R.  /. 
s.  of  Ahe^u,  JADD  880  I  12. 

^rakbu    TAG.GA   {ntahisu   la   tiarkabti}), 

JADD  435,  L.  E.  .. 
Larak-zer-ibni    "The   (god   of  the)    city   of 

Larak  has  created  seed" 
La-rak-KUL-KAK,  mar  Atrattal,  Nku.: 

London,  102,  I  12.  —  KB  IV,  p.  82. 
La-ri-i(?),  Mz§.:  VS  I  35,40.  —  KB  IV,  p.  96. 
'La-ri-in-dii  (NBa.;   cf  lurifidu  "grape")  83-1- 18, 

1846,  R.  IV,  8,  spec. 
La-ta-dar-ilu  "Don't  be  angry,    o    godl"   (or 

abbrev.r)  K.  241,  XII  is  (spec.) 
'La-te-'....,  JADD  215, 5  (B.  C.  682). 
La-tegi(-rt;/«)-lstar  "Don't  sin  againstlshtar!" 
..    I.  La-te-gi-a-7ia-XV,  JADD  105,  R.  /. 

2.  La-te-gi-riS-XV,]hDV>  iii,^. 

3.  La-te-ga-TIS-'^XV,    ^lallu    hinni,    "^AUu- 

raia,  JADD  50,  6. 

4.  La-te-gl-XV,  JADD  63,  R.  10  (Ep.  V). 
La-tubas-ana-lli,  see  La-tubalan7ii-ilu. 
La-tu-ba-sa-an-ni-Adad  *  "Put  me  not  to  shame, 

o  Adad!"  JADD  260,  R.  11. 
La-tubasanni-ilu    "Put   me   not    to    shame,   o 

1.  La-tu-ba-sa-a-ni-AN,  JADD   135,  2   (B.  C. 

685).  243,  R.  17  (B.  C.  688). 

2.  La-tu-ba-Sa-ni-AN,  JADD  90,  2,  slave  pled- 

ged (B.  C.  734).  852,  II  16.  ^isparu  sa  bit 
f^sukkalli  (B.  C.  734),  JADD  415,  R.  10. 

3.  La-tu-VR-anaiS)-AN,  JADD  100,  R.  4  (B.  C. 


4.  La-tu-UR-ni-AN,  JADD  74,  R.  6  (B.  C.  680). 

5.  La-UR-a-ni-AN,  JADD   134,  3  (B.  C.  686). 

6.  La-UR-?ii-AN,  JADD  162,  R.  /  (B.  C.  693). 

^A.BA,  JADD  120,  R.  /  (B.  C.  693). 

7.  NU-UR-an-ni-AN,  K.  241,  X  37  (spec). 
La-tu-ba-sa-a-ni-lstar  if XV)   "Put  me   not  to 

shame,    o    Ishtar!"  JADD  243,    R.   16 
(B.  C.  688). 

JADD  173,2  (Ep.  G.). 

HABL  454.  10. 

No.   I. 

Liblut  "May  he  livel"  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  Lib-lut,  JADD  519, 3.  K.  241,  X  17  (spec). 

2.  Lib-lu-tu,  ZA  II,  p.  173,  1. 1. 
Lib-na-a,  K.  882. 

Liburna,  see  Lubarna. 

Li-bur-za-nin-E-kur  "May  the  restorer  of  Ekur 

be  strong" 
''laqu,  Melis.:  Lo.  loi,  II  e  (KB  IV  p.  58), 

Merod.  I:  16,  III  n. 
Li-dan-bel-matatI  {KUR.KOR)   "Child   of  the 

lord  of  the  lands" 

V  R  44,  25  =  *  U-lam-bur-ia-a-aL 
Li-dan-" En-lil  "Child  of  Enlif" 

V  R  44,  33  =  *  u-lam-ltar-be. 
Li-dan-Marduk^  "Child  of  Marduk" 

V  R  44,  24  =  Sim-bar-H-pak. 

K  241,  XII,  12  (spec). 
*Li-e-ia,  TA  162, 70. 
Lik-ki-me-e  or    Taiqi-mei^),   cf  the  next  name), 

JADD  97,  R.  6. 
<'Li-ki-im-ma-a-a,  Sarg.  St.  IV,  12.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 
Li-Ii-i(?)  (cf  OBa.  Li-il-luiin)  Dilbat,  Li-bim  BA 
VI,  3,  p.  80,  li^  "stultus"),  HABL  630, 3. 
Li-lu-si-im,  Capp.  G,  9,  s. 

Lim-ra-as-lib-bi-ili    "May    the    heart    of    the 
god  have  compassion"(.f') 
K.  241,  XII,  16,  spec. 
Lfmur-lstar,  see  Etnur-Utar. 
Limur-Marduk,  see  Emur-Marduk. 
Limutti-aku  see  Sinintti-adur. 
Ll-nu-u . . . . ,  JADD  429,  13. 

s.  of  ''KUD-dan-nu,  HABL  964,  u. 
Lip-hur-ilU;  var.  to  Nap-har-ilu  q.  v.  ''■ia-ktn  '""*Kir- 

ru-ri,  Epon.  B.  C.  729,  JADD  195,  R.  3. 

^JADD  606,  K.s. 
Liplt-lstar  {'^  Li-bi-ii-BL  8862)  "Work  of  Ishtar" 
King  of  Isin,  IR  5,  no.  XVIII,  1  =  CTXXI 
18.  19, 1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  86,b;  SAK, 
p.  204. 

f.  of  Talpuru,  JADD  469,  19. 

JADD  163,  R.<f  (Ep.O). 



Knot  Tallqvist. 

Li-pu-su  (abbrev.,  cf,  Lidbubu-li-pu-lu) 

JADD  741, 16.  899,  II 14.  K.  241,  XII  u  (spec). 
Li-qi-pu  (=  Laqipti) 

JADD  175,  R.  :2  (B.  C.  6je).  498,  R.  4.  633, 
R.  3.  ^rab  kisir  {sa  hya),  JADD  235,  R.  //. 
308,  R.  <?.  309,  R.  2.  318,  R.  7. 
*LI(?)-sap,  TA  42, 23. 
Li-sur-sa-la-Asur  ^ 

Tigl.  I:  Hunt.  Ill,  u  (AKA  I,  p.  135.  HIR 
4,  u:  -HA.LA-). 
Ll-'-ti-ru-U  (hypocor.  cf.?  OBa.  Li-te-rum,  Anuin- 

li-te-ir  Dilbat)  JADD  436,  10. 

JADD  324,  L.  E.  3  (B.  C  692). 
Lu-ahua  (abbrev.,  cf,  Mannu-lu-ahaa) 

Lu-u-SES-u-a,  ^"'Bit-ha-a-sa-a-a,  (8 1-2-4, 59) 
HABL  1093, 6. 

''rabu   of  Ariwana,   in  Abina,  Boghazkoi, 
OLZXIII  (1 910),  col.  292. 
Lu-balat  "May  he  live!"  {d.  Bel-ln-balat,  ^ Lu- 

1.  Lu-u-ba-lat,    JADD    73,    R.  o  =  74,    R.  6 

(B.  C.  680). 

2.  Lu-u-bal-at,  JADD  269, 1, 5,  7  (B.  C.  681) 

3.  Lu-u-TI.LA,  JADD  623,  s,  10,  R.  s,  R.E.  j. 

4.  Lu-  TI,  ^lanu,  JADD  426, 7,  R.  5. 

5.  Zw-  TT.LA,  ^su-sa-nu  ti-ri-e,]ADD  852, III  1. 
'Lu-bal-ta-at  "May  she  live!" 

JADD  471, 11,  slave  sold. 

1.  Li-bur-na,  An^:.  Ann.  Ill  134  (IR26);  Li.Vs; 

90868,  R.  12  (AKA  i  p.  185). 

2.  Lu-bar-na,  An^.:  Ann.  Ill  71, 72, 78,  si  (IR25); 

Alt,  2P,  30, 37. 

3.  Lu-bar-ni,   beliunu,   Shalm.    Ill:    Ob.    148 

(B.  C.  832).  -  KB  I,  p.  146. 

JADD  425,  u,  R.  2,. 

JADD  912,  8,  slave. 
*au-da-ki-e  (=  Aao6iKr]),  wi.  of  Siltiku  II,  ZA  VII, 

p.  331. 
Lu-dd-ri  (abbrev.,  cf.  Lu-dar-be-li  BE  XIV,  Sarru- 
lu-dari,  etc.) 
JADD  1077,  1 22,  time  of  Sargon  II. 

Lu-di-mu/me,  see  Lu-lulmu. 
Lu-du-u  (cf.  Lu-tu-ii) 

HABL  128,9.  1008, 7. 
Lu-ha-'-il  (cf.  Ha-il-ilu) 

"  HABL  527,  1. 
Lu-uh-ra-hi (?)■§!( G^^Z,)-su,    Capp.   Ch.    2,  /^,    cf, 

ScHEiL,  ibid.,  p.  96. 
Lu-ki-ma-ma  (cf,  Ki-ma-md) 

JADD  440,  1  (B.  C,  692).    Servant  of  ^rab 

SE.  GAR,  JADD  464,  R,  s. 

Lulabbir-sarrussu  i^Lu-lab-bir-MAN-us-sti)  "May 

his  royalty  grow  old!" 

s,  of  Marduk-sar-usur,  JADD  414,  1,  R.  14. 

*Luli  (Ph.  <  '<yb%  'EXouXaioc;  Jos.  Ant.  IX  14,2 

1.  Lu-li-i,   lar  "^Si-du-un-ni,    Senn,:  Const.  13 

(I  R  43);  King  II 59;  Kui.  I  is  (III  R  12); 
Tay.  II  35  (I  R  38).  -  KB  II  pp.  90, 

2,  Lu-ul-li-i,      mar     la-ma-ma-ni,      upstart, 

Tigl.  IV:  II R  67, 65. 

s.  oi Ka-a?i-ka-nu,  in  "'Janata ,  JADB  i,  II 20. 

HABL  840,  R.  8. 
*Lu-pa-ak-ku  (Hit.(.?)),  TA  170, 15. 
*Luqu  (cf,  Ar.  docket  ?npb,  Stevenson,  Con- 
tracts, no.  7;  cf  TA  108,  17.  109,  40). 

1.  Lu-u-qu,  JADD  4, 2  (B.  C.  644).  678,  3. 

2.  Lu-qii,  JADD  267,  R.  /^.  311,  R.  E.  3.  348  4. 

438,  R.  3.  899,  II  7,  in  "'Nunibar.  929,  u. 
''rab  kisir  ia  ^""'-sarri  (B.  C.  659),  JADD 

233. 7,  R-  2. 

amei  iirqi  (B.  C.  660),  JADD  444,  12. 
Lu^i-ana-nur-Marduk  "May  it  (=  the  child)  come 

forth  into  the  light,  Marduk!"  {UD. 

DU-a-na-LAH-'^AMAR.UD),  Melis,:  Lo., 

loi,  II  7  (KB  IV  p.  58). 
\ms\{UD.DA)A\w....,  Lo.  103,  1 26. 

1.  Lu-ia-kin,  JADD  80, 4,  probably  father  of 

Susu.   190, 3,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  668).    335, 
L.  E.  /  (B.  C.  687).  1 102, 8. 
s.    of  Mannii-ki-Asur,    VS  I,   95,  1,  7,  u 
(Ep.  A), 

2.  Lu-sa-kin 

s.  of  Ad-U-e-kv^  JADD  331,  1, 9  (B.  C.  671). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Lu-sulmu  (cf.  Mannu-lu-iulmu) 

1.  Lu-DI-mu,  }a  "^Su-pi-te,  JADD  ^"jt,  e. 

2.  Lti-Dl-me,  JADD  yj,  R.  3.  290,  9.  386,  5. 
Lu-te-[e]  (cf.  Lu-tu-u) 

JADD  339, 5.    ^ha-za-nu,  JADD  169,  1. 
Lu-TI,  see  Ln-balat 
*Lu-ti-lp-ri  (Khald.) 

f.  of  Sarduri,  Lehmann-Haupt,   Materia- 
lien,  no.  45 — 47. 
*Lu-tu-u  (cf.  Lu-du-u),  HABL  645,  s. 

"'"* Ma-da-hl-ir-a-a,   B.  C  830,  Shalm.  Ill: 
Ob.  163.  —  KB  I,  p.  146. 
Mah-dl-e  (cf  .?Bi.  i-^i^ia) 

HABL  987,  2.  Epon.  B.  C.  725,  of  Nineveh, 

IIIR   I,    IV,  44. 

'•Ma-hir-ah-iddin(/M/'-^5)  "Makhir  has  given 

a  brother",  83-1- 18,  695,  XII,  19,  spsc. 
Ma-hir-lq-bi  "Makhir  has  announced" 

JADD  374,  R.  13.  624,  R.  7  (B.  C.  687). 
*'Mah(.?)-Ia-ra  JADD  294, 2  (B.  C.  700). 
*Mah-si-ia-a-u  (He.,  cf.  Bi.  n^ton^,  rT'onu  APO) 

JADD  30,  R  3  (B.  C.  687). 
Ma-hu-ur-i-li  (cf.  Bi.  T^HTD) 

limu,  Capp.  E,  2,  7. 

Capp.  T-D,  240,  2s. 
*Maia  (Eg.,  or  Hit.) 

1.  Ma-a-ia,  TA  62,26.  292,33.   ''rabisula^arri, 

TA    337,  25,  2.\ 

2.  Ma-ia,  ''■rabis  sarri,  TA  216,  13.  217,  le.  22. 

218,  14.    300,  26.    328,  14. 

*Ma-ia(wa)-ar-za-na  (possibly  Iran.,    cf.  Meyer, 
KZ  42,  p.  18) 

amel  ^^Ha-si^',  TA  185,3. 
Ma.(ak-)ka-a  (NBa.) 

83-1- 1 8,  1866,  R.  Ill,  i3f,  spec. 

s.  of  Idin-htar,  Capp.  Ch.,  19,  g. 
'. . . .  ma-la-ki,  81-2-4,  255,  VIII 15,  spec. 
Mal-ga-?...,  JADD  165,2  (Ep.  Q). 
*IVIa-ll-e-za-2i  (cf.  Meli-zaza) 

JADD  493,  //. 
*Ma-lik-tu  (cf  Na.  nD^b^,  Johns,  ADD,  III  p.  453) 

^tamkaru  (B.  C.  659),  JADD  233,  R.  ,4. 

JADD  265,  R.  ,o. 

No.   I. 


HABL  749,  R.  8,  10. 

'""'Lu-uk-sa-a-a,    Shams.   V:    Ann.    Ill,  54 
*IVIa-me-i  (cf  MdiJ.a,  Majiac;,  MdiJ-piric;  etc.  of  Asia 
^rab  kisir  (B.  C.679),  JADD  1 50,  R.  s  (cf  III, 
p.  241).  602,  R.  7. 
*Mamit(r)arsu  (Med.) 

1.  Ma-mi-ti-ar-Su,    J^azdnu    la     ^Ma-da-a-a, 

Sm.  2005,  2,  4. 

2.  Ma-mit-ar-lu,  Sm.  2005,  7;  KGAS  no.  2. 
*Manahbi(r)ia  (Eg.  Mn-hpr-Re,  Ranke,  Material, 

p.  12) 

1 .  Ma-na-ah-bi-ia,  iar  '""^Musri,  Thutmosis  III, 

TA  51,  4;   cf.  Knudtzon,  EA,   p.  41  f., 
Weber,  p.  ii25f 

2.  Ma-na-ah-bi-ir-ia,  TA  59,  8. 
IVIa(?)-na-id(.?)-i-sa,  Capp.  Ch.  2, 13. 

*IVIa-na-ni  (abbrev.,  cf  Nahth-7na-na-ni,  Ar.  '^aS'a, 

JADD  209,  R.  //. 
*IVIa-na-pa-Tesup  (Hit),  MDOG  35,  p.  19. 
*IVIane  (Eg.) 

mar  Upri  of  Amenophis  III: 

1.  Ma-ni-e,   TA   19,  17,  21.    20,  u  etc.    21,  24. 

26,  15.    27,  7,   £7.    28,  17.    29,  70,  151,  167. 

2.  Ma-ni-e-na-an,  TA  Mit.  II,  13;  IV,  35. 

3.  Ma-ni-en-na-a-an,  ibid.  II,  7;  IV,  52. 

4.  Ma-ni-e-ta^  ibid.  I,  ei;  II,  19. 

5.  Ma-ni-en-na-ma-{a-)an,  ibid.  II,  57,  96,  105,  117, 

121;  IV,  54,  57. 

6.  Ma-ni-en,  ibid.  I,  67,  79;  IV,  55. 

7.  Ma-ni-el,  ibid.  II,  16,  112;  IV,  20,  21. 

8.  Ma-ni-e-el-la-a-an,  ibid.  IV,  26. 

9.  Ma-ni-e-ra-dl-HQ),  ibid.  II,  126. 

10.  Ma-ni-ehld-a-an,  ibid.  IV,  27. 

TA    162,  72. 


sar     ^'Uk-ki    {^"""^Da-a-a-e),    Senn.:     King, 

IV,  39,  52;   Kui.  I,  42,  45  (III  R  12);   Tay. 

IV,  2, 12. 

Ma-ni-ni(?)  (cf  OBa.  ATa-ni-mi-um  Dilbat),  JADD 

929,  2. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

Ma-an-ki-i  (abbrev.) 

^nappati  siparri  (B.  C,  712),  JADD  5,  R.  5 
(III  R  47,  no.  10). 
IVIan-ki-ahe(/'^P>'0"Who  is  like  the  brothers" 

(cf.  Manmi-ka\ki-ahe),  JADD  1070,  3. 
Man-ki-i-Asur2  "  W  h  o  i  s  1  i  k  e  A  s  h  u  r  ? "  (cf.  Mannu- 

ki{ma)-Aiur),  JADD  1041,  R.  12. 
Man-kl-Harran(«^ir^5)  "Who  is  like  Harran?" 
|cf.  Mannu-kl-Harraii),  JADD  854,  R.  in. 
Man-ki-si-'  "Who  is  like  Si'.?" 

JADB  6,  VII,  4,  of  «'i^  Adad-bidi. 
Man-ki-(l-)sarri  "Who  is  like  the  king?"   (cf. 
Mannu-ki-'^arri),  JADD  1041,  R.  10.  ''rab 
MU.  GI,  B.  C  661,  JADD  999,  III,  e. 

''lalhi  mar  ^arj-i,  HABL  140,  12. 
Man-ni-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  Ma-att-ni-ia  RPN) 
JADD  425,  16.  PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  1 11,7; 
112,  12  (B.C.  681). 
Mannu-Adad,  abbrev.  from  Mamiu-ki-Adad,  (\.y. 
Man-nu-ahe  (abbrev.,  cf  Man{nu)-ki-ahe) 

Hahu-ta-ri  (B.  C  672),  JADD  178,  R.  o. 
Man-nu-a-ki-ahe  "Who  is  like  the  brothers.?" 

(cf  Man-kl-ahe),  JADD  772,6  =  861. 
Man-nu-a-ki-Arbail(/F-^A^)   "Who   is  like  Ar- 
bela.?"  (cf  Maimu-ki-{ind)-Arbair) 
JADD  113,  R.^  (B.C.  680). 
Man-nu-a-ki-Assur(5J.6^/?60  "Who  is  like  (the 
god    of   the    city    of)    Ashur?"    (cf. 
Sni.  1546. 
IVIan-nu-a-kl-Asur2  "Who  is  like  Ashur?"   (cf 
bel  pihati  sd  "'Su-sa-mi,  JADD  904,  1, 4. 
Man-nu-a-ki-ili-a-a  "Who  is  like  my  god"  (or 
'"mutlr  puti,  JADD  168,  R.5. 
IVIan-nu-Arbaha(/F-//«)  "Who  is  like  (the  god 
ofj  Arbakha?" 
'^A.BA  la  '-'Arbaha,  JADD  468,  R.  //  (B.  C. 

Epon.,  B.  C.  866,  IIIR  i,  1,44. 

sar  Ma-gan'"',  contemp.  with  Naram-Sin, 
Chron.  KS  R.  4. 


^iagn,  JADD  641,  3  (Ep.  C). 
Man-nu-gi-ir-Adad^    "Who    is    adversary    of 

A  dad.?",  BE  XVII,  pt.  i. 
*Man-nu-ia-di-'  (WSem.) 

s.  oi  Ha ,  h-e'n,  JADB  2,  III,  15. 

Nlan-nu-ia-a-rl  (cf  la-ri-i) 

f  "of  Sal-la-a,  JADD  880,  I,  15. 
Man-nu-:q-bi  (cf  Maji-nu-i-qa-bu  BE  X) 

JADD  1 1,  R. .  (B.C.  676).  K.241,  X  26  (spec.) 

Man-nu-i-ri ,  K.  7492. 

IVIan-nu-isassi(/ir./4.Z>^)  "Who  cries.?" 

^iaBu  la  mar  larri,  JADD  425,  R.  13. 
Man-nu-ka-abi  "Who  is  like  the  father?"   (cf. 

Maymu-kl-abi)  VS  I  90,  23. 
Man-nu-ka-ahe  "Who  is  like  the  brothers?" 

''hazami  la  "'Tu-7ir-sa-?ta,  B.  C.682,  JADD 

363,  R.9. 
Man-nu-ka-sarri  "Who  is  like  the  king?"  (cf. 

f  of  E-ri-su,  JADB  5,  II  10. 
Man-nu-kl-i....,  JADD  18,  ?.  332,  R.e  (B.  C.  670). 

378,  11.    527,  R.  3.  660,  11.   799,  3.   814,  7. 

841,2.  845,6. 
Mannu-ki-abi  "Who  is  like  the  father?"  (cf 


1.  Man-nu-ki-i-AD,  JADD  714,  3. 

* JADD  502,  R.  2  (B.  C.  676).  ^ha-sa- 

nu,  JADD  425,  R.po.  lak?w,  of  Ma- 
ganuba  (time  of  Adadnirari  IV),  JADD 

809,    2»,    83. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-AD,    ^rab    ki-sir,    JADD   414, 

R.  28.    1 04 1,  3.     ^ra-ka-sii  Id   ''rab   saqi, 
B.  C.  676,  JADD  330,  R.  /5. 
Mannu-ki-Adad  "Who  islikeAdad?"(cf  Tf/^wz/w- 
Adad,  Matinu-kima-Adad-rabti) 

1.  Man-nn-ki-'^IM,  HABL  304,1.  902,  2.  904,  2. 

905,  2.  JADD  7 1, 5.  173, 3(Ep.G.)2io,R. //, 
of  "^Hi-ra-na  (Ep.  W).  438,  1.  K.  7360. 
Epon.  B.  C.  773,  III  R  I,  III  44.  Epon.  B.  C. 
683,  of  ^'Su-pi-te,  Canon  C,  IV,  u;  III  R  i, 
V,  41;  JADD  51,  R.  2.  122,  R.  2.  123,  R.i. 
273,  R.  E.  1. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-i-U,  Epon. B.  C.  683,  JADD  1098, 

III,  9. 

3.  Man-nu-ki-i-'^U,  JADD  (£,  R.  9  (B.  C.  693). 

4.  Man-nu-ki-''  U,  ^atu,  JADD  6 1 8,  R.  w  (Ep.  T). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


5.  Man-nu-ki-U,  HABL  903,  2.  J  ADD  741,  le. 

852,  II  4.  K.  1071.  Epon.  B.  C.  683,  of 
'-^Su-pi-te,  III  R  I,  V  41:  JADD  47,  R.  4. 
155,  R.  3.  447,  R.  15,  la  "^Su-pi-te,  23'^  year 
of  Sennacherib.  697,  R.  E.  1. 

6.  Man-nu-'^U{^hhx&v),  Epon. B.C. 683,  JADD 

703,  R.  4. 
Mannu-ki-ahe  "Who  is  like  the  brothers.?"  (cf. 
Mannu-kajkijna-ahe,  Man-ki-a}ie) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-PAPP^,    JADD    251,  2,    slave 

sold.  502,  R.  /  (B.  C.  e-jS), 

2.  Man-nu-ki-PAPP\  Abp.:  B  VI  71  (III  R  33). 

JADD  64,  R.  /o  (B.  C.  672).  277,  R.  ^  (B.  C. 
681).  324,  8,  in  Nineveh  (B.  C.  692).  328, 1.  s 
(B.  C.  698).  [333,  R.  2]  (B.  C  648?).  425,  3. 
586,  R.^  (B.  C.  661).  852,  II  13.  899,  III  19, 
in  ""^Tdk-ku.  K.  241,  X  4  (spec),  ^la-kin 
hal-zu  Sindr,  as  Epon.  H,  JADD  50,  R.  10. 
^laknui^iti),  JADD  857,  II  35.  ''ra-ka-su, 
B.  C.  6^6,  JADD  330,  R.  jo. 
Mannu-kl-ahi  "Who  is  like  the  brother.?" 
(cf.  Manmi-klma-ahi) 

1.  Man-mi-ki-i-PAP,  JADD  291,  R.  <?.    ^'sanfi 

Ninua,  B.  C.  665(.?),  JADD  35, 1. 

2.  Man-mi-ki-PAP,  K.  3790, 1, 5  (B.  C.  680).  4306. 

—  KB  IV  p.  122. 
^Man-nu-kMAI-la-a  "Who   is   like  Alia?"   Wife 

oi^rab  sage  B.  C.669,  JADD  310,  7,  R.i. 
Mannu-ki-Arbail   "Wh^    is   like   Arbela?"   (cf 

Mannu-aki\kima-Arbail,       Ar.       docket 

blii^'Wa,  Stevenson,  Contracts,  no.  16. 
\.  Man-mi-ki-l-"^IV.AN,]AT>B  8,3  (B.C. 673). 

''rab  ki-sir  (B.  C.  680),  JADD  360,  7,  is. 

2.  Man-nn-ki-i-IV.AN,  JADD  38,  5  (Ep.  D). 

39,  4  (Ep.  D).  359,  9  (B.  C.  680).  477-  R-  7- 

3.  Man-nu-ki-i-IV.AN''',]hXyD  17,  R--?  (B.C. 

687).  ^r«/^(5?^  JADD  425,1  (prob.B.C.664). 

4.  Man-nu-ki-'-nV.AN,  HABL  936,  2.    JADD 

[43,  4]  (B.  C.  687).  208,1,4,  7,  12,  b.  oiBili- 
kntu  (B.  C.  668).  330,  a  (B.  C.  e^G).  406,  R.  7. 
hpur-kul,  HABL  531,  R.  13.  ^rakbu, 
(B.C.  663.?),  JADD  470,8. 
s.  O^Aki-ia-u,  slave  sold,  B.C.  700,  JADD 
176,  4. 

5.  Man-nu-ki-IV.AN,  JADD  40,  3  (B.  C.  e-jS). 

100,  2  (B.  C.  687).  167,  4  (B.  C.675).  364,8 
(.\C.679).  493,  R.  3.  590,  R.*.  602,7.624,1 

No.  I. 

(B.  C.  687).  7334.  f^mar  iipri  (B.  C.  679), 
JADD  83,  R.  r.  84,  R.^.  f^rakbu  la  lepa 
(Ep.  B),  JADD  207,  R.  iS.  ila  pani,  B.  C. 
667,  JADD  204,  R.  /. 
Mannu-ki-Assur  "Who  is  like  the  city  of 

1.  Majt-nu-ki-'""*A^-lur,  HABL  638, 12.  JADD 

102, 3,  R.  2  (Ep.  I).  Epon.  B.  C.  794,  III  R  i, 
III  23;  JADD  1077,  VIII 10. 

2.  Ma-nu-ki-i-AS-lur,  Id    ^^Gu-za-na,  Epon. 

B.  C.  794,  81-2-4,  187,  18. 

3.  Man-nu-ki-i-"^sA.URU,  ]ADT>  268,  R.  o. 

4.  Man-nu-ki-^^^A.URU,  HABL  [211,1]. 

5.  Man-nu-ki-SA.URU,  HABL  845,  2.  JADD 

385,  R.  ,6.  hA.BA,  B.C.  670,  JADD  625, 
R. /.. 

6.  Man-nu-ki-SA.UR,    JADD    103,    R.  E.  ^ 

(B.  C.  669). 
IVIannu-ki-Asur"Who  is  likeAshur?"(cf.J/«««a- 
kima-Asur,  Man-kl-Alur) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-AS-Iur,  ]ADT)  ^2>^,LCi.    ^mukil 

apate  la  mar  larri,  B.  C.  660,  JADD  444, 
R. /f.  445,  R.  9.  ^mutir  puti,  HABL  306,2. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-AS-lui%]K\yDT,'^.  /  (B.C.648?). 

42,  4  (B.  C.  670).  275,  R.  /..  ^...  JADD 
202,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  670).  ''abarakku,  JADD 
1040,  3.  ''  mukil  apati  {la  mar  sarri), 
JADD  418,  R.  n.  857,  R.  38.  860,  I  2b. 
''mutir  ptiti,  HABL  306,  12.  JADD  840, 
II  9.  865,  1.   la  lepa,  B.  C.  664(?),  JADD 

4,    R.  r. 

f  of  Lu-la-kln,  VS  I  95, 2. 
Mannu-ki-Asur-ll'  "Who  is  like  Ashur  wise.?" 
(or:  "mighty") 

1.  Man-fiu-ki-i-AS-lur-ZU,^z\^\V .^  (B.C. 661). 

Epon  B.C.  709,  of  Tile,  JADD  234,  R.u. 
351,  R.  5(?).  IIIR  I,  V  15  (var.).  SAV5071 
(12'^  year  of  Sargon). 

2.  Man-nu-ki-AS-lur-ZU,  Epon.  B.  C.  709,  of 

Tile,  Canon  A,  V,  15;  B,  VI,  2;  III  R  i, 
V  15.  K.  5280.  IIIR 2,  no.  9,  14  (13'*'  year 
of  Sargon);  ''lakin  ^'Til-e,  JADD  1 141,  68 
(I2th  year  of  Sargon;  cf.  OLZ  VI,  193 ff). 

3.  Man-nu-ki-'^HI-ZU,  Epon. B.C. 709, Canon D, 

IV,  10. 

4.  Man-nu-ki-'^AS-[lur-It]     Epon.   B.  C.  709, 

K.  2688  (i3"»  year  of  Sargon). 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Mannu-ki-Babili    "Who    is  like   (the  god   of; 
Man-mi-ki-KA .  DINGIR-RA^' 
s.  of  Nadu-iallim,  Abp.  K.  4515. 
Mannu-ki-Harran   "Who  is  like  (the  god  of) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-"'KAS,  ^raki>u,] ADD  420,  R.  4 

(B.  C.  670). 

2.  Man-nii-ki-  ^'KAS,  JADD 1 90,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  668). 

433,  R.  12.  '^rakbu,  JADD  185,  R.  9  (B.  C. 
6^.  421,  R.  //  (B.  C.  670).  470,  R.  33 
(B.  C.  66z}). 

3.  Man-nu-ki-KAS,  [^rakbu],  JADD  193,  R.  4 

(Ep.  Y). 
Man-nu-kHa-li'(Z?^)     "Who     is     like     Ya(?) 

mighty?"    (cf.    sub    Mannu-aki-ili-a-a) 

^irrilu,  in  "^A-si-hi,  JADD  742, 82. 
Man-nu-kl-id....,  JADD  912,  R.  1. 
Mannu-ki-ili  "Who  is  like  the  god?"  (cf.  OBa. 

Ma-an-nu-um-ki-ma-t-li-ia  RPN) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-AN,  JADD  85,  1. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-AN,] ADD 44,  R.E.  /  (B.C. 670?). 

166,  R.  E.  /  (Ep.  S).  325,  R.  17  (Ep.  A). 
^rea,  JADB  4,  IV  10. 
f.  of  Ma-ti--ilu,  VS  I  87, 6. 
Mannu-ki-ili-rabii  (or  Mantiu-ki-^ GAL) 

Man-nu-ki-AN-GAL,  K.  241,  XII  3  (spec). 

ianu  }a  sukkalle,  B.  C.  683,  JADD  47,  4. 

Mannu-kI-l8tar"WhoislikeIshtar?"(cf  jl/<z«;/«- 

kima-ntar,  and  the  next  name) 

Man-nu-ki{i-)XV,  JADD  120,  B.  E.  /  (B.C. 

693).    ^irrilu,  in   "^Se  Ilu-sa-U-e,  JADD 

742, 35. 

Mannu-ki-lstar-li'"Who  is  like Ishtar mighty?" 

1.  Man-tiu-ki-'^XV-ZU,]KDDZT,  R.  j  (Ep.W). 

594,  R.  g.  782,  12  (B.  C.  661).  ^ialsu  Ijinni, 
B.  C.  684,  JADD  230,  R..?. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-XV-ZU,  82-5-22,  122.  JADD  88, 

R.  6  (Ep.  W).  ''■rab  ki-sir  of  Queen, 
B.  C.  686,  JADD  612,  R.  3.  Ha  lepa, 
JADD  857,  III  38. 

Man-nu-kima . . . . ,  JADD  532, 3. 

MannU'kima-Adad-rabu    "Who    is    like    Adad 
great?"  (cf.  Mannu-kl-Adad,  OBa.   Ma- 
an-nu-wn-ki-ma-'^ IM,  T-D  LC) 
Man-nu-KIM-U-GAL,    JADD     218,     R.   / 
(B.  C.  687). 

Mannu-kima-ahe  "Who  is  like  the  brothers?" 
(cf.  Man{iiu)-ki  ahe) 
Ma7i-nu-KIM-PAPPt,  JADD  475,  4,    (B.  C. 
Mannu-kima-ahi  "Who  is  like  the  brother?" 
(cf.  Mannu-ki-ahi) 
Man-nu- KIM-PAP,  K.43o6=HABL  1012, 


Mannu-kima-Arbail  "Who  is  like  Arbela?"  (cf 
Ma?i  nu-kl-Arbail) 
Man-nu-KIM-"'IV.AN,  ] ADD  150,  2  (B.  C. 
679).  491,  R.  8  (B.  C.  693). 
Mannu-kima-Asur   "Who   is   like  Ashur?"  (cf. 
Man-nu-KIM-AS-hir,  JADD  388,  R.  3. 
Mannu-kima-Enlil-hatin  "Who  is  like  Enlil  pro- 
Man-nu-ki-ma-'^ En-lil-lia-tin,    VR  44,  42 d, 
renders  A.BA-L-DA.Rl,  d.A.BA-L-DA. 
RA  K.  2757,  16  (KiNC,  Magic,  no.  35);  cf 
A.BA-'^L-DA.RI  BE  X,  71,  u. 
Mannu-kima-lstar   "Who   is   like   Ishtar?"   (cf. 
Man-7iu-KIM-XV,  JADD  603,  R.  s. 
Mannu-klma-§abe  "Who  is  like  the  warriors?" 
(cf.  Mannu-H-sabi) 
Man-nu-KIM-ZABP^,] ADD  212,  R.  ,4  (B.C. 
Mannu-ki-Nabu  "Who  is  likeNabu?"  (cf  OBa. 
Ma-an-nu-ki-ma-Nabium,  RPN) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-'^AK,  JADD  742,  10.  ^rab  ki-sir, 

JADD  361,  R.  14  (Ep.  F). 

2.  Man-nu-ki-'^ PA,  JADD  31,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  695). 

^rab  ki-sir  mar  iarri,  JADD  312,  R.  <?. 
Ha  iepa,  B.  C.  688,  JADD  400,  R.  rs. 
Mannu-ki-Ninib  "Who  is  like  Ninib?" 

Man-nu-ki-i-^MA$,  JADD  85, 4. 
Mannu-ki-Ninua  "Who  is  like  Nineveh?" 

1.  Man-?iu-ki-i-"^Ni-7iu-a,  HABL  128, 1. 

2.  Man-ttu-ki-i-aiNINA,  HABL  126, 2.  JADD 

471, 18. 

3.  Man-nu-ki-"'Ni-nu-a,  HABL  129,  1.  JADD 

310,  R. /d  (B.  C.  669). 

4.  Man-nu-ki-"iNINA,UA'Ql.i27,  2.  JADD 67, 

R.  8  (B.  C.  748).  125,  K.s  (B.  C.687).  209, 
R.  12.  471,  B.  E.  1. 

5.  Man-nu-ki-"^NINAk' ,  K.  7534. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


6.  Man-nu-ki-NINA,]hT>Ti  12,  R. E. /  (B. C.660). 

292,  1,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  707. 

7.  Man-7iu-ki~NINA^\  J  ADD   122,  2  =  123,  3 

(B.  C.  682).  246,  g;  292,  1,  slave  sold,  B.  C. 

s.  of  Emur-Istar,  of  "^^Bit-Hu-ra-bi-i,  JADD 
160,  B.  E.  3  (Ep.  G). 

8.  Man-nu-ki-Ni-mi-a,  JADD  590,  R.  7.  844, 2. 
Mannu-ki-nise  "Who  is  like  the  people?" 

Mafi-mi-ki-Um^,  JADD  675,  R.  15. 
Mannu-ki-Nusku  "Who  is  like  Nusku?" 

Man-nu-ki-i-^PA.KU,^  A.BA,  JADD  500, 
R.  ^. 
Ma-nu-ki-ra . . . . ,  HABL  925,  n. 
Mannu-kl-sabe  "Who  is  like  the  warriors?" 
(cf  Mannu-kima-sabe) 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-ZABP\]KDV> 99, R.^ (B.C. 670). 

2.  Man-nu-ki-ZABf\  JADD  377,  R.  s  (B.  C.  664). 

K.  241,  XII  6  (spec).   Prince  in  "^Ab-da- 
da-ni,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  54. 
Mannu-ki-sabi  "Who  is  like  the  warrior?" 

1 .  Man-nu-ki-i-ZAB,  JADD  39 1 ,  R.  p/  (B.  C.  7 1 7), 

KB  IV  p.  108:  Mannu-kz-i-lim, 

2.  Man^nu-ki-ZAB,]KDY)6l,^,^,  B.E.2(Ep.V). 

923,  1. 
Mannu-ki-sarri    "Who   is   like   the  king?"  (cf. 

1.  Man-nu-ki-i-LUGAL,  JADD  [91 1, 11].  Epon. 

B.  C.  665(?),  JADD  237,  R.  E.  1. 

2.  Man-nu-ki-LUGAL,   ^muM  apati,  JADD 

857.  IV  1. 

3.  'Man-mi-ki-MAN,]KDTi  202,  R.  s  (B.  C.  670). 

899,  11,9.  Epon.  B.  C.  665(.?),  JADD  35, 
R.  4.  128,  R.  5,  ^aq  ^arri.  ^....,  JADD 
860,  III  2.  ''la....,  JADD  860,  III  8. 

'Mannu-ki-ummi  "Who  is  like  the  mother?" 
^ Man-nu-ki-DAMAL,  JADD  619,  12,  devi- 
sed (Ep.  S).  VS  I  92,  5. 


1.  Man-nu-li-im-me,]hDY^2^'j ,  R. //  (B.C. 670). 

[374,  1]  (B.  C.  686-5). 

2.  Man-fm-li-e-me,  ^ma-sar,  JADB  20, 1  e. 
Mannu-lu-ahua  (cf.  Man-nu-lu-ha-a  BE  X) 

Man-nu-lu-ti-PAP-u-a,  JADD  476,  R.  b.  742, 

R.  16.    Cf.  OLZ  VI,  col.  194. 


Man-nu-lu-ZI,  ^irriiu,  JADD  811,8. 
No.  I. 

Mannu-lu-sulmu  (cf.NBa.  Man-nu-l{i-iii-lumBE\X) 

1.  Man-nU'lu-u-DI-mu,  JADD  259,  R.  j. 

2.  Man-nti-lu-DI-mu,  JADD  166,  R.  7  (Ep.  S). 

f.  of  Ha-pu-pu  DEP  VI,  p.  52. 

^ar  Ma-ga-la-ni,  Esarh.  B  IV  20  (IIIR  15, 

KB  II  p.  146);  80-7-19,  15, 20. 

'''Ma-an-ti-nie-an-hi-e  (Eg.,  see  Steindorff,  BA  I 

p.  354f,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  30) 

lar  "'Ni-,  king  of  Thebes,  Abp.:  A,  III  R  17, 

I  111;  Ann.  VR  I,  I  109.  —  KB  II,  p.  162. 

IIIIa-nu-ki-a-sur"Who  is  like  Ashur?"  Capp.  R2, 

R.  2, 5. 
Ma-nu-um-ba-lim-a-sir,  "Who  (can  exist)  with- 
out Ashir?"  Capp.  G  16,  4. 
Ma-num-ki-A-sur  "Who  is  like  Ashur?"  Capp. 

G  23, 9(?). 
Ma-num-ki-i-e-nl-a  "Who  is  like  my  lord?" 

s.  of  I-i'ar-ha-ri-im,  Capp.  Ch.  i,  8. 

Epon.  B.  C.  684,  governor  of  Kullania: 

1.  Man-nu-zi-ir-ni-e,  IIIR  i,  V  40. 

2.  Man-za-ar-ni-e,  JADD  230,  R.  17. 

3.  Man-za-dr-ni-e,  JADD  19,  11,  [20,  R.  2]. 

4.  Ma-an-za{-s\c)-7ti-e,  JADD  149,  R.  2. 

5.  Man-zir-ni-ni(}),  Canon  C,  IV,  13. 

6.  Man-zir-ni-e,  JADD  1098,  III,  8. 

7.  Ma-za-ar-ni-e,  JADD   142,  R.  2.  IIIR2,  5p, 

''Sa-kin  '''Kul-ia-ni-a  (12'*'  year  of  Senna- 
Manzazaia(?G^/56^^Z-«-rt),  VS  I  99,  »• 
Manzaz-Asur-sabat  Qohns,  ADD  III,  p.  128  Qata- 
GISGAL-AS-Mr-LU,     s.     of    Utar-duri, 
JADD  80,3. 

s.  of  Zib-di-i,  B.  C.  682,  JADD  215,  R.  9. 
f  IVIa-qar(?^^r)-tu  (cf  "^Ma-gar-tum  TNB  p.  98) 

si.  of  Zerutu,  JADD  891,  17. 
*War-bi-'-di(Ar.),  JADD  720,  *. 
Mar-da .... 

f  of  Alur-ndid,  JADD  191,  1. 

hTUR-E-SESP'-SE-na,  mar  sarri,  Nku.: 
Lo.  102  (90835),  IV  44.  —  KB  IV  p.  90. 
King,  BBS,  pi.  LXXV,  p.  68. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

••  Mar-biti-sa-li-ti 

s.  oi  Meli-Hala,  Nku.:  Lo.  102  (90835),  IV  45. 

—  KB  IV  p.  90.  King,  BBS,  pi.  LXXV, 
p.  68. 

«« mx-W\'ly\X(^-\\ixi\{rMU-KAK) 

s.  of  Ardi-Sibitti,  gs.  of  Abi-rat-tal,  Nku.: 

Lo.    102    (90835)    I  19,  25,  [35];    III  is;    IV  15, 

18,  19,  28,  32. 

Mardi  (=  Mardn) 

1.  Mar-di-i,  HABL  916, 1.     JADD  383,  R.  s 

(B.  C.  674.)  507,  4.  K.  241,  XI  18  (spec). 
ardu  sa  ^del plhati  of  Barhalsu,  B.  C.  683, 
JADD  447,  2.  amel  urqi,  JADD  235,  3. 
''rab  ki-sir,  JADD  857,  IV  13.  ^langn 
M  '^KUR.KOR.HA,  JADD  255,  R.  9. 
^'lagu,  HABL  841,  7.  Cf.  Bit-^'Mar-du-u, 
mare  Mar-du-u,  HABL  1 79,  *,  10. 

2.  Mar-di-,  JADD  447,  10,  van  to  (i). 


HABL  1 109,  R.  7,  12. 
Mar-du-u  (=  Mardt\  cf.  Pa.  nitt,  iiap8ou),  HABL 

179,  4.   JADD  [80,  R.  4].    ''rab  ki-sir  }a 

lepa,  JADD  235,  R.  io. 
Mar-du-u-a  (hypocor.),   JADD  256,  R.  9  (B.  C 

Marduk(u)  (abbrev.,  cf.  TiiTa  =  Marduk-rlmayini 

CIS  I  68,    Marduka,    and   Mar-tu-kujki 

BE  XIV,  XV) 

1.  Mar-duk,  HABL  345,  1.  804,  2.  805, 1.  806,  1. 

807,  2.  809, 2.    JADD  II,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  676). 

119,  4  (B.  C.  680).   340, 12  (Ep.  Z.)   775,  6. 

K.  241,  X 18  (spec),   ''bel  narkabti,  JADD 

857,  III  43.  '^kalu,  JADD  851,  III  6. 
s.  of  Bau-eres,  f.  of  '^Harrati-ladn,  JADD 

889,  13  =  HABL  877. 
s.  of  Ka-nik-babi,  Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.  IV  26, 41. 

—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  190. 

s.  of  Sin-tabni,  Sarg.  St.  II,  12  (KB  IV,  p.  160). 

2.  Mar-du-ku,  s.  of  Nur-Papsukkal,  Nsi.:  VS  I, 

36,  III,  .9. 
Marduka  (hypocor.,  cf.  Marduku\  Mar-duk-a  = 
m^l^-a  BE  X,  121) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-a,  JADD  888, 3. 

2.  Mar-duk-a,  HABL  286,  4.   K.  5380. 
Marduk-ab-sallim  "O  Marduk,  keep  the  father 

safel"  {^SU-AD-DT) 
f.  of  Nabh-lt,  Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  V,  4. 

Marduk ^-ab-usur    "O    Marduk,    protect    the 
JADD  104,  4  (B.  C.  669). 

1.  dAx\rAR.UD-SES^'-SU,  king  of  Babylonia 

(dyn.  D),  about  B.  C.  1064— 1063;  sarru, 
OBI  149,  I,  14,  cf.  no.  2. 

2.  '^^^^-/M/'-6'i/,JADD277,i(B.C.68i).  King 

of  Babylonia  (cf.  no.  i),  King-list  A,  111,2, 
but  see  Schnabel,  MVG  XIII,  p.  59. 

Marduk-^-ah-ibni  "Marduk  has  created  a  bro- 
rab  kisir,  JADD  344,  R.  s- 

Marduk-apal-iddin  "Marduk  has  given  a  son" 
(inOT  iisba  !|-|'-ia  and  lisiba  ?I"Xna,  LXX 
Mapco6aK  Ba>.a8av,  Canon  of  Ptolemy 
Map6oKev;rd8ou,  etc.) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-A-MU,  HABL  348,2. 

2.  ''AMAR.UD-A-SE-na,  K.  8379,  writer  to 


3.  ^AMAR.  UD-  TUR.  US-SE-na,  K.  8379. 
Kings  of  Babylonia: 

I.  Merodach-baladan  I  (dyn.  C),  about 
B.C.  1189— 1 177,  s.  of Meli-Shipak,  des- 
cend, of  Kurigalzu: 

1.  '^AMAR.  UD-A-SE-na,  iar  Babili,   I  R  5, 

no.  XVII,  4. 

2.  '^AMARMD-TUR.US-SE-na;    "ardu     of 

Meli-Shipak,  Mel.  Susa3,  1,39;  11,4.  iarru, 
Merod.  I:  Susa  14,1,14.  16,11,14,29,34.  iar 
kiUati,  Merod.  I:  DEP  VI,  p.  42, 23. 
s.  of  Meli-Sipak,  lar  kiUati,  Nazim.:  Susa  2, 
Med.  2, 1, 2;  descend,  of  Kurigalzu,  Merod.  I: 
VS.  I,  34,  10.  sar  kirsati  lar  Sumeri  u 
Akkadi,  Merod.  I:  IV  R  38,'  I,  20;  II,  is 
(KB  IV,  p.  60—62). 

3.  ^SU-A-MU,  King-list  A,  II,  is. 

II.  Merodach-baladan  II,  king  of  the  Sea- 
land,  king  of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  721—710 
and  703— 702,  Merodach-baladan  ofOT: 

1.  ^AMAR.UD-A-AS,    HABL    158,  22.    222, 

L.  E.  1,  R.  IS  (V  R  53, 37,  41  a).   503,  R.  21. 
1024,  1.  Sarg.  Ann.  228  (40,  11). 
f.    of  Nabu-sa-lim,    gf.    of  Aplaia,    Abp.: 
B,  VI,  58  (III  R  33). 

2.  '^AMAR.  UD-A-MU,  Chron.  B,  1, 32, 33.  II,  1, 

2, 3, 4, 20.  CT  XIV,  50, 75.    HABL  527, 16. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


KK.  1159.  5434a.  Rm.  2,  495.  iar  Babili, 
Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  IV,  49;  V,  17,  63.  lar 
Babili  rubu  muntalku  lar  Sumeri  u  Ak- 
kadi,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  I,  43,  ilitti  Eriba- 
Marduk,  II,  43. 

3.  ^AMAR.UD-A-SE-na,  Abp.:  Ann.  VII,  17: 

gi.oi Nabu-bel-sumaie;  B,VII,g6  (IIIR  34), 
C,  VII,  8?.  79-7-8,  312.  Sm.  740.  7nar 
lakini  iar  Tamfim,  Tigl.  IV:  B,  sg  (II  R  67. 
KB  II,  p.  14).  Sarg.  Ann.  228,  271,  315,  mar 
lakini  iar  """^Kaldi.  Senn.:  Ill  R  4, 44 :  iar 
^"^ Karduniai . 

s.  o{  [Naba-zer-kitti-liHr],  K.  2671,  7  (ZAII, 
p.  299,  pi.  I). 

f.  o{Naba-}um-i}kun,Senn:Ba.w.s7  (IIIR  14). 

4.  ^AMAR.  UD-  TUR.  US-MU,  Chron.  B,  1, 30. 

HABL  30,  R.  5.  521,  11.  942,  13.  1095,  R.4. 
K.  4670,  8,  12  (WSml.  I,  p.  57).   81-2-4,  76. 
^arru,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  Ill,  31. 
f.  of  Nabu-u-Sal-lim,  HABL  11 14,  10. 

5.  ''AMAR.  UD-  TUR. US-SE-na,  HABL  542,10, 

R. 5.  1029,13.  1030,5.  1095,8.  KK.  5550,  13. 
5594,5.  6109.  8403.  13080.  79-7-8,  257. 
Sarg.  Ann.  245.  Senn.  Co.  27  (IR  43);  King 
III,  94;   Kui.  I,  35  (IIIR  12);  Tay.  Ill,  51. 

V,  34  (I  R  37.  41).  mar  lakini  }ar  '""^Kaldi, 
Sarg.:  Khors.  121  (KB  II,  p.  68).  sarru, 
HABL  1005,4.  sar  Babili,  Merod.  II: 
B!.  St.  1, 25  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  184).  K.  3787. 
iar  Babili  ^akkanak  "'"'Su-meri  u  Ak- 
kadt,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  I,  ss.  iar  *"'^^Kaldi, 
Sarg.:  Bull  30.  Senn.  81-7-27,3.  ^ar^'^^Kar- 
duniai,  Sarg.:  Ann.  239.  Senn.:  Bell,  e;  Co.  e; 
King.  1, 23;  Kui.  1, 4;  Tay.  1, 19  (KB  II,  p. 39). 

f.  of  Nabn-sum-iikun,  Chron,  K^,  R.  3(?). 
VS  I,  'J'J,  R. iG.  Senn.:  Co. 50  (IR  43);  Tay. 

VI,  7  (IR42). 

f  of  Nabu-u-sal-lim,  HABL  1131,  5. 

6.  '^ RID- A- As,  Sarg.:  Ann.  27 1  (Abel  20,  s). 

7.  '^RID-A-SE-na,  Sarg.:    Khors.  125  (KB  II, 

p.  68). 

8.  '^SU-A-AS,]A'DD  910,  R.  13,  in  Dar-Iakm. 

Abp.:  A,  IIIR  23,  VII,  51;  IIIR 36,  V,  30, 
gf.  of  Nabn-bel-iumati. 
f.  of  Nabu-ser-kitd-liiir  and  Ndid-Marduk, 
Esarh.:  A,  11,32  (IR45). 

9.  ''SU-A-MU,  King-list  A,  IV,  10,  u. 

No.  I. 

10.  '^^U-A-SE-na,  gf.  of  Nabu-bel-iumati,  Abp.: 
A,  IIIR  23,  VII,  4.-5. 
Marduk'-apal-u?ur  "O  Marduk,   protect  the 


"""^Su-ka-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  Epigr.  IV.  — 
KB  I,  p.  150. 
Mardukate  (hypocor.) 

Mar-duk-a-te,  AO222  i,R.9(0LZ  VI,col.  I99f.; 
B.C. 656?).  f^A.BA,  JADD  259,  R.  a. 
Marduk-balatsu-iqbi  "Marduk  has  announced 
his  "life"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1 .  '^AMAR-  UD-ba-laf-su-iq-bi,  V  R  44,  sd,  ren- 

ders   '^LIB.ZU-AB-TI.LA-NE-EN-KA. 

2.  '^AMAR.UD-TI-su-iq-bi,  Shams.  V:   Ann. 

IV,  37  (I  R  3 1.  KB  I,  p.  1 86),  king  of  Baby- 
lonia, of  no.  3. 

3.  ''AMAR.  UD-  TIN-su-iq-bi,  HABL  571,  R.13. 

King  of  Babylonia  (dyn.  H:  7),  contemp. 
with  Shamsi-Adad  V   of  Assyria;    lar 
"'"^Karduniai,      Synchron.     Sm.     2106, 
R.  [6,  8].  Chron.  K^,  R.  [&]. 
s.  of  Adad-etir,  B.  M.  90834,  4.   —  King, 

BBS,  pi.  XCII.   KB  IV  p.  98. 
s.  of  Arad-Ea,  ''be I  pihati,  B.  C.  852,  Nai.: 
V  R  61,  VI,  25  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180). 
Marduk '-bal-llt  "O  Marduk,  keep  alivel" 

f.  of  Nana-alik-pani,  JADD  387,  2. 
Marduk i-ban-ahe(A'.^ii'-/M/'/0"Marduk  is  crea- 
tor   of  brothers"  K.  241,  V,  24,  spec. 
Marduk 2.ban-ahl(A'^A'-P./4/^,  JADD  388,  R.  4. 
Marduk^-ba-ni  "Marduk  is  creator" 

81-2-4,  408. 
\fiZX^w\.{^ASAR.  MUL .  ^/) 

f.  oi  Mu-h-sib....,  K.  9288. 
^diTA\xV^-\ilr[-ilv{KAK-KUL)  "Marduk  is  crea- 
tor of  seed"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
JADD  892,  R.  2. 
Marduk i-bel-da-a-nl  "Marduk  is  the  lord  of 

K.  3747(?). 
Marduk-bel-usate   "Marduk  is  a  helper"  (cf. 
Marduk-bel-usatim,  TNB) 
Competing  king  of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  852— 
851,  b.  of  Marduk-zakir-lum 
i.'^AMAR.UD-EN-ii-sa-a-te,    afiu    dupussu, 
Shalm.  Ill:  Ob.  74,  so.  —   KB  I,   p  134. 
larru  IM.  GI,  Synchr.  Ill  as  ,83  (IIR  65,51,66). 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

2.  '^AMAR.  UD-EN-ii-sa-te,  Shalm.  Ill :  Bal.IVi; 
V  I,  3;  Co.  78,  80,  81;  Lay.  76,16.  Ob.  78. 
—  KB  I,  p.  138.  ^arru  ha-ma-u,  Shalm.: 
Bal.  IV  4. 
Marduk-bel-usur  "O  Marduk,  protect  the 
lordl"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-EN-PAP,  ^sallu  hinni.]KDT> 


2.  '^RID-EN'PAP,  of  Amid,  Epon.  B.  C.  726, 

IIIR  I,  IV  43. 

3.  ''SU-EN-PAP,  JADD    348,  2,  [5].    382,   10 

(B.  C.  716). 
Marduk-bel-u-seC?) . . . .,  Chron.  K',  R.  5,  cf.  Marduk- 

Marduk-daian  "Marduk  is  a  judge"  (for  OBa. 
texts,  see  RPN) 
'^RID-DI.KUD,  HABL  1171,2. 
Marduk-dan  "Marduk  judges" 

'SU-dan-an,  JADD  73,  6  (B.  C.  680). 
Marduk-dananni  "Marduk  is  our  judger"(?) 

'^  RID-dan-an-ni,  JADD  120,/  (B.  C.  693). 
Marduk-dur  (abbrev.) 

'^ASAR.MUL.HI'BAD,  ^irriiu,]  ADD  742. 

R.  27. 

Mardukea  (hypocor.) 

dAMAR.UD-e-a,    f.    of    Sa-mi-du,    Mna.: 
Ill  R  43,  II 22.  —  KB  IV  p.  70. 
Marduk-eriba  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-SU,  81-2-4,  313.    HABL  154, 

.  4,  6, 11,  18.  220,  R.  2,  6.  580,  R.  2.  JADD 
419,  7,  R.  4.  ^'rab  kisir  rab  iaqf,  JADD 
857,  IV  11.  860,  III  3. 

2.  '^RID-SU,  iaknu  ia  ''akle,  JADD  814,  10. 

3.  '^^U-SU,  JADD  15,  4  (B.  C.  672).  285,  R.6 

(B.C.  686).  330,  R. /J  (B.  C.  676).  855,  R.  4. 
bel-pifiati  "^Bu-mu,  JADD  853,  8.   ^A.BA 
ekalli,  JADD  832,  u. 
s.  of  Ur-di,  JADD  311,  R.  E.  4  (Ep.  S). 
Marduk-eres  "Marduk  has  planted"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AMAR.UD-PIN-el  ]ADD   431,1,    f.    of 

seller,    ^mu-sar-kis,  JADD  261,  R.  3. 



3.  ''SU-KAM-es,  K  241,  V  25  (spec). 

4.  ''^U'PTN-el  JADD    127,   R..?  (B.  C.  681). 

878, 1.  '^mutirpmi,  JADD  165,  R.  4  (Ep.Q). 

Marduk-etir  "Marduk  spared"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 
'^SU-KAR-ir,   JADD    675,  10.    844,   1.     f^rab 
kisir,  JADD  325,  R.  E.  2  (Ep.  A). 
Marduk-gamil    "Marduk     spares"     (cf.    OBa. 
''AMAR.  UD-ga-mil,  BE  VI,  pt.  i) 
'"AMAR.UD-SO,  of  Erech,  HABL  815,3. 
Marduk-hutnu  "Marduk  is  protection" 

'^ASARU.MUL.HI-hu-nt-nu,  JADD  249,1, 
slave  sold,  b.  of  A-di-i. 
Marduk-ibni  "Marduk  has  created"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AMAR.  UD-KAK,  JADD  45,  R.  s  (Ep.  t). 

f^BI.LUL,  JADD  48,  R.  ^  (B.  C.656)  (van 
of  2).  *  ^a-za-an  Bit Pir -'^ Amurru,  Merod,  I: 
Susa  14, 9. 

2.  '^^U-KAK,  JADD  49,  R.  6  (B.  C.  656).  374, 

R.  /o;  624,  R.  6  (B.  C.  686). 
Marduk-iddin  "Marduk   has   given"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR,  UD-A$,  '^A.BA,  JADD  382,  R.  4 

(B.  C.  716). 

2.  ''AMAR.  UD-SE-na,  HABL  [709,  R.  le]. 

3.  '^^U-A^,    ''mar   Hpri,  JADD   447,    R.   ro 

(B.  C.  683). 
Marduk-ihnaphari    "Marduk    is    god    of  the 

'^AMAR.UD-AN'DUL,  s.  of  Ina-Esaggil- 

zer,  ^sukkallu,  belbttilaBit-"'A-da,'MvLZ.:. 

IIIR 43, 1, 8.  IVE.,3,4.  -  KB IV,  pp.68, 74. 
Marduk-iqbi  "Marduk  has  announced" 

1.  '^AMARMD-iq-bi,  ''Uknu,  JADD  771,4. 

2.  '^RID-iq-bi,  JADD  37,  7  (B.  C.  e-jG). 
Marduk-ismeani  "Marduk  has  heard  me" 

1.  '^AMAR.  UD-HAL.LA-an-ni,  K.  241,  V  28, 


2.  ''AMAR.  Un-HAL-ni,  HABL  633,28  (WSml. 

n  p.  45). 

3.  '^RID-HAL-a-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  800.    Id  «M- 

me-di,    81-2-4,    187,  12.    cf.  II  R  52,  isd, 

III  R   I,  17. 

4.  '^SU-HAL-a-ni,  JADD  520,  R.  s.  946,  II 7. 

5.  Marduk-HAL-ni,  governor  of  Nairi,  MDOG 

43,  P-  ?)^- 
Marduk-kabti-ah[esu]    "Marduk    is    the    most 
mighty  of  his  brothers" 
'^AMAR.  UD-DUGUD-SES ,  i.  of  ltd- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Marduk-balatu\   lakkatiak  Babili,  VS  I 
112,4  (WUAG  p.  139). 
Marduk-kudurri-usur  "O  Marduk,  protect  my 

1.  ^AMARMD-ku-dur-ri-^ES,  ^sukkal  '^Bel, 

Neb.  I:  VR  56,  u.  ^'iaqu,  Merod.I:  DEP 
VI,  p.  43,  12;  Susa  16,  III  19. 


s.  of  XJr-Belit-muballitat-vittnti,  Melis.:  Lo. 
103,  IV  15;  V  9,  18, 24  (KB  III  I,  p.  i58ff.). 
Marduk(<'ii:^>la-8am-ma  JADD  690, 2. 
Marduk-li'  "Marduk  is  mighty" 

'^AMAR.  UD-ZU,  JADD  883,  4. 
Marduk-mat-usur    "O    Marduk,    protect   the 
''SU-KUR-PAP,  JADD  96,  R.  4  (B.  C.  65 1  ?). 
'^baru,  JADD  851,  II  4. 
Marduk-muballit  "Marduk  quickens" 
•  I.  <^AMAR.UD-mu-ba-li-it,    in     OBa.     texts, 
see  RPN. 
2.  '^AMAR.UD-mu-bal-lit,  Agk.  VR33,  VI  4o. 
.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  148.     In  later  Bab. 
texts,  see  TNB. 
Marduk -mudammlq       i^AMAR.  UD-mu-SIG-iq, 
commonly  read  Marduk-lum-udammiq) 
iar   '"^'Namri  (B.    C  844),   Shalm.   Ill: 
Ob.  94.  —  KB  I,  p.  140. 
Marduk-mukin-aplu  "Marduk  establishes  a  son" 
''AMAR.UD-GLNA-TUR.US,  s.  of  Tab- 
mi-li-e,  Hatam  bit  unati,  Neb.  I :  V  R  56, 20. 
-  KB  III  I,  p.  168. 
y    Marduk-mutaqqin(w?^-Zy^Z?) 

f.  oi  Alur-bal-lit,  OLZ  VI  (1903),  col.  199,8. 
Marduk-nadin-ahe  "Marduk   gives   brothers" 

1.  '^AMARJJD-fia-din-SESP^ 

s.  of  Marduk-uballit,  gs.  of  UHur-ana-Mar- 
duk,  dupiar  Mrri,  scribe  of  Asuruballit, 
theking,  c.B.  C.  1400,  BM 96947, 1  (AKAI, 
p.  388;  cf  MVAG  VIII,  p.  108 f). 

2.  ^AMAR.  UD-SE-PAP^^,  82-5-22, 1 18,  writer 

to  king.  King  of  Babylonia  (Dynasty  D), 
about  B.  C.  1 140 — 1086,  iar  '"'''Kardu- 
niai,  Synchr.  II  u  (II  R  65,  no.  i,  II  u). 

3.  '^AMAR.  UD-SE'SES^^,  iar  Babili,  king  of 

Babylon,  IR66, 3a,i8b.  Ill  R  43, 1 4, 28,  IV  E.  4 
(KB  IV  p.  66-68).  PSBA  XIX  (1897), 
p.  71,   11.  1,  4,  19:    I3'*>year.     sar    "'''*Ak- 

No.  I. 

kadv.  Senn.  Bav. 49  (III  R  14;  KB  II  p.  1 1 8), 
ana  tarsi  Tukulti-apil-Eiarra,  418  years 
before  the  capture  of  Babylon  in  689  B.  C, 
4.  Marduk-nadin-a-hi,  the  Bab.  king(?),  on 
tablet  from  Asshur,  MDOG  40  p.  22. 

Marduk-nadin-ahlCMJ/^y?.  UD-SE-SES),    owner 
of  tablet,  CT  XVII,  50,  28. 

Marduk-nadin-sum,  see  Marduk-sum-iddin. 

Marduk-napsati  ....  (probably  abbrev.,  cf.  NBa. 
Marduk-bel-n'apldti  TNB) 
■^AMAR.  UD-ZlPi.. . .,  JADD  574, 1. 

Marduk-nasir  "Marduk  is  protector" 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-na-sirlsi-ir,  in  OBa.  and  NBa. 


2.  '^AMAR.  UI)-PAP,]ADD47S,  R.2,  f.  of  wit. 
I.  '^AMAR.UD-PAP-ir,   81-2-4,   7o.    HABL 

782,  2. 

4.  '^AMAR.  UD-SES,  JADD    190,  ,(?).     '^Saq 

iarri,  Mna.:  Ill  R  41,  I  11,  29.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  74- 
s.  of  Ga-mi-il-\ilu\  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II 29  (KB  IV 
p.  70).    Cf.  Aai.:  BM.  103  21 5,  R.  s  (King, 
BBS,  pi.  17,  p.  100), 

5.  '^AMAR.  UD-SES-ir,  HABL  781, 1.  VS  V, 

2, 17  (B.  C.  675.  KB  IV.  p.  166). 

6.  ''SU-PAP-ir,]AT>T>  373,  L.E. .  (B.C. 648?). 
Marduk-pirhi-ukin    "Marduk   has   established 

my  sprout" 
'^AMAR.  UD-pir-hi-DU,  JADD  892,  4. 
Marduk-rimanni  "O  Marduk,  be  merciful  to 
me!"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AMAR.  UD-ri-man-ni,  Rm.  II 427  (MVAG 

III  240  ff.),  time  of  Shamsi-Adad  V  and 

2.  '^AMAR.UD-rlm-a-ni,  K.  10911.    Rm.  71. 

Epon.  B.  C.  779,  81-2-4,  178, 35. 

3.  '^AMAR.  UD-rima{LW)-ni,  K.  1897. 

4.  ASARU.MUL.HI-rm-a-ni,  JADD  400,  1 

(B.  C.  688). 

5.  ^KU-rim-an-ni,Hakin ^'Kak-zi, poss.Epon.a, 

JADD  22,  B.  E.  3;  cf  Bezold,  PSBA  XI 
1889,  pi.  I,  n.  2. 

6.  '^ RW-rTm-a-ni,  ''rab  BI.LUL,  Epon.  B.  C. 

779,  III  R  I,  III  38  (var.). 

7.  '^SU-ri-man-ni,  JADD  316, 5,  [7]. 

8.  '^SU-nm-a-ni,  JADD  331,  R.  /  (B.  C.  670). 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

^rab  BI.LUL,  Epon.  B.  C.  779,   Canon 
BIV,  10;  C,  1, 33.  IIIR  I,  III  88. 
9.  '^SU-rima-ni,    A.BA    mati,    JADD    993, 

R.  Ill,  13. 

Marduk-fuliilu  "Marduk  is  protection" 

'^AMAR.  UD-su-lu-lu,  V  R  44,  id,  renders 
■iUB.ZU-'^ZALAM.MU,    probably    an- 
cient Bab.  author,  see  Jensen,  ZA  XI 
p.  190. 
Marduk-sadua,  see  Marduk-saduni. 
Marduk-saduni    "Marduk    is   our   mountain" 
Epon.  B.  C.  796: 

1.  dAMAR.UD-KUR-u-niJa^'Sal-lat,  81-2-4, 

187,  16. 

2.  <^KU-KUR-u-a,  Rm.  580,  see  Bezold,  PSBA 

XI  (1889),  pi.  I. 

3.  RW-KUR-u....,  Ill  R  I,  III,  21. 

4.  -iSU-KUR-ti-a,  KK.  4388.  4389. 
Marduk'Sakin-sum  "Marduk  provides  poste- 
rity" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-GAR-MU,   astrologer,    medi- 

cine-man and  priest,  see  Behrens,  Briefe, 
p.  89  f.,  (maSmahi,)  HABL  6,  R.  11.  11,  3. 
14,3.  17,2.  18,2.  19,2.  20,2.  21,2.  22,2. 
23, 2.  24,  2.  25,  2.  26,  2.  32, 2.  362,  2.  364, 3. 
378, 2.  379,  2.  655,  2.  661,  8.  662,  2.  663,  2. 
664,  2.  665,  2. 666,  2.  674, 4.  JADD  ?445,  R,  7 
(B.  C.  660).  K.  1038. 

2.  '^SU-GAR-MU,  f'rabmaimaU,  HABL  21,  2. 

JADD  444,  R.  /*  (B.  C.  660).  [448,  R.  /^]; 
cf.  no.  I. 
f.  of  Eriba-^ Marduk'^,   king   of  Babylonia 
(Dyn.  H),  Chron.  K^,  R.  g. 
Marduk-sallim  "O  Marduk,  keep  safe!" 

1.  '^AMAR.  UD-lal-lim,  K.  7325.    ^mutir  puti, 

JADD  840,  II 6. 

2.  '^SU-M-Hm,  JADD  579,  R.  s. 
Marduk-sallim-ahe     "O    Marduk,    keep    the 

brothers  safe!" 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-lal-lim-PAPP^  HABL  840,4. 

979,  2. 
s.  of  Naba-muiesi,  K.  6478. 

2.  ^RID'DI-PAPPi,  HABL  1092,  2. 

3.  '^RID-Ul-lim-SESP',     f.      of     Alur-zaqip 

K.  10209. 
Marduk-sallimanni  "O  Marduk,  keep  me  safe!" 
I.  '^RID-DI-an-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  751,  Canon  A, 

IV is;  ^w^^^y^/^rt///,  Canon  E+8 1-2-4, 187, 

R.  27. 

2.  YS\U-DI-an-7ii,  Epon.  B.  C.  751,  Canon  D, 

III  3. 

3.  '^SU-sal-iim-a-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  751,  Canon  C, 

II  23. 

Marduk-sapik-zer  "Marduk  pours  out  seed" 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-DUB-KUL,   K.   7655,   writer 

of  astrological  report, 
s.  of   Tam-ma-sad-dar;  '^sa-ku  mati,  Nai.: 
CT  X,  3, 28.  V  R  61,  VI,  23.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,    p.  180;  IV,  p.  94.     King,  BBS, 
pi.  cm,  p.  105. 

2.  '^AMAR.  UD-U-bi-ik-KUL,  larkillati,  Mshz.: 

BM.  104404, 11,4  King,  BBS,  pi.  11,  p.  81 
=  no.  3. 

3.  '^AAfAR.  UD-id-bi-ik-zi-ri-im  (abbrev.  from 

Marduk-lapik-zer-mati,  q.  v.,  see  ROST, 
MVAG  II,  p.  130,  n.  i),  BM  26295,  10 
(King,  Letters  I,  pi.  1 33).  OB  1 148, 1, 1 :  lar 
Babili  larru  dannu  lar  kiHate  lar  kibrat 
arbauvi.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  162. 
Marduk-sapik-zer-mati  "Marduk  pours  out  the 
seed  of  the  country" 
King  of  Babylonia  (Dynasty  D:  7),  con- 
temp,  with  Asurbelkala,  the  king  of 

1.  ''AMAR.UD-DiyB-KUL-KU{R\      Chron. 

K'  4,  contemp.  of  Asur-bel-kala. 

2.  '^AMAR.  UD-la-pi-ik-KUL-KUR,lar^"*Kar- 

duniai,  Synchron.  II 26,  30  (II  R  65). 


f  of  Suma,  Shmk.:  CT  X,  pi.  6,  25. 
Marduk-sarrani    "Marduk    is    our    king"    (cf. 
I.  ''AMARMD-LUGAL-a-ni,  HABL 447,  R.i 

(a  maimaiuT).    K.  13045. 
2.''AMAR.UD-MAN-a-ni,    HABL     1024,1 
(WSml.  II  p.  53).    ^rab  bane,  B..  C.  670, 
JADD  625,  R.  IS. 

3.  '^RW-MAN-ni,  HABL  1084,  2. 
Marduk-sar-usur    "O    Marduk,    protect   the 

king"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-LUGAL-PAP,  HABL  [162,9]. 

174, 12.  960, 5.  1007,  R.  13,  iG.  K.  1 172.  5399. 


2.  ''AMAR.  UD-LUGAL-SES,  HABL  961, 8, 

T.  XLm. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


R.  9.  963,9.  i030,8(WSml.II,  p.  75).  1059,9. 
K.  1095.  83-1-18,  275. 

s.  of  Ga-bi-e,  HABL  1 106,  12. 
l.-^AMARMD-MAN-PAP,  83-1-18,  476. 
HABL  174,  2.  222, 10.  347, 8.  580,  R.  1. 
715,  i.  956,  R.  12.  1 148,  R.  4.  J  ADD  445, 
R.  <y(?).  884,  7(?).  K.  5264.  Rm.  11.  205 
(CT  XXVIII,  20),  owner  of  tablet,  ''e-mu- 
qu  HABL  478,  2.  '^mukil  apati  sa  zin- 
nisit  ekalli,  B.  C.  66o(?),  JADD  444,  R.  is. 
Hii-ud-laq  of  Ashurbanipal,  III  R  37,  75, 

f.  of  Lulabbir-sarrussu,  JADD  414, 2. 

4.  ''AMAR.  UD-MAN-SES,  K.  7409. 

5.  -^KU-LUGAL-PAP,  Epon.  B.  C.  785,  Rm. 

580,  seeBEZOLD,PSBAXI,  1889,  pi.  I,  n.8. 

6.  ^RID-MAN-PAP,  ^mutir  puti  mar  larri, 

JADD  857,  II 16.   ''Ungu  ia  '^Nabu,  JADD 

640,  R.  3  (Ep.  O).    la ,  Epon.  B.  C. 

785,  81-2-4,  187,30;  ef.  IIR52, 33cd. 
s.  of  Ga-bi-e,  JADD  433,  R.  4. 

7.  '^SU-L  UGAL-PAP,  s.   of   Ga-bi-a,  JADD 

429,    R.  i7. 

8.  ''SU-MAN-PAP,  HABL  714,2.  JADD  no, 

R.E.2.  174,1,5.  483,  R.  1.  1047,8.  Epon.BC. 
785;  Canon  C,  1, 26;  IIIR  i,  III 32;  asEp.  S, 
lakin  ^^'Que,  JADD  166,  L.  E.  2(?),  311, 
L.  E.  3.  352,  L.  E.  2(?),  619,  R.  7.  ''laqu 
mar  larri,  JADD  854,  is,  R.  8.  .^A.BA, 
B.  C.  693,  JADD  29,  R.^. 
s.  of  Gabbr,  JADD  115,  L.  E.  ^  (B.  C  664). 

116,  R.  E.  /.  418,  R.  /J-.  611,  R.  4. 
■  s.  of  la-zi-m,  Hallu,  JADD  325,  R.  /-.(Ep.  A). 

Marduk'^-si-lim-ahe,  ^A.BA  bit  Hi,  JADD  805, 7. 

Marduk-simanni,  see  Marduk-ismeani. 

Marduk-sum-ibni  "Marduk  has  created  poste- 
rity" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.  UD-MU-ib-ni,  s.  oi Ninib-aP^-iddin, 

*.....(?),  K.4191,  colophon  (CT  XVIII  38). 

2.  ^AMAR.UD-MU-KAK,  JADD   892,2.    K. 

11437,  L.  E.  1  (KGAS  108).    ^H-ud-lqq 
ofUrtaqu,  Abp.:B,  IV, 65  (IIIR 31.  KB II, 
p.  246). 
f.  of  Bel-upa}i^ir,  HABL  792,  5. 

3.  ''SU-MU-KAK,  s.  of  Tab-ni-e-a,  gs.  oiNabu- 

etir,  of  Bit-Ga^al,  ^maimalu,  a  slave 
oi Nabu-bellunu,  vowed  to  Bel,  JADD  889 
(ZA  I  p.  422  f.)  =  HABL  877, 1. 

No.  I. 

Marduk-lum-iddin  "Marduk  has  given  poste- 
rity" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-MU-AS,  HABL  181,2.  722,2. 

JADD  892,  R.  3.  * ,  B.  C.  698,  JADD 

473,  R.  13.  474,  R.  A7. 

2.  <^AMAR.UD-MU-MU,  ''bet  \pihati\,  HABL 

803,1.  81-7-27,  201,  husband  of  Bisa, 
B.  C.  565.   Cf.  Marduk-zakir-ium. 

3.  <iAMAR,UD-MU-SE-na,  HABL  721,1. 

4.  '^RID-MU-AS,  ^rakbu  lepa,  JADD  2^6,  R.s 

(Ep.  y). 

5.  '^RID'MU-MU,  see  Marduk-zakir-sum. 

6.  ''RID-MU-SE-na,  HABL  396,  R.  5. 
Marduk*sum-iq!8a    "Marduk    has    presented 

s.  of  Gabbu-ilani-eres,  f.  oi Nabu-zuqup-kma, 
{^{.oi lUar-ium-eres),  '^duplarru,  8 '•>  cen- 
tury; cf.  BA  I  p.  216. 

1 .  '^AMAR.  UD-MU-BA-U,  8 1 -2-4, 3  27.  K.2670. 

2679, 9.  2680.  2688.  3064.  3066.  3068.  3074. 
3129.  4024.  9487.  Rm.  222  (IIIR 2  no. I, 
Ill  R  64,  R.  35). 

2.  -^Ma-ru-duk-MU-BA-la, K2678.2683 (IIIR2 

no.  V,  VI). 

Marduk-sum-lisir  "Marduk,  may  the  son  suc- 
ceed!" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''SU-MU-GIS,  K.  241,  V26  (spec). 

Marduk-sum-ukin    "Marduk    has   established 

1.  '^AMAR.UD-MU-DU,  s.  oi Ilnta-ibni,  ^TU 

bit  '^Nabn,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36,  HI  /. 

2.  '^AMAR.UD-MU-GLNA,    mar    Hab-ban, 

^ka-lu,  Nai.:  V  R  61,  VI  is  (c.  B.  C.  852). 
—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180. 

3.  'fSU-MU-ti-kin,  K.  241,  V  27  (spec). 

4.  Marduk-'ium-ukm{l  mu-LAU),  f.  of  Ahir- 

bal-lit,  OLZ  VI  (1903),  col.  199. 
Nlarduk-sum-usur  "O  Marduk,  protect  the 
posterity"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
I.  '^AMAR.  UD-MU-PAP,  HABL  421,2.  773,2. 
JADD  712,  L.E.  2.  KK.  1436  -\-  1523, 28. 
3742  (B.  C.  648).  8680.  KGAS  35,  E-  2. 
48,  E.  1.  91,  B.E.  98,  L.E.  108,  E.  1.  119, 
L.  E.  124,  L.  E.  3.  145,  E.  2.  TRep.  252, 
F,  E.  1. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

2.  '^AMAR.  ^7Z>-J/6/"-i£"5,KGAS  88.98.  HABL 


3.  ''AMAR.UD-MU-u-sur,  KGAS  6,  R.  9.  51, 

L.  E.  1. 

4.  '^KU-MU-PAP,  KGAS,  89,  E.  2. 

5.  '^RID-MU-PAP,  JADD   113,  4  (B.  C.  680). 

6.  '^SU-MU-PAP,  HABL  772,  2.  KK.  102,  R.  2 

(B.C.  649?).  1436,27.  KGAS  [36,  R.  5].  44, 
R.  7.  M.i?4  B.  C.  675,  JADD  186, 10, 

7.  '^SU-MU-SES,  K.  2701a,  4  (WSml.  II  p.  9) 

=  HABL  923. 

Marduki-tap-pi-e-e-di-sub-sj,  V  R  44,  21  d, 
renders'^  Ji/.  TU-PAL-AN-  TA-GAl,  pro- 
bably an  ancient  Bab.  author,  see  Jensen, 
ZA  XI,  p.  90. 

Marduk-iiballit  "Marduk  has  called  into  life" 

1.  '^AMAR.  UD-  TI.LA,  s.  of  UUur-ana-Mar- 

duk,  f.  of  Marduk-7iadin-aJ}ey  BM  96947,  i 
(Annals  of  Kings  p.  388). 

2.  ^SU- TI.LA,  JADD  340,  3,  12  (Ep.  Z). 
Marduk-zakir-sum  "Marduk  is  proclaimer  of 


1.  dAMAR.UD-AIU-MU,  IV  R  38,  III 21,  var. 

=  (2)  s.  of  Nabu  nadin-ahe.  King  of 
Babylonia  (Dynasty  H),  contemp.  with 
Shalmaneser  III,  s.  of  Naba-apal-iddin, 
b.  of  Mardiik-bel-usate:  Synchron.  Ill  31. 
larru,  Rm.  II,  427,10  (MVG  III  p.  240). 
Ur  Babili  (I  I'h  year),  VS  I,  35, 53,  KB  IV 
p.  96,  lar  '""*Kardu-nialt,  b.  of  Marduk- 
bel-usate,  Shalm.  Ill :  Bal.  IV 1 ;  V  3 ;  Co.  78; 
Lay.  ^6,  u;  Ob,  73, 75.  —  KB  I,  p.  134. 
sar  kiUati,  We.  Misc.  pi.  6,  no.  2,  4.  Cf. 

2.  dAMAR.  UD-sa-kir-MU,belpihatiM^^o<^-l- 

IVR41,  1,27  (King,  BBS,  pi.  XXXIII, 

p.  26). 
s.  of ,  king  of  Babylonia,  see  (i),  Chron. 

K3,  R.  4,  e. 
s.  of  Arad-'^BE,  ''bel  pikati,  Merod.  II:  Bl. 

St.  V  2.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  190. 
s.  of  Nabu-nddin-ahe,  }a  abi  abihi  Rimeni- 

Marduk,  li-pu  ri-bu-u  ia  Uballitsu-Mar- 

duk,  descend,  of  Arad-Ea,  ''bel  pil^ati, 

Merod.  I:  IV  R  38,  1 27.  —  KB  IV,  p.  60. 

3.  'iRID-MU-MU,    lar  ^'^^Kardunial,    b.   of 

Marduk-bel-usate,  Synchron.  Ill  27. 

4.  ^SU-sa-kir-MU,   s.   of  Arad....,    king   of 

Babylonia,  B.  C.  702,  King-list  A,  IV  13. 

Marduk-zer-ibni  "Marduk  has  created  seed" 

1.  ^AMAR.  UD-KUL-ib-ni,  Abp.:  HABL  454, 

R.  6.  498,  R.  7,  12.  K.  4796. 
s.  of  Sin-sadunu,  ^erib  biti,  Shmk.:  CT  X, 

7,  4G. 

2.  ''AMAR.UD-KUL-KAK,  K.  5138.  ^A.BA, 

B.  C.  66o(?),  JADD  362,  R.  6. 

3.  '^SW-KCTL-KAKJADD  27,  R. E.  / (B.C.667). 

f^A.BA,  B.C.66o(?),  JADD  250,  R.  4.  4+4, 
R.  io.  445,  R'  '^• 

*Mar-du[-ni-ia]  (Pe.  Mapdovio;;) 
f.  of  Gobryas,  Dar.  Beh.  111. 

Mar-Ea-sar-mati  "The  son  of  Ea  is  king  of 
the  country" 
TUR-'^E.A-LUGAL-ma-a-t'h  V  R  44,  leb, 
renders  A-A-  UN{KALAM)-MA,  prob.  an 
ancient  Babylonian  monarch;  cf  King- 
list  A  1 20,  B  8. 

Mar-Enlil-samsum-same  "The  son  of  Ellil  is 
the  sun  of  the  heaven" 
TUR-'^EN.LIL-sam-su-um-AN-e,  V  R  44,17b, 
renders  A-KUR-UL-AN.NA,  prob.  an 
ancient  Babylonian  monarch;  cf.  King- 
list  A  1 21,  B  9. 

*Ma-ri-'  (Aram,  snis)  "Lord" 

iarru  ^a  "''"'Imenhi,  king  of  Damascus, 
aboutB.  C.  804— 774,  according  to  WlNCK- 
LER,  KA^  p.  134,  identical  with  Benha- 
dad  (III);  Adnir.  IV:  III  R  35,  no.  i,  15 
(KB  I  p.  190). 

MaNa-kin  (cf.  mar  '"I-km,  K.  4294),  K.  13  105, 
with  Adunu. 

*Ma-ri-id-di  "My  lord  is  Iddi"(Adad)  (An,  cf 
inxntt)  ''irri^u,  in  ^'Basre,  JADD  742, 
R.  35. 

Mar-^'ls-nu-nak    "Inhabitant   of  the   city   of 
I R  66,  II,  3  (KB  IV,  p.  66),  time  of  Marduk- 

Mar-lstar  "Son  of  Ishtar"  (for  OBa.  texts, 
see  RPN) 
I.  TUR-''XV,]ADD  52s,  R.  s.  619,  R./6.  (Ep.S). 
Astrologer,  HABL  257,  i.  337, 1.  338,  2. 
339,  2.  340, 1.  [437,  1].  744,  a  (III R  51,  no. 9). 
745,2.  746,  1.  ''ha-za-7iusd  ^'Kal-lii,]ADD 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


1 141,  44  (B.  C.  709).  ^mutir  pnti,  HABL 
206,  7.  ''rab  ki-sir,  JADD  1040,  e.  ^di4p- 
sarru  {A.BA),  JADD  769,  R.  4. 
2.  TUR-XV,  JADD  988, 8.  ^rak-su  JADD  526, 
R.j(Ep.  U). 
*IVIar-larim  (cf.  Abi-larim,  Af^i-larim;  Johns, 
ADD  III,  p.  100) 

1.  Mar-la-rim,  Epon.  B.  C.  668,  turtan  of  Ku- 

muh,JADD  184,  R.  4.  190,  R.  10.  204,  R.e. 
208,  R.E.2  (III  R  2, 60,  no.  XXIV):  */«r- 
tan  Ku-[mu-hi\.  284,  R.  12.  Ill  R  i,  VI  13 
(var.).     ^rabu   of  "'''War-hal-sa,  HABL 

7^7, 2- 

2.  Mar-la-rhn-me,  Epon.  B.  C.  668,   ^tur-tan 

"^Ku-mu-hi,  JADD  472,  R.  21. 

3.  Mar-la-ar-me,  Epon.  B.  C.  668,  JADD  65, 

R.  E.  1.  Ill  R  I,  VI  13. 

4.  Ma-ri-la-rim,   Epon.  B.  C.  668,    K.  11478 

(KGAS  149,  R.  15). 

5.  TUR{J)-la-rim,  JADD  43,  R.  4  (B.  C.  687.?). 
*^IVIar-qi-hi-ta  "Perfumer"  (?Ar.  docket  Xnnpni3 

Stevenson,  Contracts,  no.  5,  p.  36,  118) 
JADD  257, 2  (B.  C.  670). 
Mar-rl....,  JADD  807,  R.  17. 
Mar-sam-sl  (cf.  OBa  Mar-^UD,  RPN) 

JADD  285, 3  (cf.  Ill  §  749)  (B.  C.  686). 

JADD  278, 3,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  683?). 
*IVIar-8uri  (Ar.)  "The  lord  is  my  wall" 

TUR-su-ri,  JADD  479, 5. 
Mar-sarri-bel-ahe  "The  royal  prince  is  lord 
of  the  brothers" 
A.  MAN-BEj  EN-PAP^',]  ADD  96,  R.  3  (B.  C. 
651.?).  628,10  (Ep.  P). 
Mar-sarri-ilna  "The  royal  prince  is  my  god" 
(cf.  NBa.  Mar-iarri-ilila  TNB) 

1.  A-MAN-AN-a-a,  ^riu,  JADB  13,  II,  3.  h-ab 

kisir  }a  iepa,  JADD  235,  R.  13. 

2.  rUR-MAN-AN-a-a,].\DD  i\i,%. 
Mar-selibI  "Fox- cub" 

in  alu  ia  TUR-^Se-li-bi  of  Bit-Tunamissah, 
Melis.:  Susa  3,  1 44. 
*flVlar-ti-i  ("My  daughter",    or  probably  Ar.= 
"My  lady",  cf  imtt,  xmis  Mdp^a)JADD 
310,  4,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  66^). 
*IVIartiia  (OPe.  Martiya),  the  Susian  pretender, 
B.  C.  522 
No.  I. 

1.  Mar-ti-ia,  Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39,  41,  [92]. 

2.  Mar-ti-id,  Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39,  42. 
*'Marti(r6'/?.^^Z)-ra-pi-e  (Ar.)  "My  lady  is 

a  healer" 
JADD  894, 4. 
*Mar-tu-*  (Iran.,  cf.  Mardi) 

^rab  mahdzani  id  sinnilti,  JADD  447,  1,  10 
(B.  C  683). 

1.  Mas-l}a-te-AN,  JADD  422,  1, 9,  R.  3. 

2.  Mas-l}a-ta . . . .,  JADD  423,  1,  B.  E.  2. 
Mas-si — ,  or  Bar-si...,  perhaps  part  of  Elam. 

name,  Abp.:  Ill  R  32,  VI 21. 
Ma-sl-be  (cf  Ma-si- B Hit  BE  XV),  K.  241,  VIII, 

42,  spec. 

Mas ,  Epon.  IIIR  I,  1,10. 

*Ma8daku  (Iran.,  Mazdakd) 

1.  Ma-al-da-ku,   Id   ^^ A-ma-ak-ki,    Sarg:   A, 

II,  17  (K.  1668b). 

2.  Ma-ai-ddk-ku,  sd  """^A-me-is-ta,  Sarg.:  A, 

II,  28. 

Mas-mas-a-ni  "Our  charmer" 

^mutir  pnti,  JADD  675,  R.  u. 
Mas-qa/ka-ru  (cf  }Ma-at-ki-ri),  ''ialSu,]ADD  1 1 5,  g. 

1 16, 3, 13  (B.  C.  664). 
*Ma-tal-ll  (cf.  Mutallu) 

JADD  296,  3,  slave  sold. 
*Matan-Ba'al  (Ph.  byastitt) 

Kings  of  Arvad,  in  9'^  8'^  and  7*'*  cent. 

1.  Ma-ti-nu-Ba--li,  ^^Ar-ma-da-a-a,Sha.\m.IIl: 

Mon.  II 93  (IIIR  8). 

2.  \Md\-ta-an-Bi-  -il,  "'Ar-ma-da-a-a,  Tigl.  IV : 

B,  60  (II  R  67;  KB  II  p.  20). 

3.  Ma-ta-an-Ba--al,  }ar   "^A-ru-a-di,   Esarh.: 

B,  V,  17  (IIIR  16  =  IR48.  no.  1,6;  KB  II 
p.  148). 
*Ma-tl-'-il(u)  (Ar.)"When,Ogodr'(cf.  OBa.  Ma- 
ti-i/uKPN;  according  to  BoiSSlER,  Baby- 
loniaca,  IV,  p.  221,  possibly  Hit.;  or  is 
the  name  to  be  compared  with  SArb. 
bi^yntt?)  mar  A-gu-us-si,  of  Bit-Agussi, 
contemp.  of  A§ur-nirari  (II)  and  Tiglath- 
pileser  IV,  Rm.  120  +  274,see  Peiser, 
MVAG  III  p.  228.  Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  go;  P1.;I  20, 
II 30,  mar  '"A-gu-us-si  (KB  II  p.  6). 
s.  of  Mannu-kl-iti,  VS  I  87,  5  (Ep.  Nabu- 


Knttt  Tallqvist, 
(see   also 

*Matl-Ilaa  (Ar.)   "When,    O  god 

1.  KUR{Mat)-AN-a-a,]MyD  1 5 1,  R.  9  (Ep.  Y). 

[270, 2.]  574,  R.  J-.  622,  R.  6  (Ep.D).  ^tam- 
karu,  B.  C  644(?),  JADD  4,  R.  j. 

2.  KUR{Matt)-la-a-a,  JADD  271,10,  R.  2. 

3.  Mat-il-la-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  24,  spec. 
Matinu-Ba'li,  see  Matan-Bd al. 

1.  Ma-ti-u,  JADD  672,  s. 

2.  Ma'--e-i,  ^laBu  hinni,  JADD  494,  9. 

3.  Ma-ti--i,  ^red  gammale,]KDD  741,22. 
*IVIa-at-ki-ri  (cf.  }  Mai-gajka-ru),  JADD  425,  is 

(B.  C.  664?). 
*Matra  (Pe.)  K.  8133  (Husing,  KZ  36,  p.  566). 
Mat-tal-la*a-a  (probably  =  Mati-ilaa,  q.  v.) 

JADD  [296,  R.  /].  f'Uliu,  B.  C.  712,  JADD  5, 
R. ,  (III  R  47,  no.  10). 
*Mat-tH  (Hit.?),  of  Atun,B.  C.716,  Sarg.  Ann.45: 
'"^*A-tu-un-a-a;  Khors.29:  "'"'Tu-un-na-a-a; 
Sm.  2022,4b(WSarg.  II  pi.  45b):  "<"^A-tu- 
na-a-a.  —  KB  II  p.  56. 
*Nlat-ti-u-a-za  (Hit.,  cf.  Teu-wattt) 

s.  of  Tuiratta,  MDOG  35,  p.  36,  OLZ  XIII 
(1910),  col.  295. 
Mazarne,  see  Manzame. 
*Ma-2i-pa-a-at-li  (Mit.),  uncle  of  Gilia,  messenger 

of  Tushratta,  TA  29,  ise,  162. 
*,  JADD  447.  R.  /.  (B.  C.  683). 

s.  of  Zabdi,  "'Kan-fiu--a-a,  VS  I  92,  1,  9. 

atnel  qata  la  karani,] ADD  126,7  (B.C. 674). 
*IVIe-la-a-gu-ra(-a)  (cf.  MeXeaypoq) 

King   of  Chytros,   iar  ^"'Kitrusi,   Esarh.: 
B,  V,  20  (IIIR  16,  no.  I  =  IR  48,  no.  i). 
Abp.:  Rm.  3,  II,  43.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148,  240. 
*IVIe-lam-(ma-)kur-kur-ra  (Sum.) 

King-list  A,  I,  12;  B,  22,  the  lO^^  king  of  the 
2^  Bab.  dynasty. 
Nle-Ia-ar...,  HABL  646,  R.  7, 9. 
*Me-Ii-ha-la/ll  (Cass.  =  Amel-  Gula  V  R  44,  1, 34) 
s,  oi  Zu-me-e,  servant  of  Meli-Slpak.  DEPII, 

112,8;  VI,  p.  44,2. 
f  oi  Mar-biti-la-li-ti,  Nku.:  Lo.  102  (90  83  5), 
IV,  45.  —  KB  IV,  p.  90; 
IVIe-li-ki-ili(?),  JADD  877,  n. 

*IVIe-ll-sah  (Cass.)  =  Amel-^amas,  V  R  44, 1, 37. 
*Me-ll-'*Si-bar-ra  (Cass.)  =  Amel-^^i-i-ma-li-e, 

V  R  44,    I,  36. 

*Meli-Sipak  (Cass.  =  Amel-Marduk,  VR44, 1,2?) 

King  of  Babylonia  (Dynasty  C:  33),  about 

B.  C.  1204 — 1 190,   s.   of  Adad-sum-usur 

(Lo.  103,  IV,  31),  f  of  Merodach-baladan  I. 

1.  Me-li-H-pa-{ak\  BE  XV,  190,  VI,  15. 

2.  Me-li-U-pak,  Sarru,  DEP II,  p.  1 12,7;  Lo.  103, 

V,  20, 21  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  160).  Susa  3, 
1, 27;  16, 1, 5;  II,  4, 12.  lar  kiUati,  Melis.: 
Lo.  loi,  1, 13  (KB  IV,  p.  58).  lar  kiUat 
ma-al-ki,  Mehs.:  DEP  X,  pi.  11,  1, 7;  des- 
cend oi  Kurigalzti,  We.  Misc.  pi.  i,  no.  2. 
Merod.  I:  IVR38,  1,28. 
f.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin]  Sar  Babili,  King- 
list  A,  II,  12.  Merod.  I:  IV  R  38,  1, 23  (KB  IV, 
p.  60).  Nazim.:  Susa  2,  Med.  2,  1, 3.  lar 
Babili  lar  "'^*Sumeri  u  Akkadi  sar  kibrat 
arbdim,  Merod.  I:  VS  I,  34,  is. 

3.  Me-li-'^Si-pakJarru,  MeliS.:  Lo.  103  (90827), 

IV,  17,  36;  V,  11;   VI,  31.  —  KB  III,  pt.  1, 
pp.  160,  162. 
*l^^•\\•ZVi•TMx{C^iSS.=Amel-'^^^-qa-mu-na),  VR  44, 

I,  85. 

*Me-ll-''Su-qa-niu-na  (Cass.) 

f.  of  Nusku-ali-iddin,  BE  XVII,  pt.  i. 
*IVIe-ll-za-za/zu,  M^-la-'^ Za-zu  (Cass.,  see  also  Ma- 

JADD  8, 9 (B.  C 673).  A. . . .  «i, JADD  857, 1, 13. 
*Me-me-ib-ri,  Capp.  G,  10, 14. 
*Me-na-hi-me,  see  Minahimu. 
'''Menanu,  see  Uniman-menanu. 
*IVIenase  (He.  niS3tt) 

lar  ^'\'"^*Ia-{i-di,  Manasseh,  king  of  Judah. 

1.  Me-na-si-e,  Esarh.:  B,V,i3.  —  KB  II,  p.  148. 

2.  Mi-in-si-e,    Abp.:   Rm.  3,  II,  31.  —  KB  II, 

p.  238. 
*Me-ni-hi-im-me,  see  Minahimu. 

s.  of  Hpuini,  (gs.  of  Sardur^  f  of  Inulpua, 

SBak.  1899,  p.  118,  ZA  VII,  p.  259.   Me- 

i-nu-ii-a-le,  HAV,  p.  260  f 

*'Me-'-sa-a  (cf.  Bi.  n.  p.  m.  KT»"'X3,  Pa.  n.  pr.  f.  KlB'^ia) 

JADD  229, 4:  wi.  of  Vsi\  sold,  B.  C.680.  — 

KB  IV,  p.  124. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*IVIesu  (cf.  OBa.  Me-i-su-iim  RPN) 

1.  Me-i-su,  ^bel pifiatl  ^^Arbail,  JADD  854,  n. 

'^A.BA,  B.  C  684-679,  JADD  19, 7.  20,  s. 
161,  R.  2. 
s.  of  Halmusu,  JADB  2,  II,  s. 

2.  Me-su,  JADD  989,  ... 

3.  M-/-^7/, JADB  7,1,2.  JADD  1 1,  R.j  (B. C.676). 

288,  R.//.  belpihati  '''^^r(5«//,  JADD  853,7. 
*Meta,  see  iT/zY^. 
*IVIetenna,  see  Mitenna. 
*IV!etlnti,  see  Mitinti. 
Metunu  (abbrev.,  cf.  A-a-me-tu-nu) 

1.  Me-tu-nu,  Epon.  B.  C.  700,  Canon  B,  VI,  12. 

IIIR    I,  V,  24. 

2.  Me-tu-nu,  K.  1266.  Epon.  B.  C.  700,  JADD 

[112,  L.  E.  1]. 

3.  Mi-tu-nu,  K.  10017.  Rm.6s.  Epon.  B.  C.  700, 

JADD  [144,  R].  1.  Senn.  80-7-19,  i:  ^lakin 

4.  Mi-tu-nu,  Epon.  B.  C.  700,  JADD  176,  R.  s: 

^sakin  "'I-sa-na.  [294,  R.  11]. 

Me-ig-di{ti)-a-ra,  i.  of  Hir-si-na,  Shams.  V : 
11,24,38  (IR  30.  KB  I,  p.  178). 
*IVIi-hu-ni,  targumanu  of  AmenophisIV,  TA  11,  le. 
*Mi-ia,  amel  "'A-ra-dl-ni,  TA  75,  30. 
*IVliMa-ri-e  (Eg.) 

f  of  Ha-ia,  TA  289,  31. 
*Mi-ki-l,  sa  "^Halpi,   a  Median  chief,    Tigl.  IV: 

Ann.  55. 
Mil(Js.^)-id-hi-su,  Capp.  Clerq  (Chantre,  Cappa- 

doce,  p.  95). 
*IVIi-li-har-be  (Cass.) 

f.  of  Anu-bel-ahehi,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43,  II,  is.  — 

KB  IV,  p.  70. 
f.   of  Suqamtina-ah-iddina,  Mna.:  Ill  R  43, 
II  14  (KB  IV,  p.  70}. 
Milka[a  (hypocor.  cf.  Milkiia,  Bi.  n^3bl3 

1.  '^Mil-ka-a-a,  B.  C  684,  JADD  19,  .?.  20,  6. 

2.  Mil-ka-ia,  B.  C.  680,  JADD  113,  R.  2. 
Mil-ki . . . . ,  H  ABL  571, 9,  ^rab  ka-sir.  JADD  853, 

R.  8.    860,  II,  31. 

Mil-kl-i  (hypocor.) 

JADD  24s,  R.  .  300,  R.  9. 

Milkiia  (hypocor.,  ci.  Milki) 

I.  Mil-ki-a-a,  B.  C.  675,  JADD  167,  R.  .. 
No.  I. 

2.  Mil-ki-ia,  ''bel  pihati  ia   •''Ri-mu-si,  B,  C 

681,  JADD  59,  1. 

3.  Mil-ki-id,  JADD  59,  14  var.  to  (2). 
Mil-ki'Adad ^  "My  counsel  is  Adad" 

JADD  1047,  4. 
*Mil-ki-a-sa-pa  (Ph.  *qD'^DbT3),  king  of  Byblos,  lar 
"'\"'"*Gu-ub-li,  Esarh.:  B  V17  (IIIR  16  = 
I R  48,  no.  1, 5.  KB  II  p.  148);  Abp.:  Rm.  3, 
II 37  (KB  II  p.  240). 
Mil-ki-Asur^  "My  counsel  is  Ashur" 

JADD  7,  R. .  (B.  C.  648?). 
Mil-ki-ba(.^) . . . ,  JADD  453, 5,  sold,  B.  C  686. 


K.  241,  X,  35,  spec. 

*MII-ki-id-ri   (WSem.),   ^ ,   JADD   507,  R.  j. 

''rab  ki-sir^  B.  C.  661,  JADD  470,  7;  cf 
HABL  571,9:  Mil-ki.... 
Mil-ki-ilu  "My  counsel  is  the  god" 

K.  241,  VIII  11  (spec). 
*Milk(i)-ilu   (Ph.,    cf  Bi.    b^-^Sbia),    South-Palest, 
chief,  son-in-law  of  Tagi;  see  2i\so  Ili-milki 

1.  Mi-U{AN)-ki-li,  TA  249, 5,  e. 

2.  Mil-ki- AN,  TA  287,29. 

3.  Mil-ki-li,   TA  267,  4.   268,  3.   269,  4.   270,  4. 

271,  4.    273,  04.    290,  26. 

4.  Mil-ki-lim,  TA  250,  32, 54,  ss.  254, 27.  289,  5, 

11,  25. 

5.  Mil-ki-lu,  TA  249,  16.  290, 6. 

6.  Mil-ki-lum,  TA  250,  39. 
Milki-lstar  "My  counsel  is  Ishtar" 

Mil-ki- XV,  JADD  218,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  687). 
*Mil-ki-la-rim,  Sm.  55,  XI  12  (spec). 

1.  J/z7-/^/-Z^/^  JADD  494, 2.  890,8.  1 104,  R. 7. 

f^laqu,  B^  C.  668/6,  JADD  287,  e.   316,  6. 
[452, 3.]  472, 1, 12.  627,  6. 

2.  Mil-ki-nu^ri,]h\yD{^2^,^\    Hrri^u,]ATiD 

741,  36. 

*Milkl-ramu  (WSem.,  cf  Bi.  Dn-^sbtt,  Ph.  BiDbtt) 

1.  Mil-ki-i-ram-am,  Abp.  HABL  1007,  R.  is, 

2.  Mil-ki-ra-me,  Abp.:  83-1- 18,  476. 

3.  Mil-ki-ra-mu,  JADD  56,1,3, B.  E.  i(B.C.663 .?). 

Epon.  B.  C.654(?),  Canon  C,  V,  11;  III  R  i, 

VI,  30. 


K.  241,  X  36,  spec. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

*Mil-ki-u.ri  (WSem.  n^S^iDbtt,  Melchior;  cf.  Mil{n})- 

kujkur-ru  TA  83, 53.  84,  43.  85,  85) 
J  ADD  234,  4,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  710). 
Mil-ku-tim  (cf.  Malkutu),  Capp.  Ch.  i,  2. 
'''Mimmuria,  see  Nibmuria. 
Mi-na-a  (NBa.,  cf.  Mi-na-\   Me-na-    TNB),  BM. 

38646, 1, 9  (King,  BBS,  p.  93). 
*Minahimu  (WSem.,  Bi.  DHDia,  Ar.  and  Ph.  dnStt 

LiDZ.  p.  313,  APO;  Mi-na-ak-hi-im{-mu} 

BE  IX,  X) 

1.  Me-na-hi-me,  JADD  98,  3,  R.  *  (Ep.  Z). 

2.  Me-ni-hi-im-7ne,  "^Sa-me-ri-na-a-a,  king  of 

Samaria  and  North-Israel,  Menahem  of 
the  Bible,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  150  (III  R  9,  so. 
KB  II  p.  30). 

3.  Mi-na-l}i-mi,  with  Ar.  docket  onDtt,  JADD 

245,  1,  6. 

4.  Mi-in-^i-im-mu,    "'Sam- si-mu-ru-na- a- a, 

Senn.:  King  II,  71;  Tay.  II,  47  (IR  38).  — 
KB  II,  p.  90. 

5.  Mi-ni-hi-im-mu,  80-7-19,2,  var.  to  (4),  KB  II 

p-  91,  n-  35. 

6.  Mi-nu-Jii-ifn-mu,  79-7-8,  302;  81-2-4,  42|  var. 

to.  (4). 

7.  Mi-nu-u}i-im-mu,  80-7-19,  l,  var.  to  (4). 

8.  Mi-nu-uf^-tnu,  80-7-19,  3,  var.  to  (4). 
*Minasi,  see  Menasi. 

^Minhimmu,  see  Mina}iimu. 

Ml-ni....,  K.  7303. 

^Minihimmu,  see  Minahimu. 

*IVII-ln-mu-a-ri-a   (Eg.    Mn-mi'(.t)-R*,    Ranke, 
Material,  p.  12) 
f.  of  Ri-a-ma-se-Sa-ma- a-i-^ A-ma-na ,  s.  of 
Mi-in-pci-hi-ri-ta-ri-a,  Boghazkoi,  OLZ IX 
(1906),  col.  629f.  =  Seti  I. 

*Minse,  see  Menasi. 

*IVII-in-pa-hi-rl-ta-rl-a  (Eg.<Menpehtire),  Ram- 
ses I,  king  of  Egypt,  named  as  ancestor 
of  Ramses  II  in  his  treaty  with  tjattu- 
sil,  OLZ  IX  (1906),  630. 

Minu-ahti-ana-ili  "How  (what)  have  I  sinned 
against. the  god?"  (cf.  Mi-na-a-i-gu-a- 
na-ili,  Mi-na-a-ah-ti-a-na-ili,  BE  XV) 

1.  Mi-i-nu-a^-ti-a-7ia-AN,B.C.6yo,]ADD 99,1,4. 

2.  Mi-nu-afi-ti-  TIS-AN,  JADD  23,  R.  4  (Ep.  F). 
Nli-i-nu-ah-ti-ili  (abbrev.),  K.  241,  IX,  46,  spec. 
Mi-nu-hi ,  h^rihi,  JADD  783,  e. 

"^Minuhimmu,  see  Minahimu. 

^Minuhmu,  see  Mitiaf^imu. 

Mi-i-nu-la-an-si   "How  should  I  forget?"  (cf. 

La-an-si-i,   La-an-se-e\    Ilu-ul-am-li  BE 
K.  241,  X,  44,  spec. 
Mi-nu-laq-bi  "What  shall  I  say?" 

^cammaru,  JADD  761,  2. 
*IVII-is-ki(?)  (cf  Mit.  Mis{})-ki-ia,  Mis(J)-ki-til-la), 

Ta'annek  4,  R.  2. 
*Mls(.?)-kl-la  (Mit.  hypocor.)  VS  I,  no,  21. 
*Mi8(?)-ki-til-la  (Mit.),  VS  I,  in,  R.  12. 
*Mi-is-pa-ru-'  (Pe.  Wd[ya]sp[ara],  El:  Milpar{ra\ 

Dar.  Beh.  no,  f,  of  Intaphernes. 
*Mi-i8-tu . . . . ,  TA  45, 2. 
Misu,  see  Mesu. 

f.  of  Naba-balatsu-iqbi,  82-5-22,  356;  IV  R, 

add.  9,  I  15. 
*Mita  (Phryg.,  hypocor.,  Gr.  Mi6a(;;  WiNCKLER, 

AF  II,  p.  136;  HusiNG,  OLZ  V,  col.  421  f.) 

la\lar  '""*Mu-us-ki\'"^*Mu-us-ka-a-a,   king 

of  Muski  (Phrygia) 

1.  Mi-ta-a,  Sarg.:  Ann. 46, 94,99,  173, 373,  379;  XIV 

16,  41;  Cyl.  24  (IR36);   Pp.  IV  37;   Khors. 

31,  150,  152.    KB  II    pp.  42,   56,  74. 

2.  Me-ta-a,  Sarg.:  Bull  24;  Pp.  IV  37  (var.). 
*MI-ta-a-ki  (Iran.) 

Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  39:  a  Median  chief. 

Mi-ta-t[i ],  Ta'annek  3,  R.  2. 

*IVIi-ta-at.ti  (Iran.;  cf.  HiJSiNG,  KZ  36,  p.  566) 

'"''^Zi-kir-ta-a-a,  a  Sagartian  chief,  B.  C  716, 
Sarg.:  Ann.  34,  [53,]  104;  XIV 48;  Khors.  46, 

48,  62    (KB  II    p.  58), 

*Mitenna  (Ph.,  cf.  -jna,  Matten,  Mytton) 

Mi-e-te-en-na,  "'Sjir-ra-a-a,  of  Tyre,  Tigl.  IV: 
B,  66  (II  R  67.  KB  II  p.  22). 
*Mitinti  (Ph.,  cf.  nsntt,  nnia  "present") 

1.  Mi-ti-in-ti,  iar  "'As-du-di,  king  of  Ashdod, 

Senn.:  King  III  59;  Tay.  Ill  24  (I  R  39-  ''^•^- 
du-da-a-a,  Senn.:  King  II  79;  Tay.  II  51 
(I  R  38).  —  KB  II,  pp.  90,  94.  King  of 
Ascalon,  "'As-qa-hi-na-a-a,  Tigl. IV:  B,  ei 
(II  R  67,  R.  11;  liar  "'"*Is-qa-lu-tta,  Abp.: 
Rm.  3,  II 35.  —  KB  II,  pp.  20,  240. 

2.  Me-ti-in-ti,  iar  "'Is-qa-lu-fia,  Esarh.  B,  V,  15 

(III R  16  =  IR  48,  no.  I,  4.  KB  II  p.  148). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Mi-it-ta-a  (cf.  Mita) 

bel{ali}\  83- 1- 18,  557,2,9,  R.  4,  10  (KGAS 
no.  51). 

Mitunu,  see  Metunu. 

Mu ,  Ta*annek  12,4. 

Mu-ab-bit-kis-sa*ti  "Destroyer  of  the  hosts" 
render  GUL.KI.SAR,  ancient  Baby- 
lonian ruler,  VR44,  15b. 

^Muballitat-Seriia  "Sherua  quickens" 

d.  o{  Aiur-2iballit^ar"'"'AUur,  wi.  ofBurna- 

1.  ^ Mu-bal-li-ta-at-'^Se-ru-ii-a,  m.oiKarahar- 

da}{?},  Synchron.  I  9   (II R  65,  1,  I  9).    — 
KB  I,  p.  194. 

2.  -f Mu-bal-lit-at-'^ EDIN-u-a, m.oi Karin{})das, 

gm.  of  Kadisman-harbe,  Chron.  P  I  5. 
Mu-ba-sl-e,  JADD  455,  R.j. 
Mudabiraja  (cf.  Mu-da-pi-ra-a-d) 

1.  Mu-da-bir{pirT)-a-a,  JADD  6,  *.  [267,  R.^]. 

2.  Mu-du-bi-ra-a-a,  B.C. 676,  JADD  175,  R.  9. 
*Mu-da-da    (cf.    OBa.   Mu-da-du-um,  RPN,  Ar. 

-l^'a,  Bi.  n^a,  Sam.  -ni»,  LXX  Mu)8a8) 
""''Z^-^^-^-z^jTukulti-N.II,  Ann.R.  3.  ^^Sir- 
qa-a-ia,  ibid.  R.  10. 
Mudammiq-Adad  "Adad  makes  favorable"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Mu-SIG-U,  oi'-^Ha-a-ba,  JADD  899,  III  15. 

2.  SIG-ig-'^IM,   in  alu   hi  Mudammiq-Adad, 

Melis.:  Susa  3,  II 24. 
f.  of  Ardi-Nana,  Neb.  I:  VR  56,  II 13.  Mna.: 
I  R  66,  II  13.     Stone  of  Amran,  II  2.  — 
-      KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  168;  IV,  p.  66. 
Mudammiq-Asur  "Ashur  makes  favorable" 

Mu-SIG-AS-iur,  JADD  267,  R.  s. 
Mudammiq-iiu . . . 

1.  Mu-STG-iq-AN,  K.  241,  X,  14,  spec. 

2.  SIG-AN. . . ,  K.  3992,  with  Agnm  (WAF  I 

p.  516). 
Mudammiq  (.^)-sarru 

Mu-Si G-MAN,  Epon.  B.  C.814,  ofKirruri, 

IIIR  I,  III  3;    or  Mu-hk-nii^),  cf.  KB  I 

p.  206. 
IVIu-da-pi-r[a]-a-a  (cf.  Na.  snsuTa,  Mu-dajdu-pirlbi- 

f.  of  Arad-ili,  OLZ  VI  198,  R.  6  (Ep.  Sa- 

Mudubiraja,  see  Mudabirdi^a. 

No.   I. 

*IVIugalIu  (cf.  Mu-ga-li  HAV,  p.  92;  Mu-qa-li-i) 

1.  Mu-gal-li,  JADD  698,  B.  E.  1  (B.  C.-649.?) 

(KB  IV  p.  148).  iar  """Tabaia,  king  of 
Tabal,  Abp.:  A,  IIIR  18,  II  107;  Ann.  II 73 
(KB  II  p.  172);  B,  III  R  30,  II 60,  75,  111; 
K.  2675,  R.  8>  (KB  II  p.  170,  n.  2). 

2.  Mu-gal-lu,  ^Me-li-da-a-a,  K.  11 476,  s,  R.  1. 

1 1 479,  3,  R.  6.  II 486,  2,  6,  7,  10  (KGAS 
no.  54.  56.  57).  ^ar"'"*Jabalu  AbT^:.  Ann. 
11,68  (KB  II  p.  170). 

3.  Mu-gal-lum,  HABL  629,  R.  7. 

4.  Mug-gal-lum,  of  Melid,  K.  11 480, 2  (KGAS 

no.  55). 
Mukin-Asur  "Ashur  establishes" 

1.  Mu-GLhA-AS-^ur,]hDV>  183,2,10.  187,9. 

2.  Mu-ki-7iu-AS-sur,  JADD  23,  R.  s  (Ep.  F). 

188,  1  (B.  C.  669). 

'Muklnat-lstar  "Ishtar  establishes" 

fMu-ki-na-at-'^ISITTU,  JADD  320, 5,  slave 
sold,  B.  C.  691. 

Mukln-sarriite-ilu   "Establisher  of  the   king- 
hood  is  the  god" 
DU-MAN-te-AN,  JADD  500,  R.  4. 

Muklnu  {MU-GI.NA)),  see  Sum-ukin. 

*Muk-kut-is-sah,  in  Bit-^Muk-kut-is-sah,  Nazim.: 
Susa  2,  I  12,  18. 
f  oi'Sa{Za)-ap-ri,  Neb.  I :  V  R  56,  le  (KB  III,  i, 
p.  168). 

Mu-ma-hu  . . .,  JADD  904,  IV  7. 

Mu-mar-ilu,  JADD  320, 3,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  691. 

Mu-nam-me  (cf.  OBa.  Mu-na-mu-um  RPN,  fMu- 
na-mi  BE  XV,  200,  I  29) 
f  of  Nabu-kar-sil  IIIR  52,  esb. 

Munepus-ilu,  see  Munipii-ilu. 

*f|VIu-ni-dan,  MDOG  35  p.  29. 

Mu-ni-pi....,  JADD  518,  R.  ^. 

Munipis-ilu  (<  Munappil;  cf.  DHStt) 

1 .  Mu-ni-pis-AN,  ^hazanu,  B.  C.  7 1 7,  JADD  391 , 

R.  13.   Mu-ni-pi\rii-ilu\  JADD  518,  R.  4. 

2.  Mu-ni-e-pu-ul-AN,  B.  C.  663, JADD  1 53,  R.  5. 

154,  12. 
Munnabitu  "Fugitive"  (cf.  TNB,  p.  112) 

1.  Mu-na-bi-ti,  JADD  498,  R.^. 

2.  Mun-na-bi-te,  TRep.  268,  L.  E.  1  =  HABL 


3.  Mun-na-bit-tum,  HABL  416, 6  =  TRep.  267, 

A,  6. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

4.  Mun-na-dt-tu,  UABL  928,  2.  K.812.  TRep. 

38,  R.  1.  63, 4.  82,  R.  10.  1 1 5,  C,  R.  4.  274,  A, 
R.  3» 

5.  Mu-un-na-bit-ta 

s.  of  Tab-meln,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  I  5. 

6.  Mu-un-na-bit-ti,  Merod.  I;   Susa  16,  II  11,  32 
s.  oiBel-muUllim,  gs.  of  Uk-ka-a,]PsXyD  8 1 2, 

L.  E.  1. 

7.  Mu-un-na-bit-tum,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  II 19; 

III  9,  13. 

*iVlun-su-ar-ta  (Iran.) 

'""*A-ra-zi-aha-a,    Shams.  V:    Ann.  Ill,  38 
(IR30.  KB  I  p.  182). 
Mu-qa-li-i  (cf.  Mugallu) 

JADD  374, 7,  R.  >6;  624,  R.  /.>  (B.  C.  686). 
Muqalil-mitu  "Comforting  for  the  dead" 

1.  Mu-qa-lil-BAD,  JADD  311,  R. /;  (Ep.  S). 

743,  12.  W/.  GAB  Sa  ekalli,  JADD  255, 
R.  /^.  ^zammaru  AHuraia,  JADD  50, 
R..?(Ep.  H). 

2.  Mu-qa-lil-BAD-tu,   '^NI.GAB,    B.   C.  687, 

JADD  218,  R.6. 

3.  Mu-qal-m-BAD,  JADD  618, 7  (Ep.  T). 
Mu-qu-ru  (cf.  Ar.  -ipi!Q),  JADD  225,  R.  9  (cf.  Ill 

p.  443). 
Mu-ra-a  (cf.  Mu-u-ru  TNB),  JADD  278,  j,  slave 

sold,  B.C. 683 (?). 
'Mu-ra-ba-ta-as,JADD  619,13,  slave  devised  (Ep.S). 
Mu-ra-nu/na  "Young  lion"  (cf.  Mu-ra-nu-'^ Qu- 
ia TNB) 
s.  of  Bel-usati,  b.  of  Kabtiia  and  Mu^al- 
lim,  Simb.:  Lay.  53, 1,4  (King,  BBS,  pi.  20, 
p.  102) 
s.  of  ^e-kib-si-bar . . . . ,  VS  I,  35,  42  (KB  IV 
p.  96),  time  of  Marduk-§um-iddin. 
*Mur-si-li-is  (Hit.  =  Eg.M-r'-s'-r',  cf.  MupoiXoq 
Herodotus  I,  7,  WiNCKLER,  AF  II,  p.  282, 
OLZ  IX,    col.  629),   Hittite   king,   s.   of 
Stibbiluliuma,  contemp.  with  Seti  I 
f.  of  HattuHl,  Mutiallu,  Halpallubilis  and 
■f Ilani-ir-in-na,  MDOG  35   p.  19;  b.   of. 
Arandas,  ibid.  p.  18. 
*Mu-sa-la-mu  (WSem.),  JADD  [167,  R.  j],  B.  C.  675. 

f.  of  Is-pu-tu,  JADD  182,  1. 

of  Bunasi,  Anp.:    Ann.  II  35  (I  R  20.  KB  I 
p.  76). 

Mu-su-u,  JADD  409, 3(.?). 

Mu*sur-a-a,  mar  ekalli,  HABL  512,  e. 

f.  of  Hu-da-a-a,  JADD  250,  1. 
*IVIU-sur-l  (cf.  Mu-us-r{i\  Tigl.  IV,  B,  R.  n) 

iar  "'Ma--ba,  king  of  Moab,  Esarh.  B  V,  u 
(IIIR  16,  no.  I.  IR48,  no.  i).  Abp.:  Rm3, 
II 33.  —  KB  II,  pp.  148.  238. 
Musabsi-ilu,  see  JraBi-ilu. 
Mu-sab-si-Marduk  1     "Marduk      brings      into 
s.  of  Ta-me-ra-ni-ti,  dtip-iar-ru,  Imb.:  BM. 
9101S,  R.  21  (King,  BBS  pi.  CVI,  p.  no). 

Mu-sab-si-siM Epon.    temp.    Shalmaneser, 

48- II -4,  280. 
Mu-sal-lim . . . . ,  JADD  366,/  (B.  C.  669).  976,  10. 
Mu-sal-INmu  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
s.  of  Bel-iisati,  b.   of  Kabtiia  &  Mtiranu, 

Simb.:  Lay.  53,  1,  9. 
s.  q{ Sin-apal-iddin,  Mshi.:  VS  I,  35,  as  (KB  IV 
p.  96). 
Musallini'Adad  "Adad  saves"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  Mu-Dl-U,]AT>D  195, 3  (B.C. 730).   ''A.BA, 

B.  C.644(?).  JADD  4,  R.  7  (KB  IV,  pp.  106, 

2.  Mu-ial-lim-'^IM,  HABL  946,  2. 
Mu-sal-lim-aplu  (abbrev.) 

f.  of  Afi'iddina,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  IV  13.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  190. 
Musallim-Asur   "Ashur    preserves"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Mu-DI-AS-lur,  JADD  806,  R.  5. 

s.  of  '""*I'tli--a-a,  B.  C.  734,  JADD  415, 2 

(KB  IV  p.  104). 
f.  of  Apla-a-a,  JADD  363,  R.  s. 

2.  Mu-DI-'^AS-Sur,  Epon.  G,  JADD  160,  B.  E.  2 

(IIIR  48, c). 

3.  Mu-ial-lim-AS-}ur,'Epon., Shalm.I :  KAHI  I, 

13,   R.   E.    Epon.    G,    ''la-kin    "'A-li-fti, 
JADD  173,  R.  11.  250,  R.  3. 
Musallim-ilu  "The  god  preserves" 

1.  Mu-DI-AN,  ''irrilu,  JADD  742,  R.  15. 

2.  Mu-ial-lim-AN,   JADD    36,  2  (B.  C.  685). 

376, 9(?).  ''lanu  la  mar  sarri,  JADD  694, 2. 
Musallim-lstar  "Ishtar  preserves" 

I.  Mu-DI-XV,]A'DD  480,7.  486, 5.    rab  alani 
la  rab  laql,  JADD  180,  4,  13. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


2.  Mu-ial-lim-'^XV,  B.  C.  7i4(?),  JADD  248,4. 

3.  Mu-lal-lirn-''NINNI,]^YyD[^<>,'^.'i\  (Ep.o). 
320, 6  (B.  C. 691).  ''rab a/ani;] ADD  492, 8,11. 

IVIusallim-IVIarduk"Marduk  preserves"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Mu-lal-lhn-''AMAR.UD\    mar     jy-ka-ni, 

Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.  VI  s;  Co.  84.  ^ Sar-tin-nu, 
Shalm.  Ill:  VS  I  69,  13. 
s,  oi  Arad-Mardiik,  belpihdti,  Nku.:  Lo.  102, 
IV  7.  —  KB  IV,  p.  88. 

2.  Mji-Sal-lim-'^SU,  ^A.BA,  B.C.683,  JADD  89, 

R.  E.  /. 
Musalllm-Nashu  "Nashkhu  preserves" 

Dl-na-as-hu,  JADB  2,  I  2. 
Mu-sal-lim-Nergal  "Nergal  preserves" 

JADD  533,  R. .. 
Musallim-NIN.IB  "Ninib  preserves" 

1.  ni-'^MAS,  ''be I  pi/mi,  JADD  426,  B.  E.  1. 

2.  Mu-DI-^MAS,   of  Tille,   Epon.  B.  C.  793, 

Canon  A,  III  25.  Epon.  B.  C.  J^^,  Canon  A, 
IV  3;  id  "'Tile,  Canon  E,  R.  4;  81-2-4, 
187,  R.  11. 

3.  Mu-Ul-lim-'^MAS,]KDDd,i2,^. ,4 (B.C.748). 

Epon.  B.  C.  793,  JADD  651,  R.  11;    sd 

"' Til-li-e,  81-2-4,  187,  19. 

Mu-sa-SU-u  "Screamer" 

^i«/i«  ia  '""'La-hi-ri,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  625, 4. 


LU-PAPP\  JADD  178,  3,  slave  sold. 

Mu-se-tzi-ib,  see  Musezibu. 


s.  of  Marduk-ba-an-a-a,   owner  of  tablet, 

B.  C.  595,  K.  9288. 

Musezjb-Asur  "Ashur  saves" 

Mu-Ie-zib-AS-hiJ'-,  ''mukil  apati,  JADD  857, 

I  9.    ''mutir  pati,  JADD  860,  II  is.    ''rab 

ki-sir,  JADD  325,  R.  20  (Ep.  A).     ''Saqfi, 

JADD  857,  1 27.  860,  II 22.    ''se-lap-pa-a-a, 

JADD  38,  R.  E.  1;  39,  R.  E.  1  (Ep.  D). 

Musezib-ilu  "The  god  saves"  (cf.  Bi.  b^nrc^) 

Mu-se-FAb-AN,  JADD 343, 7.  374, 9  (B.C. 685). 

383,  R.  ,0  (B.  C.  674).  427,  R.  //  (B.  C.  694). 

504,  3.  857,  II,  41.     ''na-ki-su,  JADD  857, 

II 47.    ''rakbu,  JADD  852,  I  7.    ''sanu  rab 

kib-si,  JADD  857,  III  29. 
No.  I. 

Musezib-Marduk    "Marduk    saves"    (for    NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Mu-le-zib-vtar-duk,  '^laknu  hi  sise  ia  Bid 

eUi,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  172,  1,  14. 

2.  Mu-U-zib-''AMAR.UD,  VA7,2(MVGXII 

p.  1 57 f.).  mar  ahattihi  la  Bel-ibni,  nephew 
of  Bel-ibni,  82-5-22,  129  (WSnil.  II 
p.  64).  HABL  277,  R.  3  (WSml.  II  p.  39). 
280,  R.  1.  399,  B.  412,  13.  King  of  Baby- 
lon, B.  C.  693—689,  abbrev,  Suzubu,  q.  v., 
Chron.  B  III  12,  13,  19,  22, 24.  —  For  NBa. 
texts,  see  BE  X. 

s.  of  Se  {^)-su  (.?),  94-6- 1 1 ,  36, 13  (ZA IX  p.  398), 
7^  year  of  Sin-sar-iskun. 

f.  oi  Adad-ibiii,  Shmk.:  CT  X  pi.  IV  22;  Vu; 

VI  31. 

3.  KAR-^AMAR.  UD,   prob.   Babyl.  king  or 

prince,  Chron.  A,  Vg;  Eulmahsakin-lum, 
the  king,  was  buried  in  the  palace  of  M. 

4.  KAR-'^SU,  king  of  Babylon,  B.  C.  693—689, 

King-list  A,  IV  is. 
Mu-se-zib-NabQ  ^  "Nabu  saves"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 
JADD  351,7  (Ep.^F).  '^A.BA,  JADD  640,  R.  4 

(Ep.  O). 
s.  of  Naba-sum-iikun,  A.BA  Sa  Sarri  Babiii, 
JADD  869,  IV  7. 
Mu-se-zib-NIN.IB^  "Ninib  saves" 

Layard,  Nineveh  and  Babylon  p.  276,  found 
at  Arban. 
Mu-se-zib-ra-man  "Ramman  saves"JADD689,i. 
Mu-se-zib-Samas    "Sham ash  saves"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 
K.  241,  VII 18,  spec,  ''bel  pihati  "'Diri,Stt\e 
of  Anaz,  POGNON,  Inscriptions,  no.  59,  3. 
Musezibu  (hypocor.) 

1.  Mu-h-sib,  JADD  74, 2,  4,  B.  E.  2,  B.  C.  680, 

dup.  to  (2). 

2.  Mji-le-zi-bu,  JADD    -Ji,  3,  5,   dup.    to    (i). 

fiasiku  of  Yatburu,    Sarg.  Ann.  281. 

3.  Mu-se-zi-ib,  HABL  685,  R.  1,  s:  d»ru  la  M. 
Mu-sib-sa  (cf.  Mu-hb-si\hi  TNB) 

s.  oi^^fia-za-an-lna],  Mshi.:  VSI,  35,41  (KB  IV, 

p.  96). 

Epon.,  B.  C.  814,   of  Kirruri,  IIIR  i,  III,  3, 

see  Mudammig-iarru. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Mus-ki-nu(?),  JADD  68, 3,  B.  C.  645(?). 
Mus-ta-li  (abbrev.,  cf,  Oba.  Sin-muUdl;  also   in 
Cass,  texts,  see  BE  XVII,  pt.  i) 
f.  of  Ndsiru,  Melis.  DEP  X,  pi.  12,  VIII,  s. 
Mu-tak-kil . . . . ,  JADD   532,  R.  6.    Cf.  Mutakkil- 

Mu-Wk-kil-Adadi  "Adad  strengthens" 

HABL  1101,5. 
Mutakkil-Asur  "Ashur  strengthens" 

1.  Mu-tak-kil-AS-iur,  JADD  659, 7. 

2.  Mu-tdk-kil-AS-hir,   HABL   213,  3.     Epon. 

B.  C.  706,  ^la-ktn  "^Gu-za-na,  Canon  A, 
V,  18-,  B,  VI,  5;  III R  I,  IV 18;  2, 33  (K.  3044), 
4}'^  year  of  Sargon  as  king  of  Babylon. 
JADD  484,  R.  9.  ^rab  ki-sir  ummi  Sarri, 
JADD  857,  II 33.  ''riqqu,  JADD  48,  R.  E.  / ; 
49,  L.E.  /  (B.C.656?).  [575,  R./,].  805,/.. 
Sangu  la7iu,  HABL  419,  2. 

3.  Mu-tdk-kU-'^AS-lur,  Epon. B.C.  706,  Canon D, 

IV,  13. 

Mu-tak-ki-I[i ....],  Simb.:  Lay.  53  (King,  BBS,  pi.  21, 

p.  103)- 
Mutakkil-Marduk  "Marduk  strengthens" 

1.  Mu-tak-kil-'^ SU,]h\yD  loi, R.4. 7 1 1, 1  (Ep.E). 

2.  Mu-tdk-kil-'^RW,  Epon.  B.  C.  799,  III  R  i, 

III  is:    Mu-tdk-kil[-Marduk]\    ''rab   iaql, 

81-2-4,     ^[87,  13. 

Mutakkil-Nusku  "Nasku  strengthens" 

Mu-tak-kil-'^ P A. KU,  iar  ^"*ABur,  s.  of 
ASur-dan,  f  oi  Aiur-rli-iH,  gf  of  Tiglat- 
Pileser  I,  c.  B.  C.  1 160,  Tigl.  I,  VII 45  (IR 1 5. 
.  KB  I  p.  40).  IIIR  3.  19,  29  (KB  I  p.  12). 
IIIR  4,  57  b.  VA  5999, 1,  8.  ]tar  kiilati  iar 
\'""*  ''A-Sur],  f  of  Ahir-res-iH,  gf.  of  Tu- 
kulti-apil-Eiarra,  Sm.  1 874, u (AKA  p.  1 1 1) 
s.  of  Asur-dan,  f.  of  Ahir-ri^-iH,  langa 
Alur,  VA  12629+  i2  8o4(Andrae,  Anu- 
Adad-Tempel  p.  5,  pi.  XI). 
'^Mutailu  (by  Sayce,  Records  of  the  Past,  new 
series,  IV  p.  59,  n.  6,  identified  with  the 
name  of  the  Hittite  king  formerly  read 
Mutnr  (Mautenar),  who  is  mentioned 
in  the  Egyptian  copy  of  the  treaty 
between  Ramses  II  and  the  Hittites  of 
Kadesh;  Sachau,  ZA  VII  p.  99,  Zur 
historischen  Geographie  von  Nordsyrien, 
p.  8,   compares   the  Cilician   name  Mo- 

[rJaXr^q,  see  E.  L.  HiCKS,  Inscriptions 
from  Western  Cilicia,  in  Journal  of  Hel- 
lenic studies  XII  (1891)   p.  247,  no.  40) 

1.  Mu-tal-li,  "'Gur-gu-ma-a-a,  prince  of  Gur- 

gum,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  I  40,  4i  (IIIR  7. 
KB  I  p.  156) 

2.  Mut-tal-lu,   JADD   237,  R.  ,4   (B.  C.  665). 

"'"^Ku-muh-hijha-a-a,  ally  of  Argistis  of 
Urartu,  Sarg.  Ann.  195,  388  (var.) 
s.  of  Tarjiulara,  prince  of  Gurgum,  Sarg. 
Ann.  209, 211, 212;  Khors.  se  (KB  II  p.  64). 

3.  Mut-tal-lum,  '""* Ku-muh-ha-a-a,  Sarg.  Ann. 

888;  Khors.  112  (KB  II  p.  ^\ 
s.  of  Tarhulara\  Sarg.  Khors. 84  (KB  II  p.  64). 

4.  Muttallil,  s.  of  MurHlii,  f.  of  Urhi-Telup, 

b.  of  HattuHl,  HalpaHultibii  and  /Ilani- 
irinna,  MDOG  35  p.  19,  seq. 

5.  Mu-u-at-ta-al-li,  MDOG  35  p.  43. 

Mu-LAL-A^-Iur,  JADD  87, 2;  88,  i  (Ep.  W). 
467,  R.  i.  ^rab  laqi,  Shams.  V:  Ann.  II,  17 
(IR30.    KB  I  p.  178). 
Mutarris-ilu,  or  ATutaqqin-ilu 

1.  Mu-LAL-AN,  83- 1- 18,  695,  III  17,  spec. 

2.  Mu-tar-ri-su-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III  is,  spec, 

cf  JADD  III,  p.  XV. 
*Wut-Balu  (Can.,  cf.  Bi.  bxcinia,  nbfin^a) 

1.  Mu-ut-ba-ah-l[uml  TA  255,  3. 

2.  Mu-ut-'^IM,  TA  256,  2, 5. 
Muttalllk(.?Z>t^?/^)-ilani,  JADD  500,  R.  //. 
*Mut(?)-zu-a-ta,  oi -'Ku-li-si,  Shalm.  Ill:  Bal.J. 
Mu-za-am-me-ri-li-pu-su,  K.  241,  XII  n,  spec. 
Mu-zu-ra*a-a,  JADD  275, 3,  sold. 

Na-ba-di-e  (Peiser,  KB  IV  p.  52:  Na-ba-hi-e) 

f.  of  /j'(?  Ir)-7'u{sup)-pi,  Capp.  G,  5,  11. 
Na(.?)-bi-si-ik-ki,  JADD  388,  R.  9. 
Nabua  (hypocor.  cf.  Nabuid) 

1.  Na-bu-u-a,   JADD    1067,  1.     ^mutir  ptiti, 

B.  C.  685,  JADD  232,  R.  7.  291,  R.J.  id 
"^AUur,  astrologer,  HABL  141,  2.  142, 2. 
818,  2.  819,  R.  1  (IIIR  51,  no.  3).  820,  R.  1 
(IIIR  51,  no.  4).  821,  R.  4.  822,  R.  1.  823, 
R.  1.  824,  R.  1.  825,  R.  1.  826,  R.  1.  827, 
R.  2.  828,  R.  1.  ^}a7igu,  JADD  255,  R.  7. 

2.  Na-bu-u-a,  }a  "'Ashir,  astrologer,  HABL 

817,  R.  1.   1137,3. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


3.  '^AK-u-a,  JADD  77,  2.  'Hrriiu,  of  "'Bit-tah 

bi-ra,  JADD  742, 5. 

4.  '^PA-u-a,  JADD  40,  R.E.  /  (B.C. 676;  IIIR 

47, 46,  b.  KB  IV  p.  126).  80,  R.  E.  /.  153, 
R.  E.  1  (B.  C.  663?).  154,/^  (B.  C.  661). 
163,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  O).  204,  4  (B.  C.  667). 
253,  R.  6.  257,  4,  R.  1  (B.  C  670).  335,  G, 
B.  C.  687  (in  R  46, 70,  d.  KB  IV  p.  1 18). 
406,  R.  2.  418,  B.  E.  2.  447,  7,  slave  sold, 
B.C.683(KBIVp.  122).  500,  R.  ^.  551-,^. 
630,  3,  17  (B.  C.  678).  913,  R.  2.  K.  241, 
IV  3,  spec,  asu,  JADD  851,  II  8.  nappah 
hurasi,  JADD  440,  R.  //  (B.  C.  692).  626, 
R.  13.  806,  R.  13.  ^rab  NT.  GAB,  B.  C.  686, 
JADD  453,  R.  ,..  Sa  "'PAP-ha-ii-ar,  B.  C. 
674,  JADD  404,  1.  ''Sanfi  }a  arkHu, 
JADD  246,  R.  s.  '^A.BA,  JADD  208,  R.  ,6. 
(B.  C.  668.  KB  IV  p.  132).  273,  R.  s. 
3 1 5,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  667).  391,  R.  /9  (B.  C.  7 1 7. 
IIIR48, 59,  c.  KB  IV  p.  108).  618,  R.E.J 
(Ep.  T).  ''za-rab-bi,  JADD  626,  R.  4  == 
806,  R.  4.    See  also  Nabu-belua. 

f.  of  Adad-takal  and  Silli-IUar,  VS  I  88,  23. 

f.  of  la-sa-ma,  VS  I  84,  2. 

5.  ^PA-u-a,  JADD  830, 2.  '' ,  JADD  679,  s 

(B.  C.  682).  f'Sd  bit  kii-din,  HABL  245,  le. 

6.  ''PA-ii-u-a,  JADD  133,  3  (B.C. 693).  ^a.BA, 

JADD  297,  R.  14;  614,  R.  1  (Ep.  I). 

7.  '^ PA-ii-u-a,  Sm.  55,  I  is,  spec. 
Nabu'^^abMa  K.  241,  IV  4,  spec. 
Nabu-abkial-ilani    "Nabu   is   the   most    infor- 
med of  the  gods" 

^PA-NUN.  ME- ANP\  K.  241,  II 2,  spec. 

Nabu-ahe ,  JADD  18,  R.  4. 

Nabii-ahe-ballit   "Nabu,    keep    the    brothers 
alive!"  (cf.  NBa.  Naba-ahe-bullit  TNB) 

1.  ^PA-PAPP'-bal-lit,  K.241,  III  14,  spec.  JADD 

848,  5. 

2.  <iPA-PAPPt.  TI,  JADD  7 1 2,  L. E.  ^.  K.  1 1 52 1, 

E.  3  (KGAS  145).    asii,  JADD  851.  II  9. 
Z.'' PA-PAP.  ME- TIN,    83-1-18,     544,    E.   2 
(KGAS  119). 
Nabii-ahe-ereS;  see  Nabu-aheres 
Nabu-ahe-lddin   "Nabu   has   given  brothers" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
I.  'AK-PAP.ME-MU  f  of  Sil-la-a,  K.  433, 7 

(KB  IV  p.  170)  (20th  year  of  Abp.). 
No.  I. 

2.  '^AK-SE^P^d-din,  ^ki-pi  la  Esagila,  HABL 

516,  20. 

''AK-^E^fMU,  f.  oiSuma,  HABL  963,  R.4. 
'^ AK-SES^'-SE-na,  writer  of  astrol.  report, 

TRep.  121.  143.  158,  A.  163. 
'^PA-PAPP^-AS,  HABL  163,5.  JADD  119, 

R.  2  (B.  C.  680).   K.  241,  II  15,  spec.   Epon. 

B.  C.  675,  JADD  95,  R.  5.    124,  R.  E.  1. 

^abarakku  rabn,  JADD  186,  R.  is.   *//a- 

za-mi,  JADD  166, 1  (Ep.  S).  ''mutir  pnti, 

HABL 714, 5.  Haknu,B.C. 676,  JADD  175, 

R. /^. 

6.  <^PA-PAPP^-SE-na,  Epon.  B.C. 675,  IIIRi, 

VI  6. 

7.  ''PA-SESP'-MU,  K.  7335. 
NabQ-ahe-liimur  "Nabu,  may  I  see  brothers!" 

'^PA-PAPP^-lu-mur,  K.  241,  III  17,  spec. 
Nabu-aheres  "Nabu  has  planted  a  brother" 
7cf.  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-SES-PIN-el  HABL  1091,  R.  10. 

2.  '^PA-PAP-KAM-el  Epon.  B.C.  681,  JADD 

269,  R.  8.  635,  R.  1;  ''^sa-ktn  "^Samalli, 
JADD  59,  R.  5.  279,  R.  9. 

3.  ''PA-PAP-PIN-es,   HABL  212,  11.   K.  241, 

II  31,  spec.  Epon.  B.  C.  681,  IIIR  i,  V43; 
JADD  30,  B.E.  1.  231,  R.  14;  PSBA  XXX 

(1908),    p.   in,  17;    p.    112,  18. 

4.  'i PA-PAP ME-K AM,  Sm.  1037  (B.  C  681). 

5.  '^PA-PAPP^-KAM-ei,  Epon.  B. C.  681,  III R  i, 

V,  43,  van 

6.  ''PA-PAPP^-P/N-e},    Ukin    U    "^Samalla, 

Epon.  B.  C.  681,  Canon  C,  IV,  le.  JADD 
127, 7.  [277,  R.  E.  2]. 
Nabu-aheriba  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1 .  '^ AK-SESP'-ri-ba,  80-7- 1 9, 1 97 = TRep.  8 1 ,  D. 

HABL  [844,  14]. 

2.  '^PA-PAPP'-SU,  JADD  43,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  687). 

382, 9, 11  (B.  C.  716).    6z7,  R.  4.    K.  241, 

III  10,  spec.  ^A.BA  (B.  C.  698),  JADD 
473,  R.  2s.  '^pir-hi-tm  (Ep,  R),  JADD 
642,  R.  E,  4  (III  R  49,  38,  b).  ''ki-e- 
pu  sa  ^^Be-ri,  JADD  992, 5.  Writer  of 
astrological  report:  HABL  77, 4.  78, 4. 
79,  3.  80,  2.  81,  2.  82,  2.  83,  2.  404,  2.  405,  2. 
406,  2.  407,  2.  692,  3.  693,  3.  694,  8.  696,  2. 
697,  2.  689,  3.  993, 8  (TRep.  55).  TRep.  43 
(IIIR  58,  no.  3).   51.  54.  55,  8.  62.  70.  75 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

(Ill  R  51,  no.  I).  [81,  G].  84.  96.  [98].  106 
(inR59,  no.  12).  113.  1 39  (III  R  58,  no.  7). 
141.  179.  204.  [209].  212.  236,  D.  236,  H. 
237.  238.  244,  C.  246,0.  248  (IIIR  59, 
no.  8).  252,  D.  258.  271,  A.  274,  G.  274,  H. 

s.  of  A-u-lu-u-a-a,  "^Kan-nu--a-a,  VS  I  86, 1. 

s.  of  A^u-ia-u-tn ,   ''erid   bit   '^Nabfi,   Nsi.: 

VS  I,  36,    III  13. 

3.  ''PA-PAP-SU,  '^bam,  JADD  513,  1. 
Nabu-ahe-sallim  "Nabu,  save  the  brothersl" 
(cf.  Nabti-ahe-sullim) 

1.  "PA-PAPP^-DI,  HABL  150,  R.  10,  13.  695  2. 

JADD  46,  R.E.  /.  416,  R.  E.  /  (B.C.  710; 
KB  IV  p.  112).    922,  IV  4.    993,  III  22, 

R.  IV,    28. 

2.  '' PA-PAPP^-lal-lim,]i\Y)^  6,  VIII  s.  K.  241, 

III  18,  spec.  5517. 
Nabu-ahe-sullim  (Ba.)  =  Nabu-ahe-sallim. 

1.  '^AK-SES^'-GI,  82-5-22,  1769. 

2.  ^AK-SESPi-lul-lim,  KK.  7479.  13  181. 
Nabu-ah-iddin  "Nabu  has   given  a  brother" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-PAP-AS,  JADD  993,  R.  Ill,  1. 
f.  of  Ba-la-su,  HABE  873,  R.  5. 

2.  ^AK-PAP-MU,  JADD  241,  R.:r. 

3.  '^PA-PAP-AS,    HABL    884,  2.     1009,    18. 

JADD  32,  R.  s  (B.  C.  693  or  688).  63, 
R.  E.  /  (Ep.  V).  128,  L.  E.  /  (B.  C.  665?). 
251, 3, 10.  288,  R.  7.  300,  R.  s  (B.  C.  684.?). 
335,  L.  E.  .  (Ill  R  46,  88,  d;  B.  C.  687) 
388,  R. ..  536,  R.  /.  845,  R.  4,  b.  912,  4, 
slave  oi  Zerati.  1091,3.  K.  241,  II  14,  spec. 
1585.  1 591.  1875.  VS  I  84,  rj  (Ep.  E). 
85,-7.  93,-9.  [94,  H  M.i9^,  B.  C.  694, 
JADD  427,  R.  ,5  (III  R  48,  59  b.  KB  IV 
p.  ii4f.).  bel  qatati,  JADD  166,  R.  2,  5 
(Ep.  S).  f'rab  mati,  JADD  641,  R.  ,4 
(Ep.  C).  ^l^alhi  mar  iarri  JADD  857, 1, 36. 
''langu,  B.  C.  680,  JADD  360,  R.5. 
4  "PA-PAP-SE-na,  JADD  253,  R.  4. 

Nabij-ahiini  (?VS  1, 35, 51),  see  Nabn-nasir{SES-ii^). 

Nabii-ah-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  brother!" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
I.  ^ PA-PAP-PAP,  HABL  328,  R.  24.  JADD 
31,  R.  .  (Ep.  ^).  51,  R.  /  (B.  C.  683). 
120,  6  (B.  C.  693).  162,  B.  E.  /  (IIIR  47, 
60  a.   KB  IV,  p.  116;  B.  C.  694).  163,  R.  g 

(Ep.  O).  279,  R.  7  (B.  C.  681).  [679,  R.^]. 
K.  241,  I,  2,  spec.  82-5-22,  128.  ^A.BA, 
JADD  329,  R.  12  (Ep.  K).  598,  R.  9.  '^irriiu, 
JADD  429,  27.  ^mutir  pnti,  B.  C.  684, 
JADD  19,  6.  20, 5  (III  R  47;  47  a.  KB  IV, 
p.  118).  ''rab  ekalli,  JADD  [640,  R.  5.^1. 
^rab  kal-li-e,  B.  C.  698,  JADD  328,  R.  10 
(III  R  48,  68  a.  KB  IV,  p.  1 14). 
s.  oiNargi,  JADD  318,  1,  B.  E.  2  (IIIR  46, 
1,  19  b;  Ep.  A). 
2.  dPA-^ES-PAP,  HABL  328,  R.  ,1. 

Nabu-aliMd-ensi  "Nabu  goes  by  the  side  of 
the  weak  one" 
'^PA-DU-W-SIG,  Sm.  55,  I,  u,  spec. 

Nabu ^-a-lik-idi-ia   "Nabu    goes    by    my   side" 
K.  241,  III,  43,  spec. 

Nabu-alik-pani  "Nabu   is  a   leader"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 
'^PA-DU-SI,  Sm.  55,  I,  3  spec. 

Nabu-alik-panna  "Nabu  is  my  leader" 

1.  '* PA-a-lik-pa-ni-ia,  Sm.  55, 1,  12,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-DU-SI-ia,  K.  241,  III,  42;  Sm.  55,  I,  n, 

Nabu'-al-si-ka-ab-[lut]  "Nabu,  I  cried  to  thee 
and  remained  alive"  (cf  TNB) 
K.  241,  III,  45,  spec. 
Nabu'-al-si-ka-ul-aba8(A^^-W?)  "Nabu,  I  cried 
to     thee    and    was    not    ashamed" 
(cf.  NBa.  Nabu-al-si-ka-ul-a-ba-al  TNB) 
K.  241,  III,  46,  spec. 
Nabu-amat-U^ur    "Nabu,     guard    the    word!" 

'^PA-KA-PAP,  K.  241, 1,  4,  spec. 
Nabu-amat-pi-usur    "Nabu,   guard    the    word 
of  the  mouth!" 
'' PA-KA-KA-PAP,  K.  241,  I,  .5,  spec. 

K.  241,  III,  44,  spec. 
Nabu^-ana-ali-SU    (abbrev.,    cf   NBa.  Nabu-ana- 
dliia  TNB) 
K.  241,  IV,  45,  spec. 

''PA- ASS C/,  K.  241,  III,  6,  spec. 
Nabu-apal-iddin  "Nabu  has  given  a  son"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
1.  ^AK-A-AS,  JADD  27,  B.  E.j  (B.  C.  667; 
IIIR  47, 55  b.    KB  IV,  p.  134).     82-3-23, 

T.  XUII. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


32,  scribe  of  tablet.  A.BA  zinniHt  ekalli, 
B.  C.  666,  JADD  185,  B.  E.  /. 

2.  ''AK-A-MU,  s.o{ Samai-iddm(J),\S  I,  61,2. 

3.  '^AK-A-SE-na,   ZA   XI,  p.  47,  3    (time    of 

s.  of  At-na-a-a,  descend,  oi Aqar-Nabn,  Nai.: 
CT  X,  3,  1,  10,  22. 

4.  ''FA-A-AS,  JADD  325,  R.  /^  (Ep.  A).    574, 

R.  4  (B.  C.   649?).     K.  241,  II,  16,   spec. 

'' ,  JADD  568,  R.  s.  ^A.BA,  JADD  88, 

L.  E.  s  (III  R  47,   no.  2 ;   Ep.  W).    207, 
R.  6  an  R  46,  28  a.  KB  IV,  p.  1 50;  Ep.  B). 
277,  R.  7  (B.C.  681). 
f.  of  Bani-a-a,  ^A.BA,  JADD  161,  R.  11. 

5.  '^PA-A-SE-na,  JADD  322,  s. 

6.  '^PA-AS-SE-na,  K.  241,  II,  is,  spec. 

7.  ''PA-TUR.US-AS,  K.  241,  II,  17,  spec. 

8.  ^PA-TUR.US-SE-na,  HABL  928,  s. 
King  of  Babylonia  (Dyn.  H),  probably  son 

of  Nabu-shum-ukin,  contemp.  with  Ashur- 
nazirpal  III  and  Shalmaneser  III: 
i.'^AK-A-SE,    iar  Babili,   Nai.:   VR6i,28: 
31  year.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  180. 

2.  ''AK-A-SE-na,  iar  Babili,  Nai.:VR6o,  II,  is. 

111,15.    IV,  3,  36.   V,  3.    VI,  9,  28,  36;  CT  X,  3,  9, 

21,  31 ;  VS  I,  35,  so:  28*''  year,  iar  """^Kar- 
duniai,  Anp.  Ill:  Ann.  Ill  19.  —  KB  I, 
p.  98;  III,  pt.  I,  pp.  176-18;  IV  pp.  94.  96. 

3.  [^AK-TUR.]US-MU,  s.  of  Nab7Uum[-jikml 

Chron.  K^,  R.  3. 

4.  ^AK-TUR.US-SE-na,  iarru,  Nai.:  V  R  61, 

IV,  1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  178. 

5.  '^PA-A-SE-na,  sarru,  Nai.:  CT  X,  3,  2. 

6.  '^PA-TUR.US-SE-na,    iar    ^"^^Karduniai, 

contemp.  with  Shalm.  Ill,  Synchron.  Ill, 

23,    26. 

Nabu-apal-lisir  "Nabu,'may  the  son  succeed!" 

''PA-AS-GIS,  K.  241,  II,  23,  spec. 
Nabu-apal-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  son!"  (Ba.) 

1.  ^PA'AS-PAP  {=  Nabii-edu-usurr),  K.  241, 

I,  18,  spec. 

2.  ^PA-TUR-PAP,  K.  241,  I,  8,  spec. 

King  of  Babylonia,  B.  C.  625—605,  father 
of  Nebuchadnezzar: 

1.  ''AK-A-SES,  iar  Babili,  Neb.:  VS  I,  48,  3. 

2.  ''AK-rUR.US-SES,  sar  Babili,  Neb.  I  R  8, 

no.  4,  3;  52,  no.  5,  e;  no.  7,  3;  VS  I,  47,  4. 
No.  I. 

Nabd.:  Br.  cyl.  I,  50.  II,  41  (I  R  69).  — 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  pp.  68,  84. 

3.  '^AK-  TUR.US-ii-sur,  K.9288.  Neb.:  O'Conor 

I  15;  Senk.  I  5  (IR  51).  VS  I,  46,  2.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  58. 

4.  '^AK-TURM^-u-su-ur,   iar  Babili,    Neb.: 

EIHIV,  70.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  18. 

5.  '^AK- TUR.US-u-su-ur,'^&h.'^^h.\,n{^ R 52, 

no.    3);      EIH    I,    21;      AlJEL-WlXCKLER, 

p. 33,  1, 21;  KB  III,  pt.2,  p. 70, 3  a;  IR  52, 
no.  6, 2;  VR  34, 1 9;  ZA  II,  p.  169,  I,  13. 

6.  '^ Na-bi-um-TUR-ii-su-ui',  iar  Babili,  Neb.: 

ZA  I,  p.  339,  4. 

7.  '^Na-bi-um-  TUR.  US-ii-sur,  Iar  Babili,  Neb.: 

VS  I,  43,  1 3. 

8.  '^ Na-bi-um-TUR.US-ii-su-ur,  iakkanak Ba- 

bili Iar  Sumeram  u  Akkadim,  Nabop. 
86-7-20,  I  9  (ZA  IV,  p.  129.  OBI  84. 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  2).  sarru  mar  la  mam- 
manim.  We.,  Misc.  pi.  8,  1.  Iar  Babili, 
Nabop.  W,  a  (ZA  II,  p.  71.  KB  III,  pt.  2, 
p.  6).  Neb.:  Ball  II 7;  EIH  VII  47;  Rich  I  s 
(IR  52,  no.  4);  PSBA  XI,  p.  124,  I  15, 
p.  426,  I  3;  VS  I  38,  I  43;  40,  I  4,  41, 1  4; 
50,  2;  ZA  II,  p.  129^14.  Iar  Babili  Sar 
Ma-da  Sumerim  u  Akkadl,  Nabop.  AH 
82-7-14,  I  1,  II  16.  sarru  dannu  iar  Ba- 
bili iar  '"'"'■Sumerim  u  Akkadl,  Napop. 
W  b,  I  1. 

9.  '^ PA-ap-lu-u-sur ,    f.    of   Nabu-kudur-usur, 

Nabd.  85-4-30,  2,  I  41  (PSBA  XI). 
Nabu-asarid  "Nabu  is  the  first,  one" 

i.^AK-MAS,  Epon.  8   (B.  C.  692?),   JADD 
242,  R.  //. 

2.  '^AK-SAG.KAL,  K.  1268  ==  HABL  991, 2. 

3.  <' PA-MAS,  JADD  35, 2  (B.  C  665 .?).  173,  R-  r 

(Ep.G).  Sm.  55,  II  15,  spec.  ^A.BA,  B.  C.^ 

684,  JADD  230,  R.  14  (KB  IV  p.  120). 
s.  of  "'"*I-tu--a-a,  B.  C.  734(?),  JADD  415, 2 

(KB  IV  p.  104). 
s.  of  Nd id-Iitar ,    servant  of   king's   son, 

JADD  446,  R.  i6  (Ep.  Q). 

4.  '^PA-SAG.KAL,  Sm.  55,  II  le,  spec. 
Nabu-ba  . . . .,  JADD  291,  R.  4. 
Nabu-balat. ...  .,''JADD  236,  R.  10,  A.BA. 
Nabij-balat-eres  "Nabu  has  planted  life" 

<iPA-TLLA-PIN-ei,  K.  241,  II 32,  spec. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabii-balat-iqbi  "Nabu  has  announced  life" 

^AK-TI-E,  JADD  351,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  "¥). 
Nabu-balatsu-iqbi  "Nabu  has  announced  his 
life"  (for  NBa  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-TIN-su-iq-bi,  HABL  716,2  (IV  R  53, 

no.  2).  717,2.  718,2.  KK.  10595,  owner 
of  tablet.  1 3061.  ^niutir  putuia  eli}kar- 
ra-nu,  VS  V,  2,  8  (B.  C.  675.  KB  IV, 
p.  166). 

f.  of  Nabu-ndid,  the  king,  Nabd.  Rm.  A  I  6 
(V  R  64.  KB  III  2  p.  96);  Rm.  B  I  9 
(VR  65);  IR  68,  no.  2.  3.  4  (KB  III  2 
p.i  i8f.).  VSI, S3 16.  81-7-1,9,1 13  (PSBAXI). 

s.  of  Misiraia,    82-5-22,    356,    IV  R   add. 

p.  9,    I  14. 

2.  '^AK-TI-sU'iq-bi,  HABL  176,8. 

3.  '^Na-bi-um-ba-lat-su-iq-bi 

f.  of  Nabu-ndid,  the  king,  Nabd.  85-4-30, 
I  29  {ru-ba-a-am  e-im-ga)  (PSBA  XI). 

4.  '^PA-TI.LA-su-iq-bi,  K.  241,  III  15,  spec. 

5.  '^PA-TIN-su-iq-bi,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  V  4.  — 

KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  192. 

6.  ''PA-TI-su-E,  JADB  [5,  II  2].  JADD  102,5 

(Ep.  I).   623, 9  (III  R  46,  54,  b;  Ep.  A). 

7.  -^PA-  Tl-su-iq-bi^  JADD  879,  5.   892, 5.  rab 

ki-sir,  JADD  349,  R.  9  (Ep.  Q).  ^ia  HU.  SI- 
ni-lii,  JADD  [537,  R.  b\. 

8.  [Nabtt]-TI-su-DUG.GA,    *i^  HU.SI-ni-lu, 

B.  C.  668,  JADD  284,  R.  7. 

^PA-  Tl-ta-ba-ni,  K.  241,  V  6,  spec. 
Nabu2.bal-lit  "Nabu,  keep  alive!" 
K.  241,  III  16,  spec, 
f    of   Simdnai^a,     cousin     of    Aiur-ndid, 
HABL  577,  15. 
Nabu-ballitanni  "Nabu,  keep  me   alive!"  (cf. 
NBa.  Nabu-bullitanni  TNB) 

1.  ^PA-bal-lit-an-ni,  K.  241,  I  31,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-TI.LA-an-ni,  K.  241,  1 30,  spec. 
Nabu^-ballitsu   "Nabu,    keep    him  alive!"  (cf. 

NBa.  Nabu-bullitsu  TNB,  '^AK-bu-ul-li- 

it-su  83- 1- 1 8,  1866,  R.  Ill,  10) 
'^PA-bal-lit-su,    JADD  851,  II  10,   an    asu. 

K.  241,  III  2,  spec. 
Nabu-baltu-ilani  "Nabu  is  the  most  venerable 

of  the  gods"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
'^PA-bal-tu-ANf,  K.  241,  I  49,  spec.  [1585]. 

Nabu-ban-ahe  "Nabu  is  creator  of  brothers" 
''PA-KAK-PAP^i,    HABL    531,  2.    534,  9. 
JADD  3,  R.  2  (B.  C  680).  26,  R.  2  (B.  C.  680). 
Sm.  55,  II  5,  spec. 
Nabu-ban-at)esu  "Nabu  is  creator  of  his  (the 
child's)  brothers" 
'^ PA-KAK-PAPP'-iu,  K.  241,  III  23,  spec. 
Nabu-ban-aplu  "Nabu  is  creator  of  the  son" 

1.  '' PA-ba-ni-A,  Sm.  55,  II  g,  spec. 

2.  ^PA-KAK-A,  K.241,  IV  49(?).   M.i9^,  B.  C. 

686,  JADD  374,  R.  n.   624,  R.  14. 

3.  '^PA-KAK-TUR.US,  K.  241,  IV 10,  Sm.  55, 

II 7,  spec. 
Nabii^-bani  "Nabu  is  creator"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB),  HABL  212,  9,  JADD  601,  R.  6. 
K.  241,  II  47. 
Nabu^-ba-nu-un-ni  "Nabu  is  our  creator" 

''A.BA,  82-5-22,  508,  R.  11  (Maqlu  I,  p.  58). 

.      '^PA'bar-iiii'ANP\  K.  241,  II  3,  spec. 
Nabii-bel ... 

1.  ^AK-EN . . .,  K.  161 2,  poss.  writer  to  king. 

2.  '^ PA-EN...,  79-7-8,    272,  writer   to  king. 

JADD  638,  R.  7. 
Nabu-bel-ahe  "Nabu  is  lord  of  the  brothers" 

'^PA-EN-PAPP^,  JADD  472,  9. 
Nabu-bel-ahe8U"Nabu  is  lord  of  his  brothers" 

dPA-EN-PAPP'-iu,  K.  241,  III  21,  spec. 
Nabu-belani  "Nabu  is  our  lord" 

^AK-EN-a-ni,  f.  oi  E-ri-H,  K.433,  s  (KB  IV 
p.  170),  time  of  Abp. 
Nabu-bel-iddin  "Nabu  has  given  a  lord" 

^PA-EN-AS,]ADD  178,,  as  Kpon.  H', 
prob,  error  for  Nabu-bel-us7ir\  cf.  KB  IV 
p.  130,  JADD  III  p.  406. 
Nabu-bel-ilani  "Nabu   is   lord   of  the   gods" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^ PA-EN- AN/-',  JADD  125,  R.  6  (B.  C.  687). 

K.  241,  1 45,  Sm.  55,  II  4,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-BE-ANP^  see  Nabn-kabti-ilani. 
Nabu-bel-simati,  var.  of  Naba-bel-lumate,   q.  v. 

'^PA-EN-NAMf\  "'"*tam-tim-a-a,  K.  159,21 
(B.  C.  649.?). 
Nabu-bel-sumate,   var.  Nabu-bel-hmate,    "Nabu 
is  lord  of  the  names"  (cf.  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-EN-MU.ME,  HABL  792,10.  ii35,R-g. 

2.  ''AK-EN-MUP^,  binbinu\mar  Marduk-apal- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


iddiyi,  Abp.:  Ann. VII  le,  25  (KB  II  p.  2  lof.). 
B,  VII,  77.  QVII,  88.  IIIR  36,  V30.  HABL 

281,  27,  33,  39,  46,  52  (IV  R  45,  nO.  2).  460,  13, 
R.  5.     462,     R.  6.      582,     R.  2.     736,  7.     791,  4. 

792, 13.  795, 10.  832, 1.  833, 1.  834,  2.  835, 1. 
836, 1.  837, 1.  838, 1.  963,  7,  11,  R.  5,  8. 
964,  R.  6,  13,  16.  998,  R.  4, 8  (WSml.  II,  p.  23) 
1000,  11  (WSml.  II,  p.  30).  1 129,  8,  R.  2,  13. 
KK.  1174, 8  (WSml.  II,  p.  35).  4275.  4505 
(OLZI,7o\  4673.  5062.  5437,  A.  5456,6. 
5473,  R.  5  (WSml.  II  p.  65).  5567.  5639. 
7459.  12826.  Sm.  2085.  81-2-4,  394. 
82-5-22,  126;  165.  83-1-18,  no;  123;  135; 
824.  Bu.  89-4-26,  156.  ''■qipi  "'Hararate, 
Senn.:  Bell.  is. 
.s.  of  ILi-id,   '^sa-ku  Bar  sip,   Shmk.:  CT  X 

pi.  7,    47. 

3.  '^AK-'^EN-MIIP',    82-5-22,    167,    in   letter, 

with  Sin-sar-usur.  Gs.  of  Marduk-apal- 
iddin,   Abp.  A,   IIIR  23,  VII  43, 49,  51,  60. 

4.  'TA-EN-MU^^,   K.  241,  V  4,  spec,    ^kalu, 

JADD  851,  III  5.  ^qepu,  JADD  9,  R.  4 
(B.  C.  686).  ^qi-e-pu  }d  ^'Bi-rat,  HABL 
88,6.  ''qipu  "'Ha-ra-ra-ti,  Senn.Ki.  I  65; 
Tay.  52  (IR  37.  KB  II  p.  84).  Grandson 
{binbifi)  of  Merodach-baladan  Abp.:  Ann. 
VII  28,  39  (VR  7.  KB  II  p.  212).  IIIR 34, 
VII 68.  HABL  289,  7:  haritntusd  Menanu. 
621,  R.  6.  879,  4, 7, 8, 9  (III  R  ZJ,  42,  b,  etc.). 
972,10.    1022,15.    KK.  3652.  7506.    13737. 

5.  ^PA-EN-MUP^-te,  HABL  839,  2.  JADD  326, 
-     R.  /7  (Ep.  i). 

Nabu-belsunu  "Nabu  is  their  lord"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-EN-^u-nu,  HABL  185,1. 

s.  of  Arkat-ill-damqa,  Kandal.:  VS  V,  5,  34. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  174. 
s.  oiBel-etir,  Kandal.:  VSV,  5,  8.  -  KB  IV, 

p.  172. 
s.  oi^Nappahu,    Kandal.:  VS  V,  5,  u.  — 

KB  IV,  p.  172. 

2.  ^ PA-EN-'su-nu,  HABL  877,  R.  12  =  JADD 

889.  JADD  872,  R.  2,  A.BA  mati. 
Nabu-beliia  "Nabu  is  my  lord" 

''PA-EN-u-a,  JADD  366,  R.  s  (B.  C.  669). 
Nabu-bel-ukin    "Nabu    has    established    the 
No.  I. 

1.  ''AK-EN-DU,  HABL  168,2.   170,2.  712,2. 


2.  '^AK-EN-DU-in,  HABL  169,2.  K.  1961,  2. 

3.  ^PA-EN-DU,    HABL   129,    R.  4.    172,  2. 

JADB  4,  VIII  1.   JADD  493,  ,s.  K.  241. 

III  38,  spec,  ''rab  biti  }a  bit  lam,  B.C.679(?), 
JADD  534,  R. .. 

4.  >^PA-EN.DU-in,   HABL    171,  2.      713,  2. 

K.  4688. 
Nabii-bel-ukin-lisiP  "Nabu  has  established  the 

lord,  may  he  succeed" 
'^PA-EN-DU-GIS,  HABL  129,1. 
Nabu-bel-usur    "Nabu,    protect    the    lord!" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''PA-EN-PAP,  JADD    183,  1,   slave   sold. 

257,  1, 5.  311,  .1,  5,  14  (Ep.  S).  816,  I  4. 
KK.  241, 1 1,  spec.  4461.  Epon.  B.  C.  745, 
of  Arabha,  Canon  A,  IV,24;  B,  V,4;  C,  11,29; 
D,  III,  9;  IIIR  I,  IV  24.  Epon.  B.  C.  732, 
of  Si'me,  Canon  A,  IV,  37;  B,  V,  17;  III  R  i, 

IV  37.  Epon.  B.  C.  672,  of  Dur-Sarrukin 
IIIR  I,  VI  9.  80-7-19,  76.  83-I-18,  526, 
R.  8  (KGAS  99).  JADD  15,  R.  E.  2.  14, 
B.E.  1.  '^la-kin  '''Dur-^arrukin.  829,  R.  4. 
'^abarakku  Sana,  JADD  675,  n.  ^ka-za-nu, 
JADD  263,  R.  7.  [322,  R.  6].  ^ha-za-nu  la 
^'Ni-nu-a,  JADD  261,  R.^. 

2.  '^PA-EN-u-sur,   ^lakin ,    \BabiliiJ),   cf. 

Johns,  PSBA  XXIV  (1903),  p.  86 f.]. 
Shmk.:  CT  X,  pi.  7,  ^^. 

3.  ''PA-U-PAP,  HABL  860,  2.  Epon. B.C. 672, 

JADD  64.  R.  14. 
Nabu-bel-zeri   "Nabu    is    lord   of  the  seed" 
(cf  OBa.  '^AKlNabium-be-el-KUL  Dilbat) 
''PA-EN-KUL,  K.  241,  II  48,  spec. 
NabiJ-bina-ukin  "'Nabu  has  established  a  son" 

'^PA-bi-na-DU,  K.  241,  III  4i,  spec. 
Nabu-dabib-nir    "Nabu,    destroy    the    slan- 
derer!" (cf.  Nabn-nlr-dabibt) 
'^PA-KA.KA-ni-ir,  K.  241,  IV  48,  spec. 
Nabu-dajanu  "Nabu  is  judge"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-da-ala-ntl,    lar    '"^*Allur,    Assyrian 

king,  contemp.  with  Alur-narara  and 
Adad-lum-usurQ),  HABL924, 1, 5  (III  R  4, 
no.  5). 

2.  ''PA-DI.KUD,  ''rab  ki-sir,  JADD  857,  IV  4. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabii-damiq  "Nabu  is  hiendly" ,  or  Nada-udam- 

1.  ^AK-SIG-iq,  HABL  469,  e.  815, 1.  Abp.  B: 

WSml.  Ill,  p.  45,  VI  29:  Elainite  envoy, 
s.    of    IJ-zib-Sipak,     ^iaq-Sup-pdr,     Simb.: 
Lay.  53,  29. 

2.  '^PA-SIG,    Abp.:   IIIR  37,   7,  a,   Elamite 

envoy.  JADD  430, 6,  slave  sold  (B.C.  685). 

3.  '^PA-SIG-ig,  Abp.:  B  IV  99  (IIIR  31.  KB  II 

p.  248),  VI  «,  51  (IIIR  33.   KB  II  p.  256). 
HABL  331,  2-  813,  2.  814,2.  K.  241,  IV 26. 
Nabu-dan  "Nabu  is  judge" 

1.  '^AK-dan,  K.  862,  writer  to  Nabn-him-Hkun. 

2.  '^PA-da'-an,  as  Epon.  L,  JADD  61,  L.  E.  2. 

3.  '^AK-da-a-ni,  HABL  22, 5. 
Nabu-da(n)inanni  "Nabu  is  our  judge" 

1.  '^PA-dan-in-an-ni,  HABL  927,  2.  K.  241, 1 37. 

Epon.  B.  C.  742,  III  R  I,  IV  27.  JADD  1098, 
I,  3.  JADD  75,  R.  19,  Hur-ta-nu  ina  tarsi 

2.  ^PA-dan-in-a-ni,  Epon.  B.  C.  742,  ^turtanu, 

Canon  B,  V  7.  Epon.  K,  ia  "'Que,  JADD 
[274,  R.  4].   593,  L.  E.  2. 

3.  '' PA-dan-ni-an-ni,  Epon.  K,  Hakin    "^Qu-, 

JADD  329,  R.  14. 

NabQ-di-ni ,  K.  241,  IV  48,  spec. 

Nabu-dini-amlir  "Nabu,  regard  my  lawsuit!" 

1.  '^AK-di-i-ni-a-mur,  HABL  430, 8. 

2.  ''AK-di-ni-a-mur,  HABL  336,  R.  10. 

3.  '^PA-di-ni-a-mur,]KDT)  49,  R.  7  (B.C.  656?). 
Nabu-dini-dini  "Nabu,  judge  my  cause!" 

'^PA-di-tti-di-ni,  K.  241,  IV  2,  spec. 
Nabu-dlni-epus    "Nabu    has    maintained   my 
right"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-di-e-mi-KAK-ui,    Epon.    B.    C.    704, 

JADD  141,  R.  2. 

2.  '^PA-di-fii-e-pu-ui,  ^rab  r/^",  JADD  1 104,  R.  3. 

3.  '^ PA-di-ni-KAK-ul ,   HABL  934,  2.    Epon. 

B.  C.  704,  Canon  A,  V,  20;  B,  VI,  s;  D, 
IV,  16;  III  R  I,  V20;  Hakin  Ninua,  Canon  F, 
12;  IIIR  2,  40 ;  K.  3068  (CT  30,  25,  R.4), 
1  ^*  year  of  Sennacherib. 

Nabu-dugul  (abbrev.,  cf  Naba-kin-dugut) 
^ AK-du-gul,  Sm.  55,  I  1,  spec. 

Nabu-dumuq-ilani  "Nabu  is  the  most  friendly 
of  the  gods" 

1.  •^AK-SIG-ANP^,  K.  5400.  Sarg.  Ann.  368, 

Khors.  139  (KB  II  p.  72). 
f  of  Kudur,  HABL  627, 5. 

2.  ''PA-SIG-Am',  JADD  71,  R. .  (B.  C.  680). 

209,  R  9. 

3.  '^PA-SIG-ANp^,  JADD  74,  R.  .,  var.  to  (2). 
Nabu-diir-alisu  "Nabu  is   the  stronghold  of 

his  settlement" 
'^PA-BAD-URU-iu,  K.  241,  II 39,  spec. 
Nabii-dur-beii   "Nabu   is   the   stronghold   of 
the  lord" 

'^PA-B  Ad-en,  jadd  i  2,  r.  e.  .  (b.  c.  660.?). 

153,  R.  6  (B.  C.  663?).   154,  f4  (B.  C.  663?). 
292,  R.  6  (B.  C.  707). 
Nabu-dur-beli|a  (cf.  Naba-dur-beli) 

'iPA-BAB-EN-ia,  JADD  825,  5.    K.  241, 

II 41,  spec. 

Nabii-dur-ensi  "Nabu  is  a  stronghold  for  the 


'^PA-BAD-S/G,  JADD  12,  R.  E. .  (B.  C.  660). 

292,  R.  6  (B.  C.  707).  K.  241,  II  36,  spec. 

Nabu-duri  "Nabu  is  my  stronghold"  (cf.  Ar. 

docket  i-nas,  Stevenson,  Contracts,  no.6) 

'^PA-BAd,  JADD  128, 3  (B.  C.  665 .?).  K.  241, 

II  85,   III  62,   spec. 

Nabu-dur-kusur  "Nabu  preserve  the  wall!" 

'^PA-BAD-ku-sur,  Haqu,  JADD  227, 1, 4, 6, 11. 
Nabu-dur-maki    "Nabu   is   a   stronghold    for 
the  frail" 
''PA-BAD-ma-ki-i,  HABL  [935, 3].   K.  241, 
II  37,  spec. 
Nabu-dur-panna  "Nabu   is  a  stronghold  be- 
fore me" 
'^PA-BAD-SI-Iu,  K.  241,  II 40,  spec. 
Nabu-diir-qali  "Nabu  is  a  stronghold  (refuge) 
for  lamenting" 

1.  '^AK-BAD-qa-a-lu,  BE  VIII,  pt.  i,  140, 3. 

2.  '^PA-BAD-qa-la,  K.  241,  II  38,  spec. 

3.  ''PA-BAD-qa-li,]AT)T>  208,  R.  /j  (B.C. 668). 

'^PA-BAD-DU-in,  K.  241,  II 42,  spec. 
Nabu-dur-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  wall!" 

1.  '^AK-BAD-PAP,   Epon.  B.  C.  697,  ^'Mkin 

"^Parmmna,  Senn.Bu.  89-4-26,  177. 

2.  ''/'..^-^^'/^-/MP,  HABL  306, 1.  910,1.  933,1. 

1093,  2.  JADD  222,  R.  4  (B.  C.  682).  328,  4 
(III  R  48,  no.  2.  KB  IV  p.  1 14;  B.  C.  698). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


436,9.  KK.241,19,  spec.  7373.  79-7-8,261. 
81-2-4,  51;  83-1- 1 8,  812.  Epon.  B.  C.  697, 
IIIR  I,  V27;    Canon  B,  VI,  15:   AS-^ur- 
BAD-PAP;  JADD    179,   R.  e.     ^mu-ri- 
ba-nu,  B.  C.  692,  JADD  324,  R.  ,s  (III  R  48, 
80,  b).     ^rab    BI.LUL    "^ MaS-ka-Ia-a-a, 
JADD  693,  R.  8.  ''iaga,  B.  C.  687,  JADD 
218,  R.  7.    857,  I,  35.    ''iaqu   of  ^MU  }a 
ekalli,  B.C.  709,  JADD    1141,^6.   Hallu 
hinniif)  '''Ma-ga-nu-ba,  JADD  422,  R.  /?. 
f.  of  Du-i,  JADD  446, 8  (Ep.  Q). 
Nabu-edu-usur(?)  "^PA-AS-PAP,   or  Nabu-nadin- 
ahi,  q.  v. 
K.  241,  I  18,  spec. 
Nabu^-e-mu-ki-e  "Nabu  is  my  power", 

K.  241,  III  53,  spec. 
Nabu-ena[a  "Nabu    is    my  eye"   (perhaps  ab- 
brev,  cf  NBa  Nabu-drir-ini-{ia)  TNB) 
•     '^PA-SIi^yna-a-a,  K.  241,  IV  27. 

'^PA-SIG-PIN-es,  K.  241,  II  34,  spec. 

^PA-SIG-SU,  K.  241,  III  7,  spec. 
Nabu-epus  "Nabu  has  made"  (cf.  NBa.  Nabn- 
ipui  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-KAK,  K.  241,1143,  spec;  or:  Nabti-ibni. 

2.  ^PA-KAK-us,  ^'saqn,  HABL  638, 4. 
Nabu-eres"Nabu  has  planted"  (for  NBa.  texts, 

see  BE  X,  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-PIN-ei,   HABL  898,  R.  s.    K.  12984. 

Sm.  549. 
f.  of  Km-zer,  81-2-4,  S^S- 

2.  '^AK-[PIN]-is,  s.  oiArad-Ea,  A.BA,  Mae.: 

OBI  149,  1 15. 

3.  ''PA-KAM-el  ^Kal-da-a-a,  HABL  411,4. 

4.  '^PA-PIN-eS,  mar  Barsip,  K.  12 97 1. 
Nabu-erlba  (cf.  OBa.  Nabium-e-ri-ba  Dilbat,  NBa. 

Nabu-i-ri-ba,  TNB  p.  132) 

1.  '^AK-SU,  JADD  230, 1.  741, 13.  ^liaqn,  HABL 

539,  R.  13.  1129,  is(?). 

2.  ^PA-eri-ba,  K.  241,  III  5,  spec. 

3.  '^PA-SU,  HABL  443,  3(?).    JADD  9,  R.^ 

(B.  C.  686).  230, 6,  12  (KB  IV  p.  120;  B.  C. 
684).  342,  R.  7.  633,  R. /.  883,3.  912,1. 
MVG  VIII  (1903),  p.  Ill,  29  (Ep.  P). 
K.  241,  III  4,  spec.  Sm.  55,  II  12,  spec. 
1665.    VS  I  96,  3.    ''A.BA,  JADD  453, 

No.  I. 

R. /^  (B.  C.  686).    '^asa,   HABL    157,  5. 

''Kal-ha-a-a,   HABL    529,   R.  12.    ''kalu, 

HABL  493,  R.  10.  ''muttr  pnti,  JADD  446, 

R.  E.  3  (Ep.  Q).    f'ianu  {la  ''rab  ura'e), 

B.C. 671-660,  JADD  60,  R.J.  172,  R.  10. 

174,  R.  12.  185,  R.  s.  200,  R. /o.  247,  R. //. 

377,  R.J.  408,  R. /o.  420,  R.J.  421,  R./0. 

433,  R.  g.  439,  R.  6.  444,  R./9.  445,  R.  ,3. 

448,  R./7.  470,  K.18.  529,  R.  *.  801,  R.  12. 

(B.  C.  666}).  '^saqu,  JADD  843,  e. 
s.  of  Pstar-lum-iddifi,  '^gallabu,  JADD  160, 

R.  9  (Ep.  G). 

'^PA-SU-su-?iu,  K.  241,  II 5G,  spec. 
Nabu-esi-ballit  (abbrev.  from  Nabn-ina-eU-ballif) 

^PA-GUGU-bal-lit,  JADD  825,  R.  1. 
Nabu-esi-etir    (abbrev.    from    Naba-ina-eH-e/ir, 

cf  TNB) 
^PA-GUGU-KAR-ir,  KK.241,  III  35,  spec. 

[7374],   in  letter.    ''DUGUD.LAL.TUR, 

K.  27I2H-K.4056,  R.  27  (CT3r,  20),  owner 

of  tablet. 
Nabu-etil-ilani  "Nabu   is   lord  of  the   gods" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-e-til-ANP\  Sm.  55,  lis,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-NIR.GAL-ANP\  Sm.  55,  II 9,  spec. 
Nabu-etir  "Nabu  spared"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see 

BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-KAR-ir,  HABL  11 19,  R.  e.    KK.  11 56. 

3899,  owner  of  tablet.    79-7-8,  153. 
f.  of  Kalbi,  82-5-22,  105. 

2.  '^AK-SUR,    K.  7541.     ''lakin    "'^*  Tamtitn, 

HABL  540,  R.  6. 
f  of  Ina-eh-etir,   B.  C.  6^%^),    K.  433,  9 
(KB  IV  p.  170). 

3.  ^PA-KAR,  JADD  246,  7,  slave  sold. 

4.  dpA-KAR-ir,  JADD  266,  R.  /  (III  R  49, 4?,  a. 

KB  IV  p.  130;  B.  C.  670).  375,  R.  6. 
K.  241,  III  32,  spec.  80-7-19,  43.  ''A.BA 
B.  C.  692,  JADD  },i,  R.  E.  /.  M.  BA  la 
sukkalli,  B.  C  679,  JADD  161,  ,3.  mal- 
masu,  JADD  [851,  I  7].  ''tur-tan,  JADD 
764,  2. 

f  of  Adad-ra-pa-,  JADD  325,  R.  E.  3. 

f  of  Tabnea,  gf.  of  Marduk-lum-ibni, 
HABL  877, 3  =  JADD  889, 3. 

5.  '^PA-SUR,  K.  241,  III  33,  spec. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabii-etiranni  "Nabu  spared  me"  (or  "spare 
'me  I") 

1.  ''PA-KAR-an-ni,  JADD  6i,  R.  7  (Ep.  L). 

Epon.  B.C.  740,  JADD  1098,  1, 5. 

2.  '^PA-KAR-ir-a-ni,  JADD  167,  B.  E.  /  (B.  C 

^'jS).  255,  R.  2.  Epon.  B.  C.  740,  Canon  B, 
V,  9  (3). 

3.  'iPA-KAR-ir-an-ni,]MyD%'&:^.r  (B.C.673). 

359,  R.  ',z  (B.  C.  680).    Epon.  B.  C.  740, 
f^rab  BT.LUL,  IIIR  i,  IV,  29. 

Nabu-etir-aple  "Nabu  spares  the  sons" 
<i'AK-SUR- TURP',  8 1 -2-4,  313. 

Nabu-etir-napsati   "Nabu    spares    the    living 
beings"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-KAR-ir-ZI^',   VR  44,  g2,  d.     HABL 

730,  R.  2. 

2.  dAK-KAR-ZIP\  HABL  498,  20. 

3.  '^PA-KAR-ir-Zr^',  K. 241,  III 34,  spec.  ''A.BA, 

JADD  617,  R.5. 
s.  of  Idnm,  ^A.BA,  B.C. 685,  JADD  430,1, 
R.  6. 

4.  'i PA-KAR-ZIP^ ,  K.  974.    TRep.  124,   R.  lo. 

f'A.BA,  JADD  18,  R.  5.  ^A.BAlaf'rab- 
laq,  B.  C.  709,  JADD  1141,^. 
Nabu-gabbu-ile'i  "Nabu  is  almighty"  (cf.  NBa. 
Nabfi-gab-bi-i-li-e  TNB) 
^PA-gab-bu-ZU,  K.  241,  II 54,  spec. 
Nabu-gamil  "Nabu  spares"  (for  OBa.  and  NBa. 
texts,  see  Dilbat  and  TNB) 
\.  '^AK-ga-7nil,   HABL  873,  11.     K.  909.    mar 

''naggari,  VS  I,  35, 9  (KB  IV,  p.  94). 
2.  '^PA-ga-mil,  HABL  24, 17.  932, 1.  K.24i,V9; 
Sm.  55, 1 7,  spec,  ''ia  bitki...,  JADD  805,  9. 
s.  of  Ka-ri-e-a,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  IV  7. 
Nabu^-gi-mil-an-ni  "O  Nabu,  spare  me!" 

K.  241, 1  43,  spec. 
Nabu^-gi-mil-li  (abbrev.) 
K.  241,  V  10,  spec. 
Nabu-gimil-tirra  "Nabu,. recompense!" 

1.  '^ PA-gi-mil-tir-ra,  Sm.  55,  I  p,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-SU-GUR,  K.24i,Vii;  Sm.55,18,  spec. 

Cf.  ^PA-Sil .  .  . .,  JADD  853,  R.  10. 

3.  '^PA-SU-GUR-ra,  K.  241,  III  1,  spec. 
Nabu  2.hab  (.?).«(.?)  . . . .,  HABL  875,  R.  1. 
Nabu-hamatua  "Nabu  is  my  refuge" (.^) 

I.  ^ AK-ha-mat-u-a,   ''nagir  ekallit  Merod.  II, 
Bl.  St.  V  7  (KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  192). 

2.  '^ AK-ha-mat-ii-a,  HABL  436, 7. 

3.  '^ PA-ha-mat-ia,  K.  241,  V  5,  spec. 

4.  "^PA-ha-mat-u-a,  HABL  208,2.    311,  R.  n. 

884,   R.  5.   887,  11.    1058,  6,  11,  14,  R.  3,  5. 

Nabu-hamme-ilani  "Nabu  is  regent  of  the 
gods"  (cf.  NBa.  Nabu-ha-am-me-e  TNB) 
^ PA-ha-am-me-ANP\  K.  241,  I  48,  spec. 

Nabu-husanni  "Nabu,  spare  me!"  (Clay,  BE 
VIII,  pt.  I :  "Remember  me",  as  from 
hasasji }) 

1.  ''AK-hu-us-sa-an-ni,CdimhSEYl\l,^ti  91,4. 

2.  '^PA-iku-sa-a-ni,  JADD  491,  R.  9  (B.  C.693). 


3.  "^ PA-hu-sa-an-ni,  K.  241,  I  34,  spec,  ^mukil 

apati,  B.  C.  688,  JADD  238,  R.  s. 

4.  '^PA-ku-us-sa-an-nl,  '^mukil apati,  B.C. 688, 

JADD  239,  n. 
Nabu|a  (hypocor.,  cf,  Nabud) 

^'^PA-u-a-a,  PSBA  XXX  (1908),    p.  in, /j-. 
112,  /6  (B.  C.  681). 
NabQ2-ia-(a-)li  "Nabu  is  a  steenbok"(?) 

JADD  174, 4,  slave  sold.    252,  a. 
Nabu-ibni  "Nabu  has  created"  (for  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts,  see  Dilbat  and  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-ib-ni,  K.  241,  II 44,  spec. 

2.  ^PA-KAK,  K.241,1143,  spec,  possibly  :iVrt;^«- 

Nabu-idanni    "Nabu   has   looked    upon    me" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-ZU-a-ni,  ''ialiu  hinni,  B.C. 684,  JADD 
.     230,  R.  /  (KB  IV  p.  120). 

2.  '^PA-i-da-an-ni,  K.  241,  I  39,  spec. 

3.  '^PA-ZU-a-ni,  ialhi,  B.  C.  684,  JADD  19,  9 

(IIIR  47,  7.  KB  IV  p.  118).  20,6. 

4.  "PA-ZU-an-ni,  JADD  12,  R.  6  (B.  C.  660?). 

K.  241, 1 38,  spec. 
Nabu-iddin  "Nabu  has  given"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB,  cf  OBa.  Nabium-idinnam  RPN) 

1.  '^AK-SE-fia,  Bu.  91-5-9,  71. 

f  oi  ^ Aia{GAL)-mu-tak-kU,  Sarg.  st.  V19.  — 
KB  IV,  p.  164. 

2.  '^PA-AS,  JADD  385,  R.  /o.  K.  241,  II 10,  spec. 

^ia-h  . .  .,  JADD  829,  6  (B.  C.  671). 

3.  '^PA-SE-na,  K.  241,  II  11,  spec. 
NabQ-ilna  "Nabu  is  my  god"  (cf.  OBa.  '^Na- 

bi-um-ilu  RPN,  Ar.  nbi^ins) 
''PA-AN-a-a,  JADD  598,  R.  ^. 

T.  XLIIl. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nabu-iqbi  "Nabu  has  announced,"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-iq-bi,  writer  of  astrological  reports,  of 

Kutha,  K.  18.  699.  744.  745.  789.  933. 
1329.  1380.  4716.  Rm.  198.  81-2-4,  91;  141; 
VI'  82-5-22,  51;  72,  mar  Kuti.  83-1-18, 
188,  mar  Kuti;  202;  219;  290,  [mar]  Kutr, 
303;  305.  Bu.  91-5-9,  9;  cf.TRep.  10.  19. 
20.  22.  80  A.  loi  A.  no.  112B.  136  H. 
136M.  144E.  177.  201  A.  213. 233  (IIIR  59, 
no.  i),  249  A.  263.  277 A. 

2.  '^PA-E,  JADD  87, 2  (Ep.  W). 

3.  '^PA-iq-bi,  JADD  88, 5,  dup.  of  (2).    K.  241, 

V  12,  spec. 
Nabu-iqisa  "Nabu  has  presented"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-BA-sa,  of  Borsippa,  writer  of  astro- 

logical reports,  HABL  169, 6.  170,  R.  17. 
KK.  756. 793.  900.  997  (HABL  169,  g;.  DT 
-^o^,  mar  Bar  sip.  81-2-4, 104;  107.  82-5-22, 
48.  83-1-18,48;  186;  187;  229;  241;  299; 
cf.  TRep.  5.  ir.  49.  64.  112  A.  [136  G]. 
ISO-  153-  155-  189.  195.  215  A.  240. 

2.  ''PA-BA-^a,  K.  241,  II 7,  spec,  ^e ,  B.  C. 

664,  JADD  425,  R.  /9. 
Nabu-iqlsanni  "Nabu  has  given  me  a  present" 
'^PA-BA-^a-an-ni,]KDT>  264,  R.  .(B.  C.688). 
K.  241,  1 42,  spec. 
Nabu-irassi,  or  probably  Nabu-ulabU  q.  v. 

'^AK-TUK-H,  HABL  iioo,  2. 
Nabu-isdl(la)-kin  "Nabu,  establish  my  ground!" 
'  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  VIII,  pt.  i) 

1.  ^AK-SUHUS-ia-DU, Epon.B.O 777, 81-2-4, 

187,  37. 

2.  '^PA-SUHUS-ta-DU,  K.  241,  V  3,  spec. 

3.  ''PA-SUHUS-DU,  Epon.  B.C.  777,  IIIR  i, 

III  40 ;  Canon  C,  1, 34. 

4.  ''PA-SUHUS-DU-in,  IIIR  i.  III  4o,  van 
Nabu-ittna  "Nabu  is  with  me"  (for  NBa.  texts, 

see  TNB) 
'^PA-KI-ia,  ^qepu  sa  ekalli  eSH,  JADD  50,  s 
(Ep.  H).  Cf  K.  241,  III  54,  spec. 
Nabu-itti-edi-alik  "Nabu,   go  with  the   onel" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
'^PA-KI-AS-a-lik,  K.  241,  III  40,  spec. 
Nabu-kabti-ahesu  "Nabu  is  the  most  mighty 
of  his  brothers" 

No.  I. 

'^PA-BE-PAPP'-iu,  KK.  241,  III  20,  spec. 
4786.  Sm.55,Il3,  spec.  M.^^,  J  ADD  414, 
R.  E.  8.  ^A.BA  ekalli  of  Sargon  II,  B.  C. 
709,  JADD  1 141, 35  (OLZ  VI  195). 
Nabu-kabti-ilani  "Nabu  is  the  most  mighty 
of  the  gods" 

1.  dPA-BE-ANPi,  K. 241,150;  Sm.55,IIi,  spec. 

2.  ''PA-DUGUD-ANP\  K.  241, 1 51,  .spec. 

3.  '^PA-kab-ti-ANP\  Sm.  55,  II  2,  spec. 
Nabu^-kal-IJm-an-ni     "Nabu,     let     me     see 

(a    child)!"   (cf    NBa.  Nabu-kullimanni 
K.  241, 1 30,  spec. 
Nabu2-ka-a-nik,  K.  241,  IV  3g,  spec. 
Nabii^-ka-a-nik-an-ni,  K.  241,  IV  37,  spec. 
Nabu^-kar-si-u-ba(.?)-as  "Nabu  has   put  the 
slander  to  shame" 
JADD  912,  3,  ^ardu. 


s.  oi Mu-nam-me,  ^LA  3a  '^Amurri,lllKs^t 

62,  b. 

Nabii-kasiP  "Nabu  preserves"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 
'^PA-ka-sir,  JADD  97,  R.  4.  K.241,  IV:5,  spec, 
f.  of  Babilaia,  JADD  880,  I  s. 
f.  of  Bel-ah-iddin,  JADD  889,  R.  e. 
Nabu-kasir-sum   "Nabu    is  preserver   of  the 
'^PA-ka-sir-MU,  JADD  892, 7. 
Nabu^-ka-sir  "Nabu  brings  good  luck" 

JADD  1 12,  R.  /,  b.  of  *i«  eliki-sa-te,  B.C. 700. 
IC.241,  IVi(i,  spec. 
NabO^-kib-si  (abbrev.) 

JADD  42,  R.  s  (B.  C.  670). 
Nabu2.kib-si-U8UP  {PAP)  "Nabu,  protect  the 
K.  241, 1 3,  spec. 
Nabii-kilanni  "Nabu,  support  me!"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-ki-la-an-ni,  ^saqa,  JADD  386,  R.  13. 

2.  ^PA-kil-an-ni,  JADD  284,  R.  //  (B.  C.  668). 

3.  '^PA-kil-la-a-ni,  ^mukil  apati,  JADD  860, 

I  18. 

4.  ''PA-kil-la-an-ni,]A'DB[i2,lll^l]KDY^  161 

K.S  (B.  C.679). 
Nabu-kin  ifPA.DU),  or  Nabu-ukin,  K.  241,  III  36, 
spec.    Cf  ''PA-ZI,  JADD  830,  7. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabu-kinanni  "Nabu,  establish  mel" 
^PA-DU-an-ni,  K.  241, 1 26,  spec. 
Nabu-kin-aplu  "Nabu,  establish  the  sonl"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-DU-A,  s.  of  ^tabatilu,  scribe,  VR  39, 54, 

time  of  Cyrus.  King  of  Babylonia,  accor- 
ding to  King,  Chronicles,  11  p.  221,  "one 
of  the  early  kings  of  the  eight  dynasty 
of  the  kings-list",  larru,  Chron.  K^,  17. 
Chron.  KS  III  e,  10,  13,  15,  19  (26'^  year). 
Nku.  Lo.  102,  I  18.  II 37.  Ill  9,  12,  22.  IV  u 
(KB  IV  p.  82  ff.).  Ur  kiUatilar  Babili, 
ibid.  IV 1. 

2.  '^AK-DU-TUR.US,  HABL  1129,6.  K.  1616. 

iarru,  Chron.  K^  IV  b. 

3.  '^AK-GLNA-A,  iarru,  Nku.:  Lo.  102,  I  10. 

IV  12. 

4.  ^PA-DU-A, K. 241, III 89.  M.^^,JADD4S3, 

R.  16  (B.  C.  686). 
NabiJ-kin-ballit    "Nabu,    keep     the     faithful 
one  alive!" 

1.  '^AK-DU-bal-lii,^qa-tin-nu,]hDXy'j\2,  R.37. 

2.  '^PA-DU-bal-lit,  K.  241,  III  13,  spec. 
Nabii-kln-dugul  "Nabu,  look  upon  the  faith- 
ful onel" 

•^PA-DU-du-giil,  K.  241,  V  1,  spec,    ^mar 
sipri,  B.  C.  679.  JADD  364, 5. 

^PA-DU-SU,  K.  241,  III  8,  spec. 
Nabu-kin-idi    "Nabu    knows    the    true   one" 
(cf  Ninib-ki-na-i-di) 
''PA-DU-ZU,  K.  241,  IV  19,  spec. 

JADD  752,  R.  9. 
Nabu-kin-ubib  "Nabu  has  caused  the  faith- 
ful to  shine" 

1.  '^PA-DU-LAH.LAH,  K.  241,  IV  17,  spec. 

2.  ''PA-DU-u-bi-ib,  K.  241,  IV  is,  spec. 
Nabii-kln-usur    "Nabu  [protect    the    faithful 


1.  dAK-DU-PAP,  Epon.  B.  C.  761,  ia  ^^Ninua 

Canon  £  + 81-2-4,  187,  R.  le. 

2.  '^PA-DU-PAP,  Sm.  55, 1 2,  spec,   ^rabalani, 

B.C. 681,  Sm.  1037,  R..?.  Epon.  B. C. 761, 
Canon  A,  IV 18.  JADD  1098,  III  2.  Epon. 
B.  C.  690,  III  R  I,  V  34.  JADD  55,  R.  1. 

Nabu-kin-zer    "Nabu,    establish    the    seed!" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''PA-DU-KUL,  K.241,  II  49,  spec. 

Nabu-kip-pik(.^),  perhaps:  Nabu-qip-enU  {zi.Nabu- 
ki-pi-ili  BE  VIII  1),  or  Nabu\-sd\-qip-enU. 
JADD  228,  R.  6. 

Nabu-kittu-usur   "Nabu,   protect   the  right!" 
'^PA-kit-tu-PAP,  K.  241,  1 15,  spec,  cf.  1.  u. 

Nabu-kudur-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  boun- 
dary!" (cf  Bi.  -I^StniD^nS,  n^XDlD(l)a2  etc. 

1.  '^AK-ku-dur-ri-SE$,     ^nagir     '""*Na-mar, 

Neb.  I:  VRs6,  II 24  (KB  III,  pt.  i,  p.  168). 

2.  '^AK-^A.DU'^ES,  HABL  859,  2. 

f.  of  Bel-ibni,  HABL  1106,  R.  is,  i4,  17. 

3.  '^PA-ku-dur-PAP,   K.  710  (III  R  52,  no.  i. 

TRep.  200). 

4.  '^PA-^A.DU-PAP,  HABL858,  2.  JADD  137, 

L.  E.  /.  K.  241, 1 11,  spec,  ^qepu  la  ^tur- 
tanu,  JADD  50, 10  (Ep.  H). 

I  Nebuchadnezzar  I,    king   of  Babylonia, 

c.  1 130  B.  C,  contemp.  with  Alur-rel-iH 
of  Assyria: 

1.  'f AK-ku-dur-ri-SES,  Neb.  I:  VR  55,  1 1:  sit 

Babili  etil  iarrani  patesi  lakkanak  Ba- 
bili, 23,  42,  49;  II 7:  lar  kiUati\  OBI  83, 7: 
iar  Babili;  82-7-4, 37. 4»  ?:  idrru.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  pp.  164 — 168,  172;  IV,  p.  64. 

2.  '^AK-SA .  D  U-SES,  Neb.  I :  Nippur  1 23 :  rubu ; 

II  23:  lar  kiHati  mukin  iMi  mclti;  V  26 : 
larru.  CT  IX,  415:  lar  kiHati,  27:  larru. 
K.  3426,  1  (CT  XIII,  48):  aUb  ina  Babili. 
—  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  172. 
s.  oi Ninib-nadifi-sum]  }ar  Babili, Sp.ll 40"/, 6 
(Hebraica  IX,  p.  4f.). 

3.  '^ PA-ku-dur-PAP,  Synchron.  II 2, 6, 8,  con- 

temp,  with  Ahir-ril-iH.  K.  710,  R.  4 
(TRep.  200). 

II  Nebuchadnezzar  II,  king  of  Babylonia, 

B.  C.  605 — 562,  s.  of  Nabopolassar: 

1.  '^AK-ku-dur-ri-SES,  Nabd.:  St.  V  u.     iar 

Babili,  Neb. II:  IRS2,  no.  7,1.  VSI,49,i. 
52,  1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  68. 

2.  '^AK-ku-dur-ri-ii-sur,  sar  Babili,  Neb.  II: 

Senk.l23(IR5i,no.2).  — KBIII,pt.2,p.58. 

3.  '^ AK-ku- dur-ri-u-su-iir,   lar   Babili  maru  » 

asaridu  sa  Nabu-apal-usur,  Neb.  II: 
EIH  I  1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  10. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


4.  '' AK-ku-dur-ru-ii-sur,  iarru  maru  klnu  }a 

Nabu-apal-usur^  Neb.  II:  O'Conor  I  1. 

5.  '^ AK-ku-dtir-ru-u-su-ur,  iarrii  mtlru  klnim 

ia  Nabu-apal-usur,  Neb.  II:  KB  III,  pt.  2, 
p.  62,  I  1. 

6.  '  AK-ku-du-ur-ri-oES,  lar  Babili,  VS  1, 47, 1. 

7.  '^ AK-ku-du-icr-ri-u-su-ur,  lar Babili,  Neb. II : 

EIH  VI  C3.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  22. 

8.  '^AK-SA.DU-PAP,  DT  24,  etc. 

9.  ^AK-SA.DU-SES,    KK.    1297.   3426,  1,  n. 

9288.  13 1 13.  DT  31.  108.  253.  8ir7-29, 
20 !,  etc.  sar  Babili,  Neb.  329,  13  (KB  III, 
pt.  2,  p.  140).  VS  I,  48, 1,  Sar  Babili  maru 
alaridu  hz  Nabu-apal-usur ,  Neb.  I  R  8, 
no.  4.  I  R  52,  no.5.  Br.  cylllss  (IR69). 
Sarru  mahri,  Neb.  Rm.  II  49  (VR  64). 
iarrii  pa-ni,  Nabd.:  St.  VI  13,  is,  24. 
f.  of  Amel-Marduk,  Nabd.:  St.  V  26. 

10.  '^AK-SA.DU-ii-sur,  in  contracts. 

11.  ''AK-[SA.]DU-u-sti-ur,  iar  Babili,    Neb.: 

I R  52,  no.  6,  1.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  68. 

12.  '^ N a-bi-um-ku-dur-ri-ii-su-ur,  s.  of  Nabu- 

apal-usur,  iar  Babilam,  Neb.  V  R  34, 1, 1. 
ZA  I,  p.  339,  I  1.  -  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  38. 

1 3.  ^ Na-bi-um-ku-dur-ru-  u-su-ur,  sar  Babilam, 

Neb.  ZA  II,  p.  129,  1 1.    VS  I,  41,  I  1.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  60. 

14.  '^Na-bi-um-ku-du-iir-ri-u-su-ur,  lar  Babili 

maru  aSaridu  la  Nabu-apal-usur,  Neb.: 
Bab.  I  1  (I  R  52,  no.  3);  Ball  I  1.  Ill  23; 
Bors.  I  1  (I  R  51,  no.  i);  Grot.  I  1.  II  eo 
-  (I  R  65);  OBI  85,  IV  26;  Rich  1  (I  R  52, 
no.4);  Senk.  Ii  (IR  51,  no.2);  Winckl.  Ii! 
Rm.  e'je,  I  1;  TSBA  VIII,  p.  188;  VS  I, 
38,  I  1,  39,  1 1,  40,  Ii,  42,  1,  43, 1 1,  50,  1; 
ZA  I,  p.  39,  Ii,  II  p.  137,  Ii,  p.  169,  I  1; 
VR  34,  Ii;  85-4-30,  I,  III  28. 

15.  '^ Na-bi-um-ku-du-ur-ii-su-ur ,    lar    Babili, 

DEPII,  p.  123. 

16.  d Na-bi-um-SA.DU-SES,  I ar  Babili,  VSI, 

46,  1. 

17.  '^PA-SA.DU-SES,  POGNON,  Inscriptions, 

I,  25;  s.  oi Nabu-apal-usur,  sarru  mahru. 

Nabd.  85-4-30,  2,  I  40  (PSBA  XI). 
Ill  Nebuchadnezzar  III  =  Nidinti-Bel,  q.  v. 
I.  ^AK-SA.nU-SES,  iar  Babili,  Neb.   3,  13. 

17,  14- 

No.   I. 

2.  '^PA-^A.DU-^E^,  Dar.  Beh.  37, 91. 
IV  Nebuchadnezzar  IV  =  Arahu,  q.  v. 
•"PA-SA.DU-SES,  Dar.  Beh.  85.^ 
Nabu-kusuranni    "Nabu,   preserve  oie!"    (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  "^ PA-KAD-a-?ii,  ''mukil  apati  la  mar  iarri, 

JADD345,  RE.  ..  ^ar«'?AjADD9i3,  R7. 

2.  ^PA-KAD-an-ni,  K.  241,  1 21,  .spec.  J  ADD 

222,  R.  3  (B.  C.  682). 

3.  '' PA-ku-sur-a-ni,  ^pahat  "'Arzu^ina,  JADD 


4.  '^ PA-ku-sur-an-ni,  K.  241,  I  22,  spec. 

NabiJi-ku-sur-8U"Nabu,  preserve  himr'(cf.TNB) 

s.  oi Bel-erlba,  gs.  oi  Husabi,  VR  37, 54,  a  = 

CT  XII   II.     lo''^   year   of  Artaxerxesj. 

CT    XII  3,  26. 

Nabii-kuzub-ilani   "Nabu  is   the  splendor  of 
the  gods"  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1 .  ^  PA-HI.  LI-ANPi,  83- 1  - 1 8, 7  r  5, 3,  spec.  JADD 

848,  3, 

2.  ^ PA-HI. U-ANP^-ni,  Yi.2^\,  lie,  spec.  *y^. BA 

sihru,  Rm.  349  (CT  XVIII,  28.  VR4i,o2,e). 

f.  of  Ilu-gab-ri,  JADB  5, 1  a. 
*Nabu2(?).|a-ka  (WSem.,  cf.  I-la-la-ka  RPN) 

JADB  12,  II 8. 
Nabu'-LAL-DIS-ilani  K.  241,  II 4,  spec. 
Nabu2.|a-lu-sar-a-ni(?)  "Nabu,  do  not  cast  me 
down!"  (Johns,  ADD  III,  p.  XIV:  "do 
not  leave  me") 
JADD  113,  R. .  (B.C.  680). 
Nabu-li'  "Nabu  is  mighty"  (cf  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-DA,  HABL  349, 3. 

s.  of  Nur-Sin,  Sarg.  St.  I  3,  17,  20, 26;  II  35; 
III  9,  23;  IV  1, 6,  15.  —  KB  IV,  p.  I58ff. 

2.  dAK-ID.GAl,  P1ABL907,  4.  KK.  241.  II  52, 

spec.  4775,  R.7, 11  (WSml.  II,  p.  66).  8750. 
^sa-ku,  HABL  542,  n  (IV  R  53,  no.  i). 
s.  of  Niir-Sin,  Sarg.  St.  IV  is,  31,  38. 

3.  ^AK-ZU,  Hakin  "'Ir-ba-ili,  Epon.,  B.  C.702, 

Senn.  Bell.  Lay.  61,  1  (KB  II  p.  1 14). 

4.  ''PA-DA,  K.241,  II 53,  spec.    ''A.BA,  B.  C. 

679,  JADD  161,  R.  3. 
s.    of   Arkat-ilani-damqa,    '^la-ku    Sippar, 
Merod.  II,  Bl.  st.  V  10.  —  KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  192. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

s.  of  Ili-ia,  ^riqqu  '^ Naba,  owner  of  tablet 

V  R  49,  34. 
s.  of  Nur-Sin,  Sarg.  St.  IV  34. 

5.  'i PA-ID.  gAl 

s.  of  Iddin-Papsukkal,  dup-Sar  langn  '^Su- 

ti-ti  u  <iNabu,  Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  IV  s. 
s.  oi Marduk-ab-iullim  (?),  Nsi.:  VS  1, 36,  IV  4. 

6.  '^PA-li,  Mfiu  mar  larri,  JADD  815,  R.  II  4. 

7.  'iPA-ZU,  HABL  123,10.  JADD  383,1,  B.E.i 

(III  R  50,  no.  4.  KB  IV  p.  126;  B.  C.674). 
612,  R. .«(?)  (B.  C.  686).  913,  R.3.  K.  241, 

II  51,  spec.  Epon.  B.  C.  702,  of  Arbela, 
Canon  A,  V,22;  B,  VI,  10;  JADD  365,  R.7. 
^bel  pihati  Id  "^Ba/-su,  HABL  197,  R.  5. 
^mutirpatu,  HABL  340,  13.  "^  Mti-sa-sir- 
a-a,  HABL  197,  R.  le.    ''rab  blti,   HABL 

197,    R.  26 

f.  oi  Naba-kasir,  gf.  of  Be/-ak-iddin,  HABh 
877,  R.  7  =  JADD  889. 
Nabu-li'-kissati  (cf.  Nabu-li-kullati) 

'iPA-ZU-U-ti{px  Naba-ltuti}),  K.  241,  III  2, 
Nabii-li'-kullati  "Nabu  is  almighty" 

''PA-ZU-KAK.A.BI,  K.  241,  III  3. 
Nabu-lisir  (abbrev.) 

''/M- 6^/5,  JADD  499,  K.3  (B.  C.670).  Sm.  55, 
1 16,  spec. 
Nabu-li'uti  "Nabu  is  my  power" 

1.  'iPA-ZU-u-ti,  HABL  17,  R.  9. 

2.  'tPA-ZU-u-ti  (or  Naba-lt-kiHatit),  K.  241, 

III  2,  spec. 

Nabu-li'ut-marisu  {'^PA-ZU-ut-TUR-hi)  "Nabu  is 

the  power  of  his  son" 
HABL  118,  R.  6,  13. 
Nabu^-ma-lik  "Nabu  is  counsellor"  (for  OBa. 

and  NBa.  texts,  see  Dilbat,  RPN,  TNB) 

K.  241,  V  7,  spec. 
Nabu-mar-sarri-usur  "  Nabu, protectth  eking 's 


1.  ^AK-TUR-LUGAL-SE^,  K.  1973. 

2.  <^PA-A-MAN-PAP,  JADD  351,  8   (Ep.  >|r). 

^rab  ki-sir,  414,  R.  27  (Ep.  A). 
Nabij-mar-usur,  see  Nabti-apal-usur. 
Nabu-mit-uballit   "Nabu    has   quickened    the 

dead"  (cf.  TNB) 
^PA-BAD-ii-bal-lit,  K.  241,  III  12,  spec. 
Nabu^-mu . . . . ,  JADD  263,  R.  .0. 

Nabu-mudammiq   "Nabu  renders    favorable" 

^PA-mu-SIG,  JADD  255,  R.^. 

f.  of  ^MAS.MAS-Sum-iddin,]A'DY)  640,  R.  is. 

Nabu-mukin-aplu,  see  Nabn-km-aplu. 
Nabu2-niu-ni-pis(?)-u-gar(?)  K.  241,  II55,  spec. 
Nabu^-mu-sab[-siJ  "Nabu  brings  into  being" 

JADD  880,  II 8. 
Nabu^-mu-sal-lim  "Nabu  preserves"  (for  OBa. 
and  NBa.  texts,  see  Dilbat  and  TNB) 

JADD  246,  7,  slave  sold. 
Nabu-musesi  "Nabu  brings  forth" 

1.  '^AK-mu-Ie-si,  ^A.BA,  K.  8510,  gf.  o{  Ahir- 

mudammiq.  A.BA  bit  ^Alur,  K.  1 1 908  (?). 

Writer   of  astrological    reports,  K.  704. 

725.767.866.1318.80-7-19,54;  cf.TRep.6i. 

136E.    157   (III  R  58,  no.  9).   205.  206A. 

228  (IIIR  59,  no.  13). 
s.    of  Bel-kundi-illa,    f.    of  Nabn-tuklatsu, 

K.  872  (Craig,  AAT  p.  58). 
f.  of  Marduk-iallim-ahe,  K.  6478. 

2.  ^PA\-mu-h-e-si,  VS  I  93,  e. 

3.  '^PA-mu-le-si,\\K&L{ii2,  3].  650,3.  VS86,r,. 

89,  G.  90, 6.  OLZ  VIII,  131.  ^asti,  JADD 
769,  R.  2.  *irtwa  rab  A.BA  JADD  857, 
I  3P.  ''A.BA  bUili,^i-2-^,  144  (TRep.  109). 
Writer  of  astrological  reports,  KK.  120a 
(IIIR  54,  no.  5).  710.  719.  801.  Sm.  1664. 
81-2-4,  380.  82-5-22,  78.  83-1-18,  310;  cf. 
TRep.  6 A.  94  (IIIR  54,  no.  5).  118.  174. 
200  (IIIR  52,  no.  i).  217.  244D.  266B. 
s.  of  Naba-rel-iH,  HABL  209,  2. 

4.  '^PA-mu-^-h-siQ),  VS  I  87, 9. 
Nabu-musetiq    (abbrev.,    cf.    Naba-muletiq-urri 

BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

''PA-LU-ti-iq,  JADD  396,  R.  6. 

Nabii^-mu-se-zib  "Nabu  saves"  (cf  TNB) 

K.5478.  "rakbu  GABPi,  B.C.666,J  ADD  1 85,R./o. 

Nabu-musezib-napsate  "Nabu  saves  the  living 


'^PA-mti-U-FAb-ZlP',  JADD  892,  3. 

Nabu^-mu-tak-kil  "Nabu  strengthens" 

s.  of  Alur,  Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  II  1. 

Nabu^-na-din  "Nabu  gives"  (for  NBa.  texts  see 

BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

K.  241,  II  IS),  spec. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nabu-nadin-ahe  "Nabu  gives  brothers" 

1.  ^AK-na-din-SES^',  f.  oi Marduk-zakir-^uni, 

M  a-bi  a-bi-iii  Rlmeni-Marduk,  lipu  ribu 
}a  Uballitsu-Marduk,  descend  of  Arad- 
Ea.  —  Merod.  I:  IVR  38,  1 32.  KB  IV,  p. 60. 

2.  '^AK-SE-SES^',  s.  oiNamri,  iafam  bit  unati, 

I  R  66,  15  b,  Mna.:  PSBA  (XIX/1897), 
p.  71,  16  (KB  IV  p.  68). 

3.  'iPA-AS-PAP^',  JADD  428,  3,  slave  sold. 

4.  dpA-MU-PAPPJ,  JADD  3 10,  R.  is  (B.  C.669). 
s.  of  Nabu-sallimsunu,  ^A.BA,    of  "^Tab- 
Be/,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  172,  R.  /<j. 

5.  'iPA-SE-PAPP^,  JADD  102, 7  (Ep.  I).    128, 

R.E./  (B.C. 65 5).  26o,K.Js  (III R 48,31,0). 
536,  R.  3.  K.  241,  II  21,  spec,  ''saqfi  }a 
mar  iarri,  JADD  334,  1,  R.  s.  ''A.BA, 
JADD  176,  R.  /a  (B.  C.  700).  307,  L.  E.^ 
(IIIR  49,  48  c;  Ep.  F). 
f.  of  Sa-Marduk-zaqup,  JADD  351,  2. 
Nabii-nadin-ahi  "Nabu  gives  a  brother"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  BE  X,  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-AS-PAP  (or  Nabu-edu-usur}),  Rm.  1 57, 

R.  10  (KB  IV  p.  126;  2^  year  of  Esarhad- 
don).     amel  urqi,  JADD  742,  R.  23. 

2.  '^AK-na-din-SES,  s.oiEgibi,  ^ia.ku  Babili, 

Kandal:  VS  V,  5,  28.  -  KB  IV,  p.  172. 

3.  ^PA-AS-PAP  (or  Naba-edu-usur^),  HABL 

212,15.  JADD  68,6  (B.  C.  645).  120,4 
(B.  C.  693).  K.  241,  I  18,  spec.  Epon.  V, 
JADD  63,  R.  3.  ^A.BA,  JADD  327,  L.  E.  2 
^..'^PA-SE-na-SES,  s.  oi  Ar-kat-ilani-damqd, 
^MAS,  VR46, 62. 
Nabu-nadin-aplu  "Nabu  gives  a  son"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''PA- AS- A,  JADB  3,  VI,  9. 

2.  '^PA-SE-A,  barn,  JADD  851,  II  5.  980,  1 10. 

3.  ''PA-SE-TUR.US,K.2\\,\\22,s^Qc.  80-7-19, 

Nabu-nadin-bel  "Nabu  gives  a  lord" 

•iPA-MU-EN,  HABL  931,  2. 
Nabii-nadin-sum  "Nabu  gives  a  son"  (for  NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-na-din-MU,  HABL   53,  2.  54,  3,   58,  2. 

2.  ^AK-SE-MU,  langu  ^^Sippar  ''■barn  ina  scr 

Ekiir-ium-ulabli,  Nai.:  VR  60,  III  26,  IV  4o, 
VI  11.  —  KB  III  pt.  I,  p.  I78ff. 
No.  I. 

3.  •^PA-na-din-MU,  HABL  370,8. 

4.  ''PA-SE'MU,  HABL6,  R.  8.  5  r,  2.  52,  s.  55,  2. 

56,  2.    57,  2.    59,  2.    204,  8.    358,    R.  27.    360,  y. 

655,3.  82-5-22, 1768,  writer  toking.  KK.241, 
II 20,  spec.  10386. 
Nabu-nadin-zer  "Nabu  gives  seed" 

1.  ''AK-MU-KUL{MiR),  s.  of  Naba-nasir  {Nsl- 

bonassar),  f.  of  Nabu-lum-ukln;  king  of 
Babylon,  B.  C.  734—732,  King-list  A, 
IV,  4;  abbrev.  Nadinu,  q.  v. 

2.  '^PA-na-dm-KUL,  JADD  892,  e. 
Nabu-na'id  "Nabu  is  lofty" 

1.  ''AK-I 

s.  of  Nabu-lum  erei,  b,  of  Bel-etir,  Abp.  A, 
IIIR  19,  III  lie;  Ann.  Ill 62  (KB II  p.  182); 
cf  (3). 

2.  dAK-IM.  TUK,  herib bitilabitili,  HABL 560, 

R.  1. 

3.  '^PA-I,  JADD  86,  L.  E.  2  (B.  C.  650.?).  173, 

R.  6  (Ep.  G).  230,  R.  9  (B.  C.  684).  231,  R.// 
(B.  C.  680).  242,  4,  slave  sold  (B.  C.  692). 
595,  R.  ^.  640,2,8  (Ep.O).  K.241,  IIl52(.?), 

spec.    ^ JADD  292,  R.  7  (B.  C.  707). 

hA.BA,  JADD  387,  R.  13  (B.C.  651).  446, 
L.  E.  .  (Ep.  Q).  ^ardu,  B.  C.  683,  JADD 
273,  R.J-.  ^mukil  '"''''"'' a-pa-a-ni,  HABL 
633,  R.21.  JADD  214,  R.8  (Ep.P).  hnutir 
puti,  JADD  325,  R.  10  (Ep.  A).  414,  R.  3^ 
(Ep.  Ai).  568,  R.  6.  ^rab  ki-sir  of  queen, 
JADD  594,  R.  r. 

s.of/-/z2-'-^-«,B.C.734,  JADD415, 3  (KB IV 
p.  104). 

s.  of  Nabu-sum-ereS,   b.  of  Bel-etir,  Abp.: 

B  VI  80  (IIIR  33). 
s.  of  Nabu-ndid;    lar  Babilii}),   POGNON, 

Inscriptions,  no.  i.  III  22. 
f.  of  Aiur-sabatsu-iqbi,  Louvre,  AO  2221,1, 

4,10  (B.C. 656(1);  OLZVI  (1903), col.  198). 
Nabonidus  (Old-Pe.  Nabunaita,   El.  Nabu- 

nita,  Gr.  Na^ovvidot;,  Nap6vvr)6o<;.  etc.), 

king   of  Babylon,   B.  C.  555— 539,   s.   of 

Nabubalatsu-iqbi,  f.  oi  Nabu-kudur-usur 

and  Bel-iar-usur. 
I.  '^AK-I,  Nabd.  Ann.  Ill  15,  le,  21    (KB  III  2, 

p.  134).  Cyr.  VR  35,  i?-  33  (KB  III,  pt.  2, 

p.  122).    Ur  Babili,  Nabd.  Cyl.  (IR68) 

II  19  (KB  III  2,  p.  96). 


Knut  Tali.qvist. 

2.  ''AK-IM.  rUK,  Nabd.:  St.  VI  20.     Sar  Ba- 

bili,  Nabd.  Br.  cyl.  1 24, 63,  11 23, 31, 45,  HI  57 
(IR69.  KB  III  2,  p.  80-88);  Cyl.Ii(IR68. 
KB  III  2,  p.  94);  Rm.  A  I  2(.,  II 32,  III  15 
(VR64.  KB  III  2,  p.98ff.)- 

3.  '^AK-na--id,  sar  Babili,  Nabd.  Rm.  C  I  1, 

II 43  (VR  63.  KB  III  2,  p.i  12);  IR68  no.2,  mar 
Nabu-balatsu-iqbi  (KB  III  2,  p.  1 1 8) ;  I R 68, 
no.  6.  7  (KB  III  2,  p.  96);  CTIX,  pi.  3,  17. 

4.  '^ Na-bi-utn-na-  -id,  lar  Babili,  mar  Nabu- 

balatsu-iqbi,  Nabd.  I R  68,  no. 2. 3.4;  8 1-7- 1, 
9,  1 1 ;  85-4-30, 2, 1 1  (PSBA  XI).  Rm.  A 1 1, 
iar  kiHati  hir  kibrdti  irbitti  (VR  64. 
KB  III  2,  p.  96);  Rm.  B 1 1  (V  R  65).  iarru 
rabii  iarru  dannu  iar  kiHati  ^ar  Babili 
iar  kibra.'u  irbitti,  Nabd.:  VS  I,  53>  I  i- 

5.  '^PA-I,  Nabd.  Ann.  II 10  (KB  III  2,  p.  130). 

iar  Babili:  POGNON,  Inscriptions,  no.  i. 
1 35;  II  4;  III  20.  Dar.  Beh.  [32],  85,  [02, 95J. 

6.  '^PA-IM.  TUK,  Ur Babili,  POGNON,  Inscrip- 

tions, no,  I,  II 27.    ^arru,  Nabd.  85-4-30, 
2,  He  (PSBA  XI). 
Nabu-nammir  "Nabu,  make  light!" 

1.  <^PA-nam-mir,]KD'D  273,  R.  7 (B.C. 683).638, 

R.  10.  K.  241,  IV  47,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-LAH-ir,  JADD  286, 4  (B.  C. 691).  K.241, 

IV  46,    spec.     ''A.BA,  JADD  190,    R.  s 

(B.  C.  668). 
Nabu2-naplstl(Z/)  (abbrev.)  JADD  830, 7. 
Nabii-napsat-iram    "Nabu    loves    the    living 

dPA-ZI-RAM,  K.  241,  III  31,  spec. 
Nabu-napsat-usiir,  or  -kittu-usur 

1.  '^AK-ZI-PAP,  JADD  536,  R. ,. 

2.  dpA-ZI-PAP,  K.  241,  I  14,  spec. 

Nabu 2-na-sa-ka,  JADD  122,  R.4.  123,  R.3(B.C.682). 
Nabu-nasir  "Nabu  is  protector"  (for  OBa.  and 
NBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-na-si-ir,  s.oi Nazi-Marduk,  ''sukkallu, 

Merod.  I:  IVR  38,  II 34.  —  KB  IV  p. 60, 

2.  dAK-PAP,   K.    1 181.      King    of   Babylon, 

B,  C.  747—734,  f-  oi Nabu-ftadin-slr,  King- 
list  A,  IV,  3.  iar  Babili,  Chron.  B,  I  1,  e,  7, 
11,  12.  =  Nabonassar. 

f.  of  Kudurru,  HABL  880,  is. 

f.  of  Sa-Nabu-}u,  in  Erech,  B.  C.  648(?), 
K.  433,  4, 27  (KB  IV  p.  170). 

3.  '^AK-PAP-ir,  HABL  178,  2.  720,  2.   JADD 

741, 35:  "'h-. 
f.  of  Kudurru,  HABL  738, 5. 

4.  ^AK-SES,  -^  dup-iar,  Melis.  DEP  X,  pi.  1 2,  IX,  5. 

5.  dAK-SES-ir,  K.  6118.  81-7-27,48. 

s.  oiA-Ub-hi,  Msi.:  VS  1, 35,^/  (KB  IV  p.  96). 
s.  of  E-sin-na-a-a,  HABL  963,  3. 

6.  ''/!^-P^PJADD203, R.  1. 328,  R.  ^ (B.C. 698. 

mR48, 57a).   317,   R. ^  (B.  C.  687).    679, 
R.^  (B.C.682).  ''^a  hu-ta-ri,  HABL 473,3. 

f.  of  Kudurru,  HABL  880,  le. 

f.  of  Siti-lar-usur,  JADD  446,  R.  22. 

7.  dPa-PAP-ir,   HABL  719,  2.    JADD  328,  e 

(B.C. 698).  404,  R.  7  (B.C. 674).  447,  R./.. 
(B.  C.  683).  680,  2.  K.  241,  I  19,  spec, 
f.  of  Adad-7iasir,  JADD  362,  2. 
Nabii-nasir-ubarsu  "Nabu  protects  his  friend" 

'U^A-PAP-u-bar-sii,  Sm.  55, 1,  e  spec. 
NabiJ-natkil  "Trust  in  Nabul" 

'^PA-nat-kil,  JADD  [43 1 ,  R.  12.  * rab  kisir,  840, 
I  sj.  ''mutir  pnti,'Q.C.6j6,]MyD  11,  R.j. 
Nabu^-NIM-DI^-ilani,  K.  241,  II 5. 
Nabii-nir-dablbi   "Nabu  is  destroyer  of   the 
slanderer"  (cf.  Nabu-dabib-nlr). 

1.  '^PA-ni-ir-da-bi-bi,  ^dup-^ar ekalli,Merod.U: 

Bl.  St.  V  14.  —  KB  III  I  p.  192. 

2.  '^PA-ni-ir-KA.KA,  K.  241,  IV  «,  spec. 
Nabu^-ni-ir-ha(.?)-da-ia(?),  K.  241,  IV  4o,  spec 
Nabu2-ni-ir-TUK-a-a(.?),  K.  241,  IV  39,  spec. 
Nabu>-un-na  (cf.  NBa.  Nabu{-un)-na-a{-a)  TNB) 

s.  of  A-f}i,    ^lakin   temi  ia  Bit- Sin-^ erne. 
Neb.  I:  Nippur,  III,  15;  V,  is. 

Nabu^-nu ,  Sm.  55,  II  n,  spec. 

Nabu-nurka-lamur  "Nabu,  maylsee  thy  light" 
dPA-LAH-ka-SI,  ^A.BA,]ADD 993, R.  111,4. 
Cf.  '^PA-LAB-Jta{})-la(})-mur,   K.  241,  IV  7, 
Nabu-nur-nammir  (cf.  Nabu-nammir) 

-iPA-LAH-nam-mir,  B.C. 685,  JADD  134,  ^. 
135,  R.i. 
Nabu2-pa-da-ri8(.?),  K.  241,  IV  1,  spec. 
Nabu-pasir  "Nabu  loosens" 

1.  '^AK-pa-ie-ir,    f.   of   [Bel-]u-Sal-lim    ^barti, 

Sm.  1386. 

2.  '^AK-pa-Hr,   HABL    130,  2.    131,  2.    133,  2. 

134,2-  135,2.  701,2. 

3.  '^PA-pa-hr,  HABL  132,  2. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nabu^-plr-hi-lil-bur,  "Nabu,  may  my  offspring 
grow  old!" 
JADD  892,  R.  1. 
Nabii-pirhi-lisir    "Nabu,    may    my    offspring- 
'^PA-pir-hi-GIS,  mahnaSu,  JADD  851,  I  is. 
^.^^i' JADD  621,  R.  20  (Ep.  F.), 
Nabu2-P|-TUK(?//j»2^.^)-a-a,  K,  241,  IV  44,  spec. 
Nabu-qata-sabat  "Nabu,  help!" 

1.  '^AK-S&^-sa-dat,  HABL  617,  R.  5.  K.  4796. 

Abp.  A,  III  R  23,  VII 65. 

2.  ^^PA-S&^-LU,    ''muttr  pati,   JADD    50,  // 

(Ep.  H). 

3.  '^PA-Sm-sa-bat,  HABL  972,  R.  8.    JADD 

812,  L.  E.  2.  K.  241,  IV  p,  spec,  ''aba- 
rakku,  HABL  6^1,  R.  15.  ''^aqu,  B.  C.665, 
JADD  35,  R.  2.  '"^Sin-ma-gir,  Abp.  Ann. 
VII  47  (KB  II,  p.  212). 

Nabu2-qa(.^)-at-u-da  K.  241,  III  55.  spec. 

Nabu2-qip-ensi('5'/6^,  perhaps:  Nabti[-za]-qip-ensi, 
JADD   228,  R.  6  (cf.  sub  Naba-kip-pik). 

Nabu-rab-ahe  ifPA-SU-PAPP^ 

HABL  175,2.  Sm.  55,  II  13,  spec.    ^A.BA, 
JADD  115,  5  (III  R  47,  5a;   B.  C.  664.?). 


Ha\)u-rab-a\\esu(:'PA-S[/-PAPP^-}u),  K.  241,  III  24, 

^Nabii^-ra-mat  "Nabu  she  holds  dear" 

amt^i,  JADD  315, 1  (B.  C.  66y). 
Nabii-ram (ra'im)-napisti  "Nabu  loves  the  living 
■   being" 
^PA-RAM-ZI,  JADD  112,  R.^  (B.  C.  700). 

K.  241,  III  30;  Sm.  55,  II  10,  spec. 
i.  of  Nabu-lum-iddin,  JADD  27, 3. 
Nabu-ram-nisesu  "Nabu  loves  his  people" 
'^ PA-RAM- UNP'-su,  HABL  [140,2].  425,2. 
[628,  2].  775,  2.  776,  2.  777,  2.  K.  241,  III 29; 
Sm.  55,  II  11,  spec, 
Nabu-ram-zir  "Nabu  loves  the  seed" 

,'^AK-RAM-KUL,  s.  oi  Ardi-Ea,  bel  pihati, 
Mna.:  I R  66,  II  u.  —  KB  IV  p.  66. 
Nabu-res-Isi  "Nabu,  lift  up  my  head!" 

1.  '^AK-SAG-i-h,  HABL  217,  2.    Cf.  K.  1197,2 

(WSml.  II,  p.  17). 

2.  ^PA-SAG-ILI,  K.  241,  III  47,  spec. 

3.  '^PA-SAG-i-h,  K.  241,  III  48,  spec,    ^mukil 

No.  I. 

apati,  JADD  2  36,  R.  s.    ''  qepu,  J  A  DD  6 1 8, 
R.  b  (Ep.  T).  '^h-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD  769, 2. 
f.  of  Nabu-musesi,  HABL  209, 3. 
Nabu-re'uni  "Nabu  is  our  shepherd" 

'^AK-SIB-ii-ni,  f.  of  '^A-a-a-Uzubu-ilt,  s.  of 
Hi-la- a...,  ''A.BA   la   AUur,   K.   2169, 
R.  14  (Smith,  Texts,  p.  21). 
Nabu-riba-ahu  (i*) 

'^AK-rl-ba-SES,  K.  9650,  owner  of  tablet. 
Nabu-rihtu-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  remain- 
der!" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^PA-KAT-PAP,  JADD  307, 9. 

2.  •iPA-ri-ih-tu-PAP,  HABL   103 1,  2.    JADD 

448,  R.  E.  2.  532,  R.  3.  649,  10.  650,  14. 
807,10.  KK.  241,  Ic,  spec.  6223, 7.  82-5-22, 
108.  h....,  JADD  527,  R.  E,  3;  of  the  king, 
860,  II  11.  ''niutir  pnti,  JADD  349,  R.  ,4 
(Ep. Q).  f^A.BA, B. C. 645 (.?),  JADD 25,R.*. 
s.  of  A-har-ii-le,  JADD  307,  i,"  E.  4  (IIIR  49, 
no.  3;  Ep.  F). 
Nabii-rimanni  "Nabu,  have  mercy  on  me!" 

1.  "^AK-rim-an-ni,  Shmk,:  CT  X,  pi.  7,  43. 

2.  '^ PA-ri-jnan-an-ni,  K. 241, 1 25,  spec. [5446, b ?]. 

3.  '^PA-rmi-a-ni.UKSL  165,2.  192,6.  845,  R. 2. 

875,  R.6.  JADD 21,  2  (B.C. 682).  152,  R.  7 
(B.  C.  656).  368,  R.  //(?).  385,  R.  8.  440,  R.  14 
(B.  C.  692).  446,  R.  n  (Ep.  Q).  ^A.BA, 
JADD  59,  R.  4  (B.  C.  681).  62,  B.  E.  1. 
''nappah  fiurasi,  B.  C.  686,  JADD  453, 
R.  //.  f^rabki-sir,  B.  C.  663  (?),  JADD  470,5. 

4.  "^ AK-rim-an-ni,  K.  241,  I  24,  spec. 
Nabu-rim-ilani   "Nabu   is   the  wildox  of  the 


1.  ^AK-AM-ANP\  HABL  947,  2.    KK.  4800. 


2.  'H^A-AM-ANP^  K.  241, 1 47,  spec,    ''ha-za-nu 

la  "'Ni-nua,  JADD  261,  R.  6.  263,  R.  s. 
Nabu-risua   "Nabu   is    my   helper"    (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^ PA-ID. DAH-u-a,  K.  241,  III  50,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-ri-su-ti-a,  JADD  [605,  R.  5?],  854,  R.9. 

K.  241,  III  51.  spec.  82-5-22,  536. 
Nabu^-RU-ZI      (probably  =  Nabu-lariq-7iapisti), 

K.  241,  IV  38,  spec, 
s.    of  Mannu-dlk-bel-alak,    JADD  641,  * 

(Ep.  C). 
*Nabii2.8a-gab  (WSem.),  JADD  55,  R-  /  (B.  C  690). 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabu  ^-sa-gi-ib 

s.  of  Pakdisa,   nappah   hurasi   of  queens 

palace  HABL  847,52. 

HABL  85, 11  (V  R  54. 43,a).  JADD  88,  L.  E.  / 

(Ep.W).  [193,  R.E.  j].  K.  241,  IV  25,  spec. 

^AMA,  JADD  628,  R.  10  (Ep.  P).    mal- 

mahi,  JADD  851, 1 14.  Epon.  Y,  JADD  151, 

R.  4.   193,  R.  E.  [3]. 
Nabu*-sa-ki(?)-pu(?),  K.  241,  III  se,  spec. 
Nabu-salim  "Nabu  is  merciful" 

1.  '^AK-sa-lim,  s,  of  Marduk-apal-iddin,  i.  of 

Aplaia,   Abp.:    B    (III  R  33),    VI  57,  62. 
K.  1 1 289. 

2.  ^PA-sa-lim,  JADD  62,  R.  6.     ^mutir  pati, 

JADD  857,  II  30.    Son  of  Marduk-apal- 
iddin,  Abp.  B :  K.  1741,  VI 23, 27  (WSml.IIl, 

p.  51).^-^i),  K.  241.  II  ?3. 
Nabu-salla,  see  Naba-usalla. 
Nabu-salulu  "Nabu  is  protection" 

dPA-AN.SUR,  K.  241,  III  40,  spec. 
Nabu-sir-ilani   "Nabu  is  the  highest  of  the 


1.  '^PA-MAH-ANP^  K.  241,  I  62,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-si-ri-ANf',  K.  241,  I  .--.s,  spec. 
Nabu  ^-sab-si  (cf.  Nabn-u^abU) 

K.  11521,  E.  4  (KGAS  145),    arduSamdr 
iarri,  JADD  259,  R.  ». 
Nabu-sadiJni  "Nabu  is  our  mountain  (cf.NBa. 
Nabn-ladanu  TNB) 
'^PA-KUR-wni,  K.  241,  IV  s,  spec.    '^A.BA, 
JADD  1 14,  L.  E.  /. 
Nabu '-sa-gim  (cf.  Sa-^i-hn-muJBE  VIII,  pt.   i, 
OBa.  U-gu-mn-Urra  Dilbat) 
f^A.BA,  JADD   383,  R.  le  (IIIR  50,  no.  4; 
B.  C.  674). 
Nabu-sakin-remu  "Nabu  effects  mercy" 

1.  ^PA-GAR-DAGAL,  K.  241,  IV,  5,  spec. 

2.  '^PA-GAR-LW,  JADD  349,4  (Ep.  Q). 
Nabii-sakln-sulmu  "Nabu  effects  welfare" 

1.  '^PA-GAR-hd-me,  JADD  869,  IV,  5,  a  barn. 

2.  '^PA-^a-kln-DI-mu,  JADD  624,  R.  ,,,  B.  C. 

Nabu-sakin-sum  "Nabu  effects  a  name" 
I.  ''AK-U-kin-MU,  s.  of  Ardi-£a,  ^{pahatul:\ 
Merod.  I:  IVR  38,  Use.  —  KB  IV  p. 62. 

2.  '^AK-GAR-in-MU,  Meli§.:  London  103,  IV,  28 

(KB  III  I,  p.  160);  prob.  indentical  with(i). 

3.  '^PA-GAR-MU,  K.  241,  IV  u,  spec. 
Nabu2.sakln((?^i?.6^^y?)-ud-du    "Nabu    effects 

light"  K.  241,  IV  11,  spec. 
Nabu2-8aknu(G"^7?-««)  "Nabu  is  governor" 

JADD  102,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  I),  III  p.  i73f 
Nabii-sallim,  see  Nabu-ulallim, 
Nabu-sallim-ahe    "Nabu,    keep    the  brothers 


1.  ''PA-DI-PAPi'i,  /';'^^;^/-^/rJADD325,R.E./ 

(Ep.  B). 

2.  ''PA-ial-lhn-PAPP',  K.  241,  III  ip,  spec. 

s.  of  Nabn-teme,  JADD  102,1,4,  R.  3  (Ep.I.) 
Nabu^-sal-lim-a-ni  "Nabu*  keep  me  safe!" 

K.  241,  1 23,  spec. 
Nabu-saliimsunu  "Nabu,  keep  them  safe!" 

1.  AK-^al-iwi-hi-7iu,  ''dup-iar  iarri  rabu  ''pit 

u~ni  ^tim-ma-an  Sarrukln  iar  "'"'AHiir 
bu-uk-ru  Har-ma-ak-ki  ^dup-lar  ^arri, 
B.C.  714,  Sarg.  VIII^  428. 

2.  <^PA-DIiu-nu,  VS  I  91,  e.  92,6.    ''ie-lap-pa- 

a-a,  JADD  38,  R.  E. ..  39,  R.E. .  (Ep.  D). 

3.  d PA-lal-lim-iu-nu,  OLZ  VIII,  1 3 1 .  VS  1 85, c. 


4.  ''PA-ial-lim-Su-nu,  VS  I  86, 7. 

f  of  Nabn-nadin-ahe,  JADD  172,  R.  17. 
Nabu-sapik-zer  "Nabu   pours   out  seed"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''P./4-Z?  6^^- ATf/A  JADD  38 5, 3,  n.  K.  24 1 ,  II,  50. 
Nabu2-saqu(A7i/)-ana(?)-ilanl  K.  241,  II  5,  spec. 
Nabu-saquMna-mati  "Nabu    is  exalted  in  the 
'^PA-NIM-AS-KUR,  s.  oi Aqar-Nabu,Cl\ 
3,  15  (KB  IV,  p.  92),  20"^  year  of  Nabu- 
Nabu-sar-ahesu    "Nabu    is  king    of    his  bro- 
thers (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1 .  ''AK-L  UGAL-SESP'-lu,  HABL  349, 2.  K. 974^ 

captured  in  Elam. 

2.  '^PA-MAN-PAPP'-hi,  HABL  302, 2.  447.  % 

a  masmaSui^).  JADD  246,  R. /^.  41 '.s- 
818,  5.  927,  He.  KK.  241,  III  22,  spec.  681. 
7484.  Epon.  B.  C.  645  (.?),  HABL  5 18,  R.  11. 
879,  R.9  (III  R  37, 62,  b).  1 142,  g;  JADD  24, 
R.i.  68,  R.6;  IIIR  34, 94:    ''pahat  '"^*Sa- 

mir-i-na.    ''asu,  JADD  769,  K.  1. 

T.  XL  III. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nabu'-sar-hi-ilani  "Nabu  is  mighty  among  the 


K.  241,  1 54,  spec. 

Nabu-sarhu-ubasa  "Nabu  has  put  the  mighty 

to  shame" 

1.  '^PA-'^ar-hu-ii-ba-^a,  HABL  512,3. 

2.  '^PA-sar-hu-UR,  HABL  512,9. 
Nabu-sar-ibni  "Nabu  has  created  the  king" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  dAK-LUGAL-id-ni,  ^}ak-na  HABL  846,  13. 

2.  <iPA-LUGAL-KAK,  HABL  939, 5. 
Nabu-sar-iddin   "Nabu   has   given    the  king" 

(cf.  pID^aD  CIS  I  29,  2) 
'i PA-MAN- As  {}  Qx\Nabu-sar-usur),  HABL 

413,  2. 
Nabu-sar-ilani    "Nabu   is   king   of  the  gods" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
'i PA-MAN- ANP\  JADD  64,  12  (B.  C.  672). 

K.  241,  I  46,  spec. 
Nabu-sarranni  "Nabu  is  our  king"  (for  NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  'iPA-LUGAL-ral-ni}],  Sm.  2015. 

2.  'iPA-MAN-a-ni,YiKWu  628,  R.5.  JADD  70, 

L.E./  (B.C. 674).  79-7-8, 190.  kalu,]K\yQ 
851,  III  4.  ^rab  ali  M  "Nmua,  JADD  261, 


3.  '^PA-MAN-an-ni,  K.  241, 1  41,  spec. 
Nabu-sar-usur    "Nabu,     protect    the    king!" 

(cf  Ar.  docket  121025  STEVENSON,  Con- 
tracts, no.  2 ;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-LUGAL-PAP,  h-ab  Sage  M  A}ur-ban- 
'  apli  }ar  '"^'AHar,  B.  C.  65  5  (.?),  JADD  646, 

8, 25,  R.  19.   ^^rab  kisir,  HABL  462,  R.  27. 

2.  ''AK-L UGAL-SES,  \... ri la  larri,  HABL 

527,  R.  6.  ^rab  MU.GI,  K.  11 450  (KGAS 
^,  2,  4,  16,  17).  ^rab  ki-sir,  HABL  275,  R,  5. 
462,21.  ^rab  laqe,  cf  no.Ci),  KK.  1288,  2, 
R.  7.  11446,10  (KGAS  150.  153).  ''sangfi 
}a  bit  Babili,  K.  16. 

3.  '^AK-LUGAL-u-sur,]KDVi  741,  31.  82-5-22, 

175,  R.  6  (KGAS  6^). 

4.  '^ AK-MAN-PAP,  HABL  770,  2.  Epon.B.C. 

787  (cf  Balaiu),  M  "^...,  81-2-4,  187,  27. 
Epon.  B.  C.  682,  ^lakin  "^Mar-qa-si,  JADD 
215,  R.  13.  ''rab  ki-sir,  JADD  414,  R.  ^6 
(Ep.  A). 

5.  dPA-LUGAL-PAP,  JADD  53,  e  (B.  C.  672). 

No.  I. 

6.  'f PA-MAN-PAP  (=isica:),  HABL  413,* 
(or:  Nabu-lar-iddin}).  769,  «.  JADD  124, 
R.  3  (B.  C  674).  342,  R.  7.  503,  R.  9.  601, 
R.  3,  622,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  D).  696,  4  (B.  C. 
648?).  700,2.  754.12-  880,  II 17.  899,9,1119. 
922,  IV  3,  servant  of  Nabn-ahe-lallim. 
925,  R.  2.  1006,  R.  (J.  loio,  R.  16.  1018, 
R.  16.  1024,16.  1030,  R.  11.  1041,  R.  11.  1072, 
R.  2.  K.  5637.  Epon.  B.  C.  784,  of  Kurban, 
Canon  C,  I,  27;  III  R  i,  III  33  Epon.  B.  C. 
682,  sakin  "'Marqasi,  Canon  A,  V,  42; 
C,  IV,  15;  JADD  21,  R.  2.  129,  8,  in  Ar. 
endorsement  called  01D31.  132,  R.  5(.?). 
136,  R.  5.  143,  R.  2.  166,  L.  E.  2(?).  213, 
R.  9.  222,  R.  6.  276,  L.  E.  1.  363,  R.  5.  370, 
R.  3.  437,  R.  E.  2.  679,  R.  6.  1098,  III,  10. 
Epon.(=E),  B.  C.620(?  seePEiSER,  MVG 
VI,  p.  132),  f'A.BA  mati,  JADD 711,  R.15 
(III R  46,  no.  2);  VSI,  84,  R.E.2.  85,  R.E.i. 

88, 37.  -^ ,  JADD  266,  R.V  (III  R  49, 

49.  a;  B.C. 670).  267,  R.  7.  840,114.  ^A.BA, 
JADD  160,  1,  7  (Ep.  G).  ''bel  pihati 
JADD  814,  13.  ^e I  pihati  "'Ninua,  ki-sir 
ia  Sin-akerlba,]KDB  ^$^,h.  854,9.  V«- 
a-a-lu,  JADD  160,  R.  E.  /  (IIIR  48,  c; 
Ep.G).  ''mutirputi,]ADD%6o,l\lb.  ''rab 
ekalli,  JADD  640,  R.  ^(P).  ''rab  karani, 
JADD  857,  II  44.  ^'rab  ki-sir,  JADD  349, 
R.  s  (Ep.  Q).  477,  R.  s.  '^rab  ki-sir  mar 
hzrri,  JADD  857,  III  i8(?),  IV  9.  860,  III  is. 
^rab  ki-sir  rab  iaqe,  JADD  857,  II 27.  ''rab 
ki-sir  la  larri,  JADD  211,  R.  79.  ''rab 
ki-sir  M  lepa  sa  mar  larri,  B.  C.  663  (?), 
JADD  470,  R.  21.  ''sa/hi,  JADD  202,  R.  s 
(B.C. 670).  612,  R.  //  (B.C. 686).  627,  R.  9 
(B.  C.  6e^).  ''laqii,  JADD  344,  R.  E.  /.  386, 
R.  8.  Hur-tan,  JADD  102 1,  R.  7. 
Nabu-sezib  "Nabu,  deliverl"  (see  also  Nabu- 

1.  ^AK-h-zib,  ''irriiu,  JADD  742,  i4.   ''tnukil 

apati,  B.  C.  (^T,  JADD  27,  R.  /. 

2.  ^PA-h-zib,  HABL  896,5,14,  R.  3.  JADD  17, 

4, 11  (B:C.687).  28,  R.  /  (B.  C.686).  64,  R.  7 
(B.C. 672).  264, /J  (B. C.  688).  269,  3  (B.C. 
681).   411, 4.  472, 3(?)  (B.  C.  668).    579,  6. 

KK.995.  13139-  DT.  224.  /' JADD 

16"],  R.  /.  448,  R.  /6.  858, 8.  '^mukil  apd  i, 


Knttt  Tallqvist. 

B.C.  670— 663,  J  ADD  115,  R.  /  (IIIR  47; 
no.  i).  116,  R.  7.  174,  R.  s.  185,  R.  7.  [247, 
R.  <?.  296,  R.  4  408,  R.j-.  421,  R.  ^.  470, 
R.  /^.  ^}an?7,  B.  C.  673,  JADD  431,  R.  /j. 
Nabu-sezibanni  "Nabu,  deliver  mel"  O  Bi. 
pTTiJISi  Jer.  39, 13;  Q.i.Nabn-'^u-zu-ba-an-ni 
BE  Vlil,  pt.  I) 

1.  'f AK-le-zib-a-ni,  ]hDY>  353, 2. 

2.  ^PA-ie-zib-a-ni,  Abp.  A,  III  R  18,  II 46;  Ann. 

II 17,  var.  to  (3).  JADD  'jG,  R. .  (B.  C.  652). 
AA^/. SUR,  JADD 775, 4.  ''i«  eli ....,  JADD 
805,  <?.  ^laq  }arri  }a  eli  bit  iarrani,  B.  C, 
6^6(i\  JADD  48,  R.J.  49,  R.  /. 

3.  dpA-h-zib-an-?ii,  HABL  298,  6.  JADD  237, 

R.  rs   (B.  C.665).   680,  4,   R.  5.    K.  241,  I,  82, 

s.  of  Nikku,  set  by  Ashurbanipal  as  lord 
in  Athribis,   Abp.:   Ann.   II,  17    (KB  II, 
p.  166).  IIIR  29,  no.  I,  1. 
Nabu-sum-eres   "Nabu   has    planted  a  son" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-MU-KAM-el,  ^TIG.EN.NA,  loiBel- 

etir   and  Naba-ftdid,   Abp.:  Ann.  Ill,  es 

(iCB    II,     p.     182);     B,     IV,   27,   68;    VI,    81,    84 

(IIIR  31.  33;  KB  II,  p.  244.  258). 

2.  ^AK-MU-KAN,  HABL  906, 6.  ^nasiku  ia 

*'"''Tu-bu-li--a},  HABL  1112,6. 

3.  '^PA-MU-PIN-el  K.  14 130.  ^  TIG.  EN.  N A, 

Abp.  B:  K.  1732,  II  5. 
Nabu-sum-ibni  "Nabu  has  created  a  son"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-MU-ib-ni,  83-1- 18,  554. 

2.  '^PA-MU-KAK,  K.  241,  II,  45,  spec. 
Nabii-sum-iddin"Nabu  has  given  a  son"(cf.Ar. 

docket  littDins,  STEVENSON,  Contracts, 
no.  9) 

1.  ^AK-MU-AS,    HABL  71,  2.   372,  2.   373,  2. 

682,  2.  684,  2.  686,  2.  1033, 7.  K.  10991. 

2.  '^AK-MU-SE,  K.  1 3  01 8. 

3.  'fAK-MU-SE-na,UAm.6s,  2.  67,  2.  K.  1898. 

3034.  ''rab  bzrti,  HABL  422,  s,  time  of 
Sargonll,  cf.  WAFII,  p.  191.  Hmigu  apsi 
ENGUR,  OBI,  I,  83, 15  (KB  IV,  p.  64). 

s.  of  Dannu-Nabn,  *  TU  bit  ''Nabu  ^iatam 
Ezida,  Rm.  Ill,  105,  P,  21. 

s.  of  Suzib-Marduk,  mar  Arad-Ea,  tup'^ar 
^arri,  Merod.  I:  Susa  16,  II  7. 

4.  '^PA-MU-AS,  HABL  60, 2.  6r,  2.  62, 3.  61,  2. 

64,  2.  66,  2.  68,  2.  69,  2.  70,  3.  72,  2.  73,  2. 
I57>  4.  [332,  3:  Naba-tnu[-h-si].  371,  2. 
374,  2.  375,  2.  376,  2.  377,  2.  538,  2.  557, 9. 
683,  2.  845,  R.  3.  JADD  57,  R.  s  (B.  C.  644?). 
85, R.J.  577, R.^.  K. 241,11, 12, spec.  7403. 
''A.BA,  JADD  52,  R.J.  225,  L.  E.  /.  330, 
R.  6  (B.  C.  676)!  447,  R.  6  (B.  C.  683).  502, 
R.  ^  (B.  B.  676).  ^asa,  JADD  851,  II,  13. 
''mukll  apate,  B.  C.  671,  JADD  60,  B.  E.  2. 
'^rab  eHrte  }a  Ninua,  HABL  816,2.  h-akbu, 
JADD  200,   R.  13  (B.  C.  667).   857,  IV,  2. 

860,  II,  13. 

s.  of  Adad-iezibani,  VS  I,  87,  1. 

s.  oi  Im ,  JADD  499,  R.  7  (B.  C.  670). 

s.  oi  Nabn-rdim-napiUit    ^A.BA    id    bel 
pihati  "'Dur-^arrukln,  B.  C.  (£7,  JADD 

27,  8   Cni  R  47,  50,  b). 

s.  of  ^'^  .  . . .,  JADD  869,  III,  14. 

5.  ''PA-MU-SE-na,  HABL  685,  2. 
Nabu-sum-imbi  "Nabu  has  called  a  name" 

1.  '^AK-MU-hn-bi,  niar'^Al-iuril'msakki)''TU 

bit  '^Nabn  Ha-ku  Barsip,  Nsi,:  VS  I,  36, 
III  6.  Rm.  Ill,  105,  P,  9, 22;  11,5. 

2.  ''PA-MU-im-[bi],  JADD  892,  1. 
Nabu-sum-iqisa  "Nabu  has  presented  a  son" 

1.  '^AK-MU-BA-ia,  HABL  1129, 10. 

2.  '^PA-MU-BA-U,  K.  241,  II,  8,  spec. 
Nabii-sum-iskun  "Nabu  has   effected  a  son" 

(cf.  iDDiaoins  APO) 
I.  ''AK-MU-GAR-un\  JADD  841,  R.  1.  VAT 
170, 2  (VS  V  no.  2.  KB  IV,  p.  166;  B.  C. 
717).  HABL  10 16,  5,  R.  5,  9  (time  Sarg.) 
(WSml.  I,  p.  40).  KK.  862.  4778.  7435. 
81-2-4,  379-  81-7-27,  32.  Writer  of  astro- 
logical reports,  KK.  791.  14 150.  80-7-19, 
55;  66  (TRep.  41.  81,  C.  167,  A.  223,  A). 
—  King  of  Babylon,  Dyn.  H  Nabu- 
Sumiskunll,  King-list  A,  IV,  2,  probably 
identical  with  iarru  mar  Dakuri,  the 
Chaldean  king  of  Bit-Dakuri,  Rm.III,  105, 
P,  ,g;  cf.  WAF  I,  p.  261. 
s.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin,  Senn.:  Bav.  37 
(III  R  14);    Co.  50  (I  R  43);    VS  I,  7h 

R.  16. 

f.  of  [Marduk]-apal-iddin,  Chron.  K^,  R.  3; 
cf.  King,  Chronicles  I,  p.  203. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names, 


2.  ''AK-MU-i^-kun,YiABl.'jj?,,<i.  1091,7.%^;- 

Upr-i,  HABL  627,  7. 
s.  of  Sil/a,  81-2-4,  78. 

3.  "PA-MU-GAR,  HABL  428,  2.  JADD  925,7. 

>^A.BA,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  625,  R.  ,5.  iar 
Babili'.   Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  IV  12   (8"^  year). 

s.  oi  Arkdt-ili-damqa,  TU  bit  '^Su-ti-ii, 
VS  I,  36,  IV  1. 

s.  oiAsur,  TUbU  ^Nabu,  Nsi.:  VS  I,  36,  III  //. 

f.  of-  Midesib-Nabn,  JADD  869,  IV,  7. 

4.  'tPA-MU-GAR-un,  HABL  779, 2.  JADD  10 r, 

R.  E.  /.  501,  R.  /.  595,  R,  J.  602,  R.  <?. 
677,2.  K.  241,  IV,  12,  spec,  hnukll apate  oi 
Sennacherib,  JADD253,g.  Writer  of  astro- 
logical reports,  KK.  19.  785.  803.  81-2-4, 
102.  82-5-22,59.  83-1-18,200.  Ba.  89-4-26, 
19  (TRep.  17.  95.  151.  190.  215.  230). 
s.  of  Arkdt-ili-damqa^  Kandal.:  VS  V,  5,  32. 
King  of  Babylonia  (Dynasty  H),  Nabu- 
shumishkunl,  ^ar  "'''^Kardunias,  fought 
with  Adad-nirari  (III),  circ.  B.  C.  895,  suc- 
ceeded Samas-mudammiq,  Synchron.  Ill, 
9,  10  (KB  I,  p.  200). 

5.  <^PA-MU-ihkun,  K.  241,  IV,  13,  spec.  '^A.BA, 

B.  C.  698,  JADD  475,  R.  7.  hnukil  apate, 
JADD  628,  R.  3  (Ep.  P). 
s.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin,  Senn.:  Tay.  VI,  e 
(KB  II,  p.  108),  cf.  no.  (i). 
Nabij-sum-kitti-lisjr  "Nabu,  may  the  true  son 
'^PA-MU-D  U-  GIS,  ^'A.BA,  B.C.7 1 2,  JADD  5, 
■    R.  E.  .  (IIIR  47,  no.  10;  KB  IV,  p.  1 10: 
N abil-sii7n-kinihhlir\  cf.  TNB,  p.  263  b). 
Nabii-sum-kitti-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  true 
''PA-MU-DU-PAP,  K.  241,  I,  10,  spec. 
Nabu-sum-llbup    "Nabu,    may   the    son    grow 
'^ AK-MU-li-bur y  sar  kiHati,  upon  a  duck- 
formed  wight.  Lay.  83  F,  cf.  Weisshacii, 
ZDMG  61,  p.394f ,  probably  identical  with 
[Nabu]-MU-li-bnr,  sarru,  Chron.  K^  I  11;, 
and  with  '^AK-AIb[-ltbur],  King-list  III  4, 
the  last  king  of  Dynasty  D,  about  B.  C 
1050—43,  see  SCHNABEL,  MVG  13,  p.  58f. 
Nabu-sum-lisir"Nabu,  may  the  son  succeed!" 
(for  later  Ba.  texts,  see  TNB) 
No.   I. 

1.  "AK-MU-GI^,  JADD  235,  1,5. 

2.  "AK^MU-SLDI,    HABL   259,  «.     260,  s 

(IVR47,  no.  i).  261,  2.  262,  2.  264,  2.  265,  2. 
350,  2.  811, 2.  1 1 17,  2.  1 128,  2. 

3.  ''PA-MU-GIS,  HABL  i  loi,  4.  JADD  235, 12. 

K.  241, 11,25,  spec.  ^A.BA  {mar  "'Ninua), 
B.  C.  698-694.  JADD  58,  R.  ..  191,  R.  ,. 
4  '^PA-MU-SI.DI,  HABL  263,  2.  276,  R.  c, 
brother's  son  to  Zakirru  ''maHti.  K,  241, 
II,  24,  spec. 
Nabu-sum-ukin  "Nabu  has  established  a  son' 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^AK-MU-DU,  s.  oiNabn-nadin-zer^Na- 

dinu),  king  of  Babylonia,  Nabusumukin  II, 
B.C. 732,  King-list,'A,  IV 5,  abbrev. 5«;//- 
ukfn,  q.  V. 
s.  of  Kudur,  HABL  469,  R.  12. 

2.  ''AK-MU-ii-kin,   king  of  Babylon,   Nabu- 

.sumukin  I,  Chron.  K^,  R.  2,  contemp. 
with  Tuk{ulti-Ninib  II] ;  f.  of  \Nabu]-apal- 
iddin,  ibid.,  1.  3. 

3.  '^PA-MU-DU,  K.  241,  III,  37,  spec.  ''A.BA, 

B.  C.  697,  JADD  198,  R.  ,0. 
Nabii-sum-usur  "Nabu,  protect  the  son!"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  "^AK-MU-PAP,  Hamallfi  me-me-ni,  owner 

of  Surpu-tablet,  K.  8868. 

2.  dAK-MU-SES,  s.  of  Iddin-''{Pap\sukkal, ''...., 

Merod.  I:  VS  I,  34,  22. 

3.  'iPA-MU-PAP,  JADD  61,  R.  4  (Ep.  L).   79, 

B.  E.  /.  324,  L.  E.  3  (III  R  48,  no.  3;  KB  IV, 
p.  116).  346,3.630,  KK. 5420b.  7403. 
79-7-8,  190.  ^'qepii,  JADD  860, 1, 17.  ''iangn 
^a  ''Nabu  at  Kalah,  JADD  640,  R..  (Ep.O). 
641,  R.  /.  (Ep.  C).  642,  R.  //  (Ep.  R). 

''PA-MU-ii-se-si    (possibly     Nabn-muiesi), 
VS  I,  %T,  9. 
Nabu^-tab-ni-bul-lit  (Ba.) 

Nku. :  London,  102,  IV,  20. 
Nabii-tabnl-usur  "Nabu,   protect  what   thou 
hast  created!"  (cf.  TNB) 
''PA-iab-ni-PAP,  HABL  525,  2. 
NabuMah-hi-se-me,  K.  241,  IV,  32,  spec. 
Nabu-taklaii  "In  Nabu  I  trust" 

I.  ''AK-tdk-lak,  HABL  524, 9,  time  of  Sargon  II. 
897, 1.  898, ,.  JADD  631,  R.  /  (B.  C.  680). 

1 62 

Knot  Tat.lqvist. 

2.  '^PA-tak-Iak,  J  ADD  33,  3  (B.  C.  692).  493,  /.. 

3.  ^PA-Uxk-lak,  HABL  1057, 5.  JADD  122,  R.  7; 

123,  R...  (B.  C.  682).  576,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  676). 
601,  R.^.  KK.  5138.  5517.  5537- 
Nabu-talim-usur  " Nab u,  protect  thebrother!" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  '^PA-ta-li-me-PAP,  K.  241,  I,  17,  spec. 

2.  'tPA-r AM. MA-PAP,  K.  241,  I,  lo,  spec. 
Nabii-tapput-illak"Nabu  comes  to  assistance" 

1.  '^AK-tap-put-DU-ak,    ^'rablaq,    Epon.,    see 

SCHETL,    Recueil    des    travaux,    XXIV, 
Notes  d'epigr.  LXII,  3,  and  OLZ  VII,  70. 

2.  ''PA-tap-put-D  U,  h-ab^aq,  Epon.,  VS,  I,  87, 33. 

3.  '^PA-tap-pu-ut-DU,   ''rabiaq,   Epon,  VS  I, 

93,  31. 

''PA-tdq-bi-Sl.DI,  Sm.  55,  I,  u,  spec. 
Nabu-taqqinanni    (cf.    Nabu-tuqqinatmi   in    later 
Bab.  texts  TNB) 

1.  'fPA-LAL-a-tii,  JADD  21,  R.  j  (B.  C  682). 
s.  oiDa-da-a-a,  ^A.BA,  Ep  G  JADD  160, 

R.  E.  ,. 
s.  of  Tabni,  ''A.BA,  Ep.G,  JADD  160,  R.  7. 

2.  '^PA-LAL-an-fii,    Prasek,    GMP   I,   p.  99: 

Nabu-lal-ilani  hazmni),  HABL  645,  R.  4, 
\A\.BA,  1008,  R.  10. 

3.  ^PA-LAL-in-a-ni,  ''A.BA  (B.  C.  680)  JADD 

'  360,  R.  /i. 

4.  '^PA-LAL-in-nn-ni,  K.  241,  I,  ai,  spec. 

5.  dpA-LAL-ni,  JADD  57,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  644?). 

6.  '^PA-tdq-qin-an-ni,  JADD  852,  IV,  1. 
Nabu2.taras(?  LAL)'lxsi\{PIN-ef) 

K.  241,  II,  34,  spec. 

NabuMariba-usur(?-6"t/-/MP),  K.241,1,12.  Sm  55, 
II,  u,  spec.  HABL  525,  R.  c. 

Nabu-taris  "Nabu  directs" 

'^PA-LAL'is,  JADD  621,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  F).  1 
K.  241, V,  8,  spec.  Epon.  B.C.  721,  Canon  A, 
V,  3;  C,  III,  ig;  III  R  I,  V,  3;  JADD  1098, 
II,  2.  artiu  ia  Za-pa-nu,  B.  C.  679,  JADD 
161,1.  Va/5  i/-i-/>,JADD675,R.  19.  h-akbu 
Sarri,  Ep.  A,  Q,  JADD  211,  R.  E.  ^.  308, 
R.  10.  309,  R.  s.  ''rakbit  }a  mar  iarri, 
JADD  312,  R.  /o.  ^}a  iepa,  Ep.  q.  JADD 
400,  R.  ,^. 

NabiiMaris(ZJZ)-ana-ilani    "Nabu  directs    to 
the  gods" 

K.  241,  II  1  =  Nabii-muiela{}  NIM)-ana- 
ilani,  ibid.  1.  5;  cf  NBa.  Nabu^-ni-tb\SA- 
anala-na-ilani  "Nabu  calls  to  the 
gods"  TNB,  Neb.  44,  n.  134,  3.  320,  2. 

NabuMar-ti-ba-usur  {J^AP),  K.  241,  I  is,  spec. 
VS  I,  99, 2.  ^ 

Nabu2-tat-tan-usur(^^^.S)  "Nabu,  protect  what 
thou  hast  given!"  (cf  TNB,  p.  149a) 
Nabd.  Ann.  I  u  (KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  128). 

Na-bu-ti-i  (hypocor.,  cf  Nabuhi) 

Hiparu,  B.  C.  683,  JADD  447,  R.  g.  rab  ki- 
sir  Sa  ilpare,  B.  C.  681,  JADD  59,  R.  j. 

Nabiitu  (hypocor.) 

1.  Na-bu-ti,  JADD  287,  1.   Brother   of  Mar- 

biti-hini-ibni,    Nku.:    London,   102,  I,  22. 
—  KB  IV,  p.  84. 

2.  Na-bu-ut-tu,   Rm.  157,  u   (KB  IV,   p.  124; 

B.  C.  679). 

3.  Na-bu-tii,  K.  4285,  R.  .5.  JADD  718, 2. 
Nabu Muk-lat-SU  "Nabu  is  his  help" 

s.   of  Nabn-midesi,   gs.   of  Bel-kundi-ilia, 
K.  872,  R.  13  (time  Abp.). 
NabuMuk-lat-u-a  "Nabu  is  my  help" 

K.  24 F,  IV,  31,  spec. 

-^PA-tiik-te-e-SU,  K.  241,  III,  9,  spec. 
NabuMuk-te-tir-ra  (cf.  Naba^-tuk-ti-e-tir-ri,   see 

TNB)  Sm.  55,1,  17,  spec. 
Nabu-tukulti"Nabu  is  my  help"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 
'*PA-KU-ti,\\.hV>\^  1 101,3.  K.  24 1,  IV,  28,  spec. 
Nabu2.tukulti(A'6/-//)-edl(?/i.V)    "Nabu    is    the 
help  of  the  one  ' 
K.  241,  IV,  29,  spec. 
NabuMukultl-ensl(.9/G")  "Nabu  is  the  help  of 
the  weak" 
K.  241,  IV,  30,  spec. 
Nabu^-tur-sa-an-ni  (cf  Nabu^-tur^)-ra-sa-an-iii 
Nabd.  916, 2) 
K.  241,  I  40,  .spec. 
Nabu'Me-me(abbrev,  cf  NBa.  Pa-ni-Nabu-te-e-viu 
>  CUnsS  CIS  II,  62,  and  Nabu-teme-utir) 
f  of  Nabu-Ullim-ahe,  JADD  102,  2. 
Nabu  Me-e-me-u-tir 

K.  241,  III,  57,  spec. 
Nabu^-UGUR  {haiaiu,  namsaru}) 

''tab  dan-dan,  JADD  494,  R.  10. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nabu-udammiq,  or  Naba-damiq,  q.  v. 
Nabu-ukin  "Nabu  has  established"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  s*ee  TNB) 

'^PA-DU,  K.  241,  III,  36,  spec. 
Nabu-unammir,  see  Nabu-nanimir, 

K.  241,  I,  7,  spec. 

s.  of  Asur,  sangu  '^Adad,  Nsi.:  VS  1, 36,  III  n. 
Nabii-usalla"Nabu  I  implored"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  '^ PA-sal-la,Hak7iu  oi"'Hesa,  HABL414, 10,  is. 

2.  ''PA-sal-li,  JADD  830, 1. 

f  of  Ahir-bel-dan-an,  JADD  354,  B.  E.  2. 

3.  '^PA-u-sal-la,  K.  4752.   sa  "^A-bu-ri-e,  Sarg. 

Ann.  268.   sa  eli  al  "'"*Gambuli,  Abp.  B: 

VI,  72  (mR33). 
.4.  '^PA-u-sal-li,UAm.2Q6,'i.  223,  R.  11.  JADB 

5,  II,  12.  JADD  812,  L.E.2.   K.241,  IV,  2, 

spec.   Abp.  B:  K.  1741,  VI,  37,  van  to  (4). 
Nabu2.usur(P^P)-an-nJ  "Nabu,  protect  me!" 

K.  241, 1, 20,  spec. 
Nabu-usabsi  "Nabu  has   called  into    being" 

1.  '^AK-GAL-H,   HABL266,  2.    267,2.   270,2. 

272,2.  294,2.  456,4.  517,1.  752,2.  753,2. 
859,R.'2o.  1052,11.5,6.  KK.  909. 4489. 4748, 6 
(WSml.  II,  p.  64).  1 2  01 3  (TRep.  274,  N). 
81-2-4, 313.  452.  509.  82-5-22, 133.  83-1-18, 
125.  Bu.  91-5-9,  23.  Ha-ku  6^7^/^,  K.433,2(i 
(KB  IV,  p.  170;  B.  C.  648.?). 
s.  of  Ahir,  rU  bit  '^Nabn,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36, 

III  so. 

2.  ''AK-  TUK-U,  HABL  iioo,  2. 

3.  '^AK-u-sab-H,    of  Blt-Silani\    mar   Silani: 

Tigl.  B,  15  (II R  67.   KB  II,  p.  12).    larru: 
Tigl.  IV,  PI.  1 9  (KB  II,  p.  4) 

4.  '^AK-u-sib-si,   s.  of  Nabn-ser-iddin,  Mshi.: 

VS  I,  35,  19.  -  KB  IV,  p.  96. 

5.  '^PA-GAL-H,   HABL  268,2.   269,2.   271,2. 

273, 1.  751,  2-  945,2.  JADD  51,  j  (B.C. 683). 
K.  13003.  79-7-8,  3i5(.?). 
NabO-Usallim  "Nabu  kept  safe"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB,  cf.lbttJini  ABO,  QblSini  K.3788 
=  KG  AS  120) 

1.  •^AK-DI-im,  HABL  576,  12.  749, 1. 

2.  '^AK-GI,  HABL  527,  is.  '750,  2.     mar  Da- 

No.   I. 

kuru,  CTX,  pi.  5, 11.  ''na-si-ku  of  Nar  Tu- 
bu-li--ai,  HABL  1112,7. 

3.  '^ AK-lal-lim,  mar  Dakuru,  D.T.  301. 

4.  '^AK-u-lal-lim,  of  Bit  Dakuru,  HABL  229,2. 

258,  2.  336,4, 10,  irt  "'Bit-'"Da-ku-ru.  y^y,  i. 
748, 1.  83-I-18,  65.  In  enquiry  of  Sama.s 
oracle,  time  of  Esarhaddon,  83-1-18,  531. 
697  (KGAS  46.  72). 
s.  of  Mardnk-apal-iddin,  HABL  1 1 14,  10, 
17,  25,  R.  3.   1131,  5. 

5.  ''PA-DI,  K.  241,  III,  26,  spec. 

6.  •'PA-DI-im,  ''A.BA,  B.C. 694,  JADD  28 1,  R.,„.. 

7.  ''/M- 6^7,  K.  241,111,25;  Sm.  55,1, 5,  spec,  mar 

Dakuru,  Shmk.:  CT  X,  pi.  5,  10;  7,  45. 

8.  '^PA-ia/-/im,U ABh 600, 8,  ^/a-pi-a-a.  JADD 

58,  R.E.  /  (B.C. 694).  254,  R.  6.  503,  R.  ,0. 

5  I  I,  R.  4.  661,  2.  675,  13.  909,  5.  K.  241,  III,  27. 

4515.    In  enquiry  of  Samas  oracle,  time 
of  Esarhaddon,  KK.  4268,  L.  E.  2.  1 1459, 
L.  E.  2  (KGAS  48.  118). 
s.  of Ba-/a-su,  of  Bit-Dakuru,  Esarh.  A,  11,52 
(KB  II,  p.  130);  B,  III,  27  (KB  II,  p.  146). 

9.  '^PA-u-ial-lim,  HABL  ion,  R.  4. 
s.  of  Qu-fii-i,  JADB,  5,  II,  le. 

Nabu^-u-sa-an-ni  "Nabu,  come  to  my  help!" 

K.  241, 1,  35,  spec. 
Nabu-usezib  "Nabu  has  saved"  (for  NBa.  texts, 

see  TNB,  BE  IX,  X;  see  also  Nabn-^ezib) 

1.  ^^AK-u-U-zib,   HABL  256,  R.  5.   750.  R.  s. 

754, 28  (WSml.  II,  p.  55).  808,  R.  1.  1028, 10 
(WSml.  II,  p.  51).  K.  3024,  writer  to  king. 
12960.  Rm.  157,  13  (KB  IV,  p.  124;  B.  C. 
679).   81-7-27,48. 

2.  ''PA-u-^e-sib,  K.3790,  R.  3  (B.C. 680;  KB  IV, 

p.  124).  ^^alhi,  B.C. 670,  JADD  202,  R.j. 

'^A.BA,  B.  C.  66o(.?),  JADD  12,  R.  j. 
Nabu-usibsi,  see  Nabn-uSabh. 

K.  241,  IV,  20,  spec. 
Nabu-zakip  (abbrev.,  cf. Nabu-zdkir-lum;  for  NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-za-kir,  K.  1616. 

2.  'UM-za-kir,  K.  241,  IV,  22,  spec. 
Nabu-zakir-sum     "Nabu     is     proclaimer    of 

posterity"  (also  in  OBa.  &  NBa.  texts) 
'^PA-za-kir-MU,  K.  241,  IV,  21,  spec. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nabu-zaqip  (abbrev.,  cf.  Nabn-zaqip-enU) 

^^PA-za-qip,  JADB  [5,  III,  is].  K.  241,  IV,  23, 

spec,   ^rab  alani,  JADD  693,  R.  5. 
Nabu2-za-qip-ensi(^/6^)    "Nabu    upholds     the 

K.  241,  IV,  24,  spec. 
NabQ-zer..:.,  K.4793, 31  (WSml.II,  p. 69).  JADD 

332,  R.5  (B.C.  670?). 
Nabu-zer-ibni    "Nabu    has    created    seed" 

(cf.  NBa.  Nabu-zi-ir-ib-ni  Dar.  266,  le) 

1.  '^AK-KUL-ib-nu,   s.  of  Bit-ma^fari-ibmi, 

'^A.BA,  Sarg.  St.  II,  23  (KB  IV,  p.  168). 

2.  ''AK-KUL-KAK,¥i42%S^gur-rii-bu,nh^l. 

462,  R.  27  (WSml.  II,  p.  20). 

3.  ''PA-KUL-ib-ni,  K.  4678  =  HABL  1014,  R.  s. 

4.  'tPA-KUL-KAK,  JADD  15,  R. .  (B.  C.  672). 

417,  7.  507,  R.  S.   630,  18.  909,  3.  K.  241,  11,46, 

spec.   1524.    ''SAG  '"-'Ru- HABL 

Nabu-zer-iddin  "Nabu  has  given  seed"  (cf.  Bi. 
Tjsnm?;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^AK-kuL-MU,  HABL  754,  u.  1106,  10. 

2.  <^AK-KUL-SE-na,  HABL  808, 10.   1095,  >• 

1 1 50,  2.  VS  I,  35,  u,  18  var.  to  (4).  K.  12947. 
Sm.  80:  descend,  oi  Arad-Ea.  80-7-9,  34. 
f.  oiNabu-uUbU,  Mshi.:  VS  1,35,20  (KB  IV, 
p.  96). 

3.  '^PA-KUL-AS,  JADD  165,  R.  E.  /  (Ep.  Q). 

170,  L.  E.  /.  212,  1,  iQ)  (B.C.  687).  226,  a. 

571,  R.  /o.  K.  241,  II,  13,  spec.  4277.  -* , 

JADD  202,  R.  7;  266,  R. ,  (B.C. 670).  503, 
R.  s.  ''kaln,  JADD  85 1,  III,  1.  ''mukil  apati, 
B.  C.  660,  JADD  444,  R.  ,7.  445,  R.  // 
(KB  IV,  p.  136).  ''mukil  apati  }a  mar 
larri,  JADD  [256,  R.  7]  (B.  C.  6^6).  477, 
R..?.  '^rakbu  GABP',  B.  C.  671,  JADD  60, 
R.  4.  ''A.BA,  B.C. 686,  JADD  612,  R.  E.  /. 

4.  '^PA-KUL-SE-na,  JADD  264,  R.  /  (B.  C. 688  ?). 
f.  oiBel-iddin,  Mshi.:  VS  I,  35,1,49  (KB  IV, 

P-  94)- 
s.  of  riu-ba-Jti,  TU  bit  '^PA,  Nshi.:  VS  I,  36, 
III  16. 
Nabu-zer-iqisa  "Nabu  has  presented   seed" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-KUL-BA-ia,  K.  965. 

2.  '^PA-KUL-BA-ia,  K.  241,  II,  9,  spec. 
Nabu-zer-kltti-lislr  "Nabu,  may  the  seed   of 

the  righteousness  succeed!"(forNBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  'U^A-KUL-DU-GIS,    ''hazanu    sanu    sa 

"'Ninua,  JADD  [92,  L.  E.  /].    160,  s  (III  R 
48,  c ;  Ep.  G). 

2.  'iPA-KUL-DU-SI.DI,  HABL  1107,2. 
Z.'^PA-KUL-Zr-GIS,   b.  q{  Ndid-Marduk 

(=  4),  barana  nabalkattanu,  Esarh.  B,  II,  15 
(IIIR  15.  KB  II,  p.  144)-  Cf  K.  2671,  7 
(ZA  II,  p.  299.  WAF  I,  p.  522). 
4.  ''PA-KUL-ZI-SI.DI,  s.  of  Marduk-apal- 
iddin,  b.  of  Nd id-Mar duk^  Esarh.  A,  II,  32 
(IR45.  KB  II,  p.  128). 
Nabu-zer-lisir  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB, 
''AK-KUL-li-U-ir  Nabd.  687, 42) 

1.  '^AK-KUL-GIS,  HABL  51 1, 1,  R.  4. 

2.  '^AK-KUL-Sr.DI,  s.  oi  Itti-Mardiik-balatu, 

descend,   of  Ardi-Ea,   Neb.  I,   Nippur, 
III  13.  V21. 
f.  of  iHar-sum-erei,  ''rab  qanfi,  IV  R  9,  R.  45. 

3.  '^PA-KUL-GI$,  HABL  512, 1.  K.  241,  II,  26 

spec.  4267. 
f  of  Su-ma-a-a,  HABL  873,  15. 

4.  "PA-KUL-SLDl  HABL  223,  2  (WSml.  IT, 

p-  n\ 

Nabu^-zeru-u-a  (hypocor.) 

JADD  29,  R.  /  (B.  C.  693). 
Nabu-zer-ukin  "Nabu  has  established  seed" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ''AK-KUL-GLNA,  HABL  412,  2. 

2.  •iPA-KUL-DU,  s.  oi  Nabfi-mu  . . . .,  K.44S3, 

time  of  Abp. 

3.  ''PA-KUL-ii-kin,  HABL  332,  2. 
Nabu-zer-usur    "Nabu,     protect    the    seed!" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''PA-KUL-PAP,  JADD  383,  R.  9  (R.  C.  674). 
Nabu-zer-usabsi  "Nabu  has  called  seed  into 
I.  dAK-KUL-GAl-n,  94-6-1 1,  36,7  (ZA  IX, 
p.  398),  7"^  year  of  Sinsharishkun.  naslku 
of  Nar-  Tubiiliai,   HABL  906, 5.  1 1 12, 5. 
f  of  Silld,  K.  433, 28. 
Nabu^-zuq-pa-an-ni  "Nabu,  uphold  mel" 

K.  241, 1,  33,  spec. 
Nabii-2uqup-ken"Nabu,  uphold  the  true  one!" 
s.  of  Mardiik-suvi-iql^a,  gs.  or  descendant 
of  Gabbi-ilani-erei,  ''A.BA  il^rab  A.BAf 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


'''Ka-lak),  scribe  of  numerous  astrological 
works,  mostly  at  Calah,  some  at  ASsur, 
flourished  B.  C.  716—684 

1.  ^^AK-su-qup-GLNA,  KK.  2330(111  R  53, 4ib), 

f.  oi Ihar-ium-ereL  2670  (III R  2,  no. XXII; 
22 'h  year  of  Sennacherib),  calls  I§tar- 
surn-eres  his  son.  9452.  13839.  Sm.  1070. 
Rm.  222.  81-7-27,  81. 

2.  '' AK-su-qu-up-  GI.  NA,  KK.  i  ^y.  2679, 10. 2686 

(IIIR  2,  no.  I;  6'h  year  of  Sargon).  3044 
(IIIR2,  no.  XVI;  i6th  year  of  Sargon). 
3068  (III  R  2,  no.  XVII ;  i «» year  of  Senna- 
cherib). 3074  (IIIR  2,  no. XIII;  I5">year 
of  Sargon).  3163  (III  R  2,  no.  XVIII; 
4"^  year  of  Sennacherib).  4024  (IIIR  64, 
35,  b).  5282.  9487.  [10084].  10967.  1 1 309. 
1 1 614.  Sm.  854.  930.  Rm.  155  (CT  29, 
49,36).  81-2-4,  327-  Bu.  91-5-9,  97. 
■3.  ""PA-zu-qu-up-  GI.NA,  KK.  75  (B.  C.  694). 
267^  (B.  C.  711).  3055  (IIIR  2,  no  XV; 
1 5  ^^  year  of  Sargon).  3066  (III  R  2,  no.  XII ; 
15'''  year  of  Sargon).  3068  (CT  30,  25). 
Sm.  [985].  —  Cf.  Marduk-lum-iqi^a  and 
Gabbi-ildn  i-  ereL 

Na-ad-ba-nu  (cf  Kur{J)-ba-a-mi) 

^ardu  sa  ^sukkalli  ianl,  J  ADD  1 1 4 1,  jo  (B.  C. 

*Na-ad-bi-ia-a-u  (cf  He  lT^'yy:,Na-(jd-bi-ia  BE  IX; 
cf.  also  Kiir{^)-balbi-AN-a-a 
^mukil  apati,   B.  C.  710,  J  ADD  234,   R.  9 
(IIIR  49, 30 a;  KB  IV,  p.  112). 

Na-di-i  (cf  Na-di{-e)  TNB,  NaSio?  :=  Nadin) 
PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  112,  rs  (B.  C.  681). 
M.^4  B.  C.  742,  JADD  75,  R.  /r. 

Nadln-ahe  (abbrev.;  or  Iddin-ahe) 

1.  AS-PAPP\  JADD  [114, 5].  Epon.  B.  C.  693, 

IIIR  I,  V31;  B.  C.  688  IIIR  I,  V3fi;  cf. 
JADD  29,  R.  2.  32, 8.  264,  R.  1.   masmasu, 
HABL447,7.  JADD  851, 1 2. 
f.  of  Zer-hHr  JADD  880,  I  9. 

2.  MU-SESi-^,  U  Bag-da-di,  JADD  246,  R..^. 

3-  SE^ ,  Epon.  B.  C.  693  or  688,  ia  ^'Dnr- 

Sarrukm,]ADD  400,  R.  10.  ^sa-Hn  '""'. 

JADD  240,  R.  17. 

4-  SE-na-PAPP^,  Epon.  B.  C.  688,  JADD  17, 

R.  4.    ^ia-ktn  "^Si-ine-ra\tr,  Epon.  B.  C. 
693,  JADD  133,  R.  2.    145,  R.  2. 

No.  I. 

5.  SE-ni-PAPP^  Epon.  B.  C.  693,  IIIR  i,  Vs., 

van  to  (i).  Epon.  B.  C.  688,  IIIR  i,  Vao, 
var.  to  (0.   Cf.  JADD  66,  R.  9. 

6.  SE-na-SESPi,  Iki.  91-5-9,  88. 

7.  SE-PAPPi,   HABL  18,    R.  5.    mar   lakin 

K.  1880,2  (WSml.II,  p.  66).  Sd  "'Si-me-rc, 
Epon.  B.C. 693,  JADD  491,  R.  n,  cf  238, 
R.  18.  Epon.  B.  C.  688,  JADD  1098,  III,  1. 
f^A.BA  (B.  C.  669),  JADD  188,  R.  7. 
Nadin-ahi  (abbrev.) 

1.  yiS-PAP{=^  Edu-usur}),  K.241,  Xo  (.spec). 

JADD  114, 5(?). 

2.  SE-na-SES,  HABL  475, 5.  496,  12.  859,  R.  s. 

906,  10.  964,  R.  14.  K.  1 1 35  (NBa).   TRep. 
277  AE. 
s.  of  '^Na-na-a-karabi,  94-6-1 1, 36, 10  (7 '•'year 
of  Sin-sar-iskun ;  ZA  IX  p.  398). 
NadIn   (abbrev.,  cf.  Nabn-nadin-zer]  =  Na8io<;; 
for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Na-din,  king  of  Babylon,  Chron.  B,  I,  15; 

see  (3). 

2.  Na-di-ni,  JADD  21, .?  (B.  C.  682).   Tigl.  IV, 

B.  26  (II R  67.   KB  II,  p.  14),  of  Larak. 

3.  Na-di-nu,  HABL  393,  2.  394,  2.  395,  2.  498, 

R.  8.  767,  2.  1 1 1 1,  R.  5.  JADD  368, 2.  Writer 
of  astrological  reports,  KK.  1384,  8393. 
81-2-4,  89  (TRep.  144  D,  226.  274  F).  In 
enquiry  of  Samas  oracle,  K.  11 480 
(KGAS  55).  '^A.BA,  B.C.  671,  JADD  60, 
R.  9;  cf,  SE-na,  ''A.BA,  under  Iddina. 
s.  of  Arkat-ili-damqa,  TU  bit  '^Naba,  Nshi.: 

VSI,  36,  IIL/. 
s.   of  Nabu-nasir    (Nabonassar),    king    ot 
Babylon,  B.C. 734 — 732,  Chron. B,  1, 13, u. 
<;  Nabn-nadin-zer,  q.  v. 
f  of  Apia,  HABL  336,  R.  2.  K.  8433. 
Nadln-aplu  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
Na-din- A,  f.  of  Za-ri-i,  HABL  49,  R.  25. 

Epon.  MDOG  36  p.  24. 
Na-din-[a  (hypocor.) 

HABL  558,  2  (WSml.  II,  p.  63). 
Na-din-ilu  "A  giver  is  the  god" 

HABL  913, 1  (WSml.  II,  p.  39). 

f.  of  Nashu-qatar,  JADB  2,  I.  8. 
Nadin-sum(vS^-W)  (abbrev.)  JADD  296,  R.j. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nadna^a  (hypocor.) 

1.  Nad-na-a-a,  K.  241,  IX,  29,  spec. 

2.  SE-a-a,  K.  771,  2. 
^?AxWi{Natnu)  (hypocor.) 

1.  Na-ad{at)-7ii,  Sar  "'''^Na-ba-a-a-ti,  Abp.: 

Ann.,  VIII,  G9  (V  R  8.  KB  II,  p.  220). 

2.  Na-ad{ai)-nu,   nasiku  }a   '""'/atdurt,   Sarg. 

Ann.  281.   sar  '""*Na-ba-a-a-ti,  Abp.  A, 

IIIR  24,  VIII 53, 63;  Ann.  VIII,  56  (VR  8. 

KB  II,  p.  218);  B,  IIIR  34,  VIII,  86,37,41; 

35,  no.  6,  II,  30,  39,  40.    ^'Na- ba- a-tu- u- a, 

HABL  1 117, 6,  12. 

JADB  6,  I,  13.    21,  5.    ''rab  kisir,    HABL 

639,  3. 
*Na-ha-ra(-a)-u  (cf.  Ni-fta-ru,  Ni-har-a-u,  Bi. 

nms,  'inns,  Naxap  a  deity,  KA  p.  477  f.) 
JADD  266,  R.  4  (III  R  49,  60,  a.    B.  C.  670). 

335,  5  (III  R  46, 69,  d.  B.  C.  687).  —  KB  IV, 

pp.  118.  130. 
*Na-hi-rl(-i)  (cf.  Bi.  ^nn?) 

JADD  79, 4, 6.  404,  R.  3  (B.  C.  674). 
*Nahke  (Eg.,  cf.  Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  349,  Ranke, 

Material,  p.  30)  Na-af}-ki-e,  iar  "'HininU, 

Abp.  A,  IIIR  17, 1 97;  Ann.  1, 95  (VR  i. 

KB  II,  p.  162). 
Na(?)-ah-na-zu,  Ta'annek  4,  n. 
"^Na-ah-ra-ma-as-si  (Eg.,  cf  Ranke,  Material  p.  13, 

cf    Hamassi)   TA  21,  33,    messenger   of 

Amenophis  III  to  Tushratta. 
*Na-ah-ti-hu-ru-an-si-ni  (Eg.  Nht-Hr-ne-§n(w), 

ICDinnni,   Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  353, 

Ranke,   Material,    p.  30)  Sar  ^'Pi-iap- 

Hj'-alnu-ti,  Abp.:  A,  IIIR  17,  I  loe;  Ann. 

1 104.  —  KB  II,  p.  162. 
Naid-Adad  "Exalted  is  Adad" 

1.  I-'^IM,  f'rakbu  GABP\  B.C.  670,  JADD  60, 

R.J-.  421,  R.  13. 

2.  I-'^U,  ^rakbu  GABf\  B.C.  670,  JADD  420, 

R.  ^. 
Naid-Asur  "Exalted  is  Ashur" 

I-AS-sur,]KDT>  370,  2  (B.  C.682).  452.  616, 
B.  E.  1  (B.  C.  695). 

HABL  212,  15,  slave. 
Naid-ilu  "Exalted  is  the  god" 

I.  T-AN,  HABL  192,2.    193,2.    194,2.    195,2. 

484,  8.  729,  2.  JADD  100,  R. .  (B.C.  687). 
285,  R.  6  (B.  C.  686).  947, 6.   K.  241,  X,  32, 

spec.   7797.  Sm.  333  (?).  A ,  JADD  366, 

R.  3  (B.  C  669).   ^iann,  JADD  241,  1, 7, 9. 
s.  of Hani,  B.  C.  707,  JADD  350,  R.  9. 

2.  Na--id-AN,  81-2-4,  ^H- 

3.  Na--di-AN,  K.  1246,  in  letter.  Epon.  B.  C. 

Tukulti-N.  II,  Ann.  41;  R.  65,  ^akin  '""'Kum- 
Na'id-lstar  "Exalted  is  Ishtar" 

1.  I-XV,  JADD  88,  R.  9  (Ep.  W). 

s.  of  Istar-ium-iddin,  JADD  642,  s   (IIIR 

49, 9,  b.  Ep.  R). 
f.  of  Nabn-alarid,  JADD  446,  R.  le. 

2.  I-^XV,  s.  of  lUar-hmi-iddin,  JADD  642,  1. 
Na'id-Marduk  "Exalted  is  Marduk"  (for  NBa. 

texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  T-'^AMARMD,  HABL  815,1. 

2.  I-Mar-duk,  JADD  166,  R.  E. .  (Ep.  S). 

3.  I-'^Mar-duk,  HABL  223,  R.  5. 

s.  of  Marduk-apal-iddin  (Merodach-Bal.  II), 
b.  of  Nabn-zer-kitti-lihr,  Esarh.  B,  II,  20 
(IIIR  15.   KBIT,  p.  144). 

4.  Na-id-'^AMAR.UD,   HABL  576,  15.  917,2 

(WSml.  II,  p.  7).  958,  3  (WSml.  II,  p.  22). 

1114,13,20,21,23.  K.  1973.  2905 ;  cf.  no.  (3). 
^.  Na-'id-'^AMAR.UD,    HABL  839,  15,   cf 

no.  (4).  81-7-27,  205  {Na-ahQ)-id-),  owner 

or  scribe  of  tablet. 
6.  Na-'id-^Mar-duk,  s.  of  Merodach-Bala- 

dan  II,  b.  oi Nabn-zer-kitti-lisir,  Esarh.  A, 

11,35  (IR45.   KB  II,  p.  128). 

f.  of  (?)  n-ga-bu,  VS  I,  109, 2. 
*^a-kl-'-a,  see  fNaqia. 
Na-ku(?hab)-du,  ''mar  hpri,  HABL  815,  R.  le. 
*Na-al  .^  . .,  VAT  4581, .  (VS  I,  107). 
*Na-ki-li-e-it,  Capp.  T-D  242, 4. 
*Na-ma-di  (iiiTaS^i?),  Ta'annek  4, 5. 
Nam-gar-dur-"'En-lil    (as    the    name    of  a   canal, 

BE  X,  p.  70),  Melis.:  London,  103,  III,  23 

(KB  III,  I,  p.  158). 
*Nam-ia(-wa)-za/zl  (Mit.)  TA  53, 34.  129, 82.  151,  fi2. 

189,  6,  R.  2,  9,  25.    194,  2,   s.  of  Sutarna, 

g&.  oi .  . .  .  {Sa-ul-sa'iytar.   195,  <•    196,2. 

197, 17.  234, 13, 26.  250, 24.  Governor  of  the 

city  of  Kumidi. 


'Na-mlr-ti  (cf.  Na-mir-tum   TNB,   OBa 
ra-tum  Dilbat),  HABL  527,  R.  2. 
Nam-mu-ii-a   (hypercor.,   cf.    perhaps   OBa.   Na- 
7ni-la,  Na-mi-ia-tum  RPN 
s.  oif'langu  '^Adad,  Merod.II:  Bl.  st,  IV,  39. 
Namru  "Shining"  (also  in  Cass,  texts,  BE  XIV, 
XV,    and   in   OBa.   texts   Na-am-ru-um 
T-D  LC,  Nam-rum  RPN;  cf.  Na-mi-ir-ilu. 
Clay,  PNC,  p.  1 10) 
Nam-id,  f.  of  Ea-zer-iqila,  Simb.  Lay.  53,  7 

(King,  BBS,  pi.  20). 
f.  of  Nabu-nadin-ahe,  I R  (^,  15  b  (KB  IV, 
p.  68);  PSBA  XIX  (1897),  p.  71,  is,  time 
of  Mna. 
f.  oiKi-din-'^NINJB,  Merod.I:  Susa  16,  II 5. 
Nam-sa-a  . . .,  Capp.  Ch.  13, 10. 

f.  of  Rabi-Asur,  Capp.  G,  2,  10. 


s.  of  Mardick-ballit,  J  ADD  387,  1. 
'"Na-na-a-.?,  slave,  VS  I,  98, 1. 
^Na-na-a-a-da- . . ., 

d.  of  Suqa,  JADD  210,  4  (Ep.  W). 
Na-na-ni  (cf.  IStarani),  JADD  384,  R.  9. 

f.  oiEnba,  Mzs.:  VS  I,  35,  10  (KB  IV,  p.  94). 
Na-na(-a)-ti  (hypocor.,  Q'i.0V>2..''Nanna{SES.KI)- 

tum  T-D  LC),  VS  I,  87,  10.  99,  1. 
"Na-na-a-U-sal-li  "Nana  I  implored" 
f.  of  Aheia,  HABL  965, 9,  R.  7,  19. 
'"Na-na-usabsK  767^-^0 

JADD  213,  3,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  681. 
Nani  (cf  Palm.  13D,  OBa.  Na-nu-um  Dilbat,  Na-nu 
Clay,  PNC,  p.  no) 

1.  Na-a-ni,  Rm.  58  =  HABL  1073, 4,  u. 

2.  Na-a-ni-i,  JADD  877,  13. 

3.  Na-ni-i,  HABL  950, 2.  JADB2,  III,i7. 3,VIII,3. 

JADD  198,  R.  g  (B.  C.  697).   [597,  R.  o\ 

741,23.  899,1,29.  VSI,87,27.  '' ,  JADD 

425,  B.  E.  1.  ''pirkinu  ia  '^Nabu  (Ep.  O,  R), 
JADD  640,  R.  16.  642,  R.  E.  3.  ''rid  gain- 
male,  JADD  741,21.  ^sammaru,  JADB  2, 
VIII,  11. 


f.  of  Da-hi{tt)-a,  Capp.  G,  3,  3. 

Na-nMa  (hypocor.;  for  OBa.  and  NBa.  texts,  see 
T-D  LC,  TNB)  JADD  661,  7. 

No.   I. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Na-an-na-a,  JADD  743,  R.  u. 

m.  of  Nnr-Iitar,  VS  I,  87, 4. 

Epon.  B.  C.  729,  of  Kirruri,  III  R  i,  IV 40; 
cf  Liphur-ilu. 

*Naphururia  (Eg.  Neferkheperure,  Ranke, 
Material,  p.  14,  Amenophis  IV,  king  of 
Egypt,  B.C.  1377— 1361,  s.  of  Ameno- 
phis III  (Nibmuria)  and  Teye,  husband 
of  Tadukhepa  (TA  28,  s):  [Na-ap-l}u\-ra- 
r[i-{\a  TA  10,  1;  Na-ap-hu- -ru-ri-[ia]  8,1; 
Na-ap-hu-ri-i,  \6,\\  Na-ap-hu-rti-ri-a,  1 1,1. 
14, 1;  [Na-ap-hu]-ru-ri-ia,  7,1;  Na-ap-ftiir- 
ri-ia  26,  27,  32,  40,  4g,  50,  54,  59.  27,  1,  %^\Nap- 
hu7'-i-?'i-ia,  28,  1;  Nap-hu-u-ri-ia,  29,  1,  ei, 
65,  G7,  71;  Ni-ip-hu-ur-ri-ri-ia,  9,  1;  Hu-u- 
ri-i-tla],  41,  2;  ...  ip-hu-ri  .  .  .(?),  210,  1. 

Na-pi-i  (cf  Si--na-pi),  JADD  388, 1. 

**'Na-ap-te-ra  (Eg.,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  14),  wi. 
of  Ramses  II,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG35,  p.  21. 

Na(.?)-qa-ba-a-a,  JADD  877, 10. 

*'Naqi'a  (WSem.  ii'^ps  «=  Zakntu,  q.  v.) 

Maid  of  Sennacherib,  daughter-in-law  of 
Sargon,  mother  of  Esarhaddon,  si.  of 

1.  /Na-ki--a,  JADD  645,  R.  2. 

2.  -f  Ni-iq-a,  ummu  la  Asur-ah-iddin,  83-1- 18, 

536,  2  (KGAS  lOi). 
Na-ra-gi-e  (cf.  Nargi,  Na-rag-gu  Camb.  BE  VIII, 

Pt.  I) 

^rab  kl-sir,  HABL  144. 
Naram-Sin  "The  belowed  of  Sin" 

Na-ram-'^XXX,  82-5-22,  106,  writer  to 
iarru-etir-^""^ AUur  sar  kiHat  iar  matati, 
see  WAF  II,  p.  58.  Ancient  king  of  Ak- 
kad,  s.  of  Sargon  I  (cf  Hrozny,  WZKM 
26,  p.  i53f.): 

1 .  Na-ra-am-^EN.  ZU,  Chron.  K ',  R.  1,  s,  oiSar- 

rukin,  contemp.  with  Ris-Adad,  the  king 
of  Apirak.  Nabd.  Rm.  A,  II,  64,  III,  8,  s.  of 
Sarrukln.  I R  3,  no.  VII,  1,  sar  kibratim 
arbaim.   Sarru  abu  labiru,  Neb.  Rm.  673, 

III  26. 

2.  ''Na-ra-am-''EN.ZU,  OBI,  4,  etc.,  see  SAK, 

p.  i64fif.  danum  lar  kibratim  arba  im, 
DEP  VI,  pi.  I,  na  i,  no.  2,  s. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

3.  Na-ra-am-''XXX,  Nabd.  Rm.  B,  1, 38  (VR  65. 

KB  III,  2,  p.  1 10),  larru  ullu.  Nabd.Rm.C, 
1, 31  (VR  63.  KB  III,  2,  p.  1 14,  sarru  mahru. 

4.  Na-ram-'^XXX,  larru  rnahru  Nabd.  81 -7-1, 

9,  I  27  (PSBA  XI).  Nabd.  Br.  cyl.,  II,  30 
(I  R  69.  KB  III,  2,  p.  84),  s.  of  Sargon.  Nabd. 
Rm.  A,  II,  57  (VR  64.  KB  III,  2,  p.  104), 
s.  of  Sarrnkm.  Nabd.  Rm.  B,  1, 38  (VR 65, 
KB  III,  2,  p.  no),  sarru  ullu.  KK.  2130, 
R.  11, 16  (IV  R  34).  2317.  5929.  5988,6.  6446. 
8265,  23,  tertu  (CT  27,  23;  28,  31).  10244, 
81-2-4,  219. 

5.  Nh{MULU)-ra-am-''XXX,  Ukibrdti{arbai\, 

K.  8265,22(07  27, 23;  cf.  HOLMA,  OLZ  15 

(1912),  443f.). 

f.  of  Ga-gi,  Capp.  E,  2, 9. 
Nargi  (hypocor ,  cf.  Syr.  i^jJ,  Targ.  S5n2  axe  > 

x^Ii  plough-tail,  Pu.Ka-iD,7Vrt:r-^/-mBE  X) 

1.  Nar-gi-i,  JADD  i,  R.  4  (B.  C.  731).    152,  5 

(B.  C.  656?).  209,  R.  /7.  31 1,  R.  io  (Ep.  S). 
538,  R.  4.  ^A.BA,  B.  C.  648(?),  JADD  206, 

R.  it. 

s.  of  Samahndid,  JADD  23,  s  (Ep.  F). 

f.  of  Ahrmi  and  Nabu-ah-usur,  JADD  318,  2. 

2.  iV/-/r-^/-/, JADD 498,  R.  ..  Cf.IIABL832,8,io. 

3.  Nir-gi-i,  JADD  4,  R.  6  (B.  €.644?).  576,  R.  g 

(B.  C.  677)-   899,  III,  17.  [929,  R.  6]. 
Na-as-hur-bel  (see  also  Nishur-Bel) 

Epon.,  Sarg.  KAHI  I,  41,  7. 
Na-§lb-ilu  (cf  Bit-"'Na-sibi-ilu,  CT  X,  pi.  VI 20) 

HABL  1072,1.  83-1-18,  695,  111,20,  spec. 
Nasir  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

1.  Na-si-ri,  s.  of  Ki-din-'^Gu-la,  lip-pal-pal 

Arad-Ea,  DEP  VI  pi.  11,  no.  2,  p.  48. 
s.  oiMuUa-li,  Melis.  DEP  X  pi.  12,  VIII,  7. 

2.  Na-si-ru,    HABL  181,4.   447,  R.  4.   722,2. 

KK.  4268,  L.  ¥..  1.  1 1 437,  L.  E.  1.  1 1 477, 
L.E.i.  1 1 499,  R.  9.  ii52i,L.E.2(KGAS6. 
48.  98.  108.  145).  81-2-4,61.  82-5-22,485, 
L.  E.  2.  83-1-18,  544,  L.  E.  1  (KGAS  118. 
124).  Bu.  91-5-9,  148.  181.  ''inahnahi, 
Sm.  471;  cf  JADD85i,I,  io(?). 

^sukkallu  {Id  ni-ri-bi),  JADD  24,  R.  j-  =  25, 
K.S  (B.C.  645). 

*Na-as-hu-gab-ri  (Arb.)  "Nashkhu  is  my  man' 

JADB  12,  III,  2. 

s.  of  Ahi-nuri,  JADB  5,  I,  13. 
*Na-a8-hu-id-rl  (Ar.)  "Nashkhu  is  my  help" 

s.  of  Si-idri,  in  Hantedi,  JADB  i,  II,  2. 
Na-a8-hu-nadin-aplu(-/^^^)  "Nashkhu  gives  a 

s.  of  Ilu-gabri,  JADB  5,  I,  9. 
'^Nashu-qatar  "Nashkhu  is  a  rock"  (Ar.) 

1.  Na-al-hu-qa-ta-ri,  s.  oi Nadi-Btar,  in  Ana, 

JADB  2, 1,  8. 

2.  Na-ai-liu-qa-tar,  s.  of  A}iua,  JADB  5,  1, 3. 
s.  of  Nusku-ilia,  JADB  i,  I,  u. 

*Na-a8-hu-sa-gab  (WSem.) 

''pu-sa-a-a,  JADB  12,  II,  11. 
*Na-a8-hu-8a-ma-'-a-ni    (Ar.)     "Nashkhu     has 
heard  me" 

s.  of  Rahima,  JADB  i,  II,  js. 
Na-si-ma  . . . .,  Ta'annek  4a. 

HABL  907, 5. 

Na-suh ,  JADD  476,  R.  //. 

Na-suh-apal-iskun(-(4-6^^7?)  "Nashkhu  has  esta- 
blished a  son" 

JADD  64,  R.  1  (B.  C.  672). 
'^Na-suh-di-li-nu  (Ar.,  cf.  St-dala,  -dilini) 

s.  of  Adad-dnri,  JADB  3,  II,  2,  of  ^'Ar-ri-zu. 

s.  of  U-a-si-i,  JADB  3,  V,  15. 
*Na-8Uh-di-lm-rl  (Ar.,  cf.  Bi.  ^ya},  SArb.  iiai,  see 
also  under  Zimrida. 

JADB  3,  VI,  7. 

JADD  6,  R.  c. 
*Na-suh-la-u-a-nl  (Ar.) 

^'r/fl,  JADB  II,  I,  7. 
Na-8uh-ir(/>y^)  "Nashukh  is  mighty" 

^^hazanu,  JADD  641,  R.  ,s  (Ep.  C). 
"^Na-suh-ma-na-ni  (Ar.) 

JADB  7,  I  1.  Ill  9. 

s.  of  Si-Hmki,  JADB  13,  I,  12. 
Na-suh-naslr(/MP-/r)  "Nashukh  protects" 

JADB  10,  VI 3. 
*Natan  (abbrev.,  cf.  Bi.  '^n:) 

I.  7V^-/««,  HABL  282,  17,  R.  17.  839,  R. 6.  1 129, 
R.  10.  JADD  269,  R.4  (B.  C.  681).  K.  1095. 

^nasiku,  HABL  622,  R.  4. 

T.  XLlil. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


2.  Na-tan-nu,  HABL  422, 5,  in  letter  to  Sargon. 

3.  Na-ta-nu,   larru  ia   '^tam-da-a-a,   HABL 

839, 20. 
*Na-ta-nu-ia-a-ma  (Bi.  in^sns) 
82-7-14,550  (=  56 191). 
*Na-tl-ni-i  (cf.  vt^3  ^ro  24,  24, 2) 

''irriSu,  JADD  742,  23, 
Natnu,  see  Nadnu. 

*Na-tu-nu  (WSem.,  cf.  ]in3  APO,  Na-tu-nu-um 
RPN,  BE  IX) 
JADD  186,  R.  7  (B.  C.  674). 


f.  oi.  Nim-gi-ra-bi-Marduk,  DEP II,  p.  93, 1 10, 
time  of  Kastilias. 
Na-zi-bi(?)  (cf.  Na-si-bi-ilu,  insnta  Pognon,  61, 5) 

JADD  741, 38. 
*Na-zi-bu-ga-as  (Cass.) 

'^ar  '""^Kardunias,  a  Cassite  usurper,  slain 

by  Ashur-uballit,  mar  la  mamana,Synchr. 

I,  11,  16  (II  R  65.    KB  I,  p.  I94ff.);    also 

called  Suziga^,  q.  v. 

'^'Na-zi-bur-k-as  (Cass.  =  [Sil-bel-]mami)  V  R  44, 

I  4A. 


f.  of  NIN.lB-bmunu,   Merodach-Bal.  11. 

Bl.  St.  V,  1  (KB  III,  1,  p.  190). 
Na-si-'^ En-lil,  perhaps  a  Cassite  king,  see 

BE  XVII,  pt.  I,  p.  68. 
Na-zi-[a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Na-zu-u-tum,  BE  XV.  Na- 

zu-a  BE  VIII,  pt.  I) 

f.  of  Bel-ii-kal ,  K.  13  188. 

Nazi-Marduk  {Na-zi-^AMAR.  UD\  cf.  Na-\ah})-zi- 

'^AMAR.  UD,  BE  XVII,  pt.  i) 
^stikkal  '-'GUR-ntar,   Merod.  I:   IVR  38, 

I  10  (KB  IV,  p.  60). 
s.  of  Sad-dak-me,  Neb.  I,  VR  56,  12.  —  KB 

III,  I,  p.  168. 
f.  oi  Kalsu-him-iddina,  Nku.:  London,  102, 

VI,  18.  —  KB  IV,  p.  90. 
f.  of  Nabu-nasir,  Merod.  I:  IVR  38,  II,  35. 

—  KB  IV,  p.  62. 
f.  of  Zeriia,  Nku.:  London,  102,  IV,  4.  — 

KB  IV,  p.  88. 
*Nazl-Maruttas  (Cass.) 

Cassite  king  of  Babylonia,  circ.  B.  C.  1322 

— 1297,  s.  of  Kurigalzu  (II),  gs.  of  Burna- 

Buriash,  f.  of  Kadashman-Turgu 
No.  I. 

1.  '^Na-zi-ma-ra-ta-di,  BE  XIV:  41a,  u. 

2.  '-'^Wa-zi-ma-ru-taS,  BE  XIV:  53, 7,  etc. 

3.  Na-zi-ma-ru-tdi,  BE  XIV:  79,  la.  87,  a,  6. 

4.  Na-zi-ma-ru-ut-di,  BE  XIV:  50, 9. 

5.  '^Na-zi-marut{ut)-di,  BE  XIV:  jj,  s. 

6.  ^'^^Na-zi-ma-ru-ut-ta-dS, 

s.  oi Ku-ri-gal-zu,  BE  XIV:  39, 9.  OBI  55.  58. 

7.  Na-zi-ma-ru-ut-tai,  BE  XIV:  70,6 
f.  of  Kadaiman-Turgu,  OBI:  61, 4. 

s.  of  Kurigalzu  OBI  53,  4.  56.  78.  136,  2. 

8.  Na-zi-marut-ta^,  V  R  44, 26  a,  renders  Sil- 

'^NIN.IB.  Chron.  P,  111,23,  s.  of  K[uri- 
Galzu].  Synchron.  1, 24,  ae,  }dr  '""^Kardu- 
?iia},  contemp.  with  Adad-mrari  DEP  II, 
pi.  16, 1,  1,  }ar  kiHciti,  mar  Kuri-Galzu, 
lippalpal  Burna-Buriai;  II,  ae,  lar  kiUati 
mdr  Kuri-Galzu  iar  Babili.  '^Na-zi- 
^'^Marut-taS,  see  BE  XIV. 

9.  ^'^^Na-zi-mu-ru-ta-di ,    see  BE  XIV:   45,  9. 

60, 20,  etc. 

10.  ^'^^Na-zi-Mu-ru-tas,    see  BE  XIV:    48  a,  e. 

6t„  9,  etc. 

11.  Na-zi-mu-ru-ut-d^,  BE  XIV,  61,  e. 

12.  ^'^Na-zi-mu-ru-ut-ta-di,  BE  XIV:  47,  11,  etc. 
*Na-zl-si-pak(5?/><a:/&)  (Cass.)  V  R  44, 1 43. 
Nergal-ab-usur  "Nergal,  protect  the  father!" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
^'^UGUR-AD-PAP,  JADD  37,  6  (B.  C.  6^e). 
87,  R.J-.  88,  R.  *(Ep.W).  ^rakbu,]KV)Vi 

256,  R.  6  (B.  c.  e'je). 

Nergal-ah-u§ur"Nergal,  protect  the  brother!'' 

1.  ^7j67?-P^P-7MP,JADD6i8,5(Ep.T). 643,6. 

2.  ^UGUR-PAP-PAP,]KXyD  A,\l,%  R.4.  507, 

R.  4.    ^rab  liania,  B.  C.  698,  JADD  328, 
R.  6  (III  R  48,  no.  2). 
s.  of  Sil-Alur,  sold,  JADD  3 14, 3. 
Nergal-alik-panI,  "Nergal  is  a  leader" 

'iMAS.MAS-DU-SI,    Epon.    B.    C.    849, 
Canon  A,  II,  15;  B,  II,  20;  III  R  i,  II,  15; 
82-5-22,  526,  II 13.  —  KB  III,  pt.  2,  p.  144. 
Nergal(i/^5.J/^5)-a-nl  (hypocor.),  or  Mahna- 
^mutir  puti,  JADD  675,  R.  u. 
NergaI-apal-usur(''C/G^We-^-5^5)  "Nergal,  pro 
tect  the  son!" 
mar  Habban,  VS  I,  57,  II 5. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Nergal-asarid   "Nergal  is  the  first  one"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  UGUR-MAS,  HABL  307,  R.  n,  12.  JADD 83, 

R.  8  (III  R  50,  no.  2, 17.  B.  C.  679).  84,  R.  s 
(B.  C  679).  136,  5  (Ep.  X).  230,  R.  ,s  (B.C. 
684).  374,  R./^  (B.C.  686).  877,2.  ''rrt!<^ 
/&?>>,  JADD  349,  R.  //  (Ep.  Q). 

2.  '^UGUR-MAS,  JADD   252,  1,    slave   sold. 

427,  R. u  (III R 48, 58b.  B.C. 694).  83-1- 1 8, 
695,  XI,  4,  spec. 

3.  '^UGUR-SAG.KAL,   83-1-18,  47,    R.  15,  ig 

(TRep.  90.  HABL  1109,  R.  u,  15). 

s.  of  Sin-kardbi-isme,  ^id ,  Shmk.:  CT  X, 

pi.  7,49. 
Nergal-balatsu-iqbi    "Nergal   has  announced 
his  life" 
s.  of  A-ta-rad-kal-me,  aUpu,  King,  VII  tab- 
lets, App.  V. 
NergaP-bal-llt  "Nergal,  keep  alive!" 

HABL  218,  2. 
Nergal-ban-ahe   "Nergal  is  creator  of  bro- 
'^SI.DU-KAK-PAPPi,  ddgil  issnri,  JADD 

851,  111,8. 
Nergal-bel-kumua    "Nergal    is   my   represen- 

1.  '^MAS.MAS-bil-ku-mu-u-d,  Canon  B,  1, 35. 

2.  '^MAS,  MAS-EN-ku-mu-u-d,  Epon.  B.  C  874, 

III  R   I,    I,  36. 

Nergal-bel-mati  "Nergal  is  lord  of  the  coun- 
'^MAS.MAS-EN-KUR,  JADD  180,  R.^. 

Nergal-bel-usur  "Nergal,  protect  the  lord!" 
(fox  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  ^'MA^. MAS-EN-PAP,   HABL  342,   R.  11. 

466,  4. 

2.  ''SI.DU-U-PAP,  JADD  488, 3. 

3.  ''UGUR-EN-PAP,  HABL  911,  2.  K.  5083. 
Nergal  i-bil-ia 

JADD  367, 2. 
'Nergal-dan(^^«-««)  "Nergal  is  a  judge" 

JADD  310,  3,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  699,  a  female 
Nergal-danani  "Nergal  is  our  judge" 

UGUR-ddn-dft-d-ni,  ^irrisu,  JADD  742,  44. 
Nergal-epiJs  "Nergal  has  made" 
I.  ''SLDU-KAK-ul  JADD  661,  e. 

2.  dUGUR-KAK-ul  Sarg.  St.,  IV,  29  (KB  IV, 
p.  164).  80-7-19,  43. 
Nergaf-eres  "Nergal  has  planted" 

1.  ^SLDU-KAM-e's,  JADD  803,  R.  11.   Epon. 

B.  C.  804,    of  Rasdppd,   Canon  B,  III,  27; 
IIIRi,  III,  13.  81-2-4,  187,8. 

2.  'W.Z>t/-P/iV-^i,Epon.B.C.775,  oiRasappd, 

III  R   I,    III,  42. 

3.  '^UGUR-KAN,  Epon.,  B.  C.  804,  Canon  A, 

III,  14. 

Nergal  i-gabbi-lqbi(?6^^Z>'-^),  OLZ  VIII,  sp.  131. 
Nergal-etir   "Nergal   spared"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  '^MAS.MAS-KAR-ir, JADD i i,R.6(B.C.676). 

2.  UGUR-KAR-ir,  JADD  1041,  R.  e. 

3.  '^UGUR-KAR-ir,UAm.226,  t.  227, 2.  230  2. 

901,  2.  K  7376.  ^hazdnu  Id  "Wa-da- 
a-ni,  HABL  1072,  R.  7.  Writer  of  astro- 
logical reports,  KK.  701  (IIIR  51,  no.  IX). 
702  (III  R  59,  no.  5).  722.  729  (III  R  51, 
no. III).  739  (IIIR 59,  no.  6).  741  (IIIR  51, 
no.  VI).  749.  'jei.  783.  799.  842.  856. 
901.  907.  972.  1302.  1306.  1309.  1322. 
1342.  1369.  4708.  8861.  Sm.  1062.  Rm.  191, 
194.  196.  197.  81-2-4,  103.  136.  138. 
81-7-27,  23.  95.  82-3-23,  112.  82-5-22, 
49.57.  83-1-18,  171. 172. 173.208.  221.302. 
Bu.  91-5-9,  7  (TRep.  14.  22A.  30.  35.  37, 
39.  52  A.  69.  78.  79.81K.  86.  92,  97.  115D. 
123.  136T.  137. 144A.  146. 146A.  149.  154, 
157B.  162.  181A.  186.  195.  195A.  199. 
199 A.  207 B  208.  216C.  224.  225.  243  B. 
252C.  272C.  274Q.  277.  277,  K,  Q). 
s.  of  Zunbu,  sold,  B.  C.  694,  JADD  201, 3. 

4.  '^UGUR-SUR,  s.  oiEtilli,  ZA  IX,  p.  398,0, 

7th  year  of  Sin-shar-ishkun. 
Nergal  Ibnl   "Nergal  has  created"  (for  NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  UGUR.KAK,   JADD  42,  R.  3  (B.  C.  670). 

388,  R. s.    ''idnu  sa"^....,  JADD  1 77, 1, 5 
(Ep.  o)). 

2.  UGUR-KAK-ni,  A.BA,  B.  C.  695,  JADD  3 1, 

3.  ^l/G[/R-KAK,  JADD  9,  B.  E.  /  (B.C. 686). 

391,  R.  /o  (III  R  48,  no.  6.  B.  C.  717). 
s.  of  Addd-lum-usur,  B.  C.  707,  JADD  350, 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Nergal-iddin    "Nergal  has    given"   (for  NBa. 

texts,  see   TNB;    Ar.  docket    1l(K)b3i13 

'^UGUR-SE-na,  J  ADD  26i,«,   slave   sold. 

738,  R.  6. 
Nergal-ilMa  "Nergal  is  my  god" 

1 .  '^MAS .  MAS-AN-a-a,  Epon.  B.  C.  8 1 8, III  R  i , 

II,  46.  Epon.  B.  C.  809,  tartan,  III  R  i,  III,  s. 

2.  UGUR-AN-a-a,  JADD  899,   I,  27.    1057,  7. 

^qatinnu,  JADB  9,  III,  1.  Epon.  B.  C.  831, 
Canon  B,  II,  38. 
f.  of  IbaUi-ilani,  JADD  446,  R.  10. 

3.  ''UGUR-AN-a-a,  JADD  33,  4    (B.  C.  692). 

^delpihati  sd  "'"^ La-Ai-ri,B.  C. 670, JADD 
625,  1.  Epon.  B.  C  831,  III  R  I,  II,  33 

Nergal-ina-esI-etir(^W?),  copyist,  CT  XVIII,  33,43. 

NergalC'3/^5.i/^i)-ls-ka-dan-in,  Epon.  B.C.  861, 
III  R  I,  II,  3. 

Nergal-kin-usur  "Nergal,    protect  the  faith- 
ful onel" 
''MAS. MAS-D  U-PAP,  ^bel  tiarkabti,]AI)'D 

860,    III,  17. 


Epon.   B.  C.  835,  of  Kirruri   (Rm  2,  97), 
Canon  B,  II.  34;  III  R  i,  II,  29. 

K.  5656, 3b,  spec. 
Nergal-na'id  "Nergal  is  exalted" 

JADD  37,  R.^  (B.C  676). 
Nergal-nadln-ahi  {SE-PAP)    "Nergal  gives  a 
-  JADD  1 140,  8.    Gf.  of  SamU-Bel,  ZA  VI, 
p.  326. 
Nergal-nasir  "Nergal  protects"  (for NBa. texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  '^SI.DU-PAP-ir,  ''sakin  larri  ""^ Kur-ba-an- 

a-a,  JADD  $0,  R.  6  (Ep.  H). 

2.  'iUGUR-PAP,  HABL  947, 3.   JADD  252,  1, 

slave  sold.  338,  4.  K.  5380. 

3.  ''UGUR-PAP-ir,  HABL  610,  R.  11.  738,  2. 

Epon.  B.  C.  746,  of  Nasibina,  Canon  A, 
IV,  23;  B,V,3;  C,II,  28;  D,III,  8;  var. 
(/Qy[PAP-ir],  ia  "^ Na-si-bi-na,  Canon  E, 

+  82-2-4,     187,    R.  32. 

f.  of  Sarru-naid,]hDV>  16, 4  (III R 47, 30a). 

4.  '^UGUR-SES-ir,  HABL  228,  2.  229, 1.  527,2. 

K.  882.  1901.  Sm.  37. 

No.   I. 

Nergal-qar-du  "Nergal  is  strong" 

JADD  81,  L.  E. .  (Ep.  Q). 
Nergal-rimanni  "Nergal,  be  merciful  tome!" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
UG  UR-rm-a-ni,]AYyD  333,  R.E.  2  (B.C.  648  >). 
Nergal-ri-su-u-a  "Nergal   is  my  helper"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''sakin  PA.SEki,  VS  I,  57,  II 1. 
Nergal-sa-li . . . 

s.  oiPir-'^GAL,  Nai.:  BM.  90936,  II 13  (King, 
BBS,  p.  108,  pi.  CV). 
Nergal-sallim,  "Nergal,  keep  safe!" 

1.  UGUR-lal-lim,  HABL  32,  R.  1.  JADD9o6,3. 

bel  pihati,  JADD  873,  7. 

2.  <'UGUR-ial-lim,  JADD   165,  R.  6  (Ep.  Q). 

''kalbuQLIK)  sd  bit  mar  iarri,   HABL 
32,  10. 
Nergal-salllmanni  "Nergal,  keep  me  safe!" 

1.  '^UGUR-Sal-lim-a-ni,    Tsparu,    B.   C  698, 

JADD  474,  R.  10. 

2,  [Nergal- ^al\-lim-an-ni,  ^rab  ki-sir,  B.C. 698, 

JADD  473,  R.  10. 
Nergal-sar . . . .,  JADD  853,  R.  4. 
Nergal-sarranni  "Nergal  is  our  king" 

1.  ''UGUR-LUGAL-an-ni,  HABL734,  2. 735,  2. 

2.  ^UGUR-MAN-a-ni,  HABL358,  R.26.  ^66,  2. 

JADD  860,  II,  27. 

3.  '^UGUR-MAN-an-ni,  HABL  203,  2.    7,67,  2. 

368,  2.  [569, 1]. 
Nergal-sar-usur  "Nergal,  protect  the  king!" 
(>  Bi.  -is^-rteb^-i:) 

1.  'iMAS. MAS-MAN-PAP,  JADD  [599,  R.  1]. 

KK.  1 595,  R.5.  7389,  n,4. '' , JADD  433, 

R.  2.  471,  R.  r4.  571,  R.  2.  840,  11,3.  ''mukil 
rt/^/2,JADD[529,R.6.  596,R.7].  ^rabnuha- 
timme,  HABL  555,  4.  ^Sal^u,]KDT>  115, 
R.  2  (III  R  47,  13a.  B.  C.  664?).  116,  K.S. 
247,  R.3.  448,  R.  9.  470,  R.  //  (B.C. 663?). 
611,  R.J-.  ^Salhi  dannu,  JADD  408,  R.  2. 
s.  oiDaian-Adad,  B.  C.680,  JADD  63  i,R.  4. 

2.  ^^NE.NUN.  GAL-LUGAL-u-su-ur,  king  of 

Babylon,  B.  C.  559—555.   IR  67,  1, 1,  sar 
Babili  (KB  III,  2,  p.  70). 

3.  dpA{^xz).UGUR-MAN-PAP,'^^on.'B.Z.67'i, 

II R  69,  no.  3,  R.  12b. 

4.  '^SI.DU-LUGAL-SES,  in  later  Bab.  texts, 

see  TNB. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

5.  UGUR-LUGAL-PAP,  J  ADD  27, 2  (III  R  47, 

49b.  B.  C.  667).  K  io86(?). 

6.  UGUR-MAN-FAP,]A'DY)2>9,^A^^^^Ar^M- 

Ep.D).  396,  R.  9.  534,1  (B.C. 679).  Epon. 
B.  C.  678,  Canon  A,  VI,  3;  JADD  301,  R.  5. 
630,  R.  17,  ''rab  BL L UB.  ^pahat  """* ...., 
JADD  854,15.  ^ialSu,  HABL  539,  R.  13. 
JADD  115,  L.E.  /  (B.C664?).  325,R.E./ 
(Ep.  B).  439.  R.7.  470,  R.17  (B.C. 663.?). 

7.  '^UGUR-LUGAL-PAP,     HABL     983,    2. 

K.  13052.  lar  Babili,  Ng.  14,20.  POGNON, 
Inscriptions,  no,  i,  26. 

8.  'i UGUR-L  UGAL-^ES,  K.  1 3 1 76.  Ur  Babili, 

see  TNB.     I  R  8,  no.  5,  1.    Rm.  II,  599. 
Nabd.:  St.  V  15. 
f.  of  LdbaU-Marduk,  Nabd.:  St.  V  28. 

9.  ''UGUR-LUGAL-ii-sur,  king  of  Babylonia, 

Nabd.:  St.  IV  24;  83-1- 18,  772.  iar  Ba- 
bili, Ng.  29,  15. 

10.  ^UGUR-MAN-PAP,     HABL    580,    R.  2. 
JADD    192,   R.  3   (B.  C.  671).    K.  8872. 
81-2-4,  131.   bel  pi/jati,  B.  C  648,  K.  3742. 
f^qe-pu,  B.  C.  664,  JADD  377,  R.  4.  '^ialiu, 
JADD  611,  R.^.    >^SAG  Sd  mar  Sarri, 
B.  C.  7 10,  JADD  416,  R.  2.  Epon.,  B.  C  678. 
Canon  C,  IV,  19. 
s.  of  ^iltpu{}MAH)  ia  "Harbuse,  B.C. 666, 
JADD  258,  R.  3  (=  801,  R./^;  B.  C.666?). 
s.  oi  Marduk-iurn-usur,  K.  3742  -J-  K.4284 
R.  8  (B.  C.  648?). 
Nergal-se-zib-a-ni  "Nergal,  save  mel" 

JADD  622,  R.  2  (Ep.  D). 
Nergal-sum(J/f/)....,  JADD  240,  R.  e;  a  com- 
parison with  238,  R.  4  and  239,  le  shows 
that  this  was  in  B.  C.  688  the  king-s  son. 
K-U,  AR  p.  51:  Nergal-zer\-ibni\ 

K.  5656,  5b,  spec;  =  '^UR.RA-MU-GAL. 
BI,  1.  5  a. 
Nergal-sum-iddin  "Nergal   has  given  poste- 

1.  '^MAS.MAS-MU-As,s.  oiNabu-mudammiq, 

f^A.BA,  JADD  640,  R.  is  (Ep.  O). 

2.  UGUR-MU-AS,  JADD  623,  R.  4,  R.  E.  4 

(III  R  46, 78b.  Ep.  A). 

3.  ^UGUR-MU-As,  HABL  908,  2.  909,  2. 

4.  dUGUR-MU-MU,  in  later  Bab.  texts,  see 


5.  ^UGUR-MU-SE-na,  ibid. 
Nergal-sum-usur  "Nergal,  protect  the  son!" 

1.  UGUR-MU-PAP,  s.  of  Bel-},  JADD  177, 

R.  E.  /;  cf.  Ill,  p.  406. 

2.  '^UGUR-MU-SES,  in  later  Bab.  texts,  see 

TNB,  BE  IX,  X. 

''UGUR-tdq-bi-li-{Ur\    K.  5656,  4b,    spec; 
=  ''IJR.RA-DUQA.I-GLIS,  1.4a. 
Nergal-tuk-la(f)-a-tu-u-a(.?)  "Nergal  is  my  sup- 
JADD  320,  3,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  691. 
Nergal-uballit  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  UGUR-ii-bal-lit,  JADD  388,  R.  6.  857,  IV  is. 

Epon.  B.  C.  731,  of  AJ^i-Zuhina,  Canon  A, 
IV,  38;  B,  V,  18;  IIIR  i,  IV^38. 

2.  ^UGUR-TIN-it,  HABL  791,  R.  10.  K.  974. 

PBT  I,  10, 2,  11. 

3.  '^UGUR-u-bal-lii,]ADY)[?>o^,?i].  ii32,R.E.2. 

Epon.  B.  C.  731,  of  Aki-suf}ina,  III  R  i, 

IV,  88,  cf  no.  (2). 

JADD  367, 1. 
Nergal-usezib  "NergalhassavedO>  Suzubu  q.  v.) 

1.  '^UGUR-KAR,  king  of  Babylon,  King-list  A, 

IV,  17,  cf  no.  (2). 

2.  '^UGUR-u-ie-zib,  king  of  Babylon,  B.C.  693, 

Chron.  B,  II,  44,  46,  47;  III,  2, 5;  cf  no.  (i); 
'HpiyepccXou  of  the  Ptolemaic  canon. 
Nergal-u-sib-si  "Nergal  has  called  into  being" 

vs  1, 57,  n  ^- 

s.  of  Tu{  Tani)-fna-iad-dar,  Nai.:  CT  X,  3, 27 
(KB  IV,  p,  94).  9''^  cent. 
Nergal-zer-ibni    "Nergal   has    created   seed" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
^UGUR-KUL-KAK,  JADD  463,  B.  E.  1. 

s.  oiHattuUl,  Boghazkoi,  MDOG  35,  p.  28,43. 
Nesu  "The  lion"  (cf  Hit.  '"UR-MAH  rab  dup- 
iarf',  OLZ  IX,  632) 
Ni-e-lu\lu,  Capp.  Gol.  II,  21.  Abp.  B,  VII,  n,  19, 
alik  pani  ummdnati  ia  '""^Elamti. 
*Ni-bi-e  (hypocor.) 
HABL  1 59,  5. 

s.  of  Daltd,  the  king  of  Ellipi,  b.  of  Hpa- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


bara,  Sarg.  Ann.  404, 405 ;  Khors.  1 1 8, 1 20 
(KB  II,  p.  68). 

*Ni-bi-si-pak(5?^«/&)     (Cass.;     cf.    Ni-bi-ia-a-Sa^ 
CBS  10958) 
f.  oiSii-hu-li  M-gab,  Nazim.:  Susa  2,  Med.2,  II 2. 

*Nibmuria  "Lord  of  truth  is  Re"  (Eg.  <Neb- 
maatre;  cf.  OBa.  Samal-^ar-kittim  T-D 
Amenophis  III,  king  of  Egypt,  B.C.  141 1— 1375, 
father  of  Amenophis  IV,  brother-in-law  of 
Kadashman-Kharbe  (TA  I  12),  son-in-law 
of  Shutarna  (see  Giluhepa)  and  Tushratta 
of  Mitanni  (see  Taduhepa),  husband  of 
Teie  (q.  v)  {iarru  rabu  sar  '""^Mi-is-ri-i) : 
Mi-im-mu-ri-ia,  TA  26, 8, 9  etc.  27, 9, 13.  Mi- 
im-mu-u-ri-ia,  TA  27,  u,  20.  Mi-mu-ri-ia, 
TA  27,  38.  Nam-mu-ri-ia,  TA53, 1.  55,1. 
Ni-ib-mu-a-ri-a,T A  1,2.  Ni-ib-mu-a-ri-ia, 
TA  17,  1.  \Ni-ib-m\u-  -wa-ri-ia,  TA  3,  1. 
Ni-im-mu-ri-ia,  TA  21,1.  22,  IV,  45. 47,  23, 1. 
\Ni-ini\-mu-u-a-ri-ia,  TA  20, 1.  Ni-im-mii- 
u-ri-ia,  TA  24,  I  1.   29,  g,  11,  12,  is,  is,  21,  24, 

25,  28,  35,  36,  44,  47,  48,  ht,  55,  61,  66,  68,  78,  75,  104,  136. 

Ni-mu-wa-ri-ia,  TA  2, 1.  3 1, 1.  SA-im-mu- 
ri-ia,TA  \(^,\.  Im-niu-u-ri-an,l^A:  Mit. 
IV  128.  Ni-im-7nu-u-ri-i-ds ,  TA :  Mit,  1 92. 
Im-mu-u-ri-dhsd-a-an,  TA:  Mit.  Ill  loe. 
Im-mu-u-ri-ia-zva,  TA:  Mit.  Ill  104. 

Nl-di(tl.?),  Capp.E,  2,  i8. 

*Nidintl-Bel  (OPe.  form  Naditabira,  El.  Nu-ti-ut- 
s.  of  A-ni-ri-,  Babylonian  pretender  and 
rebel  against  Darius,  B.  C.  522  (=  Nebu- 
chadnezzar III,  q.v.),  Dar.Beh.  (Ill  R  39. 40) : 

1.  Ni-din-ti-'^EN,  31,  32. 

2.  Ni- din-til-'^ EN,  34,  [se],  37,  38,  39,  40. 

3.  Ni-din-tum-^EN,  91.  D.  1. 

f.  oi  Bau-ah-iddin,  Mna.  I R  66,  10  b  (KB  IV, 
p.  66). 
*Ni-har-a-u  (Eg.,  cf  Ranke,  Material,  p.  31,  n.  2) 

A.BA  Musuraia,  J  ADD  851,  IV,  4. 
*Ni-ha-pu  (cf.  Ni-hu-ru  BE  X,  Bi.  -lim) 

lar  ^^  Ga--pa-a-ni,  Esarh.  B,  IV,  21  (III  R  1 5). 
KB  II,  p.  148). 

^qepu,  JADD  425,  R.  a  (B.  C.  664). 
No.  I. 

*'NHh-ti(-e)-8a-ra-u  (Eg.  Nht-i4(.t)-irw  "Isis 
is    strong    towards    them",    Ranke, 
Material,  p.  31) 
m.  of  Si-f}a-a,  JADD  307, 10,  R.  6  (III  R  49, 

12,  25  C). 

'Nl-lk-a,  see  yNaqia. 

*NI-ik-di-a-ra,  """^I-da-a-a,  Shalm.  Ill:  Ob. 51.  Nik- 
di-e-ra,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II 76.  —  KB  I, 
pp.  132,  170. 
*NI-ik-di-ma,  Shalm. III. Ob. 52;  Nik-di-me,  Shalm: 
Mon.  II 76.  —  KB  I,  pp.  132,  170. 

mvy^AifNIN.  GAL) ,  JADB  4,  VII,  2. 

m\nV.d\{^NIN.GAL)'2i-md\.  (abbrev.) 

JADD  828, 4. 
'Nikkal(iW7V.  6^^Z).da-rl  {=  ^atinU) 

JADD  894, 1. 
Nikkal-iddin  "Nikkal  has  given" 

i.^NIN.GAL-MU,    HABL    920,11.    ^iakin 

Uruk,  Esarh.  B,  II,  2  (III  R  15;   KB  II, 

p.  142).   Cf  K.  2671,5  (ZAII,  p.  299,  PI.  I). 

f.  o{  Sin-tabfti-usur,  K.4696;  G.Smi't'h,  Hist 

p.  184.    HABL  920,  11. 

2.  '^NIN.GAL-Se-na,  HABL  223,  R.  3.   589, 

6,  7,  11,  R.  5,  8.   917,  16. 

f  of  Sin-balatsu-iqbi,  HABL  445, 6. 
f  of  Sin-Sar-usur ,  Abp.:  KK.  28  +  3960, 
R.  9.  1425. 
^Nlkkalc^iV/A^.  6^^i:)-um-me 

awtu  VS  I,  89,  5. 
Nikkal-zer-ibni  "Nikkal  has  given  posterity" 

^NIN.GAL-KUL-KAK,  HABL  815, 10. 
*Niku  (Eg.  >  Bi.  iDa,  nbi,  Nekox;,  Nexacb  etc., 
see  Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  346,  Ranke, 
Material,  p.  31) 
King  of  Memphis  and  Sais,  with  19  other 
kings  set  up  by  Esarhaddon  in  Egypt, 
as  Assyrian  vassals,  fled  on  Tarqus  in- 
vasion, restored  by  Ashurbanipal : 

1.  Ni-ik-ku-u,    f.    of  Nabu-Uzibanni,    Abp.: 

Ill  R  28, 33,  45, 52  (KB  II  p.  162,  n.  6). 

2.  Ni-ku-u,^ar'^^ Me-im-piu^^ Sa-a-a,  Abp.:  A, 

III  R  17,  1 92;  Ann.  I,  90  (KB  II,  p.  160). 
K.  11467  +  83-1-18,  897,6(?). 

3.  Ni-ku-u,  Abp.:   Ann.  II,  a  (KB  II,  p.  166). 
Ni-me-du  (abbrev. ;  cf  Lu-ii-da-an-ni-me-di  BE  XV, 

f  of  Kiribtu,  JADD  812,  L.  E.  3. 


Knot  Tallqvist. 

*Nim-gl-ra-bi  (Cass.  =  E-ti-ru,  cf.  Nim-gi-ra-du, 

BE  XV),  VR44,  1 38. 
*Nim-gi-ra-bi-bur-|a-as  (Cass.  =  Etiru-bel-matatt), 

V  R  44,  I  40. 
*Nim-gi-ra-bi-Marduk('^^i^^7?.  ^/Z))  s.  ofiVa-^r/-'^. . . ., 

DEP  II,  p.  93,  1 9- 
*Nlm-gi-ra-bi-sah(^«/^)  (Cass.  =E-ti-ru\^Samal\), 

V  R  44, 39. 
Nim-ki-su(.?),  VS  I,  95, 24. 
*Ni-im-ma-he-e  (Eg.(.?)) 

^ha-pa-du,  TA  162, 77. 
"^Nimmuria,  see  Nibmuria. 
Ni-ni-e  (hypocor.)  K.  9124. 
Ni-ni-e-a  (hypocor.)  K.  566. 
Ni-ni-i  (hypocor.) 

^rab  sabe,  JADD  877,  R.  4. 
NIN.IB^-ab-usur  "Ninib,  protect  the  father" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X) 
irri^u,  JADD  742,  12,  at  Nineveh  gate  of 

'^MAS-PAP^'-Sl/,]ADD  547,  R. 7.  Hebraica, 
VII,  p.  79,  in  4"^  year  of  Ashur-etil-ilani. 
NIN.IB-ah-iddin  "Ninib  has  given  a  brother" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

1.  '^MAS-PAP-AS,  HABL  335,2.  873, 11. JADD 

280, 4,  R.  1.  *irt«a  ekalli,  B,  C.  712,  JADD  5, 
R.J  (III  R  47,  47 c). 
f.  of  Marduk-lmn-ibni,  K.  4191  (CT  XVIII, 

pl.  38). 

2.  '^MAS-^E^-SE-na,  HABL   334.  2.    336,  1. 

797,  2- 
NIN.IB-ah-usur  "Ninib,  protect  the  brother!" 

(for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  X) 
''MAS- PAP-PAP,  JADD  10 1,  g,  R.i. 
NIN.IB-alik-pani  "Ninib  is  a  leader" 

1.  ''MAS-a-lik-SI,  Epon.  B.  C.  711,  Canon  D, 

IV,  8. 

2.  '^MAS-DU-SI, Epon. B.  C.  71 1,  III R  i,  V,  13; 

JADD  5,   R.  7,    Hakin  -^Sime  (III  R  47, 
no.  10).  6'j6, 5. 

3.  ''NIN.  IB-a-lik-pa-ni,  Epon. B.C.7 1 1, III R  2,10, 

''lakin  "'Si--me-e.    Ill  R  2,  no.  VI,  1. 10; 
cf.  no.  VIII,  1. 13. 

King  of  Assyria,  circ.  B.  C.  1230,  s.  of  Eriba- 
Adad  (MDOG  26,  p.  60),  f.  of  Ashurdan: 

1.  ''MAS-A-E.KUR,  Synchron.  II,  5  (IIIR4, 

no.  3,  Bb.  KB  I,  p.  196). 

2.  '^NIN.IB-  TUR.  US-E.KUR, Tigl.I,  Ann. VII, 

5G,  67,  Sar  '"'''AHur,  f  oiAshur-dan  (IR  15. 
KB  I,  p.  42). 

NIN.IB-apal-iddln  "Ninib  has  given  a  son" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX) 

1.  '^MAS-TUR.US-SE-na,     '""'Al-lab-ri-a-a, 

succeeded  Itti  of  Allabria,  installed  as 
vassal  king,  B.  C.  716,  after  defeat  of  UUu- 
sunu  of  Man,  Sarg.  Ann.  166. 

2.  '^NINJB-A-SE,mar Atrattas,  Nku.:Lo.,  102, 

1, 13.  —  KB  IV,  p.  82.  King,  BBS,  p.  59, 
pl.  LXVIII. 

3.  '^NIN.  IB-  TUR.  US-SE-na,  s.  oiAdad-nasir, 

^^akin  "'Gur-ntar,  Merod.  I:  IV  R  38, 
II,  31  (KB  IV,  p.  62.  King,  BBS,  p.  28, 
pl.  XXXVI). 

NIN.IB2-asarid(J/^i)  "Ninib  is  the  first  one" 
Epon.  B.  C.  813,  of  Sallat,  IIIR  i,  III,  4. 

NIN.IB'-a-sa-rid-8U-nu  "Ninib  is  the  first  one 
of  them"  (i.  e.  the  gods),  VR  44.,  ssd,  as 
rendering  ^  PAP-u-tii-MA-  GAR.RA-PAP- 
SES-ne-tte,  prob.  an  ancient  Bab.  author 
or  scribe,  see  Jensen,  ZA  IX,  p.  90. 

NIN.IB-ballitsu  "Ninib,  keep  him  alivel" 

1.  '^MAS-bal-lit-su,  ''asa,  JADD  851,  II,  10. 

2.  '^MA^-TIN-su,  ^asn,  Sm.  471. 
NIN.IB-bel-ibni  [MA^-EN-KAK) 

Rm.  II,  134. 
NlN.IB2-bel(iivV)su-nu  "Ninib  is  their  lord" 

s.  o{  Na-zi-'^Enlil,  Merod.  II:  Bl.  st.  V,  1.  — 
KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  190. 
NIN.IB-bel-usur  "Ninib,  protect  the  lord!" 

1.  '^ MAS-EN-PAP,  Epon.  B.  C.  877,  Canon  A, 

B,  1, 33;  IIIR  I,  1,33. 

2.  '^MAS-U-PAP,  JADD  90,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  734)- 

HABL  633, 24. 
NIN.IB-eres  "Ninib  has  planted" 

1.  'i MAS- PIN- e},  JADD  69,  i,  3(?)  (B.  C.  692). 
s.  of  Erisu,  JADB  5,  II,  10. 

2.  '^US-KAM-el  suk-ka-a-a,  JADD  742,  R.  19. 
NIN.IB-eriba  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X) 

''MAS-SU,  JADD  206,  R.  s  (B.  C.  648?).  — 
BE  X. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


NIN .  IB2-etir(^^/?-/r)-an-ni 

Epon.  B.  C.  863,  III  R  r,  II,  1. 
NIN.IB-gamll  "Ninib  spares"  {zi.'^MAS-ga-mil 
BE  IX) 
'iMAS-SU,    s.   of  ^TIG.EN.NA,    HABL 
NIN.IB-iddIn  "Ninib  has  given"  (cf.  Ar.  docket 
pfi<m»^5«  BE  X;  for  NBa.  texts,  seeTNB) 

1.  '^MAS-AS,  Epon.  B.  C.  757,  Canon  A,  IV  12; 

\sd  "^^ Kur-ba-aft,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  J^7> 
R.  20.  K.  241,  XII,  42,  spec. 

2.  ^ATAS-SE-fia,  JADD  165,  L.  E.  /   (Ep.  Q). 
NIN.IB2-ili-a-a  "Ninib,  is  my  god" 

HABL 610, R.  11.  JADD 281,  R.// (B.C. 694). 

391,  R.2  (B.C. 717).  392, 2  (B.C. 710).  40s, 

R.  2.  Epon.  B.  C.  864,  III  R  I,  I,  4g.  Epon.  B.  C. 

838,  CanonB,II,3i;  IIIR  i,  11,26.  Epon.B.C. 

d>02,oi  "'Ahizuhina,  Canon  A,  III,  le;  B,III,2i»; 

81-2-4,  187,  10.    Epon.  B.  C.  736,  of  Nasi- 

bina,  Canon  A,  IV,  33;  B,  V,  13;  IIIR  i, 

IV,  33;   Epon.,  B.  C.  722,  Canon  A,  V,  2; 

C,  III,  15;  IIIR  I,  V,  2;  JADD  1098,  II,  1. 

^'sanu  sd  "^Da-na-a-a,  B.  C.  ^i  (?),  JADD 

470,  1. 
m{,y&-\W.MAS-AN)  "Ninib  is  god" 

K.  241,  X,  2,  spec. 
NIN.IB-ken-usur"Ninib,  protect  the  true  one!" 
^MAS-DU-PAP,  which  can  be  vQ^idN.-km- 

ahu   or  N.-kittu-usur,   Epon.  B,  C.  790, 

Canon  A,  III,  28;  C,  I,  21;  III  R  i,  III,  27; 

M  '^^Ni-nu-a,  81-2-4,  187, 22. 
NIN.IB-kibsl-usur  "Ninib,  protect  my  walk!" 
'^MAS-kib-si-PAP,  Epon.  B.  C.  839,  Canon  B, 

II,8o;  IIIR  I, II, 25.  MDOG4S,  p.35.  hqepu, 

B.  C.  685,  JADD  232,  R.  /.. 
NIN.IB-kudur-usur  "Ninib,  protect  the  boun- 
^NIN.IB-SA.DU-PAP,  mar  sarri,    b.  of 

Ri-hu-^a-ildni    and   '^ Mar-biti-ahe-iddin, 

Nku. :  Lo.  102,  IV  42. 
King  of  Babylonia  (dynasty  F),  reigned  for 

3  years,  circ.  B.  C.  10 12 — 1009. 

1.  ''MAS-SA.DU-ISES],   King-list   A,   III,  11, 

3 years.  YMAS-SA.D\  U-SES,  mar*"Ba-zi, 
Chron.  A,  V,  10  (KB  II  p.  274),  2  years. 

2.  ^NINJB-SA.DU-PAPMrru,l.o.  I02,II,36; 

III,  21;  VI,  1. 

No.  I. 

3.  ''NINdB-^A.DU-SE^,larrii,^^'^\x:.'LQ.\02, 
VI,  8,  24,  his  2d  year;  KB  IV,  p.  86 ff. 
NIN.IB-mat-usur  "Ninib,  protect  the  landl" 
'^MAS-kcTR-PAP,  ^A.B A,] ADD  10$, 
(Ep.  Z). 
NIN.IB-mukin-nise    "Ninib    is    establisher  of 
'iMAS-DU-UNP\  Epon.  B.C.847,  Canon  B, 
II, 2a; IIIR  1,11,17.  Epon.B.C.765,CanonA, 
IV  4;  Id  *""*Kir-ru-ri,  Canon  E  + 81-2-4, 
187,  R.  12. 
NIN.IB-mus....,  Melis.:  BM.  90827,  I  26  (King, 

BBS,  p.  1 1). 

JADD  641,  R.  n  (Ep.  C). 
NIN.IB-mutrr-gimilli  (for  Cass.  &  NBa.  texts,  see 
BE  IX,  XV) 
'^ MAS-mu-tir-SU,  ^tia^  patri  '^mahnaMni, 
II  R  51, 3ie. 
NIN.IB-nadin-aplu  "Ninib  is  giver  of  the  son" 
'^NIN.IB-SE-rUR.US,     Epon.    in    time 
of  Tigl.  I,  sukkallu  7'abu,  K.  2815. 
NIN.IB-nadin-sum  "Ninib  is  giver  of  poste- 
rity" (for  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X) 

1.  '^MAS-SE-MU,  Epon,  B.  C..846,  Canon  B, 

11,23;    IIIR   I,    11,18. 

2.  '^NIN.IB-SE-MU,  s.  oiSe-riq,  laq-Hp-par, 

Nku.:  Lo  102,  IV,  47  (KB  IV,  p.  90.  King, 

BBS,  pi.  LXXV,  85). 
f   of  Nabu-kudur-usur  sar  Bdbili,  Sp.  II. 

407, 6  (Hebraica  IX  p.  5). 
NIN.IB2-naid(/)  "Ninib  is  exalted"  (for  NBa. 

texts,  see  BE  IX,  X) 
K.  771, 1.  ^rab  daiali  M  ^^Kalha,  B.  C.  686, 

JADD  612,  R.  7.     ^U  Upa,  B.  C.  688, 

JADD  400,  R.  16. 
NIN.IB-nasir  "Ninib  is  protector"  (for  Cass. 

and  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  X,  XV) 

1.  ^MAS-PAP-ir,  Melis.:  Lo.  103, 1 27  (KB  IH, 

pt.  I,  p.  156).  Epon.  B.  C.  783,  Canon  C, 
1,28;  IIIR  I,  III,  34;  sa  ["' Ma-za-mu-a\ 
Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  187, 31. 

2.  '^[NIN.]IB-SES-ir,  K.  13 173,  time  of  Sar- 

gon  II. 

V  R  44, 37  d,  a  rendering  of  ''NIN.  IBS  A  G- 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

H\H.\B^-pVm-usuriKA-ia-FAP)    "Ninib,    guard 
my  mouth!" 
Epon.  B.  C.  878,   Canon  A,  I,  32;   B,  1, 32; 

IIIR   1,1,32. 

NIN.IB^-rlm-a-ni  "Ninib,  have  mercy  on  me!" 

JADD5i,5  (B.C.  683). 
NIN.IB-ri-su-u-a  "Ninib  is  my  helper" 

f.  of  Ta-kil-ana-ilisu,  Melis.:  BM.  90827,  II 2. 
-  King,  BBS,  p.  6,  pi.  VIII.    Cf.  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  156. 
NIN .  IB  <-sa-kun-na-a-i-ra-mu 

V  R  44,  38  d,    renders   '^NIN.IB-SAL-ZI- 
AM-SI-ES-KI-RAM,  prob.  ancient  Bab. 
NIN.IB-sar-usur  "Ninib,   protect  the  king!" 
(for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
'^ MAS-MAN-PAP,  ^rab  ki-sir,  JADD  850, 5. 
NIN.IB^-se-zib-a-ni  "Ninib,  save  me!" 

Epon.  B.  C.  754,  Canon  A,  IV  15;   IIIR  i, 
IV,  15;  [sd  "^]Rt-mu-}i,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4, 
187,  R.  2n. 
NIN.IBMak-lak  (abbrev.) 

^A.BA,  B.  C.  667,  JADD  315,  R.  4. 
NIN  .IBMi-i  (hypocor.),  A^^  J^i-sir,  JADD  361,  R.  /j 

(Ep.  F). 

King  of  Assyria,  prob.  identical  with  Tu- 
kulti-Aiur,  q.v.,  cf.SCHNABEL,  MVGXIII, 
p.  44. 

1.  ''MAS-GIS.KU-AS-hir,  IV  R  34,  no.  2,  <., 

2.  '^MAS-GIS.KU-'^A$-hir,'^AS,  I904,p.4i5. 

3.  '^NIN.lB-GIS.KU-'^AS-iur,  IV R  34,  no.  2, 

10,  16,  16,  19,  20,  21,  22,   Var.    tO   (l). 


Epon.  B.  C.  820,  IIIR  I,  11,44. 
[NIN.IB2J-u-sal-li  "Ninib  I  implored" 

s.  of  Qu-ni-i,  JADB  5,  II,  17. 
NIN.IB^-zar-me  (cf.  I-^»1  reverendus) 

Epon.  B.  C.  892,  Canon B,  I,  is;  IIIR  i,  I,  is. 
''"NIN.LIL-ab-usri  etc.,  see  und  Belit-. 
*'Nin-qa-a-a,    handmaid    of   the    queen-mother, 

HABL  368,  R.  6. 
*Ni-in-nl,  ruler  of  Aridu,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  I  le; 

Ob.  26.  —  KB  I,  pp.  130,  154. 
'Ninua(iV7iV^.^/)-ha....,   81-2-4,   255,  VII,  4, 

Ninua[a  "Native  of  Nineveh" 

1.  NINA~a-a,   ''rab  bare  bel  temi,  B.  C.  649, 

K.  385.    M  iepa,  JADD  872,  e. 

2.  -'NINA-a-a,  JADD  30, 3  (B.  C.  681).  K.  241, 

IX,  12,  spec,     ''hazanu,  JADD  244,  R.  e. 

3.  NINA-KI-a-a,  JADD    1132,  R.  p,    sheep- 

master.  ''SA  G  Qa)  iarriJADD  105,9,  B.E.1,2 
(Ep.  Z).  182, 5.  214,2  (Ep.  P).  249,  5,  R.  4. 

260,  4,  15    (IIIR  48,  3,  14 c). 

4.  "'NINA-KI-a-a,  JADD  105, 2  (Ep.  Z).  332. 

R.  /^.  674, 6  =  1 1 o  r ,  6.  ^SAG  Urri,  JADD 
250, 5  (IIIR  46, 76 c.  Ep.  G).  254, 3. 

5.  M-««-«-«,  JADD 237,  R. ,^  (B.C. 665). 252,1. 

320,  R.J-  (B.  C.  691).  [505, 3].  606,  R.  2. 

6.  Ni-nu-a-ia,  VS  I,  104,  is. 

7.  "'Ni-nu-u-a,  JADD  500,  R.  6. 

'Ninuaitu  "Woman  of  Nineveh"  {/NINA.KI- 

/-[/«]),  81-2-4,  255,  VII,  3,  spec. 
Nirgi,  see  Nargi. 
*[N]l-ri-ia-u  (Bi.:  Jin^-J,  cf  Ni-ri-ia-a-ma  TNB) 

^rab  nikasi,  HABL  633,  R.  4. 
Ni-is-hur-Bef(''£A'),  ''rab  blti  of  Nabu-bellumati, 

HABL  281,  R.  19.   791,  R.  1,  11.     See   also 

Epon.  B.  C.  832,  of  Kalzi  (Rm.  2,97),  Canon  B, 
11,87;  IIIR  1,11,38.  Epon.  B.  C.  816,  laknu 
of  Nasibina,  IIIR  i.  III,  1. 

MDOG42,  p.  51;  43,  p.  36. 
Ni-i8-zi(?  r/>ni-ik(.?^«)  {Ni-ihri-ibarsi}),   K.  241, 

X,  47,  spec. 

*NI-i-u  (Eg.,   cf   Ranke,   Material,    p.  15,  n.  4; 
or  "Man  of  Ni",  Weber,  Anmerkungen, 
p.  1068,  n. 
mar  Upri  of  Amenophis  III,  TA  29, 37. 

HABL  749, 5. 

f  of  Ih-li-ba-bu,  CT  II  21,  27. 
Nu-dim-mut-6'/G^(.?)...,  JADD  907, 6. 
Nuh8a(^-£.A^WV^)-a-a    (cf  Nu-uh-la-a-a   TNB; 
Delitzsch,  HW  p.  572:  Zasda) 
JADD  2,  R:  s  (Ep.  A).  52,  R.  ..  374,  s,  R.  le 
(B.  C.  686).   383,  R.  r4  (B.  C.  674).   Z9h  9 
(B.C. 717).  394,3.  467,4.  593, 3  (B.C. 742). 
602,  R.  3.  624,  R.  //  (B.  C.  687).  845,  R.  2. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


82-3-23,  136.  A  ...,  JADD  196,  R.5.  ^NI. 

GAB,  JADD  230,  R.  6  (B.  C.  684).  ''rak-su 

da-la- a-ni,  JADD  50,  R.  2  (Ep.  H).   Epon. 

B.  C  703,    of  Kalzi   (JADD  I,  p.  564), 

Canon  A,  V,  21;  B,  VI,  9;  D.  IV,  17. 
*Nukurtu(/M/'-?^r-/«)-wa,  amel  '''Zu-nu,  TA  220,3. 
Nu-la....,  JADD  295,  R.s  (B.  C.  730?). 
Nu-ni-[a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ntinu) 

JADD  57,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  644). 
*Nu-un-nu  (cf.  Nowa,  Nowoq,  Noi)vvo(;  etc.  of 

Asia  Minor),  amel  "^ Hu-u-ur-ma,  on  Hit- 

tite  tablet,  OLZ  IX  (1906),  632. 
Nunu  (cf.  Bi.  115),  in  "'SE'^Nu-u-ni,]ATyD  742,76. 
Nu-nu-a  (hypocor.  cf  Nu-ni-ia\  and  Nu-nu\na-a 

in  later  Bab.  texts,  see  TNB) 
JADD  198,  R.  8  (B.  C  697). 
Nu-na-ume(.?  t/i?-»^^)....,    PSBA  XXX  (1908), 

p.  137, 5. 
Nu-ur  (abbrev.;  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

JADD  618,  L.  E.  2,  as  Epon.  T. 
Nur-Adad  (abbrev.;  for  Cass.  &  NBa.   texts,  see 

BE  XV,  TNB) 

1.  LAH-^IM,  ''nasiku  ^a   '""W  agar  a,   Anp.: 

Ann.  II,  24, 30, 49  (I  R  20.  2  r.  KB  I,  p.  74, 78). 

2.  LAH-U,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  49,  var.  to  (i). 

3.  '^ Nu-ia--^ IM {Immer,  see  SAK  p.  208),  king 

of  Larsa,  I R  2,  no.  IV,  3  (KB  III,  i,  p.  90. 
CT  XXI,  pi.  29).    Nu-ur-'' Im  T-D  LC. 
Nu-ur-ahe(^^i?*0-su  (abbrev.),   in   alu  M   Nnr- 
ahe^u,  Melis.:  Susa  3,  I  17. 
Nu-ur-ak-fii-iu,  i  of /n-du-sa,DE?YI,  p.  52. 
Nu-ra-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf  Nurld) 
JADD  246, 8,  slave  sold. 
Nuranu  (hypocor.) 

1.  LAH-a-nu,  '\..,,  JADD 404,  R.  6  (B. C.674). 

^nagiru,  B.  C.  682,  JADD  215,  R.  s.  ^rab 
ki-sir,  B.  C.  684,  JADD  230,  R.  4  (KB  IV, 
p.  120).  ^sukkallu,  inBarhalsi,JADD675,5. 

2.  Nu-ra-a-ni,  JADD  113,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  680). 

3.  Nu-ra-nu,  JADD  902,  4. 

Nur-biti,  or  Sab-biti,  JADD  387,  e  (B.  C  651.?). 
Nur-damlq(?  LAH-SIG),  JADD  955,  R.  1, 2. 
'Nur-ekalli(/Z^^-7i-.  GAL) 

JADD  59,11  (B.C.  681). 
^w-lV.2\X\-\x{lam?)-xm,e-mid  reU,  Abp.:  K.2846,10 

(WAF  I,  p.  474ff.). 
Nur(Z^/r)-<iDa-gan(.?),  sarru,  CT  XXII,  48, 10. 

No.  I. 

Nurea,  see  Nariia. 
Nun  (hypocor.) 

1.  LAH-i,  HABL  433,  R.  7. 

2.  Nu-ri-i,  rett,  JADD  741,  20. 

Nurna  (hypocor.  cf  Nun,  Nuraia\  for  OBa.  & 
NBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 

1.  LAH-e-a,   ^bel  pihati,   HABL   754,  12,   ia 

^^Sa-me-dL  yep,  5.    ^A.BA  '"^'Ar-ma-a-a 
mar  ^arri,  JADD  385,   R.  ,3.     In   Btt- 
'"Nurea,  Shmk.:  CT  X,  pi.  6, 24,  29. 
f  of  Zeria,   Nai.:    CT  X,  pi.  3,  15  (KB  IV, 
p.  92). 

2.  iV«-W-m,  82-9-18,  4074.  ''rabkisir,  HABL 

965,  14. 
Nur-lli  (abbrev.,  cf  OBa.  Nu-ur-i-li  RPN) 
I.  LAH-AN,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  11,  spec.  Agk. 

VR  33,  VI 34  (KB  III,  pt.  r,  p.  148). 
2.  Nu-ur- AN,  K.  241,  XII,  19,  spec. 
mv-\\\\?^{LAH-AN-a-a),  or Nur-'^A-a,  JADD 388,4. 
Niir-lstar  (for  OBa.  texts,  see  RPN) 

1.  LAH-XV,  s.  of  Na-an-ni-a,  VS  I,  87,  s. 

2.  Nu-ri-XV,  JADD  741, 9. 

f   of  Samdia  &  Samua,   Neb.  I:    CT  IX, 

pi.  4, 2,  pi.  5, 29;  ianga  '^URU-ia.  —  KB  III, 

pt.  I,  p.  172.    King,  BBS,  p.  95,  pi.  XCV. 
Nur-Marduk  (for  Cass.  &  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  XV, 

LAH-'^AMAR.  UD,    f   of  Gula-balatsu-iqbi 

TiVidiSamas-udammiq,  Nku.:  Lo.  I02,IVB,6. 

VI,  22.  —  KB  IV,  p.  88,  92.    King,  BBS, 

pp.  58,  68,  pi.  LXXVI,  LXXIX. 
f  of  Ibni-Marduk,   Nai.:   BM.  90936,  II,  10 

(King,  BBS,  p.  108,  pi.  CV). 

f  of  Marduku]  Nshi:  VS  I,  z6,  III  19. 
Nur-Sin(for  Cass.  &NBa.  texts,  see  BE  XV,  TNB) 

LAH-'^XXX,  JADD  891,  R.  a. 
f  of  Qisti{Sa-baT)-ia,  Sarg.  St.,  II,  13;  Vu.  — 

KB  IV,  pp.  160,  164. 
f  of  Anum-nasir,  Sarg.  st.,  II,  14;  V  15.  — 

KB  ibid, 
f.  of  Ibna,  HABL  969, 3. 
f  of  Nabu-lt,  Sarg.  st,  I,  3;  III ;«,  23;  IV,  1,  is. 

—  KB  IV,  pp.  158,  160,  162. 
Nur-Samas  (cf.  tt)lO-il3  APO;  for  OBa.  &  NBa. 

texts,  see  T-D  LC,  TNB) 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

1.  LAH-'^Sa-mas,  JADD  2,  R.  6  (Ep.  A).  168, 

R.  6.  307,  L.  E.  2  (III  R  49,  47  c.  Ep.  F). 

343,  1.    830,  4. 

2.  LAH-'^UD,  K.  241,  XI,  22,  spec,     ^nappah 

fiurasi,  JADD  345.  R.^. 
Nur-sarri(.?  orSab-Urri,  LAH-MAN),  K.241,  XII,  7, 

Nur(?P^V,  Z^i^-sa-aWi 

JADD  741, 26. 

1.  LAH-za-nu,  K.  241,  VIII,  44,  spec. 

2.  Nu-ur-za-nu,  HABL  500,  R.  13. 

f.  oilbam-ilu,  KK.  1330.  1331  (TRep.  115E. 

3.  Nu-iir-za-nu,  in  later  Bab.  texts,  see  TNB. 
f.  oiRaH-ilu,  KK.721.  811  (TRep.  130.  246). 

Nu-ur-zu,  JADD  259,  R.  /. 

Nusku^-ab-usiir ''Nusku,  protect  the  father!" 

VS  I,  97,  H. 
Nusku-ah-iddin  "Nusku  has  given  a  son"  (for 
Cass,  texts,  see  BE  XVII,  pt.  i) 
'^PA.K[/-PAP-A^,]ADD  446,  L.E.j  (Ep.Q). 
*}a  eli  qa-la-te,  JADD  618,  R.  s  (Ep.  T). 
Nusku '-amuranni(5/.Z,^Z-^«-«/),  or  -emuranni 

s.  of  Babilaia,]AT>Tt  387,  R.  „  (B.C. 651?) 
Nusku  '-balat-usuK  77.  LA-PAP) 

s.  of  Aiur-napiat-iram,  JADD  344,  R.  j. 
Nusku i-bel(60....,  JADD  572,  R.  s. 
Nuskn-da-a-a-an  "Nusku  is  judge"  (Ba.)  BM. 
90833, 5.  —  King,  BBS,  p.  84,  pi.  LXXXI. 
Nusku ^-duri  (abbrev.) 

JADB  3, 1, 12. 
Nusku-ib-ni  "Nusku  has  created"  (Ba.) 

s.  of  Upa1}hir-Nusku\  nisak  ^ En-lil,  Neb.  I 
Nippur,  II  13,  III  10,  31. 
Nusku-iddin  "Nusku  has  given"  (for NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

1.  '^ Nusku- AS,  JADD    219,    R.  4-   569,  R.  ,4 

(B.  C.  695). 
s.  of  Sarru-ludari,  JADD  876,  1. 

2.  '^Nusku-SE-na,  VR44,  led,  renders  "^SES. 

KAK-MA.AN.SE,   prob.    ancient   Bab. 
writer,  see  JENSEN,  ZA  IX,  p.  190. 
Nusku-iliia  "Nusku  is  my  god" 

I.  '^ Nusku-AN-a-a,  JADD  9,  R. .  (B.  C.  686). 
24,  R.  4  (B.  C.645.?).  124,  R.  /  (B.C. 674). 
126,  8  (B.  C.  674).    478,  R.  4,    576,  R.  / 

(B.C.676).  601, /.  798,^.  807,  R.  19.   ^'ainel 
urqi,  JADB  i,  I,  13,  4i.    ^SAG,  of  '"^Kum- 
muh,  B.  C.  645(.?),  JADD  25,  R.  2, 
f.  of  ^Sin-erel,  JADB  3,  IV,  10.  4,  IV,  15. 
2.  Nji-uhku-AN-a-a,]MyD  1 1 3,  R.  j  (B.  C.680). 
Nu8ku-ir  "Nusku  is  mighty"  {oi.  NaHhli) 

^PA.KU-ZU,  JADB  5,  II,  13. 
Nusku-nasi^TM/*)  "Nusku  protects" 

JADD  72, 2  (B.  C.  ^'ji). 
Nusku-sar-usur  "Nusku,  protect  the  king!" 
''PA.ku-MAN-PAP,  ^Umi  U  ^'BI.LUB 
ummi  Sarri,  JADD  860,  1, 24. 
Nusku-sezibanni  "Nusku,  save  me!" 

1.  '^ Nusku-se-zib-a-ni,  JADD  913,  R.  s,  slave. 

2.  ^Nusku-le-zib-an-ni,  JADD  741,  11. 
s.  of  Hani,  JADB  2,  II,  is. 


f  of  A-kab-le,  VS  I  109,  4. 
''Nu-us-hu-sa-an-ni    (prob.    for    Nusjtu-husanni; 
Kohler-Ungnad,  AR,  p.  79:  Nulhu-sa- 
''rakbu  GABP',  JADD  420, 11  =  421  (B.  C. 

*Pa-a(-a)-uk-ku  (Iran.,  cf  Da-a-a-uk-ku) 

M  '^^Btt-Kap-si,   Sarg.  VIIP^  45.    U  "'Ki- 
lam-ba-te,  Sarg.  VIII''',  43. 
*Pad(d)u-ilu  (cf.  Bi.  \>)!irr;^ 

1.  Pad-du-u-AN,  83-1- 18,  695,  III  27,  spec. 

2.  Pa-du-{i-AN,bit am-man-a-a,]hDT>  1 1 10, 1,5. 
*Pa-di-i  (WSem.,  cf  Pad{d)n-ilu,  Pada,  Padiia 

JADD  148,5. 62i,R./<y(IIIR50,no.3,33.  Ep.F). 
VS  1,91,  ?/.  ante  I  urqi,  in  ^^.S"^-/-^/ JADB  4, 
IV  3.  ^rab  a/am,]ADD  814,  17.  rab  nag- 
gari,  JADD  8 14, 9.  ICing  of  Ekron,  iarru, 
Senn.:  King  III  6, 33,  go;  Kui.  1 22, 26  (III  R  12) ; 
Tay.  II 70;  III  7, 25.  —  KB  II,  pp.  92,  94. 
*Pa"e  (El.,  Jensen,  WZKM  VI,  p.  217) 

King  of  Elam,  Abp.:  A,  III  R  23,  VII  eo; 
Ann.  VII 51:  la  mihrit  Ummanaldal  epulu 
belut  "'"*Elamti\  X  17  =  A,  III R  26,  X  2: 
Tammaritu  Pae  Unimanaldas  la  arka 
aJ^amel  epuhi  belut  '""^Elamti  (KB  II, 
pp.  212,  230).  II R  66,  II 3  =  CT  X,  pi.  8, 6 
=  Lay.  86,6  =  VS  I,  80,4.  K.  6382.  ^^qepu 

sa  '""^A-ra-mu,  HABL  1 1 1 5,  s. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Pa-ha-am-na-ta,  Pa-lia-na-te  (Eg.  Pi-hm-nt(r), 
Ranke,   Material,   p.  15)  "Servant  of 
''rabis  iarri,  oi  Sumur  and  Ullaza,  TA  60, 

10,  20,  32.    62,  1.    68,  22.    131,  3S. 

*fPa-hi-i  (cf.  Eg.  n.  pr.  m.  int  =  Flaxoic;  APO 
p.  232) 
J  ADD  619, 14,  slave  (Ep.  S). 
*Pahura,  Pihura,  Puhuru  (Eg.  Pi-hr,   Ranke, 
Material,  pp.  14,  17)  "The  Syrian" 
Pa-^u-ra,  TA  122,  31.  Bi-^u-ra,  TA  117,  ci. 
123,  13,  35.    132,  47.   Pu-hu-rit   TA  190,  2. 
Pu-hu-ru,  TA  57,  g,  10.   189,  17,  is.    208,  n. 
Pn-Jiu-ur,  TA  207,  17. 

f.  of  Nabu-sa-gi-ib,  HABL  847, 3. 
Pa-ak(?)-ka(?)-rum,  OLZ  VIII,  col.  132  (Ep.  Sili). 
Pa-al . . . .,  JADD  830, 9. 

Pal-hu(-u)-se-zib  "He  saved  the  god-fearing" 
(scarcely  Bal-bak-^ezib,  cf  ZiMMERN,  KA 
p.  472,  n.  2) 
'^/rr/i?<!,  JADD  742,  20.  857,  IV  6.  ^tamkaru, 
JADD  276,  R.  9  (B.  C.  862). 
Pa-Ii-ja  (hypocor.;  perhaps  Mit.) 

f  of  Ki-bi-ia,  CTII,  21,  3. 
Pa-li-ih-ka-lib-Iut    "May   the    worshipper    of 
thee  live!" 
HABL  212,  10,  b.  of  Nabu-ah-ereL 
*Pa-li-tu  (WSem.;  cf  He.  t2''bB  escaped  one;  Bi. 
t2bB,  Thamud.  and  Safait.  iDbS,  MVG  IX, 
■   p.  25) 

JADD  743,  R.  2. 
f  of  Hani,  JADB  2,  II,  is. 
*Pal-ti-i  (WSem.,  cf  Bi.  "ipbe) 

Vs  I,  87, 26. 
*Pal-t(-a-a  (hypocor.) 

s.  of  Rid....,  PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  138, .y^ 
(B.  C.  Ep.  N). 
*Pal-tHa-u  (cf  Bi.  in'>i:bs) 

ardu,  HABL  6t,t„  R.  4,  27. 
*Pa-a-lu-[a  (perhaps  =  Bdluid),  TA  165, 9.    Cf 
Pa-a-lu-u-ma,  TA  162, 76.    Cf  Balunime. 
*Pa-ma-hu...  (Eg.;   cf  ^pa-ma-ha-a  TA  162,  74) 

saknu,  TA  7, 76. 

JADD  3 1 1,  R..^  (Ep.S). 

No.  I. 

*Pa-na-am-mu-u   (=  Ar.  lasfi,   Kar.  navajiOi]<;, 
Pisid.  Davajiuac;) 
King  of  Sam'al  (733  B.  C),   f  of  asv-Q, 
"^Sa-ant'-la-a-a,  Tigl.IV:  Ann.152  (HI  R9); 

B,  68  (II R  67).  —  KB  II,  pp.  20,  30. 
Pan-A8ur-lamur,"MayI  see  the  face  of  Ashur" 

(cf.  NBa.  Pan-AHr-lumur  TNB) 

1 .  SI-AS-iur-la-mur,  K.24 1 , VII,  17, spec.  HABL 

1064,  i(?).  Epon.  B.  C  776,  of  AUnr, 
IIIR  I,  III,  41;  B.  C.  759,  Canon  A,  IV  10; 
id  ^^Arbail,  Canon  E  +  81-2-4,  187,  R.  is. 

2.  ST-AS-iur-il, Epon. B.C. 776, Canon B, IV, i»; 

C,  1, 25;  III  R  I,  III,  41. 

^pa-ti-li  ia  '"^^  ^^Qu-ma-an-ni,  in  Hittite  in- 
scription, OLZ  IX  (1906),  ^12. 
Pan(5/)-ili-ka-mi8    "Before    the    god    he    is 
K,  241,  IX,  40,  spec. 
Pan-lstar-lamur,    "May    I    see    the    face    of 

1.  Sl-XV-la-mur,  JADD  68,  R. E.  .  (B.  C. 645). 

811, 6. 

2.  Sl-'^XV-la-mur,  JADD  387,  R.  ro  (B.  C.  65 1). 

452,  6. 

3.  SI-lHar-Sl. LAL,  Louvre,  AO  222 1,  E  (OLZ 

VI,  col.  199). 

JADD  [504,  1].   HABL  [875,  R.  s]. 
Pa-nu . . . .,  JADD  807,  R.  21. 

JADD  420,  6.   421,7,   slave  sold,   in  ^^Til- 
na-hi-ri,  B.  C.  670. 

JADD  429, 27,  sold. 
*Pa-ap-pa-na,  Pa-ap-pa-as  (cf  Hairtac,,  na:rr7ra(g  etc., 
lallnames  of  Asia  Minor) 
''u-ri-an-ni-injis ...,  on  Hittite  tablet,  OLZ 
IX  (1906),  632. 
Pap-pa-tum,   an  ancient  author,   Sm.  669,  b  (NE 

P-  91)- 
Pappu  (hypocor.,  cf  OBa.  Pap-pa- a  RPN,  NBa. 

Pap-pa-a-a  TNB) 
I.  Pap-pu-u,  JADD  5, 4 (III  R 47»  39 c.  B.  C.  712). 
281, R. 7  (B.C. 694).  538, R.^.  893,6.  913,2. 
987, 1,  8.  JADB  2,  III,  8.   12,  II,  5.   K-  241, 
XI,  16,  spec,  ^asa,  JADD  912,  R.  4.   amel 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

urqi,  JADB  i,  I,  4.   ^bel  narkabti,  JADD 
857,  III,  41.  irriiu,  JADD  742,  13.  ''A.BA 
ekalli,  JADD  1077,  1, 34. 
2.  Pap-pu-u,    HABL   [jSj,  10],    of  Rasappa, 
JADD  243, 3  (B.  C.  688).  329, 6  (Ep.  K). 

Pap-pu-u-nasir(/M/'),  or  Qur-bu-bel-nasir 
JADD  171,3. 

"Papsukkal-sa-iq-bu-ul-i-nl  "Papsukkal  has  not 
altered  his  promise"  (cf.  Sa-Marduk- 
ul-i-ni  BE  IX,  TNB,  Nusku-la-eni{EN)- 
pisu  CBM  3078,  12  (BE  XV),  /  Ta-aq-bu- 
ul-te-ni  BE  XV)  VR  44,  51  d,  renders 

*Pa-a-pu(r)  (cf.  A-ki-pa-pu) 

TA  333, 22. 
Pa-qa-a-na . . . .,  JADD  267, 5. 
Paqa-ana-Arbaili  (Ar.  docket  bsaixspB,  Steven- 
son, Contracts,  no.  17;   cf.  Upaqa-ana- 
Pa-qa-a-na-IV-AN,]KDYi  127,0,  R.3  (Ep.N). 

*Pa-qa-ha  (He.  nj?E) 

^muttaggiiu,  HABL  102,4,  R. .{.  ^'rab  alani, 

JADD  234,  R.  8  (III  R  49,  29  a.  B.  C.  710). 

238,  R.  ,2  (B.  C.  688).    King    of   Israel, 

Tigl.  IV,  IIIR  10, 28  (KB  II,  p.  32). 
*Pa-aq-ru-ru  (Eg.  Pi-qrr,  "the  Frog",  Stein- 

DORFF,  BA  I,  p.  348,  cf  Ranke,  Material 

p.  3 1)  iar  "'Pisaptu,  Abp.:  A  I,  .5  (III  R 17) ; 

Ann.  1, 93;  IIIR  28, 33.  —  KB  II,  pp.  160, 

162,  n.  6. 
*Pa-ra-da-'  (Pe.  Prada,  El.  Pirradd),  ''mar-gu- 

ma-a-a,  the  Margian  pretender,  B.  C.  521, 

Dar.  Beh.  es,  93. 
Pari,  see  Paru. 
*Pa-rl-a-ma-hu-u  (Eg.),  sent  by  Ramses  II  to  Ku- 

runta,  the  king  of  Tarhuntas,  Boghazkoi, 

Ranke,  Material,  p.  16. 
*Pa-ri-hi-a  (Med.) 

s.  of  Gagi,  b.  of  Sarati,  Abp.  B,  IIIR  31, 

IV  1  (K.  1732.   KB  II,  p.  180,  n.  16). 

JADD  572,  R.  5. 
ParniJa,  see  Eparnaa. 

^Par-8U-u . . . .,  m.  of  Har-sarru,  JADD  387,  R.  e. 
Par-si-i  (cf.  Bi.  yns) 

"^  Til-^NIN-IB-a-a,  B.  C.  742,  JADD  75,  R.  12. 


1.  Par-U-di,  JADD  416, 2  (B.  C.  710). 

2.  Par-H-du,  JADD  412, 5  (IIIR  48, 5a.   B.  C. 

747).  660,  10.  714,  11.   809,  32,   s.  of  A^i- 
lamur  (B.  C.  713). 

3.  Par-U JADD  467,  3. 

*Par-ta-a-ma  (OPe.  parj^ama  best,   cf.  ParjPa- 
ar-ta-am-mu  ''Par-sa-a-a  Dar.  3 79, 3. 410,2) 

JADD  122,  3  (B.  C.  682).  123,  1,  4. 
*Pa-ar-tuk-ku(.?)  (Iran.) 

sd  '""'An-tir-pat-ti-a-nu,  Sarg.  A,  II  25. 
Pa-a-ru/rl,  Sm.  474. 
*Paru  (El.) 

1.  Pa-ru-u,  '^hazan  '""'Hilmu,  Abp.:  B,  VII,  9, 

18  (IIIR  33). 
s.  of  Ummanaldas,  b.  oi  Kudurru,  Abp.  B: 
K.   1716,  B  7.   K.  2867,  21.     Cf.  K.  2825 
(G.  Smith,  Hist.  p.  195   IIIR  37, 70b). 

2.  Pa-ru-ii,  s,  of  Ummanaldas ,  Abp.:  B,  IV, 

82,92  (IIIR  31). 
'^Parumartis   (OPe.  Fravartii,    El.  Pirrmnartil, 
Gr.  Opaopxr^q) 
Pa-ar{-u)-mar-ti-U ,  the  Median  pretender, 
Dar.  Beh.  Ill  R  39 — 40,  4?,  58,  g4,  92. 
*Pa-ru-us-ta  (cf.  Bi.  snttJTQ-)D) 

'""'Ki-ba-ru-ia-a-a ,   Shamsh.  Ill,  51  (I  R  30. 
KB  I,  p.  182). 

s.  of  Ar-zi-si,  ^irriSu  ia  ''Sartin?iu,  JADD 
160,  R.  4  (Ep.  G). 

1.  Pa-ru-ti,  JADD  428,  s. 

2.  Pa-ru-H,  JADD  165,  R.  E.  4  (Ep.  Q). 

3.  Pa-ru-tu,  JADD  285,  R. .  (B.  C.  686).   428, 

R.  1. 

4.  Pa-ru-ut-tu,    MVG  VIII  (1903),   p.  iii,  so 

(Ep.  P).' 
Pa-sl-l  (hypocor.,  cf  Pa-as-si,  BE  XIV,  Pa{-a)- 

si-ialid  in  Old-  andNeo-Ba.  texts,  RPN 

and  TNB,  Ph.  d:?D-d&)  VS  I,  100,  //. 
Pa-si-i  (cf.  Pa-h'iQ)-lc  TNB) 

JADD  165,  3,  daianu  (Ep.  Q).   282,  2.  622, 

R.r  (Ep.  D).   VSI,95.-?-?  (Ep.  D). 
s.  of  IbaUi-ilani,    of  "^ Daian-Adad,   B.  C. 

648(.=),  JADD  373,  1,  R.  1, 
*Pa-as-su-nu,  nasiku  sa  "^Nuhani,  Sarg.  Ann.  268. 
*Pa-as-tum-me-e  (cf.  EunacJroc,  0e6:fra(5Toq,  Cre- 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


tian  ndarac,  "lord",  HOMMEL,  Grundriss 

p.  62),  messenger  of  the  king  of  Alasia, 

TA  37,  21. 
Pa-tak . . . .,  JADD  43 1,  R.  9  (B.  C.  673). 
'Pa-'-d  {ci. pan  a  bird)  Bu.  89-4-26,  6. 
*Pa'uru,  Puiiru  (Eg.),  '^rabis  larri,  in  Jerusalem 

and  Gaza: 

1.  Pa-u-ru,  TA  287, 45. 

2.  Pu-u-ru,  TA  289, 38. 

*Pa-wa-ra  (Eg.  Pi-wr,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  16), 
TA  124,44.  132,38.  263,21.    See  also  Bi- 
*Pi-an-tl-ia  (Mit.) 

f.  of  Se-el-lu,  CT  II,  21,  23. 

s.    of  Nur-SamaS,    ardu   ia   ^  Te-im-ti-ri, 
DEP  VI,  p.  52. 

^'lann,  HABL  784, 5. 

*Pi-hi-ri-im  (cf.  Lykaon.  IIiY-papg   Sachau,  ZA 

VII  p.  102) 

'""'Hi-lu-ka-a-a,   prince    of  Cilicia,   Shalm. 

III.:  Mon.  1 54  (IIIR  7).  —  KB  I,  p.  158. 

*Pi-la-a-gu-ra(-a)  (Gr.,  probably  OiXdyopa^),  see 

under  Me-la-a-gu-ra. 
Pi-la-an-zu-zu,  see  Meli-'^Zasa. 

JADD  59,  5,  sold  (B.  C.  681).  66r,  is. 
Pi-la-qu  "The  axe"  {cl  Bi-la-aq-gu  BE  XV) 

JADD  752,  11. 
Pilaqu((?/5.^^Z).su-pi-nun-e  (.?) 

JADD  150, 3  (B.C.  679). 
P[-!i-si-it,  Capp.  Ch.  2,  j6. 

s.  of  A-iuk{>)-ma-ri...,  VS  I,  108,  //. 
Pl-qa-ql  (cf  Pa-ki-ki  BE  X;  i^^  garrulus) 

JADD  371,  4  (B.C.  698). 

f.  of  Nergal-ia-li...,  Nai.:  BM.  90936,  II  u 
(King,  BBS,  p.  108,  pi.  CV). 
Pir'-Amurri  "Offspring  of  Amurru"  (in  Bit- 
'"Pir  -Amurri,  as  name  of  a  family  or 
a  clan) 
I.  Pir-^KUR.GAL,  Melis.:  Susa3,l25;  II 40,47; 
III  17, 25,  32.  Merod.  I:  Susa  14, 1  11.  Mae.: 
OBI  149, 1 4,  10,  13,  17;  II 5. 

No.  I. 

2.  Pir-'^MAR.  TCr,  MeliS.:  Lo.  ioi,I  a,  7,  12.  Cf. 
Pir-fii-'^MAR.  TU,  CT  VI,  pi.  4,  „  b. 
Pir-hi-a-a  (hypocor.) 

*[^./?^J,  JADD255,R.  ,7. 
Pir-hf-a-li8ir(6'/,Z>/)  "May  my  offspring  suc- 
Sm.  55,  XI  9,  spec. 
PIr-hu  (abbrev.,  cf  OBa.  Pir-^u-um  RPN) 


*Pi-ri-8a-a-tl  (cf  Turco-Pe.  Perizadeh,  JIN  p.  247, 

PraSek,  GMPI,p.73),  king  of  Gizilbunda, 

Shamsh.  V:  III  u  (IR  30.    KB  I,  p.  180). 

*PI-rl-iz-2l  (Eg.,  or  Mit,  cf  Ranke,  Material,  p.  24) 

mar  sipri  of  Tushratta,  TA  27,  m.  93.  28,  12. 


^nagir  Bit-Sin-ieme,  Neb.  I,  Nippur,  V  20. 
Pl-ir-Samas  "Offspring  of  Shamash" 

s.  of  Su-ma-atQ)-Samas,  DEP  II,  p.  93,  I  u. 
Pi-ir-'u  (abbrev.),  HABL  447,  R.  le 

s.  oi  Ki- din-Sin,  akil  Mm,   Nshi.:   VS  I, 
36,  IV  3.^ 
*Pir'u  (Eg.  pr-*i,  pharaoh,  Steindorff,  BA  I, 
p.  343,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  32) 
^ar  "'"*Musuri,  the  king  of  Egypt: 

1.  Pi-ir- ,  Sarg.:  Ann.  97. 

2.  Pi-ir- -u,  Sarg.:  A,  III  30  (KB  II,  p.  64,  n.  **). 

3.  Pi-ir- -u,  Sarg.:  Khors.  27  (KB  II,  p.  54), 

JADD  743,  R.  4. 

JADD  102,  L.  E.  4  (Ep.  I).    Pi-si-ni-U,  h-ab 
hanU,  JADD  197,  R.  j  (B.  C.  646?).    Cf 

"^ Pi-si ,  JADD  264,  10. 

*Pi8iri(8)  (Hit.) 

Hittite  king   of  Carchemish,   deported   to 
Assyria,  B.  C.  717: 

1.  Pi-i-is-si-ri,  "^ Gar-ga-miha-a,  Sarg.:  Cyl.  20 

(IR36).  —  KB  II,  p.  42. 

2.  Pi-si-i-ri,  Sarg.:  Cyl.  ae.    ''^ Gar-ga-mil-a-a, 

Sarg.:  Ann.  46. 

3.  Pi-si-ri,    ^ar   '"''* Haiti,   Sarg.:    N,   10.     sar 

"'  GargamiS  la  """^ Haiti,  Sarg.:  N,  22.  — 
KB  II,  p.  38. 

4.  Pi-si-ri-is,  "^Gar-ga-miha-a,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann. 

88, 151  (III  R  9, 51).  —  KB  II,  p.  30. 
*Pi-sa-me-il-kJ   (Eg.  Psmtk,   NBa.  Pi-sa-mi-is-ki 
Dar.  301,  17,  Ar.  7'0'aDD,  Gr.  ^ajjLp.i'iTixo^ 

1 82 

Knut  Tallqvist. 

Psammeticus,  Steindorff,  BAI,  p.36of., 
Ranke,  Material,  p.  32,  40;  cf.  W.  M. 
MiJLLER,  OLZ  16,  49  ff.),  Abp.:  A,  III  26. 
Tu-^a-me-il-ki,  Sar  *''"'Musur,  Abp.:  Ann. 
II  lu.  —  KB  II,  p.  176. 

*PI-sa-an-hu-ru  (Eg.  Pi-srj-n-Hr,  Gr.  "^evOpi^, 
Steindorff,  BA  I,  p.  347  f.,  Ranke,  Ma- 
terial, p.  32)  "Son  of  Horus" 
}ar  ^'^'Nathn  (in  Egypt),  Abp.:  A,  IIIR  17, 
I P4;  Ann.  1 92.  —  KB  II,  p.  160. 


^muMrkis,  B.  C.  695,  JADD  34,  R. ,. 


s.  of  Gul-ki-^ar,  king  of  Babylonia,  King- 
list  B,  R.  7.    Pil-gal,  King-list,  A,  1 9. 


s.  of  Abdi-AHrta,   TA  104, 7.    Cf.  Pu-'^IM, 
amel ''Uurza^'t  TA  314,  3.  315,  3.  316,  8, 17. 

*Pud-ahi  (=  Mit.  Bi-en-te-U-nd),  see  Bud-aJ^i. 

Pu-di..~...,  JADD  630,8. 

*Pudi-Ba'al,  see  Budi-Bdal. 

*Pudi-Hipa  (Mit,  cf.  fPudu-Hipd),  perhaps  the 
true  reading  of  Abdi-Hipa  (q.  v.),  see 
GUSTAVS,  OLZ  14(1911),  col  341  fif. 

Pudi-ilU;  see  Arik-den-ilu.    Cf.  Budu-ilu. 

*Pu-di-ma-a-ni,  see  PuH-Mani. 

*Pu-dl-sah-a-u,  or  Sud(J)-di-ta{T)-a-u  (KoHLER- 
Ungnad,  AR,  p.46),  JADD3Ii,L.E.3,III 
p.  526. 

?\i{Bu)-Vi^{ut)'V\-\m,  Capp.  Ch.  4, 6. 

*Pu-dl(ti)-se-ri  (cf.  Ranke,  Material,  p.  37),  pos- 
sibly *Budi-Seri  (cf.  Pu.  inttJiaa?) 
JADD  763,  13. 

*Tu-du-hi-pa  (Hit.) 

MDOG  35,  pp.  20,  27,  wi.  of  HattuHl,  lar- 
ratu  rabitu  larrat  '""*  ^^ Haiti. 

Pu-du-ilu,  see  Btidu-ilu. 

Pu-du-pi-ia-ti,  see  Putu-Paiti. 

Pu-gid-da-nu,  see  Bu{Gid-)gid-da-nu. 

Pu-ug-iu  "The  radish",  see  Bu-uk-lu. 

Pu-hi-i...  {oi.  Pu-hu-um  CT  II,  10,  22,  Bu-]ii-jci), 
JADD310,  R.  7^(B.  C.  669). 

Pu-hi-lu,  JADD  913, 3,  slave. 

*Pu-hu-ru,  see  Pahura. 

*Pu(Bu)-ii-a-a-ma  (Eg.  P-wi-r-m,  Spiegelberg, 
ZAXV,  p.396f.) 
lar  ^^Pi\Bi-in-di-di,  king  of  Mendes,  Abp.: 

A,  IIIR  17,  I  101;   Ann.  I  99.   —   KB  II, 
p.  162. 
Pulu   "The  stone"  (cf  Ar.  SB'^S  >  Kqcpa^  > 

1.  Pu-u-lu,  JADD  350,  R.  ,3  (B.  C.  707).  913, 3(?). 

^rakbu,  JADD  860,  II  15. 

2.  /W-2i-/«,  HABL  975, 8.  1060,2.  -''/^^Z^,  HABL 

951,  B.    ^sasinnu,  JADD  281,  R.  s  (B.  C. 

3.  Pu-lu  (Bi.  b^lB,  LXX  OouaJv,  Canon  of  Pto- 

lem.  ITdbpoc;,  Ba.  name  of  Tigl.  IV),  King- 
list  A,  IV  8. 

mar  Upri  of  Tushratta,  TA  28,  12.  29,  91. 
*Pu-ra-gu-us  (Can.,  cf  ttJ^■a  Pognon,  Inscriptions 
86,  Bi.  ©y-iB) 
Ta'annek  3,  10. 
Pur-"*Sa-gal-e,  see  Bnr-'^Sa-gal-e. 
*Pur(Bur)-si-la-a  (Iran.(?),  cf.  Burzila,  JIN,  p.  74) 
^lalhi  id  mar  iarri,   ^Elama{a,   HABL 
140,  11. 
Pu-us-8U-tu,  Cass,  tablet,  PSBA,  1907,  Nov.  pi.  II, 

R.  29. 

*Pu-§u-su,  see  Bu-su-su,  q.  v. 

''asa,  JADD  417,  R.  6. 
Pu-ti-i....,  JADD928,  III,  11. 
*Pu-ti-hu-u-ru-u(Eg.Pi-dj-Hr,  cf.JOHNS,  ADD  III. 
p.  166,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  33)  "Gift  of 
JADD  j6i,  7,  prob.  slave. 
*Pu-ti-ma-a-ni  (Eg.(?),  cf.  Ranke,  Material,  p.  37; 
cf  Eg.-Ar.  p^DB) 
JADD  763, 12. 

K.  241,  XII,  8,  spec. 
*Pu-tu-bis-tl  (Eg.  Pi-dj-Bist(.t),  Gr.  HeTopdcs- 
Oic,  HeropdOTr]!;,  HeTOUpdcJnc)  "Gift  of 
B is t", Steindorff, BAI,p.349,  Ranke, 
Material,  p.  33) 
iar  "^Sa--nu,  king  of  Tanis  in  Egypt,  Abp.: 
A,  IIIR  17,  I  98;    Ann.  I,  96  (V  R  i).  — 
KB  II,  p.  162. 
*Pu-tu-um-hi-e-se  (Eg.  Pi-dj-Mi-hsi  "Gift  of 
M  i  -  h  ^  i  ",  Ranke,  Material,  p.  34) 
JADD  307*  R-  n  (niR  47>  37  c.  Ep.  F). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Putu-Paiti  (Eg.,  cf.  Ranke,  Material,  p.  34) 
i!  Pu-tu-'^ Pa-i-tu  JADD  307,  L.  E.  2  (IIIR  49 

47  c.  Ep.  F). 
2.  Pu-du-pi-ia-ti,  JADD  99,  3  (B.  C  670). 
?\x-i\ii-w-^{<vs\wm{KUR.GAL)     "Security     of 
Amurru"  (perhaps  abbrev.) 
^mala^u,   pilot  of  the  ark,    IVR43,  II,  35 
(KB  VI,  I,  p.  236). 

King  of  Assyria,  s.  of  Asir-nirari  (KS. 
19699,  MDOG  49,  p.  15),  contemp.  with, 
Burnaburias : 

1.  Pu-su-ur-'^A-Hr,  KAHI  I,  58, 3. 

2.  Pu-zur-AS-^ur,  Sar  '""^Assar,  Synchron.  1 5 : 

contemp,  with  Burnaburias. 

3.  Pu-zur-'^A-sur,  Adnir.  I,  KAHI  I,  4, 31:  a-bi 

larru  dlik  paniia. 

4.  Pu-zur-^A.USAR,  Adnir.  I,  KAHI  I,  3,  37: 

a-bi  iarru  dlik  paniia. 

Qa-a,  JADD  246,  R.  10. 
Qa-ba-su-ilu,  JADD  638,  R. .?. 
Qa-ba-a-te,  JADD  521, 1. 
Qadmu('^  Z^i^-dan-nu 

f.  of  Lip-ti-ri-ilu,  HABL  964,  u. 
Qa-hi-[ia]  (cf.  BE  IX,  70, 7),  JADD  285,  e,  Hnukil 

apate,  B.  C.  686. 
Qa-a-ilu,  83-1-18,  695,  III,  25,  spec. 
Qal  (?)-lu-su,  K.  241,  XII 2,  spec. 
*Oal-pa-ru-da  (cf.  .^nniji  CIS  II  pt.  i,no.75,  Sachau, 
ZAVI,  p.432f.) 
^^*Pa-ti-na-a-a  '""^*Gur-gu-ma-a-a,  king  of 
Gurgum,  Shalm.  Ill:  Mon.  II,  84  (III  R  8), 
cf.  KA3  p.  54;    Qdl-pa-ru-un-di,   Shalm.: 
Co.  95.     Qar-pa-ru-un-da,   Shalm.:    Ob. 
Epigr.  V.  —  KB  I,  pp.  150,  172. 

''sukkallu  rabu,  JADD  326,  R.  ,5  (B.  C.  692). 
Qa-ma-A-sur,  Capp.  G  17,  u.  23, 7  bis. 
*Oa-na-a-ilu  (WSem.  cf.  Ilu-qana,  Bi.  JiiJ^bi?) 

83-1- 18,  695,  III,  26,  spec. 
Qa-an-na-su-si,  HABL  494,  R.  e. 

s.  of  Ab-bu-zu,  "^Kan-mc-  -a-a,  VS  I,  94,  1,  7. 
Qa-nu-ni  (cf.  "^  Qa-nii-u-nu,  K.  13033),  JADD  660, 
2, 11.  714, 3 

No.  I. 

f  o{ Kisir-Adad,  Ku-ra-di(J),  Hu(})-ra-4u(i\ 
JADD  660,  u  =  714,  12  =  809, 33. 
Qaqqadanu   "The  grasshopper"  (cf.  Qaq-qa- 
di-nu  TNB) 

1.  Ga-ga-da-nutn,   f.  of  A-Hr-e-mu-ki,   gf.  of 

Za-l^a-ar,  Capp.  G,  9,  5. 

2.  Qaq-qa-da-a-ni,  HABL  590,  e. 

3.  Qaq-qa-da-nu,  ""^^U-ka-a-a,  HABL  444,  7. 

4.  SAG.DU-a-nu,  ''turtdnu,  HABL  197,  R.  1. 

492, 7. 

'^bel  narkabtiij),  JADD  860,  II,  21. 
*Oar-ha-a  "The  bald"  (An;  for  NBa.  texts,  see 
^  BE  IX,  X,  TNB) 

JADD  703.  1  (B.  C.  683).   KS.:  CT  ^2,,  16, 
14  =  16.   ^irrisu  (B.  C  670) ,  JADD  420,  4. 
421, 6.   ''ndg-iru,  JADD  815,  R.  Ill,  2.    ^Sa 
sepa,  B.  C.  688(.?),  JADD  400,  R.  in. 
*Qa-rl-hl  (cf.  Bi.  n-)|?) 

"^ie  Qa-ri-hi,  JADB  21,  e. 
JADD  709, 3. 
Qar(.M;«)-ma(?««)-ia,  JADD  661, 1. 
"^Qarparunda,  see  Qalparuda. 
QaS-SU-ni  (cf.  '^ Samnuhu-qas-sii-nu) 

JADD  855,  14. 
*Qa-ta-zi-lu/II,   "'""^Kumuhdia,   Anp.  Ann.  Ill  95. 
Shalm.  Ill :  Mon.  1 37.  II 29.  —  KB  I,  pp.  1 10, 
156,  162. 
[*Qa-t]i-jiu-ti-su-pa  (Hit. ;  qa-ti-^i  =  iepd,  TA  53, 64 ; 

cf.  names  as  Sepd-Adad),  TA  58,  2. 
Qa-ti-ilu  (abbrev.) 

^'hazdn  Ninua,  JADD  815, 1, 1. 
*Qa-u-su,  or  Qa-sam-su  (cf  KA^,  p.  473) 

amel  urqi,  B.  C.  694,  JADD  427,7  (IIIR 48, 
48  b.   KB  IV,  p.  116,117). 
*Qa-us-gab-ri  (Edom.,  cf.  KA  p.  473) 

sar  "^l'"''*0'-du-ine,  king  of  Edom,  Esarh.  B, 
V,  14  (III  R  16.    KB  II,   p.  148).    Abp.: 
Rm.  3,  II,  32  (KB  II,  p.  239). 
*Oa-us-ma-la-ka  (Edom.,  cf.  KA  p.  473) 

'""*U-du-ma-a-a,   king  of  Edom,   Tigl.  IV, 
B,  R.  11  (II R  67, 61.    KB  II,  p.  20). 

QibI-ilani(^-^A^>*0  (abbrev.) 

Epon.  VS  I,  99, 8. 
QI-blt-Adad(//^)  (abbrev.) 

''saknu,  JADD  1 59,  inside,  2. 

1 84 

Knot  Tallqvist. 

Qibit-Asur  {Ki-bit-AS-hir\  abbrev.) 

JADD  37,  B.  E. .  (B.  C.  6j6).  363,  R.,<  (B.C. 
682).  malah,  Louvre,  AO  2221,  R.  // 
(B.  C.  656(?);  OLZ  VI  (1903),  col.  199). 

Qibit-lstar  (abbrev.) 

1.  Qi-bit-XV,  ''rab  banuti,  JADD  62,  6. 

2.  Qi-bit-^XV,  JADD  173,  1  (Ep.  G). 
Ql-bit-nl-e  {clKi-bi-ni-i),]AT>T>Z9i,  15  (B.  C.  717). 

[394, 7]. 
Oibit-NIN.IB  {Ki-bit-MAS;  abbrev.) 

JADD  -:>7,  R. .  (B.  C.  676). 
Qibit-^Sa-la  (abbrev.) 

MVGVIII,  p.  iii,23(Ep.  P). 
Qi-ll-ti-i  (hypo cor.,  cf.  '"""qi-il-tum\   N abn-ki-il-tu 
BE  VIII,  pt.  I,  8,  11) 
f.  of  Aplta,   gf.  of  Sa-pi-Bel,   HABL  877, 
R.  2=  JADD  889. 
Qi-sa>a-a  (hypocor.) 

''zamntaru,  HABL  473,  10. 
*Oisu  (cf  Bi.  ©"^p,  and  Iqisu) 

1.  Ki-i-su,    lar  '*^Hal-di-li,    Esarh.  B,  IV  19 

(IIIR  15.  KB  II,  p.  146).  80-7-19,  15,  19. 
iar  ^^Sillua,  king  of  Salamis,  Esarb.  B, 
V,  20  (IIIR  16.   KB  II,  p.  148). 

2.  Ki-su,  iar  "•'''Silaa,  Abp.  Rm.  3,  II,  44  (KB  II, 

p.  240). 

3.  Qi-i-su,    iar  '"^Mehinil,    Epon.  B.  C.  755, 

Canon  A,  IV,  14,  abbrev.  from  Iqisu,  q.  v. 

Agk.  VR  33,  VI,  37.  —  KB  III,  pt.  I,  p.  148. 
^^Kx'XZiSA.BA-ia)  (hypocor.) 

k.  4682,  23(.?). 

s.  oiNur-Sin,  Sarg.  St.  II 13;  V  i4.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  160,  164. 
Oisti-Adad(5^.^^-''/J/)  "Present  ofAdad" 

s.  of  A.KU-bafii,  K.  8748. 
Oisti-Marduk  "Present  of  Marduk"  (for  OBa. 
and  NBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 
SA.BA-^AMAR.  UD,  HABL  1016, 1,  writer 
to  Sargon  II. 
Ql-te-nu,    0"'*""""   (cf  OBa.  Ku-ut-tu-nu  Dilbat, 
Bi.  •\l2'^yi),  JADD  21,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  682).   68, 
L.  E. V('b.  C.  645?). 

JADD  16, 2  (Ep.  O). 
Qu-U-a  (cf  Uqua,  and  Cilician  names  Koai,  Kor), 
Koa,  Kouac;,  ZA  VII,  p.  loi) 

JADD  40,  R.  s  (B.  C.  676).  46,  R.  j  (III  R  47, 
44  b).  K.  1008.    ^qepu,  JADD  241,  R.  <j(?)'. 
^ia  ANSU-ni,  HABL  307,  3. 

^qa-ri-bu  bir-ti — ,  JADD  469,  R.  /<?. 
Qu-u-[a  (=  Qu-u-a) 

JADD  43,  R.  7  (B.  C.  687);   cf  Qu{})-ia-a, 
^irrihi,  JADD  742,  33. 

la  lepa,  JADD  872,  2. 
Qu-ma-na-a-a  "Native  of  Co  man  a" 

amel  iirqi,  JADD  742,  32. 

wi.  of  Bel-iddina,  JADD  891,  4. 
Qu-ni-l,  JADB  5,  II,  is. 
*Qu-ni-hu-ru  (Eg.) 

JADD  102,  L.E.J  (Ep.  I). 

Qu-ql-l  (cf  ^jy,  ill  pelican) 

'^  rag-gi-mu,  JADD  860,  III,  20. 
Qu-qu-u-a  (cf  Ku-ht-u-ia  T-D  LC),  JADD  852, 1,  s. 

JADD  90,  R.  6  (B.  C.  734). 

JADD  171,3. 
QurdI  (hypocor.) 

1.  Qur-di-i,  JADD  83,  R.  7  (IIIR  50,  no.  2,  le; 

B.C. 679).  84,  R.  4  (B.  C.  679).  357,  1.  404, 
R. .  (B.  C.674).  ^baru{!),  HABL  633,  R.3 
(WSml.  II,  p.  44).  '^irrilu,  JADD  742,  R.  is. 

2.  Qur-di-i,  JADD  357,  E.  2,  var.  to  (i). 

3.  Qur-di-i,  HABL  90, 7. 
Qurdi-Adad  "My  strength  is  Adad" 

1.  Qur-di-'^IM,  JADD  58, 7,  slave  sold,  B.  C. 

694.  92,  R.  s.  ''rab  urate,  B.  C.  692,  JADD 
440,  R.  J  (B.  C.  692).  *  rakbu,  JADD  207,  R.  r 
(IIIR 46, 29a;  Ep.B).  >^se-lap-pa-a-a,  JADD 
769,  5.  ^A.BA  Sa  ekalli  mahirte  Sa 
"^Kalhi,  B.  C.  709,  JADD  \\\\,57. 

2.  g«r-^/-j7,JADD[iii,3.]  37 1, R.^ (B.C. 698). 

rab  urate,  JADD  151,  R.  s  (IIIR  50, 
no.  I,  15;  Ep.  Y). 

3.  Qur-di-^U,  JADD  364,  R.  4  (B.  C.  679). 
Qur-dl-Aia('^G^^Z)  "My  strength  in  Aya" 

JADD  752,  21. 

Qur-di-Arbailu(/F'-^AO  "My  strength  is  Ar- 


asu,]AT>T>  851,11,7. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Qur-dl-Asur^  "My  strength  is  Ashur"- 

JADD  863,  II,  29.   993,  III,  7.    ^^akin   mar 

larri,  JADD  857,  III,  31.   Epon.  B.  C.  873, 

IIIR  I,  I,  37;   B.  C.  837,   Canon  B,  II,  32; 

IIIR  I,  II,  27;   B.  C.  -jeT,   of  Ahi-Zuhina, 

Canon  A,  IV,  2  +  Canon  E. 
Our-di-Belit('^A7iV.Z/Z)  "My  strength  is  Be- 

JADD  884, 3. 
Qur-dl-ilu ... .,  JADD  320,  R.  6  (B.  C.  691  ?). 
Qurdi-lstar  "My  strength  is  Ishtar" 

1.  Qur-di-XV,]hD\)  138,  R.  1.  350,  e  (B.  C.  707). 

826,  7.    ''rab  nikasi,  JADD  854,  R.  5. 

2.  Qur-di-'^XV,  HABL  592,  R.  3.  JADD  493, 

R.  9.  602,  R.  6.  81-2-4,  ioo(?), 
f.  o{^A-u-lu-a-a,  PSBA  XXX  (1908),  p.  138,33 
(B.  C.  Ep.  N). 
Qurdi-Nergal  "My  strength  is  Nergal" 
i.  Qur-di-U.GUR,    JADD   741,  29.     ''irrisu, 
JADD  742,  R.  21.  ^purkullu,  HABL  429,  s. 
2.  Qur-di-^U.  GUR,  JADD  320,  R.  /  (B.  C.691). 
842,  II,  6(?). 
Our-di-sarru(J/^A^)"My  strength  is  the  king" 

f'^aknu,  B.  C.  644,  JADD  4,  R.  ^. 
Qur-du-ka,  see  Ahi-kin-pi. 
Qu-ri-l,  JADD  525,  R.  9. 
Qur-ri-tu,  or  Ahi-ri-ba  (Kohler-Ungnad,  AR, 

p.  25),  JADD  661,  u. 
Qur-u-bi  (cf.  city  name  Qurubi) 

JADD  151,  6  (IIIR  50,  6 a,  Ep.  Y). 

*Ra-biH  Pa?)-ia   (Can.,    cf.  Ra-pa-id),    Ta'an- 

nek  8,  4. 
Raba-sa-Marduk    {GAL-a-la-^AMAR.UD;    cf 

Raba{su-^d)-NINJB  in  NBa.  texts,  TNB, 

p.  173  a;  for  analogous  names  in  Cassite 

texts,  see  BE  XIV,  XV) 
f  of  Enlil-sum-ibni,   Nai.:    CT  X,  3,  24.    — 

KB  IV,  p.  94. 
*Rab-bi-ilu  (cf  Ra-ab-bi-ili^'  BE  IX,  X,  Ra-bi-ilu 

on  tablet  from  Tell  El  Hesy,  Baudissin, 

AE,  p.  323,  note  2,  Ar.  bxa^) 
83-1-18,  695, 111,22,  spec.   Cf  GAL-AN,  TA 

170,  36. 

Rabi((;^Z,  /r^/?)-A-sur,  Capp.  G  2, 9.  23,  4  bis. 
Rabi((;^Z)-zi(?)-me-el-tim,  Capp.  G,  11,  -v. 
*Rab(6^^Z).zi-ld-ki(jz^^/)  (Can.),  TA  170, 37. 

No.  I. 

Ra-di-mu  (cf  NBa.  Ra-dim-{mu)  TNB,  Thamud. 
Din  MVG  IX,  p.  18) 
JADD  279,  R.J  (B.  C681). 

''na-sik  ia  '"' U-pU,  HABL  608,  u,  R.  e. 
Ra-has,  or  Ra-sil  (cf  Bel-ra-H-il\Hl,  Ina-Esagil- 
ra-Ul  BE  X,  Ra-UUlu  BE  VIII,  pt.  i)] 
f  of  Aia-bil-lumate,  La-ba-lu  and  Sin-al}- 
ertba,  Sarg.  St.  IV,  17  (KB  IV,  p.  162). 
*Ra-hi-ma-a  (cf  /Rahma,  TNB  p.  174,  Ar.  ^iUi 
"amabilis"  ScHiFFER,  Aramaer  p.  35  f.) 
^r/u  enzati,  in  ^^Gaduata,  JADB  i,  II,  27. 
*Ra-hi-me-i,  JADD  186,  R.  s  (B.  C.  674). 
*[Ra]-hi-me-ilu    (cf  NBa.  Ra-hi-im-Am'  =  Ar. 
docket  bs^-^m,  BE  X^,  68) 
sa  ^^Ha-at-pl .  . . .,  B,  C.  698,  JADD  191,  R.  j. 
*Ra-hi-me-sarru  (cf  Ra-hi-mu-larru\  PSBA XXX 

(1908),  p.  137,8  (B.C.  Ep.N). 
*Ra-hl-mu-sarru  (cf  RajRi-hi-me-sarru) 

JADD  741,  17.    ^muktl  apate  dannu,  JADD 

352,  R..  (Ep.  S). 

Ra-hl-is-sarru  (for  the  meaning,  cf  Ta-ki-el-Alur) 

K.  5425, 3  (WSml.  II,  p.  12)  =  HABL  1026. 

*Ra-ah-ma-nu-ma(Ar.(.?),  cfRANKE,  Material,  p.  17), 

da-gu-al  matati  la  larri,  TA  284,  9. 
*Ra-a-a-di-sa-di-l  (Iran..?) 

^rab   halm   of  "'Arsiatiil,   Abp.  B  III,  70 
(IIIR  30.  KB  II  p.  242). 
Rak-sa-li,  see  Salsali. 
Ra-ma-da  (perhaps  <  ^Ram-AdacT) 

JADD  877, 3. 
Ra-ma-ilu  (cf  Elu-ra-ma,  Ra-me-ilu) 

83- 1- 1 8,  695,  III,  14,  spec. 
"Ra-man-ib-ni  "Ramman  has  created" 

JADD  298,  1  (B.  C  680). 
''Ra-man-nadin-aplu(^'5-^)    "Ramman   gives   a 
^^ Sa-sa-bi-na-a-a,  B.  C.  681,  JADD  269,  R.  9. 
*Ra-man-ra-ba  (probably  WSem.,  cf  Adad-rabd) 

JADD  62>,  L.  E.  3  (B.  C.  645?). 
*Ramatiia  (Med.) 

I.  Ra-ma-ie-ia,  ^hasatm  la  "^Urakasabarna 
^'"'Ma-da-a-a,  Esarh.  A  &  C,  IV,  21  (I  R  46. 
KB  II,  p.  132);  [83-1-18,483, 4],  see  WlNCK- 
LER,  AF  II,  p.  8.  HABL  645,  R.  io(?),  see 
HusiNG,  OLZ  II,  p.  140. 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

2.  Ra-ma-tl-iaQ),    '"^^A-ra-si-ia}}],    Tigl.  IV, 
Ann.  44. 
*Ra-m6-ilu  (cf.  Ra-ma-ilu,  Si.  bX"'a'l) 

''Arbahaia,  HABL  140,  15. 
*Ra-me-ti-i  (cf.  Ra-ma-te-id) 

HABL  713,  8.  JADD  [190,  R.  7?]  (B.  C.  668). 
'Ram-ti-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  -fRamtii) 

JADD  741, 28. 
'Ramtu  (cf.  OBa.  f Ra-im-tum,  Dilbat  p.  108,  -fRa- 
i-im-tum  T-D  LC) 

1.  JRam-ti,  m.  oi  Dur-maki-Ihar,  si.  oiNabu- 

ndid,  JADD  640, 7  (Ep.  O).  —  KB  IV, 
p.  154. 

2.  -fRavt-tu,  81-2-4,  255,  VII,  11,  spec.  Louvre, 

AD  2221,  5  (B.  C.  ^'^^(t);  OLZ  1903,  col. 
Ra-a-mu-sa-ilani-su  "Grace  of  his  gods" 

HABL  mo,  2. 
*Ra-pa-a  (WSem.  abbrev.,  cf.  Bi.  ssn,  Pa.  SBi) 
s.  of  Ab-di-li-me,  ''zammaru,   of  "^Sid-di- 
a-si-ka,  JADD  1 5 1, 1, 6,  R.  3  (III  R  50,  no.  i). 
*Ra-pa-[a  (cf.  Bi.  n^&n,  la-ra-pa-d) 

JADD  422,  R.'  14. 
*Ra(-a)-pl-'  (WSem.,  cf  Ar.  iBl) 

''nasiku  of  '""*Hindaru,  Sarg.  Ann.  269.   id 
^'Hi-in-da-ri ,   Sarg.:   Ann.  269  =  Abel 
no.  32,  e. 
f.  of  ^ A-u-dan-in-a-ni,  VS  I,  100, 2. 
*Ra'8u  (Eg.(?),  cf  Ranke,  Material,  p.  37) 

1.  Ra-si-i,  ftar-di-bi,  JADD  851,  III,  13. 

2.  Ra-su-\  ^malahu,  B.  C.  692,  JADD  324, 

R. /^  (IIIR48,  no.  3). 

f.  of  Da-di-su-7-u,  HABL  132,  a,  14. 
Ra-sa-pa-a-a  "Native  of  the  city  of  Rezeph" 
HABL  843, 8.   Cf  Ra-sap-a[-al  JADD  993, 
R.  Ill  18,  f.  of  Ahir-kllafiL 
*Ra-sun-nu/ni(=Bi.']i2n,  LXX  Pacjcov,  Paacjocov) 
"'"^Dimasqi,   king  of  Damascus,   Tigl.  IV: 
Ann.  83, 150, 205, 236  (III  R  9,  50.  KB  II,  p.  30). 
Ra-si-ilu  (for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB;  cf  Ra-a-iu- 
ilu  BE  VIII,  pt.  I) 
JADD  775,  G. 
Ra-sil,  see  Ra-has. 
*Ra-tu-Iu,  JADD  435,  R.  2,  sold. 
*Ra'u  (cf  Bi.^:?"!,  SCHIFFER,  Spuren,  p.  31) 
I.  Ra--u,  JADD  38,  R.  s  (Ep.  D). 

2.  Ra--u,  JADD  39,  R.  4  var.  to  (1),  (III  R  46, 

ud).  [290,4 

3.  Ra--U . . .,  ^tamkaru,  JADD  822,  4. 
*Ra-'-u-a-nii  (Ar.,  cf  Ran) 

HABL  830, 3,  nephew  of  Bel-iddin,  "^Na- 
Rensu-ilu  {Ri-en-hi-AN <,  Remiu-ilu)  "His  fa- 
vor is  the  god" 
83- 1- 1 8,  695,111,  28,  spec. 
Res-A-sur,  Epon.  MDOG  40,  p.  19. 
*RI-a-ma-se-sa,  ma-a-i-''A-ma-na  (Eg.  R'-ms-sw, 
Ramses  II,  king  of  Egypt,  in  treaty  with 
Hattusil,  OLZ  IX  (1906),  629. 
*Ri-a-na-ap/pa  (Eg.  R'-nf(r),  Ranke,  Material, 
p.  18)  "Re  is  good" 
^rabisu  }a  iarri,  TA  292,  so.  315,  13.  326,  17. 
*Rib-Adda  (WSem.) 

1.  Ri-ib-ad-da,  TA  ^i,  2.  74, 1,  75, 1.  92, 35. 

2.  Ri-ib-ad-di,   TA  84,  a.   92, 1.  94,  1.    1 29,  45. 

1 3 8,  66,  r.o.  111. 

3.  {Ri\-ib-ha-ad-{da\  TA  68, 1. 

4.  Ri-ib-id-di,  TA  126,  i. 

5.  Ri-ib-^IM,  TA  71,  2.  ^6, 1.  T^,  2.  78, 1.  79, 1. 

82,  8.   83, 1,  40.   85,  2, 24.  86,  2.  87,  3.  88, 1. 
89, 1.  90,  3.  93,  2.  95,  2.  96, 1.  102, 3.  103, 3. 

104,  8.  105,  1,  88.    106,  1,  14,  31.    107,  1.    108,  1. 

109,1.  110,2.    111,8.    112,1.    113,24.    114,1. 

116,1.  117,1.    118,3.    119,1,19,34.121,1,23. 

122,  1.  123,  1.     124,  2,  G,   18.     125,2.     129,1. 

130,3.  132,2.    136,2.    137,1.    138,2.    142,2. 

Riba[a  "Born  on  the  fourth  day" 

1.  Ri-ba-a-a,  JADD  125,  R.  /  (B.  C.  687). 

2.  UD-IV-KAM-a-a,  82-3-23,  137;  K.  241,  IX, 

22,  spec. 
RIbate  (hypocor.,  cf  Ar.  nn'^n  BE  X,  Ri-bat,  Ri- 
ba-a-ta\tu  in  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  IX,  TNB, 
■fRi-ba-tu7n  T-D  LC) 

1.  Ri-ba-a-te,  JADD  173,  c,  17  (Ep.  G).   374,  10 

(B.  C.  685).    642,  L.  E.  2  (III  R  49,  41  b; 
s.  of  Salimdu,  JADD  361,  s  (Ep.  F). 

2.  Ri-ba-te,  JADD  624,  12  (B.  C.  687). 

3.  SU-a-te,  JADD  361,  B.  E.  4  (Ep.  F). 

4.  SU-a-ti,  K.  241,  X,  28,  spec. 

5.  Sm-te,  JADD  374,  R.  4  (B.  C.  685). 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


R?bat-ilani(5£A^7V>'-«/;  ci.Ri-dat-AN. . .,  BE  XIV, 
171,  1). 
JADD  138,  8.     ''tamkar,  JADD  328,  7,  15 
(B.  C.  698). 
Ri-da[-a]  (hypocor.,  cf.  Ri-di-i  BE  XIV) 

'^rab  ispare,  JADD  679,  4. 
Rihanu  "Remainder" (?) 

1.  Ri-^a-a-ni,  ^HU.KAK,llABl^  212,  is. 

2.  Ri-ha-nu,  JADD  402,  j-.    ^qepu  sa  Esaggil, 

Shnik.:  CT  X,  pi.  7, 44. 
Ri-ha-te    (hypocor.,    cf.  Rihetu    in   NBa.   texts, 
BE  X,  TNB  p.  17^^  Ri-hi-tu  BE  XIV) 
JADD  213,  R.  7  (B.  C.  681).  228,  R.  J-. 
Ri-hi-me-sarru(-M/4i\^)  (cf.  Ra-hi-melmu-sarru) 

'•tamkaru,  B.  C.  665,  JADD  237,  R.  //. 
Ri-hu-sa-ilani  "The  seed  of  the  gods"  (Hinke) 
mar  ^arri,  Nku.:  Lo.  102,  IV,  43.  —  KB  IV, 
p.  90. 
Ri-'-i-kas-si-i  "Shepherd  of  the  Cassites" 

V  R  44,  23  b,  renders  Ku-ur-gal-zu. 
Rim-a-na-BE,  see  Rimani-Bel. 
Rimanni  (hypocor.) 

1.  LID-a-fii-i,  JADD  iir,  R.  ^. 

2.  LID-an-ni-i,  ^K...,  JADD  273,  R.  12. 
Rimanni JADD  395, 7  (B.  C.  724) LW- 

an-ni,  HABL  978,  2. 
Rimanni-Adad  "Be  merciful  to  me,  oh  Adad!" 

(cf.  Adad-rimanni) 
I.  Rim-a-na-'^IM,  ^mukil  apati  danmi  sa  Alur- 

ban-aplu  sar  ^""'AVsiir,  B.  C.  ^y,  JADD 

200, 5.    ''mutir  puti,  JADD  860,  II,  25. 
•     2.  Rtm-a-ni-'^IM,  JADD  470,  R.  2  (B.  C.  ^i>). 

503,  8.    ^mukil  apati  {dannu   sa   Alur- 

ban-aplu  sar  '"'''Assur),  JADD  35, 4  (B.  C. 

665.?).  65,  3  (B.  C.  668).  115, 3  (B.  C.  664?). 

[116,9].  174,6.  203,  R. 3.  258,7  (B.C.  666). 

260,  R.  10,   ^-mukll  apati  }a  du-na-na-te. 

270,  9.    271,  6,   R.  6.    322,  6,  13.    418,  11,   R.  7. 

419, 8, 11,  R.  7.  420, 9  (B.  C.  670).  45 1,  B.  E.  3. 
[596,  2].  ^A.BA  ia  rab  ekalli,  JADD  642, 
R.  16  (Ep.  R). 

3.  Rim-a-ni-U,  JADD  [60,  e].  121, 3  (B.  C.671). 

^irriiu,  JADD  742,  se.  ^mukll  apati 
{dannu  sa  ^ar  ""'^AHar),  JADD  183,  3,  12. 
424,  R.  2.  857,  I,  io(.?).  ^rab  bit  Hani  ia 
-^AUur,  JADD  261,  R.  13.  ^UKu,  JADD 
244»  R.  9. 

No.  I. 

4.  Rtm-a-ni-'^U,  '^mukil  apati  dannu,  JADD 

187,  2, 11  =  HABL  609. 

5.  Rim-an-ni-'^ IM,  ]A.T)T>  247,  5,  15.   ''bel  apati, 

B.  C.  665  (?),  JADD  237, 5, 13.  hnukil  apati 
{dannu  ia  Alur-ban-aplu  iar  "*^'AUnr'), 
JADD  172,  6,  17  (B.  C.  670).  266,  9  (B.  C. 
670).  331, 7  (B-  C.  665.?).  444, 13,  21  (B.  C. 
660?).  448,  15.  471,  15,  R.  2.  ^tamkaru, 
B.  C.  676,  JADD  256,  R.:r. 

6.  Rim-an-ni-'^U,  JADD  477, 9. 

7.  Rima-ni-U,  ^mularkis,  HABL  132,  R.  12. 
RImanni-Asur  "Be  merciful  to  me,  oh  Ashur!" 

(cf.  Ahir-rlmanni) 
Rim-a-ni-^'^^AS-hir,  JADD  246,  R.  //.  752,13. 
Rimanni-Bel  "Be   merciful   to  me,   oh  Bel!" 
(cf  Bel-rlmanni\  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Rim-a-na-BE,    s.   of  latana-Eli,    of  Bit- 

Abi-ilm,  JADD  621,  1  (Ep.  F). 

2.  Rim-a-ni-BE,  JADD  262,  R.  7.    ^SE.GAR, 

JADD  364,  R.  //  (B.  C.  679). 
Rimanni-ilu  "Be  merciful   to   me,    oh   god!" 
(cf  Ilu-rimanni) 

1.  Rlm-ana-AN,  JADB  4,  VIII,  3. 

2.  Rim-a-ni-AN,  JADB  4,  VIII,  4.  6,  VIII,  3. 

JADD  66,  L.  E.  /  (B.  C.  693).  147, 2  (B.  C. 
648?).  165,  R.  J  (Ep.  Q),  210,  1,  6,  9,  R.  1 
(Ep.  W).  393,  R.  5.  ^tamkaru,  B.  C.  646(?), 
JADD  197,  R.  4. 

3 .  Rma-ni-AN,  JADD  49 1 ,  R./o  (B.C.  693).  496, 2. 

4.  Rim-ma-ni-AN ,  ''SAG  sa  Bel-tarsi-iluma 

^Ukin  "^Kalhi,  B.  C.  798,  OLZ  III,  col.  434. 

5.  Ri-man-ni-AN,    ^mu^arkisu,    HABL  326, 

R.  4,  8,  9;  cf.  Rimanni-Adad. 

6.  Rim-an-ni-AN,  K.  241,  VIII,  10,  spec. 
Rimanni-lstar"Be  merciful  to  me,  oh  Ishtar!" 

1.  Rim-a-ni-XV,]P<DTi  170,  L.E.  ?.   ^belnar- 

kabti,  JADD  857,  II,  12. 

2.  Rim-a-ni-'^XV,  '' ,  JADD  439,  1. 

3.  Rmi-a-na-XV,  ''bel  n[arkabti],  JADD  860, 


Rlmanni-Marduk  "Be  merciful  to  me,  oh  Mar- 

duk!"  {ci.  Marduk-rimanni) 

Rim-a-ni-'^SU,  JADD  262,  R.  6. 

Rimanni-Samas  "Be  merciful  to  me,  oh  Sha- 

mashl"  (cf.  Samahrtmanni) 

Rm-a-ni-'^UD,    ^A.BA,    JADD  640,  R.  s 

(Ep.  O). 



Knut  Tallqvist. 

Ri-im-''A-nu-um  "Be  merciful,  oh  Anu!" 

^ar  Babili,  ancient  Bab.  king,  K.  4709  = 
IVR  35,  no.  8,  1;  cf.  SAK  p.  236,  note  b. 

Ri-me-ni-Marduki  "Merciful  is  Marduk" 
Merod.  I:  IVR  38, 1, 34.    KB  IV,  p.  60. 

Rim-Sin  "Servant  of  Sin" 

King  of  Ur,  king  of  Larsa: 

1.  AM-^XXX,  'sar   Uru>^',  Chron.  K2,  <,,  15. 

2.  Ri-im-'^EN.ZU,  s.  of  Kudur-Mabnk,  b.  of 

War  ad-Sin,   Lenormant,  Choix,  70,  11 
•    (KB  III  I,  p.  98,  SAK  p.  220).  VA  3025,0 
(SAK  p.  220.   MDOG  no.  5,  p.  17). 

3.  ^Ri-im-'^EN/ZU,   IR  3,  no.  X,  7  (KB  III,  i, 

p.  94.  SAK  p.  218).  Dec.  pi.  41, 9  (SAK 
p.  216).  OBI  128,  «  (SAK  p.  218).  Mitteil. 
d.  ak.  or.  Ver,  zu  Berlin  I,  17,  no.  3  (KB 
III  I,  p.  96.  SAK  p.  218). 

Rl-mu . . . .,  HABL  1076,  R.  1. 

Ri-mu-u-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  OBa.  Ri-mu-um  RPN) 
JADD  147,  R..r  (B.C.  648?). 

Rlmus  (abbrev.,  cf.  Renlu-ilu\  for  reading  and 
meaning  of  the  name,  formerly  read 
Al-ularUd  (Hilprecht)  or  Urumul,  see 
Thureau-Dangin,  RA,  VIII,  p.  140 f., 
Hrozny,  WZKM,  23  p.  191  ff.,  26  p.  152, 
note;  cf.  I-li-Rz-mu-id  OLZ  XI,  col.  313, 
Ki-mu-u^'''  AO  5474,  R.  Ill  1,  Ri-mu-iu- 
um,  s.  of  Nar mil-Sin,  CT  2:  34,  17  a) 
King  of  Agade,   probably  s.  of  Sarrukin: 

1.  Ri-mus,  larru,  K.  1365,  1.  Sm.  823,  5  (Bois- 

SIER,  Choix,  p.  81). 

2.  Ri-mu-us,  lar  kiHati,  AO  5476>  H  !■*.  5477>  ^ 

(RA  VIII,  pp.  136,  139.  OBI,  nos.  5-8). 
Rimiit  (abbrev.,   for  Cass,  and  NBa.  texts,   see 
BE  XV,  TNB) 

1.  Ri-mut,  HABL  287, 4. 

2.  Rim-ut,  K.  243,  X,  13,  spec,  kisir  iarrt,  B.  C. 

682,  JADD  276,  R.  7. 

3.  Ri-mu-ta,  s.  oiBelani,  b.  of  TabnUta,  Meli§.: 

Lo.  103,  III,  11  (KB  III  I,  p.  158). 

4.  Ri-mu-te,  HABL 9 1 o,  2.  JADD  829, 7  (B.C.67 1 ). 

5.  Ri-mu-ti  =  (3),  Lo.  103,  III,  27,  31. 

6.  Ri-mu-tu,  HABL  293,  R.  1.  915,  R.  2.  K.  73 1 7. 

13  ^7Z  (time  Sargonll).  TRep.  145.  265  c. 
BM.  91 01 5, 7  (King,  BBS,  p.  109,  pi.  CVI)- 
maimaiu,  HABL  447,  e.  ^ial^u,  JADD 
882, 1. 

7.  Ri-mu-tu,  HABL  17,  R.  4.  ''Urukaia,]ATyD 

882,  R.  1. 

8.  Rfm-u-tu,  mahnasu,  JADD  851, 1,  15. 
'RI-mu-te,-IVR6i,  II,  13. 

fRi-mu-tu,  JADD  243, 5. 

^\m\x\'M^?A{Rim-ut-'^ IM)  "Grace  of  Adad" 

JADD  409,  p. 
Rimut-Bau  "Grace  of  Bau"  (cf.  Ri-mut-'^ Ba-ii\ 
Babu  TNB) 
Rim-ut-'^ Ba-u,  JADD  155,  R.  <5  (B.  C.  683). 
RImut-Bel    "Grace    of  Bel"   (cf.  Ri-fnut\mu-ut- 
'^EN  TNB) 

1.  [Rifn]-ut-'^BE,  mahnasu,  JADD  851, 1,  8. 

2.  Rim-ut-EN,  JADD  61,  R.  <5  (Ep.  L). 
Rimut-Gula    "Grace   of  Gula"   (for  Cass,   and 

NBa.  texts,  see  BE  XIV,  TNB) 

1 .  Rim-ut-^  Gu-la,  s.  oiBel-iddina,  JADD  89 1 , 3. 

2.  Ri-mut-'^ Gu-la ,    ^bel  paJ^ati   BU-Sin-ieme, 

Neb.  I  Nippur,  V  15. 
RImut-ilani    "Grace   of  the   gods"   (for   NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

1.  Rim-ut- Am^-ni,  JADD  45, 2  (Ep.  t). 

2.  Riin-ut-ANP\  JADD  16,  R.  .^  (HI  R47,  no.  4; 

Ep.  O).  447,  6,  sold,  B.  C.  683. 

3.  Rifu-ut-ANf-ni,  JADD  4, 4  (B.  C.  644?). 

4.  Rwt-mu-ut-AN^'-tii,  JADD  3 1 1,  R.  /-y  (Ep. S). 
Rimiit-ili  "Grace  of  the  god" 

1.  Rim-ut-AN,  JADD  1 22,  R.  .y  (B.  C.  682).  123, 

R.s.  340,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  Z).  410, 5.  462,  R.  s 
(B.  C.  678).  831,  1.  K.  241,  VII,  e;  VIII,  13, 
spec.   }a  ^^^e-Laqipi,   B.  C.  710,  JADD. 
416,  R.  4.  ^SAGsa  -fiakinte,  JADD  356, 5. 

2.  Rt7nu-ti-AN,  JADD  356,  u,  var.  to  (1). 

3.  Ri-miit-ti-AN,  JADD  136,  4  (Ep.  X). 
V\m\x\M\2iV{Rm-ut-'^XV)  "Grace  of  Ishtar" 

JADD  13, 5. 
RI-mu-ut-Nabii 2   "Grace   of  Nabu"   (for   NBa. 
texts,  see  TNB) 

JADD  572,  R.  //. 
Ri-mut-Nergal  "Grace  of  Nergal" 

s.  of  Hari-MrruQ),  JADD  356,  8,  cf.  1.  2. 
Ri-pi-te  (cf  .?  Ar.  '^t^tr\),  JADD  713, 3. 
Ri-i-qa,  TA  i,  is.   ri-ka,  i,  96. 
Rj(?  Hu)-ra-su  (Kohler-Ungnad,  AR,  p.  11) 

s.  of  Qanuni,  JADD  809,  33,  cf  MVG  VIII, 
p.  92. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Ri-sa-a-a  (cf.  Ri-si-i,  TNB) 

JADD  230,  R.  ,0  (B.  C.  684).  623, 9  (III  R  46, 
54  b;    Ep.  A),    mutir  ptitl,  JADD  294,  6 
(B.  C.  700). 
Ri-is-Adad ^  "Servant  of  Adad" 

Sar  "'Api-rak^'\   Chron.  K^,  R.  2.   IV  R  34, 
Rit-ti-Marduki  "My  hand  (=^  help)  is  Marduk" 
(Hinke),  if  not  abbrev. 
be  I  blti  }a  Bit-Kar-zi-ia-ab-ku,  Neb,  I,  VR 
55, 1  25,  35,  45,  mar  Kar-zi-ia-ab-ku,   ibid. 
II 7.  —  KB  III  I,  pp.  164—168. 
Rl'u-pihati  {^"^SIB.NAM) 

f.  of  Taqisa-Belit,  Mna.:  IIIR  43,  II  s. 
Rl-'-u-tu  (abbrev.,  cf.  -^ Banitmn-re' utu  TNB) 

JADD  775,  6. 

f  of  '^Au-killanni,  JADD  153,  8.  154, 4. 

^^SAG,  Melis.:  Lo.  loi,  II,  5  (KB  IV,  p.  58). 
'Ru-bu-uMum,  ^NUN-ut-tum  (NBa.) 

83- 1 -18,  1846,  R.  IV,  6,  7,  spec. 
*Ru-hu-bl  (Ammon.;  cf  Bi.  nhn) 

f  oiBa-sa,  Shalm.III:  Mon.  II,  95.  —  KB  I, 
p.  172. 

s.  of  Mitinti,    f  of  Sar-lu-dari,    king   of 
I.  Ru-kip-ti,  f.  oi Sar-lu-dari,  Senn.  King  II,  92; 
Kui.  I  21  (IIIR  12);  Tay.  II,  62  (IR  38.  KB 
n,  p.  92);  IIIR  12,  Slab  1,21. 
2.Ru-u-kip-tUt  s.  oi  [Mitifiti],  Tigl.  IV,  Lay. 
pi.  'j'^,  is;  Ann.  [210]. 
*Ru-mi-in . . . .,  TA  42, 23. 

'^SAG  }a  fsakinte,   B.  C.  687,  JADD  218, 
R.  2\  cf.  314,  R.  4. 
Ru-ra-8u(.?)  (all  the  name.^  cf  Streck,  ZA,  XV 
p.  358,  n.  i) 
''hazanu    sa   '"''^Tabari,    a   Median    chief, 
^Sarg.  A  II,  21  (WS  II,  pi.  44)- 
*Rusa,  var.  Ursa 

Rusas   I.,    sar    '""^Ur-ar-ti\'""^Ur-ar-ta-a-a, 
king  of  Urartu,  son  of  Sarduris  III.: 

1.  Ru-sa-a,  Sarg.:  Ann.  58,  75,  117. 

2.  Ur-sa-a,   Sarg.:   Ann.  40,  52,  5e,  79,  107,  123,  i36, 

138,  173;  Bull,  15;  Cyl.  27;  Cypr.  I  46;  Khors. 

No.  I. 

31,  37,  39,  42,  52,  72,  76;    ShI.  2021,    I  1)    VIII''', 

66,  81,  85,  91,  92,  123,  1481     IHaliku,     16.3,    174,   202: 

sarru  ntaliku,  277, 358,  403,  411,  421, 422;  XIV 
47, 56.  Cf.  HABL  441,  R.  3. 
Rusas  II.,  son  of  Argistis  II.,  Ru-sa{-a)-ie 
Ar-giS-ti'^i-ni-h,  in  Khald.  inscriptions, 
ZDMG  56  p.  102  fif.,  JRAS  1912,  p.  112. 
Ur-sa-a-a{^),  Esarh.:  K.  2852  +  K.  9962, 
III  24  (WAF  II,  p.  40),  K.  4268,  R.  6.  Rji- 
sa-h,  As.-Khald.  bilinguis  from  Topzana, 
ZDMG  58,  p.  834  f 
Rusas  III.,  son  of  Erimenas  (Lehmann,  ZA 
VII,  p.  265,  IX,  p.  82  fif.)  Ru-sa-a  Sar 
'"'''Ur-ar-ta,  Abp.  Ill  R  37, 3  a. 

Ru(.?)-sa-a-a,  JADD  877,  s. 

*Ru-uz-ma-an-[a  (Iran.  Scheftelowitz,  Meyer, 
KZ38,  p.  271;  42,  p.  18) 
amel  '''Sd-ru-na^',  TA  241,  ». 

*Sa-a-ad,  JADD  175,  1, 4,  R.  1  (B.  C.  676). 
*Sa-'-aI-tl-ilu  (Bi.  bs^ribxtt?,  NBa.  Sal-ti-ilu  TNB 

p.  187) 
83-1-18,  695,  III,  29,  cf.  Johns,  ADD  III, 

p.  XV. 
*Sab-har-ru,  varr.  Sab-ha-ar-ru,  Sdb-har-ru  (cf. 

Sa-bi-ha-ri  UMBS  II,  pt.  2,  90.  6,  Sa-ant- 

bi-ha-ri  BE  XIV,  12, 9) 
nasiku  of  Hindaru,  Sarg.  Ann.  269. 
Sa-dir(?),  HABL  231,  g,  10,  R.  3. 
*Sa-du-nu,  or  Sa-ni-?tu,  q.  v. 

''rab  halsi,  commander  oi  Bab-duri,  Sarg. 

Ann.  279.  ^ 

Sa-[].?,  JADD661, 16. 
Saeru,  see  Saij'u. 
Sagab  (abbrev,  cf.  Bi.  SlStte,  Sab.  aa©;  as  Epon. 

perhaps  identical  with  Naba-sagib) 

1.  Sa-gab,  JADD  26,  R.  s  (B.  C.  680).  D.  T.  3 17, 

in  letter.  Epon.  B.  C.  649Q),  JADD  333, 
R.  8,  ''sa-kin ....  574,  R.  g.  698,  R.  2;  KK. 
io2,R.i.  159,40.  375.385.401.  1360.3161. 
[4696].  81-7-27,  136. 

2.  Sa-gab-bu,  Epon.  B.  C.  649(?),  II R  69,  no.  3, 

R.  sa. 

3.  Sa-gab,  Epon.  B.  C.  649(?),  Canon  C,  V,  15; 

IIIR  I,  IV,  13,  var.  HABL  423,17.  JADD 
927,  II,  5(.?).    KK.  4,  30.  303.  392.  396,   bel 


Knut  Tallqvxst. 

pifiatioiHayran.  1423. 161 1.  3791.  82-5-22, 
86.  137;  Bu.  91-5-9,  208. 

4.  Sd-ga-bi,  HABL  527,  R.  11. 

5.  Sd--gdb{kap),  s.  of  Bel-etir,  HABL  266,  7. 
Sag-ga (cf.  OBa.  Sag-ga-tum,  Dilbat  p.  109) 

Adadsumusur:  DEP  IF,  p.  97,  9. 
*fSa-gi-bi-e,  JADD  811,4. 
*Sa-gl-bi-ilu  (cf.  Bi.  n'late) 

'^ am-ka-tiu-tc-a,  HABL  1052, 7. 

''saknu,  JADB  4,  IV,  4. 

1.  Sa-gi-bi-i,  JADD  ^2, 9,  R.  9  (B.  C.  677).  573, 

R.  9.    ''i^paru,  JADD  268,  1,  sold.    *^^]^« 
i«  //^^///,  JADD  244,  R.  16. 

2.  Sa-kip-i,   '^qepu,  JADD  58,  R.  <y(B.  C.  694). 

3.  Sa-gi-bu,  s.  of  Pappa,  JADB  i,  1, 5. 
*Sa-gi-ll-bi-'-di  (Hilprecht,  BE  X,  p.  62,  note  § 

is  inclined  to  identify  the  first  element 
with  {E)Sagild) 
^ardu  la  f^sukkalli,  B.  C.  7I4(?),  JADD  248, 
R.  11. 
Sa-ag-lu  (cf  Sag-gi-i/,   Sag-gi-lu  BE  X,  TNB), 
or  Sakiu  "The  fool" 
JADD  61,  R.  <?  (Ep.  L). 
"*SA6-mudammiq(5/G^-sar-be(<^^/f,  cf  arad  '^lUar 
sa-ar-ba-at  T-D  LC  83) 
d.  oi Ardi-Sibitti,  Nku.:  Lo.  102, 1,  le,  27, 34  (KB 
IV,  p.  82). 
Sa-ha-a-a(.?),  JADD  1104,  R.  1. 
fSah(?)-di-e,  82-3-23,  135,  V,  7,  spec. 

b.  of  Nabn-usezib,   K.  5461,  9  (WSml.  II, 
p.  51)==  HABL  1028,  10. 
Sa-ah-hl-i,  JADD  695,  R.  4  (B.  C.  717). 

d.  of  Atarqamu,  JADD  321,  2,   sold  adi 
*Sah-pi-ma-a-u  (Eg.,  cf.  itt'^&nc,  Johns,  ADD  III, 
p.  515,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  35) 
^NLDU.DU,  JADD  307,  R.  9  (Ep.  F). 
Sa-[a,  K.  1 1 439,  L.  E.  2  (KGAS  35). 
*Sa-id-ql-bel(?  U) 

ardu  }a  ^mar  hpri,  JADD  469,  R.  7. 
JADD  469,  R.  6. 

Sa-i-Ia-a  (cf  Sdilu,  OBa.  Sa-i-la-tum,  RPN) 

s.  of  Zabdanu,  JADD  675,  R.  17. 
Sa  llu  (cf  Sa--lu) 

1.  Sa-i-/i,  JADD  155, 3  (B.  C.  683),  var.  to  (3). 

2.  Sa-i-il7i{AN),  JADD  500,  R.  //,    of  Tealdu. 

3.  Sa-i-lu,  JADD  155,  4  (B.  C.  683).  ^rab  MU 

{nuhatimme),   as   Epon.   co,  JADD  435, 
L.  E.  3.    V^^  BI.LUB,  HABL  'jeT,  7. 

4.  Sa--i-li,  "^SE,  JADD  744, 5. 

Sairu  (cf.  ''^Sa-i-ri  JADD  383,  5.  414,  s;  Sa-i-ru- 
um  DEP  X  98,  9) 

1.  Sa-a-e-ri,  HABL  222,  R.  15. 

2.  Sa-e-ru,  HABL  222,  e  (VR  53,  6  a).  JADD 

155,  R.  ^  (B.  C.  683).    273,  R.  5.    '^salsu, 
JADD  273,  R..^  (B.  C.  683).  [322,  R.  4\ 

3.  Sa-i-rii,  Hallu,  B.  C.  ^J,  JADD  185,  R./j. 
*Sa-kan-da-da  (WSem.  *nnDDTO,  cf  Bi.  w^?DttJ) 

JADD877,  R.  2. 
'''Sakanu  (cf.  OBa.  Sa-ka-nu-um,  BE  VI,  pt.  i) 

1.  Sa-ka-a-an,  JADD  22,  R.  3  (IHR  47,  nc. 

Ep.  a). 

2.  Sa-ka-nu,  JADD  433,  R.  ^. 

3.  Sa-kan-nu,  '^mukil  apati,  B.  C.  663,  JADD 

1 15,  R.  <5.  470,  R.  .5.  529,  R-  7.  571,  R-  s. 

4.  Sa-ak-kan,  ''mukil  apati,  B.  C.  670,  JADD 

60,  B.  E.  //.  421,  R.  7.  611,  R.  J. 

5.  Sak-ka-a-an,  83-1- 18,  695,  III,  le,  spec. 

6.  Sa-kan,    ''mukil  apati,   JADD  35,  B.  E.  / 

(B.  C.  665).  185,  R.  6  (B.  C.  666). 

7.  Sak-kan,  ^niuM  apati,  JADD  1 16,  R,  s. 

8.  Sa-ak-kan-nu,  JADD  174,  R.  /o.    - 

9.  Sa-ka-,  JADD  332,  R.  /o. 

Sa-ku-ku   (cf.  Sukkuku  "The   deaf"  BE  XIV), 

f^rakbu,  JADD  860,  II,  u. 

iii  "'"'Qa-ni-un,  HABL  444,  s. 
Sa-la......  JADD  593, 2  (B.  C.  742?). 

*Sa-la-a-ilu  (cf  Sa-li-ilu  VS  VIII,  14, 11) 

83-1-18,  695,  III,  24  a,   cf  Johns,  ADD  III, 
p.  XV. 

Sa-al-AN ,  JADD  435,  B.  E.  2. 

Sa-la-ma...(?),  JADB  7,  III,  le. 

*Sa-la-ma-me,  or  perhaps  Salamcitu  (cf  Bi.  ni^"bttJ) 

''mutir  putu,  B.  C.  680,  JADD  113,  R-  4, 
^'Salamanu  (WSem.,  cf  Sa-lajlam-ma-nu  in  NBa. 
texts  TNB,  Bi.  n^'blZJ,  SaXoojicbv) 
I.  Sa-la-ma-a-nu,  ^Hrrilu,  JADD  742,  24. 

T.  XLUI. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


2.  Sa-la-jna-nu,   HABL  140,  3.   775, 3.    777,  3. 

KK.  4690,  3.    13509.    '»''*Ma--ba-a-a,    of 
Moab,  Tigl.  IV,  B,  eo  (II R  67.  KB  II,  p.  20). 

3.  Sa-lam-a-nu,  ^rab  ki^ir  ummi  Sarri,  J  ADD 

JADD  598,  R.  6. 
*Sa-Iam-me  (cf.  Sa-lmn-fnu  TNB),   in  "^Sa-Sa- 
lamme,  JADD  742,  R.  32.    Cf.  "'Sa-lam- 
me-e,  HABL  726,  R.  11. 
*Sa-la-mu  (WSem.  abbrev.,  cf.  Abi-salam) 

^irri^u,  JADB  8, 1,  13. 

JADD  473,  2,  15.  474, 3  (B.  C.  698). 
Sa-lim-du  (cf  Sa-lim-du) 

'^A.BA,  JADD  640,  R.  <?  (Ep.  O).  642,  R.  15 
(III  R  49, 32  b.  Ep.  R). 

•    '^A.BA,  B.  C.  677,  JADD  194,  R. /. 
*Sa-'-lu  (cf  Ar.  ^b5>o;  "'Sa--lu) 

sa   "^I-bti-li,    naslku   sa   ^'Pu-qu-di,    Sarg. 
Ann.  268. 
*Sa-ma-'  (WSem.,  cf.  Bi.  y^tj,  Sa-ma-) 

''imi-7'a-ba-nu,  JADD  238,  R.  ^,  la  mar 
larri  (B.  C.  688).  239,  /<5,  ia  mar  larri 
(B.C.  688).  240,  R.J-,  U  Nergal-ium.... 
(B.  C.  693).  427,  R.  7  (III  R  48,  no.  4.  B.  C. 
Sa-ma-ba(?na)-a-a,  JADD  618,  n  (Ep.  T). 

s.  of  Ahe-liHr,  VS  I,  88, 26. 
Samaku  (cf. }  Sa-ma-ki-ilu  TNB,  Bi.  in^D^o) 

1.  Sa-ma-ka,  JADD  598,  R.  8. 

2.  Sa-ma-kti,    f.  of  Samal-ken-usur ,   JADD 

321,  5,  8. 

Sa-am-bu-uk-bel(.?C/},  K.  1749,4  =  JADD  III,  Add. 

p.  15. 
*Sa-me(-')  (WSem.,  cf.  Sa-tna-) 

JADD  51,  R,  /  (B.  C.  683).   359,  R.  rs  (B.  C. 
680).  ^naslku  }a  '""^Hindaru,  Sarg.  Ann. 269. 
s.  of  Kilaku,  JADD  275,  R.  w. 
*Sa-am(- )-gu-nu  (cf.  Sama!gunu  and  Sabagunu; 
WSem.,  perhaps  -<  fiypiC  =  Sa-ma-ah- 
u-nu  BE  IX) 
s.    of    Bel-iqtla,    '"^^Gam-bu-la-a-a,    b.    of 
Dunanu,  Abp.:  A,  IIIR  19,  III,  m;  Ann. 
Ill  57;  B,  IIIR  33,  VI  64;  IIIR  37, 75a. 

No.  I. 

Sa-a-mi  (i.  e.  Samu,  cf.  Sa--mit) 

f.  of  Ur-Belit-muballitat-mltati,  b.  of  Tdkil- 
ana-ilihi,  Meli§.:  Lo.  103,  IV,  g.  —  KB  III, 
pt.  I,  p.  158.  King,  BBS,  p.  15. 

Sa-mi-du  (also  in  Cass,  texts,  see  BE  XIV,  XV; 
cf.  'ff'*^  sa-me-di) 
s.  of  Mardukea,  bel  pihati  Bit- Ada,  Mna.: 
IIIR  43, 11,21.  -  Kb'iV,  p.  70. 

^Sa-mll-tu,  82-3-23,  135,  V,  9. 

^Sa-am-mu-ra-mat  (cf.  Semiramis) 

zinniiit  ekalli,  Adnir.  IV:  IR  35,  no.  2,  9 
(KB  I,  p.  192).  zinniUt  ekalli  of  SamH- 
Adad  (V),  m.  o{ Adad-nirari  (IV),  daugh- 
MDOG  42,  p.  38. 

Sa-am-nu . . .,  HABL  888, 2. 


1.  '^Sa-am-nu-ha-U-PAP,  HABL  937,  «(?). 

2.  '^Sa-am-nu-hu-U-PAP,  HABL  938,  2. 
"  Sa-am-nu-hu-qas-su-nu 

HABL  888,  u. 
*Sa-am-sa-a-a  (WSem.  hypocor.,  cf  NBa.  Samla- 
a-a\ia,  Bi.  i©)attJ) 

JADD  661, 18. 
*Sam-sl-i  (WSem.,  hypocor.,  cf  Samh) 

^rab  kisir,  B.  C.  686,  JADD  453,  R.  13. 
*»SamsI  (WSem.) 

Queen  of  Arabia,  about  B.  C.  733 — 715 

1.  -^ Sa-afn-si, sarrat"'"*AriblT\g\.lY ,  Ann.  210; 

IIIR  10,  30  (KB  II,  p.  32).   Sarg.  Ann.  97; 
Pr.  27  (KB  II,  p.  54). 

2.  y Sam-si,    HABL  631,  6  =  JADD  759,  g 

(WSml.  II,  p.  62). 
*Sam-si-a  (WSem.  hypocor.) 

JADD  316,  2,  slave  sold. 
*Sam-si-ia-a-bi  (WSem.  *ani»xji») 

JADB  8, 1, 22. 
*Sa-am-si-Adad,  see  SamU-Adad. 
%ZXCi%\-^\il^ifSam-si-PAP.  ME-a) 

VSI,  88,^/. 
*[8am]-si-id-ri  (WSem.) 

^}a   Upa,  JADB  4,  III,  2.     Sam-si-id-[ri\ 
JADD  749, 7. 
*Sam-si-ila-a-a  "The  sun  is  my  god" 

JADD  743,  11, 13. 

s.  of  Adad-bel-usur,  JADB  3,  V,  4. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

Sam-si-ilu,  IIIR  i,  III,  37;  IV,  n,   van  of  Samh- 

ilu  q.  V. 
Sam-si-sa . . .,  JADD  910, 5. 
*Samsu-ditana(WSem.)  "The  sun  (god)  is  our 

s.    of  Ammi~sadugga\    eleventh   and    last 

king  of  the  first  Bab.  dynasty: 

1.  MAN-di-ta-na,  Chron.  K^,  R.  10. 

2.  Sa-am-si-di-ta-na,  Sarru,  see  Ranke,  PN, 

p.  140. 

3.  Sa-am-su-di-ta-na ,    King-list  B,  11,    s.    of 

Ammisadug-ga.  POEBEL,  BE  VI,  2,  no.  131. 

132.  Ranke,  PN,  p.  140. 

""Samsu-iluna  (WSem.)  "The  sun  is  our  god" 

s.   of  Hammurapi,   f.  of  Abilu   {Ebilu7n)\ 

the  seventh  king  of  the  first  Bab.  dynasty: 

1.  Sa-am-si-i-la-na,  ^arru,  BE  VI,  pt.  i,  5 1  a,  is. 

2.  Sa-am-si-lu,  iarru,  BE  VI,  pt,  i,  48,  11. 

3.  Sa-am-su-i-lu-na,  King-list  B,  7,  s.  of  Ham- 

murapi, i.  of  Ebiium.  Chron.  K'-*,  [13,]  iar 
Bdbili,  R.  5,  7,  f  of  A-bi-H,  contemp.  of 
Jluma-ihi.  Cf.  King,  Chronicles,  and 
Ranke,  PN.  K.  10863  (possibly);  and 

4.  Sa-am-su-li-?ii,  Dilbat  p.  109. 

5.  Sa-am-su-lu-na ,   iarru,   see  Ranke,   PN, 

p.  140. 

6.  Sa-am-su-lu-nu,     in    Nar-sa-am-su-lu-nu- 

naqab-miJihi,  II R  51,  si. 
Sa-'-mu  (cf  Samu  BE  VIII,  i,  XIV,  TNB,   OBa. 
Sa-mu-timKVl>i,Sa-mi-ia  BE  VI,  i,  "dark", 
cf.  Sa-al-mu,  ■^Salimtu  BE  XV,  fSa-am- 
tum  T-D  LC) 
JADD  259,  R.  4. 
Sa-mu-na-apal-iddln(^-y/5)  "Eshmun  has  given 
a  son" 
JADB  8, 1, 6. 
*Sa-mu-nu-[a-tu-ni  (Ph.  'jn'^3ttt?i5) 

f.  of  Ab-kal-li-pi,  JADD  160,  R.  11. 
fSa-an...,  JADD  288, 7. 

Sananu  (abbrev.,  cf.  Adad-sa-na-ni,  OBa,  Sa-fta- 
nu  Dilbat  p.  109) 

1 .  Sa-na . , .,  JADD  290,  7. 

2.  Sa-na-a-nu,  JADD  122,  R,  3]  123,  R.  2  (B.  C. 

682).  VSI,  96, 3, 

3.  Sa-na-an,   ^mar  hpH  }d  rab  biti,  JADD 

62,  7. 

Sansana,  see  Zanasana. 

'""*Ki-pa-ba-riL-ta-ka-a-a,    Shams,  V,  III,  47 
(IR30.   KB  I,  p.  182). 
*Sa-an-dak-sat-ru  (Iran.,  JIN  p.  283) 

s.   of   Tugdamme,    K,  3412,  25  (JA  S.  IX, 
Vol.  I,  p,  361  ff.,  WAF  I,  p.  493). 
'^Sa-an-da-pi-i  (probably  for  Sanda-dapl,  Sayce, 
PSBA  28  (1906),  p.  92) 
'^amel  '^urqi,  HABL  167,  15. 
*Sa-an-dar-^s^ar-me  (Cilic) 

"""'Hi-lak-ka-a-a ,  king  of  Cilicia,  gave  his 
daughter  in  marriage  to  Ashurbanipal, 
Abp,  A,  III  R  18,  II  lis;  Ann.  II,  75  (KB  II, 
p.  172). 
*Sa-an-du(-u)-ar-ri  (Cilic) 

Sar  ''^Kundi  "'Sisn  (i.  e.  Anchiale  and  Sis 
in  Cilicia,  see  KA^  p.  88),  Esarh.  A,  I,  85, 
49  (I  R  45.  KB  II,  p.  126). 
*Sangap  (Hit,,  cf,  Bi,  -laptj,  naiso) 

Sar  '""^Hatte  "'\"'"*Garga-7nil-a-a,  king  of 
Hittites  in  Carchemish: 

1.  Sa-an-ga-ar,  Shalm.  Ill:  Co.  90. 

2.  Sa-an-gar,  Shalm.:  Co.  85 ;  Mon.  II,  82  (III  R  8. 

KB  I,  p.  170). 

3.  Sa-an-ga-ra,    Anp.:    Ann.  Ill,  g5  (I  R  25. 

KB  I,  p,  206),  iar  *""^Hatte.  Shalm,  III: 
Bal.  F;  Mon.  1, 43;  II,  19, 27;  Ob,  85,  "'l'""*Gar- 
ga-mt}-a-a.  — KB  1,  pp.1  sS,  158,  160,162, 

4.  Sa-ga-ra,  "^ Gar-ga-mi}-a-a,  Shalm.:  Mon, 

1,63  (IIIR  7.  KB  I,  p.  158). 
*Sa-an-gi-l  (cf.  El.  sangi,  sungi  "king"  Husing, 
Memnon,  IV  as;  '""*BuSa-an-gim  Media) 
JADD  229,  R,  6  (IIIR  46, 50 c.  B.  C.  680). 
*Sa-ni-i   (cf.  Sa-ni-um  DEP  X  98,  7,   }Sa-ru-ri- 
HABL  529,  R.  14,  i7ia  "^ Ur-zu-}ii-na.    ''rab 
all,  JADD  455,  R.  ^. 
Sa-ni-[a  (hypocor.,  cf.  BE  XIV) 

''hazanu,  HABL  590, 5,  R.  6. 
*Sa-ni-b(p)u  (WSem.,  cf.  OBa.  Sa-ni-bu-uju,  Dil- 
bat p.  109) 
"'BU-am-ma-7ia-a-a,  Tigl.  IV,  B  co  (II R  ^y. 
KB  II,  p.  20). 
Sa-ni-ni  (cf.  mar  Sa-ni-ni,  BE  XIV) 

HABL  231,  4,  R.  7.    Sa-ni{f)-nu,  ''rab  halsi, 

Sarg.  Ann.  279. 

T.  XLiir. 

Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*8a-pa-lu-ul-me  (Hit.  =  Subbiluliuma ,  Hommel, 
Grundr.  p.  43,  cf-Si-pi-rw-rw,  JENSEN, 
ZDMG  48,  p.  237) 
'""^Pa-ti-na-a-a,  of  Patin,  Shalm.  Mon.  1, 42, 58 
(IIIR7.  KB  I,  p.  156.  158). 
*Sa-pa-tl-ba-al  (Ph.  b^^-otm) 

mar  lakinlu,   Abp.:   A,  IIIR  18,  II 121,  180; 
Ann.  II,  83, 90  (KB  II,  p.  172). 
Sa-pi-ku/ki  (cf.  OBa.  Sa-bi-kum  T-D  LC) 

''Da-ra-ta-a-a,  HABL  222,  1,  (VR  53). 

'^A.BA,  JADD  S33, 1  (B.  C  650?). 
f.  oiAhmtu,  ''A.BA  "^Kuta-a-a,  JADD  891, 

R.  8." 
f.  of  Kidin-Marduk,  JADD  891,  13. 

V  R  44,  u  b,  renders  IS-KI-PAL  q.  v. 
Sap-pa-a-a  (for  NBa,  texts,  see  TNB) 

.   f  of  KaUu-nadin-aJti t   Chron.  A,  V  7.   — 
KB  II,  p.  272. 

s.  of  Ahi-Nana,  JADD  652,  R.  g. 
^Sa-ra-a-a  (cf.  Bi.  nis) 

HABL  220, 2. 

1.  Sa-ra-a-an,  83-I-18,  695,  III  15,  spec. 

2.  Sa-ra-a-ni,  an  Erechite,  JADD  882,  R.  1. 

3.  Sa-ra-an,  JADD  6,  R.  3. 

*Sap-a-ti  (cf.  2dpaTO(;,  JIN  p.  288,  Zaratus  Plin. 
30,  2, 5,  Streck,  ZA  XV,  p.  321,  n.) 
s.  of  Gagi,  ''■Jiasan  "'"^Sa-hi,   b.  of  Pa-ri- 
hi-a,  Abp.:  B,  IV  1  (IIIR  31.  KB  I,  p.  180, 
n.  16).  K.  6384  (OLZ  I,  col.  71). 
*Sard(a)urrl  (cf  Sa-an-du-u-ar-ri) 
Kings  of  Urartu: 

1.  Sa-ar-da-ur-ri,  '"'^'Ur-ar-ta-a-a,  Tigl.  IV: 

PI.  1 20  (KB  II,  pi.  6)  =  Sardur  III. 

2.  Sa-ar-du-ri,     '""^Ur-ar-fa-a-a,      Tigl.  IV: 

PI.  II 29,  35  =  Sardur  III. 

3.  Sa[-ar\-du[-ur]-ri,  Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  es  =  Sar- 

dur III. 

4.  Sar-du-ri(-se),  Sayce  LIII,  2  (DWAk.  36,  II, 

p.  9). 

5.  Si-e-du-ri,  '""-^U-ra-ar-ta-a-a,  Shalm.:  Ob.  144 

(Lay.  94.  KB  I,  p.  144)  =  Sardur  II.,  B.  C. 

833.  , 

6.  '^RI-BAD    {iHar-duri),    s.    of   Lu-ti-ip-ri, 

No.  I. 

iarru  raba,  Lehm.-Haupt,  Materialien, 
no.  45—47  =  Sardur  I. 

7.  '^Rl-du-ri,  s.  of  ArgisHs,  inscription  from 

Astwadzashen ,    DWAk.  36,  II,  p.  15  = 
Sardur  III. 
f.  of  iipuini^,   king  of  Biaina,   inscription 
from  Ashrut-Darga,  DWAk.  36, 11  =  Sar- 
dur II. 

8.  XV-BAD,  Sar  '""^Urartl,  Abp.:  A,  III  R  26, 

X  22,  24;   Ann.  X  4o,  43  (KB  II,  p.  230)  == 
Sardur  IV. 

*Sa-a-ri-u-ni,  JADD  618, 10  (Ep.  T). 

*'Sa-ar-pal-!i,  JADD  894, 2. 

Sa-ar-ri-la  (hypocor.,  d.Sa-ar-rum  "The  ob- 
stinate" Dilbat),  P.  105,4. 

*Sarrup8l,  king  of  NuhaHe,  contemp.  with  Sub- 
biluliuma and  Tusratta,  MDOG  35,  p.  35. 
OLZ  XIII,  col.  292. 

*Sar(Sar)-ru-tl  (Med.,  cf.  Sar-a-tt) 

}a  "^l"'"*Kar-zi-nu-u,  a  Median  chief,  Sarg.: 

A,  II  33.    VIII 'h,  I  48. 

Sa-ar-sa-a,  sa  Upa,  JADD  872, 3. 

Sa-sa-a-a  (hypocor.,  cf.  Sa-si-ia\  sasu  moth,  or 

a  precious  stone) 
irriSu,  JADD  742,  R.  25. 

Sa-si ,  JADD  804,  R.  s. 

Sa-a-si,   mar  ""^^Uz-za-a,  B.  C.  832,   Shalm.  Ill: 

Ob.  154.  —  KB  I,  p.  146. 
Sasi  (hypocor.,  cf  Sa-sa-a-a,  Sa-si-ia,  -^Sa-si- 

•^Papsukkal  BE  XV) 

1.  Sa-a-si-i,  JADD  624,  11  (B.  C.  687). 

2.  Sa-si-i,   HABL  181,  12.   447,  19.    1004,  R,  2. 

JADB6,  VII2.   K.  241,  X  8,  spec.  JADD 

121,  R.  s  (B.  C.  671).  204,  1  (B.  C.  668). 

447,  G,   slave  sold,   B.  C.  683.    582,  R.  s- 

KK.  1357,   in  letter.   4786.   82-5-22,  108. 

83-1-18,  121.    * ,  JADD  65,  5  (B.  C. 

668).    ^I}azanu,  JADD  448,  R.  /o. 
Sa-si-[a  (hypocor.,  cf  Sasi) 

KK.  1353.  7378.  For  Old-  and  Neo-Ba.  texts, 

see  RPN  and  TNB. 
8a(-a)-8u(-ii)  (cf  Sasi) 

JADD  772,  5.    ''ardu   of  Sast,  B.  C.  668, 

JADD  204, 3. 
*Sa-tar-pa-nu  (Iran.  =  KBathrapavan,  HOsing, 

MVG  II,  p.  217,  note  2,  Streck,  ZA  XV, 

p.  347  f.,  n.  4) 



Kntjt  Tallqvist. 

sd  '""^Uif-du-ri-a,  a  Median  chief,  Sarg.  A, 
II,  24  (WS  II,  pi.  44).    ^a  '^^Ba-ri-ka-nu, 
Sarg.  VIII  th,  49. 
*Sa-tar-e-su  (Iran.,   kMathra  +  e-su,   cf.  Mizda- 
e^u  and  Bag-elu,  BE  IX) 
^hazanu    la   """"^Tabari,    a   Median    chief, 
Sarg.  A,  II,  21  (WS  II,  pi.  44).  Sa-tar-e-su, 
^hazanu  M  nar-ti,  Sarg.:  VIII  »^  42. 

Shams.  V:  111,68  (I  R  31.  KB  I,  p.  182),  ruler 
in  Nairi. 
*Sa-u-li  (WSem.,  Bi.  b^ixtj,   Schiffer,   Spuren, 
p.  20) 
s.  of  '^ A-u-sa-lim,  "^Kan-nu--a-a,  VS  I,  93, 1. 
*Sa-us-sa-tar  (Iran.) 

f    of  Artatama  I,    ancestor   of  DuSratta, 
MDOG  35,  p.  n\  cf.  p.  52. 
*Si-e-da-Ia  (==  Si- -da-la-ct) 

JADD  388, 3. 
*Si-e-du-ri,  see  Sardaurri. 
*Si-e-ha-an  (Ar.  =  Si--^a-an) 

''i«  eli  ali,  B.  C.  686,  JADD  285,  6. 
*Si-e-ha-za-a  (An,  cf.  bsnm) 

JADD  387,  R..^  (B.C.  65 1?). 
*Si-e-[a-te  (hypocor.(?),  cf.  Mardukate) 

JADD  283, 6  =  802, 6. 
*Si-e-i-me  (WSem.  =  Si--im-me) 
JADD  282, 1.  283, 7  =  802. 
*Si-e-lu-ki-di,  see  Si--ln-ki-di. 

lar  Da-ia-e-Tii,  Tigl.  I:  Ann.  V,  22  (IR  13. 
KB  I,  p.  32). 
%\'^-mx\Q ZAB  . .  . .)  (cf.  Stnnri) 

JADD  455,  R.  6. 

^rab  biti,  B.  C.  686,  JADD  285,  4. 
*Si-e-8a-ka-a  (Ar.  =  Si-sa-ka-a) 

^rab  bTti,  B.  C.  67J,  JADD  194, 1, 4. 

JADD  194,  R.  4  (B.  C.  677). 

1.  Si-e-ti-ni,  ^bel pihati,  HABL  380, 6. 

2.  Si-ti-nu,  f'bel  pi^ati  la  '""^  .  .  te-ni,  HABL 


JADD  217, 2, 5, 11. 

*Si-'-a-ha-dl  (Ar;  cf.  He.  Tn«-in";) 

JADB  3,  VIII,  15,  19,  in  ^^'Se  AdalaL 
=^Si'-aqab  (Ar.) 

1.  Si--a-qa-ba,  ^^massar  qabli,  in  "^lanibir- 

suhuri,  JADB  i,  II,  38. 

2.  Si-a-qa-bi,  ''qepu,  in  ^^Halule,  JADB  9,  III,  3. 
Si-'-ba-nik  {d.  Ia-ab-ni-ik{g,  q)  RPN  p.  113) 

JADD  66,  B.  E.  2  (B.  C.  693). 
*SI-'-da-la-a  (Ar.  =  Si-e-da-ld)  "Si' has  saved' 
J^SAG  GABP\  B.  C.  666,  JADD  185,  R.  iO. 
*Si-'-di-ki-ir  (Ar.,  cf  *Bin-di-ki-ri) 

JADB  8, 1,  20. 
*Si-'-di-li-i-ni  (Ar.)  "Si',  save  mel" 

s.  of  Halmusu,  JADB  2,  II,  s. 
%\'m\{Si{^)-BAD)  "Si'  is  my  wall" 

JADD  229,  R.  8  (B.  C. 680).  746,  R.  15.  ''A.BA 
sa  ufmni  sarri,  JADD  428, 6,  R.  8. 
%\'-%Aw{}As.A.AN)  (probably  Ar.) 

''  "narkabti  GAB^',  B.  C.  666,  JADD  420,  R.  s. 
421,  R.  12. 
*Si-'-gab  . . . .,  JADD  572,  R.  6.   Cf.  Si-gab-a. 
*Si-'-gab-ba-ri  (Ar.,  cf  '^ Hi-ga-bar\ga-ba-ri\gab-ri 
BE  IX,  X,  Bi.  b»^nsa) 
JADD  263, 8. 
*Si-'-ha-an  "Si'  has  been  merciful"  (Ar.  = 
Si-e-ha-an,  cf.  Bi.  'Jini'^) 
JADD  578,  R.  9. 
*Si-'-ha-ri  (Ar.) 

''nappafiu,  JADB  7,  L.  E.  II,  1.  ^'lallu  hinni, 
B.  C.  670,  JADD  420,  R.  2.  421,  R.  9. 
Si-'-hu-ut-ni  "Si'  is  rfiy  protection" 

^naggaru,  B.  C.  680,  JADD  231,  R.  10. 

f.  of  Aki-mri,  JADB  5, 1,  12. 
*Si-'-id-ri  (Ar.)  "Si'  is  my  help" 

JADD  438,  R.  9.     amel  urqi,   in  "^Hamede, 
JADB  I,  II,  1. 
*Si-'-im-me  (WSem.  =  Si-e-i-me) 

JADD  126,  1, 5  (B.  C.  674).  278, 3,  slave  sold 
(B.C.  683?). 
Si-'-kit-ri  "Si'  is  my  ally" 

JADD  6,  1.    Cf  Si--kit{:i)-ra,   f.  of  Nabn- 
belua,  GLZ  VI,  col.  199,  le. 

MVGVIII,  p.  Ill,  .0  (Ep.  P). 
*Si-'/e-lu-ki-di  (Ar.,  cf.?  iDb-n«) 

Cousin  ofQV/-m//^/,  Sarg.  HABL  i3i,i6,R.ii. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


*Sl'"madi/madi  (Ar.,  cf.Bi.  n^li?tt,  SArb.  a-iD-i5?)a) 

1.  Si--ma-a-di,  JADD  229,  9  (B.  C.  680). 

2.  Si-  -ma-  -di,     ''rab    alani   Id    mar    iarri, 

B.  C.  680-3,  JADD  231, 7.  2;8,  e. 

3.  Si--[ma]k-di,  ^irriiu,  JADB  6, 1 7. 
*Si"ma-na"nl  (Ar.) 

JADB  7,  III,  6,  L.  E.  1, 3. 
*Si-'-ma-nu,  JADD  813, 1. 

JADB  5, 1, 25. 
Si'-nadin-aplu(^.S-^)  "Si'  gives  a  son" 

f.  of  Arnada,  JADB  i,  1, 2. 
Si-'-na-pi  (cf.  Na-pi-i) 

amel  urqi,  in  "'Se-sarri,  JADB  i,  I,  30. 
Si-'-nu-ri  "Si'  is  my  light"  (ci.  Si-e-nnri) 

JADD  83,  R./  (IIIR  50,  no.  2,  u.  B.  C.679). 
84,  R.  2.   268,  2,   slave  sold.    '^irrUu,  in 
'^^  Tiillmi,  JADB  3, 1, 1. 
*Si-'-pa-rak-ka  (WSem.,  cf.  Adad-barakkd) 

JADD  273,  R.  10. 
*Si-'-qa-tar  (Ar.)  "Si'  is  a  rock" 

JADD  193,  R.  6. 
*Si-'-ra-hi-i  (Ar.)  "Si'  is  my  shepherd" 

sd  pihat  ''^ Kar-Adady  JADD  960,  III,  9. 
*Si-'-ra-pa-'  (Ar.)  "Si'  has  healed" 

''bel  pihati,  HABL  916,  R.  1. 
*Si-'-sa-ka-a    (Ar.  =  Si-e-sa-ka-a ,   cf.  Adad-sa- 

JADB  5, 1,  4.  9,  IV,  9. 
*Si-'-si-im-ki    (Ar.)    "Si'   is   my   support"    (cf. 

-    Ilu-U-im-ki) 

amel  urqi,  JADB  13,  I,  ii. 
*SJ-'-tu-ri  (Ar.)  "Si'  is  my  mountain" 

''nappahii,  B.  C.  712,  JADD  5,  R.  4. 

f,  of  Kii-ta-a-a,  HABL  502,  s. 
=^SI-'-za-ba-dl  (Ar.,  cf.  Bi.  ilTbs?) 

JADD215, 1, 4, 6  (B.C.  682). 
*Sib-'(-e)  (Bi.  KID  (sno),  called  d^^ns^  ty!:^  2  Reg. 


LER,  KA3,  p.  146,  Ranke,  Material,  p.  38) 

^turtannu,  Sarg.  Ann.  27,  29.   'Uartdn  ^"""^Mu- 

su-ri,  Sarg.  Khors.  25, 26  (KB  II,  p.  54). 

*Si-bir  (according  to  Peiser  and  RosT,  MVG  II, 

p.  130,  note  3,  probably  abbreviated  from 

Simbar-Sipak,  q.  v.) 
No.  I. 

■tar  '""'KarduniaS,  Anp.:  Ann.  II,  84  (I  R  22. 
KB  I,  p.  84). 

"V/I-bi-PAP^'-AS,  Sm.  55,  XI,  n,  spec. 
*'.il/li  (Ph.,  cf.  Sa-pa-ti-Bdal) 

"'Gu-ub-la-a-a,  ruler  of  Gebal,   B.  C.  738, 
Tigl.  IV:  Ann.  151;  B,  57.  —  KB  II,  pp.  20, 30. 

U  '"^'Alzi,  HABL  444, 9. 

''kalu,  OBa.  author,  K. 97 1 7, 13.  Sm.669,  R.»; 
NE  pp.  90,  92. 
*SI-gab-a  (cf.  Ar.  ^^yw,  Si-gi-ba  BE  XV),  or  Si- 
JADD  229, 5,  slave  sold,  B.  C.  680  (IIIR  46, 
no.  6). 

VR  44,  34  d,   renders ''ERU  (BL 

1 1 484),  perhaps  ancient  Bab.  writer. 
*Si-ia-a   (without  ««;   cf.  OBa.  Si-ia-tum,   RPN, 
BE  XIV,   Si-ia-a-tiBEVlll,i,  Si-id-tu 

P  97, 20,  Si-\ia-a-tu  TNB),  f.  of ,  Simb.: 

Lay.  53,  21. 
SI-kil-ti-Adadi  (cf.  Si-kil-tum  UMBS  59,6,  Si-kil-H, 
Sik-li  BE  XV) 
VR44,  47d,   renders  MAS-SU-GAL-AN- 
Si-kin-an-ni  "Care  for  me!" 

JADD  117,  R./,  B.C.  674. 
Si-i-li  (cf.  {Bit)  '"Si-li,  BE  XIV,  XV) 

JADD  33,  R.  6  (B.  C.  692).  [290,  6\   Epon., 
^rab  MU,  VS  I,  86, 3.  OLZ  VIII,  col.  132. 
f.  of  Ahi-nuri,  JADD  318, 3  (IIIR  46, 3 b). 
Sl-li-i  (hypocor.,  cf.  Si-il-  Teiup  BE  XV) 

HABL  233,  R.  2. 
Si-li-a(-ra),  Capp.  Th.-D,  LC  240, 2, 3,  u,  19, 22. 
Sllim-Adad  "Grace  of  Adad" 

1.  Si-lim-'^IM,  JADD  852,  I,  11.    ''qepu  ''ardu 

M  f'belpihati  U  "'Kalhi,  B.  C.  714,  JADD 
248,  R.  IS. 
s.  oiNabu-rlfitu-usur,  JADD  307,  e  (III  R  49, 
6  c.  Ep.  F). 

2.  Si-lim-U,]ND'D  165,  R.  E.  2  (Ep.Q).  429,2s, 

Sillm-Asur  "Grace  of  Ashur"  (for  NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 
I.  Si-lim-AS'lur,   HABL  1035,  R.  12.   JADD 



Knut  Tallqvist, 

15,  3  (B.  C.  672).  41,  4  (B.  C.  671).  44,  4 
(B.  C.  670).  83, 2, 6  (III  R  50,  no.  2.  B.  C. 
679).  84, 2, 6  (B.  C.  679).  1 13,  2  (B.  C.  680). 
124, 2  (B.  C.  674).  126,  4  (B.  C.674).  168,6. 
186,  5  (B.  C.  679).  227, 5.  421,  R.  2  (B.  C. 
670).  445,  R.  4.  [815,  II,  4.]  986,  R.  II,  4. 
K.  9212,  in  letter,  ^rakbu,  J  ADD  151, 
R.  g  (III  R  50,  no.  I,  16.  Ep.  Y).  sukkallu, 
J  ADD  815,  R.  II,  7.  ^sukkallu  dannu, 
JADD  433,  R.  s.  444,  R-  [«^]  (B.  C  660?). 
470,  R.  ,0  (B.  C.  663?).  Haknu,  JADD 
630, 11.  Epon.,  B.  C.  659(?),  IIIR  i,  VI,  21; 
JADD  233,  R.  18. 
f.  of  Ahir-reWsi,  JADD  88,  3  (IIIR  47,  3b. 
2.  Si-lim-'^Hi,  JADD  99, 5  (B.  C.  670). 

Si-lim-ilu  (cf.  Si-lim-Am^  BE  IX,  X) 

JADD  44,  R.  /  (B.  C.  670).  618, 6,  13  (Ep.  T). 
617,  K.S.  K.  241,  IX,  43,  spec.  BM.  103  391, 13 
(CT  33:18).  * rab  ki-sir  mar  larri,  JADD 
857, 1, 36.  ^la  eli  ki-sa-te,  B.  C.  700,  JADD 
112,  R.  4.  ^ian£tl,JADD  245,  R.  7. 

Si-llm-8i(^/?),  JADD  89,  R.  E.  /  (B.  C.  683). 

Si-lim-Samas  "Grace  of  Shamash" 
^'rad  ki-^ir,  B.  C.  674,  JADD  70, 1. 


Bu.  89-4-26,  4. 

^Siliiku  =  SeXeuKoc; 

1.  Si-il-lu-uk  CT  IV,  29,  13  d. 

2.  Si-lu-ku,   Oppert,   Doc.  jur.  pp.  303,  310 

(KB  IV,  p.  316).  Rm.  IV,  97, 27.   ZAVII, 

p.  331- 

3.  Si-lu-uk-k7i,  s.  of  An-ti--ku-us,  V  R  66,  II 25; 

f.   of  An-ti- -ku-us ,    Sar  '*  Ma-ak-ka-du- 
na-a-a,  lar  Babili,  V  R  66,  II 2. 
SImanaia  "Born  in  the  month  of  Siwan" 
i-rai^LIBIT-a-a,  K.  1535  (TRep.  277,  G). 
s.   of  Nabu-ballit,    cousin    of  Aiur-ndid, 
^'^angu  ianu,  HABL  577,  14. 
*Simbar-SIpak  (Cass.) 

King  of  Babylonia,  circ.  B.  C.  1042— 1025 
(Dynasty  E),  s.  of  Ertba-Sin : 

1.  Si-im-bar-h-pak y  iar  Babili,  Simb.:   Lay. 

53,  38  (i2th  year);  Nai.:  VR  60, 1,  13  (KB 
III,  I,  p.  176). 

2.  Sim-bar-li-i-pak ,   s.  of  Eriba-Sin,   Chron. 

K3,  12. 

3.  Sim-bar-h[-pak],  King-list  A,  III  e,  reigned 

for  18  years. 

4.  Sim-bar-H-pak,  V  R  44, 24  a,  renders  Li-dan- 

s.   of  Eriba-Sin,     sab   pali   Dafniq-iluiu\ 

Chron.  A,  V  2  (KB  II,  p.  272),  reigned 

for  17  years. 
*Si-im-bu-ru  (El.,  cf  Sibir  and  Simbar-Stpak) 
''nagiru  la  '""^Elamti,   Abp.  K.  2674,  4  = 

III  R  7,y,  45  a. 
Si-im-si-ma"n[u],  JADD  672, 4. 

f.  o{  Kudur-Mabuk,  ancient  king  ofLarsa, 
I R  2,  no.  Ill,  5  (CT  XXI,  pi.  33.  KB  III,  i, 
p.  92.   SAK  p.  210). 
Sl-in . . . .,  JADD  830,  e. 

Sin-ab-usur  "Sin,   protect   the   father!"  (for 
NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
'^ XXX- AD-PAP,] ADD  237,  R.  6  (B.  C.  665 ?). 

*^.^^,  JADD  353,  R.'. 

s.  of  Ra-fias,   ^riqqu  ia  '^GAL,   Sarg.  St. 

IV  16.  —  KB  IV,  p.  162. 

Sin-aheriba  (Bi.  n^is^nSD,  nnnso,  Ar.  a^nxriSD  and 
at-|«n3©  APO,  Herod.  Savaxdpipoc;,  LXX 
SevvaxiipiiJ.;  Delitzsch,  Miscellen  I, 
p.  i89f.,  Ungnad,  ZDMG62,  p.  72iff., 
TORCZYNER,  WZKM  24,  p.  427  fif.) 
King  of  Assyria,  B.  C.  705 — 681,  s.  of  6"^^- 
gon  and  Naqia  {Zakatii),  f.  of  Alur-aJi- 
iddin,     Ahir-nadin-ium,    Asur-midetiq, 

Arad-Belit,  Nergal-MU and  /SAD- 

i-iuQ)  (JADD  804),  father-in-law  of  Su- 

1.  ^'t^XXX-PAP.ME-SU,  s.  of  Sarrukin;  f.  of 

Aiur-a1}-iddin,  gf  oi  Asur-bdn-aplu  and 
Samal-lum-ukin,  lar  *""*AUrir,  Shmk. 
S*,  10;  f.  of  Ahir-etil-ilani-kln-aplu,  lar 
kiUati  iar  '"^'AHffr,  Esarh.  KAHI  I,  54, 2. 

2.  '^XXX-PAPP^-eri-ba,  iar  ^'^^AUrir,   Abp.: 

A,  IIIR  21,  V  58;  Ann.  IV  126.  K.  6109. 
s.  of  Sarrukin,  descend,  of  Bel-bdni,  f.  of 
Alur-ah-iddin,   sarru  rabu  L  dannu  I. 
kiUati  }.  '"'"^AUur,  Esarh.  Neg.  3. 

3.  XXX-PAPP'-SU,  HABL  43, 7, 19, 27.   199,  s- 

730,1.  JADD  854, 10,  his  kisir  eUu  named. 
iar  '""'AHur,  Senn.:  KAHII,  48, 2:  epls 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


salajn  ^Ahir  u  Hani  rabati.    As  Epon. 
B.  C.  687,  JADD  43,  L.  E.  1;  Ur  '""'AHiir, 
JADD  100,  R.  7.  218,  B.  E.  1.  624,  R.  15. 
s,  of  Sarrukin,   f.  of  Asur-ajt-iddin ,   Lay. 
83,  C.   Ur  '"^^A^Mr,  Esarh.:  I R  48,  no.  3 ; 
f.  of  Alur-etil-ilani-kln-aplut  ^ar  kiHati 
Sar  »'"^AHur,  Esarh.:  KAHI  I,  53, 2. 
f  of  /NadQ)-i-tu . . .,  Mr  '""^AHur,  JADD 
804,  5. 
4.  ^XXX-PAPPi-SU,    HABL  196,  2.    197,  2. 
198,  2.  216, 9,  as  mar  ^arri  rabu.  442,  R.  2. 
454, 7.  731,  2,  JADD  253,7, his ^mukilapati 
named.  255,7. 853, 6,his/fe/«r^-^-^?'-Sm.i893. 
82-5-22, 108.  83-1-18,231.  IIR69,  no. 6, 11: 
\ina  kussi  ittusib].   Senn.:  Bav.  IIIR  14, 12. 
a-la-rid kal mal-ki,  Senn.:  Kui.:  IIIR  13, 
4, 20.  lar  "'"^Arsur,  JADD  230,  R.  19  (B.  C. 
684).  447,  R.  u,  his  23  'h  year  =  B.  C.  683). 
645,  R.  3,  his  zinniiit  ekalli  ■fNa-ki--a. 
Senn.:  Bav.  IIIR  14, 20;   KAHI  I,  50,   his 
zinniUt  ekalli  -^  Tahnetuin-larrat\   Lay. 
75,  E;  IR  7,  J,  2;  KK.  1356,  1:  epis  salam 
'^A^ur  u  Hani  rabuti.  2673, 5  (III  R  4,  no.  2 ; 
KB  I,  p.  10).  Esarh.:  A,  I R  45,  II 56  (KB  II, 
p.  130).     Mrru   dannu   lar   kiUafi  sar 
'""^Ashlr,  Senn.:  Lay.  75,  A.    }ar  kiUati, 
JADD  89,  R.  2  (B.  C.  683).    Mr  kiUati 
iar  "'"^Ashlr,  IIIR  55,  11b.   Senn.:  IR  6, 
8,  B;   7,  H  I,  I  I  (KB  II,  p.  114);   IIIR  4, 
34,  a;  KAHI  I  (/piS  salam  '^Asur  u  Hani 
rabuti),  43.  44.  45.  47.  49.  72.  73.  74;  Lay. 
81,  C;  VS  I,  75  cpis  salam  etc.  'j6.  sarru 
rabu    sarru     dannu     sar    kislati    iar 
'""^Ashlr,  Senn.:  IR  7,  D,  E;    K.  1635,  1; 
KAHI  I,  46,  4;  Lay.  82,  B,  C.  sarru  rabu 
Mr  kiUatisar  "'"*AUur  dandannu  etilkal 
malkT,  Lay.  75,  D;  IR  6,  no.  8,  A.  Epon. 
B.  C.  687,  IIIR  I,  V  37;  JADD  125,  R.  a; 
Mrrti,  Canon  B,  VI  e;  sar  '"''^Ashlr,  Ca- 
non D,  IV  15;  JADD  212,  L.E.  2.  317;  R- 7- 
335,  L.  E.  3. 
s.    of  Sarrukin,    f.    of  Asurahiddin,    Mr 
"•"*AsMr,   Esarh.:    Lay.  19,  i,  e;    IR  48, 
no.  2;   Mr  kiHati  Mr  '""^AsMr,  Esarh.: 
KAHI  I,  52,  1;   VS  I,  78,  R.  15:   zer  Mr- 
ruti  ddru   sa  '^EN-ba-ni  mar   A-da-si; 
gf  oi  AMrbanaplu,  Abp.:  L-*,  1 2;  ggf.  of 
No.  I. 

Sin-Mr-iSkun,  Mrru  rata  iarru  dannu 
Mr  kiHati  Mr  "'"'AHiir,  SshL:  KAHI  I, 
f  of  AMr-al}-iddin,  Mrru  rabn  Mrru 
dannu  Mr  kiUati  Mr  '""'AHur,  Esarh.: 
KAHI  I,  55,  4;  gf.  of  AMrbanaplu,  Mr 
^-'AUiir,  Abp.:  DT.  40,  IV  es  (IV  R  63); 
JADD  648, 3;  III  R  34, 51,  b;  36,  42, a.  IV  R 
60*,  30,  b ;  6t„  IV,  65.  V  R  1 8,  as,  a;  52, 24,  c. 
Ann.  1 25.  IV  71,  126.  X  53.  K.  3062.  Mrni 
damiu  Mr  kiHati  Mr  '""^AHur,  Abp.: 
Li,  7.  Mr  kiHati  Mr  """'AHur,  Abp.: 
B,  III  R  27, 5.   II R  36,  16,  e.   Ill  R  38, 8,  a. 

IV  R  53,  IV  40.  Mrru  rabu  Mrru  dannu 
Mr  kiHati  Mr  '""^AHur,  Abp.:  We. 
Misc.  pi.  7, 7. 

5.  '^XXX-PAP-Sl/,   king  of  Babylon,   King- 

list  A,  IV  12  (palu  ha-bi  rabl),  19. 

6.  ''XXX-SES^'-eri-ba,  K.  3071. 

7.  ^XXX-SESP^-SU,  Chron.  B,  II,  24, 26, 86.  Ill, 

9,  35.  K.  6177.  Mr  '""^AHur,  Chron.  B, 
III,  34.  Mr  '""'AHur  aMrid  kal  malki, 
Senn.:  Bav.  Ill  R  14,  is.  Mrru  rabu  Mrru 
dannu  Mr  kiHati  Mr  '""^AHur  Mr  kib- 
rat  irbittitn,  Senn.:  Bav.,  3. 

s.  of  Sarrukin,  i.  of  AMr-ah-iddin,  gf  of 
AMrbanaplu  and  SamaHumukin;  Mrru 
rabu  Mrru  dannu  Mr  kiHati  Mr 
"'"*AHUr,  Shmk.:  Cyl.  21  (KB  III,  pt.  i, 
p.  196). 

f  of  AMr-ah-iddin,  gf  of  Asurbanaplw, 
Mr  "'^^AHflr,  Abp.:  A,  IIIR  17, 1 25;  21, 

V  7;  26,  X,  33.  Mr  kiHati  Mr  "'°*AHur, 
Abp.:  S^,  22.  Mrru  rabu  Mrru  dannu 
Mr  kiHati  Mr  '""^AHur,  Abp.:  86918 
(CT  IX,  6),  9.  IIIR  16,  no.  5,  6.  VR62, 
no.  I,  7.  L2,  7.  Pi,  6.  P2,  9.  S3,  33. 

f  of  AMr-nadin-Mm,  Chron.  B,  II  so. 

8.  '^EN .ZU-PAP.ME-eri-ba,     Mr    '""*AHilr, 

Senn.:  VS  I,  74,  2. 

9.  dEN.ZU-PAPP^-SU,  as  Epon.   B.  C.  687, 

IIIR  I,  V37. 
10.  '^EN.ZU-SES^^-eri-ba;  aMrid  kal  malki, 
Senn.:  Ki.  VI  89.  Mr  '""*AHiir,  Senn.: 
Bell.  42.  Ki.  VII 76, 78.  Rassam  68.  K.3071, 
R.  8.  56-9-9,  138  (IIIR  3,  no.  13).  56-9-9, 
147,  dupl.  of  last.  IR7,  Ca,  G.   niR2, 


Knut  Tallqvist. 




XVII  41,  cf.  1. 61.  Ur  kiBati  Ur  '""'AHur, 
JADD  620,  1.  Senn.:  Ki.  V  48.  IIIR  16, 
no.  3,  1.  }arru  rabti  ^arru  dannu  lar 
^"^AHur,  Senn.:  Bell.  2.  sarru  rabu  larru 
dannu  iar  kiHati  }ar  '""^AHur  lar  kib- 
rat  irbitti,  Senn.:  Co.  i  (IR  43);  Ki.  I  1, 
Kui.  Ii;  Tay.  Ii;  IR7,  F,  1. 

'^EN.ZU-SES-SU,  Urkirsati  iar  '""'AHur, 

■    JADD  645, 2. 

^QAR-PAP^'-eri-ba,  mar  larri  raba  id 
Sarrukln,  K.  2169,  R.  12. 

Sinalierlba,  }ar  "'"*Assilr,  founder  of  the 
temple  of  Za-gd-gd  in  the  city  of  Assur, 
MDOG  44,  p.  29. 

f.     of    Aiur-aJi-iddin\     iar     killati     iar 
'"^^AShlr,  MDOG  26,  p.  21. 
Sin-ah-iddin  "Sin  has  given  a  brother"  (for 
OBa.  and  NBa.  texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 

1.  ^''^XXX-PAP-AS,BM.  103392, 10 (CT  XXXIII, 

19).  JADD  142,  R.^  (B.  C.  684).  589,  R.4. 
A.BA,  JADD  349,  L.  E.  /  (Ep.  Q). 

2.  ''XXX-PAP-SE-na,JADD2S6,  1  (B.C. 676). 

3.  ''XXX-SES-SE-na,  HABL  447,  5. 
Sin-ah-subsi  "Sin,  call  a  brother  into  beingl" 

^   (Ba.) 

'^XXX-SES-}7d-}t,  82-5-22,  123. 
Sin-ah-usur  "Sin,  protect  the  brother!" 

XXX-PAP-PAP,  JADD  194.  R.  ^  (B.  C.  677). 
Sarg.:  VIII"',  132. 
*Si-na-in-nl  {c{.Si-m-eH-fnCBS,  4572,  CPN  p.  125) 

JADD  446, 9,  slave  sold  (Ep.  Q). 
Si-in-alik-pani(.?Z>t/'-5/),  or  Si-in-du-H 

JADD  247, 1,  sold. 
Sin-apal...,    VR44,  25,  d,   renders  '^  LUG  AL- 
Sin-apal-iddin   "Sin   has    given    a   son"    (for 
Cass,  and  NBa.  texts,  see  BE  XV,  XVII, 

1.  '^XXX-A-SE-na,  JADD  384,  e,  R.  2. 

2.  ''XXX-TUR.US-SE-na,    f    of   Muiallmi, 

VS  I,  35, 23  (KB  IV,  p.  96). 
Sln.apaI-iqisa('^-0'X-  PUR.  US-BA-ia)  "  S  i  n  h  a  s 

presented  a  son" 
Imb.:  BM9ioi5,R.i8.  —  King,  BBS,  p.  no, 

pi.  CVI. 
f.  oUddin-'^NIN.  IB,  Mna.:  PSBA  XIX(i897), 

p.  71, 1-  3. 

Sin-apal-usur(''^XY'-^-P./4/')    "Sin,     protect 

the  son!" 
''rab  kisir,  JADD  387,  R.  9  (B.  C  651?). 
Sin-asarid  "Sin  is  the  first  in  place"  (cf  OBa. 

^EN.ZU-a-ia-ri-id  RPN) 

1.  ^'^^XXX-MAS,  JADD  224,  R.  1.  478,  4.  701,  4 

(B.  C.  6jy).  ^saliu  {dannu  ia  mar  }arri), 
B.  C.  671—663,  JADD  60,  R.  /.  377,  R. .. 

470,    R.    22. 

2.  '^XXX-SAG.KAL,  Aai.:  BM.  103215,  R.  4 

(King,  BBS  p.  100,  pi.  17).    In  Bit-Sin- 
aiarid,  Neb.  I:  CT  IX,  pi.  4,  2a  (KB  III,  i, 
p.  172).  OBI  150  (VS  I,  58),  1 2,  4. 
Sin-balatsu-iqbi  "Sin  has'^  announced  his  life" 

1.  XXX-TI-su-E,  kalii,  JADD  851,  III,  3. 

2.  <^XXX-TI-su-iq-bi,  HABL  473,  6. 

3.  ''XXX-TIN-su-iq-bi,  HABL  426, 7.  839,18. 

1 106,  R.  6. 
Sin-ban-ahiia   "Sin   is    creator  of  my    bro.- 
''XXX-KAK-SES-u-a,  HABL  1 106,  19. 
Sin-bar-hl-ili(^'\  or  Sin-rim-ildni 

k.  5380. 

f.  of  Sin-iddin,   HABL  1000,  is  (WSml.  II, 
P-  30). 
Sin-bel-ahesu  "Sin  is  lord  of  his  brothers" 
(cf  OBa.  Sin-be-el-l'li  RPN) 
XXX-EN-PAP.ME-iu,  HABL  974,  s. 
Sin-be[l-ki]t-tl  (cf  Samas-bel-kit-ti  BE  XIV) 

f  oi  Bau-a^-iddina,  Imb.:  BM.91015,  R.  as. 
—  King,  BBS,  p.  no,  pi.  CVI. 
Sin-bel-sumati  "Sin  is  lord  of  the  sons"  (cf. 
OBa.  Sin-be-el-ab-li  RPN) 
XXX-EN-MUP\   JADD  858, 1 1.    >^sa    bit 
beli,  JADD  857,  II,  6. 
Sin-bel-usur  "Sin,  protect  the  lord!"  (cf  Sin- 
bel-u-sur  TNB) 
XXX-EN-PAP,  JADD  216,  2.    219,  R.  5. 
''rab  ki-sir,  B.  C.  682,  JADD  276,  R.  4. 
^rab  ki-sir  sa  mati,  B.  C.  670,  JADD  625, 
R.  .y. 
Sin-da-b[i-ib.?],  83-1-18,  695,  IV,  21,  spec. 
^\x^'<i^2:\^m{^XXX-DLKUU),  "Sin  is  judge" 
s.  of  Ha-ma-si-ia,  VS  I,  102,  5. 
f  oiBel-nasir,  Kandal.:  VS  V,  5, 5.  —  KB  IV, 

p.  172. 


Assyrian  Personal  Names. 


Sin-dini-epus  "Sin  has  maintained  my  cause" 

'^XXX-di-ni-KAK-ul  HABL  291,  R.b. 
Sin-du-la . . . .,  83-1 -18,  695,  IV,  26,  cf.  Johns,  ADD 

III,  p.  XV. 
*Si-in-du-siY?),  JADD  247,  1,  slave  sold. 
Sin(£'A^.Z^)-dul-lum-ma,  HABL  607, 7. 
Sin-duri  "Sin  is  my  wall" 

1.  ''XXX-BAD,    HABL  1016,  5    (WSml.  II, 

p.  40).  K.  1941,  time  ofSargonll.  80-7-19, 
45,  writer  to  king,  83-1- 18,  695,  IV,  21, 

2.  ^XXX-du-ri,  HABL  1016,  R.  5,  s  (var.). 
Sin-dur-usur  "Sin,  protect  the  wall!" 

'^xxx-B Ad-pap,  habl  222, 17. 

Sin-e-pi-ri    "Sin    supports"   (cf.    Sin-e-pi-rwn 

BE  XV) 
f.  of  Eulmas-dmanni,  Imb.:  BM.  91015,  12,  22, 

R.  26.  —  King,  BBS,  p.  109  f.,  pi.  CVI. 
Sin-eres  "Sin  has  planted"  (cf.OBa.  Sin-e-ri-ii 

RPN,  Cass.  Sifi-PIN-n  BE  XVII,  i) 

1.  XXX-KAM-el  Hrrihi,  JADD  742,  R.  29. 

2.  XXX-PIN-ei,  JADD  947,  R.  7.    ''nuhatim- 

mu,  JADB  3,  III,  7. 
s,  of  Nusku-iliia,  JADB  3,  IV,  9. 

3.  ''XXX-PIN-e{,]MyD  643,  c.  K.  3787  (B.  C. 

710;  KB  IV,  p.  166). 
Sin-erlba  (cf.  OBa.  and  NBa.  Sin-e-ri-ibleri-ba- 
am\e-ri-ba-am\i-ri-ba{-an^  Dilbat,  RPN, 

1.  "^XXX-eri-ba,  K.  13191. 

2.  ^'XXX-SU,  JADD  855, 2.  MVG VIII,  p.  1 1 1,.^ 
'  (Ep.  P). 

Sln('^^A^.Z^)-ga-SHd  "Sin  is  lofty "(?) 

Ancient  king  of  Erech,  IR  3,  no.  VIII,  i,  1; 
2,  1,  LUGAL-UNUG-^"-GA  (KB  III,  i, 
p.  82.  SAK  p.  220).  IV  R  35,  no.  3,  5 
(CT  XXI,  pi.  15.  KB  III,  I,  p.  84.  SAK 
p.  222).  CT  XXI,  pi.  13,  5.  K.  7855,  'sar 
Uruk  iar  Amnanum. 

Sin-ibni  "Sin  has  created"  (for  OBa.  and  NBa. 
texts,  see  RPN,  TNB) 

1.  ^XXX-ib-7ii,   HABL  753,   R.  2.    Rm.  961. 

82-5-22,  165. 

2.  ^ XXX-ib-nu,  hiuhatimmu,   Sarg.   St,  II,  16 

(KB  IV,  p.  160). 

3.  '^XXX-ib-tii,YK  44,  13d,  rtndtrs^SES.KI- 

No.  I. 

JADD  186, 

4.  '^SE^.KI-ib-ni,  HABL  974,  e. 

5.  XXX-KAKQ),  HABL  523,  1. 

Sin-iddin    "Sin  has   given"    (for   NBa.  texts, 
see  TNB) 

i.'^XXX-A^,  A ,    of    Til-NINJB,KC. 

742  (?),  JADD  75,  R.,,. 

2.  '^XXX-MU,  s.  of  Sin-bar-hi-ilani,  HABL 

1000,  18. 

3.  '^XXX-SE-na,  HABL  414,  R.  2.   516,  R.  is. 

759,4.  963,  R.  3.  K.  1 1 59. 

Sin('^^A^.Z^).i.din-na-am  "Sin  has  given" 
King  of  Larsa,  king  of  Sumer  and  Accad, 
IR  3,  no.  IX,  4  (CT  XXI,  pi.  30, 7.  SAK 
p.2io),  Q{Ga-es'^\\^  5,  no.XX,i  (KB  III,  i, 
p.  92.  SAK  p.  210).  IV  R  36,  no.  2,  e,  21 
(SAK  p.  208).  BA  I,  p.  305,  I,  1,  II,  12 
(KB  III,  I,  p.  90.  SAK  p.  208). 

SIn-ik-ka-sa,  83-1- 18,  695,  IV,  19,  spec. 

Sin-ili[a  "Sin  is  my  god"  (cf.  OBa.  Sin-ilum 
RPN,  NBa.  Sin-iliW  TNB) 
{f)XXX-AN.a-a,  HABL  528, 2. 
R.  a  (B.  C.  674).   1036,  IV,  4. 
JADD  105,  R.  8  (Ep.  Z). 

Siniq-lstar,  see  Sinqi-Istar. 

Sin-itti(^z>a  "Sin  is  with  me" 
JADD  244,  R.  12. 

Sin-kabti-ilani    "Sin   is   the  most   mighty   of 
the  gods"  (Ba.) 

1.  ''XXX-BE-ANP',  s.  oiKa-an-di,  Ukin  Bit- 

»t Pir -d Amurru,  Mae.:  OBI,  149, 1, 3. 

2.  '^ XXX-k{ab-ti\-ANP\  s.  of  Samal-sum-liHr^ 

gs.  oi  Ku-dur-ri,  ^^BI.LUB,  Mshz.:  BM. 

104404, 11,1.  —  King,  BBS,  p.  81,  pi.  13. 

Sln-karabi-isme  "Sin  has  heard  my  prayer" 

I.  '^XXX-GAZ.GAZ-a-me,  in  later  Bab.  texts 

(Neb.  136,  10.   137,  iG.   141, 15.   161,  c),  see 

f.  of  Nergal-asarid,  Shmk.:  CT  X,  pi.  7,  49. 
^XXX-GAZ.GAZ-iUni,  Neb.  420,20. 
''XXX-GAZ.GAZ-SE.GA,    in    later    Bab. 

texts,  see  TNB. 
'^XXX-GAZ.  GAZ-U-me,  Nabd.  508,  20. 
'^XXX-GAZ.  GAZ-U-me,  Neb.  424  *. 

6.  '^ XXX-ka-ra-bi-i-si-me,  Nabd.  534, 24. 

7.  '^XXX-ka-ra-bi-i-Um-me,  Nabd.  1032, 22. 

8.  <^XXX'ka-ra-bi-i-U-mu,  Cyr.  L.  16,  3. 


Knut  Tallqvist. 

9.  '^XXX-ka-ra-bi-is-me,  Nerigl.  2,  le.  Camb.  L. 
18,  12. 

10.  '^ XXX-ka-rab-U-me,  f.  oiUwri-banh  Merod. 

II,  BI.  St.  V,  12  (KB  III,  I,  p.  192). 

11.  ''XXX-KAR-ba-i-H-me,  Nabd.  648, 8. 
12-  XXX-KAR-bi-ei-me,  BE  XVII,  pt.  i. 

13.  '^XXX-KAR-bi-iUne,  see  BE  XIV,  p.  22, 

pi.    4,  23. 

14.  ^XXX-KAR-bi-ii-me,  BE  XV  (95,  *) 
Sin-ken-usur  "Sin  protect  the  faithful  one!" 

XXX-DU-PAP,  '^mutir prai,  HABL598,3,ii. 
Sin-ku-sur-a-ni  "Sin,  preserve  me!" 

JADD  628, 1  (Ep.  P). 
SIn-li-'-i-kul-la-ti  "Sin  is  almighty" 

V  R  44,  ud,    renders  '^SES.KI-ID.GAL- 
Sin-liqi-unnini"Sin,  accept  my  sighing!"  (OBa.) 

1.  '^XXX-li-ki-un-fti-ni,  Sm. 669, R.  6  (NE  p. 92), 

writer  or  author  of  the  Gilgamesh-Epos. 

2.  '^ XXX-li-ki-un-nin-ni,  K.  97 1 7, 10  (NE  p.  90), 

same  person. 
Sin-lisir  (abbrev.,  for  NBa.  texts,  see  TNB) 
''XXX-SI.DI,  f.  oiBa-bi-la-a-a, Mna.:  I R 66, 
II,  8,  III  R  43,  II,  2.  —  KB  IV,  pp.66,  68. 
King,  BBS,  pp.  44,  99. 

''rab  "'lialsi,  Sarg.  Ann.  279. 
Sin-ma-gir  "Sin  is  favorable"  (for  OBa.  texts, 
see  TNB)   Abp.:   Ann.  VII,  48  (?V  R  7. 
KB  II,  p.  212).    Cf.  n